YOUR CALL TO ACTION How you can start making a difference today

The National Cannabis Industry Association exists to represent the interests of legitimate and responsible cannabis-related businesses in our nation’s capital. Our core mission is to ensure that our members are treated like businesses in any other American industry. NCIA encourages our members to be politically active on all levels of government and contact your elected officials both at home and in Washington, D.C.

Every year, Congress must pass appropriations legislation to fund the government for the upcoming fiscal year. Over the past two years, NCIA has been very successful lobbying members to support pro-cannabis appropriations amendments that have protected state-sanctioned medical cannabis businesses and been enacted into law. But this has to be repeated every year and there are no guaranteed victories without hard work.

The appropriations “season” usually begins in the springtime, and as we get closer to votes it’s important that Congressional offices hear from you. Although it is becoming harder and harder for Congress to do basic functions (including funding the government), NCIA will continue to focus on appropriations this year.

HOW TO IMPACT CHANGE No Members of Congress in this area sit on either of the appropriations committees, but make sure to contact your Representative and Senators and ask that they support the legitimate and responsible cannabis industry.

TWITTER CAMPAIGN Call, write, or tweet your Representative and Senators and ask that they support the pro-cannabis amendments that will eventually be introduced during floor votes. (Once amendments are introduced, exact language will be relayed to NCIA members.) Even our supporters on Capitol Hill like to hear from you and receive encouragement. On social media, use the hashtag #CannabisCaucus and #CannabisApprops to make sure your voice is heard!

Sen. John McCain Sen. R-AZ, Undecided R-AZ, Undecided ​ ​ 241 Russell Senate Office Building 368 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20510 Phone: 202-224-2235 Phone: 202-224-4521 : @SenJohnMcCain Twitter: @JeffFlake Relevant Committees: Judiciary

Rep. Rep. Raul Grijalva D-AZ, 1st District, Supporter D-AZ, 3rd District, Supporter ​ ​ 201 Cannon House Office Building 1511 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-3361 Phone: 202-225-2435 Twitter: @RepKirkpatrick Twitter: @RepRaulGrijalva

126 C St. NW, Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20001 ● (888) 683-5650 ​ ​ ​ Rep. Matt Salmon Rep. Dave Schweikert R-AZ, 5th District, Opponent R-AZ, 6th District, Supporter ​ ​ 2349 Rayburn House Office Building 409 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-2635 Phone: 202-225-2190 Twitter: @RepMattSalmon Twitter: @RepDavid Relevant Committees: Financial Services

Rep. Rep. D-AZ, 7th District, Supporter R-AZ, 8th District, Opponent ​ ​ 1218 Longworth House Office Building 2435 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-4065 Phone: 202-225-4576 ​ Twitter: @RepRubenGallego Twitter: @RepTrentFranks Relevant Committees: Judiciary

Rep. D-AZ, 9th District, Supporter ​ 1530 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: 202-225-9888 Twitter: @RepSinema Relevant Committees: Financial Services

126 C St. NW, Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20001 ● (888) 683-5650 ​ ​ ​