Vote to Purchase New Site for Truck House License
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For Allegience and Truth (INCORPORATED W ITH WHICH IS THE COAST ECHO) VOL. XXIII.—Whole No. 1280. CIRCULATION BOOKS OPEN TO ALL BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY, JU L Y 30, 1915 CIRCULATION BOOKS OPEN TO ALL Price Two Cents Annual Benefit for St. Rose Church METHODIST CHURCH SPECIAL MASTER’S SALE.—By de Borough Council Has Patronesses and the gentlemen assisting Town Gossip and Eligibles to Election Boards F. L. Shermer Elected At 9:45 a. ra. the Bible classes. At cree of the Court of Chancery of New The State Civil Service Commission an It a. m. preaching service. The sermon Jersey, made on the tenth day of May, with the preparations for the annual 1915, in a cause therein depending where benefit for St. ltose Church are bending Latest Happenings nounced Monday the results of the recent will te by the pastor. Rev. W. E. Ledden in Daniel WhippJe et ux, et al are com Semi-Monthly Meeting every effort to make this affair “ the examination of candidates for election offi Principal Local School on the subject "Subpoenaed Witnesses” plainants and Mason K. Whipple, et al, banner benefit, ” because it happens to cers in Monmouth county. All those who Gounod’s "Entreat Me Not To Leave are defendants, the subscriber, one of the passed the test became eligible for selec Thee,” will be sung by Mrs. Howard special masters of this court, will expose be the thirteenth affair of this kind. It to sale at public vendue on the premises Vote to Purchase New Site will be held on the thirteenth of August, Visitors Here and There and tion as members of the election boards in Appointment Made by Board Kain, who will also sing a duet with Miss to the highest bidder, on FRIDAY the and on a Friday evening. But the “ jinx ” their respective districts. Alma Flint. At 7 p. m. the vesper ser 27th day of AUGUST, 1915, between the must end there, for the reception and card Things Worth Mentioning The list includes the names of all those of Education vice, Miss Audrey Dennison of Toledo, hours of 12 o’clock noon, and 5 o’clock in For Truck House eligibles previously appointed by the Ohio, will sing Gounod’s, "O. Divine Re the afternoon of said day, to wit, at two party will be held in the Hotel Columbia, o’clock, the premises hereinafter describ At the Borough council meeting Tues and that it will be an event of social Mrs. Leon Rankin is spending a few boards whose terms expire this year; of The Board of Education has elected deemer” and Ball’s, "Let Us Have Peace.” ed, in the Borough of Belmar, Monmouth day night W. H. Bamford appeared as importance is almost assured. The games days with relatives in Orange. those eligible from the examinations of Frank H. Shermer of Eighth avenue prin Mrs. Howard Kain will sing "My Re County, New Jersey. new councilman being sworn in by Bor to be played during the card party will 1!)11, 1912, 1913 and 1914, but who were cipal of Belmar Public school. He suc deemer and My Lord.” Dr. Henry F irst T ract: All that certain lot of James Preshm Junes is again in town. not appointed and made application for Browning Dorr of Ocean Grove will play land situate in the Borough of Belmar, in ough Clerk Charles O. Hudnut. be auction bridge, euchre and five hundred, ceeds E. E. Gaige. A number of appli the County of Monmouth and State of The borough lease on the sidetrack of aud every facility for the comfort and en ■certificates this year with those who cations were received for the position. the violin. The subject of the pastor’s New Jersey, being lot No. nineteen hun the N. Y. & L. B. It. It. running to the joyment of guests will be afforded, as well Miss Nashti Ayers and Edith Hubbs of passed this year. The list of eligibles for Mr. Shermer has had several years’ ex short sermon will be "A Fool and His dred and sixty-eight (No. 1968), on a plan waterworks was returned accepted and as a pleasant way devised for the awarding Long Island City are guests of Mrs. C. C. this and nearby towns is as follows:— perience as a teacher and has a fine record Philosophy.” of lots of the Ocean Beach Association, Mitchell, 705 F street. duly filed in the Clerk’s Office of the Coun placed on file. of prizes, of which there is expected to be DEMOCRATIC as an instructor. He is a native of Phila 12th AVENUE BAPTIST ty of Moumouth, bounded and described A bill from Glenn Bros. Nursery Co., a valuable and interesting display. Borough of Belmar—William B. Loker delphia where he recieved his early edu "Real signs of Christianity” will be the as follows, to w it: for trees sold to the borough last spring The patronesses for the benefit are: Mrs. B. M. Bennett of 615 Ninth avenue, son. cation in the public schools and after theme Sunday morning at 10.45. In the Beginning at a stake or point in the entertained Mr. and Mrs. George Worth City of Asbury Park— First Ward; Ed wards graduated from Bucknell University evening at 7 :30 the subject will be "The southerly line of Tenth Avenue, distant was received and referred to the highway Mrs. John B. O’Reilly, who is general thirty feet (30 ft.) westerly from the commission with instructions to ascertain chairman, Mrs. P. L. Bryce, Mrs/James ington of Bloomfield over Sunday. win W. Bolles, James E. Bennett. Sec at Lewisburg, Pa. Message of the Master and His Disciples.’ westerly line of the New Egypt and Farm- the number of living trees. F. Kelly, Mrs. Peter P. McLaughlin, ond Ward; Frank L. TenBroeck, Philip In 1910 he engaged as principal of the Always good music and short sharp ser ingdale Railroad Compauy’s land, now Notice of a hearing to be given by the Mrs. Howard R. Garis, Mrs. Margaret James C. Hough of Malden, Mass., and Golembock. vices. used for the purpose of a freight depot, Board of Navigation af Manasquan July Furlong, Mrs. U. H. Ridenour, Mrs. T. George Conover of Elbernn were guests of Borough of Avon—William E. Bastedo. At the evening service Miss Alma Flint and extending thence (1) southerly at a II. C. Conover, 613 Ninth avenue, Sunday. right angle to said Tenth Avenue and 31 on the proposed inland waterway from E. Dolan, Mrs. J. B. Weed, and Mrs. Borough of Bradley Beach—Joseph M. will sing a solo accompanied by Miss Neal. along the westerly line of lot Number Barnegat Bay to New York Bay was John McDonald. The organization meet Taylor. EPISCOPAL Nineteen hundred and sixty-seven, fifty Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Hill of New read by the clerk but no action was taken. ing of the committee was held at the Borough of Manasquan—Howard Os The services of the church of the Holy feet (50 ft.) to the northerly line of lot Councilman Thompson recommended rectory on Monday morning, and the second York are occuppying the cottage at 702 born. Number Nineteen hundred and sixty-nine, D street for the remainder of the season. Apostles (Episcopal) at Belmar this thence (2) westerly at a right angle to the that the award for coal for the pumping meeting will be held at the home of the Borough of Neptune City—Alexander month are at 10.30 each Sunday morning last mentioned course and along the said station be given to the Ilerwind-White chairman, Mrs. O'Reilly, 102 Tenth avenue Morris Jr. and also at 5 p. m. On the third Sunday notherly line of lot Number Nineteen Miss Capping, 611 Sixth avenue, has as Township of Neptune—Steadman A. hundred and sixty-nine, one hundred and Mining Co. and it was so voted. next Monday morning. of each month Holy Communion will be fifteen (115 ft.) feet and eleven inches [11 It was voted to renew notes against That Catholics visiting in Belmar appre a guest Miss Arnold of New York who Hall. observed at 7.30 a. m. will pass a two weeks’ vacation with her. Township of Wall—Frank D. Gaskin. in.] more or less to the southeasterly line the borough which were maturing and to ciate the conveniences of St. Rose Church, First Presbyterian.—Corner Ninth of River Avenue, thence (3) northeast issue a new note of $5,000 to be discount which affords five Sunday morning services, REPUBLICAN avenue and E street. Rev. Charles erly, along said line of River Ave ed in anticipation of taxes. with a resident and assistant pastor, Miss Eleanor Dougherty of 100 Eighth City of Asbury Park—First Ward; Everett, D.D., pastor. Sunday School at nue fifty-two feet and five and a half The matter of placing a light at a point besides visiting clergymen of national avenue is entertaining Miss Elizabeth George W. Crawford, Frank H. Walker, to a.m. Preaching at 11 a.m. Christian inches [52 ft. 5i in] more or less to the Martin L. Ferris, Dominick Bonanno, Endeavor service at 7 p.m. Prayer said southerly line of Tenth Avenue: below 16th avenue was referred to the reputation, will surely be attested by the Shedwick of Philadelphia and Lavalette meeting Wednesday at 7.45 p.m. thence [4] easterly, along the said south Light committee. success of this affair. as her house guest. James H.