The Hounds' Bugle

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The Hounds' Bugle THE HOUNDS’ BUGLE Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club May 2009 The Hounds’ Bugle Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club Officers President Carol Gabriel Vice President Lori Finucane Secretary Chris Thompson Treasurer Jane Schluter Board Of Directors Jackie Barnett Heather Colby Ann Gould Lynne Rosebrock Mary Sharkey Club Librarian Carol Jones (916) 961-8981 [email protected] Bugle Editor Robin Burchett - 2213 Greenbrier Street, Concord, CA. 94520-1441 [email protected] Web Site The Hounds’ Bugle is a bi-monthly publication. The deadline for each issue is the 15st of each odd numbered month. Articles submitted are welcome. The editors reserve the right to print or not print all submitted material and to edit in the interest of brevity and readability. Articles appearing in The Bugle are for the information and entertainment of our readers and do not necessarily represent the views of the Club or any of its members. Permission is given to reprint if credit is given to NCIWC HOUNDS’ BUGLE. Subscriptions are $35.00 a year or free with membership. Advertising rates: Full page with photo $25.00 Full page without photo $15.00 Half page without photo $12.00 Presidents Message In this, my farewell “Message from the President”, I have to reflect on what it means to be an NCIWC member. From the beginning, this Club has been fortunate to have a very harmo- nious group of IW fanciers working together and watching our Club grow and grow. We have always been a “social bunch”. The REALLY old-timers (like me) will remember the Kentucky Derby/Bloody Mary Days at my Dad’s house and the fabulous get to-gethers at Aggie Curtis’s house in conjunction with the Mensona KC Shows in Santa Rosa. Oh, and the Taco/Marga- rita days at Nancy Aikens, and the Christmas Parties at the Souzas. We have been a family with a common goal. We have always been able to call on one another to share sadness and happiness or ask for advice. We have always been eager to help put Majors together. We get the call and we enter our 6 month old puppy. Of course, sometimes the puppy gets the Major but everyone is happy! Now, through the hard work of our newer members, we offer Ice Cream Socials, Camp-outs, Walks on the Beach, Backpacking Certification, etc. I know members who live in other States who LOVE our Bugle and wish they could participate in the fun. No other Club has this reputation. I am proud to announce WE WON FIRST PLACE IN THE ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE !! $175.00 !!!! It has been an honor and a privilege to serve at President (for the third time). Carol Gabriel 3 Northern California Irish Wolfhound Club Meeting Minutes April 18, 2009 - Solano County Fairgrounds, Vallejo, CA President called the meeting to order at 1.10 pm Officers and Board members present : C Gabriel, C Thompson, L Rosebrock, M Sharkey, J Schluter, H Colby, J Barnett, L Finucane. Apologies : A Gould. Members present : F Christian., A Schluter, K Corriea, M Thompson, J & L Giles, W Colby, T & R Burchett, L Souza, M McKeeEidson, J Williams, J Souza, C Jones, B Brown, M & M Walsh. Previous Minutes : m/s L Rosebrock/D Rosebrock passed President’s Report (C Gabriel) : Ad in National catalog. AKC has introduced a Mixed Breed program. New artist producing chalk on wood breed artistry will be at IWCPS. Secretary’s Report (C Thompson) : Emma Ross asks that NCIWC place an ad in The Bugle, advertising the combined Ca- nadian National & Regional Specialties. AKC Responsible Dog Owners day programs are to be offered in September. Mem- ber's letter detailing problems with the 2008 Specialty photogra- pher. Sent letter indicating NCIWC's opposition to SB 250. Treasurer’s Report (J Schluter) : checking $ 1,736 / savings $ 10,751 2009 Specialty : Show Chair (C Thompson) : most arrangements in place. M Sharkey has lined up a presentation on feeding Raw Foods. Ann Gould is not able to run the Raffle & Auction this year, so must find another volunteer. Trophies (M Thompson) : all trophies carefully stored. Will require approx $ 2,000 in June / July. Boutique (M Thompson) : H Colby has produced some exciting new artwork for the merchandise. Expend approx $ 1,000 on new items for Specialty m/s J Shluter / M Sharkey passed Specialty Lure Coursing (K Corriea) : the Silken Windhound group would like to join with us for the lure course - all dollars raised come to NCIWC. m/s A Shluter / J Williams passed 4 Field & Grounds (W Colby) : similar to previous years' set up. The Schluters have offered to provide a work day BBQ on the previous Thursday. Committees : NCIWC 501(c)3 proposal (M Sharkey) : many benefits - in- creasingly, shelters are requiring 501(c)3 status before releas- ing rescued animals - tax deductible donations can be received (our presently low income means we are tax exempt) - will be easier to qualify for grants, etc. Downsides : compromises our ability to be politically involved; cannot sponsor event partici- pation; only Directors can elect Officers; additional filings with fees must be made periodically. Application as an Educational Organisation. Cost of $ 650 with probable 3 to 6 months IRS approval time. IWCA has no 501(c)3. The IWCA Foundation does. Activities (F Christian) : May 23-26, Lake Almanor, car camp - July 4-11, Emigrant Wilderness, 65 mile hike - September 5-8, Green Island Lake, 5 mile hike. C Jones suggests that when certain Lake Tahoe ski-lifts are snow-less, the club could hold an event at a resort such as NorthStar, travelling with the hounds on the trams. Bugle (R Burchett) : all agreed that the last was a great isis-- sue. In future, she will not wait for Judge's remarks. Historian & Legislation (C Jones) : SB 250 is worse than was SB 1634. The Bill has now passed on to the next Sub- Committee stage. NCIWC Lure Coursing (K Corriea /R Burchett) : August date TBA - probably the second weekend. Open Field (C Thompson) : Ed Powers has written an excel-excel- lent report. 2009 Spring Fun Match (J Schluter/C Jones) : May 2nd in Dixon. Judge is J Watkins. Ring Steward is J Souza. CGC by Chuck Stockham. Awards by C Gabriel. Scottish Deerhound Club invited again, Day-of entries will be more expensive. Special orders can be given for Boutique items. Website (Pat Murkland) : working on revisions to the set up, and a possible blog site. Fundraising (A Gould) : continued to next meeting. Membership Form redesign (A Gould) : continued to next 5 meeting. J Giles will Chair this. Policies (R Burchett) : C����������������������������������� Thompson introduced a policy sug- gestion - that Nominating Committee members may not nominate themselves to Board positions - after discussion, the suggestion was withdrawn. New Members (R Burchett) : Anne Simpson. David & Max Henkel-Wallace Silke (it was noted that neither application had not yet been signed by the applicants) m/s L Finucane / C Jones passed. Old Business : 2010 West Coast National Specialty (J Souza-Bartlett) : final contracts exchanged on hotel & tenting. Still needs a Vendor Chair. Schluters volunteer to be Vendor Chairs. Lure Course at Robertson Park in Livermore. Website to be launched during the Rhode Island National. Selecting Judges - 2010,11 & 12 : finalfi nal results to be an-an- nounced during the Annual Meeting in June. New Business : Lure Course committee volunteers still needed. Nominating Committee (C Thompson) : no write-in candidates received, so the slate stands. Results will be announced during the Annual Meeting in June. Club action against irresponsible breeders (M Thompson): Megan will investigate the cost of running Chronicle and other newspaper ads - also the internet, at sites such as Google. Adjourned 2.20 pm m/s K Corriea / H Colby passed BRAGS ! BRAGS !! BRAGS !!! Next meeting : The Annual Meeting on June 20 - 11 am at «Buds Pub», 100 S. First Street, Dixon, CA 95620. ... please note : there is not a lot of shade available for dogs in cars ... (contact Megan Thompson for further details (707) 965-1531 [email protected]) respectfully submitted, 6 Chris Thompson Secretary Membership Page Members Read In April 18, 2009: Anne Simpson 1498 Aqua Vista Road Richmond, CA 94805 (510) 234-0522 [email protected] Sponsors: Lori Finucane & Jane Schluter Dogs: Riley Silke, David & Max Henkel-Wallace 555 Bryant Street, #730 Palo Altom, CA 94301 (650) 325-2690 [email protected] Sponsors: Lynne Rosebrock & Robin Burchett Dogsd: Franklin New Address: New Email: Jacques Obermeyer [email protected] 7 News Page My boy Logan sniffed a foxtail up his nose Saturday and had to go to the vet to have it removed. The vet used a “quick acting” anesthesia called “Dormito”. When they finished removing the foxtails and went to bring him out of the anesthesia they could not detect a heartbeat. He was given Antisedan to bring him out of it and it was not very effective. He was very weak and it took him five hours to come out of the effects of the drug. We had to keep waking him up and walking him around to keep him alert and conscious. The EKG showed a depressed heart rate. The vet says he is very sensitive to this drug, and I am hearing from other veterinarians that a lot of dogs are sensitive to it. I am making a note to never have it used on my dogs again. Thankfully he is fine today and his EKG is back to normal Corey Vermillion The Irish Wolfhound Club Of America will be holding their 2010 National Specialty in Pleasanton, California, during the month of May.
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