, . -S-, •• '■;■ f / . - . i'.il/ /*■ ■ I . / \ r > ■ . ^ - 'ijp 1^ • s f . ' V [ft.:V ':''"v v ■ '■ r x ! V . . A ...... ■ " - \ ...... 4 . . ' l l ' r

• ‘ i - TH URSDAY, M ARCH 2 6 , 1954 ittanritriatrr A verage D aily N et P raia R un “A F a r U m W e a k B i U M I aiwah at, |tsi OaamoppUtaa Club Paat Noble Grand Mra. Bthi ttU k jT S at ttMlOMtar Aaplnwall la chairman of a nun- Cbafragatioiial . Churcb. I Brwin m u a aala which Sunbot Rabekah 11,19,5 ‘ . k u r l d i ; Wbitiuun o ( ttUa town ^ > « a 1c Lodge win conmot in Odd Pallowa ... Member a f U M - A « d t ba "liodHii Trend* In 8< irban Hall, Friday and Saturday, April 2 and 3, at 0 a. m- Mra. A^ipw all ' . B oraaa af ClreiU aU eN a r and her committee will be at the A WONDERLAND OF Mitnchettei^A'CUy of Village Chartn \ bupUcaU brldm w|win played hall Thuraddy evening to receive T + - — t t b « 4 h »** I M a t artlclea for the aata. ' .-1 '• . , , . tMPilt at S o’clM I vrw /V0L.IhXXlh;N0.149 ' (C bw aiflei. A ivarU atag da P age 18) MANCHESTER, COkN.^ FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1954 (TW ENTY PAGES) laebool HnoMr i at ManchaatarHancMMar Or Wln- ■ / i ■ f l T M i laat waek w*r« l b . I J d r s . The Divine Spitltu^ C ire^w 0 meet tonight in thej'Odd p |TiUawa % U ( r .. ' - - - - Building, 48P Main S t The apeakr^ AV8auihtar, Jantt itee, waa 'arv wlll be william ' Bmonard of Another Baby, on the Way borti\March XS at tba Windham North School S t / Cbmnmnity Hoaplta] to Mr. and T he W B A O uattf^ C lub w tU hoM lALE'S Mra. O. Nelaon Perry, Jr., of Scot* ita m onthly m eeting to ^ rro w at lamt Oonn. Mra. Parry la the 8 p. m . a t th e Jlb m e o f M ra. M u riel o u s l n fonndr KUeen Vannard, daufhter A u d e n , 8 D urkin St./ ri / ^quarters of Mr. and Mra. fi. David Veniard, f O R 14 Wothacall St. Mlaa Ann Kutd' and/Mlao Ea- tella Kuta, 07 -Norman St. and \ The meatinf of tha Paat Praai* Mlaa Ann Zito, 45 Benton St., were danU Club\ of Mary 8. Chaney Kheata ttiia / ^ t weeltend at Jug Auxiliary, v a w v , achadula^ for Jbid Bam^Oraat Barrington, Maaa March 31, wW bo omitted account of i U i ^ amonc the ; / ______-/■ bara. A Retreat td r men of ^ e Epia> /■ v - - copal Dlobeae \ot QmocUcut— DON'T firat of Ita k U u ^ w l^ b e held ow Throw TImiii Away 7" Saturday,'Macab^, at Holy Trin­ 1 - . v X ity CSiurch, iHddwtown. The Rev. StU I P len ty O f W ear L eft '« HALE’S SELF I t AirWer ^kids Off -Runway Harry N. H a ri^ of BethM will la Shaea R bpalred H er* - ' • X - ■ SenateVot ' / " x 7 7 be the Retredt H a te . S u b ^ t of LAND O’ LAKES E D U t A T O R i f I I T R A the all-day.aeaaloa^ “Saouica.^* SAN YULYES Meat D epartment Shoe B epairiag af the B atter FREE CiSTI / Speeds Up R cfriysM tois A mabtiad of a h i m n a Kind O eae W hile T ea W alt BUTTER Alpha/Oanuna aororij In l^B srters / ' RAX Thara is a eOMtoat damaiid for tliata old foygHriffs, WM mn «id Al beiield at the hoi 18 BIAPLB STREH T Willdnaon, 37 Loomia O pp. F irat N atlaaal S l^ ■ i ^ b . , i L h . P k g , and Hia prka if stHI mara tfcon foverebla.y 7 T a x Action " O l f j M f ' A b s H m c M Hartford, Wedneaday, FaiW ag Lat^ '' V ■ J jal 7:30 p. m. .DaaMit / ■ BLOCK W ashington, M arch ( A P ) aarved and mondwra 26 W ashington, M arch 26 (/P)— President E iaenhow m ^i plsas attend are aaked to — A cut o f about a billion dol­ f i H ’ a 4- r y e a r X l 40,000-unit public H ousing progrun w ers Wilklnaon. Election INSIDI lars yearly on a w id e ran ge of * \ will taka place. Read Herald Advs. S P I C I A l scuttled today D X X H ouse A ppropriations Cknnm ittee n co n > federal excise or salO s m endation'. 'Th e G O P-dom inated com m ittee asked t h e Hobs* A______^ CHUCK seem ed . assured today w ith to cut the program t^ a n esti-<)>- Senate passage p f d ; $ 1, 034,- m a t e d 35,000 u n i t s - a n d . t e r m ! - i- « * ■ .nete it in tw o years. T J A C K F r o s t . 000,000 redu ctioh billl W f The cuts w ia'tak e effect next Its recoihm endation w aa ni|jiM M ra. W ilb ur C bapnuuh SI, af F anbara, b er le-d ay- T h u r s d a y . U pied in a 8^ , 564, 118,743 o m n i Tugs Buck, ScotTissie CONFECTIONERY C R A I S T / aid -d so g liter S u m u at C b elara N aval H oapitai.; as, as dactor* ' The Senate approved the bill appropriation bill sent to -- the till . ann auace th at abe Is due to. b ava a secaad balqr w eeks. Look- last n ig h t 74-8 after tW o days of H ouse floor fo r debate n ext w eek. l a g a n l a 14. B auilB e E . C larke, a t F airfleld , C oaa.. d o c t o r WbO; The total am ount in the bill is - i U H i V m d u i r . ’l - •r CROWN SOOAR lively debate filled w ith political 8363, 604,837 less H um the Presi­ rfre^ 3 Rolls d lseeverad unu sual clreU M ataaoa* o f M r*; Cba|Knaa*i ireg ttaacjr. (A p overton ei in a congression al elec­ W Irairiw t*). dent w anted— a cut of 6.2 p e r c e n t tion year. > I t i s 8370, 148,400 belbw w hat the ■ 2 P k g ^ It w as sent to a Senate-H ouse sam e agencies received th is year. PREMIER 7 p b p iiyffvT / ■ conference - w hich cannot take T he bill carrtee fu n d s fo r th e fiscal Ordei place before next M onday after­ y ear startin g Ju ly 1. m ...... ^ ■ CHILI V noon. since both branches sre in Washiiiftoii, recess u n til then. - AEC Also Suffers 'amus „..A ^ P . X u l w a». m ade in funds —A Nafidtial „ 1U 4 SAUCE ■' iC oatld eiit o f Sp eed “ recom ntm Bded tor the A tom ic E n- Board examiner H i Corned Beef x 35/ B u t Sen. M illlkin (R -C olo), head eigy C om m ission (A E Q ). but R ep. mended setting A sincere “thank ^u” tb the customer of the Senate n eg otiators, said in Ide Dm bsr- P hillips (R '^C alif) said no reduc­ gainings an In terview .to d iv he hi confident F ou r pasaengClrs and a stew ardess tvere shaken up early fibnck 25 w h e n a te lto e r .kld fifiad tion s in the' A E X T s '-"construction e l e c t t b i i !Lhe' co n ferees/ w ill, a c t sp eed ily an d landing. T he pfam e, com pleting a dlghtyfrom N ew ark, and w eapons program s ato> hi- parentbr w o b the lot SeotTomls1- ^ rush thft m M su re to P resident E i­ aS the runw ay nt M idway. Cklcnga, daring a landing, 'hie plane, com pletl ^ seht us this letter. It Hnved \ N . J„ .w lth only the! fou r passengera and crew af three aboard, nosed over la the raln-qo*k®B - q O ^ e ^ gronad yolved , P h illip s 1! chairm am ^f the t i i r a l ihoreaien’8 . fliiH C A R ^ ^ A T I O N Fresh Smoked senhow er. T he deadline for the feubcottim lttee w hich w rote the i i n y W iliin ian tic, M arch 26— (Specral)— The m andajnus hear President'/ signature is next a b o u t .58 feet o ff the iruaw as'. (A P W lfpphotb)-.’"~ ’ onxtfce N) Y yk wkteifraot. j i H i l b i l l . He did ::H" be ^corpor^ in toiby^^ 2 Rolls .Ing un der w ay before Judge John H am ilton K ipg„,in W in dh am Wednesd/y midnight. , reduction w hs recom ­ 01) the grounds tbat (kiuK ly C ourt here, adjourned at 5 p.m . la sf nighty and is B oth /branebes voted identical m ended for the V eterans A dm inis­ the V MILK c u t s oiL m any item s, so they are l a i i exiiiM ted to resum e ^ is aftern oon if sh ort calen d ar casos a're certain to be in the fin al com pro- tration,. too, plus new resm etion s iiiHi £ crmi^eted kt'tim e. _ . • oh 'th e T enneasto V alley A uthori­ ice an) iotiihidaifbii. A. ,\ mls/version. ’ * " to Free Fast Zo ty’s (’tV A l acU vlU es. \ l a n : 3 Cans / W hen court closed yeaterday, 1 ey in clid e fu to. jew elry, han d- __ A' ^ \-a -b X —. ' 3i S % T ow n O bunaal C haricn N . C rockett | bsks and luggage, coem etics, T h e s e w in overshadow ed by New Yprk, March 226^ i(/P)— HH! V’ax dum aling Op' hia dafenae' PubUc Scrutiny rtin g goods, adm ission tickets com m ittee vecom ihendations for, Harbor tuiHtoata—the vital / d g alnbt tM laauiiig o f th a ord er to 0, m ovies and oth ev en tertain m en t, lublic housing. N o fo rm al Ddar k^ehRist: Here's one-for the archivest \ ill \ A Good W ay To Buy , fore* M ania to axachta a contract i U I tV «in-bus-plane paaaepger fares, \ on w as offeF sd, other'H iafi th at fpga in New Yoriic’s vast Sm all or lA rge, A s You for buU diag the Kdenay Street;! Necessary/ • . ; V / T . - - ■ •___ Siam clearance is the o n iyju etifi- terfront operations ' A ^ ‘ ...... ■ , , . A V' : ‘-A y Delicious Pork / W ish,^ F o t Low Coat H am SchooL , A tty . Ja y lU liln to v la te y es- i telep hone bills, teleg rap h cliarg es, I A bout tw o w eeks you ran an outatandint SdVertisOm enk in the - : : i ; a L I G H T M E A T m ech an ics’ p en s an d p.-nclls, lig h t­ Berlin, M arch 26 ( / P ) — a eagency ' A D N dlX ^iapsa uiuH f the w eight of h a tr^ catlan tor the p ro g n ^ PhU lips stefqned along as usual ear terday com pleted hG anel aw ^ ;, ers sinp electric lljh t bulbs. Sp vlct announcenneht, ...... and b okillty of ' the " ' populace" " if « public houeiiig program M an ch ester H erald^^ h i it, you incorporated a few w ords to th e^ffect.th at/ :;::U m ant .for the ord er und A tty. Jm n " nny f i o C o m m u n i s / p r o p a g a n d a soviet Zone Sqytot troope w ere, w ithdraw n. w o rk ed ou t aatlsfacto rlly. today bucking orders to ob- - you w ere hum an and w ou ld like to have a few kind W ords from T ou i^ cus­ M R, YlU O arald, In his'iolii as am icus I ^ T here is at present a 20 p a r d ru m s )>eat th eir.lo q q efit to-.,c«in e ©ut w lth./baaner beadllnaa W est G erm any’s acting C hancel­ \tn fiiany Inatoteea." PhiU lpa servk picket lines of tiltin g cen t'excise tax on furs, jeW eli^i d ay ’ to ann oun ce th e Soviet^ -proclaim ing the nbw “a o y e reig ^ lor F ran s B luccher, headitig the s a i d / “ U t o ------^for W - hom thesa ■ ' longshoremen. adnU tt*d as evidcnca | T hree D aniaacaU c m em beyA of the G erm an R am b gave the Sim dunce- lor K onrad AdenauCr to state- a’b l!" to octolpy them . Ih aom e tugboat had Uefi upTYts crew oolt 7 0 *. a ru l*. |ie# M I V tha B oard, r * b . ' 8*nat* Investigation*-a^ om m lt- p er can t on a))prtin g gooS*, traifi- m an y / o th e statu s o f a ful. .,[-/rhaiiit- th e fu ll 'tsa a fa n a r^ -^raraintlhg ' vU ttttg lii T u n il e y, ''reacted c a s e s , n o l i tl quaH flcatibns, working, when a small boat b t w bu t n ever got iiround to putting it on paper^ In the m eantim e, |'ve We Have Frfsh Roasters, hrOilriw and Chicken Pptto lS .'.v h i^ lU nlta th e p ow ar o f th e i tee believe th at on ly a/TU li pubiic b d a - p l a n e ■ ev fares, tele- soyfireign i t a t o . ' The, 'W est it th ree o r fo u r U m i|s hpu ri^. M os­ app ear'to haw been the yard- Ing pickets came alongside. On ^ ...... ■ \ , g raph toils,, A pencils axd sim ilarly. H e term ed . t h e 4n - your unpaid saleantan. ^ A CIGARETTES . a h o w /7 v n e f e ~ t h e pfbm pitTy brfinded the R us- cow 's new spap ers w are three hours nouncem ent “just a phase of the s t i c k . " . strike a n ’fflembera of the Ihde-' lighters. ' \ iwer on JaX 25 aent Con- pendent International Isxigahora- - ■ \ C a i truth Uea in the r i.X ;, , 1 8 Sandwich Special h o w evar, U iat th a o b jectio n s .voiced C hairm an M cC arthy^ (R -W is) and their front-page account of the eg a ln st th e W est’’ an d said it *V ll| g reto a m. essage— — askhto— .,—i that ..--imen’e the Assn/Tts officials ordared Ice, Pin ceh urst hi "to p s" in M anchester. M an y people feeT ai J do or Pii. by both’. C rockett and RuM now cen ts iiaw< d ra w a - W -;>*r X r c e n t tax. The R ussians announced ' last ILA tiigbofit members to eboerve' top A rm y officials. F rom a quarter 1^ . th4^ a . jevy is 25 nig h t th ey lierei^ ler w ould asrum e n e w m o v e . not change the enslavem en t of the present pubhe fu sin g j^ g fiam be i h u rst w ou ld n ot be-roilin g alon g these th irty years and pro griu sin g as. ^t w ar* W «ai taken: B u t the U . S. S tate D epartm ent! E ast G erm an populaLten. m tinued “at a-teason ai^ level.” the picket lines. 4 Judge King iaterrupted the T he trio indicated th a t the m at- p e r c e n t . n the sam e 'rsiattpns w ith tha C om ­ e asked ap p ro val o f a 4- y i rolls. . yA^ ; U r. has gone tM f^r X m w t o h e ^ M ililkin and other R epuM ij^ m unist E rst G erm an governm ent in W ashington, recalled the w ide' 'O iir G orm an brothers end slsv T h e 4f i 0 tiny harbor tugs ara Veafteaf heiuing after C roekett had begvu^ ay read w o rk er revo lts last Ju n e in tera in E ast G erm any' w ill struC tion program at the rb ie of alm okt an absolute necanity for \: hia Sn al argcm ant. ..CcocKett ex­ dropped and the b itf^ charges leaders predicted th X PrM iiuc'nt ■as “w ilh other sovereign atatea” 35,009 u n its a year. tha, buktoese ahd p rivata U fa fg H ie oth er day, one o f th e c h ic k s farm ers in th is area, poin ted o u t> in' plained to the cou rt before start­ and cou n ter-ch arges req u ire n fu ll- w ill.alg n the bill, M though-thdA d but w ould continue tc keep their E ast G erm any and declared the - th eir advertisem en t th at cu stom ers carried th eir turds to frien d s m distan t ■ / scale, pub iic 7inyestigation.\- R e m biiotration u rgrf against the occup ation arm y in th e E ast Zojfi* ‘ entire puppet regim e w ould cdl- (C oatinned an P age T w el>1^ T he. A ppropriations Com m iti ing that hia rem arks w ould, b* ported behW the scenes to- sa fe'g u ard 'se o u ilty .” put a lim it ot 20,000 on the ne«K ^^^ey th* huge iqiota. M r. P in ebu rst, I h ave'C arried your steaks to B oston; C ape C od and 7' alm ilar to R uhinow 's oh the sub­ -excise cu ts. ■ units that m ay be atarted during igbters and peaaanger veeeela ^el^i Sei^ood ForSc/itsf action je ct o f M artin ’s au th o rity. H e said vering to head off such-, T he billion d o llar iM s in rsvsn u e W saterp obsei-vers saw Ui)--; :'Stalag"yas;^ wran’t For T/ie does not. H e said, in answ er to n p t bad any g r ^ affect 1 a large scale, it is a iiistin ct pleasure to w alk into P in ebu rst an d M v e If yeu'd^Jka to Bay o wM/boaf chttiiL f about 9D chairm an and staff m em bers w ould year's tnidgdt, Involved are.A u to ­ Bill Holden, who with i tK rn ie< p te during tooi■ or01 fuel I Judge K ing's question, that the r s q u l r e . . m ob iles an d tru ck s; g asolin e, tobac- < M y C harlie M cC arth y call you by, n am e an d a pleasuie, too, to h ear th e p leas-- Um.) ot^Re Bi., wa'H boM It Ottt,4f you wiih, laoko G eneral M anager m ust havs a eo/liquor and beer. A u d rey H ep bu rn , holds H ollyv | - b i I n f a c t , y o ffld w S 'k a^ been aeHpa»i Small family!/ " A t issue * !»: -< Vibliencfe -Mars w ood’s top actin g O scirts, w as ^ rm 'yiioid in g it," he aaid, r a i s i n g CBo Depc^itors ly concerted. lunrav!r. over pU ant, courteous Voice p f D oroth y in 'th e office. A n d w h oever h e a ^ of a de­ pi roastt, holNiburg or stow moot os you doslri. No Ju d ioial .d eterm in ation th at .is. id /A sked FnV ared T reatnsfnfc H ouse C ut .E xcise* of a number of compaatoa to-i livery boy like D ig w h o put tw o o q U m tc ^ th e r w ith the pern h ables into J A C K ^ F R O S T hia d u tv to go ahead before h* C an A s the H ouse passed the m easure, a little distu rbed todayX H eJs out of toe e i^ b a oxtra cborgo for cutrtiig; ybu duLdia wropping. app roach con tractors. -■ 1, A h A rm y .report slleg ing th at it cut a V ariety of axc^ras b y Oi;* he • movie. “ From Herr to W aiting Rii^tiira i th e refrigerato r on 4 hot summer’s day.- • ' •liiiii LETf UNE , M cC arthy and R oy M . Cohn: the RingUng m ified because he had to ternity,” tying the eU-tlme re­ front diffi cuttle# from to GRANULATED S A W “W a ar® certain there, is a B U bcom m irtee's ch ief counsel, ek- \ year. -iillii = 5= d u ty,” C rock ett said .. (C outian ed ertad p ressu res on th e P entagon in in g lth e aw ard presentatioi the best picture of 1953 as .tbd 26th. Speaking of cqrgoos divoiiad to h ave ibr-an d th e ability to en^iagee n ^ i a g e th e rig h t people to w ork for you, ' Judge King a^ed on what efforts to get favored treaL m ent Probe Sto^d annuel Academy Awards preaen- other torto/to recent days, PAPAYA ground the defendant denied he ttfr -a d rafted associate, PV t. G . H o l d e n , . t 4/w he» pisyed * men. Sald -yeiterday that eon GAR \ heel in th e m ovie' " Stolfig IT! (^ation- msde movis find televlaioo —^ 0 H ope I h sven 't bored you Pin ebu rst t ,y . V , .... -/v A y h ad th a. d u ty aifld w h at argu.m enU D avid Schine.' U n til he w dnt into y 'Tanipa, ** ----- last night, ‘ V O io, A im ; M fireh 28, ( F i the lost hualnsaa will never SWANSON both happy and iipsat ato lil sh ool: o ff n * w orst”o f ita econom ­ hack 4o Maw York- NIECTAR C ro ck ett h ad to su p p o rt .fhe «lan**>- the A rm y in N ovem ber th* w ealthy tevestlgation w aa. centered heto U nit O scar. " T h ey told m e Jo say Hepburn, in, atage makeup B incerely yours -■ i : : : i 5 Lto7 / T h e h eartn g closed a t th at point.' Schine w as a non-salariad m em ­ today, in to several a c tsx f violence, ic .h an g o ver tod ay w ith curiom ily '^The constant threat of watar* \ /-AA\-/ W h e n 4't reopena C rockett wiU b er o f th e au b com m ittsh ’a |*toff. News Tidbits /thank you,’ and get O ff/ H olden Broadway role of a water- m ixed feelin g ! of anger and sym - lipi FRUF includtog one death, > ynich m arred s a i d . ■ / . nyhjph in the play ’/Undine.’’ to- ,tolhy tow Sid toe m oney handler - A Custom er' Oliidksii, Turkey or Beef Pies 3 taka up hi* sum m ary. / 2. M cC arthy’s cgithler/iharge CdUed from AV W i r f i a . ike departure of /the R lngllng her award in. the New YortT (' :ip: •’ . y A N D - 7 ' .... - ~ \T hreo P art Snaaaaary that Secretary of the A rm y Q te- W U der O eto P tolse ~ w hoM -.recent .dim ppearance dls-- M a r c h 20, 1964' ^ ? . 'U e e r s -.. .. - . - x ' \ . , ■ •' • .. B ros., and B arnun yan d B ailty O r- “7 wanted to g lv r « e d it to BlUy of the Show. Her first c l o s e d a 875.000 u ortag e in de- II Rubinow presented his final V ehs and Jid u rG . A 4i w n i * 4lf m enagerie, for having So much faith in me. t a prlncM on the loose hi “ Roman Som e of the tow nspeople, w ho VEOETABLES Pre-OeokerSeallops L.\ 53cl free* h u ad fed e Of p olitical priarni- rolling aio ck / fioata and . indooT think they coiild have, he>u off the Holiday?’ ; , at first w ers sh ocked and b itter a t era; m ost of them m em bpre of ' "Vlsibiy touched, the 24-yeaMld SNOW c r o p;((.()2. nee. P age T w elve) (C ofiftlB nad • • P ag e T hres) props le ftJiU ta r q u arter! at rloaing' commeralal aid. he. “w a! pretty up the toficit. ' /V/ daliciou s staaksi aith ar sirloin o r sh ort a t 7.T c lb . ;l(ib r o a s t ' ' ' S I J N € R E 8’ ^ \ 7 A s the long train m oved north- leery’’Ntof tfii 'praeenution of,LUke being' given eomethlng Jo W ith H ra m oney R eynolds hope* 18 DIB IN KAN O O U ptl defense against posrible enem y a ard , a series o f trou blesofiie re­ the awaiq. ’ — ■- " wear that you have to grow into. to raise, and the fin an cial aacri- M axleo O ty. M arch M th a m aat cu ttar's favorita fo r ovan ro ast, is good valua at M and STI Florida RefleGl^ atom ic attacks. Som ething to w ork tow aid." R E D P I T T E D R epublicans fro iii/ It states sit ports cropped up. "I ' thought B urt X>ancaster \ ^ ' ' fires o f h is alm o st blind fa th e r an d M exfcoa alrtlaer ' TOMATOES dow n together in O m aha tq„. plan A t Sam oset, only a few m iles w ould g et It.” other kinsm en, a spokesm an said li.srilea.M rth a f I . Fdraquartars o f lam b, w hich ara nice w ith baked potatoes and »::: ; N 6. I S & t e ' ^ Of INbrRilaiid’s Business cam paign by w hich they lw pa"ta north, of .torasota, a m an w as adm itted . th at 'his role in (C ontiaoed *a th at the n early 200 oth er deposi­ MU|>- today. A ll IS brow n gravy, ara ^ budget b u y ^ d .^ ^ , ,,... $ t o e a c h . n i l : w i n 145 la ite in C o n gress fo r P reel.; found dead toneato/lH e w h eels ,|b| • • ' ... ■ ^ ' X - :.. -U, to rs In the now defunct C lip M cr- aboard la fea sag o sa sto 2.25 mi CHERRIES ■ ■ ■ ~ V - X ■ t h e t r a i n . ■) Ctianta E xchange probably w ill erw saaea w isd ' •baB evjM l PREMIER PEAS dent E leenhqw er ....L atin A m eri­ g e t b a c k 85 t o 90 c en ts O A th e, d o l­ i g e r B a t b o f Lam b w ill ba^iiW a^pt.... y .. . , A J. c l b . 2 Cons . ' ' Can , M iam i. FI A , M arch 24 (B — F lori-^ 8*rvic* b n iah es'off the m oderate can reeetvM l aeakraaces of U . S. H ere-^ th ere w as a rep o rt ,j)f i^ - 69 / ■ ^ a econom y today sw ings like a | ris*,in u n em ploym ^ t in M iam i as that it W ilt m ake every affort to othcr m an being savagely beaten l a r . . ■ . w U b N w r t t i .. R eynolds, w ho had been under •m j H i ! ^,,/.2 23 c san altivs neO dle to poin f the dlreC - “ju st season al'' a rid -la ys crfiploy- w ork out m utually advantagaoua and kicked in a drunken braw l. UCi W a h ave not talked m uch abouf''our tan darcurq corltsd' baaf ra- fiMsr Big Local Kmt Junhiia tlon o f business in th a nation !s in - 4m e n t tbtala stay^ high by ahy e.conom ic p lan s desp ite d ifferen ces . A t,D ad e C ity, 30 m iles.n orth 'of treatm en t fo r. a n ervou s condition U i H standards. . —i,—. pointed'up by Inter-A m erican C on­ T am ]^, a m an w as found beside at!,a E ufaula, A la., hospitol, re­ GAB WAR CROBBOB ' ^ * ’ * 1®* T * that the supplyiias been a little i p i P R E M I E R ^ d u stiial araaSr th e'track !. H e said h e w aa throw n t u r n e d to jail at hearby C layton s h ^ . C h arlie says w a H ava plen ty o f n ice briskets to s*ll a t l b . t t a f i X Cake Uix Ceotest ..T hings are a m U e quieter .here.’ ‘ T he conatru ction IhfiU atry goes ference debate. , —- - 4 79c R etaU trad's la «“ » litU s/finem - right along ignoring -som e ivara- P resident T hodore H eusa of G er­ o ff th e tra in . • ...' t - P la n MC ightier t p . - , ■ s„. Blasis le st n igrht. h t. H e had been frea und er ( f > — A this w eak, an d bottom ^oun ds, vary lean at 89c l b . / ploym ent is-tip a little, ^ ^ o u ri^ In g r th at an over-bu ilt X ondition m any signs' am endm ents to con­ Ten m iles farther along at | J ,500 bond on em besslem ent wbr to IMS W* IkICEDPEMHI ^ la usT *or aren't spending thfi w ay m ey did stitu tio n p srm ittin g '’ W est...... G er­ T rilby, n'm an w as taken off the charges but w ent to jailvo lu n ­ a e lto cilar to d ay i?jn could be sh aping up. Washington- March 26 (A»— - hydragen device in the fair ' ofi 'tte 'la ito ib t ittig last year. / "Shucks, w e've been called over? m any to eqnagript- XM n for Eu.- train w ith a skull fraciure. / ta ry H onday just bafore hia HIS So' U ghU y are F lorida’^ reaorU r b p e a n A r m y . . . A llied officials Finally SU te A tty, Jam es M . niieiasr weaDoneers.! I*** “ d adding to it -pew, and b o o k s worm a U i d i t e d . A/A^^ WILL FEATU r I E : ' silt C a n a built every year to r seven years M cE w en. of T am pa had the train American nuc [ intricato computaUons from lab- m 2 .... ■ " 3!lC tiad to the econom y of/the Indus- now ,” eaya one contractor,,! “anfi. disclose Soviet, U nion has agraed who** p i^ c U o M a t o ^ ^ nmH j^e weaponeers 'A m ass m eeting has bean W tER PAN PEANUT BUHER AT .... c l i F tjriid N orth and M ld w aat th at bank- each year w e’ve a d d all w e built." to- discuss w ith W est B ig T hree stopped .at H igh 'Springs near 3 1 H E I N Z ' ^ S t9 C G r M Ginn With Oah'snies ars h er* sa y U iU stxts/can act a* * fu tu re of seven top N axI* in bleak away H-b^b at WkW ^ inltilT forecast/for the (C ehttooeX eaT tog* B gM ) BnCALarp wan P rices o f old er h o iu la h ave d rop - : , (Coatinned en ftga'IC IgM ) - ed the mark I March 1 weapon whlch/Was eub' WaabftMtoo.'nWn aelam ograiih''to raco w a shift in I^M uidau P rison. -X ... / propose to go ahead SHURFINE TO M ATO JUICE IN TH tLAR O E C A N AT A..... 25c tb * naU cta’Sh u ain asa sentim en t. ped, how ever. Ckiate of building D ick H aym es' law yer tella new s­ force, propose to _go ahead re «i^ *n . h*rf the force Tlw V. ■riuiV' R ak s no' pIaim ,N h ow ever, neA er ones have been sliced a their schedule, for m ore ' eventually attaln ed X / T his 8t o t 'toeraa today (In the pod) ' x Lb. JEEFiTEW little, either by produotidn-line m en he w ill seek Cong ressisa al In- m is tie r blaaU th is epring. / ' ^ M op-Up Op«rati M ut evep the ravlaed ss- l i s t 1 ^ 1 . ^ i e t m i n h the Birds'^jji;fHan, suggests BuHoni's Lasagne at Z9foTa tOc Lb. S B an kers rep ort, folk A re keeping Broken/iy^'^Agents rie ! w hich ara thennm iuclaan 1 .,-, 7' ' m iU ion tons baen n noU ceaW a. K alight, change up th eir m ortg age paym enta. T here eqalpm ent trom ,U . N . i n f i s c a l involvfa, h yd rog e^ to b e. ,,ow4 ■ -r saving) and Franch or qut graan beans at 2 for 49c. to r th e b etter ,th le m on th, " after ' - ' t e r X year beginning A p ril Ir- are few defaults qn losna o r r*-. w ill rely on. tw o b e l i e v e w as'loosed in tha-explo- Hanoi, Indochina, March .88 (A rough ttm e at the eU rt of the M ionS,. o f apriian cea bought. B yngm an R hee indicates he w ill ’’ H artfo e^ T larch 2« t o > — U - 8 J. A n enlargad A u g er area and — Th* French reported th»y in nI : : n 2 F.r2 7 e W ith Coupon On Page 9 accept U feU m e'tarih as* S o u t h f i o n . “ e ' ■ . y e a r . ’ on \ th e. in stalm en t plan, bistrict A tty. Sim on 8 . C o h e a Im proved w arning eyetem E isen h ow er, in . an u n - fUctad 1 3 1 casualties, aft I I LARGE HEADS F r e a i i '7 K orea'A .P resid en t ‘If th e conatitu ..7 -/ T oorlelfi hbsylug L aager big 'beach h o tel! claim th ey B ays a narcotics pipeline betw een 2.' A b etter estim ate o f th e fore* ent, said W edneadgy th* Communist-lad Vlatminh to­ T ofU rieta A re atayln g Iorig«t_U via II now — after a pm >r elart is Changed and the p e o p l a ^ N ew Y ork C ity and H artford w as to. be unleashed in subsequent d e r a t a t day, but only 15 of thpa* ktUaff ■eaaon— pfirhape because of later elect m* Toung New sm ashed by federal undercovertH -bdm b teats. s o m e i m ust hava .happaned E a c h 2 3 c early iX th a season. B ut w alk ip- t h a t n ever e*p*rl*nca 4 . b e f o r e , war* oa th* bloodMI battlefialS at - A / , .■/<:■'/; LETTUCE SPECIAL •iSM ter and Passover holidays, land a tm k or so and you^ see! Y ork w om an is sh ot aafi, erittoO B y ag en ts yeste rd ay.Mr -O n 'the basis of com parisons Dies Btoa Phiv tha X u sn itaM w aondefi dvM ng exchange of gun­ m ade b y atom ic au th orities in C on- a n d lUst have surprisad n ie yre - tighter w ith their m oney vacancy riXfis on nidet of the T w o m en w qre arrested here and ed th e acien tists: French Unlor tertraea to afistR-. Do*. ..— eith er because L,hey haven’t.* * sm aller plai fire briA rach b ar fath er and gun-^ others w ere picked up in B rook­ gress. th* M arch T therm onuclear meet IndocldnSe m uch to spend or because they’re B aud M aay M elele m an w ho e!c*p ed ' w ith nln* dql- lyn. N .Y ., C ohen said. axploalon ap p ears to, h ave been up­ ,t h ap p en ed ijr. A operatioo in th* Rad S e e d l e s s on 3 lb. a little w orried about the future . M otels — aaosth ey built scads. laiA fro m Q ueana g rocery atorq.'' H e Identifted thoee arrested h ere w a r d s o f 14 m efial«m s— energy ihabiy not even the nuclaat trend , a f th eir Incom es up N orth. ^ 6f tnam last year X 'areM oin g w ell B ritiah law m akera and new s- as pointnlck P aotontonio, *37, a equivalent to th at prodim ed in the ^tSto w dartSd to; Som a auto fiaalera her# 'rig h t -now , a fte r X dlatreealng bi rSkP® !® join In iw ettag dsm aa fii H artford bartender, and John A . axploalon o f 14 m iltlotf '' to n * o f and aupervipad its tasts th at P rtm a M lniater C hqrchlU act many of too answers pM n ot will captu 3 For 29 c adyartialag sisabl* bargaias ’« Slow early aaaaon. , - , r — «< B a r b u t o , 26. o f 28 Cum herlan* tosy uUUl careful aafi^rsis of suck as high er-p riced cars to m ove out the T ha e ltru s iad u atry. In UM t .ipId: b o lfilv to end jth reat o f atom ic w a r W alk, B rooklyn, N . Y . rst Is ^sUnlU« PM:' A 'l y h m ri 'th i’iM S ntodelA U sed-car I dl# o f the stats, had a bhalm v^ liiiir. . P ratW ant B a e n ^ a r dqcld« s.tU daacrib ed P aotontonio a s . a raco rd lBg a a s obuld bo aaad s o f to o 0 HAS 2 Lhu, CRISCO tb afr B rat.er'th a yaar w han a bum paf to let public sae'm otion plctiira of "w holaaala brakar" la aarcoU ca t O B f ) a n sn rin d ant oa.n ftat a U t m dm iB titfpfirta m eet avg ryw h ara S n t U . 8. hydragan U h | « w h i p h U sing inform ation gidnad frfim 11m B arida SU to'toplosrm aat m ra f* R ariH ) tq c* ptoofi in N efafttoer e rifiS L : aatotoratonr • i 7 ’ . < T . * » ' ' I V " . ' t ' ‘‘'4 '' / ■ ./' '-r.. ^ ,/ ..J , -, ^ , .; , / ' ; I . f c l ^ c : i '' ■ • 'I« ii' f ; ,il ' »■'., \i,> V fi— MANCHESTOR EVfiNING HERALD. MANCIfES^raR. CONN^ m p A Y . MARCH 1964 .■ "V /" /"'■■Vv. ■ ■ ' ...... / '■ - • ■ - ■ ' , ■ ■■ , ' ■ ^RALD, M ^I^E STE R , CONN,, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, J1964 recommendatioiui of the Board o f ( MANCHESTER EVENING W a p p i n g j . Fthancd that 01,600 beexpenddd, 4 Votef' League for that purpose. jSkywatck Schedule let Slated Expenditures {in saceaa o f. 0800 rOquire tl'e action of a town meet­ SKAJIN Mandiester• Trust Co. Op^ ■ its'Monday ' in' NWw / QugGiters ' y.M ,-.i . J Cheney ’s- l^ame Mistj W in d $ S e r ie s ing. . The auditor's report when .-iji/ f.:h - SaM iday, Mardi^ 07 For Elliswortli ted will be turneS over to Midnight-lr:2j a. da...... a • ... Dick Gordon Pomeroy Hold Necessary ssU ta n t BM jrou UM %» o r k s b o p s E lectmen/ -aidl other town ^^^pens Sunday, Mmrch 26ih Treasurer^ Rhodes Ai I r*^«lr*ni«BU o&tli* 2 a.m.— .4 a.m. .i...,. ;Vol . Neaded /! . Higb^i^ Students iaiiaK lo4tM ^ 4 lr«n^, '4 a, m,— S A m. leera Needed S A m.— 0 A m. itsera Needed Been Rypper Slated For Army Row ,At a meeting of the l^atd of<^tee of St. Mary’s Church Building __ "tipbA y*u «4t. wh»t you series of fhree . 'f/ POULTRY MANURE I UT 'lB oorMet oitelt a 4l«tary XfM ttjn t In 0 A m .—Noeii olsnd Mciiin -W ^ipW i March M—(Special)- Following is-the menu for the SHOLES LAKESIDE CASINO Directors of Cheney Bros, yester- Program. , Ror, la rSRSIBAN tba mmr>- workshop, m^efinganefttitiga sponsored by Noon— 3 p.m. 'ohwtcera Needed riens tpr a banquet, honoring rep- Baked Bean Supper eponaoi^ by RRW Iroiv loAtiia roeoiwtruc- SOUTH COVMTRY \ .(OaatiaBad treas Page Oaa) > day In New York, Henryf R. Mai-. . Hi? **"*Pf"y : '/ DiHypsAtio ■ piaviAdHA au« lla u tf aupylcmanU the Leagt^^of ^onrfn Voterd of A p. m.— d p. in. '.Voluatsers Needed VdSentativea of the boya’ end girla’ tbp Ladies’ Aid at the Community, I6ry, exscuUv#'^ vice president and 14 Rrlth’ valuAbla Bt and Manch^ter rovtsiny CoMecti- S. p. m.-T S p. m . . VolsuiiSers Needed athletic teams and other worthy HqUse tomorrow from 8 to 7 p. ^ enmmtttaa'B lnvestlgsU6r|s of Reds trsMurer of Cheney Bros., 're-, He iVk e^«d is the time to help your graH R ukl b:Km 4 NtNiil biod rSKRIBAN iR far cut’a,^onstttatlon will be held at . 3 p, m.—10 p. nt ...... I .Voltateeia Needed students of BUsworth h l^ sohoe) ih ., Baked' beans, brown breed, SMTINfi SUNp, WED.. M FRI. NIIH; the Army. McCarthy said signed M treasurer after e e i v in g 'y ^ ^ ^ ^ | ® *- mBw tliaa JtiRt VnamluB 10 p. m.—Midnight ...... Joseph Mardn were made on April IS by a' potato Mlad, to ld ^ e a t, csbbaga t ^ y ^ r . This saperfor nstarsl fertiliier te ' - „ , _ tn » dlataiy-auppJamaut the^ Kmaimel' Jt^thenm, Church, tdama considered Schlne "a hoa- In that capacity for many years. ^ ^ ' Volunteers mmy register dvU Defense H M d. Ifu ^ cip a l . ggn m pitJ0sn from Bald and-South- aelsd.-rolls and .coffee and pie or 1930, tod HUFArd Business school. m d long-lutinff. , halglac M many Urad. mn- ^edday, March SO. at « p m. 8uc- . ,\ ' ■ ■'V The., board alacted Miss Jennie B'. 1933, and for T^yesfa was with iM^dlieouraiad folka : . cessttf meetings wilt :d>e held on Building, Maqotiester on ~ ondayA W ednesday an< FirMhiya from ">«idtjM at the high cake for dessert.- Wind AS tretourer of Cheney Bros, Oto'BOt eoafuaa.PB R R lZA H AprlT IS and April 20. 1—S p.m. 'v. school Tueadsy M«ning. The place Reservations are not necessary, I There have' beei. persistent re- the public aroounting. firm of and Adam RhddfY’' as assistant, Price, Waterhouse ^ C o . He #11) KOGIK OLCOn-^ ltb..oM>tnhtOBad Iron tealcR. Mrs. Dorian Shalnln, sUte re- o f the "AU-Bl|Sworth Night" wiU but may be made or a table arts of quiet maneuvering to test treasurer. ia UiR modom way to be announced^ later. reserved for a party by cUlmg continue as controller h / ChaMy •t tba naadad Bi^ bnd Bi aource chdlrman of the local of th^ local leagudv^Mrt. Vernon wMther the resignation of Cohn MalloQT said that his resigna­ 403 West Center Street MlteheB S-mt league 1s in charge of the work* The newrtype banquet will re- Mro. i EllMbeth Grant. "lthoutbut rlsklmra In Hamden throughout tfio win­ Sherwood Tft^tJdrcei, Douglas Grant. will be moderator at the meettqgs, Miles Grant, John Malln, Francis hOUSA pected \ to testify if the' tarings iirer of Pioneer Parachute Co'.’Htod Cross. Rhodes ia vice president ■May. HowTByi iKTERRIZAN ter. and Mrs, Dorian Shainln Will Idqd' Cheney, Creeff A Co., Inc;. lor t* da^ on r i iZAN'8 Money Local leaguea' throughout tlw' V OokimtdA M a ^ 'f d (Special) O. Burnham, Dexter 8. Burnham Maaebester Bvealag Herald - a n held. / of the Hartford CJontrola of the Jukrantaa, and, you ba tba the discusaions. . / The Lighthocae ReeUurant at and Cmrl Andersoh, James Walton, It Wl learned throu^ inter- The Board of Directors were Controllers's' institute.Ust state are now holding aimilar All lea^ e members srs in^dted Wapptaf correepoadea t. MrA Aa- gratified with , the opportunity to Tou must sat Mttsr—alsap workshops in order to discuss Md ler waA broken Walter MeOatebey, Albert Reichle ■ie CoUtaA telepboae Mt-0-4410. Vlewa controvsia^ was die ftar—work baUat—tool and look to attend these workshops . Which >nd time In 10 days Slid John Kismne. cussed b: some Senators in' the promote boUi Miss Wind .and Although1 tnanymany: insects count their attar or your ibonay. wll\, bo ro' form optailohs about the need for revision of Connecticut's Conatltu- will be extremely informattee and. jtit, Bpm Kaaaman J. O, Christensen.. . .director of presence ' White wtaiU Ubu6«H^uee aide*sides at Rhodes... . V lives in hours rather'TKBPyears, HOUSE FOR SAU indad Without quoitloa. Could Enjoyable, lua;^ should hs of par- mTafe-Syf Miss Wind, a graduate of Man­ some queen ants may live for 16 jW^lMkotairarT l^OTab^ll.lt; tlon. the Tdatauriat afated athlitica at tha University of Con­ a private yesterday. In In May the League iAf Women ^icuiar Ihtemst to menibers who ime that Intruders en­ necticut, hM accepted an invlta^ Norwich Getting the aglce ( chester High ^ h o o l,' attended years. . t m M M a Only ...... ^ Voters of Connecticut Will be hoKh have joinedJhe leajgue in the past tered bj/krealdng thA glass In the he the'main epeaker. Other of tha SenstV. / V. ’ Olmatead's Business College and ~ 4 0 G G iU R N R < ^ in «aUeto ...... X M ^ few yearA Reference material front d^.. / . Sen. MaloneId /R.-Ne\’)fR.-I said he for waa employed by Wllliama. Bros. ■ft- ing a mock constitutional conven­ kers win be announced'later, l i l tion in Hartford to which ■)! locnl on this siibjiiet is available at the effort the thieves lietsd cketa are being printed and will, Dresg -Facto^ ^LUS: Dnd EXCITING ATTRACTIOlil one had dlecdeaed the' case with ijtfc-e.'L'-- Manufacturing C« ®p«" 'Of buslnftw In iU neW nison,Oase Bros., Inc.; Thomas F. and in 1930, assistant treasurer- formulate'wome of its iddas and Icovered tha break St It has been an h oim ^ by State a branoh plant here around May 1, ing to hls new jdb.J6b. quarter, orf three floors of the near Ferguson, Manchester '^Evening Notice is hereb^, given,, that the policies on a>eM where revision ia M rs. BradOey Prohaaka in charge. >ut 4:40/a.m. '^uebday aliomiag. Police Oommiesioner John C. Kelly might avert an investigation. Jaglln sAld he had disapproved dgsistant . secretary of Cheney 2roposed amend­ Riaitr M i iivifor fundamental law of the state. Also View on McGirtl — AMCtiea Sthtad'^: - by:\ Anyone tntenstMYln enrolling eons, will booet the^.-areaw annual tary, Wilton Persons, top /^ i t e for later admission, the ^ neral------’ „be , open for public insjifCtion * day. She, is a tnutee and secre­ ments on file at Town Clerk’s Of- said, but he said there is precedent- Pp Saturday, April 3 from ^0 to Insurance Aigency; EVerett T. mt W^mrim twiK »^vnm ,}i diacussed will be tXfd league'd for- The Brotherhood \ot Chestnut may conUct Auxiliary f^Hce Chief Industrial payroll to ,dt iMst a House liaison m ^ in the/Capitol, Keith, G. E: Keith Furniture Co., tary of the Board of Directors of fAce. mdr work, in the field.ot constitu­ HlU. Synagogue will spmisor A George stone. JA-8-0071 or civU quarter of a mlUim: doUarA He And two of Perstkis' aides, I. Jack for waiving the requirement When 0 p. m. the Manchester Memorial Hospi­ Signed: mem located at S^lm aaU ia Cast Haddam. March («— a soldier hM civllMn dxperitoce The building, owned by Jules Inc. - : v A «e« tta*tfort.jMUM traai Hm tional rewalon. Tha» legldlat^ lie auction at Te«,nia^ Ball\to- Defense Director John K. OiUer, ^ d mors workeips^ probably will Martin end Jeriy Moigan. Sen.' tal. a director of the. Manchester \ Oscar KreyAig Democratic State ChWi John ...... V FlUere, was'designed by Architect > Also Joseph G. Pero, the ^ero Art Hnatar. Bofiffiwa by «p - branch of government as it is now morrow night. JA-6-710S. be needed w the^detory expnndb. Rnowland .of CAllfdrn^,’Senate Re- in inveatigatlve work. Orchards; Jay E.^' Rublnow, at- Trust Co. and a member and sec­ ^ Chairman of Zoning Board / given in the present constitution M. Bailey aaked'laist He Mentlfledr^the ffrai m M1« DANCING blican Luader, said he attended Ariiold kawience and built by A.. March 26, 1954 - / Advertise in The Her«ldsir>It.|Pay8 0 1 ^ . Hisas HartfO^ LtonW Bvairtt, pLctlohaer f nnaaee Dalt Meets \prncy-a*-lBw; William J. Thorn- retary of the Executive Ckrmmit- will he discussed as welt as possi­ Chaplin, has donated" hla aS^cas. Smart F r o ^ . He added that it / t only briefly. , y ,. { F, Squillaepte Co., have been sub- *Tb the governor to rids ^•At a stMoial meeting of the K i-leased from, the Manchester In tep, Manchester Sand and Gravel ble legislstive reforms. Subsequent The proceeds ere to help pay the Bpard of Finance Wednesday night WM brought here through the -McCarthy said he didn't near a workshOfM in April wiU'desl with two horaea}?'iW-what ty. call- SA t. NIGHT vestmen^ C oi^ on a long term ar- Co.; Miss Jennie B. Wind, Cheney mortgage due on the newlik the unit unanimously approved a efforts^ ,th e. State Development mention of the dispute wbUe he Hospital Notes Eros.!' I.«lahd T. Wood, the L. T. the exec^ ye and judicial branches ed "thia Ra^ubUi f l l ^ r bs- irodeied synagogue! Home beged Mion and th- Ihduatria| FEATURINO - Wa^in the room-. Mundt said''the rongemepf- reqUMt of the Board of Selectmen TTie Interior ^'dom inated by WoodVjq.' of government and with direct clU- twaen Presldeat^: nhowsr and goods and various artlplea will for'OMO for a special audit of town FMntdatlhn of tha Norwich Cham- donvdroatkm w m in that direction sen action. .' it'-of Commerce. / M he left/and he heird of no resig­ Patltota TodaY: 134 '“ blond oak flxtures and trim with O ffic^ " f the company are W. Sen. Joae]dt R./McCarthy donated for the sale. end state eld and State aid road BILL FLAGG ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Wil­ George olenney, chairman of the Participanta in this meeting Will .funds. \ " Abroms eald location of the fac­ nation deal. ■ / / ' steel cdunters. . Mcdeni lighting WiAy THE LONE PINE COWBOY liam Helfricht. 34 Turobull Rd.; bciard; w)aUer P. .Gorman, vice bn Mrs. George Marlow, presidwit MaacheStsr Bvealag Herald Ca- \ T^he rsMset. was made by the tory M n followed an employment AND HIS PRAIRIE DRIFTERS^ ReBignatloas Not Adsn^i^^r . prevails throughout thCNbuilding. ei Account For All Home Bailey . csditW on GOv. John ; "I Wouldh/t think that any realg- Mrs. Aides Pettijean, 28 St. John The first, floor basement will chairman; YliisseU B. Hathaway, Stm dif heh|a caneepandsat Maariee selectmen \after th'A circulstiim of survey T^Oinducted by the induatrial Staia of Lodge and other Republican lead­ foundatio!t\for the cor»P*ny. ' nations would provide a aat^ac- St.: DAve TofeWt,’ 70 Mather St.; house the safe deposit vau president; Jton.L. Jenney, secre­ ers to take either for Bi- Marrow^ telepheae HArHBoa a letter by the KepdbUca^y^own STAGE, RADIO aad TELEVISION tary; Vincent Ingraham, treas­ 0-S0SS.> .Committee charging t h ^ neglect "The response w m overwhelm-i tory settlement which .would /inake Nicholas Scheldel, iSS..Birch .St.; ploye.s’ loungf aind stock dSLnegnmeUs senhower prytor McCarthy. ing,” Abrems said. "M >re than 500 (Dakdng Every Saturday Night) an -investigatibn unnecessary," Mary liou B'rookes, 85 S. Alton The Streep floor has been urer; Thomas ^RiiUason, assist­ He" iiuMcrnKi tiiat Lodge, Repub­ on Ihe part \of t«wm- officials ant treasurer arid assistant secre- caused a loss of $A()00 in ..State perSbna indicated they were ex­ lltmdt said. St.; Mrs. Emily Behrend, 52 for a convenfent flow of lican Stau Chairman Clarence-F. perienced-in needle worii add Sen.- McClrilan (D-Axk). Spnloi- Cooler Hilt St.; Edward DUver. traffic, with a rear entrance giv­ ary; Joseph A. \yoIi. as.'rlstdnt ■: .Baldwin u d National Committee­ aid roads. ■ ■ ' '' BMSt'dw oaadR W dM piMSi ; J! Expanding wanted employiheh^." imoqrat on the subcommiRee, 146 Blssril St.; Mrs. Meridith ing access from Purnell Parking, Asurer; Walter 'N, Grusha, as- men McMe Alcorn Me "caiefuQy The audit, a q e^ in g to the pe Id reporters "the ri^ngtion of st treasurer; c\R ead Rlch- lectmen,' would determine the ex­ The firm Will—occupy an old S Pinto, 7/X)val lAine; Holdaworth through tp the Main Street en­ A m t o w ducklnpr the Uaenhowar-McCar- panta factoi?y at 68 Nedutnic SL,- 3 'to y party o f parties mvolved will Sharp;/98 Ct'ambers St.; Mrs., trance, with modern tellers' coun­ ardso'n. auditor. n n J , thy qi^Mtion. FRrming Program act anioun^^^ funds, lost, if any, 4 Y I M CClURII and Thomas DiBartola will b^lts . yaot settle or reMiviir ‘this con- Margqret Lada, WUIimantic;, At- te r running along the south side, In • the Trust Dept., "Robert E waa speaking befbre a and the date oi*^dates m such lose. 14 DEPOT SQUARE / troveiay.” - "• The .^ectmen said, tl^ey would niansger,'he said, __ - ..X™-- Farrell, South Coventry; ami on the north side, the newly Katliaway, vice presjdrat and •Mfs M ■ttirdproailt A Coraaf* of Mlddieaex County Tel-Aylv UP) — Bxperts th / He said resignatims still would Reggetts, 105 Hemlock *St.; added Savings Dept., open offi- trust officer;. Everett E>\Moore; ip town chairmen, vice takawppropriate action Yq try to leave McCarthy’s "charge df Israel ,^an grow all her own iver any funds found tO be lost e DesP.oslers, Vernon; Judith cer.s' area, and partitioned. Loian arsistant trust officer. S P EC IA L LY PUR C HASED liMoh d*eFPedk"' Irmen and other leaders in the withUi seven years. To do si blackinail sgsthst- the Army. and , 39 Vernon Ave., Rockville; Dept, conference rooms. atop of his "graas roots'* .tour missing by the audit. - the/chargea against Cohn and the would havs to add 41,00(1 A special t o ^ meeting Will be yn Twomey, Lake- St.; David 'Hie third floor will be occupied the state to sound out ssnti- bnlta and multiply irrigai tokirman of the committee iMc-v by the Trpst Dept., Mortgage and C oflifA Given On C O D Pclivsries called soon tb"lsiie action on tbe P.uiT, 72 .Drive A, Silver Lar(e Ilf ^ment on a gubernatorial nominee four. The farm populatioi/ lyduld . f^uihy) and other uembers of the Homes; Oall Bycholaki, 20 Oak- Bookkeeping Depts. Ai> elevator And Specially Priced At Alnmrt AnAdfllMR^ for hla party. be doubled. , 'Staff.’’ . . •’ .w6dd: ltd.; Elmer Griggs, 13 Kerry vrill .service the three floors. / The Democratic chairman' re­ Government policy , ^degs the ■' Sens. Symington- (D-Mo) And iMlit NNNmVAN»;l|MIT St,'-' The steady growth'of the Man- ferred to the eight |, Republican program. Bad farm mwctlce la a Deel Ardei Cerriee Smitk /ackson (D-Waah), said/they cheater Tru st CO.'over th e/ears \ agreed with' McClellan iM t the ' ADMITYED TODAY: Gary ■taiaiMWOtit K waiAiu town caucuaea last Thursday night "legal offense. One‘ electiv e farm "The Leag, "Blau la V G-inaA. 62 P r o s i t St. « , closely parallel the grow of Man­ ' ■Wk. was fined recenUy^or promoting EASTWOOD tie AlGc^ Democratic members of the sub- / $ C # 9 5 when fesolutkms were adopted on Loag tralldt" DISCHkRGBD' Y-E STERDAY: chester itself. Ita toanciai atate­ THK IS THi AierUAL / . far aoWwr Ism siRais ssa the KtSe^pwer-McCarthy iihu|i. erorion by tniXyn/Ut use contour TeeS.StU . committee would not actolesce in ment at the c l ( ^ of tha bank/a X, RANGE & FUEL OIL plowing.' any "brurti off, covenq/or white- Jean Peace; Andover; Philip Mti OF TNi NIW MasMf AaidstliR bi|ill'" l«W"' 'The resolutions were brOiiglitbrPi lip 8eA- B « Altim—Certeeae— Hickey, RockYille;. Veciion Taylor, ilrirt year in business showed as­ \deepite the opposition of 8 t a t a ilieanw)^, /Efforts era being Beckjr Lee# WMh.” / 76 f^tage St.; Ernes/ Johnson, 23 sets of 0729,723. '^ y .the end of DffMkoif.XT-fOO made ter sxSan^ home grown' EVEN GREATER QN^ Soedsy Ifeaejr Fraa ■eme’’ Tech. The Army’s Proybat Marshal DR. RICHARD and Republican leadars. Oak Grove St';; Frederick Smore, 1953 .aafeta totaled *9,147,107. KM ^ CpNVMnt - A colorful hew group for the kitchen or dinette, Bailsy aaid. Jodge, a leading foodA-To supuement meager meet General, MAj. Gen. JW, H- M,aglln 46 Bunce Rd.; ’"‘'Misis Marcella When the company^rot opened supplies, poult^ projects are be- PUR GIANT SCREEN! said yestarddy h ^h sd denied an Fenolial Hearing with sparklipR chj^flme steel franiM , rugged plRsfie ELIZABETH ALTON aupportsr o f BliMMdiower -fo r the Lavine, 9 Walnut St., Rockville; its doors on April 3, 19^, It had ik*rvlra The BOLAND OIL CO. ITesMantial aaiWnation two A bou t a fnlUion application Schlne r.ade In -Febru­ John Scheibehpflug, 281 .SChooTSt.; nine employee Today theXpmpIoye table top,/four. Chairs with leather like/plastic d o i n i / e montK^o to a popula­ Larlll, aeK aad Aatheatle 6eea«» ary to attend a/rimlnal Investiga- 808 Main St. a n Mala 8 t —MaaelMotor aip,.**has caretdlly refrained De«t Anas AetasI eisrx el .Dolores York. 81 Spruce St.; Pam­ roster totals 71. 3U-9-S281 seat and M c k cushions. A splendid value at K ei^’a exprtaalng where he stands in tion d^,700,(>00. These are being ■Is. • tors' coi'ne sUrtin^ May 17. ela Cooper, S4 Pitkin St.: Mrs. The bank’s rapid growth T O . M l t d w l provided after three months when Maglin said the private had ap­ low price, plan to *ce it tomorrow— R^pubUcsji f i^ t " althouL Korea / /• Evelyn Smith and daughter, 3 .the past 21 years was largely\he no ode hue the sitdtgot a meat ra- plied for A later caurse and that result of receptiveness on the ]. ; 7 ' would u su m e'’Jth0L;bexwiWd side .tlon. . '•c-. Lonr, Long ... “ C e a s e ,/ Ardmore,Rd. - -— - r with the Preqident. thia application will be acted on DISCHARGED TODAY: "Mrs. of management to .new. and..im­ , ■ /" / - ' ■ ' ■■ ' ,/'■ ' Meanwhile,, offlcials promote bi time. "lb it that he ivdVfaJd of T railer” Fire” C:7iariotfe Behrend 411 Center SU;: proved methods of doing business. / LIBElirAL KEITH BUDGET TERMS consumption of large quantities (>1 The/'atatement by the head -of Mrs. Loretta Jaikey and daiighter, ■ Credit for:;-mahy early innovations fend th * ,8enAtoti:?J^in WUcon l ^ ^ y grown vegetadilaA. SiU -the .^m y’s police forces came sin?" BAiiey MMed/^lS lie Rgur- EwnplotG MrylcD 38 Hammond St., RockvUle; Mrs. ia attributed to the company’s late after the oWMhington Pedt and Mary Miller, 17 -Woodland,-St., president', Harold p , Alyord aRd / ...; lt*s T iruel 'hig that if now chooses Btien- R A IN RAIU^TS SEABCH ■ Su a : Maaey frota HoB|e^,,„,^ Ttni^Herald reported the Army hqwsr, he Might not no be able to>use t o b o c k u p ,Rockville; Mrs. Jane.FTench, 56 the late Louis H- Marte, treasurer. East Hsddam, March 26 UP) — U Tech.'Miurttit aiM Ldwts ha^ waived a length of service The bank Was one of the first in Jm . McCarthy in I Porter St.; Mrs'. Beth Naumec;.. and the ' campaign Heavy rain ysatgrday' halted the ^ ^ n e k rule and permitted Schlne,td en- son,Ukilumbia; Mrs. Elsi-Tomasic, Connecticut-to install Recordak,\ a ilext^fall?" > , search for the hodlss of two MM 0^ TV or the school. Today the news- re's silence on the esEisen- East Hartford. system of microfilming- that eri- beltevad.td have drowned in Bashr pkper said a tentative Pentagon BIRTHS YESTERDAY; A daugh­ joya universal, use among bankri' hbwer^cCarthy issue/"should be an Lake Maioh 17. State Police/ -^ is lo n ' to that effect was re- ter to Mr. and Mrs. Fay McCollum, t<^y. i-- Store Hours: Open no suipriae,'' Bailey said, "it's men from five barreeks with eight T77 IR O A D ’ Yersed Aft*f the White House in- Mansfield Depot; a daughter-to Mr. The country's first Burroughs V I'rom 0 AAI. Until . tbs typ s^ leadership he Navy men froai the N ew London and Mrs. Francis O.'Keefe, East SensimaUc accounting machine 5:36 PJM. . . Cloaed the state'for the paac / tervened- It quoted Pentagon. Submarine Base draim d the lake f [ l f V i S I 0 N RADIO /. sources who were not named. Ylartford. ' ' was installed it) thC Manchester Wedneadaya A t ^ He has bem Silent Jedm for the eighth atralg^ day with­ BIRTH TODAY: A son,to Mr. Trust Co. in 1902. It i*used foe in­ Noto . „ Open Every time again until the^bpporti " Another newspaper,' the' Augus­ out result. ING ta (Ga.) Chronicle, said prior to and Mrs. Warren Amundsen,, Bol­ stallment loAAl records.--; ' Hiunday Everiltig real leadership h ^ passed The search w m resumed today. CkSMSl S ((•nwily -4). Mew Bam, i:M ( S41) UPE OF RILEY—WU1 Issuance, of the' Maglin Atate­ ton. ■. V . . . ■ Alert to thy trend toward Tomorrow Uhtll 0. / Missing are William k Johnson T W O C O L O R IHITS C»aa BemUX . . branch banking,. ancL to relieve, CkMBCl M Maw Brttaiai Caai (M> TOPFKR—Starring Ana Jsf-' ment that it . had been informed McKBLDWTO SPBAK and GUbert E. Kurtaq both 10, of WiN \ diawf Ctaaael H lUlraks. IIMau. freya ■ \ Schlne has ^ n gIVbn another as­ NAVY JET GBqUNDED some of the co'ngestlon In the quar«i H ertford. Msrfeh 26 (i IV. New BrlUin whose motor boet CkMael U Waterbary, C«BB. (Ukt) FILM \ ‘ signment which will be a "pretty ' ’ WaoUttgton,. March 26 UP> — ters it shared with the Sayings A f Theodore .R..,_1|tblCeldin (R-M ary' WM fouod capslxed in the lake. CbaMsl ft SsrtatfieM. Mass. tiW ( M il MOATOBT \ The Navy dhiclpsed’ today Ita Bank of Manchester, the Trust Co'., Gleairilng /^-Mirrors, iMNimiMEins i k . Reporter . Wallaca Beena. g’^ deat” ’ apeclaily^ piirchiaaed lend) who made the nomineting IS0bl4MiUldM.M Alexandria (Va), Daily The A|ugusta Herald said a newest Jet fighter plane, the built its North Branph in 1982.- ONE BtoSV OBNTLBBIAN '•;M (.•) AMIMAL TIKB . ' V' ! _ Town Talk McDonoell FSTH Demon,' -has The North Branch proved popular House's and aptoially priced! speecl)^/or PresldenV Eisenhower ; gMMCWMtNYON - m the M.P. school at' Camp ing of the plane, hnnight -V April 12. - \ speechM to make at' two out-of- —Ed Hatch "The Edge of Baule." Ion, Ga. This source aisp was about the decision to refrain in teller's Window. -The luncheon w ill be held, at the state meetings the next, two S :» ( S> BILL'SCABTOONS ■ quoted as saying Schlne probahAY temporarily from further, 'ieot The direclora of'the local bank­ Tumble Brook Country Club. MrA weeks. _On Wednesdsy, March 31, .m iM utis , «:SI < «-fl> HOWDYbOODy TIME aroul^ remain m the receiving flights, the Navy said- , \ ' ing institution are. Wells C... Den- f:M ( ti rg U U YOCB WOBL0...... Kvm i ii^ U iiHI : I ^ Edward N- AUenL^wife o f the Ueu- he is one of the principal speakers (Ml NEWS AT a n —Pets Stoner P p m 1 8 3 0 \|enant governor w ill Introduce the St the first annual Connecticut ..II (Ul WMAT’S YOUE T|MVBLE MGn DAII tkiyigk FRIDAF > T 4 J l i 0 IIIW G C O ., (U-U) dCDY 6PUNTBB6------BOUiHD MOTmS, INC, (wernor,.M<:Kcldln lk,prtsident of Valley Conference bn Natural Re­ 2iid M G T . —Shirley Dlfisdale ■ • .. / ^iBdiRMRolif I hA. recently fohned'- American-. sources at the University of Mm (tl> BIMTOM EtACElE’ mscmAL#D^^ SAVE 369 CENTER ST^Tt^phone MI-3-4079 ~ Israel Society. He Hea'viejtsd Is­ Mchorotts in Amherst ’ , —Kent Taylor \: rael and/s-Adrequept speaker at Oh Thursday, April 8, he Vm ftU tM> TBE ptABLY «BOW F L O O R S . IRG. $ I 0L , / ••SIJier. Skates" . 020 Mirin 8$. -> TeL 30-0-0088 Jeiyish gatherings. address the anniversary convoea- (ttl toIXY OEME - iK ClAl KIPtiSENTATlVi tion -Of the New York State Board (HI afJMTMBEMAM-BIU Martin d"' — il— . ot Rogenta In Albany, N. T. -f-J# (HI SpoeTS-BIU Keating • :M .( AdlX TV SdUNDSTAGE— f lie ( S) .6FOBT6C»FB-r-6yd.6POBT6C»TB-r-6yd JatfasJa ./'Uttle Mlaa Mldnlrtf (Ml NKWB A WEATHER . (Mi Our HIM bboohI /. J,lillRCHER . (Ml NEWi-Fred Dwyer - ■ - -tKv* Arden INNERSPRING (ft r 6FORT0--«rnr»-ttewlr y- ... recHMicaiaa f:W ( ■> WEATHER i ^ R E ^ T - i:"''.. ■’ IS -A t ■ » ! « (HI THE LOOKOUT-Tom Dunn - Sale! MIRRORS MiM < Adll CAVALCADE OP sWlRTi Be ^WRESH AS A DAISY^ • (r.Mftav Schols va Ai An- QUR STORK- - Goid Frame Mirrors' in oblong sizes; .af gleiming MANC-HESTER MCX YIBPWB plate glass! ; Thrilling aaVinga while qutotltlaa re- MANCHESTER (SCI HEART OP THE CITY Ctomfort'combined with smart appearance! Plaatio Holly­ FONTAMEPAtANCE (M> CHANCE OP A LIPBTIMB main. DrUV/6 ROIBIT T^Deimla James wood' Headboards. complete with twin liM tonerspriiig i With CROWN’S ODORLESS) DRY CtMNING TIRE CO, ____(HI Hollywood h a lf hour S19.95 M IRKORS, 20 by 2g Inches . . $9.9.5 Mittress on matching Box, Spring-with lega. DaMgaad for BatroMIttjf MiM (0AMl person TO PERSON -X IV ■( o -.y ‘ 7 ^ A mVET•doOSas —Edward R, llurrow inter- $22.95 MIRRORS. 16 by 26 Inches.. $12.95 relaxing comfort, priced for value! ■ RegolAr . — ...... viewing $24.95 M IRRORS. 22 by 30 Inches . .,$14.9.5 aad'^’" 1f:U ( ■) GREATEST FIGHTS . OP 8aiow THE CENTl’BY — GavUan- it him dhow ^ou the- flcw, $27.50 Mirror^ 22 bx ao inches y.$i7.5jo eartler. Z»e. 14. IMl. l|br)ful;and dutinaive lab- B.roRg. I k (CD 6POBT8 PARADE — PLU S — ih d' fashion!. Let him. 95--■~N U:M ( D.MM^ikOAJNS^ CRIMR ~ LIBERAL TEEMS/ . Ralph Bellamy lie your measurements for Rosemary dooaey-Oqy Mitchell (Ur .Njaft AT ELEVEN , delive^ h(iw of Uur... tod >w.3- Kiddie Mitioee Pete Stoner - . Pat Crowtey-Jack Caiaea .--'A. / ■ (J l WOjgLD MRW0 TODAY (HI MOONUGBT MOVIES remembe.t^'diir fritn U ft i i W SHOWN 6:20 sad 0:80 -rt— (Ml LOCAL NEWS-JTud Dwyer (CD- PINAL EDITION .... . low — ' ;\ ■ OPEH AN ACeOUNT tail HIGHUQBTill^Tom Colton —Ray Drury i m CRUSADER lURBIT 11:1# (CD WEAtHKR-John QuUI t ^ 37 A i m (fl PERSONALTIES IN THE THE LATE 6HUW N SKTIIRDKY, MARCH ■ NEWS -. _ . —"toeen jf the Amaxonn" (Ud«l CAPTAIN VIDEO ' (til ELEVENTH HffUB MOVIB CASH and^ARRY (CD NEWS DESK — Mark Fein- . Every EMnaaafxWs Meka GHEOK THESE PRICES! here U:M ( t). MYSTERY. TREATER ’ ^ ' t.. Is IsdlvMsdNr / Bohert^Byaa—4 ab -BteirllBg^ t h e 7ilt (U> WEATHER-^ohn <}ulll Roomy/Chesls - • ' 'r* '■ 7:14 ( h) FU lU OF THE c _ It y * "Pace In the Fog" - / .■••• H MMsara ■ ON YOUR ORY CLEANINQ. SHGWNRiSS (UI dOBN DALY—News U;U (U> NIGRTCAP EDITION MEN’ S ’ SO Y . OAtE 'tm MAROB AND dBFF — Dwyer Colonlai Maple CTeaU in three slaaa (Ml DANCE PARTY JliM (HI PBEVUES practical for any room for extra atoraga. (Ml WBATHBRVANE i :u ( $) t m n - Stdrdily bullt/nicery finished, at excit­ 2.;Fc ^ s u i t s .Xsi.i3 ROGERS EVANS —emW-Tobert h.p, ing new low prices. •UH iklag Milr sapdrior Oqt clsaqlng aervtcgl (Adi) .EDDIE PUREE SBOW ' ' TaBaaava«*s Daytiaia HIgkUghM ilM il DOUGLAS EDWaU m and XdBMBar - — PLUS T O P C O A T S S l.iS the nawa I«:M ( tl HIO TOP a . (U) THU M THE LIFE t:M ( 41 aahKETBALL - Four Drawer*- / - Four Drawers awera'' f-' .itiuBpa. >S0UtH OF CALIENTr 7;a t A41) NBirS CARAVAN — John 26 Inch Width / 20 Inch Width Width n O U S E R S ...... ,S f. _ Camana. Swavsa Cmn# lirlva NUMMR ONI lit ^w arl.. . Daytoot Beach winner iiilhe

MANCUBfrEll EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., V r IDAY, MARCH 26, i 96jl tm ...... heart., of the main fortified past- era, aouthem hnd dildwaetem / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M ANCH E^R, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 2 6 , Va^otics Pipeline tioa. Ilhe Freijch ^cbuQternttacked CoL RoddaLo Ta sUtae. Ha was ona of .he flrat two RUIMsif isd J^la^ Cupid for a Romance early today, routing the rebels. officers eent to Francs In the Sal-' ASHES REMOVED z. B i^ e n 4 iy Agents In Hanoi, 500 Ahnsrtcan-squlp- At SX Youth Rally vatlon Army In World War L He Plan Retiremehl, • Teller Is Confused psd young Vlatnamaas aimy offi­ Ganaral Claanidf of SpUt 'Red Tape and ^ed Curtain , rn^rnm. , has epsclaltosd in tlu. radio flsld cers were aworn in todtay to fight and has addrsssed-hundrsds of CHtaffl a ^ Attica Ruth M i t m FLETUHER jILASS Oa I (Oaathiasd troaa Pag* li) "to the death agaliut Ctommunlat ,CoL Bertram R o < ^ w ill ba the asrvlse'eluba in inors thah 40 coun- Uranium Find Giva Elderly FoU/Told By “Blanket” Bills alavery." Chief of State Bao .Dal, special speaker at a youth rally In trios o f tho world, and ha# dons Csl MI-9-9717 \ MWIIBTO O. O iUfO U wito never handled or 'iised the Prifle of Honae la InaZ'toat 148 WBBT llfDDLE TURNraOB making one of hla rare tripa to the local Salvation Army Citadel, extsnsiva work among sducatloo Omaha (IP)—An Ax-unlveralty L n m H Pareats Mast Teach ^ Charleston, W, V. (FJ—When a irws, but who (or the' last slg Hanoi, briefly reviewed the new tomorrow at 7 p.m.^-when a larga insUtutlona, having lectured at e L o f WUhinftOB (NBA)-—a*n. Rob* mtotlu bed arranged a pipeline president is ready to'^help you face man from aft isolated aectlcn of AUTD GLASS INSt614nt ' When Bowlaijd. .Haynes retired been to. an after-school meeting' "blanket”, style $to bUla Which the GLASS FURNrrURE T (^ ^JlEDlCINE CABINSIR his bsaoeiaUs” refused deale that Previously the local troops, follow­ Lsagus Sto tkMr 75 and a marks about their houaes when Called in for consultation. OhiM definitely" are big. time operators IM were the French High Com­ this county sftsr serving three aadhavlni on air pockets of tow uranium In the they pointed them out. Tax Deputy Ansel Umberger area may ^ n g new wealth to the widower ?lvJHk/ylth a. son-in-law Jlayaaia raeantly anr.a.'nca<' he to 'Vhen all they, have to do la. make mand U. S. Ambaaandor Dwiald yesre as . W e f .Bift'rixry of the find Youth canpo dlff( ^nrts ' / J l t F ; and daughter h/y,' found happl; ' "One -aald; That’S'my house- "Ndthtof wrong with /thoae- contact with aomedne In New Heath, Italian Minister Vitale Gal- SalvaU(to'Army's work/in Great e f this cmintry. K tribe, A F2.750,0 0 0 ,'Uranium . ore notes, they're just a little) aged,” Bt to Vtoane'to nany procewinR tdant is already under 'ness. In six years, 'to admtion to there-^toat little shack with the •ad Inrtof home pretty 3t-3raar-old kork and In n febr houra daUvery Ilna and British Minister Sir Hu Britain -hpd Ireland. H* baa now doing- h little teachinir.‘Tor relaxa­ grean roof.’ The other said: ‘I live and swept them into tl^tlll. Is mads.’' ' , bert Graves. been ^ppoifted by Gen. Oreborn. Oh tUmmMm <»4«ir|,.. coristi^tion near Shlprock, N. M., The/ taxpayer ^tni:ft>:>liantly la ga Btaimar. ^ do Uito he muft and ^arge amount of the uranium tion," he planned his course in in that house with toe horrible red m a Mtha Sdvlot aaetor o< the dty, Paolantonto and Barbuto were French parntroopere and' Viet- the Army's international leader, Pacaanfll HaBidnf sWvica v.'hat he'calls "super adult yeduca- paint.' \ pock/ted hia recelpt'And aweggered &ioe Oistitfctioely Different linmedlately arraigned befbre U. S. namesa Police wiUr submachine- as (^MUonal l^ritual Lpeclal.’’ ', •aa Mala BtorMI-a-aBIl for/the plant will eome/'from fiway. ... / • ■. / , . :«nd thua rtok taturalnf ..to tarri* n u jn * r .xttooeer wlito NaVnjo lands leased In Apriona.' tlon." ' "Both ..girlf, -were being' flippant tM y dbara far fhiu* yean he waa Dlatrict Oommtosloner Benedict guns kept a sharp watch on the B m In the Chahm.' laianJs, his "Someone has aald that retire­ "to co^er up embarrassment fqr toe parante were aniong tho pioneer thtoh - Htoltors. hryate.'. , s The Atomic Energy Commission ROVINC/TOVERS itoAM j mprtBBBad by the Kada. IKOB the JUiMlB OOXt Be wooed lago Id. Holden. Jr. on ctefgea of viola- crowdclustered about the Place nrlete a n ffth t Be H new. We^ ment is about the severest shock fact that their housea weren’t RCC.] Mirador to ^ ven t terrorist nets officers of tho Salvation Army In' cloaks the whole uranium opera- have to taka the ohaiica. It world Jimmie Wes') ■Bif s b f with asaenrohL tlpn of the Pedara^/Narcotlba Law. / M flv e r.' tton hr secrecy. It wfil not disci the human organism can sustain. quite aa fin* aa Ui4 ones toe. other North ^aven, March 26 HP)—' ~ Rh were held tor the U. 8. Dia- against ths Chief of Stats. Britain. They transferred to the ^rls lived in, Roving rovers roaming at large In t laali Uko there to any othar U. 8. in 1 9 0 ^ the amount of uranium proi But It doesn^t have to be § shock JtoiBBla aald aftpr ha made trtor^Ourt unuSr $50,000 ball each. CAU M ItcM 34M f last yearly It has been learned, if you plaif "ahead for it.". "I couldn’t hblp but wonder what North Haven are^onuslng plenty THE GLAMOUR TRAY ^ Robtas rarely live mors than 13 061. Rodda MS commnndsd vari­ grief for Dog\^arden Jacbo Ooheq aalw four montba o f un- evyr, that toughly 3470,00(K Went I the parento/of those girls have o t in Full'Calor with a Banl^ Are R^dy ous-phasse.of ths woric la th eesst /Kipp, ■'•.e CO) iplainv't today. Uercov^work by federal^ * | ]to ts .yearsc / ' ■ Into the^lB of the NavstoTriba} dpne to make them feel ashamed deep rim of Gfaomiflg. Beaktor Karr arjl hto Locai :s brought the arreata o f tho two man Oounrtr from rentals a n v royalties Bells Rettirning of the'lr h^ea.” Kipp said tha unlea.«hed pooches Fair Big Loan Year yesterday. Rtqrning. T- ' Perhapa the parents have open­ are cauaine a lot Cf damage and Starling'Silyar bVhahiii|t(«i aid aor^ dolnf a>« X M(/wsnlum Isnds f<^,the year that . indignant property owners thhBr can to clear Bie way He aald pM ^utoato Jttoa taken qnding June 30. 1.953/ \ ly envied their friefids and neigh­ ,1 ■V are keeping hia telui hone busy Mer-preof opal qibu center for tba danfcroua Jo^qr- ‘Ktoro Chicago (P)—Home owners who Into euatody a^'^S h*r where he This sum Is only s \tartlng To Gockpevlaiid bors who have bigger hpfiaes' and to a oonatdarahto amount o f rad works and Bnrouto 'waa takan as trickle'th the flootl of dollsto thst drive fancier cars. with their coiiiplainta. He has al­ ' deweted with CoHeq# miq« to Itoe to make Improvements ./ a I ready issued summonses for three tape ta ha taken care of hath here and rqiwlrs around ,the house this hs was boarding n\trnla back to shouto roll in during the \next Or -they may- havp khowed envy nie (300 eveileblej ,^ te r^ . Bid A ^ Nsw.Tork. \ / \ i NEW \oamoH . ^iew years. For any lirave who can London (P) —- The war-blitzed in ptoer ways, auch-as always find­ dog ownei-a and to prr^aring a •ad to Bihope. year odtouM., flnd-^-such projects church of St. Mary-le-Bow ' is fourth, Kipp said. ^ b ie m i. . . tporfinq icaMi, Btooa t!m day. the Bmator learn- vimt NaBoaai Bank eaaier to '^ y "for then ever before. lay his hands on a. Geiger counter ing oiit juimI commenting on toe- /antique eutoi, train*' end «; Manchester .... 8i 88 being restored and in time, Cock­ cost of others’ possessions. •d Jtaamto wae In the hands o f the The U nltM States Savings and P O U S H ^ m N has a chance to make , a fortuHe ney children w(ll again be born other injereitinq item*. Mees> Ruadana he baa boon lookinc out Barto^ Natloaal Loan .Lsague says that its mem once the mechanism starts cltck\ ' Fiilled to Teach Pride Bank and Trust . . . 31 S3- Mop- tog, ~ , ' “within toe aound of Bow Bails.” ure* 4%'' die. / ^ fo r him. Ha and tlto Oklahoma her associations and coopmtivs '' However, It m*y be four y w * Or mayhe they have talked too OotdrraaaloBal'deliffaHon prodded Hsrtfbfd Conn. T r m ^ 85 00 baaka.are-prepai^ far the/bigg«it OLUB B A U I P ^ much of what they wish they "It’f In the Bog" Mancheatw lA iat, ' _ Alien G. Harper, area director before the tomous Christophw the goramtnapt to pretest Jimmy’s property im proveid^ loan bust- List 131 2 8 v n d f i Wren ohurch With lts'1 2 bells will could afford. Isiiiaiaat Whan tha Arm y da- Phoaolx Mata Riiak^ ' naas in history—iohut 500 ipU' of the Navajo Agency fto the \ *fhey must have done something Im dTrotv...... 50 gg Bureau of Indian Affairs, toys, rise on its Cbeapaide .not far from Jaydd hto return to the United lion dollars, compared to 888 mU- St. Paul's Cathedral. It dates back make their children think that BUtea after ha had been rele.-'aed to OaauMBtoa Hon last yfa r...... is;.. (Ooatiaaafl frond "Uranium Is Jh« most Important the biggest is always the best. Astna Fir*-. \ ...;.. 5(0 50 tolwilihhe development oh the reservation in to 1680. \ They must have neglected to In-^ by ttaa Rnaalana last Christ maa Ralph. R. Crosby, Issgbe Presi­ 'aiilum mine puts Navajo Indians In new headdress on,their The word VCockne.v” Is a collo- X)^, Karr a | ^ took action Hartford Firo \ .....151 158 dent credits the opsn-end mort­ usod tonka, hrmorsd the last few years. We hope It will Arisoni reservation. Uranium brought them $470,000 In '53. ... sUH a pride' of home in their chtl,-^' Utefal at a mobile . nrtiUsry to 'quial term applied to Londopers In tlito caaa, Kari'a good intan- National Firs . A v .. M TO gage idea with making this ex­ \ - mean new wealth, health and dren—a pride based on-the -com-^ CMtiter, aiii- Fhoatos ...... T.A.. 07 105 sis in that sector, which-Uxpnly dignity.'' . generally Who can produce an an- forting fact that of alt tha houses tioQB nearly hustad up the ro- pansion of credit practicable. It creasing di^elopment/of -oll and cent all their own. By popular ] tray, wall manoa. The A m y hcatUy con^^ enables the home owner to re-bor- about 33 miles aorthwasKof \ But the Arizona uranium boom in the world one atone Is home. d a e • r a • Aetna Life rvlll Hanoi. ...r' will not solve toil of the Nsvsjo uraiiiwn. Ohee the Mavajoswere Netherlands Site agreement tooae born within the /..For a child's attitude toward hla ahd dew Jimmie home. BuV he . jnow on (he principal that hp^ has 'A \' the most demtute todlan tribe In aound of Bow Bell4' can claim tion, ebnohd .dish, candy wanted td go to IHanna and Aetna Casualty paid off on his mortgage, msking s. At Dlsn Bitn Phu, ths Vlst- troubles. They can use all the own home Teflects his parents’ at­ Onto. G a p ...... 8i mlnh ..httacksd FiVneh troops In money they can get from uranium Ute country. .For years they fought rightful Cockney origin^ ^ XrtiviiVj titude^ toward it. If the child dish end many othar dlmpla cheeked Inge. Mr an improvemsht loan part ,6t the a continuous ittotole with famine. esenjpe aha thought ha hml -Itorttord Stoam Boil. orijfthal mortgage at janginal in the abimAmed vUlago of Ban Ong. Z royalties, and more. thinks of it as just a house that is use*; Individually Travelant... >...... r. \N about tour miles south of the Only recently, tocret hearings uf While other jMlana grew rich, •bout her. It took c.long 1010 ierest rates. \ -V larger or apialler than someone RaHaf far Aflar-Diaaar Dishats boxed. Com* ' /a < .the . House Appropriattohs Oom- the NavaJoS ClvA out a, meager Amsterdam,/Netherlands (>P) -r- Legal Wheel Used rise's house/ It must be that he is can from OfUahema City 1» latch \ffUMto UtflNtoo This wise linlc lady ia ukiog no •nd sat them. thlhga up. Conn. L i^ t Power .. 1 0 ^ IXlBNlHi^FtMPBCAST / mlttec were released Indicating existence. In ito7 the situation be­ The largest radio telescope on the living in sylidtise, rather than in a lODAT’ S 9 tudebakar>—stylad by baan abla to intooduoe the far-ad?'^ shocking health conditions, on the came so critical X^ongress ap­ home. chaotei that bcaitiwn and aciiLia- jtounla baa not naan Biga alnca Cona. Ptnm .... 1... 4 0 % European Continent- will bs' erect­ To Select Jurors digtMioa miglula* spoil . bar cveaia^’t Easy Payment Hartford EIec..U. ... 5 4 % tantr' LET US FILL YOUR lymond Loawy — is Studebakar’s new 1964 Stodebakar M fant. reservation. The average life ^an propriated /$1{500,000\ for Immedi­ '.(All rights reserved, NEA Sety- last' October wfad Boston, hfiuch 36 ate "relief Many pritote charity ed In thg”''^liage of Dwingeloo in tea. Like aaiUiooa of people. freed her from/Oaihll 8«hbod«w, Hartford Gas Co. . . .. 35 iMraturs hi New England to Amenea'n growing demand for ah«ad\of tha payada with np rat- - of a Navajo is only 20 years Nava- one pf the Northern provinces of Ice, Inc;). — ’ . ■ Z' alwaYf carries Tuias for top-speed Ba New Ragland Jos lead the 'itation In infant'mor­ prganix^ona sent clothes and Denver (/P>—A v-ambling w!;wl 800 mhas Ttoto ^Hoacow. I t was the nckt. five days,.. Ssti 'motoebig. \ ^facad Studebnkar.' It w^ ba the Netherlands. - spina out about 200 “winnera’ relief from sour stomach s m gassy Tel., > ...___ V . . . - *5 % 87% \ tality "anctttuhercuibsls. food to the retorvattoh, where JUSTICE WITH KINDNESS thsra 'Jiey Wednesday, will The.iW ined new SttolotlaW sOhou- when you trade.becauM its itotoign is so nearljr 33,000 Fcsldenta H^e off 10 Hollands leading astronomer Dr. e^'yry other week at Denver .ily ..prfaaurc/paias'. Tums require' no the ssssonsl normal. Choler Hospitalr-facillUcs are desper­ , Plattar-ioutb, Neb. (jP)-r-^Case waiter, no miaing', no waiting. Take .7 a tte isd ^ nd toMva gtuifiUna aenaniion- advanoed. ately needed along., with a heaHh sun-baked acres. Jan Hendrik 6 ort said the tele- Colorado’u only legallzel tottet^. Ha had bden l^ ^ p p e d by the Allied ’IheiTnalT?; '. . ft will be followed^y little WAIKINS • • * Countj^/Sheriff Toih Solomon, hdv tkem anytime anywhere—at work 'nlly becan it’s fraa from itower-wnsting education program. . Some 3,000 srope la a gigantic aerial-system The 60-year-old '('confiscated Oommuntota in / Benin in IM t kroiware ...... 18 day tii'sday change in temperature V H. %. VANCI, •ROTNBM. OfC finds from; the Trilml O Uncll »r picking up and measuring very w-heel is used to pick Jury panels ifig tracked down a bank robber or at ^ay. Minty. Plcaaant-tattina. while aervtog ai^an H P in the Arrow, Hart, Heg. ... 3 8 % agcaae bulk. PAUL a. haksMssftosSswd ■/ "tubercular Indians are roaming aim atood by as the naan pleaded And they.are FAST! Get a hanoy . the first'of next week. Cfllcd for aad deliverad being spent .to Improv, \the igh frequency radiations f{^om for Denver district rourCIt U 'kept A m y . Bha was dnsgged off. the Assoc. Spring ...... 3 5 % Stbdebnker’e tnd^)endon«^i^^ reakon TN5 laAxtt cetPoiAiieN f u n e r a l the plains Reared for and ipread- guilty, let hia 'softer ride show. i>f Tumi today. . . ^ IT. - - MI-9^429S -Precipitation duri^ this period pronptly. at H0 e xtra ; their /disease. Many 'of them toonomi'r, '’-polUlcal and TOlestial bodies which can’t even locked in a large safe in toe cItV •treats of Vienna one idght in 1050 Bristol Brass ...... 15 will on the averai^total between tionalil Jottot of the Indians. - The rhj be observed with toe strongest and county building. Under lav/, it Solomon bought two new dolls and token nway by the Ihwsinhi.' Cbsney Bros...... 8 %^ SERVICE V riply do not know better. for the bank robber's small daugh­ 3 and 5 , tenths ofj u i Inch occurring charffc- Ikalsotoayirig most / responsiblen«h for this’ telescope....’■ *, Lybrought out only In toe presence It wa« love ah ilrat eight, eaya Oplllns OA ■ ; , handsotm ter to i^Iace one the aheriff had ns rain over ^uth and central OiaMfldiVinc to the Nayajos.s. MiliipnA of ecTse, accord!)' to. Harper, -Is This modern science . recently f the presiding Judge of district- THE KNOWN NAME, THE KNOWN <)1^AUTT SINCE liaEK'*'. Jimmie^ 1 m had to 1 « sinee toia IBm—Hnrt '. .. . • . JlOlg pOrtlona and 0a rain or snow ex- Sant . Ahkeah, rman of the .8 led to important discoveries court, clerk' of the court. Jury com- ripped open to remove 61,292 of toe/ prospeettog, ■ drilling and trans- frbm .outside-a!s8tstance i8\what er,. auto/drivihg specialist st/lowa Knoxville. Tenn. (A>) — A father c c ^ d Jlmmis told hsc that soem Btonl^ Wpilu com. . 4 8 ' f- day thsy would go to Am aiica and Terry Sttom ...... 00 .. porttog/ta'complicstto and costly. the''Indians Wfint most,. but B State Cmlege, says statisUpr show called to Knox. CX>,unt.v Jail. fsast on Otonhoma barbs .ms. Torrtngton ...... 3 5 % '^Laat year the lofeal government long While/that Aoal willto imj the prop<^ion of womeaC drivers “MsLke my' daughter -> talk to Not long niter that in the drnh U. 8. Envelope com. .7 0 the Navajos, cdlnsd the ‘fribal sible. Is on the Increase but niel still do me," was the d«mRnraa5 «., r«* wpmen. drivers has itoreiased from talk to,me.’*' pact to meat and r nrry when free. The above dnototlons are', l\ tion came from bonusto which Mitchell 9-7196 /^•mounted to $4,872,000. HiabllitaUon program for' the fi^but of four to pife out of three. Cfiunty police, 'vvho’ve been called Inge wns the drat to be.rsleaaed. be construed as actual or Mitchell 3-8606 • • • G . Navajo and Hopi Indians. Per­ BuTtoen still drive'^ 80 per cent of O ft for 'g Jot . of things, politely but / Ones In Vienna; desptto Um threat haps b y \ 9 60, withAhe help of of Rnailan rabeage, toia told the 2nd ANNUAt AUCtlON 142 Eaat Center St. "''-A^bonus 'to the tribe by an toe aanual mileage. flrthly^declined'tft aid.,- Oil company is much- the same as greater-—returns off .oil and ■ ' ' / " ■' . ' ___ world Jhaaito waa alive. Bgr laU Manchester ui^imium, Uie.\Navajos will have tera to hto ftaiay ware tbo flrto G plaaae call Tha Larion, MI-9-69S^ 9-7757 or 3-8678. , -J Bse cbl^de linvs had t** Cope with. /; / U.^ 8^ inunlgration lawa make it yearns* Baptists took the iind ImjtoBtokIwfot Inge to come # ro c t over and l..atalied aii entire- In^OcUon Praviawa Mon^ Tnaa, Wad. BTanlngi/ ly ipto tlie counto:' on her own nsw faculty-^cept for Prof. without waiting six veara to Jurkst, who^t-d7 sayi hs has no z . coma eligible. Intention of retiring. — Bottglit oiit from IJ.Ssf as preparirg to : z MARLOW’S ofhftiw • ^Wfidl bill tprovidlag.fannwdiatoim vid 1 entry, Imt the procese/ takes Bankniptcy CbRii;,, ejrtir^ / aKonths', Jlrmolt does not/wnnt BENDIX WASHER FOR SALE \ ^yroit. Tbs fastest tOh^od^i^ to •nd DRYER SERVICE / \ i-m ari^ bar to Burops sabrin g her By ED MORENCY GOOD. Hi^D PlNi stock of the ManDliesfer \ y. \ ■/, oam • • I t S I REE-Ti.r f sto'n e F cx Ri . - i i "Biero aa hto w ife. - / ' 15 Tenrs awFleld Esgtoeer > '• x/ ■ Fortimaielyhe cad affoid It The Servtoe Within 34 Hours '^'government ofwee/mm four years TCL Newington. MO-5-5IS8 NG Floor Cbvei^g Co. >' ' V -.V .. m ^A>4ack -pay. amowitlng to bstwaan ealleet S E C O N D h a n d A - N O : LEAN X s ' - 14,000 pad | 5 .< p . / . /' 721 MAIN STREET/-MANCHESTER E/|ire^l<^« A •■ 4 4” M.ATCHED BOARDS IDE PJUITITION »LINOLEUM ★ WALL COVERINGS ★ RESILIENT TlCiS /FOB,' FURTHER ...... ilil! STRMDARI^ MATTRESS AT^NLY TEL INFfMUWATION _ . FURNITIJRR^ / iini \ i ! ■ PAKR MAY & ^ 8EEN OliT LOT ok SPRUCE STREET •/ i j, / A $65 Y A L U E ^ I47i6 thia aane low price. VaKiee to Itja: lecendt befbto you eet.iti RRri gti 0R8 full-depto. Form4 i1ttod Poamax Mattraaa ^ 195rFORD TUDOR ;■ -'i'- . ../....v.:,...X'' Haro at HOBBY SHOP we stock plenty ! ...Itodte'aad heater.' ( SIZSS JS w so .95 snd ...yo u ^ a t a price you’d expect to pay for of planaa and anfinas. Or maybax rubber 195V iUICE SPECIAL SEDAN . "~^oId ftohiohad tonatruetkma. Ahd. fOC an Fowarad Rrodel W ll do the jab. Gdniajn and FREE ipHi maaaure of perfect aiaep. taain up ■ aoa tbam. ■ "■ - Itadle aad heater. Tomorrow^At 10 A. M. Sharp 1950 MUCK SPECIAL 2-DOOR „(e F e a m e x Stan^rd Mattrcaa wf|h a pii "lx (HPEK EVERY NieHT UNtlL 6 UNTIL EVERYTHlilO IS SOLDI MEN'S aRd YJMNU MEN’S SUCKS ^tatidard Matdiing Box Spring. Yafv ftrat HO Modal_RR j^nipmant a Modal Boa^- Radio, heater aad dyaaflow. I9L5, tdifl* tVtffV RAT*l. fflAII MIR., IRB. 1980 RUICK SUPER 2-DOOR Ftreatone foRaiex pillow will coiflplOQ^' Crafta MataHala P Cfdna Badio. heator aad dyaaflaw.r OfllRV QUEEN GABARDI^f^FLANNEL iNid WORSTCD f l your p^aet sle^ combination. . -Btaflipa • Hobby Tool SuppUaa _ 19S0 STUDEIAKER SEDAN o r m o re / ' ".£Z - . A '^Radlo. hrater, aatomatic drive. SUDGET ACCOUNn QIYinK A ^ lOSDMERCURY SEDAN Tiraatona Radia aad heater. : OMI IN EARLY W HUl SUCnONS. A il COMKtTl \ A.TREAT ro s TASTE ^ A rOOO FOE MEALIF s SQCES^ to M and up MBB/ ALL FIXTURES FOR SALE. INCLUDING COUNTERS, C A^ REGISTER, FlUNG CAMNETS 1 1 DAIRY QUEEN UAIRY QUEEir GORMAN Ir, 72UMAiN^$T. H0.1. N /R 0 . 1 FURNITURif MOTOR SALES* / ■ ' 285 M a i n STREET MANCHESTER. 0 0 ^ . FLMR MANOHilTU . r'sofl /lOY-v.': I* pti e . : O P E N u n t i l 9:00—PHONE m -M 57i t ’ HARTFORD ROAD ;#£ OIV^ dik GREEN STAMPS -Sr /iaiDDumaiWin -O I ^ - Hi

C ‘ • -4-1 -J' V i) V' / - A. •r-';


Younger onls atart little buai- Kacli of them, he said; had appU- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD; BJANCHESTER, CONN,, FRIDAY, MA|ICH, 26» 1954, neasea—“ too many little atoree,” M ajachester Cited •mm Florida Shows catlons on file within tha time Wisaponeer9 the banker fears. , X " limit set by the original law. How­ going‘somewhere^ I wouldn’t want In the guns, by some af. these cblU stove oil. And the oars fimcUon Elorlda- as . a whole pins Its In Schodl Aid Bill ever. federal funds rsn out before StovcOil Is Used sstlfefactority. Ex-opt.- that ulti- hqpe on its growing new indua- to get up in the morning unlese I o ru to dren or,iuive tmi^ay for clothes How Business the entitlements coUld*be paid. destroyed-^ by the eaipe method. matc\y the englnae gum up. tm x Like the rest of the South, Manchtotec,' applied about tw^ did believe this. Whsn ^ u don’t SIGNS toe northern part of the atats is . Manchester and' eight other lAt’s sfop. this mennee, before To Operate Autos ALL BOfiM ■ let Blasts years ago.-At that time. Its entitle­ ,. 1111 > beUev* there Is any direction, Seaw HagfeeWiiae Industrisllslnf. ANOTHIE^-8HIPI0li|^ |ty^ someo M ^'ts hurt! Fares in North CorihecUcut towns wqre mention­ ment;- based on the number of Uiat’e when ^ p l e commit sui­ tV) the Editor, > |' Xlsb, I think that Mr. Brown Deaths Last Night ED'S SIAN COv (OaaUaiMd from Page Oac) Paper and oeHulose ptanta are ed In a House of ftopresentattves school dhlldren living on federal si-ould take action by brlnfing to Portland (SV-The mystery of SLIGH't L Y m o. The worit nightmare whiclr cide.- I would like to make w fesf au;;- :DircctorH to Conduct expanding. Electronic pianta and speech yesterday by Rep. Horace properl/y, wa4 figured 'ab about lija ofNce ahy pet.mii or i ereons tpe missing atovs ollln s Pcnilisnd MlI fd M l 3 4 2 M eomputlng 'machinoa. A multitude lContl|iiM from' Faga One) ■mall garment factories are start­ 6300JH)0. Manchester . then had 99me w m j / M i t watching The craft imd courage ,to live g^stiona to ^renta knd to 'Mr. residential neighborhood hqs been By THE.ASSGOATED PRESS FubUc HearioF Tonight Beely-Brown^ Jt., Second District caught v,ith a gun'or'cr.-aU.gr any of data, Including such things ss ing up. Airline maintenance Republican, who spoke in favor of about 350 children living at Or- iQuantitX Llmticd. wet-id k tu a tid a ie^ y lie thla: that. ully In the crowd and the Brown, the manAgir t f the Slata disturbance and then .phone Uie solved. Los Angeles—MaJ. Oon. ClsVence' ■ ------1. .XV qrop broke prices and pilM up eapa ford Village and Silver Lane ' study of' tha Intanaity and colofa- The , Board of Directors is shopa give Mlkml a big payroll. an amendment to Increase the ap­ In the cur t ^ - efyolutlep o f Ruai4a le freedom Which livee Ih Theater. Tae misbehavior of some parents of those involved and lia'-e '' His ,son, who Is s hot rod en- H. KelU, USA (Ret.). S3, World ^f concentratei in warctiouaea. A)!umlnum and other pnetalwork- Homes, the two federal housing ■'k i M- War n Commander of imrts of Ehn- gchediiled to hold a publir.hear- propriation for federal'aid In the and AmerlciC lUiaala idu^a wtad but ea ^ there, the realm of the children pUe-tdlng the btate the.,parehta come to the thv'rter thustsst, along with half, a doaen tion of light |n the., exploalon as j 'But a Lakeland banker saya (in ing pianta; are growing. developments. , Theater hr a shame and a reflection barkatlon in Boston, San Francisco Ing tonight ‘on a transfer ,of construction Of schoota. DIAPER up with lAore of freedom - t l ^ S and get them, then If Uds doesn’t others >n the nelghborhcwdi :em- measured against millionth-second a^telephonoi interview-, from the And a tiurgeonlng cattl^ indus­ . Brown said that East; Hartford, However; tfupt,' of Schools where WHd thiii|^ live, th^eense on tlie,remaining grov'p that'go to and Neqr York who retired in 1946 timing, must be scrutinised. • 6800 Yrom me fund to another work turn, them over to tha.poUce, plslnpd that his car needed a,push to join three other towns in en­ try In 'the center of ttgi state West Hartford, Glaitonbury, Arthur H. ^ in il s^d today then America.' • of direction which Is Ufe/itself- the thmter for sn evening's enter­ mur then If this locen’t work I to gel. It started. The engine was after St years service In the Army, Meat Make Re-Btudlm Heart o i the Citrus Belt) that in. Died Wednesday, EMERGENCY/ gaging a consultant uio oppose the last two weeks the movement helmi make Florida’s; economy Windsor Locks, Southb^on, East is a way Of knowing now what PAILS This la not as ludicrously impoe- thsee Frost . kernels/ hpnded tainment. It la not very good l>ub- arggest U\at Chief .1 rhendet wxi.ild e lu ggl^ Soon the parent noticed Then, too, it seems probable that more sLaMs, leaa tied to tourist Lyme. Waterford and/Orbton, as Manchestor's Entitlement would be Bcity for our tovni or theater or /trj,' to havo a cUrfew here U* town. other jalmles were haying similar the ictentlats will take another the Connecticut Power Co. pro­ of the citnis pack into consurop' ai^le as it may sound. R^sia is a casually around ds ho/dhserves his OIL lURNHI posed rate hike. tlon has been gbod. Plants are r*. andbif which-Is dependent upon welt as M ah ch i^r' had Vital In- if tjxe^ropoeet -amendment be- " 7 ■■■ - parents. 1 sin- sure many pareni Ifiurtf.ord 'has It—£2Jft Hartford troubles. Me asked the ownere If yiuoresceaoe Aids Rescues look at the\tostonable mateiW a upa and downs of businesa up conuM/law. The amendment passed tompictely ;toUUtarIaii' dletitor- 80th spring, grow js^le -you look smvici uaed in the weapon and tu trig-' Also up for consideration at opening and workers are being teresta in addnlonai federal funds )»•••••••••*»••»••••** iifll like myself were not aa-rre a has It. snd tnelr teen-ege groufis the englnoXtrocble Mould haye any Cherry Point, N. C. OP)—The fad North. for scHm I construction, since they the. HousVand will be presented to dhlp. We are a grem 'living ex­ at them. these tilings tiiat Va* c been mn|i‘ Itoi’log device Mfore they pr^tet tonight’a meeting at 8 p. m. In called back to take care of the late Prcacripthm Phtniunr pv«***»-«^»***»*«**««** ■ are' still living. fonneetton with the frequent loss for fluorescent cloth jackets worn, the hearing room, of the were in. areas aftocted by defense- the SanateX- periment In democracy. Aut, for a on. end would be willing tp^elp A Worried Mother of stove oil Hpm the family tank. tha power on the\n0xt thermonu­ crop. • •••*• • ....-y--...^ • by teen-agers has led the U. 8. c a l l / Municipal Building is the. ap­ *He adds that optimistic ^ant In 1830 It took 314 hours of hu­ lndu8try.\. . mdiytCb Mr. Browu and his problOni^', clear bomb. \ r x/*»*«***** variety of reasons, prindpaUy, It bad.^ \ , Marines to the solution of a prob- pointment of a sucreasor to man labor to produce a bushel of He sMd it waa the. responsibility, About 10 p ^ cent; of India. is jwi MAIN STREET T«l«ph4Hif So I. aun'**t to the p a ^ te to Qaaoiiae aUstk aro>rnd SO cents operatora a re-now predicting Mkat perhaps, iMcauiM the Russians OAIMWN* AT NIGHT^ lem, MI-9 -4 5 4 6 The disconcertIngXand embar- William J. Moore on the School the big pack will q)l be moved and wheat, but by 1868 toe time had of Congress.^ to honor the entitle- more than 7,000 feel above/sea taks time out« and search' their Bacramento, Calif. (^)—Claude a gallon, stove ol\l614. In Iraiicue work helicopter pilots raaslng thing about Our March 1 .Building Committee. bean reduced to 10 minutes. m'enta granted these communities. level. \ __ U ~excluihrtly themselves, have discovered that hdmes and chUdron'a clot' ins. for a shortage might develop beforr News Kliymes M. Johnson, enthusiastic gardner, Tanks il, the cam to' hold the oil often. Ioa« sight of the ground thermo-nuclaar teat waa not'the the new crop comes in next Janu- *“iSl,SRlra!SW **the complete dictatorship doesn't water pistola—destroy put a big floodlight on a high pole and valves permit Yfiem to start crews theyi direct. The Leather­ W ailA M S terrifle hlaat (there haa been no iF in rw4 si — pw—.By J. P. Io n r>m. child or Mvdt losoe an «ry.,.... worlc- too well, the tendency in so he could work in his yard at with regular gasollna,.<.^en when necks now use vests made of OIL HRVICI. evidence that anyone waa 4njUrele. lAat Bight tlMiy awarded' Um ' leiMMiiB raced outward from'the scene.' from steel towers. , area, he says, cheeking account KcprcaantetiVMsIS Th« And, In America, for a variety of **Oacars-... the movle-warid’e '/f- m It touch with radioactive aalb ' A second te.st shot had been ex- totals turned down last April and Ml Mwmu — N«w Ugiwat rewards'. mldet the /, ^he,j:rew-, of the Japanese flahtng 'pected iat the Marshall Islands kept .sliding till the end of Decem­ lit Mild lortMi. _ reasons, one of which Is that we glsmwar aad peat-ap exelto- BtriiKAV or h a ^ more fear of Russiui craft Lucky Drai|on aaillng tO Proving Grounds bbfore now, ber. Since then the trend has been amat.^. thla aamial\ wlad-op ■Sv miles east' of Bikmi, auppoaedely Tkgre is no official explanation of upward once more,, espedtally so tota^tarianism than we have con­ afferda... all of the radfe act- thls'xseeming delay, but aeverql n k lW5S?*_Oomp^ •••/ upwind from the enloaionl' this RtonUi. He hopes that means fidence In'our.own democracy,..the werks... aad video e t a t lo a h . There were report/that Japaii- reasoM are suggested: that Miami has had ita adjuatment.' too.., took ewrythlag dee o ff tendency is toward the imposition, ' ase Ashing boats hundreds of miles 1. Bid weathqr: with contrary The region's real strength as he the atrwaye.. i la order to brlag winds ^ c h as unexpectedly BarmidL of chains on the living and the to the west had been ouated with aeea it ia the still steady influx It to view ... the ehow wae la- atomic matter. In Ja^n, there snagged thq cloud of the March 1 of neW famUles from thq North, DtniMjr MdrttlMnt iMora; thought of the American people. eed quite coleeeal... althonrt' Lbok^^for all 4* shot., • -V ', ■ were claims that a fall-d^it from They are of all age groups. Older br HOMMJP--1 p. m. VVMm Mt overdone... aa for weeke bf TttMdMy->4 ». m. SleniH It id not entirely impoMible that the westward. drifting fragment 2. Lingeriiw and' deadly radio­ ones live on iytvlngs and penAons. ■ Wcdneidap-^ p. these two trends shoulA piM each It waa kaewa to all fandom.. of the cloud, had left tra^a on activity of th/waters and islets ■ Thondar—1 "P. at Wed Boldea aad Bephum ha , 7 1 of Bikini Atoll;\equlring a wait­ „• rridav— 1 p. at ■nitfljdMy. other, and the Rusal aria attain / ■ ' the horueland 'of Nippon, \ ... the Bollywood amguli ,S-U' have been published protests ^ d ing period, before 'dm atoll cah be V *%J!asgs£lL?.8S.*Y-.- - - some degree of Iiberatlon\ froip wey« happy... for hadn’t It of- dtpiomsts' .hsve watched to il^e re-entered” for setting up another Y ^ y et puMmtlcM ewept aMtnrdv — their slavery at the same tlide we tea been eaM ... that ae aooa i how Soviet Russia's propagandlS' teat and thus dlqtating use of Eni n « t m putting our own democracy Iti- we had televlalaa... aB cinema-.' would uta the incident. weUik tor small exi^ton t when COMPLETE la ^ wmdd be dead... but pity / the weather tdrns favontole; rv JWday, Xtarch ['t»:chains. ■ /American radiologists, on the the poor theater awaeta... with hssia .of reports received so far, ' ■ 3._ Time for further evatuation of A magaxiae in Moscow has just everyeae dee eta yta g^ m e... believe no fstsl or .critical Injury the March ' 1. shot. before another RADIATOR F|ke, Blit Stin A T n iav . ■ out with a pleasant little they eat with their ediMere aad has occurred cither to the Japa­ thermoniiclear bomb is fire,4/ ' satire, which i^anages a. happy watcUag their mo nese caught under the drifting Mow/lg can.future H-rambs be? The'sombre, harsh fact, accord­ SERVICE • ^ Wha^t the TAMwiahd^'-Wve . ending. It tells the story of cloud nor to Americans snd na­ • paper, ' and wim^ Vthey -g ^ - In tives of the Marshall lalande who ing, to those Who should know, is ittllMed Soviet worker who^sud- also were within its reach. X’. thgl the limit is set only b y how • CLEANING The Atomic 'Energy Commissiqn pbwerfuX man dares make and test them. A , CustofTf(|rs I . as he ZdKmtli about to be elected teto a A Tfaoui^t for Today /^EC> announced on March 11 ^ way with what they have just'^ . / t It Is th/new “area weapons” of • REPAIRING aow/tomm((tse la his factory. A ihat 28 Americans and 336 reei-.' Vj^ven East OWmany. .. '^d TS8 EAST center ST. iltk time .table Ust th^ re- Rusalap had been oil I mission to Or. Raeve H. BetU, who gave up and the rich coWinfs of selection new rM^Rnid carpets ever, Japanese officials a statement cooking miracle. Start prka . * Ethiopia, had bought a fem mirrier his practice to go into mission / which said that aftfer a re-study, There are about 686,0()0'apecies of durable F argo— t ^ i 11 o n 1 .the danger area from which ship­ oval . of American .trp<^ at a dog show there and ppt work .at the Christian CoUega in Insects...... A MI-9.S234 \ ^ ^ ,$59.91 , Germany, we have' not h< Vellcoa, India, where he will train adlcK>m./'I%e spruiff}' all We believe youll yi^aht to choose your, carpet ping Is excluded during tests has medal the. dog had juSt won along Keen expanded. Thkt expansion of It. i1 high-and-low ^ cu t ■ , V- ' .1' On paper, then, Russia is treat' with his purchase, in the group/^ trained gives cpiietness And sets a downwind radius of 480 But before this is explained; thb, aS agrIculturaUsts, taadiers phd g here at Watkins where you gel more miles,.superimposing it on the for-- Ihg Eost Germany .rather piore comtort under foot, too. A f V mer smsller sone which was about X: iaa worker ' b eeves even svangeHsts. . •/ ,,hahdaomely than we are treatiiig \ Ffed R. Edgar. for value . . . (this caii>et\ 150 by 2>- / I-:.- ;4- the p^er to entbr ThatyreSUy puts him..la trouble beauty and Quality of “reg-’ by planes to make certain no ves- ■ ^7.....^/, . ^ with m local InqulEtora. But it all ular” carpet. You save aeie-stray Into the sone and that io regotlatlons wl|h West \ You get decorating service based oit 3 8 years ample warning wllLhe proviHed.' •• ] the twiftmtipn of comes a haroy anding, wjih '"bn every yarol Grey and /. Clock Radio. PraetiosI and id the Easter^dry eltaniiig and laundarihg rush this yaar byrAl#t- the worker ContamlnatiOB In M’nrry ; 'Qertnany.' it^ts. doubtful if ju d ^ free , ffW .Green.J2L..ft,_.width: Green, - 'The Embassy,.; statement a l^ baautiful. Stora prica taint, and the ^ r a l pointing, a ^hg your things io t^stw^fedat aarly. thosa who visit our plant, 73 ' would pm nlt West Germany to do in 15 foot! For rugs or wall/ of know-how*^ Apd most of all.. you took cognisance of another Vorry criUcai finger /bt the busy-body '4 6 N ASH o / I J 34.95 7-r-- ■ I the same. to-wall carpeting. / -i-the danger of flsh, p'l^mary food 3 Sunrimit St., our branih/Ttoro, 314 M^in St., land thosaxiarvad by who had too much time for vigi- SEDAN \ source for toe Orient, v being con- r-t;-- That la the si^ation,' on p a^r. /, ■ , : \7 - nershipi lanca oval: ^ loyaltlaa aach. .- ;'/ of Germany. oonceealoos Frost A t 60l ' i. and Mmpletely undetectable at' .ONLY S 4 5 PER MONTH early this, year—and put yourself In tine for one of .those beautiful , West Germanov are conceesione Now it may be that, Robert Looking^ for mg 800 miles. , - Baautiful plaid dasign. prizes. .xx,:,/ . - .'made with confidence in Ghancel- FfiMt had been saving, up a fevv All of this made it quite appar­ / lor Adenauer and, n ^ e . also, with ent the United States, unless new 1954 PON^AC/XATAUNA'* thlnja, knowing that he would be OPEN NIGHTS '/ nd presently unforeseen factors . the object of building him up add *1 V. - 7 ''-CONTEST .JULES. / ■ sougMt dot for inteniewa as he SUNDAYS emerge, intends to push'forward 1953 MERCURY "MONTEREY" CONY.W Start prica . 7 ^ $ 7 . 9 5 'ftrengthening his political. potl- celebratbd h|s 80th Mrthday. Or it \- with atomic weapon experiments- Writa la 25 w e ^ er k it "Why I Lika New Model Dry Ckaokig.** ■’thm. RuMia’s concessions to East may be Hmt th* things he said at the Eniw^tok-Bikini Provihg ■■'4' . ■.,*-■ 'Ground. ; ■>; 1951 OLDSMOMLE "HOLIDAY* / Germany am made on the asaump* came jrresl^ibiy> anyway, OUt'ij^ The closely packed, sprini^ - The urgency of toe atomic arma # Gift period J^orch 27 to April 10 only ■K ' tion that the so-called -BoeiaUst the' bum of hM own thought andi . Tharmes Ju^, m u i f fo r Tufton • pUK of .Lees new Brookfield * Wilton Rroidr race with Russia, the Xneed to v1951 CHEVROLETS—2 or 4 Unity party RuaUa’ h^lcreatedj living, ^ ^ d t ^ r they tuiibled loom ipveis p cem fcj^bli^ know more aboute exiatUig and, " ' pienlet; Start $7.95 Spiinglobp. Carpft Jiasur^/,,-^ (5 To Choose From) 4 7. # Judging fa be held week after Eosfer ' there will continue in control ih out as' the. questioi future-designs of ..nuclear weapons w-ere aske, Bong iSre~not dlsslmilarJ But the M«>’*hce. uncut loop,‘.pile, Hel|)s to ■of a vivariety' of both fission hnd # . No minimum purchase requitedf ^ loop pile, is <:omf()^ble tp 46i M A IN s t r e e t ' R E A R e f POS-T D F F ^ B 6 -f" difference now enters In. It Is'tKitI .’They- .were supremely reduce noise, whether ypit thermonuclear weapons and de­ trn da ig^;.Sti^pfk^^^ Walk 'on , adds beiemty'.in vices, all tod ‘'powerful to be'ex- Pick up antYy fornis at main Tilant, branch at 314 Mair^St., Or from the. party we.-support In West| •Ithe^ case-^so good Use it wail-tp-walr or in / V r OpEN until 9 EVEN1N(5B^^ \ "color and tdxture . and -rj.': loded at the Continental Proving 8. Oermkny te in.^<^fl.ce by a process lie said—that they can stop large lroom size tugs.. Choose route drivar." - / -t. it’s the Valude fe«u ^ tit rounds in Nevada. ,Tbeib is specr. 7 7 ' / ' 7 af free elevens, and capable of I yoUr thought and imprison yi this “ swirl” design In Cocoa, the. Carpet Bazaar] standing on ita'^own poliUcal'feet, c®hf*ht«dly, fti thelre Grey or Green in 12 ift. S H m m fUtt^M dlsfUay af /Naw 'T'-- : Mint Green and Nutmeg /' whether we u v e troopr in West i. -The world, he said, “is. too .12 ft. width.““Otl)er colors/ width. Real value tM, be­ Germany -or Mt, while the patty! crowded, and too hurried, - '( i . and widths-to order! . cause .it, is regularly $10.25 p ip ififk t. tipon which Rqai^ feliee in East I "The only thlngra godd man ctn a »q, yd...... - V X — •Bsrmany woiqd '^b ab ly be | do is. to temper himself and have ; a s A".'- XXX .. ■ i; ■ ■ . "x:-"" : , ■ ,. ce in .- B waai an haref" ^ * SVRPL Y Cp.-iOLT 4>H i r O T /•’I akvaya tkoUgM," aald jrreat MANCHE$TERX t i ftaaa repre- “ these people lacked something .In OPEI^ Ai!l % AY SATURDAYS riEA$y P^KIN^- ON ROWTE 44A -AWNjMfiCOx IT ♦o no.dlfpction to tkln^a I leal that N -7 /. r ~ 168 WEST ^ T E B ST^', I diracUoa and W iw hz t of AkrtlM« EoM), ..VI .f-‘ r JilV"

X, CVENINO HERALD^ MANCHES1 C O N IL .'F R ID A Y . M A R C H 26, 1954 ifeV-'-v. T - f . MAKCHgSTER ijVEKiNG HER^D, MANCHEai’ER rC X )^. FRroAY; MARCT n , t% H ovemtry to ^ p o s e 4 ^ H a l B o y le \ ./A’",.' . JD-.^---- TTexti’o^Acquires y '^k| PerM fl Styles M odeled at Bolton Scout Fashion Show Volunteet Dohorv of fijQoH '/ Cross^Stafe Road ^ New Haven F i ^ 7' iw -to-Do-It Graze CLOCKS Health Council Ask^Town ; '■ y *'**'%' Fret EflUmatM On Hartford, March 26 WPl— The New York, 26 Needed to Meet Local Quota Voters' Assn, of Eastern Green­ tron, Inc., has ounCed the For Ice Box Dispoml Law wich has >■ reopened a . fight to C a n V Electric Clock Rc|MUirii« i s W a r p i n g acquisition of Mfg. Co. block construction of a croea-stale “Why don't more Mancheater^emaelVaa how stm; It la to New Haven, Conn., part of'li^ Covontoy, March 26 (Special)—« the fourth^ of |i expressway and In a letter to Gov. maif arid woman voluntesr to be donate. When they rpidise the pint iealsf -'talks on Lodge yesterday tha asaoctatlon tlopk oi ' how-to-palnt-a-cow -they migbt glvo Will actually save fe O f Jesus."..... New York, OTt—Are.you a vic­ diveraification' p.rograi Manchester l£|l Elect Mood donors ?’* „asked “ repeat" The'-Adrioory Health'Council haB[,'‘.Bv«nts In the warned the squabble could become book—and spending the rest of his Textron Chal^an Royal Little '■M 1 a life, how can they refuse?" : ABC Theret' will be rii special ’ offering tim of how-to-do-lt ? Ito bf Offkcra donor Alfred Vennard, of Hollister propel^ ordinances at their Wed- ...... a political issue In November. Moat Anwticaita today are. Few life defending the’ portrait from said MB is the'-only flriA^^in the taken Runday foii Reconstruction nelghbofa who are sure it is really Street, in an interview today, «* nesday-^eetlrig which wik be pre­ The letter was received r by^ escape tola time-wasting, m M - country which.'covers thexentlfe Officers by Mancbee- \ AWJJ and Relief work ‘Tn One G re ri't Lodge's offlce-X-tne. governor to In' a picture of a horse with four range of Vlbiktion control. iua Vennard, Uka all the other blood / sented tSxa town irieetlng for ap­ •Hpiir of 8baring,“lprogram.,Spe­ warping ailment of our tlmka^ ter Lodge at the meet- System Is Found ; t u r n Washington—and. was signed by too aj.d, neurotic desire to'xTriake faucets? \ The Announcement aaid the : *-ft» be * ing WedneaOqr dght Include donors who have given'again and proval... in , to* hykr future The cial envelopes will be In the pews; M ra John F. Bracken And Charles 1 say admire the cow arid let It again, ia disturbed over the lack M I . 9 ^ 7 5 yourself (get Important fW doing chase was a straight cash .... . ' nrw. to hi the fi^owtjqg: O drlea W. orcUnances .c irn discarded Ice There .will also be a H a p 11S m a I D. Hanlon, who said they were dl- gb at that. If a man desires to for­ with no stock involved. MB has of Itwal Ipterest in the next visit sOineihing that really dpAsn't need j: ‘.Vv aonhewoul , - {•thropi eiatted rulern Oeorge - To Speed Growth boxia and garl andvyefiise dis- service Sunday, dnribg the morn­ rsetors and the spokesmen for the get hia own woes, he can do it bet­ asseta 'of %Z\ millioh. Its manage^ fit the Blpodmoblle unit to Wood­ ing worship aeryrcea.X Adujts desi­ to to done. / ' ^ ; tte •nnooncenMoij^ . ■Sgllah, >ed leading posal. gitnsp. , ■ . It is easy to tell a-'tnan stricken ter by exerbising his sense of won- ment will be retained. , ^ ard Serrell, ea- ruff H all from 1:45 to 9:30 p. m. Tucson, Arts. —A university The ordinance \ohX ice boxes rous of Joining/the, church'cU EasterEl The expressway, which will run bec, than by plunging his brain Little said the firm epkclaliees / are asked' with how-to-(ta*lt feve". :5 S *”'«S5i?SiP8. ^ toyai knight; Maurice next Tuesday, M atch.30. professor thinks a “ radiofertlllser would make it L'™* lecturing tracer” he has developed will discard ice .boxes wlUibut first • ■ X wich to the Rhode Island line at So/atrongly do 1 feel on this bration equipment for military and • Grangeyri will observe., Sunday toe dally bupinAsa of living, he la M ehe )wh ( lull to the NBC nltot{" Walter jOniaha, aecre- t o ^ sepn n oo,M»do.to ewtoe ithat ^ w tha e Blood' j^e growth of clthis treea V making certain that tocy Killingly, was Approved by ^ e subject that 1 have -.^written' An civilian planes and ships, for guid­ Thwt^iSt JUdio^Clty with^ snriot I ■« Grange Sunday by Attending muIUhg over-blueprinta on now to taryrd^erett MoOre, treasurer; Dr- Wsllaee H. Fuller esld/toe ^ accldentaliy trap chlldton State Legislature In 1953. ' build the better mousetrap— in A apti-how-to-do-it book. The book ed . ^isailea and other defense '^'pell de eeoert. S ie Mode Jamea\H. McKedugh. tiler. ' World War 11 he waa a Moo4 , technique finds , out how "much ^ 1 their Respective churcbesX tn a The Voters' Assn, told Lodge-he conslats of a aingte page followed itemk AS -well .as for passenger of clothing there. nine times, and since the itort of R TAILOR \them, A provision would ^ body; , \ world that now has bigger prob • quick . _ , \ Jamek H. McVeigh, past phoaphoruA Is available to trees. for a fine on conviction of n should send toe sntlre expresawAy j by a long Index listing how-to-do cars, trucks,- ti^actors, air condi­ toe Manchester program In. 1960, Center‘Street Hot L4inc.li Menu. \ lema toAn .mice; * . Min iklttniiT !*'•* ehe hed hoped exalted \uler, was named a All that’s left to do, he. aayii. Is add than 9190 or imprisonment matter back to toe LegUlature and Tha how-to-do-lt malady leads '1,001 different thing».-;No matter tioning units, Industrial ipachin- trustee fOr five years and he has donated 16 pints of Mood, KTlie volunteer mothers whp will —but ats tmi eleo efreld that if phosphorus or take s t^ e away. more than 30 days or. bo warned him "that elected officials amA>i to build an eagle bath in Ms which of the 1,001' how-to-do ery, building construction and Ml* to n y a few PeaikiMte ^yicl-i, trustee for becoming a membw of toe local asAift with preparing and serving other civilian Uses. The proDosed ordinance may not to loved, aa deeply ip No- front yard, A bath that tocomimas a Items you look up, it refers you to l l n e ^ ^ three w 'Gallon CTub." X BRIDGE GROW« OLD the Acpool lunch rhenus for 'the 'vember aa they might to in page one.-- positing of garbage or ref(ise' Robertspn and Center Schools tai* qtiarrel of wrena and sparrows, be- : The MX and ytolence-flDed But “ repeat" donora alone Jtself bmAiise of the Hick of bpAREFilLLT OOMPOU?«DED ff nor duet was sbiky.. \ Also ap of garbage or other refuse matter dk old aofa from an eyesore to ia con­ disease cAn toad this book at a •uppochiig actor In add!- no longer give, perhaps because 'Cape Horn in 1853. T h ^ pilings .JHerbArKJ. Gable; Fri-[traffic. - versation piece by poyering it w)th preclated were th e .e la W r dolls they are heyprid toe age limit of T in the triwh without first obtaining day, ;a. T. MoberL glance'A’rid'feel himself-relax as who hand out a w a r ^ Mmt im­ rirtre-staitvd in 1854 and ^m e sec­ -It also noted, the prediction that early American postage stam^*' tMoaswWeTbe former record held 59. We need a constant addition of a llcento from the Board a t Sriect- A t Robertson School, Mon- railroad trans|tortation of trailer neiVlife pulaee back i'nto hia tired b Arthur Onis Storas^ pressive^— - Lis Taylor il^^'laviah tions laid and in 1858^ It was . . . “How to play the pian^yipg T heM kn by "Oens Snth the .Wind. " new donors to keep our quota Read Hera|d^AdvR. men or their designated agent. day. no 'eI Tuesday, Mrs. James trucks might lnto;ease because of oht troubled veins. pink .tulte, Lang.'’^t'**r>iCt' tn aright open®*^ traffic. down” . . . “ How to chekt your Donnh need, as the prpetltute of filled. And we are not__^getting Rules and regulations' as to col­ Despard ednesday, Mri. Henry a lessened cost. ,/\ The title of m^ book to, "How- .Ik A ▲ red UffeUL^'lMher Wlinamk in A. J. BOurgault: Thursday, Mrs. Rob. wife at gin rummy” . . X So. tha Not-Tb-Do-lt and Feel Better All the Jsmbs Jones best ssller, toenu-> ~ - lection, handling and, disposal of The Writers said iCwas also pos­ how-to-do-it titles run. pink taffeta with rogas ent^ vi *TAst ritontli*a Bloodmolme oper- IS s<’ch material would to prescribed ert Doggart:'^iday. no one. sible thatX^ploym«nC\and Indus­ 0\’er.“ ' M.V feeling to that this ((hanged to a painted hostess in low cut. \ ; ' ' X I bow to no man In my admira- attoh la an example o f what I ■ r by the board or .its agent. ,„„.'0»e school Innch menus follour:. trial activity may decreAse and the voluma ' wUl destroy All other the movie), won her. flrst C For movledom’s big aheiw,' th< ti(m of'rebi ambition, but I submit "how-to-db-lt" books ok tbe'‘ mar­ mean,” 1m taldi 'W th e '156 don­ ScHdat Program Set. .... Monday—frankfurts, baked result w o u W ^ a loSa o fW e n tla l to the supporting category. event had many TV aspecta toe proposition that the how-to-do- ket— iiniessc somebody conies up ors who aPPe«r«d,*only 11 were lie First Congregational Ch'iiich cole ataw,‘ cookies; Tui 'traffic- , \ / WHIT^ SEAL e was a step down to class from Coniior came oh" to' the thesss^ it erase more often reflacta wistful v.’ith oae callad, 'Movv To Iniherit ftrst time voluiiteers. ,What to the Couples' Club and PHgrlm-Felloiw- chicken noodle aOup, aandWichei X>The AssociatiM did not \say RUMMAGE ■ \ I goodie-goo41e roles which the of his Comedy Hour Miow. , He what changes it Would favor but despair than solid achtevement. It Money." . 'x / ' lieniSon,S Iowa, naUve had played reason?" /-— ahlp will have a combined social cake squares; Wednesday/X-potMo announced that he had mistakenly and egg salad, hot vegetable, fruit previously opponents lii Fpirfleid is a runnlng-ay^-from-Iife by for years to the movies. When her Vennard and all the otoct repeat program Saturday at 7 p.W in the trying to avoid’ the feeling of fu-i thought that he waa to ba the sut^' donors emphaaite that Manchester puddlngT ’ Thursday ^ apaghetti Coupty wanted X aX\nidre inland DIES IN H 0 »8 E f i r e iSALE y CMSTAIRS BROS. DISMllINO CO., INC.. REV YORK, N it pame was called she rtm all tha ject of "Thla is Your Ufe.” And vestry. Lt- Col.-Nathan Oatchell tflity through building something; Heraht PhetA people must not be^Iuned Into feel­ with meat sauce, carrot sticks, roiHe. . 'Easton,.-Mircb 9&(/P)—Michael ILENOED WHISKEY. lO/FROOF, 11% Offilll NEUTRAL SFIIITt way and her Urst words into the Jack Wabb, alias Sgt. Joe Friday, Girl Scouts from Bolton pre­ .^of Andover will give an illuawrited /TTie g o ^ m o r's ' offics niade no you know Jn...useless, or dreaming \ ^ Sponsored By ■ , ing that there to no great need for INC. 'y"talk on his recent motoi Ccle''talp peaches; Friday—fish X sticks. of b u lld i^ it. Most of the how-to- Kriako, 74, auffocatedsln a fire in microphone wgro; “It was a long stepped on stage to the strains of sented a musicale and period fash­ riiAshed potatbA.s.'^^lring beans, iCe comment oit"the letter. SUNSET RMEKAH LODGE dtmofs now Ikto toe truce to Korea y to Central America enti d, "TcHir db^it fankactually don’t get beyond hia hbma bera last ntgrit. ITie aged walk< I didn't knokr if I d a month to Manches­ \ . P e ^ n a l Mentioa /' Corporam ns La^ had,' come to visit. Kriakbx waa: Frank Sinatra,/wertlmeSinatra. /warUipe __ Ml-S-8g89 toneflt. Mr. and Mrs,\w.. Bryce In Red Aid atom bomb in hia basement in old and new.Xaye a bevy of young in our honritals do if the BloM ens for overseas duty In the Fat time. Hospital where he was pronounci Somb New Mcrrchat comeback in winning an Oscar for being presented .ah CXjcar, his Program .fails? Having discovered Koneyweli and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- East.""" ■ He Is A son of Mr. an(l dead ori arrival. _ ^ tar, Mni. Irene ItMrie,. 52, ladiee, inclUdlrigK left to right, .neth S. - Lyon will comprise a Ilow infected with toe hoyr- , the heat supporting role. . ' for Andover Troop that we can-save Uvea of accident - 7 ------Mrs^ Wlnthrop Me'rriata TIf Blplcy The T o c il^ e d Gross (un4, .Clilef of Police Oscar SVlhra One year the spindly croon­ struck and Instantly killed by a H e Carol Gents, \ibari Hathaway. --- '■/ ------— partial committee.''’ malady , raikly ^ l l \ and operative cases by- the trens- • -x\' ...... 1 H l^ South -CovenfiT. ' 'Young Leached 74 per cent of its quota skid .the firs, originsited in an er was cohsianrcil washed up^to car. ■ /' \' Caroline Glehney^ Lbif Caddy arid (uaion of blood, shell we now let Churob Calendar ' ;edga It as "'an Actualalb riverheated combination gaa and Linda PaggioIL U t e . evening X X',’. \ - ’ [ ______2______\ W s. Merriam will make her home day as "Frank Simon, chaimu face the fact that it’ is his ’ HolUywood. He ie had been vislUn;: he* March «l\N(8peclaI) i;;iiated ' Mbrch 13 that she was these victims hover between life .♦ X The Rev. Trutosn O. Ireland, virood stove In th*., bltcbenj'^ The with, her husbang^s pa.'-einta-while toe Corporation Gifts Comroi galloping retreat «'E te m l^ but he diaclosed thSt Qmtber,-4di's. Ifsrte t aper, while Scouts ent^^b^M thi turning the wool over to "Mrs. gowns were thoseby their and death, and. In many cases, fail - minister of .the Firct Congregay way of nrtaking a j blaxci waa oonfHild' to the kitchen. mothers and grandntothers, while he to oversea*. expressed concern at toe slowness froip reatity.' No, he always, justi- .. he wobtd have been more than her brother and h er. h.isband, Song, who is leader of k-,'work to reAY 'Tadei^as Lurie, ^were at the aca­ troop yesterday wtemqMi the bathing togs were, as onq cail of corporation returns. ■' fies it aa “ k fornform of self-expres­ BRUNNER'S Willing to sing on last night’s show. , . group (St the Home of ’ Hope.” enough interest' in m'^lntrithing CiNpdf C m N t '% 'the Seemingly Impossible’’ a.s./nis Tax collf^or Mabel G; Hall mediateiy availablk'\ ^ demy program. Kiqier'r Oscar whs featuring musn( srid a xhere are 31 nidowa Inxthe work readily see, of more ikoderri vin- Simon-Stated that it Is now evi­ sion.’’ ' ■' ACKARD ' “But,’' he added, “no one asked blood supplies?”—. / sermon topic Sunday'Ht 10:45'' bill conduct a..'aale Saturday ,«t dent that I the success of the drive B E R ^ li'S QUALITY ^ iot^the mtMlcal score in the fllin fashion show. grb'.ip whose children’ are in the tage, j; - \ : Like all other donors who. have "WsyOj^F^WlMaa But, I ask you, iiipiioac an 'ordiT F A L L BREAKS iilfDUQRD ' a', ni. This Is the second of a series noon ip .the office of town clerk depends upon the generostty “ o f nary man to confronted by the ' ^ e Oscar fort .he best mmK "U li.” - The musicals' featured M ^ prinary arid high S c h o o l age gi'^en many times, Vennard to im­ of talks on the "Miracles/of Our of pArc^a of land to pay delin­ 46 0 One of the bifgsst laughs of the CrtH SAILY local coiporiations He explained Sight of an amiable coW In a pas­ Boseman, Mont. - bouts, puticularly those of . the th eresult, justXalknit 130. jabove Robert'Slhes'is ill at his home housed in. a' spemal anteroom at bathing suits and others. One of the resdlt, juet about 930 above paretda thkt tha current supply of Wedneaday night and-a |- claka of dehUaf areas are bei.hg recanvassed \ b a r onco with o lowyor bo- elephant crew; • tha moat appealing models was an oranga jutce.,^ has been exhm i^d. bn Main St. ■ hlcyoffice. three candidateswerk'Initiated into In an effort to,solicit those Xvho forfl\oetiori. ISM. nlghtgowm and nightcap, Report* have been, received' from There W ill.be, no jiilce served ai Past Master and Mrs, Gordon were Hot avsilable during the regu^ MilUons wat«he4 end liatetoed Tha man had worked^ With ail workers, making this the com­ IhxtlcAlw^ Hir-waa Kenneffi'/Doc- c^ri^lcd by Susan McDCrgiott w)io the school until another shipment , X- the gibSp. A. supper preceded the Miller's three children ,sre very •cananVas.— ^ssbciiK \ ' - ■* to the naUonally braadcast plete return. However, it is known nt with measles and Mr. and Mrs. carried ^ candlestick to complete ia xeceiVedx , X- . meeting with approximately ,, ick) General Chairman Vernon F, whnammmwwmm show, which went off, WlthOtit a tor;::2r, bt .Buffalo, N. y „ an thrit some peopto wef^^not reached BSS S S ■ \ ■■ ■ y 7 z o ^ / u e H c i C ^ the/ytotiire: About 15 girls partici- .\. present. Deputy Richard Williams Graydon Mundell's 'daughter is luachild' pointed but that the \- hitch. The ahow,. Mto.thp gtoePt American -Igi^an. ^ , *,/ during the r.rive. I f Jligjr would like patito'in the show. Maachester Evening. H e r a ld and Mrs/wpifAms Were guests. also very ill'with a .severe attack retail diviaipn’’ is within 964.50 of on entertainment, wds tbrf nest Sheriff Roy Baden of MainatK to-.contribute, Mrs. Ofanated or of: measles. / Square dancing was enjoyed by RAJ ton eorrcapondnUt, Mrs, go- WlUianM came officially as it was nuota and that all ' are hooeful toyeefii. ^Ipunty, where the body was Mrs. Edward J. Mack o f !6outh Last night's awards i^arred found, said Doctor had been drink­ 'ihe group before refreshments sepb...DTtnllA, telephone Mitchell — ^'inspection pight arid he prqlsed the that (hi* divlalon soon will attkin P.oad wo.uid be happy to htor front 3-5545. i Manchester. Evening Herald El­ Binetra in the saga HoUywOod ing and walkinjf the tope of the were served by the local troop. .^work of the CrkrtRe to the smallest its quota. X' them. . \ \ lington 'Corfesponclent, Mrs. G. F, loves best—the comback story.. cars,\and lrefn\M l:t«^krts his The party was arranged so part of -/detail. X..■■ -V Retora from Cihitoe \ ■V Guesta were present from Glas- Berr, telephone Rock%'llle 5-4318;" " From' 1940 to 1950 the propor. The Hobpkep slugger fought hU death was an acefditot- ' , the work hecessaiy for second way out of career doldrums by Miss Ella- M d Miss Jemette ■ :.y/- 'tonbury, Tunix, Manchester and lion of women in thf U. S. ooDula- ifcEwen ’ said' heXhad a rntoft, Claes scout badge. The home­ W rftaUtm hlmselfi He: campaigned hard for makers,'. requirement. CriiN for Sumner have retu.-ried from a..,3- / Covantry Granges. F.ALL PROyE.A FAT.AL tion who were maritod decreased NOVr-enjpjjr thatH Doctor had keen thrown week Caribbean cr»ise. Sailing on / The basket of flowers on Flora'a from about 24 per ceni^to about 20 tha Maggio role to “Eternity” and filling the role .'of hostess at a p o r t o h l o l finally convinced the producers be from’ Xhe ktoto. ThA Strife A U i Uie S/ S. Olympto . o. the Greek TOYS , table was the gift of Burke, toe ' .Bridgeport, March 26 (iP)--^-Mrs. per cent. in acomi tomey said thla came James: party. B FOR THE KIDDIES Freda Corrlveau, wife pf Arthur could do' it. A selfrslyled "song . Scout leader Mrs. Lawrence Line, they , vIMted Haiti, Puerto \ florist, of the Vernon fla n ge. T. K d y , 42, ri dreua cindy coni Rico and.St, Thomas; Large Aaeortment Corriveaily of ’ l36 M ain 'St, was and dance man," M '^ h the sup- Converse states the .troop haq been Somers Grange In'VUed the local ceuion»irkr-.tbe mail who pkl^hu Grange to- visit them April T Aa fatally, injured in A fall down a i ; STROMB^RG'GATILSO; . porting actor Oscar without sing­ working on plana for tha party at Zone Hearing Bet / ing a note or dancing A'gta)|l., himself was thrown off at IMde A hearing to consider the adop­ guests; the program will be pre^ flight of staliA in her home yes­ ^ ty ; regular ueetinga during the past t Arthnir Drag Siorti j eilted by Somers Grange. ' .There terday. .7 , Pantoges Andleace Oheete nonth. Analysis of the results, ap­ tion of/aroendmenta to the town's k A to. as s h ^ Adb to to to J . inimland's recognition ' of. ..his Skull Fmetured ' 1 be A reheiarsal of all the men Medical .ExamUier .. Dr. Lewi* praising what'waa disfie and what l « t * was expressed by the cheet McEwen paid the man ^tb\the of toe Grange Sunday night, to pre- Murdock said death. Was due to could have been, don.e* differently, that wfiht up from the Pantages skull fracture might haye bspn SXr ■ pare\(or p competitive night' pro- a fractured skull. - She is sur­ N(6l,fMKRKffflOTHINOfHAT will be made at the 'hext meeting \' auBience when his name was an­ the one reported beajep at, Tam» gram Attoe Gfarige,Urajige, AprilAp 14., The vived beside her husband by a W IU MAKE IT FOtSISLK of the troop. rehearsAL will take place at 7:30 .daiiitoter.x two brothers and two'* nounced. It was the biggest ap- pa. He .Was identiflto Xs .Irvirig FOR YOU TO HEAR BiTTW^ plauseyOf the evening. Sinatra L. Hollaripr a-kbores; ;Hri to in\ Named to OOP Vnlt ' p.m'. in the Town Hall. i'sisters. Euneral seiwlcfs will be . . Mrs, Annibrilie L. Broil has been came^ 6 the affair with his chil- a Tariipa hosplUff. 7 ' . The next\church supper held Satorday with' \burial In THAN IKK AMAZffiO - dinjm^y his first wife—Nancy and appointed to the Executive Com-III- X - .-CongregationAl Church wil] LakeWCw Cemetery, \ ,___ ■ SUte AUomey Ted Duncan of. Atlttee of. the Ckmnectlcut C^dimCi]eil' » . : ------MMUatB P ^ k . Jr. Hlg present wife, AVa Gainesville' conducted a 3-hour in- served April iTwryings startlpg At of Republican Women's f^ b a . S!ipe 6 p.m,, ba^d bekM, bO)led Gardner, Who was also nominated .vestigatiop abosird the ■ tralii -snd. 'After toe Revplutlonafy - War, X T - 1 0 0 hi Xservipg as ri>embef-at-l hAm, aalaos, coffAe aikT rolls tad far an'Oscar, is finishing a film'in permitted it to proceed toward New u \aerving au riiembef-at-iarge the first nation to recognise the tom ts CTAUptW vTha \tha grbear, tha< garagt itian at shara, • 9 pme. V ■ Toifand County, k post -left deseri on the menuX ^ \ new United States-’ was Holland York at l,«),a. m. (E8T). iM riR g ■portsra aaked Sill Holden why vAcapt recently by the resignation Mrs. Donald WallMie l|: kitchei(, which provided a t a f ^ ' million Perqbnal Hcariag Serviea Dtmcan, assisted by Sheriff e chairmap and Mrs. T.''O'-Giller to 8M Mala Stk-MI- 3-8S81 -X-, thsy should, they recaiva it :lsll7 .. he im rely eaid, ‘ ‘thanks, thanks, Deputy Bob Welle. qyeMloned more xEUxatoth^Sprenble of An- g u i)d » Ipan. r] dining room chairman.. M n. Li^ancl tbapk^ to accepting his Oscar. tWrin 2p persons and ruled out any Ni, “ They ^ t me ' he replied; possibility of murder in cqrinsctipn better of Thanks - ;Sloan is in charge of solictong tad “ When I iyent 'onstage they “ told Mrs. Lavid C. Toomey received Misi Grace -Sikea iS.^iii cha^e' of They should noV^^bu work too hard, monay is too difficult Ilia there wasn’t time for me to with Doctor's death. toe purchAalng; T h e CAndieiight A priiionged invesUKStion would k' lettferN yAktorflay from Mrs. make an acceptance speech."' EUla Briggs.- wife ,rf_lhe U{x 8. / Club will preaent the entertainmtat. Drawbacks Pantages on­ have r e s u l t ' in ^assault chaiges - Choir To Meet \ to 9et,.c6rnpatitio^^ keen’add tha profit too small for you .because' of the ti^hte on the train,' AilfbAasadto to Kqikk, thaninhg \ V--. . . . - i . lookers, some at : whoiil had totol her arid tha\ wo'nderful friends o i Sunday, March 28 at 3 p. m. the L«tfB€4 Ttylff end, ^95 912 A Beat, were disgruntled he- said Duncan. He said to fairness to CThancel Choir And all other in< * dvreSM twHSffff' to pass ALL ydur pay toothers. . ' the circus he Hut s'hort his probe Bolton for Aeveral large -'boxes of % bftwii M^klff flfftoli ■\ eMse they cimld sckrcelSr....h n r WOpl. ■ ~ \ - ’ i. '- terested. persons ^11 meet in the What UMW aaid. Jhncee'—Donald and permitted the trilltt to . speed ' Sanctuary to practice for the away lor its New York opening, ■ •Mrs'B^^rgs. stated in her letter 0 ’Cotuior Was kilo (USfurbed be- HAN BOOKS Palm Sunday (7antata,"“Tha: Risen. POy yoUrielf first. LgaWa of your salary cheek orpoy Cmise hia gags drew; few laughs. V U H e l p m Saviour." — TheHI-Fl-ET Hvesuplo' 7 . .5,-■- I rV TlW'pUblic address system was toe The NursAry group of the X StntabWg-Cerlsoo’s reputation for finest tomal quality, with a com­ anValopa liixa sovin^t accent at tha First Notional Bank of' low .. .There were ialpo grumhlas s - - p -■‘’X ' -’.j:-' 'jy ' ebiirch 'school will meet in - the avaiLABLE ' bination of featoitalhot'iisuaUy found in a.porUbif plmnograph- . shout too many commercials ...v • \ • •• room,"jyhere- they have be'An, and Tht Academy can't seem to escape HTTINe IS OUR BU^ESS MahchestarJ^a vary dayjt comas jn. the beginners who’ have-met at the a Extend^'range amfdifier, gWirig up to 7,5 watts output the tedium of too many iechnii^ Fall of exciting new Parsonage, w iir now meet dbvWT ■' . and minor awartou * You'll wolcomo iNm is oagerly ■ stairs In the lecture", room.' ThlA" -v.a Audio frequency response from 50 to 1^000 cycles per sccopd saSBi^' Assets: The use* of film clips and and designs. /; ' r .. Plan Your New Hom e V l^ana/raA \kctS X,., as the first bahny spring X .1 a S-incii pennaneot magnet sptaker .- X' OPEir<mDAY MORNINGS M ^N - ■ I t NEED NOT BE NEWx Legal Ndtfces y , ' a Separate bass, treble, tone controls breeze...our exciting n^w OBd THURSDAY EVENINGS 4:20 to gUPgRlOR COURT. Bute of Con- ClioMB' y«i«r bosk lioiisdt pkm fronr jpdctwrM" a Fully automatic 3-speed changer. ■ ' aeticul, CounU' of Hartford,. Ute /inif TO LOOitIKE NEMf Come in tadey lor a thrillirig demonstration. . Zir o( March, ISM. FREE ESlilMTES I b OHrpkm boohs. Thm woH ofl |Hit oor cWvor CLOSED WEDNESDAYS AT NOON _ CbrnmUnity Construction Conipiuiy, collection of Vitality thfr^ys. wmiam H. Boyce, heirs, litMo boodt tbgothor'oi^l Bbovo out oxoieHy IS ' Wkisw, representatives, assigns and If your budget js tight this Sprii^ and “there ia holbing finer than, a •peMtors. ' Whot motoriob yov'H Rood ood ESTIMATE you can’t afford a nkw Ea^er butfiL, . . r ^ OBOEB o r BOnCK - l-TMNSISTOR X S ott complaint tn aald , cajise don't despair. __ :• ■ knaght to said Court, at Hartford, Ih fho total, cost. W o'l ehooBo motoriob eaid County, on . the first Tuesday of siioiv you... FREE aOVlOE Bhro yoo llio BEST sonrieo—yot hoop • ! rijrll ISgC and how pendina claiming \ * •“"'Tment quieting the Utle to certain oyp OB yovr biidBot! - Bring your coat, or dress to New !State sttuatM In Manchester, ?SayM-r* Modelxan^ let us clean'iUoparkling bright. , aad.known as lot Ko. 10. Capital We’ll advise yoo on uiy COME IN AND HEAR A REAL TONE! . HetoktS. it appeariag- tb the sub- Under the car^efnl handling of bur,superior aarlbfato awtboiity that the .whereahoula building problem. Our **How That's Rot oM! Whit shoiw yoo how' TEST IT FOR YOURSELF/WITH OUR . eC.aw defendaou are unknown to the Dry Cleaning, .your clofhii^ will hmk fresh ---- lOff. . To Do' H” service ia on the -MDIUTY TiESf RiCORDS •dlEXl:. That notice of the ip- Old costs by doing MOW of tho Optralct Tpt oal and ne'w. And you’ll feel fttah- ai^^piiag- ;lpn ai^ penOency of said .coin- house. ; -* ^ 'monflilASSM of I .like in your clean attire. • • toaU' be glved said heirs, widow, solf. Poiotiiig.'iRsukding, tiling,^ ■« 4*v fo( Md-iype ' entattres, assigns and crMltora pf "oxtros" you cm lube aidSt ■ -C br Bhie Oalf OtEN TUESBAY until 9 FJL tnia order bi-The Black Patent . - t o Life-Jike soua^.tru* - . a news- Blue and BlneR"' Blaek Soauner ^ Cham ihao evsri - THURSDAY UN-HL 9 P. M. iwMlMMnmLMaachester. oeice a b i b for OtaMeetaOrs weeks., com- SuBuner Suede appile- FRiE OEUVERY t o The aa* “A' Monw WedW F ^ S*t. Until SrSO P; M. eq er hefore/March » . ism. BosYofoB wb f - ^ / fu ll ipdnih/.. no " ------IRTL. aCLYN, 7^7* lon^ ivfiiif . / isry...fsA!ttbat(aiy^ NEW MODEL .acBald .Court mlWfwSi Wmim Open All Dpy Wedneaday Until 5:30 P. M.- Materials delivered to the •/ LAUEDKY t BRY CLEANIN8 V E ^ V E e p T t h o s e 'BliUES ON PAEADE job when you need them— / ... SiUnutnr. AeSmtt trira Cm() bow / lb* CowKil «■ nir>A*l FAMOUS FOR SERVICE FOR 23 YEARS aa yon need them.'-' Stop bi got goipg off your pIcBis opMi bo I Md AafesWMMiM af 'ii * f to 'Ib rM 0 TOINMI" moo! . I MadAal Afheciadea I brd*n aHHf ka tta d SHOES la aiSar raaahatl . t ' n r A t u m e * ita t OF m a n c h e ; rasotlwr. y u i n n ’s T iL /a^uj/ortasluOll p l e n t y OF NO-UiyllT. EASY P O K IN G ‘ ' 130CENT1RST. COR.OF^UI^HSr. Blue Bab/Calf \ Oik? IlJ f V 3. Bvmeb SNm J 14 IM o StrwwNffar 'M m t i <• ... 'I . - '■ /. -.cr's*..-3 SM N.lUlKST.JiANCmSlCft TBL.I0 4 4 l i B V X t - '• - i- ."

■( . 1.1 ' y & . ■\ - . lu,. , I*-^ \ . 'V I ■ / ■ - , ;.■■ , , f I , . / ’ ^ .1 -V^: r ■ ■■ / ■ UANC^TER EV&NING HERALD. MANdHESTER* COHN., FRIDAY. MARCH M. 19B4 kANCHEfeTER'EVENWO HERALD. MANC^EStV^ CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1954

S ' '-': f .

• I OFFICERS « * ’ - i f W. GEORGE GLENNET - Chaiiman of Board ■' \ ■ ■ , WALTER^. GORMAN , I t ’S die tsune old fiuttUiar b a^ n g iiutftudon but/io a bi^ and - ViM-Chairman \ a t t n u n ^ B. h a t h a w a t ; /Pwaidant ; modera set^g, oofy a few do6n from die building ini w hi^ we first JOHN L. JENNEV / . X * Setretai^ sdudld^ serve Manchester twMi^^ne years ago. /VINCENT W. INGRAHAM Trcaadrei" THOMAS E. ROLLASON We take a certain pride in opening die doors of our new home ; Aaat. Trcaa.-Asat> Sm . JOSEPH A.'VOLZ Aaat. Traaaurar ^ n d a y morning. To the direcamrs, the officers and the genei^ ^ WALTER N. GRUSHA )jDUiel» Our new Main Office marks anodier of mzny greaCsteps x in our constant, effort to

W t hope you will like your new bankin^hc^quarters. jUthoi die setdng>is differeht, you will find the saeu cheerful to serve you .^t phis new convenienceS/dnd facilides to your banking ellwand pleasant.

X. X.


^j^^ErzEz ■\


TO\SERVE m / y o u r e v e Ry m NKING NEED ,\ \ . V ChikiM^ Aeeeeals A ■ ■■ . / \ ■'.fenotiql Leons ^, Biiilnets ' '■^eoiis'^'' ■ \ ' 'V / \ ^XA ' i. ■ * ■ Register Cl -/ / ■ / i V ■■A- ‘ P> AN Purpese Cl \ / Choree Plon X // ,\» Ferelge Remittances ■XI / i Trmfelers Checks \ -/ •X.'- • ■ ^ \' I • ^ / A / V' A. i \- Desigiied for your, \ banking convenience

■\ M A1N0 ; .\ ■ '■g ^ • \ MirgO/ ai^ciDUiXintorior

. , V l ilovdtor aoiwico BANK ^ A. ■X f/' i X A'X • Night DOptflifory (|gitgr^rop. typo) R O V i i'X “X- ■.//* • Ixproei tailor eorylco^ HV j- f , • S«fo doj^fit boxoe


' Mto'^DERN- X - BANW FACILITI& :S .. '• -

/’v- "-V C O MR LI T i BAN K II I R V i c At 2 c A lA^^i '' A ■ ■'/ / "* V



f U ir s , AfFy ■■VA^.- ■■' V .' A ■ ■ ' ' /■■'i A ‘ ^ X ■ ' \ . I •V'A. -I

-1418 for DpubtiiigTboenas, LtoWsUya. Storm Clouds At Whiloii Library Casds of the Fugitive , Nfiree, WDRU—1868 icast era gtandard Tlssa WnC---1689 Gardner; Sayonara, Michener; Waterfront To Cui|b Tdw-job Speeds Dp Doctor at the Croaaroods, Seifert; s t t m e s v By THB AllSOCfATED. PRESS Book's focently added at the tJi^es Action, by .Towns The fotiowmt program :hedu^es ■ sise- . - , Newcomer,\ Davie; Desperate Skies cleared over moat of the WHAY-Medicine .Fight Whiton Memorial Library include: Hours, Hsyek Love Under Anoth­ '■I Vi atormTtwept- mid-continent today are aupplied by the rqdto "anags*' WTiC-Bob Hope ». Nonfiction. er Name, Martntn;: fjly Sheean; Order Chief Scheaih^ Hu Bktli Record in Peril Tax Action tndoVer, March 26 (Special --! ns cooler air moved Into the area WDRC—Arthur Godirey 0(xv*i ~"~ 7 ^^mmenl j6n|. Moriar^ bids \then either to relent or without notice. -~ S;44- . ing. Eberhart; Bide for Trjnifladk the eame oouht. fiem Plge Oaa) Ths birth record for one (Costtoaqd from Pago OM) ^wer^ to go forward with Board The vigorous storm which ripped WIlAY^KIIeen Barton Cham’berlain;. Introducing Asia,' Field. / - ; , accept vlow bid. He admitted '.on Mky 10 In Bikton, iHebion; An­ 4:.ee- ' WTH'-Bob Hup< iltjam iiBUnt SiiMdy hM MoUy lolchton J. Raymond, 84. of Charges of ^veB.Up;p month at Manchester Memorial '•'Xi . ■ 'V to decide whether The northeastward acroM tfie Great WHAY—News; PuUui Hop Battistlni; Protestant C r e d 'o, Policeman rat the Door, Rlyott; front troul of ona kind or an- niilfllbn dollars Tha SeiiaU elimi­ acti^^Rv.binow cited Special Act that the dover. Mid hlariborough^o decide if Lakaa yesterday was centered 40Q WOJC—Kecoiu Uv'Vue ■ WDRC—Arthur Godirey Oigeit Perm: One Thousand sii^ One jj^mlttill Um U and tor which It South Wlndapi^, Waa UnM $100 loapttal la In danger. the low la a responsible WOTH—Uine Ranger Bleaa This. Hoiim, Lofts; Dfiiliger- for iq>erating a motor vehicle other la s< ^y ioaing buslneat in More Breaka Disrfos^ nated a few House reductions^ but 47$ which, he said, gives the tha townn will, hold referendumS on' miles north of Ui4 Great Lakes re­ WKNB—Mews; Kuslc Poems. Wells (comp,.); Firtbstine oua Angel/Kelland; Dawntog of ''fetauttmT' oontracU. Eva Johnson of the hoa- bidder Is Uonary power. the 4-towh .Regionsl High School; WTIC—Aacksuite WUe WHAY-Mte Watra while. tala' tteensa waa un^er sus' ataff aaid to)ilay that up made other big ohas of its oWn. ineral all the powers Dftetor Says gion early today. . WPRC-Reoprd’ Sn«p. Problen\ Totlay, V o a ^ Mqtlern the Day,/Ogilvier Focua.On Mur­ S flgM K x p M M the natioii*s ntoat linportant for­ The House voted reductions for Rublnow dX^ie court could 'planning Committee reports and Although b r 1 a k^’ wlnda' still A^GTH—Jack DoWncy; wTIC—Phil Ham A)lee FS^e pension.' Oenrrsl ^a n a geif Richard B ar-! .tpen there had been 84 and authority not ep|M:ificiaiy gjven, not order ccept any bid, >RC—Arthur -Jo-lfrey Dlgeit. , German Hiatory, Flenl^;, SubHt- der. Co^; Nightmare^ ..fit ...Copen­ _ I aormaUy fottow* tbb eign commerce geteway,*' it was admisafons to horse khd^ox traced reaommendaMOns for. a $i,890,ooo| . . . _ , .. „ whipped across the'upper Missis­ 4ilS tute for Victory, IH1I4; Ortoo^ Walter 3. Quinn, 40,~ef 10 Short tin indlcatsd today ha might sug-! birthkVn the mouth o f March, but it could p ^ r hihi to exerfelae Not ^ W(>TO—New*. Bport* .ip;"/*'' hagen. Albrand; RIdr the iDark ieeitolllse'a ^nggMUani, although addedi and to night clubs and other to ■omeone3 tiie. to’’t}ie,charter. regfona] high school. v- [ sippi Valley and Great Lakes WHA.Y-.Npw*: Polks Hop Adventure, Acebes; * Rettoetoent .Hills, dauasen; River In the Wind. St, aent to the County Jail gest a new.Aysism to be followed wiUi five days to go. -'' ^That apectat act answers the his discretion' and sither accept or The— committee. ... X smeetiM “last! I 11^,11 itMdr For oofiiA. Com ItloBS WCCO—itpcoi'u Rvvup ‘w^ira—MM Watch W i i a t t llgtt will hf mada by Dano- Beanwhile In Boston, longahote- cabardts, and for club duea aafety region'precipitation was confined WKNB—Juke Boi; MaUlitt WTIC-^WtU HarH»-Allce Fay* Handbook, Buckley: ...; >Pop<*^ ■ • M tU to upaat th# con ^ttoa a to serve 80 days tor violation of by police to calling tow-car opera­ The all-time recOrd of 86 waa queation of who has the residual reject bids. He mid c o o ^ have night at the Andover School, voted | Like Fallhlg H«>r. probation. Hs/Waa arreatsd on e men affiliated with, the aame d«i>orit boxes and pistols. Ths Sen­ to a few enow flurries in Wtecon- WTiC-theifa Ualuu.- WDRC-Anhur fodfrey Digest 'Autiiran of/liberty,. ' harvey;' fcauahig’ racomiuandatinn. imlon which la atriklng here voted tors if tha current feiid between act in July, last, suntmer. The ate rejected thfkevThey will have l^ivert, Rublnow said. In'case a held that the buthdrity to bxerci, unanimously that the town meet. I sln and Michig-an. WOKC—ReciirU Shop WGTH-D^e Music Warrant Wedpeoday after aarving n m WOTH—Jack Downey Famous American Athletes; Mol tha oonunlttoa oit iha .Atomic not to Handle cargo transferred Borne of the ser\ice etatlona In average births this month have to be th-wahed out in conference. claim is made that it rests in the a discretionary powir is nothin it­ Inge and, referendums he held By KpWlN J. JORDA / . D. Gale winds and torrential rains 80 days for breach of peace and 'been better than three a day. simultaneously. The referehdums [ Written for MEA Service WHAY-tNuX Watch ter; Elemenu of Radio, Marcus; iSnargy Oonuniaaian'a budget fttwn there from New TOrk. toww And-'Chief of Police Herman TT's pcto .biggest Itemg in dtophte Posrd of Directors self diacretgmary buL mandatwy. swept the Midwest yesterday. *"?^AV-:«ew*; I’oiks Hop WTIC—New*\ Can You Top This Around tM World on $80, Christo NORMAII'S flJli,OWAW to fl,lWbW,700. ;a canylng pbacene pictures in Hart­ would he held on June 14 In those | Some unusual conditiona like WDRC-H s Music 'rime 4 « Hartfoe* Efl., te fc -l»*«8 l *They took no action towerd a O. Schendel is not resolved soon. will to a iOO-mlllion-Klollar slash . Rublnow further arguM that RubinOW' aeked thA court \o - t . l Hurricane force gusts ef 84 miles WCUC—Rec.i'u itevui phef; MMet-n VolleybaJL- Emery iUu* oC gUa,0N,M9 Mt an inczaaaa ford. June Quinn waa prs: sympathy atrlko. Recent union ac- . The dispute, whirti has been voted by the Senatenn kuch houae- /the .power to Jetf contracts is order'Martin to advertise for bt towns approving the special eleic- that described to today's first let'; ah hour lashed ^Icsgq's midway Wl&B-Juke Bim MuUDe* tVGTTr—0»ale and Harriett aented^n the aame charges berc ter, still lack an adequate explana­ "aiTlUT-lVnldei- liitiwa Pits— - N ' ■ Middle/East Dilemmas, 'HurtwUs; ‘^LOWPEICES 4 « ( $m,m,TOO over tunda given the Uona to New York gave rise to the smouldering (or some, time, broke hold appliances ah ref^erators. speciflcslly: granted to the Gen- on'^'both the original fln>m plana tion. airport. Damage waa extensive • WDl^—Rpcuid Shop WHAY-Nlle Walct) . b e f ^ Judge O’Connor and was ” The action .cllmaxee almost two tion. East, Collier; Coloured CAN YOU M AT THISI ATC thia year. poasibUlty that longshoremen out anew, this week amid charges stoves and, electric irons and a 85- erki Manager in the Charter; / dhd the final plana wlth Xh* re and at least four persons were waflp-fsck Dowpfy WTIC—New*: • Can You Top Thl* Papbr Work. RoseXman;- y*orty PhlUipa* exi^ahation waa that en 60 days autpanded and that some members of the police years of study and work by the Q.:^! am the' mother of three killed In three states,, 4l4i— - \ WDP.C—If* Musid Time would walk off the Job all along milllon-iloltor cut- throughXwiplng Section ^ of Chapter XI c r e a ^ visions. WGTH-^OmM and Harriett 8 and Fancy Free, Kimbrough; kHfiiuii! Drag StoratM •ftNDlX^MOSUY the ortgtnal budget caUed (or 388 cod on probation for ona yaar.. the Eaatcm Coast. department were "accepting O bitu ary out of the dd^ssionj tax on'movie a Dept., of Public Works, which Sees Implied Rejection committee. children and after the birth Of each There waa wet weather along WHAY—N.*w»; Polka Hop ISiSS- m child 1 suffered extreme loss . of WGCC—Record Revue acmlllan Wild Flower Bq&k.'Hy'- Lltfiuits 8 A. M. te 11 P. M million doUara more for c«;Mtru^' TI Judge revoked the suspension Aa tMa morning wore on, a few gratuities'* from tow-car opera­ tickets and' others cosing lera control over planning sn^''con­ The final .report will be ready .the Atlantic Coaatal States and WKNB-irJukebox Mstliiea WHAY—Nile Watch lander. ' / / FULLY AUTOMATIC and ordered eentence put Uto Judge King foresaw dlfficutltes April 5 and a meeting of the com­ hair. which started about two . WTIC—Fibber »tnil> ^ jfo A jh; ▲ A ffk A jb A ik i i tlon than waa ^ I’**'* members of the rival A FL Long­ tors in ratum for special con­ than 60 cents. The House votedXto struction of public improvements, the Gulf of Mexico which' reported WTIC—iVomaii III House WDRC—New*; IT*’ Music Tim* Men, and fibarks, HSss; . Still- effect In that, however, and after coft mittee will be held April 22 to months after -giving birth. It con- ahowera and thunderatorms. Rain WDRC—Rpcrd Slio|i the AW3 withdrew the reqne^ be- shore Union orosaod picket lines sideration on towing Jobs. cut the admissions levy from iW Rublnow asserted, .sfid the next WGTH-Jack Doi^oy V WGTH—right* meadow anfi' Sugarbrifige, Taberp' Cbarlee F. Burdock, 48. oT Wll- The accusations, aaid to' have versatlon with the judge, Rublno' famlliqrise a ll. the' members with ttoued in each espe for abopt four drixsie fell over moat of New ISiip- cauae it will have auKlcient money to previous days to handle a few Deaths to 10 per tont. section .Saye "the General Mana­ asked only that, the mandamua' s:ee— Walch Guide to/Charm, Daly;,.lGrogt WASHER carried over from previoua yeim Umantlc, waa fined 88 for viola­ been toade Tuesday at a msotlng Soma concessions! sources In ger shall have a)l 'the powers and the contents hf the report ao they ^onUia, and then my hair b^an to land: pier Jobs. order Mertin to readvertlae the might answer ahy queattons pose *^grow back and becapie aa thick , aa WHAY-‘-Wi.|!iein'fBi-SYah Iron Ship. Dugan"'"History of Sot the worth'; / ' -.,.7 " tion of rulaa of the road. Thara was no Immedtote indi of operators and Schendel, by dlgated one likely compromise .Oil perform all thS duties vested in the West, light snow fell in WC'JC —Record Revue Wdrc-;-m^w»: a * Musicl Weatern Art, Sewall;- Vanishing revised plans, ' ‘by their townspeople at public hei ever. This ia a discouraging situa­ Westbni NebriRska westward to ’IPKNB—Jukebox HetliiM WGTH—nghl*^ BANTLY The committee ifb e the A »C Wilfred BSnnett of Putnam was cation as to what might result Batthew Bo.riarty, loced fuel and BnaseU Pratt this might be to eliminate the re­ the departmeht'Of public works by WTIC—Just Plain Bill Irish, O'Brien; fitory of Method­ fined $88 for.spe-ling. . oil dealer aqd wrccldng-aervlce tiun,,act.’'.' . ' \ ■ Judge King cokjended that, in Inga to be held prior to the tion, and 1 am now suffering the northeiitotern Wyoming while rain all but $100,000 of pto $740,143,000 from a ahipplag Industry mov4 to BrsT BUdred Elisabeth Sheldtei duction’ on appliances but to ac­ approving the revirions,^ theAchool meettnge. / disorder; -again after the. .birth^^ '■WDRC—New* WHAY-NU* Waicn ism, Luccock: / Se.ven Years -in Harry Rylahder, 88, of 17 Grove operator, have been .flatly denied RiiM ^w told the court Section shiwera'sprinkled areas along the WGTH-Jsck Downey \VTIC—Uioen In Wlieh bgton Tibet, Harrer; LaughteF-on the requeated for aouca and llasionr' taring dockers. back to worii by Pratt, 81, wife of S. Russell Pratt, cept the Senate provision:. on. Building Committee and the Board Robert'.Linehardt, h( Carl Malm- my third child. Have you any sug- WDRC—Mood* for Ri OIL CO. St, wqa fined $8 for operating a by the chief, • ^ 2 ^/Ctoptar X X I of the Chatter Washington coast. • :14— . Staiys, Nicbol.*; Successful Pho­ able materlala;.^the entire $830,- offering a packaga increase of 10 180Vi Center St., died this morn­ lower-priced tickets. of Education Impllfd a rejection of folt and aasoclatea, was called upon gesjiona? . -Mra, 8.' . WHAY-^We*tern Caravan WGTH—Fight* TEL. Ml.9-4S^S motor vehicle wirti defective When questioned on the steps he ■ays "no con4tructipn. .tno lnter- - Fair akiSa. Were reported to lt;4S— tography, Felntoger/ Bandoola, •36,000 naked for the weapona cents an hour and about 81,t00.- ing at tha Manchester Memorial Sens. Byrd (D^Vk) and Willikms the originSt toal TSlmne./--,- <,< to tell the committee whet t)ie ef. - A- Complete loSa of hair follow- WCCO—Record Revue . REO. $23fe00 equipment ' 000 in retroactive pay and wel­ might take In the .controversy, (R-DeU 'won a surprising ambuni -'^retatloh^of the words of the moat other aefltlona of the country. WKNB—Jukebox: Matinee WHAY-NII* Walfch Williams. or /K^l.9^96 nrogram, end the full $87,070,000 A suspended Judgment was ren­ Hoepltal, after a lg Utoeas. facta would be if one or more towns tog the birth of .a child,/Bn opera* WTIC—ifront J’ace Farrell WTfC—Easter Seal*. Parade of -Star* ^ FOD SAVE $78.68 fare benefits. . Bartin this morning . said it of support ih the Sepste last nigl( charter) shall be made granting Admits jBulixg as Evidence/ . The coo-er alXwhich' moved into WDRC—Moods' for Romanes Flctipli ' . naked for the reactor development dered in the. case of Jiufin might be poeaible to toaUtute a Bom to Manchester on Jan. 39, should' dbddk by their town meet- tion, or a.severe illness, does occur Bhyp Tbe bid received a cool recep­ 1933, the daughter of Frank H. for a 'move to knock out all of the to. the Boar^ of Directors the right After exteiided discussion. Judge . the North Centrat^e^on extended W GTH-:-Jack Downey WGTH-Ftght* Wreck of the , Running Gale, 'Pitee foelodos: program. The reaearch ptogram Lathrop, 30. of Rockville, charged new system if the situatlottNdo*^'t to control or.'interfete with the sd- King admitted the Board's Feb. 1$ Ings or referendum not to endorse once in a while. The cause is not southward to the'Southern Plains • :3»- M:#S- / Roark; Month to Gordon Square.'i tion from both the striking Inter­ wnd Ruth Phelpa Sheldon, she at­ cuts .to the bill except^the 217 V,the regionsl school project. WHAY-Ntle WsICh DeUve^, Dis|aflatiee wpa ki^t at the preaent level of with violation of rules of the road. improve. \ ‘ ministration 'Pr executive powets ruling .as evidence In the case, known, but. generally the 4|alr does and headed eastward to the Atlan­ WRAY—Hall or Record* Swlpherton; J^ouse That, Nino RAJiU J(ND FUEL O—raattoey-.OsgvIca'. $S8J0O.OOO. national Lmig^orsmen*s Assh.. tended local schools and was vice mllliop on adtalsrions.^''' He told the group frOm grow back, and tbi* seema to be a WCCC—Rocord Revue . WTIC-'I*ree Ring News The case of Wallaca RicHwood, V "The problem Isn't pecUIial', to They charged it was irresponsi­ of the General'" anager or depart-;[RubinpW had asserted ILs pro- tic CoMtal- statea.' Tepiperatures ' WKNB-fJOkeJmx Matinee / WDRC/New* Bqilt, Giiares^ht; Whistling 8bad-. Theft^ .j'funda approved for 88, of 8 Doano St., charge^ with (ILA) and the rival' AFL-ILA, Baubhester." Bartin aald. T t president of the class of 1941 at erience with Ule Nstchaug study situation whiclK' medical ' men can ..WGTWXNewt many of whoot members are work- ble to cut tsxeq, heavily to the menta, board. Xcommissions, bu- Vlripns violate' the competitive, tmt when one lowift drops out the raiiged from the teeha In the WTIC—Loreiilo Jnn«* ,4)W, Seeley; Little Ark, Die Har-. OIL DISTRIBUrORg Open Dfl^rUntirSN^ ' contemplate average employ: breach of paace, was boUm by the comes up to other places, and Manchester High Schbol. She wfis tesus, or officerkof the town, un< bidijhiig provlrione of the charter. neither explainmor help at the pres- WDRC—Memory t-ane [ tog; Pondbr Heart; Welt.v; Sinis- a past Resident of Ban.Cheater present perilous' world situation ad^d cost per pufili is not. jlgnt* ent time; • \ Nbrthern iflatna to the low.''70s'l« WGTH-Wlld BUI Hickok — -^Y-:-Nlte Watch / / l33.Molii Stroot^ Plenty O f Free I Kt year of 8,847, a reduction of there have keen ayatems intro­ less such rlghtX ta specifically H e'fu ^ er contended the rule con­ Florida. ItXwaa 38 in Wtohita S .4J— :^orld New* , ter ReSearchea of C. P. Ransom, after being found not *"5ohn Dwyer, poH chairiHlto d( duced- Baybe we can do aome- Asssmbly No. IS, Order eff Raln- and with the' budget unbalanced flcafitly Increased. 'There would-be fc^lght Owt granted in this act to the Board of cerns services, not contrscte for however, certain reductions in Kan:, and Kansas City' early today WHAY—Hall of Rer„rd* Bigxeat cut in the Veterana’ guilty the diarga of vtolation the AJFL-ILA F L -u A whichwblcb alms at a thing like that here." bour Tor Clrls, and a member of this year,and next. Directors. • constnie|loh, and therefore is not Would running an old-faShX WCCC—Record Revue GTH—F, Edwards wage boost .tsrica aa large, said Hlgiber Spending Seen nuDibn of classrooms which would 'oned. adwing machine by foot be compared to 61 yesterday. WKNB—Jukclxix Matinee 1:**— \ AdmlfiatraUan budget waa 100 of the road against Doi The General Banager didn't St. Mary's Episcopal .Church. Power to Acta i^Boerd / material to the -case. X.Other_ early Nmoriiing readings WTIG—Pays Yo Marry WHAY—Nit\ Welch milllooa^lbpped from the $3,885,- aM E. Wi 3, of 80 Oampfield "this la an atteinpt by the bosaaa I ^ what form a new Besides hep husband and par­ Byrd argued that a highly se­ In another aspect of his argu­ Atty. FltsGerald admitted, after -help keto the dosts low. hard. On someone with: varicoae 'WDRCr-Maaey. Ttllon WTIC—Pomllicat HoI>*«our cret Ai’U'od -Services Committee If, bpwever, two towns drop o included/ Duluth.XMinn., L8VLan­ ^^^C-N(ghjKow. 000,000 r e la te d fbr penaton and Rd. to help their aatelUtes, the old' ayatein might ®" take. If one were ents. shs leavss one son. Russell S. ment that the power kmla irilh Judge King questioned him, that- veink? - •», Mrs. M. O. WCTH^StBd- Bill Hickok H A , get otliaht/ l|0i^ cut from the c9>»pw>Mtion and he of the Holmea Funef^ Home, are He cited a riile makinr'Dhe Gen­ would not have writt^ t acceptable school with niore than Nev., 32; Los Angelet 88;. Rapid Aifburn, Calif. (An!'—Two. boys and penaion fund for the preaent con- Incomptote. •"'-■-.i-a. ■ _ The Byrd-Williama amendment eral Managor the^pnrehuing agent tion this way.” FiUGl «Id said ha WTIC-Strtcilv. Spoiis " lost 54-36. . minimum facUltika / Q—Will a thyroid "ttonnor. cause City, S. b., 19; and Cblcagp 38. , WDRC—Jack 3alman stole 32 pigeons ^trom nunrhsnt year. M ove B ri for the town. He'rited ’the ordi­ would not. - - The committee propoaal action' cancer.? Mrs. C. E. WGTH-Patftrwm Jack Patriol'. but ptotco'caught The $8,770,483,800 reooihmended people, The Senate beat down by larger nance Creating the Bklldihg Com­ FitsGsrald - did. argue 'that' tha.,. «:3#— Mrs. Andrew Marin . Comes on the heeled two signifl-l A—There are several different WHAY—SuiMier the boys and recove;-em-fiie birds. 1 Ttor all Veterana* ' Adminlabratlon tract. wr^T it ^ 'LJch Tha system now used by police votes efforts of a group of Demo­ mittee Slid said It provides lliat resolution was patterned after Sec­ :;// .i.GETxC O I J L A ■ ' \' will havf no aCTect.” Mrs. Andrew Sksrln, "ti.- 'ot 811 cratic Senators to cut auto excises cant moves taken decently 'wHIch ■ jtinda of tumors and eniargemenU WTIC—^11 Then Patrick, hoping, TO cojubeit •perationa la $118,040,300 below Sbato b y in selecting a towing aenrlce. ac­ Goodwin St., East Hartford, that committee shall consujt with tion 17 qf .Chapter V of the cA mav influence the/heactlon of the! of thethyroid gUind. Cancer Notable Art Filmi WDRC—Guv juvenile /delinquency./ .g«y4 ' each' The ctoployarti gave the long­ hpm IQ, to 7 per cent, an ag­ the General Manager With respect That section empowers the WGTH—Bill VreaidBntial requeata. It contem- cording to Schendel. la tO' summon mothM- of B n . Arttn-x E. Geer, 20 voters to the proposed referendimi. I can occur in thf thyroid gland, 6i4J— boy twy mated pigeons to ^ r t hia M :pbtea the uae of 137,000 beda next shoremen until next Wednesday to gregate of'275 million dollars, and to the letting of contracts for to make rdlea concerning ''pk. AMISITB YOUR DRIVEWAY (C ^to the wrecker of the motorist's Hyde 8t„ died at her home yester Windham A o Cut Towns though many of these enlargements WHAY—Supoel Serenal own ^tock.' i^gaar in Veterana* hoapttala, dom- ») acoeptotbe biKer choice. In the event the driver to trim 80 mlillOn by cutting in buildlnsrs. ■ '/■■ chases and contracts for service.'/ —Due. at Atheneiini^ WTIC—Tlvrte Slat Exit •*Power tolled day morning. half the 10 per cent levies on tele- He said the rule waa intended to ) Andovet an^ HCbroh, which have are not cancerous. It is not safe, jVDRC-tiiW 'll TilomaS \ ■ toOiaiy facilltlea, and Inatitutlona Otee Rule by Boa^ already vote^to turn dowi) a aimi- however, to leave them untreated, notice any ctaanga despite this . Born in SwMen, she had lived in vieion and radio sets apd phono­ include contracts. ’GTH7A»k Quentloi)* • Machine Spread under contrkct to the VA. dealership of the car damaged la. East Hartford for 42 yeara " He also rited a rule by ' the lar region^school prpjpct. with! ' — •Iliree notable art films will be Ritssian annoimcement,” Bluecher hour. . Surface For. the Tenneeaee ~ V a l l e y n t h . . l« ' the I •*“ > SSSleC hSS nb Beaides bar husband and dargh- graphs. The auto propw l lost. Board givi'ng the (general Mana­ Judge King asked if FltsGeraM. Windham /In favor of the 4r;t0wn I Q Could one of the serious nerve : shown -in a free program on Sun- —Sutipe.i Serenads Authority, the eommittee recom­ asserted, adding: 63-U; the radio-TV one,''^T23. ger power^'to approve orders for contended, that tha authors' oLthA • Proper Drainage to "Only tha to i^ of relations be­ which Industry aourcea j ^*1*,,^* towing fef, she leaves a no.i. ArUiur I. >lan have been notified by • the' diseases, like multiple sclerosis, be ; day alt Hartford's art museum, the mended $108^83.000. a cut of $88, ■trike Sct. Douglas ( D-ltl 1 /knd other changes i^ cohstnicUon. of s build- charter intended . to Include .con-, h i^ Boatri of Education tb(sy caused by an - untreated pernicious Wadsworth Atneneum, at 3:30 in WG'TlVFuVton l,ewi* Resist Frost t tween BoscOw and tha Bast Ger­ estimate baa caused e c o n o m ic ' servicq is. .tailed. - Skaria of l^at Haitford; another indh 318)000 from b u f^ t eatlmatea and sponsWs argued UieM were s ihg after the constniction has got­ tracts for construction Of buildings | Ills-. \ , ,v' ■ man regime .art being ebangeid. Beanwhile, Schendel tp d ^ had daughter, Mira. Walter R. Almqulet will n(ltn.^ be able to send tholr I anemia?aneml Mrs. M. D. .the Morgan _ Lecture Room. WHAy-^ui>p>.| Serenade S-E-E • Bituminous Surface $84^84.000 lam than the TVA re­ losaes of almost $00 million dol­ needed stimulus to miriness and ten u n ^ way. in contracts for services. He said tuitiqh students to Wlnd)lam High[ A—Multiple ecteEpals is almost The first, called Lasesux: East Germany wiU continue to be lars — wsra tocse: no comment to make on nu8t will submit to the epurt memoran­ the Miuipheater Board of Educa­ ered to. originate from untreated "The Loori'e Necklace" relates 7iU- , , it borrowa. T h e TVA haa been comi^ete froodom to follow tha Scorca of incoming ships have' Mas catered on an attempt to pin consult wHh him under provisions da of citations to support their con­ tion to vriiich Bolton . asks the i pernicious anemia, ,an Indian legend through the use W)1AY—Supper Ser^ade piurty Itoa from .Boscow.*J been diverted from New York to terday to disposing that a break Hartford. -----X. - -. v I of ceremonial masks carved WTIG^ne Man * TIidmora CollciGonstruenon plgylnlr. no Intereat but haa repaid bad been committed at .the r* Friends majl call at the funeral dowb the sdnoinlstrstion position of the ordinance creating that tentions. . / ' former to |rive an official- state-! WDRC—E R Murros < tONI other porte. about flve milliona annually on The Soviet announcement said Rexall Pharmacy a month ago home tonight from 7 to. 9 o'clock. on the cuts. committee) and has authority to ment oi\ its ".policy regarding Q My son-developed an eye ail- by the British Columbian Indians, WGTH—Perry Comp CALL FOR ESTIMATES— MANCHESTER Ml-T-5224. the principal, out of operating the Eaik Gormdn ropubUc will be 3. Mayor Robert F. Wagner MUlikto, floor manager of the approve changes in 'construction tuition atudema. ment which the doctors have diag- The third movie, "Demona in a telegram to Preaident had never been ntade public. L Art"'waa awarded first prise aa —New*; Fialyi mi^dibuka revcnuea. ' It aUll owea .the gov­ ‘‘free to decide....Its-o(sn Internal Moriarty said there had been two . James O. WUcex measure, \said the- administration (under- the change-oider resolur Paul Arnold, w member of the 'nosed as chortoditls. Could -. you Wnc—Dinah Shore ' ' ernment ad eatlmatod 880 ndlUona and extehml affairs, including tha Iwwar'yesterday urgtog bito'to t o - . - ^ . whirh th* was pet knthusiastic about them tion). Dr. Zaglio Speaks Bolton, regional school conlmittee.: please ■ give me some information the best .art film at. the. Paris WDRC—I>i»t Per*on» oirt » - - tervene In the etrike. The “ James O. Wilcox, a former resi­ Mrs. T. Short Film Festival. It is based WGTH“ 8tar41ght Theater WNHC-TV on advancea of about a blllton dol- questlM rit^atlMw With Waat Ger dent of this town, died in Pen but 'was "not tearing itself to The second aspect of Rubtnow's said the 1958 Legislature passed about this? lua. many/T . was eent • after, Wagnef had been [ brteOu N. Y., tost night. Ws health had pieces", over the matteK argument concerned' the powers At CP Nurse Class , an apt Which allowsAost towns to I ^A-ChoratdftU refers to ,*"«^3^on “ le f m ^ y patatli^ - Balt Beaale Vrteb f U But it immediatelyledrtdqly addadded that.the m.aucceasful to telepbteto attempU [ been failing him for three months of the Board of Directors.' Rubi- make'Contract with fill tion townrlniarion of that portion of the eye Peter Brueghel, Hieronymus Bosch tVTIC—Fraiik Sinatra "Hoviirt Unionn retataa to the (Bast) to enntogeanwwnel Majority Leader Knowland (R- for as long as 10 yeSTs, On thelboown-as the choroid, which ia the , sod other Flemish and Cjqrmait WnRC-t.nlfl' Perannv Channell The.comihlttee blao recommend­ Be served to World War^I with Callftl said he was sure the Pres­ now Said the Board'has the power 111# foi'xth meeting of Uie Civil -WGTH—Bterllsht Theater ed thnt TVA atop Axing reaale German Oemobrwetomobrwe Re|NibUc c».p ~ . pmti.,. 5 a. H I. Yankee Division troops. \ to regulate internal operation pf other hand the same Isgtsiation/portion ,the eye usually, contain- palnteni of the 15th and 16th cen- itksu which ace connected ident w'Ould sign the bill and that Defense refresher course ~ for. in­ allbws the host school to^tscon- pigment, -The treStmcitf is tech-1 turles. pricea 'on powbr aold to dlatrtbu- He leaves two slaters living here to this extent Eisenhower favored departments; by by-laws and prpl-. with aafwuarding security and ra«»t- /■ In a telephone check Of the two active nuises was held: iMt kye- ttoue its service to tuition stHdents ' nical, .but has received , consider- The program is entirely free and Television Progi^ifis tora, mainly local goventmanta. Which result, from'obligatldns aria- Mrs. Ruth Ryan, 108 Chmnut St. it* Sen. Saltbnatali (R-Mass) said nances only. He pointed out that' ningiln the Manchester' Memorial open to tbe public. commenting that the agency has 8. Mlirray Snyder, a v ^ t e I y^^»hu«hma>ntH, it waa learned and Edith Helwig, ®f Glastonbury. wlth only one year's notice. able advance by the development tog for the U,S.R.R. from 4-power it'was hia understanding from ordinances must be the subject of Ho^ital dining rOoin’ with Dr It was indicated a sisable of ACTM and cortisone, On Page Two no right to *'lnter(bre in the Inial- Houae orail ieentary, said Wag-1 Hartford Road buaineaa BuriiTwiil be in Pen Yan follow, White House meetings' that the *a fliily advertiaed 'public hearing Get Used Car Savings agieemenU,** E. R. Zagllr as the lecturer. I MRS. C O R N E L !lis^ DA neaa of municipalitlea and local ner was advised by the Labor De-I had been brokeh into a total of tog a mllitkry funeral tomorrow ment of'" the Bolton populati-—,. _ , — -administration fbpght. the cuts and that the petition for overrule Miss Patricia Stetson ahd Mrs. might be to favor of - cohtlnutogS. Q—For mme time^ now -it' hSs eriden, March 26 ( ^ —Funeral tmHa Mt govemmant** ’ Tha Kremlin ftirthar qualified its partmant that Secretary Bltohell ^ times to the last several years, afternoon. ■•just as hard ab they could.” give the voters 'the final say in The Small Buaineaa Adminla- sovereignty grant with tha an­ could take no action to the strike ^^h only four of the braqka being Shirley Prebler, of the ho^ital op­ their tuition relatipnshlp- with ^'^etoed as th^gh qne of my limbs ices ' /ill by, hf Id .there Monday nouncement that the Bast German Knowland declared, however, that the queation. • v erating room ' ^taff,. ^nd .Mrs. ' Manchester on a long-term /basis, ^ ia\hecoming Siwed. Is there Any for Mrs. CorneilusDan'ahet\ wife tration, which waa allotted $3,- becauae the issue la pending in made public and that tbe print Elisenhower did ndt operate "with "They have the legislative duties m / h regime had pledged .it would ‘*(ul- federal courts. A federal no-atrike [ ahop had been burglarised of 8300 Norma Ooughlin, of .the nursihg ‘ postponing as long as possflole the' oortiective measure I can take? . ot former Laltor Commissioner 038,000 of the $3.880,OOO it re- a bull-snake whip." ordinarily vested in a legislature," staff, demonstrated Mulpment’ on tm E TO sow S e S & 6 ^ epirtnod. waa mrittclaed for moving (Ul -fix 'Obligations tosulting .. injunction, obtained by the Na- worth of U.' S. poataga stamps on problem of a high'schSol. i - \ . , Mra. V. C.>\ Cornelius J. Danaher. - Mrs. Dana- from die PoUdam Agreement on Funerals He added that Eiseilhower had Riibiiiow said. "Is the making display. The equlpiiMnt consisted In other .matters pondered by j difficult to explain how too .alowly. The coihmlttcA said tional Labor Relatimu Board, was March 11. not tried' "to undermine the con­ of a contract a legtelatlve act?” her died night at her home Grost needt a helping hand long be­ \ the development of G e^any as a Itsued tbs day before the strike Henry Michalak, manager of the of a Stryker Turn 'mbie Bad, a bed the committee, considerable atten-; o®* '•$ ^ adult should start to 279 CoJonv -St., after a long illness. .the agency etlQ baa ^ 3,MS,OOfr of fidence of the people in Congress'* he asked. If it were, he aald, tion was given to the problem oft'***®®®'**-^^?**- .This c^talnly sug- fore apple bloEtomE and spring fever. . 58 miUlons made available (or democratic and poaeo-lOytog state atartod’ March . 5. .poritompt of used car business, said the tost with overhead trawo.i and equip­ She l^ves besides her husband. l A k t t ^ n i e d as well as obligaUona connected Mrs. Frank P. Peiraltto as had. some Democratic chief ex­ every time the- General Mankger ment used in the/operating room. informing the public of the nature * bonVdiaeaae, and an ortho- ToVei only a few in.iriulct - with a buainen loans, court nroceedtegs' fdiloweil [break had been committed about a Funeral services for Mrs. Prank ecutives. " ,\ wants to buy erasers,- the Board - — ------‘-—Id prol four, son*, Francis R., former with .the temporary statioiling Dr. Zaglio spqkt* on emergency •ot Che report and recommends-! P*<«c "hould pfobabiy be mayor of Meriden; Judge John A. spreader and yotrean Se&tt H Yburiolf, ~ ilflIfiO Bxebutiva Offica of the 4. A alight rise in the number j year and a half ago. He said the P.'PetralUs, 81 Florence St, Were Minority^ Leader Ryndon B. must pass an ordinance or a by­ consulted.' _jnt, which includes aotlvl- Soviet troops on territory b( the and first aid treatment apd on ! tiona. , '* oft the Circuit Court of Appeato German Democratic Republic." of AVIh-ILA. men working was first and third burglaries had been held this morning at 8-CO from the Johndon ID-Tex) comnlehted. he law. x*- infinite- care Or the overall treat- The group discusised a two-way ■Uch as the Budget Bureau, reported yesterday on the rain- reported to the press, .but the W. P. Quish Funeral Home, and at Washington, . D. C:, Irawr'ence < LAWN SFFO 7 0 ^ icarce • West Oersaan Power Gient had not always agreed with Pres­ Judge King asked. "Is it your ment. of ortM iC cases in'the program of informing the voters - NOTE ON QUES’nONS / ' ven 1^,777,700, a budget cut swept waterfront. The New others, one of, which "cleimed me 9. o'clock in St. Jamek Church. idents Roosevelt and Truman, but contention that , all the Board cah Dr. Jordan ia Hnabie to an. and Cornelius g. Danaher, Jr., tyefo Bluegraif— oil petOrinbl grai*e>— of $fX74bOO: *The request for $},- ‘Contents of the East Gemign hospital. ./ * of the towns of the question they of Menden. Ftlbbral service*/wHi Pledge Were not otherwise re-. York-New Jersey Waterfront out,” hsd not, he said. The, Rev. George Hughes was asserted at least Congress' and tge do is pass by-laws and ordi­ The next lecture will .be held on will be oskefi to act on at their- swer directly indnddual ques­ ‘ /^kei the. deluxe lown or lihadtl^ Confidence 800,000\for operation of the White taice ■ place 'St. Jhaeph’^s''! vealS|. Commission 'iaid. 8,712 men an- Schendel today said he did not' the celebrant, the. Rev. Robert public always knkw "where a nances?" Rubinow said-yes, un­ Monday, with Dr. Merrill B. Rubl­ meetinga. r " ^ , - tions from readersX However, Houae ttNlf waa hiked by tbe swered the morning work whistle, | wish -to comment on any of Carroll the deacon apd the Rev, Democratic President stood oh a less the charter .specifies that a once a week, in OtisX'Q"* A " Church at 10 a.nK" .. ' / I lb 500 iq ft - $2.45 3«A//b - $5.85 conuntttoe to $1385,000 becauae ThexWestern AUfiii have now as tlq* speaker. ^ • ,r : The problem of dlstributtog the the - Whet Germans virtually full k rise of 238 over Wednesday and j Bprtorty'a remarka. However,- Edgar Farrell the aubdCacon. Mrs. tax bin." matter is for determination by study reports^to the taxpayers w-as - column he will answer ihe tooct of a hsmiy IncrMse in tourist the largest niimbsr, since the | when asked why he has reported Jane Maccardne Was organist and Democrats said they wanted to considered and it was decided that interesting and the' m o ^ fre­ ,TjUAF BUIlPfIt — Cleon—OdorlsM — Keepi lawn* Vigerotil trade, control oVw Internal affairs and the Board of Directors. the right to conduct most of their s t ^ e began. A normal-weekday some breaka to the press and not soloist. Father Farrell read the establish clesrly that tbe admin­ Rubinow then reasserted that, , each town would solve it in , the quently asked question^ re- 8 tparkling green. 10 lb* fier 1000 *q ft needed— Ftet operation of the puUlc houa- dock, turnout la 30,000 men. Thlr-1 others, he "said, " I don't toel committal Service at the grave in istration did not want the. excise Ga^line Prices manner which they considered best 'ceived during .the week. ,\ i s lb* 2500 *q fl - $2.50 ‘ 10,000 *q ft - Igcthe iW OK Tm k 0 1 tag program during Uie coming foreign affkirs, But the West still even if the ppiyer had- to be given ./• keeps troops in their portion of the ty-rtiitoe oi 159 ptcre I I'm pbtigated to dtocloee all St. James’ Cemetery. cuts, because they feared OOP to ' the General Manager by the • for, their areas. / ^ yoar, the conunittee recommended ked yestorttej the com- Bearers were Earl Lewie, John orators planned to take credit t o ^ VOTE OF CONFIDENCE $70300.000, a cut. of $0,100,000 freip occupied country and they main­ Were breaks."" Bokfd, It has been given him by At New Low Here Inform Public tain a veto power over surti cructol miaslonX aaid. T L A picket lines In another development Involv­ Rowe, Richard Wetta, Anthony for them InX'the i^ p a lg n next the purchasing order resolution, The second phase .tof the prob­ Nocjval^ March 26 (>P)—.Albert' toe Presidents request. Soqkus, ' Daniel &>kolowaki and LARSEN'S HARDWARE matters as - Germair rearmament' lave keto,thousands ^ AFL-ILA ing Schendel and car dealers, .it fall. : . / the building committee ordinance, lem o( infornilng the people on the A. DeiVs was £e-elected com­ Tor alum clearance and Urban Michael Gerowskia. mander of Mulvoy-Tarlova-Aq'ilno 344 DEPOT SQ U ^E V > TEL. Ml-9-52^3T< redevelopment. It m>pft>ved the en The Easi Oornton innouncessant men from- working, , w’S confirmed by the Chief today and the change-order rule. Ga-eoline price-cutting War - pros and'coni of toe regional high Ix-'niorowghiy ln*p>9erates all over East German Bjate organs the authority to issue ii mandamus Hsrjty Pellerip of Bolton insisted X \ pared'To ask. phsenhower ,t0 ob--1 coittonce with the law, was not Stanley U Nichols,. Ill, five in.tRis nasc._‘ -gasoline to as low as -19.9 cents.^ ■-' that, .at least iit.his to-tyn, tfae/.re- V^.lV._,membeni ,r^x>rt suspected 4. RecondiHonod fefr Vqkie hounng and alum.. clearance was abolished. Then It added toe, months-old son of Mn and Mik. I, the committee recom- major qupaiflcattona that ha would tsto an 80-day no-strUce injunc- [ brought on by his sqUabble with |.1;30b Attachment Says Remedy In Law per gallon^-Prioj' to the current ports should be delivered prior to svbvefalves. to tlie FBI,-defeated 5. HonatHy Daseribod tlon, under'the nAtlonal -emergen-J j^rigrty, one of .thos* dealers af- Stanley' Nichols PC South IU., To estabUah his contention thpt ontbreek hft .the. war,, regular the public bearing' He further-to‘^ /Edward Aide, 'senior ■ -vice com., $tl3,088300, a cut cf $•.•- Continue to be responsible for; Bolton, who died suddenly yester^ Warranted In Writingl 881,800 from presidential requests. (1) TbS; Security of the East cy prortaloidi of the .Taft^artley [ facted,. but by a complaint from An instrument attaching property, a mandamus was the proper legal branded-gasoline-was s0)d at 26.9 dicated that s'ran^m'sample or nr.andter.*''"'"^: Act. {one dealer who to opposed to stay­ day morning .At thk ho'/' S of his recourse, Rubinow cited'- the cents per gallon.' "" " hia town’s.: bpinlbn-^on. the study . ITtp maryin w as not cMacloeed • >$ rn. »* ptor •... »• This includes the housing and slum Zona, and . ' ' parents, were held this' afternoon of Hubert Robert, at 622' W, Middle a Che'i** •( ie jitiri** 4 deanneq fmids. (2) Ratotiona with tha Western 6. The Nationat Labor Rela- ing open Sundays; Tpke;, was filed in the town clerk's famous Marbury ' vmsus Madison hfoat gasoline, stations in Man- - revealed . k large ' dcgre» of . mis- blit Berea said that he accepted re- tiona. Board In Waahtogtoiii step­ " If the deslers can't get to­ at 2 o’clock at the QuarryviUe case, famous in the history of the cheater were selling, regular'' gas -/ information and doubt election as a vote of. .Confidence. a M- bM* ovaOhr . • -• f*^ ocqupoiian authOritlaS “ in'^qaa- Cemetery, Bolton, with the Rev, office, yesterday’ afternoixi by four jBPiM onV|r ■)? t 's ttona of aq AltrOermah natiira and ped up i.te procediires-shd indicat­ gether amohg tbetoaelves, and one Masaa^usetts residents who have Unijed States^ Supreme Court. at 23.9,*a survey^ showed at noon Members from the Other towns- Aide declined to run for re-election ed ah early d ^ ^ o n on a disputed of them complains, that's nqt my J. R. Yeager Pfficiatlng. 'Ct)at.ca8e,establiahed the principal tMqy.'vClrcva-type signs were-dis­ '> agreed the reports should be dis­ as senior vice comma:,c'.er— and those questfohs arising from - fim -- .. ' -T-i-i.-— i-A - ---- ' started a suit against Robert aa the dectotona of ths four powers on representation\ election between fault,'*/ Schendel saldLlid L 'Tm 'T duty ----- . ->y- resuir oft ■ an - accident near, the thpt where- there fa a-legal right; played 4t moat stations. tributed before-toe hearings, .but Benja:nin Smith was elected to the ATUiitlC COAST"^ Cburi'Csses Germany."' ' the ILA and AFtolLA.___ This. ap' bound to enforce the.^tow, and law Charter Oak Bridge Oct-- 12 " 19S3. there is a. remedy i||( law, he said. In toe esse of' Xndover and- Heb­ POOL „ - • - ; ItSI Mawell A**., HeoHlea: Ceaa. The Red announcemenV^nit at tidh came one da< after ILA lead-[ says car dealera are/to be closed Emergenc)^ Roolii The attachment is for $3,S00. / He also, cited two .Connecticut "SOMEBODY IS LYIN d” ron which had alreatly*11614 hear- ____ / Represented by/ the West particularly With the era gave' official ncUon. to ttae[ fltindayB.” .. X In the action, returaable to mandamus-cases.'In the first; the 'Washington,-March 26 (ff) r— Inga when theji made thelchqice Your Easter Seafidollare are an DON RYAN. 81 O al^ Hoqfl charge that the Weaterit Occupa­ strike, which they jgirevlously h*d ' H e said about three of the Hartford Court of Common Pleas court decided that since - the |Rep. Jackson rR*€allf.j said to­ between the 4-town study an3"'to«'' -investment in the health, happi- y: Wetherafli 'Lebauon Man. Held tion Statute of 1849.,imder which called k J'spontanMus work stop- doxen or so new car dealera in /' Treats Accideuts April ..jB, .the plaintiffs are Paul, and voters had a right to a- toii-n meet- day he will recommend that Hm Windham atudy«' it waa felt, the ness and future independence of Pkoab HartrOrd 9-4888 crippled children. the Bonn Republic .tou establish­ town/Will be affected by the new Frances Waits, of BiUeHca;— and IngXX ****‘^^”'*0 * ebr- Jnstloe Department check for public had a ’j^retty gtotd idea 6t ■te -Under $2300 Bond ed, consUtuteta "rme of the chief ***f; There also Was'actloir by the ofderi ■ ’ Threa minor accidtnt-cAsetwere Nathan and Dorothy Shapiro,' of respondihg duty to call one. .*rhe perjury 'tbe... eo'nfllctlng testt- the nature of the issue'. j,t, hand. obetaclea" to reUtaificaUon of Ger- Federal Dlctrlct Court here toward treated at the Manchester Memor­ Roxbury. They are represented by second was similar except that it moay received by the HeiM ' A Marlborough ..comtoitteeman handimg the. pending • Contempt CARTER CHEVROLE;r CO., Inc. mimy. It said tha aimitor Soviet ial Hospital'emergency room dux Atty. Wfillace R^ Burke of Hfri- concerned, the right to a special LjLTAmerloan ' AcGvItlea Com- suggested holding heariitga in' fotto proceedmgs. stoior Judge John'S. election and the - town's clerk's Harold Goodrich, 23, of Lebanon, action yestetdSy for- East Ger­ Ing the past 24 hours. ford. . ■ ■ ■ ' . raittee frofB'aad’ ahodt- two cler­ different jparts of the,towns ip 311 MAW STSEET — MONCHESTa pleaded guilty to. chkrges of In­ many Waa/a step toward "an ap­ Km»t assigned a visiting jurist -"^LboutTown Percy West of South Coventry Waits' charges in RIA^ complaint duty to call It.' gymen. "Somehpdyjs iylngr” order .to fnsure: maximum turn­ decent ASWOirHlHl-. theft before proach between Itost Old W ^ from Rochestw, N. Y,. Judge suffered minor lacerations (rf\tbq, that he was changing a flat tire on Rublnow ^hSkedy. the eburt to he_sajd. ■■■ out. He asserted that arrangement Judga/Jobn .J, O'Connor, to Town Harold P. Bbrke, to preMde jiext . had—worked siicceaafully in hia Germiuy..and the holding .q{,;.fDee Misa Elinor G. Huasat, I5-E hsad and right knet when he was 'KIb car in the aeuth-bound lane of Court/ this morlQ^ and was AUrijtoman elections aa Well aa Monday in the caae. Delay in the approach to. the toll 'station town when ^Hey recently held -V handling the issue previously ..had Forest St., has been named to the Involvsd to an automobitoAceideBt \ r bound bver to Superior Court titoconclusion of a pedca treat]^'^ on the Wilbur Cross Parkway when his car waa struck by the de- hearings,..oh. spuing up their ton­ undmr IRl,000 boiid. been attributed t.o lack of a judge Dean's Lilt of Syracuse Unlver- \- /. ing regulatiohs. „ ; -?.Tlie Reda said their action re- alty'e College of Liberal Arts. yesterday. ■ fendsnt. • . l Jn companion oases to that of Siilted from negotiations betwMfi free to ''sit. Burke will preride at Shapiro complains he was forced - - A perplexing legal question that Goodridh^ two SVUors were fUtod, toe trial of the ILA, eight of iu Brian Jmxpatrick, 9. of itf? the Kremlin and the East Gerrdan Spruce St., fell and suffered to leap from the roadway where he came up, concerned the fact that ^ 'e a c h for breach of peace, New York and New Jersey, locals The various groups of the Wom­ was directing traffic around the OUR SALESROOM IS OPEN when the group was organized it regime of Premier Otto Grotewohl fractured left wrist, x-rays dis­ were Davfat Bennett, 18, and and three Manhattan local officers. en's Society of .the Community parked aiito. and suffered injuries,' -vifB specified by toe towns the re­ USED OAR lARIUNS After "no steps wkre taken at tha .^ptist Church,-will conduct closed. »■ art MUUir, 30, both of a N( recent Berlin Conference of For The NLRB haa chargril them with some permanent. Negligence and port would ..bp., made at a date , not R. L inavkl station. Police i criminal a-id civil contempt for al­ rummage aaile at the YMCA. 79 Leok Sknith of Hartford suffered carS’lessness are charged. EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9 moire then two years after the LOOK AT TNESf the pair with tadeemri kaaault ei$h Mlnistara to reestabltoh the N,rMatn St., next week S%tunlay. Gontusldna to the-right t90L..thls national unity of Germany and to legedly fomenting the Btrike.to.dl; lONDAY Tt4ROUGH SATURDAY cotnffllUee'a Inception. v.LWbsh artasted-4Mit.;,^tfy 'Were fiance of the federp injunction. April 3. beginning at 9 A m,. jsnd morning wbsA a 100 pound piece V,-,. . Ifebron, the first of the group prosantad on the bryach of peace conclude a peace treaty.” 'The charges, wUrii' Miuld lead to urge aU ntembers to akVe articles ofLsteel.fecl and stei!^ talk, right to get town approval for its com;- 1M7.0HEVROLET IMS OHemiQIJET . flounto. During the Big Four Conference jail terms and fincA have been for the sale.. > fdi^ X-raya were taken and Smith Honor Fortner mitfoe, appointed its eommittee. Walter Huchipi 25, of .8 Beeex fkivlet Foreign -Minister ' W. M. was later released. He Lufo S-door. Rodterbeab- 3-Doar pending more than two weeks. :6 YMiis;ik unit March 7, 1952.* Legally He­ A leal valsn.- found guilty oft. operating ifolotov instated All-German elec­ '" 8.—There ware only a. (ew A grass fire was put out' on Qii^f Opierator bron siiould have reported to its . ravers A good voloe. a motoT'vehtcle while under the to- tions xome only after the East brushes between ILA pickets and Ltoninpre. DrtVF this morning at D e S O lW P L I m iwn meeUng before n6w. But, the' NOW LOCATED AT- /fluenco and operating a -motor vc- and Waati German government- working AFL-ILA membera on 9:30 b y ^ r ift Of the SMFD. Last ebron members-aoemed.confident $775 hlcla whUf hie licenee wps under on xn.^equal basiar— set up a,ual- the waterfront yesterday. Hun­ night at 8 o’clock, the MFD was PiiKlic Records Mrs. Alice Elliott Dickenson 241 NORTH MAIN ST. MANCHESTER gilhey. cotofi*TtaveraK*~t(tivn extend ■uRwnstoh. He was fined 8125 ox fled re i^ e . Tbe Western'Big dreds______of______additional_ police,__J ______patrolledcalled \to Union and Kerry streets M’ho resitted as chief ope.-stor at ' 'the time, even If it were.to.be dSft'A' tbe first count and 8100 on the Three held put for liiternatlonslly the qocics, the ■cen' the,. Manchester - TelenhorA. Ex­ as a seetton-bf the warning calling ^iCHESTER aaeand.-BoBd for appeal, waa qpt supervised -rountrywlde elections ./ Wxrrxateo pped.s change,'was rec.3ntly i-onored n-ith of bloody frccrfor-alls last week. ' Annie Mahonty,-otals, to-Doug' 7 . for the. referendum. ~ af $800 and at press time HucHro tlrst. 9, The strike hit a new major | 'Initial nnemploymenU claims In a dinner at the HilU-rest, Bolton. ■ i- ^ To Be Ready In 1857 19S2 CHEVRM,^ -T b s Berlin coiiferenee dead bad not peated the bond. economlVbtow y^terds5'wh)m*the I Miinl^ went over thrijl** A. Johnson sito Marim John- The p-.rty wns gli'Ui by -the chief Should the towns act favorably, WALH»APE| and MINT CO. De Luxe elub ceUpe. Pofrer- De . Atowitemidoye, Ruchto has iocksd completely over Germany, National Sugar Ref in li« Co , an; loo marii, U ^ reported mt the ■oh; property «on " Maple Street. operator and .'assistr.nt chiM op­ on toe rfgtdnal .project K la-estl-' 19N GHEVRoIl^T ' ^ ' 5 E K N D A I I I 24f/BROAD ST.-k>TEL MI-MS91 IT ffOllS up or down In any Aaafhar fUde, beater, tew orileaga.^ . . c - ' - v i Bagdiy raoord of ccuvlcUons. Hlq with the prospect that tha.Raich nounceA clofing of Its big refinery | local office , Of Uib Employment Eleanor T. McClure to the Mc­ erators of the SNE Tetl^htnie' mated the building would be ready De Luxe 4-daer eedao. Radio, would ramkin divided and occupied Clure Realty Co. Inc., property on STAYS^ Ur all year *rbvnd-wlnfar end beater. Jet Mock fteiah, ' Mcanaa has been auapended three to Long* Island City, QUeens. It [ Security Division. This figure wUl Company's 'training' department to d O P E R A T Ii for occupancy ta Septqmber, 1957.' and Operated Bjr Denia E. Frechette Bmaa and relnstoted. Once he was by her biggest World War H con- was tha third refinery to ahut be refiepted in the-Weekly reports Strant StreeL - . New Haven. The "4-town enrblfneiit-.at that I f lASTS file Ufa and mrrka td a hm iom y $1295:^ aUswad'to drive fapme from court queroto for a long time to come. / RnlMIng Permit s a W a c t i o n ^ • • time. If projected' at 850 by the down as result of the strike, and [ by. the | State Unemployment' re- "'Mm. Dickenson, the former Mrs. n p i u a C O V ltF ‘ |f n AJUAONIXIS wf»h canr# or and hto Ucanse suspended moments The newest Sovist ntovs did not a fourth is expected to close today. iMrt next weeA . - . To Jarvis Acres, Inc., for twA Alice Elliott, daughter of lir. and, committee and 750 by toe j^tate. lhataafUr. tppthr tO'Change that prospect. The atrike Is an outgrowth o f[ j------— ------story dwelling .on Elsie Drive, .$13,- Mf«i ’ Edwin Pahner of Parker . However, the State eatlmatea have Tkrw matbrtsto were ftoed a the battle between tbe ILA and;[ .. BARGAIN HOLDUP > 200200.. ■ ri Street, had been w'th the company ELM¥f0OD PAINTING and consistefitly been too low to the FOR RENT! OPEN AU DAY 180 lor vlolatton of rules M , .PARMER UATS RIN .. the. A FL-U A for certtficaUon, by Dallas iP—A mXn whp indicated Marrikgo lieensi for beven years, and had previously past. - ttW FORD 18N FORK road. All .iraia radST cases. ■ - \ .^Preawtt, Arit,j. Mareb 88 .iff) tbs N I ^ as bargaining agent for I he ha^ a pistol to his- pocket M ^ed In Philadelphia. She ra-. DECj(^TJNG COMPANY ' .Ths school is being bttUt to.ac-; yi Floor 3flndtoff Machine gwDoer eedaB REriUet beatefi Aaod f r sbeb ware Osealto M k-A 34-yaar old fanuar werimr waterfront workers. The Atrugrte [handed alter Harvey ~Tbompapn ;o( and . led *10. be married to William cairunodaTe I.38P by 1961, By that • Floor PoUflher , neat' eevers. A alee . cor. ' 1i||}arM$,_o< Dtidlay, Mate., and MAWHiEgpttWNlMMA toTMd AJM caliber rifle ■■ Ida haa been going on since the becue. Pit a hou which ekensoR of Hertford.^ war hMTFOS D —TB. AbM -MTU . time IL'ls 'eq>0eted there wilt be • Wallpaper Steamcra ’ Ptotos, wife’s fSMsUy at tbelr bame newr set, up the AFL-lLA after _ enough pnplls to fill the- buildtog'i ■■ ifftid W T c b n t e k r nAd: 'lGimme''%rty doUkra,-' U tibnal Church. During the evening Mn. Dickon^ Aik About Our Hong Inprovement Plsn ffWallpaper KHa /■ of 0 ». 2 ^ GHy early te*^ , bWHiM Uur ILA last fall for fauuro to you donft have forty, gimme ten.” aon was praaantad with a ast of T o capa«d^. The school can ■!»■ exf D t^ K CANfitakEfl ^ ( F brmerljr • ( Bortfotfl KoafQ $745 8b : ' WlUtaai "Bbaatjr Plus ProtoetioB A t Y ou r Senriee** ■'U eleeneq 4teMf. of racketeering ele- Tbompspnl. who, aayx kA knows • About 89 par canblaf the-a It Ig cryataL Pravioualy hqr oo^workars pandSd to h ^ le -lA O O pupils OammBMd iiL, sfteuM tlte nebd ever irtse, mente. bargain, gava him 810,"' , "BitragaB. .- , ■ * g%va har a ctiaat of sUv«r. mmBssaaassatmM ■\ i ‘ '•f. .s ^tncf : - 4 ^ • 'iV V % .. /, ‘•V" . . • ' s .■-t


Sense and Nonsense ■■V widow of Martin Zinker, of Wihd- regularly opUrated bapka elaa- land's ifepceUa and^Hhdrawala in Antwgr to PrgvieugiPuXtlt KH^UK Bast > Windaor, died whare. ■ i ■ B abput six^clock in the evening. . ftockvflle, March 26 (SpeclaDr- BHIngton, and YhomAs bf Bast But it-didn't lend i.'.ohey. ■go. I IlS i^a «a|it . {pott) Wlhdabr; six daughters, MUA-Mary A t 7 :4>^K M , - tCornmeal A n M>id'groman aat on a bench, Roy B. Paige of 39 Victoria Rd„ Meanwhlle.'ln another fraud case J3 Toward tho Said the chairman, of a torta’in Zinker of E ast Windsor, Mrs. John called for 7:80 o'clock (C 8T ) to­ products I wtpinlt'lhe tears from her eyee. Maltcheater, 'wua' elected exalted i v at Boston, investigators probing •hctterod aide I society at its annhal meeting: Pauchuck of Hartford, Mrs. tSd- night ' to see . whether de^sUors t Landed A genb^an walked in, atdpped nfler of the Rpclr.’tllc Lodge of'l ^ the hugs f hanclal rtmivtpidatio of 14 Mcdtay inipatudtbd her. then walked over "In most ktnift-e. Of relatives, 'Reynolds STATE TH E.^ R Auter. wood 44 Unclose / men." he' called w t, '"here’a a which I have, thie hopor . to - pre- sided in Connecticut shtce 1935 and D^t. Atty. Garfett H. Byrne said I t l ^ p on 34 Ones (Scot.) ' |n Manchester since 1948. fib ,w as brotoer, Anthony Shakt of New Should be\able to raise all but Excellent Opimntoilty / 35 Netherlands S3 Summons 4t Ireland . / poor old'woman here, who wanta aide H la Juat Ithe.reverse/' T o rk " ^ d 20 grandchildren yutd that aSyeral oi^oso who slSffered tA llocatta afipOinted to the Connectl'-ut State about | 9,000\ o f t o e ,8164,000 on losses torougi/ big loans they ex- Indies island 3t Guarantee 47 Rent enough money to take iter to her three .giMt-grandchildreh. 'X Ritoe OtaniN MonaawiM stt datge- II Deity i*elaoveA.in ^nver. I'm a poor Police: Department in 1943, aaaigtir deposit to the^OTlvately' operated te.nded to "Maitland intend to . 3t Assailed 4 6 T rap 48 Pilchery Demaiid ^or tendtf meat has' FunerAlMryicea will be held at M erchants Ebcchanga^ - St Dregs man,' but I'4I start her off with a ed to the Hartford P-orracks. He ., charge them off 'In their income cd Ind smlpnucd by sitiBa to liw it 4 1 Anciint S ^ C h lW g a m c had something to ^ with prices. tha White^FItnerai Honw tomor­ Depositors outai^ the 'family T h e s e ten dollar hill.-'. What will .you Animals are siugncr now when Joined R^kville Lodge in 1950. j taxes as .'ivijiheas ioeees gtanite— te endure. And Berra row at* 8 a.ih,, and a t ' S t Cath- w ill get the biggest pro. rata share, genUemen doT" Off came his killed;/leaa mcaj^per’ahlnial. Other officers elected at laatl I Paid Tax oh Profito / Gnnite Homumcfits p«y iributy to r " n r “ b./.„ nigtit'a meeting Include: Esteemed arina’a ChurclX Broaa BroOk, at Jackson caid. ftelativcs. who had r K derby, the ten. ^ Iltr bill wak 8 a.m. Burial e^l/be in St Cath- \fhe source said - the taxpayefs' t h in g s the things that eadatc---4keftob, to*t 0 placed inalde, and tba hat was ■ Distraugl^mother to grmip' of leadii>g knight, Martin Lehan; 4 s- money in the ExchAogo> ^eluding' takhriKe'l^ltion that .they .pajd in­ WNOQwliuDis * teemed loyal knight, Rlcciard Mor- arine'a Cemetery, \Broad Brook. an aunt,'Mrs, Vfla 3(ae Reynolds, and mcmotict qf thote who hSra soon- half-.'fpll of- contributions Wild chllm n at birthday party:' come taxa bn their profit^ from ganson; uteemed lecturinir krught, Friends may call at-the funeral will take a smaller prpportidnate LONb WEAMNO passed on. ' ranging from a. number of green- "There will he a special prise for- home this aftorndoa khd^vening Maitland’s loans during toe years When you ate ckobaing your hwsnW / backa to a lot of ailver change. Charlaa M iiphy; secretary, M, L share. . - ■ , \ when/he was paying interest the who goes home •first !"— Ooagrove (re-elected after serviiW from 5 to 10. . \ ...... COLUMN A ARROW iBcsir. let M help )pta-The beauty aad- ' y Two of the men counted the Meanwhile, townspeople'\to thia Jor them. -v EI1DURE m .^ 1 Yhtes In Ladies' Home Jour- p " i' 1 ” in this, .office for > 34 co n secu tm southeast Alabama peanut' and pennaoenoe of aclect Bmm G ^ t S ' □ □ 3 money, and proceeded to present . ' TaleoUville Iteani are aoW han­ n investigator ^add Maitland ^ Ml Made to Order f T H r S Mua);’ treasurer, Raymond K. fcotton fanning community of 900 ' interest of 8lSS,(X)6 in one case nuke k a suita­ ' ' the grateful woman with more unt (cealected after bervice for dled through the Mancheeter^wu #liO U With Vour Roilen ’^ g y caught him raiding the icebox at i 1 T ^ ^ than a hundred - dollars. The progress civHIkstion .has alag Herald lUickvlIle bureau iort land; James'-Maguire, Ver.noh; At.High School He’5NO«lTH’CMieF off on a. Visit! bring you some that Is,. government bonds and whht .he PUM8CR t c Centor and United Service tilt In Calf Record; Betty Ann Daley, e«»MEEK FOR ALX THAM MXJ can borrow on his lira, ihahrance. TH'VOT the first game of a best of three Willington; ‘Richard S W a n a o n, Rockville, March 26 — (Sp ecial— What more can SAPORm MEMORIAL CO. r i i t CARNIVAL BY DICH TURNER Two Ellington girls were named scries. Game time is 8:15 p. m. The Manafield; Cbarlea SchrefTer, Ar­ A merchant neprby e< J that ^470 CENTER STREET TEL. MI-S-7781 d t second game \VU1 be played Tues­ thur Perhatn^ James Novak, Heb­ co-valedictorikns of the High U ^ , 1 t j □ J t day ievening at toe same place. ron. Abraham Acompanoda. Inter­ School Class of 1954 this mototog o7 “ ' ROASTING CHICKENS During the MsA^n the. two com­ national Farm' Youth Ecbange by Principal Allen L. Dresser. | J ;* P*',, peting finalists met twice. In the student from the Philippines, -who Dresser said It was the first t'me i first game the Spor£\CentCr edged 4a at the. Ernest Kupferschmid in the histoiw of the school that **We never buy chickeng di^whWe .aiiy more; you two valedictorians were chosen. be something BUGS BUNNY .C...Untted -Service 3{)-34 and in farm in EUHngfon'will accompany Both Jackicka{***** ®**'^*^*’**2.^* ^ d«clar«avls Ave.., bw-Licensra Ready ert Armstrohg, W 0 er Price, Dor­ SEPTIC TANKS aiH He r o e s a r e m a p e -uonr^RORM Towitx/Elerk Kerwin- A. Elliott add David Payne. ^ of Mr. and BUILD ./ A . those who'' wanted to have .check- A eompleto orgaalxattan of TRAINED SEWAGE SPECIALISTS ____ o th y -H. F'olkes ^and Clayton Mrs. ^Clarence Payne of 17 C e n te r; J /' k 11s attoittlon of dog owners to :Foucher. _____ ing acbounts In Clio rather, than to, using the most modern equlpinent and maohinery—REiSUI^t A the t»ct that all dogs 6-inonths- S t; BETTER job at a LOWER PRICK ALLEY OOP .Who's Briefs/o Be Filed These five toyl-ranklng students pJdjOT over must -be licensed on or • 'The attorneys were given two before','Aiay . , Dog owners should win deliver their eseays at the O^^OtNSEHBA 1 .Weeks to file briefs th' toe. case.of q Sump pump. IpstatTed to X. 30 u O t o z y ? NO HOOMa»L iso note^ that thera has been an graduation eSefcIses to he held in THIS IS WHY AtwcHtaoxptEodbioEiK' P4 Hts RIGHT Hugo Jacob Ruppert, Inc;, vs. tho Niw remove water from your X . .crease in lees, these .now being the Sykes'/Auditorium Tuesday 1 SglkS MIRONS! VAnsR POOCCir MOULD SET FOOT IN , ^ lEtfgland Hotel, Ihc. et al, by Judge ‘ ce lla r. . . . more people caD URCIO llOIRU-IM MEXMAJ WHT.TMOBG 32.1Q idr biales .and 35.35 fo r fev; evening, June 22. \ Alva, P. Loiselle liV' the Court , of o New . underground water M Kinney Bros, \ MliOMNS /HEOMOOME I sots MOUUri males. iTtolfe who fail to-secure; COinmon Pleas Venerda.v, An in­ idea licenses for toe dogs-before May lines Installed. fl) Prompt*Service ITNOM&At iK o U P ’fXMA/S! 1 definite' recess''was declared fol­ o New jh'rootproor' sewer ■ >'C- must pay an additional fee of Alvord Is Elected t l h MCMUPICMMIt lowing the hearmg oh this case. lines Installed.Vi (2) Quality Work . . The licenses may be obtain- ■V, 81 00 . m u m / , , ' , , .o. Phigged sewer lines le a n ­ L3) Reasonable Priqee U.-., cd'at the office of the Town Clerk BIB.Fahcl Announced iiiing Treasurer I ' during. April. ij • The Chambel' of 'Gpmmefce an­ new ed-'electriVaHy. IE SAFE . . . RE SURE VFM’ Unit lOecUon Bet nounced this - mOmihg the names The AuxiUary of the VF\^,,wUl of members Who will participate In Maitln-K.' AlVprd^ oitalriitom;of bold its monthly meeting ton^ht toe panel 'dlscuBi^oh groups for the t)ie Manchester PLtnnlng' C o m ti^ , DANLBUlGliTjoo c in n e y 8 at the VFW Home Sn Business; Indifilry and Education Sion, last night was elected treaa--j, •* a* OH-St«4^ Coll M K BROS: Wm St., with nomination and elec­ Di^ program'for March 29. / urer of toe Oonnecticut Federation ! ^ A G E DISPOSAL COMPANY .^ 1 'TOe production and ”f I n y n c e Pereonel Hearing Service tion of officera acheduled to take of Zoning and Planning Agencies TEL. hqtclton 8^6808^ ) 80-182 PEARL iST.. atANCHBiSiER ./ '\ place. ■ •> - .y , panel w ill. be condiicted ,by/G. L at toe federation'a sixth annual ' aee IWala 8t.-rMI-e-e2Sl “If I bought snofhtr cup. do. you tuppoto you couk Dl.strlct , President Katherine ..O'Brien, U..S; Envelope Co/ Frank meeting, held in Merlr'-en. --T von# 'll Jitllf ihbrttr, lighttr snd riehtr?” Kirby wiU-be..present at this m e^ Gregory; kingfisher of Bristol Other officers slecied are'Arthur ing. The committee in charge m- Fish Lines; Albert /Schneider, Bai^ovto--of'Waterford, president; CHRIS WILKIN. Planetcer p eiim n ee cludes Bernice Blotnlski. l^riel Am ro T 6ol and Dye Inc. and M.' Austin W Mather of Norwalk, vice New Plot? BY EDGAR Baraw, Milry Fetko and t t y w ; Thompson, Ha'rtfora Connecti­ president; and' James Klar of :\ F e tk p . • , cut Trust Co. •/ ; * - Hertfprd, secretary.. fitting children's shoesJs fi Sfieeialty at Leonard'si P i C O l l P New Arrival The marketing /panel will in­ Directors named are Pierce ' 9L A iT O f^ Mn and Mr*- Sterling McLean clude Sol. .Lavitt.y'Shephard - Irriga­ Gerrety, Fairfield; Peter P. Hale, . > e ^ e m roA V M U k Y VL of Spmera the parantX-of a son tion' Equlpmant/Co.; B. J, Tyier, of Wallingford; Hubert' W. Stone, Mothers and do know hspM^ M rrT E ic UP VOO*VV SlVOT h W M s n .'ts bowj, yesterday at the Hartford -AIbi Manufacturing Co.; Sam Ro- Hartford; -Paul V. Hayden, Che- f o v N P O R s r r s to m . HdsijlitaT. Mrs. McLean is toe for­ senstein, itonchester Knitting .shire, am Morris 'Tyier, Wood- o n iPXVMtinKPA W t Y V W t t t mer Shirley. /Metcalf. The haby is Mills'and j/P> Sweeney, Journal bridge. ’ ■ ■..... PK cm Vt&.YONMMV, a grandson of Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Publishing■ Principal spehker at the dinner flM T p M etcalf Of E lm S t. Personal 'ahd '' labor relations .folfowihg toe election o f. officci's ; A$t8 . I Q'CVOCU I To Becelve .Recognition will ba undled-by T. A. Leinbo, was' Mayor Stephen Kv Bailev of tO»PMP Several ~ Tolland, County- 4-H Indu^rial ..^und Control. Inc., MichRetows,' who talked on /Is , u n o boys^ahe-girla will receive rec­ ClarehM Wiegel; secretary-freas- Planning a- Dirty Word?.’’ ■ I fy ognition at the annual Bryant and u r^ /L e « a i 471, 'P P J A J C IO : ./A l- «« 4CE- CTiapman banquet for 4 -H D airy fred' Cavedon, Aldon . Spinning ACCUSED ON BEATING CiUib-thembera'to be-held, at the MWs, lhs, and N>vN,N./^. SISchwedel, A m *r-. , Ktratford, March 26 (P )Jd hn COMPLETE I^NGE V Hotel ^ nd tomorrow. Recognition in , Dyeing 'Corp; Sto ll, 27, was scheduled for a for projects in the form of rlb- These groups will meet at the town arraignment Mond^-~ ac­ /Elks Home At 5:3 0 p; m.' | cused of beating bis ihbtlisr and UVBV/ k k Roee Sanpeek ZlnkeC : '" threatening to choke - Ijer, police / .Mrs. Rose Sanpeek Ztnker, 70, said. . PRISCILLA'S POP Perils Of Paren BY AL VEIIMEER] So Floftering^ To Mat/Ons He* was booked laSt night-on' "FITTING IS k e n o A d i Shots 'Between Friends I \ i BY LANK LEONARD charges of drunkMess. assault, C y oo/friM.n . -ikJ-ss OUR lUSINESS" breach on' peace and postosslng a ••f . . . '/ ' ( f O k a y P O P l ' Gay Set Of Towei$ m o . Ltw a t*s dangerous weapon,, a .22 c'aliber ^ T I L L l S cE , lOUOHL WGOOOtCS&PML'lMAT \N aLM N t» U nMMoyj rifle. BSil w*F pt 81'.800. no PLXf/wrrw SORT dFAWQHAN IS 311^7 3R A R 1 IffllL m t iA iiiT y x n k FiiT OP! ^ V t J U R P O R RXnOLPffESNEllAPUnUinDllF SIffJUD ymiBPftUNSNE OFlUHaiR 1 AMfiMAM SOUNDASMAirtMLONE-SECP'j G |^ STORAOI a i v c ' MOKENOFFNlTKtQ MEMITfSICOBNrT MMREP KHimtiiai-WTitiKKr lM KCAUSESNEPM^ S M fo u etm m , MTEUJSBa IB BUMBMBt/NaON ATIMT! r p r e w o r k s p a c e SOMEONE S it UK6P BOTITMtSVERT SPORT!: 3-Da| S^iM BETTER 1»AN m m ! Hats • I Dn lilM R - Gltaaitf aii ;' SoMfraTNO praW has been S ' ^ 4 - Ottur Hmm 1 i | i R i 1 $ U r i > s T ^ - Blodtai (o the'old Kyle garage! 9y iiv-, L n i R i a H i f creaiing the width, or the length (or bOlh) two eztfa’ feet, you /ttaeh as finishing the. '—obtain at. Idiw cost ' -basement or the att^;- T i; ikekw'JSsXyoir «er . ^ You’ll like the quality of b^lduig a mmpua dom e in'snd let’s get sc* our w o rk -^ n d o u r low . i , . volvoWe .a ^ e - for iforppe- or - quAinted. \ ' worfc beoefi ‘ ...-ir--..... room, - niodenmng - CAPTAIN EASY BY I^ESLlE TURNERfyjfex^KLES AND HIS FRIENDS Please ■':Do BY MERRILL C. BL^SSBR prices: ■ Every family i« d s riioK' foom. , your' kitehcR op -'Rdd- Sofutr. wMt. ^ All KA OQiNBt M I a t e r .-«T L is t e n , o a 6, I- WAsrep t h e w h o l e f o r e - H effrian •ecoriomicAl,,practjcal- ing 'rooms to xpilir ,AM6 UM ,N Q?M M e IMtS.SUSiNeSS 6 . N ^ W UERf— IP YOU c a n t o e r s o m e w ay 10 obt ain extra riOf age space., UKEtyi# ntoa Mnauiiy lHAT:seNt>S Me IN MSenNB iPBOfUf / .eiTTeR SPINNERS. I!M 60 NNA QW E Wf SPECJApS--Startmg Tom^ house may be don« NBl/.' kl ■ . : oociMire Faiavf. THIS SUM3«i — I'U. rr iMDULO BgCH EAB. BUSINESS lO.SOMEBOOnr ELSe / " And today "Gafage-Piut-Stor- RUT A err «TRi 6iveTHAT OTHER. ER FOR MB p STAY age” 'is so eaiq/^to co m t^ . Np dcr the saM 6Rll^> ■■■■ auao»ra STXCle A Ho m e / AND fOOD THROUGH FRIDAY/AWML 2 X ■ A WfiTORIAM. cizh is rc 4 utred. Nd^^wq - v Y , .itiakNORv Ti pzymeot/nccesMry. Financing KO TMST OAV I t A m and CARRY ONLY arrangmeott arc easy. Small ily payments add a yaluzbie .^ . . "I ■ V ; ■ V F - b vcment to yoiif* properly. EASY TROUSEia ^ SLACKS \ MIN'S AND LADIES' PLAIN SWEATERS — FLAIN SKIRTS ^Study thc-kUrj^itstionf on the use When Interviewed .rt^ U y at of this iiiofa^ space. We have ___others to shOwTyou. Come in MorUrty/Bros., Fra n ^ ^ Dick­ - 2>IECE SU lli J enson, popular local iutoma% rec­ toid. ie e -a JI th e-d esig n *. B lu e ­ % ognized, the fact tjiiit the'Uhhoinx prints and material lifts arf VIC’FLINT • 7 PLAIN DRESSES avsiU ^ ; We will gladly help . ^j^/Bosy Now, Louiie! BY AllCHAEL O’MALLEY THE STORY OP MARTHA WAYNE Francie Brings A Letter BY W ll^O N SCRUGGS Mqrcury line to'me only. car Up- -COLORS signed for moderii living plus m6(^^ I yon in your planning. HON M V ^ U K g (MW OVN'T: rttartoote HS« oonna couARg em driving comf«»rt Dick says \— I... THI3U6HTTdhAcY HOW tUDVOUDO,] oe.i»6Etsn«5EO\ ruarb

;.,V, './ '/ . j ^V \ J . L M- rAlljJ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD^ MANCHESTER. CONN., FR10AV, MARCH 26^ 1954 M AN cfelER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONK., ftoA Y^ 26, 1654 ..V s.ifJSiKtwm.'t-^ /■ onsor / v; Vi. ■J ■'jr-i '7. 1 1 Entries I^eceived I Stanley Cup Ashburn Out on Attenayted Stcai Nals,De£egt m r 6 yvMG5 -Htw YaiktM Wla! Comeliack Yrail folr Joe Page r e e n f — M A K .m ^ Football Score Records , 109-94 ' t i B ^ I V E r W H E N H E ►urney ,, _ aucfcr P0» Harks Braves- Champions btain/ Help %mttUDay. P ro^attt The dreaded ball,' \ By FRANK WCK, Kusava had a history of summer Correnti to' DAIeiul T h f Montreal Canadiens, The Syrreuse Nationals certain­ idtlch added Ralph Branca’a name AP-Newsfeafurea Spot sore arms but he's nevar had one fencUng Stanley Chip champloni ly picked the right li :e to get hot L a st F bU W h e n 3 0 5 to the Uat of baaehaira "(oata*' in since coming to the Yankees in Eleven ehtries hay* been re­ St. Petersburg— Manager CaSey were flying high but the Detroit in the National BgCrfetliall Asso­ ISSl.Ntlll la dogging the blwl Stengel of the New York ’Yankees IMl. Wt pitch him In the spring ceived for tnb^Men'a Town Bowl- P ln y e d ; Highlighti righthander. ■ and fall — and look what he did Red Wings, winners of the reg ciation scheme of things. • • O feels Mat the five-time world cham­ ing Tournamen't/to be held at t^e ' pion^ help themselves when they in hia fifat-two World Series with uter eeaabn r4ce six straight years;^ The Nats overwlirlmed the Bos­ By EAiu/Y(MT BRANCA^-y IK L D E D three help others. '■aa. We*t mde Rep Alleys. 1 were in trouble again today a.a the! ton Oltics 109-94 last night for! Major gotflnY *v*nt of tha nkoea home nine—'good tor a total of aix "Does that make me a genius? ' / • * \* - .1 National Hockey 'League's play-' their sixth straight victory and a rune—in five inninga yeaterday iWe get what we want and He dUftha pitching! 1-0 lead In the-brot of three East­ at tha Manchastor Country dub, netimes we give up more than F1R8T/1BNTBY Vfcelved waa{ offs adjourned fdr a dav. the Manchester O ^n , wJU b* co­ agaihat Cincinnati M d tffb .Red- "Look at Baltimore. They have Dickie Moore set rii-n Stanley ern Division flnal/.Mi1es. TTie Nats lega Mrent' on to beai'^the Detroit moat teams can get elsewhw,*' a good catcher (Clint Oourtheyi. that feUow-,(Jim Greehgraaal when We /necessary. Trophies "and cash Eastern Division regular season Tournament Oimmttt**, and Jack rest of both leagues. I got (Ewell) AMckwell. Right now awards will be given to the win.- bowed to Toronto S-I,. after w in ­ championship. ed to Branca's embarrassment ning the first game of. their series Turktngton, first vics-prosldent of [. with a similar ^m er. ‘We got Hafry Byrd and Ed maybe ..they got the beet of that . ner and runner-up. Other prizes But- the NaU snapped back to ,tha Jaycaaa, made tk* aanounco* deal. But Biackie helped ua sever­ will be given out depending on the by a abutoiit., Detroit fans rr- Th«n Hoble,tBuntiy dub *%e abM got Jeluuiy Hopp, John-N of the season, started sensational­ second base on attempted steal in sixth Inning of exhibition game and enjoyed a 30-25 lead at the victim^d Branca with a three- ■ aingla elimination with playdown ly by scoring the first, goal after course. T1>« totnney, a ensDay af* nin homer in the ninth Inning of ay Mlae aad Johnay m M Irom the g ^ e s the best , two out of thr^e. with Milwaukee Braves at Bradenton, Fla. (M ai^ 25). Roy Smalley, end’of the first quarter. Tnen the fair for aeYtn yaart, grow into a Natkmal Ceagae. What’s the nuit only 10 seconds, the - fastest goal Braves* shortstop, makes putbut after taking throw 'from- Catcher the final game of the 1951 Na­ Tlw semi-finals will be the best In Cup history. He kept up the Syracuse trio of Boo Lavoy, Billy. two-day evtWvlaat fall. Amateurs tional League playoff against ter with uiooe ether teams? They three out. of five with the finals Sam Calderone. (AP Wtrephoto.). Gabor and Dolph.r.ch-.yes—spark­ played on Sunday and the prof**- could have had aay eae ef them. . pace by scoring another goal and aionola and low bkodicap amateurs Brooklyn. The hlstori^ blow cost J four odt of seven. . EntrJes will four assists for six points in the plugs of the team’s -event victories Tom Coogrova the Dodgers the penniint and Just "They say 'don't deal ^Ith the 1 close March 31. Those wishing io —started hitting. Syracuse gpomed made up the star-studded flM on Tanitees.’ WbiU, a-e'vc given other game, another record. \ into a 53-44 halftiise lead and the Monday. Lost y e a r's' winner waa about wrecked Branca’s career. I enter may call Mel Cushing at flie ‘Fred MoCurry '\I t looked for a time as though Ralph pitched in.only^ld games teaau a to of help. And when we Joe Pai^ WU Uie comeback traU with the Pittsburgh Pirates at their spring training base In West -Side Rec. after 6 o'clock Freddy McCiirry is the first Celtics never got close again. Bobby Toski, one of the hottest make’ a deal the other, teama try Montreal goalie Jacques P 1 a n;r« in Schayes led the winners In scor­ golfers on the current winter tour in 1952, winning four and losing Pierce, Fla. ^Recently signed by the Bucs, Page shows , a couple of younger pitchers the form that HIPPO CORRENU is the/ de­ Manchester bowler to flip ait entry would score his second atraight ta'o, and was sold to the Detroit to keep up with va." made him a flr'ebalhng fireman with the Yankees.Left to right: Wrate Coach Clyde Sykeforth. Page^ fending champion and wlll‘'mfend for the annual Town Men's Duck ing with 27'^polnU,\whlch; woir top­ df the professions]*. AUle Reynolds, the Yankee re­ ahufout.' but Fleming Mackell ped by Jack Nichols’ 28 fbir Boston. Cosgrove appeared at the ^ e n t Tigers last year after yielding T2 Larry Lasalie and Nelson King. f> wanted Sox, Yet, the^i^ay Stengel worke Action, Upsets Result in In the Church League. sorry showing in/(he first playoff The two teams r seme the aeries several days later. IE (T U V E E H E him.. \ . game against Detr^. After Sii The Jayceee will have charge of Mm. Lopuit hi « brat percenitage' ' " . ' r in . Boston tbpsorrow afternoon, ^fOLEOOEECOt,. ^ Branca wasn’t the onl^ Pitcher in. baseball the last season Smith got a goal for. Toronto, in (Bubl) Scholz hopes to score a / ... with the third game, if necessary, the program and tha sola of 2BWON, 9 LOET* to get his lumps yesterdayyhow- and a half—24' itories and 4 de- Budge A:^lipuiices the first period, Ha'nnigan put the ir.oro decisive victory ln\the rin g ! Ga inford, one-time manager of teck’in Syracuse ^ n lay. • UckeU. Proceeds- will enter the ever. ' x ' ' \ feats. m -game on ice with scoMs in the tonight wheh he faces AI Andrews, retired middlewaignt ihariiptes: ""tMiimeapoIls. leading Rochester Jnycfe fund from these two im­ \ The Philadelphia ^^^lles 'and Steagel’s bIggMt praMem this second/^nd'third periods. Macpel ,cf, Superior, Wis., in Madison .Sugar Ray Robinson, tried-to pre- 1-0 In the Weotem DiVislon final, The officiari954 golfing season portant projects of the event. In. .. Milwaukee wotfnd up with a "fi year Is first it’s his pereaaial ': •ff '*»»' Formal Heliremeiit Pronovost registatred the only, De­ Squara Garden. r ; vent Scholz from .fighting with a visits Rochester ti'-'ortOW after­ wilt be heralded in on Friday tve* ' Tltlon, permission by Country balV'^'ifcOt:e. 1«-13 for the Phi problgiB. However, la fatmeea to New York, March 26 (db—A l.ot month. Allen skidded from fourth Lightweights (13A'Pounds);* troit tally. '' • \ 'Although he is making his U. S. | restraining injunction b'.:t lort. noon, Tlie third " 4 'le, i ^ that ning April 2 at the Manchester dub officiel*-has been given tha Jayceea-16 erect a conceasimi booth after'g wild ninth inning in Which Joe ColHas, wIm eae year had to of action and upsets in the papt to seventh. CTiampion,'. Paddy £>e. Marco, Jackson, Mis*.. March 26_ tel—A HREAI.U LKAGITK . It was smith, incidentally, who, debut,- the unbeaten, 23-year-old’ State Supreme Court. Judge Max- series, if necessary rlso is sch^- Country Club when the traditional PIraa ts» ' ' — held th'4 previous reCord of 15 sec­ springy get-together will .be. held at the cburM on the two days of the winners scored nine times and battle seven other players fotfthe month today resulted in a major ! The ratihgs: _ • Brooklyn. few hundred te'nnis fans tn a Savuiy .. 7» 10s .275 bBer’in irlddleweight has been { millan Morse In Crpoklyn denied uled Sunday. / the tourney. Detro^ Several Years the losers six. Del ..Ennis belted posltlou, he has played IM or more shakeup of almost every division'^/**fkvywelghta! C ham pion, Junior high school gymna.sium 14st .Strsiion ...... ,»7 89 99 286 onds for the fastest playoff goal. mqde a 3',i-l favorite to whip the the injunction yestei tli^ brt order- .’The two division chs'.ips will sfor me'mbers and guests. Arrange­ hont^ rum Sulci Btah/Leinta gamee aiaoe 195d. New, Rdhiaaoa la 4- n il.' Rockyl MarcUlno. BroClrion. Mas*, 1—Jimmy Carter, New York: night watched the professional li-rk ..., ...... 131 (1.1 .7il-, Ho did,it three years ago against prolpising 23-year-old nmid-west-1 ed tha International Boxing Club meet in a best of seven aerie* for ments for an entertaining event are BYRD ON THE WINO-Hstry in the latest Ring msgasine rat- i_E*xard Chariei,'CMclnnatl: jjiiif.v ...... 98 87 99 28i CO-SPONSORSHIP Of the tthn- one'^or’fiiB Phils, antiSibby Sistl,' Byrd, wew member of the Yankee behind Colliaa aad. the chaacce are -.Eddie Chavez, San Jose, Calif.; passing of Don Budge, one of the uow Man ...... 78 88 97 28! the'Canadiens. The old mark of 'erne/ln the ten rounder. to hold 12,000 of /Schols's purse Ih the title. being completed by the Tourna­ k five pdiiits in rf, playoff, game was cheater Open will be the firat major AwAy from A^ L* Jim 'Pendleton and Aaron monad his pitcUag last Stengel has a HtUa black book la "SLim v rnn.ri»M \ d««km«n 2—Nino Vsides, CubaT\3—Dan -Orlando Zulueta, Cuba; 4— game's greatest players. - : The bout will start'Y t 10 p.m., i escrow until Galnford'a claims can ment. committee and completa de­ step fof the Jayceee In the spe^ homerbd foi' .the BravesX which box aeorea of -1968 gaiaea Buccenml, PhUkdelphla: Ro- Instead of the youthful Cali­ '««0 474 514 /44g held by 'the Canadiens Maurice E^T, anUnd for the first time a • b* tried in Court, April 5. tails will be made available year fob. the Athletieo. Steagel *5-ye«.ild Brookly. heavyweight Don Wallace (Bud; Smith, Oinrinnatl; fornian redhead -who captivated qaada (It / " promotion field. Committees will looks for the husky lighthaader to are kept. This bosk will show kow' wkSTiopped Rex%W«< mM iL t 5—Ridph Dupas, New Orleans; 6 ...... 112 102 101 116 Richard and ,Toe Blake, Eddie Btish sport* eVent will be telecast in Andrews, making hia Garden shortly.- , be named by President Howonl na. (NBA)— Tha try at second. While he has been both CoUlae aad BoHnooa have hit Cockell, England;. 6vT6mmy Har thouaanda the world around, they 78 88 97 -2«1 of Detroit arid Don Metz df To­ color over a network. It will be debut, doesn’t flgi.re to be a .soft New Gimmick for ^ « « • BMn without a iHty BVDY AEOALADO. ClevAand' be a Mg 'wiaaer for New Y o ^ . Oarenoe Henry, gained his first —George Araujo, Providence, K/1.; ...... 96 KM /1 21 123 The highlights of the 1953 sea­ Mohr at a future meeting. in the organised game three years, agaiast certain. pltelMni. So, when risen, Los Angelas;. 7—Tom 'saw a 38-ye8'r-oId busine.va marr- ...... 1 0 1 132 107 140 ronto. . seen in the usdal black and white touch. The ex-GI won 12 of his last son, as produced by Stan Hilinski, Lest fell 220 amateurs played laat aMMm aiid 4Ma’t CAM. — rookie senaatloh; slugged his position la the top tea. He look, Jackson, New York; 8—Elarl 7—rJolinny Gonsalves; Oakland, who'double faulted and afound the the lanky, 2 2 -y ^-o ld BolUng la sixth and ^enth-homo runs of BOB aad BlUweg.' Ftnlgaa may be OoUiaa goiee MM, BoMasoa wUI over the No, 7 spot and Bill Oil-1 ...... 86 .96 130 . I l l Another record -wa* set In the on non-colbr receivers. NBC will 13 fights. He has a 26-5-1 record Hardy Golfers will be again ihovvn and anybody on Sunday and 65 amateurs end Tlw AtUotica ^ t Wa J«r- going to get In a complete season Walls, Toronto: 9—N«Jnz Neu- Calif.; 8—Art Perjley, Red Cross, net waved at passing shoU he MontrcnI-Boston gante when they w(th . three KOs. He ,wos siopped the training season as the Indians their third baaeib^. They’re golag step In. f Uam of East Oraage, N ,.^ 'N o . 10 Totals ..."4 7 3 ,521 558 1552 telecast the., bout locally and na­ v.ho might have missed the pre­ pros on Monday for a record field aay M Walcoit in GMoafo. ~ for the-firat time, having com. haus, Germany;_10—Bill Gilllaim La.r.9—Armand Savote, Montreal; W'ould ea.si1y have killed in better meted out 23 penalties,' (wo more dnce, by Bobby Boyd in seven whipped the Chicago Cubs 3-3, The to be helped a iol. , He also lhaa'a tig rightrhanded as Heaiy aad Harry (Kul) Nat-' 10—DulUo Lol, Italy. tionally White, ABC will handle the Portland, Ore (NEA)—Members mier of this film lash fall, should of 305. Previous vrinhera hove bMn aa^O» Tinss flaUhad aixth hy .pleted his * schooling. After 41 hitter named Gim Triandoe. He is East Orange. N .'jr fi*y4- thftn th^ pre\ioufi mark ofv21 In a rounds 13 mont':i* ago; a fW ’a ayuMh. pracUcaBy mak­ 23-year-old phenom also singled "Look at Bbritin. They liave thews were dropped. out of' the | Featherweight* (126 Pounds); l«S> <4> Tadio- .(rogdeast. ____ » » * of the, Portland Golf Club have plah to be present. Aii effort i* Tommy Armour, one of the great­ games with Little Rock last triif, listed as si catcher but can play L i g h t HeavyweightB They saw Prank Sedgman top Hobbn ...... <5 69 M 228 Boaion-Toronto ffamr In 1^1. . est figures in golf, in 1946, Henry ing a ganius out of rraddia Hutch* twice and now has a .-447 batting Jack Jensen. Where did he bbrne raaklaga. . .1: pounds): Champion, Arehit Champion, Sandjr. Saddler, New come up with: another addition tp being made to , obtain the fllnia of ho batted .318 in 57 games with from.? (He came from Washington some flrirt'lSdjM. And down on the Young Paul Andrews of Buffk- Budge, 8-6, wHh a booming serv­ Hinnhmon . 89/ 101 -86 278 The Deti oit-Torontb Aeries^ re- THE ODDS are surprisingly big HE ALSO PUNt^EM fa.8t and the 1953 Insurknce CSty Open'i won Bontempo in 1947 and again in yimoa. Buffalo. average and 17 runs batted in to Sati Diego, ' .x, \ York. " ' ■ \, . ' V ice after overcoming an early lead. UirFiU . .. . 95 91 swnes tomorrow night at the Cs- has had plenty o f i-xperienc'e fight­ the long line of gadgets which are Detroit go with his home run collection. but Washington got hint'originally farm at Kansas City there's BiU io. N Y„ who made a good.ahowA 1—Percy Bassett, \Phlladelphla; Turklncton ...86 on a fighter who is 'making his threatening rapidly . to. turn the by Little Bobby Toski, who one 1952, Frank Stoasowokl in 1948, Al pros- Skowron who wlU be fMittlng in 1—Harold Johnson; Phlladet- ':Budge flew east to take up a Culler ...... TO. ise nadian ,'Cjty. w-hile Montreal will ing lefthanders. The 5-9, 155-pound Labutis.,'in 1949,' Manchkgtsr Pro pacta m ay im • Other infleklera are Fred Hat­ Pittsburgh took over' the first from the Yankees for outfielder Ing gainst Harold Johnson, wss \„hia: 2^oey Maxim,’ Oeveland; 2—Baby Ortiz, Mexifto; 3—Lulu firrt appearanre. even though his sport into one big subway ride. month later added the' Manchester field, Johnny Peaky. Harry Bright, Irv Noren). _ / his second year aa a first bSoeman moved up from nine to seven in vn.u- s biislaeM career after, the Jack leAPorff« ..c 94 284 play Boston on Sunday. ^th Andrews'gal^ed that while working Alex Hackney tn IgSO, Horry Neb- llttla brigbtarr place—that's right, first place—In V Jimmy Perez, Brooklw; 4—Jean Sneyerz, Kramer International Tennis record sho’ws 49 wins, no losses, ss a spiuzhig partner fot Chuck This latest is a cart seat. It Open golf championship to fill Buddy Hicks and Charley Kress. "Look at^ Washington. They for, future delivery ^ Yankee Sta the— ligh^light heavyweight division. 3vJlmmy Slade. New York, 4- Totals ..... '530 541 1634 affairs are best of seven, with/ the two draws and 28 knockouts. He hitches onto caddy carts, provides laurels.- U^lodt in 1951 and Tookl lost bat not m uch. the National League apring stand­ dium. Yolande Pompey, Trinidad; 5— Belgium; 5—Teddy Davis. Hart­ Tourtlament tour show ended In winners meeting in another . best Davey. H e 's irre d n ore Uian 100 season. Ttaa T igars Bright, last year w^tb Memphis ings by choking off a Philadelphia got Bob Porterfield from lu. He Danny Nardido ' of Tampa, Fla., W in^ Hoepner, Germany; 6--- has won nine' in a roWr rtght by an sri.i rest while-pulling. With a The feature of the evening, as it and drafted from Charleston of fell from ac.venth to ninth. ford, Conn.; 6—Ray Famechon, Enoch* Junior High School Gym­ __ 87 91 of seven -struggle for the cup. rounds with L(avey m'4^' then beat cauot wait \mtil Athletic rally to squeeze out an Floyd Patterson. Brooklyn: f— France; 7—Rioy Ankarah, West Quinn .. .. /. 1>H 78 ka'-q*. the welterwetwf southpaw twice click, you have a comfortable seat has been in recent years, will be the American Association, looks Mlddlewelghts Joey Giardello of nasium. His place waa takes by Krricus0n ...... 6k 70 on which to relax. - ’ ^ a golf clinic conducted by Pro aoma of their 8-7 victory. The A's had scorad Paul Andrews, Buffalo, N. Y.f.S— Africa: 8—Gene Smith, Washing­ Cbrl Earn, S2-ycar-old California Amtrrstm f ...... UXt ./ Iri his grj'm workouts, the 6-9!-i, in reguTai- flg h ta\ ' ' * ■’ b o n tt a baWea like a better bitter than a second Philadelphia and Rocky C^tellani u m \io 7 1.56-pound Scholtz indicate he With another'click your seat is A)cx Hackney. This demonstration, baseman. Shortstop Ht«fica batted twice and had two men on base of Clevelknd traded places, Giar­ Gerhard Hecht, .Germany; '9— ton; 9—Bill BbsSio. Hartsdale, aouthpaw.vFrank Kovaca, original <>;-vinl / ...... n? hi \9.i They should drbW aboLt 5.000 Dxhibitifitlk Baseball grow up. T here when E!d McGhee filed out. to end Nassiffs Finish Strong- Danny N^dico, Tampa, Fla.; 10— N. Y.; 10---Wlllle Pep, Hartford, replacement;.sprained *._wri»t In leow M|^n...... 75 69 M Rich Azalea Open knew his way around a ring. The fans and about W18a)00. Including free fo^^tae cart and available fdr followed by a question and answer are fhra of them 1295 for' Buffalo. dello being tabbed as the'topfon- Jacques .Hairabedlan. southpaw Is^a fast puncher, shifty, portatHi' feating. period, will afford an opportunity Kreaa, up ftom. Rochester, will be the game. . tehder...fc)r hie impressive TKO of conn. practice.' Totals' ..528 521 $4 ,000 ntdioi-Ty monW for each, in the peasant The lyashington Senators, slug' Mld No. 4 . 1—JeJey Glariieilo,-Phlladelphla: KamliiskSs 128 im — -229 \ WilmingtOp, N. C.. March 26 (/P» more-by the fact that several'top in the second and chased him in • 1—Robert Cohen, France; 2— the Sedgman services, again th e , 'Miir'tttn...... 99 .88 — 187 scoring will be by rounds. A\^sup- -- W ar, A1 Kalina and Last night the Nassiffi Arms with his knockout of Bobby Dykes. 3 — .Rocky Casteilani, CTeveland': 3 —^The $10,000 Azalea Open Golf managers tried to buy his con­ The first scheduled event of the ® '2 Jimmy Cnrtcr. who lost his Chamrern Songkltrat, ’niaHahd:' 3 (eUin'g weapon. / John.f-n ...... 123 , m....W)4 143 -^ement^y point system also is Boltimom .....’,...12 Reno Peter Bar- JHBCAVSE HE CAN BUN, field the fourth, while rufifiing .“P • were., forced to put on it strong ■"—Randy Turpiir,\ England; ' 4— ri',)iih.who pitched for the W L Pet. toia, lO-yaar-oM Mwrtatop, waa The other catchbre are Matt which numbered six policemen by — Champion', Kid Gsivllan. CuM. Flyweights (112 Pounds)'! Cham­ 121 98 219 Johnny /PalineV Bpbby '.Toski, .714 runs in the third inning. 17. S3 Ameriraa >Nuitamwelght- cham­ 105 102 207 Athletics njgalnst flie Yankees on Pittsburgh .... 10 4 paid 925,000. Batta and Johnny B iv^. the time the game ended. ’ Mas. ns> 1.—Carmen ' iBaslllo. CJanast'qta. pion, Yoshio Shirai, Japan. Chandler l^arper and Fred Wamp- GianU Release Brooklyn ...... 12 6 .86t The first half aeemed like any- ■ ’ pion from Cievelam succeeded 1—Jake 'Tuli, South Africa; 2— Jer. June .23, 191A. He wniked 15 men, aiortstop'Xuann, the Asnarican The annoying cartilage out of llcary (Pappy) O a a l t ^ the No. N. Y-; 3-^i3iily Graham. N New York, M a r ^ 26 (Ab —’The ! Total. . 529 547 389 1565 unlenshed t h r ^ wild pitches nnd St. Loute...... 11 6 .847 hia right knee. Ned Carver is ex­ STAN MCSIAL made three hita thing bUl basketball, with Nassiffs wsik*r, i, ...... \ . o York; S^Del Flanagan, St. Paul "Tanny Campo, Philippines;-3—Dal short but impressive\acing career, In addition, J6 of the top 20 10 8'--- .556 >’a top recruit ct lO^S. en- and sccired both runs in the St. 8 bantamweight . c o nXe n d e r- money winner* on the\most recent wna backed up-t^. three errors. Oh, Trio to Minors Cirieinnati ...... coutagea the distritnition of bo- pected to be the pitching ace. taking all the bumps and bruisesi 'i Brdoka frounced Gnnlt recently. 4— Johnny Saxton-, BrcoUlyn; 5— (Dower, Wales; 4--:^Leo Esplmiosa, of 'Turn-Tb, the future book fa­ Cfintmunlty r*t (3) yes. He lost the gkme. New York .... .8 7 - -W Louis Cardinals 2-V victory over Deerfield was contended in atalling c** ...... Philippines; Louis IS k e n a, — no 210' PGA listing were ln'\ the field \ «r DatreSt^ 3be Mg Wiacon- Other ri^t'handera are Sleyt. ...v - .- s Gault fell from third to Ramon Fiientes. Los Angeles; 6— vorite for the IttntucKy perty- »P* . 97 197 Q.: How rrany ball-i were corns' Milwaukee .... .8 11 .421 Oromek, Ralph Branca, Dick Mar-^ BHxiklyn. Gerry Staley went aeVen the ball and getting good shots off. Daatnk, c Freddie. Dawson. Chicago; 7—Art P^airte; 6—Eric MarsdehT 'ISig- parontly was /nded today, the re- j„i,n8on wbich will be cut tomorrow night test Dogs Phoenix, Arlz., March 26 970,000 In 11 waa ibidlitinguish- lumders are Ted Guay, Billy Koeft ynearaed runa^ffom three New Ih the second half. Burr Carlson ton, Chlrago., , - . Perez. Argentina. ' ' 'Ibe .aigument in the se*t ahei N.ew York (A) 2, Boston fAV 0. Score Rt half tltfie. 35-30 Deerfield. tender.. Dower was eighth last tober snd the $100,000 ^ 'SOI ,J«i dentist it-ho heads .the .money ’’Yqe,” 1 bad to reply.. ’’la gen- farm club.in the American Asso­ ; «d in the before entering ■and Ywk errors '£)d defeated 'the and Ken Coodwin started p(0itng skes at Hialesb in hia ’ OarCfi wiry-tll\ was getting hotter and -heavier, PKari:,MK LiPAr.t'K Washington (A) 9, Chicago LblY. who bagged 17 for Buffalo,' Giants 3-1. ■ ' ■' ■ ‘ \ ; although hr hasn't won eM if la a breed bi the upper \ Emfrasle <*» \ ciation. V '/ ) the armed fofdcS'And hasn't bit a from all angles.. Goodwin had ex­ was withdrawn ' from ' n. D'^MFrchani ■... .. 107 82 82 *71 inent this may be reedy tb and finkily Al turned around to me ...... 93- 78 86 236 All three will report on Monday (A) 2. ball good ak and Ybyteck, who co^pped ik for ceptional luck on tap-ins, tapping r.aHan ...... »3' — 98 181 'andand said.said,. "Joe,. ’Joe, whatV Mo you tb ln k ir t^ ^ e must not Car.v ,___ the Roses'as soon ss Palmar ... 99 . 89 —/ 188 crash throug^tbis weekttMld.^er “ m* Preaeucp of many etup]d_and Mrv»c ...... i../. 91 118 79 288 at Melbourne, Fla., the minor ClnrtnnaU (N) IS. DsHoit (A)„ jthe Bisems. are excellent prospects l_In 1953 Hatvey Kuenn of the in seven of his field goal^ .F. Guggenheim learn- Duplin' .. 126 94 ,, 96 .'IlS IS the smartest dog?di nihl* ...... 77 -»4 . 74 .245 Busbj^ Returns Johnny Temple Mhkes Hit coff has been Well up here In 'the |.medt( dogs In the fcreed, fiow- CornU^r ... •rt'f ...... 79 108 i r 314 league training base o^'the-Gi)Ult9. WHAT UTTLB Jordaiw a relief worker who doesn‘1 .Ttgers -set an- American 'Laague Wslly EhrenpHes and Tommy Chatter |ury yesterday. Hrm i .. 106 10) 96 .106 figured he meant -thi St- te a il (N) 2. Brooklyn (NT i F. DoMerchant *. 90 106 195 four previous tournaments; al­ .^y this l.flgu ' ever, y ’re not nil o(i top, *1110 U clnloih ...... 94 100 100 294 .- Worthington is-the,best known. U in Tigertown comes thele lu t throw hard, won 12 while losing record by conjlng \o b a t / 679 Deneen played terrific 'floor Fames though never winnihg. smirtest breed'and I kno'.r that j| He Joined the Giants last July ^ d Pma'iielphia (N) 16; MUwaukM only one for the same outfit. Dono­ times.* Tlie previous high of 671 ptiodle been iM«)d tor r'en- ...... 434 .498 465 139t fMa of the infield, well c'bmanted and aided the: cause/wtM some W ithaBaitg TotaJjK...... "sii. Last year Cary tied for fifth. woulA be tough to persuade anyort field'Nvork—I-par- T otsli pitched' shutouts 'over the PhiladeG (N) 13. 1 last June 16, when Bay/"ootia was van, up from Atlanta, had four was set by- John .Tobin of the timely baskets.' JIMMY/TATBO, lalutatorian-of With:' MahagerTebbeti^ K turies both' tor rkSR illly it/ tlie. M anniester High Sclrool grad­ The year before he wasrall alone that shy breed or Individual dog ticularly InXlhe water — and ae 'DanIrU .-J, ...... 114'^ #9 73 286 phis Phillies’ and Brooklyn Dodg- iHttaljurgh (N) .8, philadslphia obtained from the mdiaAsNjmd trials with the Braves. Browns lii 1921, Sonny Boron am!^ (iharH#.. Jan­ ' V / ' Vli-'s Sfidii ^ Sh*p (4) . .'8 7 '9*1 *6 273 ‘OlWido,-.- Fla., Marc)v — uating/class, is the same lad. who In tlfth. In 1950 he tierf for. third coujd bo sm arter than some, one -f^pue . j viM^e'vUle performer* Mp»*r ..., srs in his first two starts. (A) 7. . . . ^founttt-fhinl haaa tydlor-made^r The only thing flitiit e^ u t ffi kowski starred In tn« losing"¥ole. By GAYLE TALBOT /'Miameters before' -he-came along. -pPIcaIcaut... 129 15* 100 385 and Ih ’49 ')(e tied for 2m. In those herd of their experience^. j-^lowne" in th^caravnns of the Pr^nlicc. >. ;■;; -.-v.. . . SO -JKl —Si 361 Cleveland (A) 8. Chicago (N) S. him. T i^ rs is the left side of the infield. Dick Bartell, Cincinnati Redleg High icoiers for Nassiffs were Jim Busby has returned to action tumed'ln er.ceilent Jobs t'.e p*:st Sarasota, Fla., March 26 (g>) /-.-i'ar led the league in stoleij base*- f7t-s- ...... 128 91 219 rrsnd»!r ,. 107-109 112 :i28 with A bang for the Washington two. aun^mers with Little |>egue DtilMlrin ___....___100 — 116 218 four years he's .never heen worse ‘T’ve been telling him that the , , 0, 1*,- '.nd Jekterff In the royal Low Men X . . '..-77 78 74 229 Spectacles w*ie first invented Cincinnati (N) "B" 8. Son An­ Large Walt D niw , who drives in coach,*' played in ‘ three World CarlMD apd doodwini* -- Birdie' Tebbets, serving his /firstTT^ a,robust .306 for Ecshrrt ...... 98 lU 104 313 than- fifth and picked up almost poodle 'i^,'' crt>tlnued . Al, "and he around 1285 A. D.. . - - tonio (TL) 4.: * ■ Senators. ^ publicity', aad pcoring- ' Zwick ...... ,.95 115 111 323 *465 1XT7 7 runs when tbe^ don’t count, is a Ohio State was seventh ih the I Scries. In 1936 and 1937 be was Naaaltfs win Journey te Norwich spring as manager of. the Cincin- most-of the next, *00800, so there $3,200 'in■'in WilmingtonWllmlngtop money.iponey. InIn' tells me .that aome_ expert says. ‘-xhe Irish water’Ipaniel has a Jolsll fixture at'IbM 'baae and FrMik Big Ten Bssketball race, but firijUTa' membpt of the Giaiits and in tonight to engage the Jewitt City Busby’s three Jilts yesterd^ nati Rediegs,' has found W man-r^l reason for Tebbetz to hope his Brn-v-nto ...... 118 M-.202 HAMILTON MTANDARD Won nis last eight tburnamejht rounds the Dal Is and'I've some great deal of poodle blood and is f'aberi* <11 , Bolttag, of the Red Sox in total points scored.v The Buck-T194at will rove adequate thia year, Totals . 817 leSjWver the sandy Cape Fear course pretty duaab Dais.".. _ ; • Corrrontl ...... '.'TV*'? 403 I(» 81 289 batting average for the apring to the Hartford Dusty LeSgde cham­ end hustle and all-arouiid orneri- “He used to start fights in the ' , M nrhirly Ilro lk rrs (61 known for its- great' intelJigeAro ...... 90 100 95 285 m CI s lA*fng it the old college eyes ^ o r e d 1,087 polrita.; winner. ' - (Same time is schemled foe 7:99. pionship last night liy downing the Conran IM. — 12( C#ry has po.sted four 69s, two 70s, 'Here; was on argunseat that snd the PuaW polntei’ wss s versa!! Rom.Iio' ... N assiffs .'Bext gam e in Laidlow .600. He had been out of action ness are 'going tq team up with TexM League that everybody. got Mayrr . . . ..V. Ill* 88 111 310 k 68 and a-73;- ■ - ,wouid sever be twHIsd. A* long os J. Citshins .....,"....114 ,111 .98 323 since March 16 when he. brujaed Cmirant, .73 to 66. The Props were Birdie's ■ b ra^ '^ 6 yank the club in„" volunteered onV Of hi* admir-. tile field dog tor years in Europe. M. (Wishing’ ...... *4 97 94 285 la SU ndspaftem oon a t 1 :36 against coiKhed by Johnny Falkoi^iki, C.ardiirr 7i ... 98 100 267 From here...the touring: /stars folks live- w ith'’dogs, fbeyTI be “ Intelligence' 'is -not confined to Plr-t^y .1 ...... )10 i i q 98 318 Frankies Drive-In. hia knee. • __^— htg«w-4hanelxth place in tha Na- «« from down there. "Once'he Brnwho ...... 98 104 97 299 move to. Greenslraro’s Btariiiount willing to lepd-pipe each other la former local fesidenl. l.rr 99 114 117 1.10 ■any breed. It- is often found at Totals 511 613. 466.1500 Uonal League'. v V ROt * rip across his head that Ixiw M a n ...... — 85 8» 170 Forest Club for tfie $10,000 Great­ defense of one braid or oilother. its canine peak in-crosses, as many Blai-k Maslr (() LJ- >• wntE canuXTiNe our second anniversary Ebbets Field vfas the" home run .V Umpire Dusty Boggess of the The youngster. Who ;UreMy hoe clo»e, bgt Be- er Greensboro Open- bbgipiiing “ Wfell, Al." I said. “I’ve seen J a r lbs 1 . 117 104 97 318 . COUNTRY CLUB officials are TnUl* ..;.507 484 610 1501 cur dog -owners will testify. ^ 90 274 hitter's Favorite National League National League owned the..MUilT. p tu r4 . Blrtle’4 heart; 14 a to- i®*"!^*** Nothing ID'send away for nkxt Friday, Then comes April some pretty prepostero<^ poodles "When-., it comes to Intelligeoce H rbcystrrit91 93 park la 1053. X .Thaaluggerfc'hit kogee, :Okla., team, of the Westerii still lootclng for a club manager for ^ ...... b%ck with a bandage around hi* Kusmtfc 97 311 WITH A REAL RANO-IlP SPRINGTIME the 1954 Season. , , Mmjpq-«hewing hard rock - nantMl —we fijipply you right out 8-11 Masters at Augusta, Ga., to match your di'lub Dala ao I in dogs, look for it as in humans— M rCann ins 80S 192 homer* there. X Association lit 1932. ' Johnny Temple,'"' who played 6S head, rearing td' go some more.” wtpdlng-. up winter activity.. __ don’t think, we can JuC^e alt of belongtn|: to the - indt.VlduiU and Sobiskl- 10 0 r t 8 The reasbn ‘rebbetts"^' 1* ao ,of .oi^own'stodftrf- ' NighVb Fights ■ ■ y , r /■ , (7 S H D ^ NO WORD has been, received on games for tjie Rediegs last aeaaon thei.i or alt of an ’ Ireed bjr cer­ riot the bCeed or rpce.V T oU la . 3|M 14W M f i l T S nnd fully intends to play evei^ enamored of the scrappy product' . IN 25TH YEAB - tain individuals,That goes for the (Dtetrtbuted by NEA fiervice) balloting for the' moit valuable of Columbia, S. C., 1* that he r*al- TiutMoa, Cutaways and all player award Hi 'the P,ec Senior game at' second base lii the race By THE AiStXXATED JPRESS ' >. ------' smart ones, too.-1 don’t know who - ■' ______n_— la d lsrrrie (1) coming up. ta'^listed n t 175 izbs all too well he needs such a fo^al acc«nories. -Fkiti River, Mass. —iRo'y An- a ia p e l, JBLin. N. C, .-4 NEA >— your expert was but he probably- ‘ The Chicago Whtta 8ox.\how en­ Bald.vsa ...... 91 .77 — 168 Basketbai: League during the past take-charge guy In his HntUpv- Coach Bi-nh Hparn. starteu hia 25th PaSkiil ...... 88. -87 116 291 aeaaon. '. ■ pounds, but somebody must have 'drews. 141, Lowell,...out^inted saw the splendid troupe o( Del- gaged in improving a lighting, sys­ R. UgiBskl -i ...... 79 J9l 168 OneJEet N .00 had a foot on^be scales. ----- plua pitching—If his maiden sea- • Georgie Edmonds, 140, Hartford, year as North Carolina baseball matians 'trained by Willie Necker tem which should nyike Cotniskey A cfto...... 92 97 86 274 son is to b* any improvement up­ coarti fliis. season. and figured’ that all Date are nr. Hilinski '...... ;-...s86 -81 114 281 BABBBAIX. UMPIRES will bold "He’s the tohghe»t .ijittlc mOnr 10. Park one of the best lighted parks 87 86 173 on what Rogers Hornsby did with REGAL smart. • . In baseball, llkely/-wlll Improve Klrlnscbrnldt Values fb $ 11.95 an important meetini; Tuesday key Pve .come, across In. a long Newark. N. J.— Coffee Joe W11-. n i ^ t at 7:30 at the V7est Bide Rec. time," Tebbettr says h*ppUy. “Up virtually the same outfit last year. MEN'S SHOPS kinson. 123, Washington, 'outpoint­ During the summer months Bob Granting that Willie had to have this coming season' on s 'JAiiS T otals — ...___ 4.36..429 490 1356 to now he’s called every man on He has a surjiiMng aroount. of BOndanza, Son Jose S tate. basket­ some good, level-headed dogs id after-dark record- which saw .the .Taka 111 ^ ed' Baby Beau -Jack,.--134^ New ball player, works on the coffee fS. Oliva' ...... *4 81 92 259 the t^ m a dirty name except me, power.’ . KhMzewskk _Oul B ^ ’" 907 HAIN^STRteKT . York. *. work with, end they had to be speedy Pale Holtsii...win 20 out;,of M Oliva ...... 77 86 92 3.55 and Jlm*Chreengrasa eairti knocked/ plantation owned by hi* parents'iff physically fit as well-the real ac- 32 night ' games on the road 'Ss LIchatx ...... 99 71 ■ 91 , ^ 1 aqd 1 expect to be next. He's , a Telephoiie MI-9-n52 ‘ Johnstown. Pa. —Danny Glo.- ...... 109 86 107 'f real throwback to the old days.- in loe or ^ore runs last seasoa El Salvadore, Central America. compiishment is the feat of Willis agailtst only nine wins f? fJorOnn ...... 7* W 85 - ; vahelliTVlnnle D’Andrea, fight can­ ' No one can-UaiMe infleldar^ Alex in training the trou^, keeping Low Jrian ... "He’s been placing -down in Clnciana|rlB the oldest teom/ia celed, . ' ' losses under the aroe In the'ir home JIMMY PIERSAMi MATCH Venezuela this winter, and when .orgoalziM ball, ■ yet never Gramn?a# of ,the Cardinals for them in shape and .handling them Iterk. • T otals ...... 448 403 469 1320 17.95 Redleg outfield not having a sweet tooth. Hia father through their act In superb fuhion, Values to $ ALL PlRST^tlNE TIRES, he reported T

■ : -■ ^ : -j-'^ V v ' 7 y -

■■■ ' <■■-■:' ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ..^:..y ICHESTEll EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.,/FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1954 m . f z i . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,. M^CHESTER, CONN;, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1954 Wanted—To Buy V^56 Busineto Propertr For Bile 70 S s k ^ ) 72 Rousts For Ssl* 72 ottaes For Sale 7i Lota For Sate 7S Waatoil—Roal Eatato 77 Household Goods 51 L ' • • I—; . -iri^ n-r Fuel and Fied ! 49-A '' f- WANTED — Single white porcelain MANCHESTER -jthls agency has Sid e ->-New, two bedroom TOLLAND TURNPIKB 8 Iota AitoMMibilM for Solo' 4 Automobilro.for Sole "^4 Booinoo* Sonicoo Off«rod /45 Pointlnf--PMperiBf 21 Help wantod—Molo ^6 NEIGHBORHOOD Grocery store. READY BUYBXa watUaR. For Im. CRAWFORD combination electric set tub, in to e d cortdlUoA. MI, Smell but active. Good money m a n c h e:V: t e r a large listing of 4', 8, 8 and 7 room deb, foil basemeiit, oU hot water abutting two strMte, each approod- w a n t e d —Man for dtdivery and madlata acUoa Uat jroor onparty 1943 INTERNATIONAL 3 yai’d DOORS OPENED, keys titbid. ONE TON of coke. W*M And oil range. Dll burner, never 9-7887 after 0:80. . maktor.'^ Priced to sell. Warren E. sliiglss at $8,780 and up. Two fam­ Insulated, UU bath, near mGely 100 x 380. Sign on wlUi tha Albert J . Oatto 4 ^ , kaG - diirhp.tnick. Bbccellent mechanical­ copied: vacuum cleaners,/Irona, PAINTING AND TV installation. General work bags.- Very fslr price, MI. 9-1147 uAkd. ExceUent for cottage. MI, Howland, Realtor, 840 Woodbridfa C A i c o b s * ily n om u , 4 and 4, 8 and 5, 8 and loot, bua apd s k o ^ n g center. premlsoa. Madeline Smith. fteG- Itn Cb*vra)«t S-Dr.—Ru m ur«U, Benson’ s, tote, CEL 94489, avanlaga, ML ly! Tires like new. Price 5080. guns, etc., repalirsd. ^Shears, PAPER HANGING around an>liance store. after 9 p.m. ____ 9-5814; Rooms Without Board 59 St. AG, O-IOOO - AO. 9-4888. , Vacahi Four loom1 C ^ Cod in 8 rooms, US,800 and up, colonials, ShccalUnt value. E. £ E. ReGty. tor. AH. 9-1643, 9-1148. 84949, JA. 84999. Full priot MS. 1085 Main St. « ------—------AG. 94397. AG. 3-4480. Fhone MI. 9-8307. knives, mowera etc., put into odii- FIREPLACE Wood for home or Rolling Park. Ixtras include seven rooma at $14,800 r o o m Wi t h private family on Hous*8 For Ssl* 72 Ranch homes, |ll;900 to HACKMAt Ag k Street, near Kaa- IMO DaSoto Custom Sedan—|U^ diUqn tor conUng neada. RtslUH JOHN M; McCANN cottager; Low, prices. Delivered Machinery and Tools 62 aluminum wlndowsxflreplach, fiw t 1 1 1 1901 CHEVROLET ^-ton pickup. waite, S3 Pearl atreeV'- I West Side. Parking faciliUee. MI. -dormers and ameslte drive. Pylce- Please‘call Howard R. LARGE SIX Room coloGG, 9-car ney, approximately 100’ .x 810’ I6t. dto. heater end eutomeiic Excellent conditton, $74o. ' Carter 30 Laurel Street Situptions Wanted—> moat enyWhem. Storri^ GA. 9-3438. GARDEN M /” »’ER tractor, 9-5803. MANCHESTER—4 larga rooms, to i ^ n c y . Manchester. aH. garage, an rider home in good re­ CASH E tA irm o for ADVT. - shift Only 185 ^down. lovely secluded Sftttog, Youngs­ for a fast sals at $l3.000. W ^ go pair. New furnace, quiet nelghbot- ' WANTED Chevrolet Co., 311 Maib St. MI. COMPLETE, Hand and«ower lawn Tel. MI-8-7S8^ or Ml-8-6738 •' FetAale 36 h. p. with equipment, 8000, 0 1. Don’t see how yoq can' miss eaute you Jav* t* , f. HOURS 9-0388. Vt'mower sales and aemce. Motors \ NEWLY DECORATED, Beautifully town. kitchen, paneled in knotty SIX' LARGE RoOma, dlahwaahar, nood. 130 X 140 lot. See UUs one SuburbM For SRl4 ' 75 aaoood mortgaM 1845 Dedge DeUute Seito—Re* RBUJABLE Woman driver end su- 9-9933. fumtabed and spacious room. Tlte pine, oil hot water heat, trees, ga­ on a deal like this. /- lavatory, bath, oil hot w 'ter beat, now,,$13,800, Warren E. Howland, 8tlS M. to 4:S0 P. M. dio end heewr. $10 down. 7* nuied an' overhauMd. Pickup and .Fsrm-i-Dittrf / Off (Sorter 8treet~A S/^ar old VERNo N, Sunapt SatatM —niraa Three or fpur tiers Alao uauraa waateA ■1947 CADILLAC Sedan, radio, heat deuvery . service. Qibsdn’s Oarage. PAINTTNO AND Pape burben car evellabla, shopping, Pt^ucto / 50 TILT ARBOR table saw with ex- moat compteta light bOuSakeeplng rage, amealta drive, bus, |10,800. storm windows, double/ garage, ReGtor, 648 Woodbridge St. AG. JriuMwii B au n a f r ey, good tires, sharp-looker, hydros Spring bouse cleaning Ipfjust picnics, light deliveriss, smell faculties avs4iabia Hi Manchester, Carlton W. Hutchina. ML 84131, with four rooms down ahd -a-' full amealta drive, larga lot, treea, 34800 - AG. 9-4389. yea^ old, owner aupervlaed ranch farm with st leu t —- r ML 3-0013. / tension large table, ti' h.p, nlotor, , shed dormtr ait flMred and. tosu- home with baaemant. three bed­ Alain a t l a 1-7^ 8. COPY CLOSING TIM ^ matic drive. Douglas Motors, 883 around thacomer. NowisUteUme moving, special dinnere prepared, YOUR'FreeiAr, tende^ Here- steel stand, 6 inch jointer, straight/ You wlU m arvel at the cleanUnees .'.y___ • bus. Bowara achool. .Reaaonabl: six room house with'- 94018. - heater. Full price only 9395. Main. summer cottages condiUoned, lated. Not a bad home for413;500. MANCHESTER—Bolton arai, cus­ rooms unusually large Mtehsn, a d v No money dowiu \ ALL KINDS of Antenna work. Call to have .that kitchen, batfiroom or ___ 1 steers.. Whole or pan. Your edge. Stanley hand planer, two 8” of this btaiding. ChUdren accepted. priced. Carlton W. Hutchina. large Uving room with fireplace, in 8 miles radius of pmt cLAiinnBD T; Art Plnnay, TV Antanna eU the rooms dons at a surprising beach or lake, rough painUng. Tel. Central. Prtesd so reasonable DIRECT FROM owner. Six room 01 easy. Occupancy sbon. 94183, 9^4894. tom built five room ranch type •¥> 1947 FORD Tudor sedan, rebuilt /moice from my largo pe*'**- hand,power saws.^lOO’ of liable. laatered walla, lot lOQ 'x 380. MONrTHRU FRl. 1941 Pontiac Sedan — Fa'S price 1st. Sales and Service. V m low cost. AU worhX guaranteed. RockvUIe 0-3313. Appliance, 18 t Oak you’U gaapf Be sure and aee this' Cape Cod (3 unfiniehed), immacU' •Branford Street*-Four down home, two parUy finished rooms Manchester. Call motor and transmission. Reason­ kowaki, WUllihkntic HA. S-S217. LaFIemme late condition, complete in every and two up Just about completed. MANCHESTER — SevSrG thrss on second floor, full ceUaT, oil ?'rice $13,000. Xacrit Agency, 1 0 ^ A .M . 9140. No money down\ prices. Tei. Ml. 9-4773. Free caUmatlng. Cell Lester St. Tel. MI, 9-6888, one. Jars, Dorsey, 14 Arch St. S G F T I ^ U i n able. Call after 0 p.nv J«I. s;7l49. hay,., er, d ^ , $13500.'Ml. e-eeo8. Haa a fireplace. This was built be­ bedroom single, homes, two Cape steam heat on lot 100 by appraxl-: Licensed Broker, 388 iti^ St SATURDAY » A. H. S ^ vIver. e r Ml. f-4S83.' D o g 9 -!>Birds— Pets 41 GARDEN MANURI Weet, corner McKee, AH. 9;788l. 1848 Packard 2-Dr. Sedan—Rh^o USED WA8)HINO mechtnM, straw. Delivered anywhere. WARDS GARDEN tractora and at­ fore the war. Owner says to start Cods, near Bowera School and two m Gely 300’ , \ of ground fenced ABC REALTY r o o m f o r EAST HARTFORD. Beautiful Sun- to. Outride tool shed, Storm win­ and heater, good condition. eretors, upright vacuum cleanenL PAINTTNO AND Papeihanging. Storrs GA. 9-3438. tachments. 3 H. P. Town Tree - Rent. Two girls or off at $13,800 but ha will listen to ranch homes In Green Manor. VERNON—Direct'from buUder, eix PIEM^SEWEM 1941 HUDSON, price 975. CaU Stuart R. W^cott, A-1 RepairVand First cteaa work. Yourur neighi)neighbor CANARIES, GUARANTEED Bing, coupls. Cia^^ AO. 9-U53. ,set Ridge. Three homes priced a good offer. Good financing. The^Eacott Agency. MI. 9-7688. dows and comblnatlrii doors. CGI MI-9-2392 Only 985 dovm. owner, MI. 9-4391. era, ell colbrA, alao females. tractor,, full powered*gerden trac­ .from $17,3M to $33,900. See these room Cape Cod (3 unflnMied), im­ IW ’ Sales, 180 Main St. M l. 9A578. rnyyiAconunendetion. 30 years in tor, priced low enough for thg •Off Mather Street-^ Air brick owner. AH. 9-4167. maculate condlUon, country eet- 1847 Hudsra a-I^. Pyian-=^66Qd|^|^g|j|qg m yi,ra. muy equipped, Mench^tar, Raymond Fiake. Tel. MI. a t THE CENTER, itjm s lor gen- today. The Escott Agency. AH. AlANdUBSTBR—>room home with Household Gbods 51 home owner with e garden or- 9-7983. and all 8 rooms compfete. Full shed ting. AH. 9-4848 8-8 p.m. ^ condition. No money,,down. ^ — WEBB’S TV - 17 Mapla SL. |i par m . 8-9387. ■ Uemen, slnglr\or double. 14-ie dormer. ’ITie house U loaded with lent garage, good condition^ 71 OXFORD STREET —AttracUve READY TO Ssll, we need slnglt Maihlaa OlaiBii Dtol Ml)^3r'5121 ExceUent Urea. Call after 5 p.m house caU. AU work tuUy guanui------— THB/NEW MANCHESTER Pel good-sized lawn. Easy to operate, Wadsworth St, >. Madaltoe Smith, Raaltor. Hape Cod, four rooms with expan­ M I.>5041. Inquire 079 Center St., Center, 995' Mrin S t.,/ Invltca you easy to store. Now only $104.90, Eig h t r o o m house tor sale direct extras. Basement garage vrith VERNON—Four room ranch, large and two-famUy houaes 'for our Baptte Taadn, Oty WeEa> teed. CaU ML 9-8880 for quick P A O m N O .- and tntarior, JUST r e t u r n e d f r o m 9-1842 or 8 -lia . ______sion space second floor, hot water wGting caah buytrs.- CGI ACB apartment 0-A. to/Visit pete of all kinds. Con­ HBin O N weed cutter attachment, $39.05; ONE PLEASANT furnished room from owner. Good condition. Oil ameslte. The asking tab on this is ril heat, basement laundry. Rusco lot, convenient to bus. $10,000. H. McCLURE AUTO CO., Inc, honest aervice.' papsrhangtng. raftnlah- 115,500.. Far less than origibal coat, B. Grady, Broker. AH. 8-^009, ReGty Co., for dependable courte­ \ ed. Wall paper ow caqueat. sent bred Parakeets'. Ad. rotary Itnower, 834.95; cultivator, with kitchen privileges for e cou­ steato heat. Vacant. AH, 3-6889. 32 IK)WERS ST-— Lovely colonlG windows and doors. Madeline 1953 CHE^OLET aU metal staUon Hours Monday through^ USED IN MODEL HOME $25.80; reel type mowsr, 849.00 ; 9 ous service. AH. 9-3393. ^ Lost and Poond 373 li^ain Street BNtiraetes given. tnaured. ple. One single room, gentleman THREE FAMlLYlibME home, situated on wk-like tot. Smith, MI. 6-1842, 9-1148, COVENTRY-Route 44/ 4 roota \ wagon, Chevrolet deluxe J’riday, 10 to , 5:80, Wednesday' 3 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS H.P, Pbwer tree, $327.00, reVeree RANCHES / MASON—Fieldstonew specialty. E. “ “ ran* R. lies. kntchelH; preferred. AH. 9-8126. 04 High St. Large livtog room, hreplace, pic­ Cito« Cod, 3 unfinished up. screens, IF READY .to buy, sell, exchange McKINNIY MOS. Tel. MI-8-9443-^Qpan Evenings sedans' (3jNMtra nice beautiful Toth. Phone M l, 9-8307. closed at 3 > m . 8. A H . ltil Paarl Bt XM. Ill-S-SSIB male. Dog Warden. MI. 5*4540. RUBSIBH AND Ashes removed. Grove St., two room apartment artesian well, iGge lot, trees,, 1948-GHEVROLJET Aero sedan, tu- PAIRTTNO AND>eperlng. Outstoe / -WESTINaHOUSE” Ing tractor made. S^ettecAments ALSO 2-PAMILY FLAT ' rage on a corner lot up off Mather size. Tile bath, attic, hot water oil lent location, hew hot water heat­ flowering ahrura Owner, leaving Agency, MI. 9-1107. SPRINQTIME IS ' 31NOTTME General cleaning of atUca and painting eaUnietes now bring TROPICAL FISH end supplies aveileble. See-our complete line of with private bath, on. bus line. Street. Large side porch and a nice heat, basement garage. Dishwash­ er, new garage,'house newly reno­ I/)8T—Optional Share Book No. tone grey, exceUent mechanical Kelly’b Aquarium, 39 Sunset St, a p p l i a n c e s state, $11,500. P I. 2-8067. ceUars. CaU ML 9-9757. given. CaU ^ b a r t Fickett. ~ Includes foUowlng: tractors and . Attachments. Ask . Children accepted. Inquire ' 1st back ySrd. Dead end street, good er and diapoaal. Screened side vated. Priced right for quick GUk. tm . Notice is hereby fiven that Come in and trade yoUr old ear condiUon. A one owner car, 8075. Open '|U 9. floor. Apartment 9. Tel. AQ. 8-3838. C d l between 0-7 >8983. ”W »Y PRETTY” b e d r o o m .about Wards cohyenlent tsrms. One flat vacant, good location. for the kids. Asking on this ia only porch. Many other features. Elva CGI at 3 Hackmatack, corner of VERNON—T^o homes nesir new Otitic^ Share Book No. 903, for one of our nica cars. GONDER’S T.V. Sai^ea. svaUakla CeU Mr. Cary a t'A fl. 34101 for. South MGn, issued by The Manchester Savings p.m. any Ume. Antanha conveialoiis. “GOROEOUS" LlVINQiroOM BEDROOAt^ AND kitchen furnished.' $18,800. / Tyler, ReGtor. AH; 8-4489. „ Vernon school. Pries below mar­ >'./ and Loan Association, Inc., has 1853 Chrysler W indsor De PhUco fadory supenflMd.ferries. Live Stock-^V*W cles~42 /"ATTRACTIVE” DINETTE SET further information./Montgomery, Inquire/ 55 Clinton Street. AG. Have >ou/Been the new Sve ket for early sGe, Tha Escott and CfaujM Ward, 834-838 Mein Stteet. room ranches with.S bedrooms and MANCHESTER—New ranch, quG- EXCHANGE \ l^ N T wlto well Agency. AG. 9-7683. been lost and application has been Dr.—Radio, heater, fluid 1949 LINCOLN OosmopoUteiten Club T d . ML 9-1486. -^ = r- ••MOHAWK” RUOS- 9-3081;/ cared for 9 room home on lot 107 coupe. ^Radlo, heater,sr, overdrive.ov| Vm HUT COWS, calves ah d beel ART KNOFLA, Realtor attached garage that E. J. Polofn- Ity- conatruction, no development, made to said AssoeiaUon for pay­ Clean one owner car. " a r m s t r o n g ” i n l a i d WE BUY-SeU-’Trsde-Rehl power large kitchw; three bedrooma, by 130,. will exchange jo r _ four Car ' in exceUent condiUi MANCHESTER T. V. Ssrrice, RADlDdBlJBCrRONlC>A^ 'Cattle. Also- horses. Plelaia' B iw w e s t i q h o u s e e l e c r e f VERY COMFORTABLE furnished^ skl Is building on Greenwood VERIZON—Four rooms and gG age, ment of the amount' of depoait. aeU. icliW. ’ ’ Learn by/D oin g” at • N ” , , mowers, chain sews, tillers, .gart 8 7 ^ / full cellar, wooded lot, centrally room home in town "'Madiriine accqih trade. Selling radio and T.V. spadaUate stocs TeL^m, 8-7400. •WESTINOHOUSE’ room, hot water heat, tile bath ^Main Street Drive? The lota are at least 90 by hri water oil heat, convenient to DILLON Smith, ReGtor, AU."' 9-1943 or 1853 Pontiac Chieftain > D r.—RS' M I /9-6039 evenings. cut’s Oldes^ Electronics den »raCtofs, outboards, >ower and shower. Nice home for a wom­ 400 and the hew Vernon Street located. Only $13,900. .Carlton W. highway, $11,300. Madsline Smith, 1931. House SSI rice call 5J.50. EnroU now/ for /spring .LAUNDBOATAT tools. Terms arranged. Capitol MI-3-6440 1 Hutchina, AH. 94182, 9-4894. 9-1148. Announcements 2 dio, heater,; Nice clean car. •WSaTlNGHOUSE” VACUUM an or man: 381 Summit St. after Reboot can be seen from, the kitchen ReGtor. AH. 9-1642 or 9-1146. AOtebaU 84890 day fl* night. terra. Call H ertfoi^C H ^l T-1830, P o u ltr y S u p p H ^ 43 Equipment Co., 38 Mein StreeL - / . 1851 Plymouth Cranbro D r.- PO«fTTAC-WlU t^ade for g ^ "WESTOIGHOUSE” TOASTER 4 p.m. window. Full basements, too. Seal­ MANCHESTER — 5 and4i Urge SALES and SERVICE HAVB TOUR child’s portrait taken re or other household ' goods. or write for tuU UmrmeUon. New MI-9-5638 Radlo, heater, dark green. One tOTOTILLER for. hire with oper^ Bronse Tur- "WESTlNQHOU8E\GRlDDLE ing at $18,500. If you decide to pleasant rooms. Convenient. H. B. .Wanted—Real Estate 77 at home. Spieclal for the month of KCharter Oak. CaU. MI. 9-3552. tor. Lawns, tobacco bg^ds, gardens. England Teclinioal InsUtute, 193 BROAD BI FORSALE ~ PLEASANT, Large roomji. Heat six ROOMS, dormers, hot water Lots For Sale 3 owner. Trumbull St., Iteriford, Gqnn; keys. Fresh ;en toms, 14 to 30 ‘REraXL” COMBIlL^'nON. buy soon you can choose your own Grady, Broker. AQ. 3-8009. AiANCHESTER or ' Bolton area, March—regular 97.90 portrait for ~ esUmatea. ACT. 3^144. ' ‘ ,/T ^ E W X and hot water. Close to Cheney ^oll hSat, fireplace, tosiUated, city decoration 8. LARGE LOT oft Route 44-X In three bedroom ranch or cOlonlG 91.90. CaU'Saite Studio. ML >5308. 1850 Chevrolet Sport' Coupe—Re 1940 OLET Club coupe. p ^ d f , 00cc /lb . Settaub’s 8cl Turkey RANGE . . Also dishes, silverware, ricturee. \ mills../and bus line. Call after 4T water and sewers, '"c'dmbinaUon AUTUMN STREET — One block North Coventry, $325. Call AG. with plastered walls, basement, did, heater, good tires. Cieen eU Most Make me an dffery 220 Perm , 183 HUlriowin Rd. lVa-2 HP Garden Aid • o'clock. MI. 3-8914. . . storm windows and screens, near F O R D -^ the way. , scatter rugs and many moHkltema. MULTIPLES from Porter, Cape Cod, $11,900. 9-8008. large iqt, No agents. CH. 3-1073. Chartei Oaki k . * ^ M l. 9-3583: oosehoM Serri( Privite Instructions 26 Verpianck school, shopping center, Oil hot water heat, fireplace, Pcrsonsls 1848 Chevrolet ,>D r. D4 /Luxe-r^ I Will Sell Everything Tractor With Cultivator Four, family on. the corner of 319 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER O ffe r e d “ * , ^ A Articles Fof Ssl* 41^ Apartments—Flata^ two bus lines. Qutek occupancy. storm windows,. screeaS; awnings. Heater, nice new paint mb. EX' REASONABLE 6 Teeth and 2 Gang Wheels Owner moving out of state Chestnut and Laurel. Two down­ PROBPBCr BIU Sclipar ter 1949 BU Ick Super, fully equipped, AOCORbli N end piano taught in OOAfBlNATION Ahimtoum teliA \ Tenements / ...... 63 stairs apartments will be vacant. Four rooms and bath down, llv- children. -Transportation tra clean car. Good UrM CORNICES, Drapes and slip covers WILL SELL ALL OR PARTx. Phone Mljchell 9-7442 Priced $12,500. Chas. Lesperahee abls upstGrs. Ameaits drive. Ea- 8780. J n q u l^ 39 Drive G. your 1 a . 9-U44. dow s’ end screeM , 817.90 _ a n d ^ , MI. 9-7820. Upstairs brings in a nice income. Mrs. Lela TThur, dhroo. 1848 Plymouth Special De Luxe custom- made by Qasslc Decora­ plua instaUation. Combination EASY t e r m s —FREE STORAGE SIX ROdM duplex, nei^ Main St. House needs some paint but pre­ tablUhed neighborhood. AQ. >1376 tdr. Mnchaa 8-0707. 4rDr.—Radio, heater. Ihrerything 3 tors, 41 Oak-St. For free estimate aluminum doors 849.0P. plus.toatal- PAY LOW AS MusicaL Instrumfints 53 ' Tw o or .. Uvrpe adults only. Box Z, sents a- good investment proposi­ between 5 and 8. (EIpP ONLY THE BEST -- ceU ML 6-2730\, SUPEIR SEVBIN Room ranch, four mIginaL Extra dean, one owner. A u to A ■Tires 6 Bonds—S toclo— lation. Manchester Home Improve­ $ 1 6 :6 3 HerUd tion to' a thrifty buyer. . , . MRS. ZQPPL reader and adviser. Iwin size bedrooms, fireplace, tile .Ma n c h e s t e r — immediate oc­ Dark green. M o r tg a g e s SI ment Co.,<"30 Oak St.. AH. S-8177. MUSIC Ir-45 ALLYNUT.. HARTFORD Largs porch across the front. The 158 IRVING STREET — Vacancy FAMOUS TAINTOR TEST 195S FORD CUSTOH TDODR $1795 dows anXioprs, eelf-^ring, save BEX3CER BROS.'faaho With bench. trli^ — Clean, comfortable/Cape April 1. Six finlahed room's invit- A ReG Loaded (jar, 8SS Eeat'Cmter Street 9lr weekly. C^le Motora. men’s ahirt coUara revemedv"*! - coNNEcncirr m o r ’t o a g e 'heiti> vCornfort,7eonVen!edce, last M l. 3-7257. / LARGE STORE for rent with base­ garage is on the highway. Asking WANTED—Ride to Pratt A Whit- replaced. Alarloar’a Uttle AKtid- ' EXCHANGE, Cod. Six rooma. Oil Steam heat, tog rear porch, oil hot water heaf Phone MI-8-0234 J lifetime. Free'demonstration, CaU NO NEED TO JOIN A CLUB ment, desirable location. Suitable oversized garage, lovely/ land­ $11,000. Ideal for the man who likes neyk, 7:00 to 3:30, North parking MOTOR SALE. New motor, guar, tog Shop. Frank A. Burke, , anytime. BUI Ttmaky. Ml. 9-9090. . ^RRA-piANO, $295. Case red*, to fish. Catch./jrour dinner from R w o windows and doors. AU 1 lot Vidnlty of Hartford Road. Call Top Quality Furniture for any business. For IhformsUon, scaped lot. Near school and bua. very fine condition. Madeline 195S FORD MAINUNE FORDOR $11 entee. Ford, Chevrolet, Mercury. Executive Director signed to spinet style. ElxceUent write Box E, Herald. your front lawn. Helps cut down MI. 9-4354. DeCORMIER MOTORS D6d|e, 8134.85.* Pontiac, Oldsmo- FLAT FINISH Holland /window GI or FHA financing. Haddock A smith, ReGtOr. AG. 9-l$42, 9/146. isstpoNmc 1952 HUDSON , - RaGo ai 27 Lewis'St., Phone CHspel >8897 ROYAL AND Smith-Oorona port­ Brand Name Appliances condition.; Bench and- d10 off on^ eny Ward rebuUt. SALES MANCHES'TEf^ VALUES Itod to let the kids roam. Owner Agency, AG. 9-7883. bought for our own account. Fast, 1 year old, hard tO; tell from new, '-B acker, 38 Oak. has dropped the price on this to $1895 $1495 Big trade in—expert inateUation— 8>i FOOT Col depot refrigerator, At 'The Green ' . V $845, bench included. Goas Piano ABtbmoMIcs for Sal^ * coofidentlisl service; Medchaster Ea s t s i d e —6 room Cape Cod $13,900 and there is financing ON 2Vi ACRES, 4H /large rooms, RANCH free check at 000 mUes. Gueran- lees than two years old.Id. Like new. i mtchell 3-5187 / l a r g e STORE for rent at 721 1963 FORD Building—Contracting 14 Investment Con>.. 244 Mato atreet. Co., 317 Asylum St... Hartford, JA. in good condition. Oil hot w at» gGore available. This is a terrific Uvftory phis rath. Screened 1952 FORD OUSTOM FORDOR $15IS 1803 Btudebaker Ton Pickup— WAGON tbed tike new m otors: 4,000 mUes, AO. 84415 Very redSonsble. Can acrange to Hours: 10 to 5—7:30 te SrSd-p/M. 5-8096. Open Thuradays until 9. Mrun Street. Suitable for spy busl- Cream PnO. 90 days. Atontgomery w ard, 824' SPIXUAOZINCrto custmn built ga­ heat, fireplace. aoraeit| and atorm buy at thla price. Want to take a porch, nice garden, fruit trees, ga­ FordamaUc. RaGo and Heathr, Low MUchke* A ' ) 10,700 actual mUef. Hegter. Like suit. AH. 3-4160. Free parking in lot next door. ' ness.' Available N. A. rage space. 8 cats. IS minutes out. i i 828 Main 8t.,\Manchester. rages, Stenlm overhead doors, X- Freedman, Hartford, - JAkson windows. Lovely yard Ip fine neigh­ ten minute ride to see this? 1947 FORD 1949 FORD n ew .' ’ / LiKh n^w. Save about 6600 G .E . 14” TABLE model recondi­ 20% OR M RE. save on Ypbngs- borhood—$12,500. , • A colonial 09. Man­ rtg . |139.95. e 999.95. 48” deluxe atrung, priced for immediate sals MANCHESTER GREEN — 8 spective buyer of (his had b^ter heater. Good rubber.. tires. ■ / ■ . mUeage. Clean. / - Contoia, AgL S-0S33. AN ESTABLJSHBX) soda riwp and room Cape Cod on bua line, oil luncheonette for sale. Long term, chester Television Service. AG. twin sink " bowl with sliding at $W. Goss Piano Co., 317 Suburban For Rent „66. not need three bedrooms or be tvlU ' B IL L O W STREET.. 1961 Ford >Doqr V-8 — Radio. 1954 CHEVROLET 4-DR. 1948, 28 FT. ’IrtAILER, toUet.and GENERAL Construction, altera­ 94860. drainboard. reg. $201.95, sale Steam heat, fireplace, clean be out of luck. This is a well kept 1949 FORO LOYL TOD ; -r shower, good bpndiUon, reason- low Tent lease avaUaUe. CaU ACB Asylum St., Hartford. JA. S-OSSO. heater—9895. / SEDAN. BEL^AIR tions,/remodeling, -ptektlc tile, price, nS9.fl M” twin bowl dpu- t______h r e e.ROOM. furnished, apart­ throughout, chaerful kitchen. horns on a Urge well-landscaped $$50 v / - » • ” ti 1852 Buidt 4-Door — Dynaflow able.x Joseph R6y..Chamber’a Esso Realty for ^tqmtotroent. AQ. FLAGSTONE. Stone for walls, La/ge 6 ahd 6 duplex, one $450 . , counter wbrir; 'garage, etc. No Job 9-3393.' b|e dralnt rd,".... deluxe, ■ Vonly e l e c t r i c Hawaiian guitar, picks, ment'at 37 Park St., Rockville. lot. Has an attached two car ga­ drive. FuUy equipped. Low mile* Prsctical^-new. A beau\.iful StaUon. Vernon. too /email. Eugene GlreriUn, 16 house tirontc fireplaces, etc. Bol­ $164.95, reg. [9.95. E-Z lanns. bar and music stand included, $05. Heat and hot water also garage. PRINCETON STREET AREA— car/carage, property ia in good Lovely custom built 5Vi room Cape rage. House has a full .tesement. \ sg*- model. Only 6596 down. „ / ■■ ■■ V — - Itter St. AH. 9-5009. ton Notch Quarry. M '. 9-0617. Benson^s. Inquire 20 Drive G. - « . Tel. RockvUIe 5-5303. Asking price is $18.000\but the condition. One side will soon 1951 PLYMOUTH TO ,i i M|60 Studebaker Champion 4-DooT Cod. 3 years-qld.. Charming livint Auto llepairing—J^bting 7 H*lp Wsnted—F*msl« 35 BEAUTIFUL Selectton of wool rem­ SOUTH CbVENTRY.— 2 bedroom room with fireplace, and picture owners have a receptive ear »nd be >racant. Excellent financing 1951 MEROURY ’ // Very I Sedan—Radio, heater, overdriva AIAKINO—Ws alao do 1954 WHIRLF . lyearing Apparel—Furs 57 will entertain any decent offers. 1949 CHEVROLET 1964 CHEVROLET 2-DR. ''all l^ p e s at carpentry worii; DEMONSTRATORS — AmbiUous nants at low priiees. Also tug w od house. Improvements.' $M per willow, dining area, ceramic-tile available. .Brokers protected. Overdrive, new eovars,. A*1 add back-up lights. / and tostruettons to braKUiig ruga. mo{drilng, alterations, etc. Good women earn high commissions i EG MEN'S Suita, one. misn’ s month, lease, references, Wtable bathroom, kitchen and bedroom ConverUble. Origiral mileage. tires.. RaGo and heater. Drlva ■ '] 1848 Cbavrolet S-Door,^ - f Radie, SEDAN, RBL-AIR , CaU RockvUIe 5-0700. The Servi)« F r« VERNON J. CROCKETT, Broker IpirSTUOEBAKEr b sa tlr. ",..... "J CAR BURN OIL f woramanahlp, and reAsonaUe displaying "The Bdyal Une” "'of ' >pcoat, size 38. Excellent condi- family of 4. Welles Agency, Cov- downstairs." 3 large bedrooma up. Fully equipped. this tor'y -i I ^eS. Estimates, gladly givmk \ Autbmatic - WAshra •entry. Tel. PI. 2-6872. ^ / Outside fireplace and patio. At­ Out in Sunsej Elstates. vve rav,ve • t. ,1847 Cheyrdet 5-Dobr— Naw Pneticatly new. A lovely .. V quaUty merchaniBSe.' As manufac­ raLTA-UE WALT {xiwer toola and Reasonable. Call AH. 9-9206. home Oall Dick at PI. 2-MM or John aV turers ri over 800 Vinyl items we tached garage. listed t|Wo nice" new ranch htimes 244 Ma,in Street \ m otor J6I». w b^ ton e cat. Only |59^down. acceasories. Salea, aervice, demon- ^ (No Rubber Tubes) Oiat are ready for immediate oc­ iMb FORD STfiOH 0(Atl0lt S i - 1948 Studebaker Champion — Ra­ Economy overhaul, most ah /A H . 3-5709. eliminate the middle man and- in- Scarf', -ranch - mink, etration: Tenna arranged.. Capitol Buy From Benson’s A,t r cape, grey,, AG. Summer Homes For Rent^ 67 FRANCES K. l/exONER. Agency cupancy. Both have fireplaces and Office, Mitchell 3-5416 $895 dio, heater, ovardrlva. “TSvo to . /" cars. Parts an^ labor 649-6^ V »‘e you of greater profits. Many Equipment Co., 38 Mam S t GEl^EltAL. Carpentry, alterations, .exclusive sales nnd premium . ^ MI-9-0038 plenty of land. Close eooufh to the ■ "'choose from. 1961 WILLYS 4 tWHEEL l4o money down. 64.90 month- additions, new construction, roof- These Low, Low Prices FOUR BEDROOM cottage Point other homes to be helghborly and Residence, Mitchell 9-7751 ^^O ^A R nSro^loV R CARRY . i . liBSO Studebaker Champion Conv, items. Experience unnecessary. LOAM—R ich'top coU, deUvered. O' Woods, Jane B. WUjJbx, Real­ 1939 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR (runnirig)--|9.95 DRIVE STATION WAGON y. All work mariuiteed. / tatg. siding. Unfinished rooms. U^l Complete training. Ofienings for GIRL’ SPRING coat, raincoat available for morning coffee, yet Cot9 a—Ona owner- vSiUy aqulfS^ finance to 82000, 0 years to pay. WaaheU stone. Sand, gravel, fiU. Reg. $196,55 . . . Sale. $169.95 tor, ,432 Sarfeent Rd., Shulh Lyme. c o l o n i a l 'RANCH 88VS feet in 30-IIAY UNCdNDITIONAL GUARANTEE. experienced demonstrators as dis­ Nusadorf Sand and Stone Co. Tel; with latching hat, blue wool far enough so that if yOu have a ped. Don’t mias tbia one. See this rare value today it’s JlockviUe 5-3lil. slacks, III' size l6: Excellent cdh-' length, feet to width. Lot 140 ft. "battle royal” the neighbors won’t MANCHESTER trict rnSnageis. Why settle for MI. 9-7408. . Reg. $269.95 . . .S ale'$229.95 front apd 245 feet. deep. Six rooms ■ Low Down Payifnente ' mmaculatP throughout. Only CO l^ MOTORS jless? Royal PlaaUca, CH. 7-9049. dltlon. ?1. AU. 9-7270; / Wanted'Pti Rent ~68 hear. These homes are fairly priced.- Cape Cod, six rooms, near school, Low.Hank H atii ' —.■.T'-. y Reg. $299.95 ...S a le $249.95 of smart, beauty and lasting Can get-pll the mortgages you : 396 down^/ . 1” ALUAHNUM IrrigaUm- pipe, in comfort, 2^-1 tiled baths, 4 flrei on bus line, fireplace, ceramic tile Msiy Otitr fiooi fargiistIs ^ miom fisa SMlL the tiew 1954 Studetafk^ 4S6/^hter Street Roofing—Siding 16 THE NEED for money ts ail im­ these lengths, 4’,.5', 5’, 7’, 8’, 9’, Reg. $309.95 ...S a le $259.95 TWO GlRl -spring costa;' size 4 need. too. One ia golne at $12,500 TAINTOR P(WlAC,iliU. balh. curtains, dtepes,' all other ta« \ and 10,. .plaid wool' suit, size WANTEDr-Gaf^e, In^ victolty of pUpes. Finest, of msteriG and ,fl>r outstanding design and dls-^ portant factor to every'home to­ two 30’ lengths, totaling 160 feet. wprkttUnship. Beautiful view-from and the other for a little more. sentisls. EhcceUePt' neighborhood. 1946 CHEVROLET 4-DR. 7 MI-9-P980 FOR Th £ b e s t to Bonded buUt day. Let us show yoa .how .. to Aluminum tee’s, ys and unions Reg. $339.95 . . .Sale $279.95 ' 8. T*fn 'si 9 and 11 dresSes, 3 193 Oak .Street. AH. 94935. - • These houses are on the market 155 CENTER ST. ^ MANCHISTER . Jtinctlva sty a t up roofs; shingle roofs, gutters, I^rs shoes, size S'.i harrow, one all rides. NiadeUne Smith, ReGtor, Reasonably.priced. CGI owner SEDAN / \ 7'*^ make It easUy. Write Box: H, for fencing. One exterior door, four /AG; 9-1842 or 9-1148. for the ftrat time. . . DHIor givts you as attiittiva CHORCHES MOTORS conductors end roof repairs caU Herald. lights, 2’8 ” by O’O:*. CaU AO. No Trades Necessary size 7AA. in exceUent condi­ WANTED—3 or 4 room apartment. Mitchell 9-4300 Coughlin, MltoheU 8-7707, tion. Cal) AG. 0-8376 after 4, No children, no pets. Tel. MI. ^ TEL. MI-9-4S45 tmaster ibodeV. Fully 64101. ~ \ E -Z jE 'e rm s MANCHESTER —SeverG two-fam­ T; J. CROCKETT RECEPTIONIST for doctor’s office. 6-2938. CaU b'etkreen 5-7 p.m. WELL BUILT six room Cape Cod, studebaker Seles and Servica .^nto Driviyg, School 7*A RAY’S ROOFINQ Co. BuUt-np COMPLETE M/ OF Honor or ily honiei, three bedroom; auto­ Real Estate Broker.... OPEN EVENINGS Un t il 9 a i^ ^ iw F a ri They come nicer Mint have office ^ d typing ex­ DOUBLE SET TUB, suitSb^e- for Good, Reliaf ^ 4 Main St.," Manchester picture Window, ceramic tile bathi 80 Oakland St—MI->8483 roofs, gutter work, roof, chimney bridesmaid outfit size 12. Call AG. BOLTON Scoutpoaster and iK^tie de­ matic heat. with garages locaUd . Only $196 down. JBfVjNO InstnIeUons trom ycur repairs. Free estimates. Ray. Hag- perience. Answer with details. Box basement. Good condition. AG. in east and vireet side; The Escott Phones: Office An-3-5416 Many other features. Prlce-$13,800. hbme, Dual-c^trol toaureo casy Y . Herald. >-7337 after 0:30. .-9-401^ sire 8 ‘ or 4 rooms unlurnlshed. AG. 8-4722. 1953 CHEVRlKjrr 9390 down, 19U enow,' on. 9-2214. R ay Jackson, \ Gall MI-3-8790 Or See Agency, AG. 9-7683. - Residence MI-9-7751 ^ndard or automatl’;. Call Man­ CGI AD. 3-1161 Gter 6 p.m. / / •. _ _ Ford tador, only ono—no trick SMOBILE CLUB AH. 3-8330. ■ ' WOAfAN WANTED. AlF ^ y In BOY’S'SiTOwn tppe^ zip-in lining, gimmicks, low, low, low monthly chester Driving Ac*dsmy.,> PL <1, BENSON'S tan reversible ‘ with ■ ipateh- O U P E ’ _ 3-7349, TqU free. MANCHESTER ROOFING and son. New. Miodel Laundid r^ 7 3 jmm- FOR SALe A o:’ table saw, also payments. Your wdy requirement mit St. Jig saw. MI.. 9 ^ 1 . RUG, 9X12 KARASTAN Oriental. tog trousers, size ,j Excellent ■ o ' b 0 ■ o ■ o o 0 0 ■ o o: o ■ Is good credit. Douglas Motor Siding Company offers winter condition. Calf AU. 2. A loaded paginal car in tp^ MORTLQCK^S Drivtog School. Lost prices—13% dlsc^mt on all roof­ ’ gaa^i-ange.'like hew. Sleeping Sales, 898 Main. \ -• Confidence quickly restored by a SEAMSTRESS Wanted, fuu\time. da for beach or car, console shapP. \ , akiUed, courteous Instructor. En­ ing and sitiing- '-F fee' 'estimates. Please apply to-person. Bunpn’s, 32’ WOOD SAFETY catch exten­ / : Wantied—To 6uy M 1003 UNOOLN Oosmop^tan hard CaU J^.j|-n3j!: -7-— table, mirror. AG. 9-4070. AG. , . \« ' . ■ s:... / _ I dorsed teaching method gueran- Main St., .Manchester. . sion la d ^ , $20. AG. 34259. 9-7330 after 0 p.m. top, sport coupe. Two tone, eU ac ■ ■■ < ■' \ / ■ WILL BUY Refrigerators,, ranges, . ceaimriee, low mUeage, jAua sno- 1946 WILLYS:4-WHEEL teea fewer lessons, license In­ ROOFING; Siding and cafpsntty. M o s t 0 f thnsn con am Io c o o t ew n^ ond thn Ms- cluded. AH. 9-7398. EXPERIENCED W ^tresa w(;totod. SEV£k USED refrigerators. 0 to and washihg ' machines;La* e ^ . M L 8-8334’. D R IV E . Alterations and. addiUona CeU- Apply in person. Center' Restfu- Boats and AccessorijM 46 Flanrune Appliance Co. MI. 0-6868. fery oii'Mieli on* may ba o^ in td our sPrylcf Cir y=- togs. Workmahstap’ fuaHzBtedit, 12 cu. ft. $25 to $100. LaFlamme FOR SAFE and Courteous Auto rant, 499 Main St. Appliance Co., 15 Oak St. 'Tel. AG. 1941-194(1, OLDER Chevrolate, Aluminum cab. fxcell A. A. Dion, Inc., 290 Autumn 12 d e c k e d totjny bo4t; traU: Fords, other gpod transportaflon. Driving Instruction with Insured 9-0000. d o street. Mitch *U l-ASea WANTED—Two high school boys er Ml Martin I'A b.p./outboard Y i l o e s Good credit enable os to accept 90 throughout. Only 6 dual control car caU Larson Driv­ oyer 19 for outdow work Satur­ ni \ Price $376. MI. ^4428 alter n s Main. ing School. Phone AHtcheU Sp e c i a l i s t in gutters and down­ 7',-4 CU FT, used refrigerator. Good Pou|^ Motors, 888 days. Phone AG. 34108 tonight, 5 : \ ‘ running coildiUon. .'ReseasonaJbles 94070. — *• spouts. Tom Dawkins, Master 6:30 - 7:30. ’ 1949 SEDAN YOU Buy a uabd -car 1950 LINCOLN 4-DR. sIp A N Plumber. Phgne AH, 9-98 D r , Super 8 Sedan Inquire. 043 No. -Main St. . 3-536J.'' JACkaon 2-7790 or JAckson 44154. ten-ton capacity. Suitable for all —Radio, heater and over Cpo^nictlon Co., 301 Broad St., Reg. 49c per sq. ft. NOW 44c Talk to owner on this oiie. 1952 LINCOLN 4^00R . . ^ purpoaee atr baigain prices. Carl Out of town reverse charges. ^ . eDETAILERS * . drive, exceUent jrandltion. AGuicheater. SHALLOW w e l l JET PUAG» Powder blue. RaGo, heater, duG range drive. son a Co.i 44 Stock Placa. MI. H*ating—-Pluinbiiig 17 DESIGNERS Seat covert, wW te'*’611 tfrea. $2595 9-4860. 1951 Hudson Hbrnet"ciub Coupe— Motorcycl*s—BicycI*s 11 WAIfriay— Part Ume butcher, Reg/$114.50. NOW $104.88 1950 KELVINATOR RefrigerGo 19tt CHEVROLET AERO 2-DOOR A one-6wner car. Must be 6'S” . ElxceUent CondiUon.lUon. Fiiffsl 1945 HARLEY DAVIDSON motor­ uENNOX Furnaces and warm air Thursdays, Fridays and^ Satur­ t h r e e Pi e c e BATH o u t f i t eTOOL and"DIE MAKERS R and H. Excellent conGUefl.'.tliroUfheaL - ' ^ (1^ 4 5 1908 FORD RANCH wagon, 1951 . seen to be appreciated. Re . -haating. Earl Van Camp. AOtchriJ uhmarred. Marvelous; buy. 1953 PLYMOUTH CRANRROOK 4-DOO^ cycle, 45 29 Sunset St.. AQ. days. Apirty to [person. Marv's Reg. $179.35. n o w $158.88 Ford Victoria, 1947 Chevixilet con- dlo, heater and hydpamaUc, 9-58gA, Market, 1 So.-. Mato 8L , have two, only need ,ome. Like new. 8,900 mUes. , ' '■54ID5. 9-1089. ■ e m e c h a n ic a l verUbte. 1903 Chevrolet sedan. direction-signals - I ■ GAS W a t e r h e a t e r . 20 g a l s . 3-tone.-grey and marooBi. 1903 Ford tudor, 1949 Ford tUdor. 1951 Hudson Hornet Sedsh—Spe­ GpLUAIBIA 36” bicycle, front and GUARA^ITEED Plumbing a EARN EXTRA money. Spare Ume. I.'". • Reg. $83.50. NOW $58.88 i9t9 FORD V9 CLUB GOUPE; Lowest down payment anywhere, cial paint, radio, heater and tail lights, basket, built-in lock. iMating. Alterationa and ntoy Selling new-product. For appET. very good ebndk »TOOL and GAUbE hydrantiUd,. A new whitewall Good condition; $35. AU. 9-1695 PLASne PIPE. ALL SIZES Uon. Reasonable. CGI AG. $695 Orees. A reG clean car! , . " $845 tires. gaa water beaters sold and. to- c; . 10%*^OFF INSPECTOBS ^ : 1903 CHEVROLET ^-Um pick-up, BAKEUt OR Baker’s helper wanted. ataUed. Tims payments arrangi ' KELVINATOR Electric rangk dark green. Lqw mileage, 8940. 1951 JHudsori Hornet Sedan—Ra­ condl- Skelley Brothers. MltcheU 94714. Apply mornings. Kay’s Pastry, 183 ™ THICK TAB SHINGLES; iGAUGEMAKERS 1953 FORD 4-DpOR / ^ dio and heater. Full price BOY’S BICYCLE. exceUent celient condition, reasonable. AG. 1951 DODOE CORONET 4-D00> Carter Qhevrriet Co;,. Sli - Main Uon. Call AH. 3-4411. No. Mato St. ALL COLORS Bine, radio and hrater. St. ML 941288. $1195. » 3-8017. ' R and H. Abeototely spoUeas. $1595 jtirr GLASS hot water beaten, Reg. $7.98 aq. NOW $6JB8 sq. >PREasION GRINDERS RAY KIECOLT Fprmerly With V —:---- -'i , 1957 Hudson Super 5 - Sedan—A 'Am.erican Standard fixtures sold DRIVER WANTED, Store route. LQOK-7-1801 Henry J. tudor. Real, Good opportunity to be to business WESTDIGHOUSE R e-f r 1 gerator, Sales and Bnmnei's.-lnc. 1950 CHEVROLET lEL-AIR 1/ , . ^ ona-owner car, beautiful Jet .Wanted Autos— _ and promptly InstaUed. , Jobbing. -HEXAGON SHINGLES. I'deG for camps and cottages, ex- e SHEET METAL food car throughout. New rubber, 12 - Tom Dawkins, Master Ptumher, for self krllhout an Investment. In­ ALL COLORS W-tone greea, raGo aad heater. / • 5440. No down [payment, 130.90 s black finish. Radio, heater, Motorcycles ceUent conGUon. CGI AG. 9-8497. MECHANICS $995 automatic , shift, '^overdrive. Phone Ml. 9-9689. / - .1 quire 14 Depot Square. AH. 34190. Reg. $8.85 sq. NOW $5.88 sq. 1952 DODOE 4-DOOR CORONET monthly. Cole A t^rs. AH. .8-0990, R and H,-DL. Laoal:hwner. 18,01)0 ndlM. Full price $1195. >- WANTED—1949 or 1660 Chevrolet, APPLY NOW for future opening. aiRTEORERS T TWO TO CHOlPSE gO M Plymouth or Fprd. Reasonabte. 90 LB. ROLL ROOFING, COMPLETE We sold this pew. ONLY DOUGLAS wlU sell you a 1950 Hudson SUpen S Tu^or Sedan Moving—Trucking Fuller dealer franchise. Men who ■— RED and GREEN lata ” 1110001 car as low as $140 —Very good condition. Only CaU AU. 9-7682. a EXPERIMENTAL 1953 MERCURY 4 - D O ^ Stor$ig* .-'20 pass qualiflcatkm telA 'guaranteed Reg. $3.75 roU. NOW $3.29 roll. BRAKE SPEBIAL Twa-teah paint. Meroomatic, radio, h a ^ .^ ^ down. We do not ask you to take $895. $93 per week take' home. Perma- ■' * MACHINISTS y . 1949 DODOE I '/z TON CAB ai$ CHASSIS a loan from a hank p t finance MONTGOMERY WARD Both th ^ cart carry aew car warranty. ’ - 1948 N ssh Sedan—.Beautiful black Business Services Offered 13 Ma n c h e s t e r — Package. Detiv- . nent. Write Box C, Herald. LOOKING FOR >Speed rear end, booster brakes, exoellentt - eamvany to complete ..your down finish. Radio and heater, up­ my. Local light trucktoa and S24-828 Mato Street MOTOR TUNE-UP payment. PoeiUvely only. |140 conGtlon. AR extras. holstery Just like new. Only HAROLD. A SONS. Rubbish re- pitokig'e delivery. RefrigeAdton, SALESMAN Wanted to a "dlnette- Manchester Apply/ 1951 M ERCURYS dowwbMys a 1949 car, 8190 buys a $595. m'dyal, also . ceUars cleaned. CaU washers and stove moving Ilnoleum store, temporary store. /|;inployment Office ^ with atendaid. avsrdrive, ar aatsnwUe .. A l A A e '•MW* 5395 buys a 1903. No addiUon. 721 Main St. t^FICE SPACE INCtt^DteS: ■ 1949 Mercury Club Coupe— Redio, AH. 9-403^. specialty. . AH. n-0753. tranasGsriaa. AU dean cars! al il4a‘nateear>iloans. We guaran­ , ■ , __ ...... Diamonds—Watches— ; / Saturdays "$ E.O O _____ oNete Lining Ymir efcokt mpy iwt Iw lis f^ . tee to saii under the above terms heater and overdrive. A one- GUARANTEED Top-quaUty tele­ RETIREX) Businessman. An acUve ATTENTION to Ratahdnf KCMKRAK WAB- 1 1 4 - owner car. ij AUSTIN A, CHAMBERS CO., 4 Jewelry 48 ^ 8, A. M. to 12 Noon - V '-J - e Bleed Brake Lines a.«raBJWtos as low as $40 monthly, vision aervice. Calls received be­ local and .long^'dlslihce moving, man la a happy man. InteresUng IN A 100% ^ and chaUengtog. part time salea PARTS ■fe Repack Front Wheels a Add Brake Fluid- W a hova Mvard 46, 4T* 48, 49 4»ri oH Hierouflily I s T S ' [ttofd credit is our only require- 1901 Studebaker Land Cniiaer—' fore 9 p.m. wUl be serviced eaniS picking, storage.-HaU MI. 34137. LEONARD W. TOOT. Jewaler, re­ Weiekda:^ ifgiaiU. Douglas Jdotors, 838 Alsln. Automatic drive. Only 34,000, night. AH. 9^1347. K a rtfo ^ ^ p e l 7-1428. opportunity with- weU-knosrii locG pairs. adjusts watchra axpmrtly. a d d i t i o n a l (Drunt 8|(firvice Additional) rocoiNHItioiiad, sonw no moiMy down. mUea. Full price $995. concern. Work when you arant to, Reasonable prloce:' Open daily. l o c a -t io n ? 8 A. M. to'4 :30 P. M. SDTO 4-dbOr, 7,800 iniles, WIRING INHTALLA’nON of aU earif aa much aa ybu want... Um Thursday evenings. 139 -Spruce' You con bo SURE of SOLIHEI^E, Inc. Wo sKow you iv aqnlpped plus jxmrer If you lack cash for d^im pay­ typ rn .. N r:}ob too ahiaU. ; Peter '-—/{P ain tin g— Pspering "’^21 limited. .opportunity to Increase streat katcheU 9-4S8T: We have Just aiiigiil officea what's boM Ob tfco cor you pkk out. \ - Uus. Must sell be- ment on these cars, we can arrange' Piantaluk, 40 Foster strM t Pbooa yoiif raUrement fund. Write Box awaiting yonr inspection. P R i ^ and WHITNEY f^toqulre Apt. -3i. for bther (tenns, , MitcheU >7303. \ DECORATE NOW. Guaranteed NS Herald, today. For conptete infoimatien . workmanship. Free estimatM on / AI^RAFT / McCLURE AUTO CO., Im^ ~ BathSMted/ Repairing outside pslhtlhg. Fiill ihsufahes CUSTODIAN FOR Bbllon Eftmen- aee Fraak IMiller at SSgq V 4. .TWO- tary school, A^dy In wrfltog, sUte I Xodb-TV Sanrko ■ Jgr . 373 Afain S u W done on an;ny furniture,' ‘neman, coverage. ' Keystone Oecoratpira, SOUMENE. 3ai-31BClHfiBljif^ DverUble.. 119 South Mato St. Phone AH. AH. 9-1300. isgs and reference. Nortoan INvteloa.ef UGted Alnmft TylU.;lB^>^3-rOpea Evenin|^ -Aj- Preuaa, Boltoo Bbard, of Eduea- - M llVM X CBAROC 8849 ^ E SAVING'S RANK Oorperattoe *34 cw n a ST. — M-S-nSI AND tiOB, RFD No. 3. Manchester, rndmrnmmm 19n ~ oS V R O U C T Sedan, Power- FURNCtVRE Rdfittiatatog, a a t i ^ TWL M l . f 4 M fUda, radio, heater, -txtfa. extra fundtura a apactotty. pMdif' caned -eimerlence. taken for out- JANITOR,rrOR, DspendabHity impecw OFMANCHBm 8M lialp BL. EMt OartfaM * As* Otowelel tudes*. and Matted. Anaan r . #Hm W ^ Can Rayasoad , part ttrae daily touapt -Stot- 9, S3S Mala. ^ a d a ^ ML. 9 -1 0 5 , & U .M I. 8-7814.

4 ■ ■ • r \ ' i' - J-'

I . l- FRIDAY, MARCH 26. IdM •4Ttrni9 Dntiy prggg Kim i J i a n r f t f ^ r fciiitttittg? I| w a li Far tee Week Ended Msfck M. 1954 X Ah Important masting of the TbTUpaar CXu). wlU hold a card Mr. and Mrs. PhUip Keith, of committee, headed by Prands B. party tamorre# night at'7:S0 in New Tock Ci^, who were married 1 1 11,195 Miner, which is planning tha tes­ tha ctfbhouaa on-Hralnard PL Ra> in Pebruary. will spend the waWr* •fantar efrihe Andit end with Mr. Keith’s parents. Mr. timonial dinner for W ilfred Clarke ’ V'.' fraahmaats wUl ba aarvad. Tha Spring Fashion jifewk From HALEYS Bufeap ef Clrcolatiena aiid Mrs. Wariran Keith, 61 Cam- and Pete Wlgren on May 10, will pubUo !a Invltad. ' , {1 , '=Sta M nid^ S t be held 1 tonight (lat 7:M at ^ Manchester-^A City of Villago Charm mlfflMT American Le|^n Home. Repro- « r GAUGE SHEER A ' aoh waa borh at the SL itiM u a Members of the Auxiliary of sentatlves of alt civic and church d a r k s h a m . a t c m D tiu (n - Fraacia Hospital Wednesday, to ^OL.LXXIII,N0.160 (Claaelflad Advartieteg an Page Ifi) Dilworth • Cornell - Quey Post groups, as well as anyone Intar- FANCY X M A I^ E S T E IL CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 21^1954 (TWELVE PAGES) ' L m VnMgtity 9t qob- .Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Server, p i American Legion^ w . remind^ Ssted in working on this commit­ jnlucG nvi'iM E is 1 te t lw evAtonl chair- Branford SL. tKe auction Wedheedavi J tee. are urged to.anend this meet- X teterMlMMdiiS bbH jraddtnt • of by the /<5glonnalres./rhe;’ ey are do- NYtON fauth ot OMi* Mrs. Prank J. Crowie;^ 57 Ger­ -dating cakes to be .spid that eve- __ __ Mcona yiwr. H# a rd 'S t, waa pleasantly s«roris«d nlng, and are also/ comnouung tho board of Unitad this week to hear that berN^ter, salable articles fOr/the auction. Tontla Ha (raduafad Mrs. Robert Moore, of Marblehead. i ' /■ V- . Jobless R i^ H a li HOSIERY High School last Maas., was tha winner of the “John • Mr. -and MTs/Henry H. Miller. TayMr Arms Award.” ■ which sig­ 92 Washington St. have received Reported mState In new spHne colors. nifies tha top prise in the floral ar^ news of tbO birth of a son. their ,J3i»jWi9toll. ' . G ill Seouta of Troop 20 will hold rangeibeht section at the spring' chilii to their son-in-law and aT htod^bala tonjojroW at 'Hala’a flower show held recently in Bos­ htte./Mr.jand Mrs. Norman ..Hartford. March 2« rlae tloc%/from 2;00 a.m. on. ton. [a m of Snn Pemando, Calif. in unemployment tn Qonneb^teut MrsyMhrks was the former Miss for Sve consecutive wontha M e /^c. Lawrence. I. Decker, Jx., J ^ e H. Miller, R.N. The.baby Omaha, March.,^ 27 (A>)— son of Hr. and Mrs. Lawrence I. h 2 been named Paul Hayward come to a halL ' Chairman Leouird W. HaU of Decker, Sr., of 75 Cooper SU re­ ,Marks. ' H ila was reported today hy thr the Republican National Com­ cently graduated from the A ir­ State Labor Department following SPECIAL’ FOR SATURDAY X * ^ \ mittee says Sen. McCarthy borne Jump School at Port Ban­ Sgt. N i^ olaa H. Paganl. son of a surrey which ahon'Sd that the \ u- Mr. and Mrs. Dante Pagani, 47 NEW SPRING STYLES IN .^(R-Wis) "has done more ning, Ga. He U now serving M a .number of persona v.'.t of work in t,- sound leader with Battery C. |«th Homestead St., arrived in San harm than good" in his trade Airborne Antl-airfctaft Battalion. Francisco, Calif., yesterday, after mid-March waa the same as in of verbal blows with top spending 17 months In Korea. He Faille and Plastic Calf Port CampbeU, Ky. He att«n<)^ February. The department put the \ ■' w-yi report to Canm Kilmer,-.N. J., Army officials. Arnold College in Mllforitand en­ figure ar'35;000 for^tbe State. -r ■ As a reeult. aaid Hall, Mc- WaterfrWiit D e i^ c r a ts tered the mitttary aeryiCa last \vhere he will be d(Kharged from Three of the msJ^r em ^ym cnt the service, and la expected home HANDBAGS Oartey’s "Senate effectiveness baa May. areas' in the State showed declines dttmlnlahed In tha past few weeks." next Thursday.. in / jjoblees during the first two Hall’s aUtement In an interview Bargaining n, B. m o m s T n ; ^ Pnp. Sunset arcle. Past Noble wbeks of Hafch. niiUe three others Hit at GOP King David Lodge No>ai. lOOP. $2»49 Plui Tax '.last night—came as one of the g«t ftroM t u m IO-S49S1 Grands., w ilt meat Monday at 8 f(^>orted an increm. Strongest crltlclami of the Wl>- p.m. in Odd Penows Hall. Mrs. will meet tonight in OddXPelloNvs o rm tt BVBBV IBPBMINO Hall at 7:30. P.efreshmentaNs'lll Iw - Hartford eho'v^ 500 more peo­ Top Handle, Hoxie and1 sboblder Strap etylea,etylee. many with ■ eonain Senator yet put out by a Evelyn Swords' wSl be in charge ple a t wort; to brinh; iUi unemploy- 'high GOP official. Several weeks Ballot Seen CH TP. f •Served after the meeting. \ / alppsra. Colors: Navy, black, brown, tan, red. natural. of the entertiiniiient mcht total to 4.400. N ew . Haven ago Hall had deacribed McCarthy was down by 1,000 to fiiOOO^out of as an asset to the party. New York, March 27 UF}— r work, ajad gtamfbrd 'vaa down by Prober Caa’t Ite Beached The prospect of a second b v - Washington, March 27 (/P) A 540 to 1.450: Bridgeport added 100 REGULAR .IKOa Sen. Ferguson (R - Mich) & ' ■ ■■ McCarthy, chalrmab of the Sen- gaining eliection and a more to its Jobeaa roll for b, total • ate Inveatlgationa subcommittee, called today for a spendup in 5.800. Waterbury was up 800 to series, of ^gal actions today Ladies' Plastic Billfolds could not be reached for immedl- action on Preside^ Eisen' 4,7(00, and New Britain up 140 to - ate comment hung over New York’s turbu­ i.n o- Ail with Change compertments and paas cast. 7 - McCarthy end eabcommittee lent, strike-ridden waterfront. bower’s legislative program T m Labor Department said thht 'Counsel Roy Cohn have tangled One legal step planned 'by the in what he said will be the while\ fa cto ry. employment con­ with Secretary of the Army Ste- New York Shipping Assn., would make • or • bregk month of tinued \ o show a oeoreaae this S ' Investigate the row. , , ' - election, apparently won by the "Unless we get these meaeuree .. 'Asked about th a .. McCarthy- ■ ------. X/' ■■ ILA. be set aside because of vio­ out of commlUeo by May I aad X ■ X ' . ./k- Arm y ex£hanges( H a'' aaid .. "the Hanoi, Indochina..March 27 * of the Dien Bien Phu airstrip but lence and threats against voters. on the Calendar where they are (Uapute has hurt. Any dispute T/R-The French t«l.y .lepped; Z Votes Challenged ready for Senate action. 1 ass hurta." , afraid some of thMd juqt aren’t' up radio picas for a brief; supplied helicopters and trans- The IL A rival, ,an A F L dock ...America’^ oldeat triplets, «-••••< farity Mufphy read a letter from . , His 'comn;ent came ]uat before union of the same name, had chal­ W n g to get paeeed before oori RICH be telked about campaign strateio^ Cease fire to permit pl&liies to ports were braving the fire and at Pru d en t Elsenhower at Marlboro. Mass, The President congmtui4ted the syomen who will aoon eele- lenged some 4.000 votes, ehough tp brste ttieir 88th Mrtedays.~~ After reading the■ letter■ ‘ the ■ trio‘ ‘ decided d e ------to -tnni • - Republican "■ -Immediately. - ■ - scheduled July 81 .edjoununaBt,'* at a banquet gathering of . the move their wounded from managing to evacuate some place the outcome in doubt even he eqid. Midwest and Rocky Mountain Re- NE A Telephoto. \ ' Dien Biem Phu. But the V ie t-, *xhe*spokesrr.ah..dld-not disclose though the vote count gave the The\MiChlgan Senator aaid ha '* publican State Chairmen's ,Assn. IL A a margin of 1,492. \ minh continued their constant haw many casualties had been thinks the present li^roar-over tta 'Seym l Thousand Yards "There is one person who alwa.vs Leif called for a new election'as controveita between Sen. McOtr- bombardment of the besieged - taken out to hospitals in Hanoi and ^tween Msnehest^ speaks for our party," Hall said in soon as ppssible. A'hearing on his Alabama Bank thy (R-Wu)s^and Army dffiidala ie / and Rockvifle , his dinner speech, "and that is northwest Indochina fortress. ] «l*ewl>ero or how many were still recommeiidation ia scheduled to be obecuring tfiq' EiMiteower pro­ Dwight D. Bisenhower. C^n't let'' T h e French High Command for- ‘ in the hearily bunkered, under- held in Washington Tuesday, The gram. , anybody tell you that because of mklly accused the Oommunist-led ground first aid station of the full IkMrd ia'expected to make ita Refund Deficit In Omaha, Republican Nationel $1.00 Per. TfU la The pne \ quarrels in Washington that there rebels of flagrantly Ignoring Red fortress. — report several days alter that. Chairman LeonaroyW. Hall aaid no unity and nb leaderahip.” . 100 Yds. ill PIlo X ‘ .Cross-marked trqnaport planes The ipo'<;esman said the aid sta­ .^new election -would. give the last night the McCarthy-Army The GOP 'National Chairman flying mercy missions. tion had been hammered by Viet- A F L another chance to win con­ Set at $75,000 dispute "haa done morq ha m ttan told an entevalaatic attdianca that French Oommaader in (^ e f, iclnh fire. ' trol of waterfront labor from the good." Tel. JA^ tha big cainpaign laauea this year Gen. Navarre appasle^ pcraa&sliy . Hq poiniqd (pit tha French had iL A . Vrbich was ousted from the Clio, Als/ -March 87 75,0ft‘‘tD force General Manage)- gresatve" prognun will ta - tea bqfore. The Nisw Tork'-New Jersey insured money exchange agreed on prtecipsl issue lh\ the Novsmbsr a te a Tm e D. S. Policy . Waterfront Commission reported the settlement at a mass meeting Richard Martin to .readv8rtise for Building On the second, he aaid: ' bids on the school baaed on revitad Prosperity j^L^ey elections,. He said; that itytioB- 3.854 men were at work on 39 last night, but another 40 or so gress doesn’t enact mosL -M tta "W e have at long last'developed ships, \.about 142 more workers took the prepared agreement con­ plans by Arnold Lawrence, archi­ Coofroctors a truly American foreign policy tect. program the.; Republloam wao’t Footsoif^ Bahd N^rs than thboreylous day.The harbor tracts hpMo- deserve to retain contrti .sC tee which meets the overeeee Com­ In yesterday afternoon's hear­ Linked to Sales has 24,(XM longshoremen, of whom ^ Mayor Heads CoAimltteb munist threat head-on and lay* the ing, A tty John R. FltxGerald sum­ legislative brench. ' RtsidBBtIdl Coiiiwurcioi^ about 20,0do normally are at work. .The 'creditors,' committee, headed Thus far the Senate haa pMled rfoponsibility where it beibnga— Meanwhile . the- IL A rejx)rte' for the ailing mining induatry._ last Sunday had dwindled'to-nine smuggling ring. — eniploymeht on record., he .said. ting a 'brtak three-mlle-an-hour bI9 72x100 . . . . 42.79 ' ordered a preview’’ of present mains a good prspectivo )>uyer,'’ REG.S2A9 72xU^ S2.1Y ,J i^ k p iIe gpdts and estimated that- who climbs mounfaths for oxerclae, last night, about 18- miles from Boston the past 40 years,' killed surance,-plus an estimated $lS,600'. energy /program. . . , T o r m e r from the AP Wired REG. $3.79 01x100 . . . $3.09 admitted he:wAa” pretty tired.” Washington. 50-yMr-oId; Marcus’ijjVerhle in hie from the sale of Reynolds’ house, ^President Harry S. Trumart says he added. ."He mkde more money REG. S2.O0 01x100 -... $2.39 REG. S3;49 90x100 . . . . 03.19 ' the resulting increases would mean than. evec. befqrg^laat year. - Hq The. Origt|ial^qrty of*37 that' had watchmaker’s shop in London’s furniture ■ and *H ; Oteer P ««o n »l some "IqoI been REG. 49c 42x34 ; . . . . . S9c REG. 79c 4 2 x 30V2 .. .. 49c ' addinohal government buying-of apfenf more, too," and salted away REG. S9o 42x34 CASES M. 49c ■■ 35 to 40 metals, primarily front trudged; out 0 1 Cumberland qarly (Continned on Page Eleven) busy Paddington dl«trlc\ Wednes­ property.- accused.^ Spying In Siberia and DODGE to RBSION •.'rhe_ mayor said the exchange suggests "that, great investigator more.,. Waahlagtta. Mareb 27 PPV-* •H" - domestic producers.. day and gravely injured a clerk. Industrialists at the conference -' Almeida-Waa killed a few min­ president and his 'wife have already be per’mltted_to go to work for. The White Rotas tsdsgr an> The stockpiling revision? a White were told teat good labor.apd in­ BsuBced that Roaepii M. P sd|;s la SNtfGFIT FITTEP BOTTOM ond TOP SHEETS _ House statement said, should ' be utes later Witts his * deeded'' their fs'ahionable brick Malenkov and findbut'what they were'dolagvthere.’’ dustrial relations can ciiL-Jabot resigateg ApirU 15 as Dtrseter .-.j-r: baaed on the considerations that, tussle - With -the tredltlonally un­ home over to tee depositors and cashed in $5,000 in bonds yesterday. Former Seyivtary of; .Treasury costs; . of the Bsdget to retam ta- fe L foreign sources may be -cut off in armed London Police. ,:.Meanwhite. at Sanford. Maine, TYPE 128 TYPE 144 TYPE 180 - Authorities said they are fairly He aaked'qnly to be allowed to John Snyder is called by 'Senate vvartime and that domestic pro- acceptence of a 40 to 42 centa' ah tta post'bit taard efealeaaw sf PEPPERMA MUSUN LAUY PEPPEREU ^ LADY PEPPERELL certain Almeida waa connected keep two dr three pieces of fuml- subcommittee to.give hit side of . dtiction may be Interrupted by story alleging he promoted Harold hour pay cut was Voted yesterday the Detroit Baak Id Deteait. Ra COMIED PERCALE enemy attack. with an ihtema^onal amuggllpg tufe that,ta1®®8dd to his mother, : SUPERFINE MUSLIN - who is dead. GIssser after, FBL. said, it had ayi:, by 200 local mehdera and burlers s leave fnaa ttaq Jshi ' Senators from the mining states OnYalue of VTp Plane ring -and had ‘come to London be­ ______whose work the Goodsll-Sanford lEG. S2.49 TWIN^ . V- • -4249 cause he had been dwble-croaaed Will Give Up CUinM d'ehce Unking Glaaser wifh Soviet REG. $3.49 TWIN ...... $2,OS '‘aictetaned the- o r ^ r as "a very espionage."'. Government iridl-'vCo..' moved to other plants seversl ROYAL TAN WINS V REG. $ l3 9 TWIN . i... $2.39 wise move’'''m id ‘« a :at- least an over a deal,, v-— The ultimate repayment of 85 Washington. March 27 (NEAl-vf-redkced ta»ce-o« distance Conipared cates it is sticking to ils support- months ago. Atetree. Eaglaai, .Jiaeefe REG.4A09 FUU .. .. $2.39 REG. S349 FULL ...... $2.49 REG. $3.09 F U U ...... $3.01 "effective atopgap” measure to . They added they are qatlafled, or 90 cents on the dollar is based f4 OaiCIAN P ltA li tetMfiieelllr'glefted 'The two -experimental' vertical to -the -long runs needed' by cur­ lowering plan that, is ':^ p ect^ to if: was the Aral break in a stale- (A) ■Royal Taa . CAMHQU rmC-A-BOO; OeoUa-ds^ ay.'' tide the lead, sine and other min­ however, Almeida had never met on the agreement of -other me'in- qytea bedka end beHeei ate |dv* deer take-off planes which have beeh rent jet fighters,. the jeweler before _ the' shooting, bring down priee Of butter April 1. ' tel leN trte. (rent and bock. Nrlssi dip to ing industries over the present bmlf to room' straight up and land c...Japan's Kyodo N w s Service ~r/(CoatUWg ea Page Five) band, el aylen lace. Adiwfeble ikars. Vte* period of faUtag; .demand and A ir Force .experts take a more nor had any dealings with him. (ContteiiM on Page Eleven) ' HEAVY QUALITY rtiidt-o-bre.'' laviib njrien loco ittapi and ' atraight. down," tell first, have says Japan wiU open/lts doote to a sitae lUtah ^ ___ REG. 13.49 ~ fena ireciei Shedewrireelreael far M rre- conservative view xd. the future of Scotland Yard believes , he raid­ Irish LIssfd w siebetst# a^tet ,Nce cocktail kirn ot Iteni. prictR: * Faunched . a higb-level debate in long-banned Russia^traders ne.-it leciiea laneamight have limited uses’ for' • - Records Show Bhrte ter Georges Bidault agrees to meet -O------a- FUU AND TWIN OED SitES : u tiwlbed the action aa "only a tem- agate wifA W'eat GermanjChancel- q Although Ybla radical type of rlqse support of ground troops and Records at New Bedford, Mass., David McTera. tttftsry'program which should be as 'interceptors. ' » ' ‘ lor Konrad .AdenauariOo try to Proposal Proteisted RIG.44.29 WITH RUOOER OUHONS $ 3 .4 9 Formerly ^($.98 ^ ilrcrsdt has bben the dream of de­ show that Juetlne Almeida Waved Out to Sea died at $iS* a. aa ^ BOARD PAlQS o r d e r e d " the forerunner of a signers since the days ox Leonardo I^ ls also argued that the price bom In 1904 ih -Liebipn, Portugal, reach-settlement of explosive Saar * • ' ^___ ” ,5 , dtenprehenaive attack on the pro^ V laota’a Hospital da Vinci, there are experts who ' in performance which you pay for and lived at Dartmouth, i New dlapute.' ;__ New .York, March 27 teV"Busi­ -jaflsa lat ■ ■ ■ REG. $4,90 WITH ZIPFERS ...., $ 3 .7 9 With drill cover.'Iron, t^ ce m feat end euter. ^ 8 of the raining and mineraU achieving vertical take-off makes Bedford suburb. San Diego, Calif., March 27 British atomic experts raise contend it is already obaplete M- A hte-Oy je'. fighter pilot who wing-, ness and civic groups have pro^ 4t3e p„:ae. •ame liigb: quality mattress cover which wq have carried for. $3.79 XOIRONmet JUSMdP, DMP MW DRYI cause of guided missile and. other, ! Itr impractical for bombers, cargo His juvenile record showed six question “^ e th e r fiydrogen bomb tested agaieet Mayor Robert F, ' ^M^^iterori^ak (R-IdAho), 6ne planes, night fighters, and long- offenses, beginning with a delin­ waved a fuiAway jet out to Ma to haa ahy 'naal valBe, in practical 'aircraft developmente; XVoid pofsible land .dlsaattr aaid Wagner's plan to extend the city’s !Slt£ia Jilivte isisco sM«k Itewiy, ted« S ij^ .n i SP* • of a group of Western Senatota ' The plainea vvbich era cauaUig range iht^eptora. As one expert quency complaint in August, 1914. warfare, claliring,/several smaller three per pent aalea tax te a num­ the Bstay who have been demanding relief 'eifjfialna; . \ _ ' In 1020, at the age of 18, he and today he could havrpuahed it with A-bombs would bf more -effective. GIVE TO THE RED CROSS At.hnl • sUkyrtMt sup • ! 109% N V W If TRIpOT wWt SHABOWPWOOF the debate are the XFT-1, built I actual contact. ber of commercial aervlcea HALE’S OWN BRAND' , ■;< for lead and sine producers, saw "The .cost/of vertical take-offif thfea other youths ware captured . . Fjederal nar^tics agents in RAW * lor csiiwpiste pratedteii 'wsslfc XnM eprteg wM l ammsr drpisi by ConsoUdated VuUec, and the LL (jg ) C. W, Vandenberg;-25, ' G. Keite Fuq^n, head ot tee new stockpiling XFV-1, .built by Lockheed. Both ia a less stie^lined fuselage, a .te e gun battle witlf New Bedford New York says narrotlcs arrests te New Ydrk Stock Exchange, qald SieCK MR NOW... fterewself... w h I far Iwtufw elfis esswM w . . . COM! 'very compHcaJed' cockpit cc Rlpon, Calif,, fiylng at 300 ihllet STURDYWEAR ^ ICreen Stamps Given With Cash Sales \ good aa a “temporary palHaUVe, resemble conventional' high-speed con-ypollce. Charged with five 'epunte ot Hartford have provided them with the tax. If applied to the securiUea at met ion, diffibMty of pUbting, rceny, assault.and breaking And an.hour in hU F9F8 Cougar figi ter, EARLY'fteiso HteYte swrate t s fa ll • » tWs RfleM hut t W the real aolutlon w y Jo fighters and both are' powered *by: “very Interesttegr’ Information, ■, business, v(DUId "diacrtmjhiajte 7 *^ S Sb tea-flow of .mors complicated, instmments and tiering, he wsia sOni to the Maasa- 'tutiiSd ' thq., other Cougar away m a t t r e s s PADS k counter-rotating turbo-props, a from. lU bMline' for' the populated Bridgeport’s Mayor Jasper Mc- Iher agalta^ an industry alfeady abnmd. He declared he w- extremely com|M^ vortloql con­ tts school for Boya at Shirley, Lery naarfcs Jils]78th btrthtay .be.- heavUy p^U aed. Idr-, bringing turbine; drivins: a conventional pro- trol aysteme: What'you gten la thp but escaped, was recaptured coa^ after ita pllq^had balled out TWIN-MD S B I $2 7 7 GREEN STXMPS t^duM a teU shortly to e ^ b llte pellef. hind fiower-banked' desk at C(ty buainass to Ntaf. Tout City." . Iniiiort aviotea on th* two/metajs. elimination -of a concrete runway. sent tack to Shirley. , j . oyer the-ocean. J,. -- . .GIVEN WITH ! Oteer Modeto Seenet ' He' maneuvered hia hing tip HaU and indicatiM'he haa no plaiis Harold Riegelman/counMa to thq u w u i m s s a . . $ 3 .’7 7 ■ Idaho Senator / ^ e '8e for moet Air Fores mlaslona „ JTO yean later he wu-sent to fpr^rqi^rv'hcnt . . A S7-->'*ar-old :AtlaenB B u ^ et Comteiaalei^ a Tho-Air ;Porce haa oUwr pdre- SUte Wison for a robbery at -New under' tpe' runaway, which had, J CAjSH SALES ' o f etockmuag u ey be nulU- the gain is not worth the price." woman is foata stabbed.tq taatb .private civic gnnip. said audi a tax S S ^ H L I S S l S i ^ t t e S e to fiow nUMlals. atlU aperat, daMgwed Ewsd ardent proponents of the Bedford. In-1925'he was aOntencad rightad itself but ot a apiq 80 mllaa ruled vritb pbre white cotton jteat from hare, and m acai^' to owing in her bed te Waterbury ahd police wlU force eeeta-taebieaw to efaw lllttreelp^^m abroad-' for nraFoktetelMp the aa ' VTQ planaa don’t aoo milch future to oefve~8-10 yean at ttete Prison pooA Itagtiialiniii eg gefag aay they are questloiiiiig her hus" np tlwy wm SHolrq m ' band JR coaoMcUon with alayiag.

. i 1 X' 4 " .- -