* \ '« HALE's SELF Freei CHUCK H I Corned Beef X35/ Fresh \ Smoked

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* \ '« HALE's SELF Freei CHUCK H I Corned Beef X35/ Fresh \ Smoked , . -S-, •• '■;■ f / . - . i'.il/ /*■ ■ I . / \ r > ■ . ^ - 'ijp 1^ • s f . ' V [ft.:V ':''"v v ■ '■ r x ! V . A ....... ■ " - \ .. ......... 4 . ' l l ' r • ‘ i - TH URSDAY, M ARCH 2 6 , 1954 ittanritriatrr A verage D aily N et P raia R un “A F a r U m W e a k B i U M I aiwah at, |tsi OaamoppUtaa Club Paat Noble Grand Mra. Bthi ttU k jT S at ttMlOMtar Aaplnwall la chairman of a nun- Cbafragatioiial . Churcb. I Brwin m u a aala which Sunbot Rabekah 11,19,5 ‘ . k u r l d i ; Wbitiuun o ( ttUa town ^ > « a 1c Lodge win conmot in Odd Pallowa ... Member a f U M - A « d t ba "liodHii Trend* In 8< irban Hall, Friday and Saturday, April 2 and 3, at 0 a. m- Mra. A^ipw all ' . B oraaa af ClreiU aU eN a r and her committee will be at the A WONDERLAND OF Mitnchettei^A'CUy of Village Chartn \ bupUcaU brldm w|win played hall Thuraddy evening to receive T + - — t t b « 4 h »** I M a t artlclea for the aata. ' .-1 '• . , , . tMPilt at S o’clM I vrw /V0L.IhXXlh;N0.149 ' (C bw aiflei. A ivarU atag da P age 18) MANCHESTER, COkN.^ FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1954 (TW ENTY PAGES) laebool HnoMr i at ManchaatarHancMMar Or Wln- ■ / i ■ f l T M i laat waek w*r« l b . I J d r s . The Divine Spitltu^ C ire^w 0 meet tonight in thej'Odd p|TiUawa % U ( r .. ' - - - - Building, 48P Main S t The apeakr^ AV8auihtar, Jantt itee, waa 'arv wlll be william ' Bmonard of Another Baby, on the Way borti\March XS at tba Windham North School S t / Cbmnmnity Hoaplta] to Mr. and T he W B A O uattf^ C lub w tU hoM lALE'S Mra. O. Nelaon Perry, Jr., of Scot* ita m onthly m eeting to ^ rro w at lamt Oonn. Mra. Parry la the 8 p. m . a t th e Jlb m e o f M ra. M u riel o u s l n fonndr KUeen Vannard, daufhter A u d e n , 8 D urkin St./ ri / ^quarters of Mr. and Mra. fi. David Veniard, f O R 14 Wothacall St. Mlaa Ann Kutd' and/Mlao Ea- tella Kuta, 07 -Norman St. and \ The meatinf of tha Paat Praai* Mlaa Ann Zito, 45 Benton St., were danU Club\ of Mary 8. Chaney Kheata ttiia / ^ t weeltend at Jug Auxiliary, v a w v , achadula^ for Jbid Bam^Oraat Barrington, Maaa March 31, wW bo omitted account of i U i ^ amonc the ; / ____________ -/■ bara. A Retreat td r men of ^ e Epia> /■ v - - copal Dlobeae \ot QmocUcut— DON'T firat of Ita k U u ^ w l^ b e held ow Throw TImiii Away 7" Saturday,'Macab^, at Holy Trin­ 1 - . v X ity CSiurch, iHddwtown. The Rev. StU I P len ty O f W ear L eft '« HALE’S SELF I t AirWer ^kids Off -Runway Harry N. H a ri^ of BethM will la Shaea R bpalred H er* - ' • X - ■ SenateVot ' / " x 7 7 be the Retredt H a te . S u b ^ t of LAND O’ LAKES E D U t A T O R i f I I T R A the all-day.aeaaloa^ “Saouica.^* SAN YULYES Meat D epartment Shoe B epairiag af the B atter FREE CiSTI / Speeds Up R cfriysM tois A mabtiad of a h i m n a Kind O eae W hile T ea W alt BUTTER Alpha/Oanuna aororij In l^B srters / ' RAX Thara is a eOMtoat damaiid for tliata old foygHriffs, WM mn «id Al beiield at the hoi 18 BIAPLB STREH T Willdnaon, 37 Loomia O pp. F irat N atlaaal S l^ ■ i ^ b . , i L h . P k g , and Hia prka if stHI mara tfcon foverebla.y 7 T a x Action " O l f j M f ' A b s H m c M Hartford, Wedneaday, FaiW ag Lat^ '' V ■ J jal 7:30 p. m. .DaaMit / ■ BLOCK W ashington, M arch ( A P ) aarved and mondwra 26 W ashington, M arch 26 (/P)— President E iaenhow m ^i plsas attend are aaked to — A cut o f about a billion dol­ f i H ’ a 4- r y e a r X l 40,000-unit public H ousing progrun w ers Wilklnaon. Election INSIDI lars yearly on a w id e ran ge of * \ will taka place. Read Herald Advs. S P I C I A l scuttled today D X X H ouse A ppropriations Cknnm ittee n co n > federal excise or salO s m endation'. 'Th e G O P-dom inated com m ittee asked t h e Hobs* A__________^ CHUCK seem ed . assured today w ith to cut the program t^ a n esti-<)>- Senate passage p f d ; $ 1, 034,- m a t e d 35,000 u n i t s - a n d . t e r m ! - i- « * ■ .nete it in tw o years. T J A C K F r o s t . 000,000 redu ctioh billl W f The cuts w ia'tak e effect next Its recoihm endation w aa ni|jiM M ra. W ilb ur C bapnuuh SI, af F anbara, b er le-d ay- T h u r s d a y . U pied in a 8^ , 564, 118,743 o m n i Tugs Buck, ScotTissie CONFECTIONERY C R A I S T / aid -d so g liter S u m u at C b elara N aval H oapitai.; as, as dactor* ' The Senate approved the bill appropriation bill sent to -- the till . ann auace th at abe Is due to. b ava a secaad balqr w eeks. Look- last n ig h t 74-8 after tW o days of H ouse floor fo r debate n ext w eek. l a g a n l a 14. B auilB e E . C larke, a t F airfleld , C oaa.. d o c t o r WbO; The total am ount in the bill is - i U H i V m d u i r . ’l - •r CROWN SOOAR lively debate filled w ith political 8363, 604,837 less H um the Presi­ rfre^ 3 Rolls d lseeverad unu sual clreU M ataaoa* o f M r*; Cba|Knaa*i ireg ttaacjr. (A p overton ei in a congression al elec­ W Irairiw t*). dent w anted— a cut of 6.2 p e r c e n t tion year. > I t i s 8370, 148,400 belbw w hat the ■ 2 P k g ^ It w as sent to a Senate-H ouse sam e agencies received th is year. PREMIER 7 p b p iiyffvT / ■ conference - w hich cannot take T he bill carrtee fu n d s fo r th e fiscal Ordei place before next M onday after­ y ear startin g Ju ly 1. m ...... ^ ■ CHILI V noon. since both branches sre in Washiiiftoii, recess u n til then. - AEC Also Suffers 'amus „..A ^ P . X u l w a». m ade in funds —A Nafidtial „ 1U 4 SAUCE ■' iC oatld eiit o f Sp eed “ recom ntm Bded tor the A tom ic E n- Board examiner H i Corned Beef x 35/ B u t Sen. M illlkin (R -C olo), head eigy C om m ission (A E Q ). but R ep. mended setting A sincere “thank ^u” tb the customer of the Senate n eg otiators, said in Ide Dm bsr- P hillips (R '^C alif) said no reduc­ gainings an In terview .to d iv he hi confident F ou r pasaengClrs and a stew ardess tvere shaken up early fibnck 25 w h e n a te lto e r .kld fifiad tion s in the' A E X T s '-"construction e l e c t t b i i !Lhe' co n ferees/ w ill, a c t sp eed ily an d landing. T he pfam e, com pleting a dlghtyfrom N ew ark, and w eapons program s ato> hi- parentbr w o b the lot SeotTomls1- ^ rush thft m M su re to P resident E i­ aS the runw ay nt M idway. Cklcnga, daring a landing, 'hie plane, com pletl ^ seht us this letter. It Hnved \ N . J„ .w lth only the! fou r passengera and crew af three aboard, nosed over la the raln-qo*k®B - q O ^ e ^ gronad yolved , P h illip s 1! chairm am ^f the t i i r a l ihoreaien’8 . fliiH C A R ^ ^ A T I O N Fresh Smoked senhow er. T he deadline for the feubcottim lttee w hich w rote the i i n y W iliin ian tic, M arch 26— (Specral)— The m andajnus hear President'/ signature is next a b o u t .58 feet o ff the iruaw as'. (A P W lfpphotb)-.’"~ ’ onxtfce N) Y yk wkteifraot. j i H i l b i l l . He did ::H" be ^corpor^ in toiby^^ 2 Rolls .Ing un der w ay before Judge John H am ilton K ipg„,in W in dh am Wednesd/y midnight. , reduction w hs recom ­ 01) the grounds tbat (kiuK ly C ourt here, adjourned at 5 p.m . la sf nighty and is B oth /branebes voted identical m ended for the V eterans A dm inis­ the V MILK c u t s oiL m any item s, so they are l a i i exiiiM ted to resum e ^ is aftern oon if sh ort calen d ar casos a're certain to be in the fin al com pro- tration,.
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