o wan fBoarels RecommenaColot ail For Eelucational TV Plans Serving the University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City , Iy NIC GOIRI5 for IOJnt typet 01 educatioDal Board 0I1lqetrtJ frCIIII tt JIr .. IltabliJhed in 1868 10 cents a copy Auociated Press Leased Wire and Wlrepboto Iowa City, lowa-Friday, July 15, 1966 Editw prolI'aIIII IUch u medical c:laJ. membenblp, or from In.stltutiOlll AMES COlor television RI. under Recent eo!Itl'ol. equlpmeat baa heeD lIWated 10 The two boardII voted 1110 I to Tbt IOVerDOl' would IppoInt the Uolverslty as part of a state- ask the state lelfslature lor apo three membera _ ODe from any wide educ:ltioDal c:onummICltiOns proval of the entire Dehrort U lCbool district operatin, I tele­ I network. opposed to the National AlIsoc:i- vision staUon, one from a private The rec:ommendatioDl for I ltion of Educational Broadcast- college or university offering reg­ • • lltate-wlde color educational tele- ers' recommendation lor two .ep. ular COUTIeJ in radio, television vision and FM raello network arlte pb88el. or journalism and one from DOD­ wera approved Thursday by I By Ipproving both pbuea to- public elementary or aec:ondary joint meetlnI of the State Board lether, combination televialon .choo!J loc:ated ill the .tate. 00 Irsty I er of RegeDta and tha State Board and FM radio broadcasttnc sta­ al Public Inatruc:tlon. Tha recom- tioDI In pha .. one It Iowa City, * * { meadatlcmt will be RIIt to the Des Moinet, ottumwa, Fort * .tate lecialature. Dodge, CondDr and MUOIl CIty Estimated cost of the network would be combined with ltationa Board Delays Is $15 million. The two boardl in pbue two. These would be decided In favor of color Instead radio and television .tations at of. m mDllon black and whlt41 BurlingtOD, D.venport, Dubuque, networi. DeollOn, Decorah, W. t e rloo, Construction' II It...... "11'1"" Spencer, CouDdl Blulfa .Dd Sioux ur ers urses Tha UDlnralty would be part City. al • two-way micro-wa .... antem Shortly before their final .c­ betwea the UDlvenity, Des Uon the boardII .oted n to 7 Finance Plans Moines, low. stale Univer.ity against rtqUestlnr financ:IDg for AMES - Action on plan. for and the Stat41 CoUeee of Iowa. the fint phase only. Some mem- long-range capital rmancing of 900 Police Police Still Hunt Eleven other stations would be bers aald they abouId .sk for the building construction at Iowa', linked by micro-wave relay. wbole package and let the legis- stale schools was deferred Thura­ The Iowa Joint Committee 011 lature cut it to phue one If it day by the State Board of Re- Try To Quell Educational T~vialon, repreaent. teet fit. gents unUI the next Board meet- Unknown Slayer ing the tlo boards, bad earUer Equipment N...w ing in August. recommended that educational The boards allO voted to ask The Board In joint action with Chicago Riot CIDCAGO (AP) A young killer forced his way into a television in Iowa should be color for about $400,000 to obtain tele- the Board "e Public Instruction, quiet residential dormitory early Thursday, bound nine stu- rather than 10 black and wbite, vision equipment for the Unlver- aJao adopted detailed standard. CHICAGO (II - Intense gunfire The two boards voted unanl- Illy aoo SCI. Estimated COIla for Iowa's new area community Il'Upted between Negroes and dent nurses, the n

• • ~ • I • _ • • • ' . • •• • • • .1 • • j' I " ( ~BS~R~ATIONS ~4. Laos sHows U.S. AND COMMENT

II'.lOI t IOWA CITY, IOWA 1IIt1 .. JULY IS, "" neutrality works > All A' ...... Allllyti. In. Laos, a 14-natlon meeting again 111111.11 called WASIUNGTON (II - It would bave been difii­ In 191i!. A year later lhe naUODS - ln~ding the SDo Campaign expenses tull I ftw y~ra 1,0 t. tonvinee anyone Utat \ 1MI - neutralized In lsa - could exllt for viet Union. Red China and tbe UnIted Statu - THE PROBLEM OF CA {PAIG co ts has reached an ..... allTeed to aet up a coalition government In 1801. Jfow. LMI II.. found a new leIf-eonfldenclI They also algned a treaty making Laoa a neu­ impasse, and it iJ by DO means clear what should be done IWer ttl ItIItrlliat premier SouvRll1ll Pbouma. tIaliat nillon between the Communist and nOlI­ about it. One thing iJ clear, hoWe\'eri the shameless ex. ~1I6Ie diplemaUc 1OUrct. bitt AY they Communbt nation. In Southeast Alia. ploitation of the office of the Presidency in the Lyndon are eomp!et.ly eonYinced that wlthout too much But Premier Souv8nna Phouma and hll half­ ut.rllli IIIiItaJIee - and wltb the llquldaUon brotber. the Red Prince SouphanavoDg. a 'depuly Johnson manner cans for the shupest public rebuke. Mr. Df the CDmmuniata thrut posed by North Viet premler who beads the Palhet Lao. long have Johnsoo b reported to b4I thiD·akUmed, for a politlc&n, and NIM - ..... etll lurvive economlcally and po­ ~ tompletely at oddl. DORC To to be INDI by critic:loll, however well IntCItioned. U b. litie:alb, n. premler toDilden hli ball·brother a PriJ. Viet Nam wu IIu dIIIIIIaated ,,11ft. could mana,e to d.ilplae. eons. of tbII .euitivity to bla IuDd "* .... GIIII' of 1II. North Vietnam... while Souvhllll­ ... '*-dIa. dlJltmatic imnIIIDlI tJlDrwlhlJ VOlll tal!. SoUVRIl1II Phouml an Anlerican vlltt. rWin, aotivitia, tlM poblem of fiDudDi ,ltctiODl demo­ ....., ... til. lituatlcle IIY tIIere art that '!'b. kiD, of LIoI, savan« Vathana. avoid, Ibe Yoea au. .- for the IaereuId IIII~ cratieally would remain, but at leut 011. grou affenae poUUcal tonlrovel'l)'. JaLMI: Th. North Vletnltllele hive aupporled Ib, agaiDlt political decency would be ellminated. -It " felt there that North Viet NItII II ,etUn, Pathel Lao under objective, lixed .a yean lio wbJlItId la u.. fltld ." Soutll Vletnltll... and by Prelldent Ho ChI MInh who wanted to ialD By By tradition, the Prelidmt WeIJ'J two hab - u ChIef U.a. .wIen. eoatrDl oyer all of French Indoch.ina. -n.. II ...... II far tIIIt the CIIlaeII Executive and u the leader of hiI party. Prelidenb ha .... But thl. obJecUve I. ItIIi (ar from belng C Uft ~ theU bit.... always participated poUtiCi and In raising money for "'1 aehitYld LaOI and the tide II beginning to On m 11ft u II fAIl, In ebb for men, ICCOrdin, to ICIUfce, here. political campaigtu, but u a rule they have been at lOme 111* .. 'I'lIaflud " .ln., • am." P.P1J &I'dd.,.. I , ~.' Jul, -'17 ~ CGIIlerence l1li l"IuJble Schedul· (for secondll'y IChoolleachers). -du.... l1' 10 UIe _ C• .....lIlle.ttlo. ,.m be made to correct tb, error . • . Sundal-ThurM.y; 8 LftI.·mJdn.,ht. R.M"...... - •• - - of .11 local ._0 Drln'" .. _ wlth lb. ft ..~ .... PI otrlcl hOUri Friday .nd Salurdu. 'l'hutJllay•• illl~1t , ... ; fII, lot ~ary Sehools Throutl! ComllUtfr· JUM II-Aug. 10 - NDEA lJiaUtute for Hlill - ....lHper ...... all ". _I are' '.Jb. t~ t:.IO. )fonday I~rou" .TUDI.. T. WHO WI'H \0 a.~. Informolion D.. k - 7 •.mA1 p.m .• Sllurd'7. a ...... " '1 • • .- ...... FrI...,...... t 10 ...11_ Sltur"". their eI •• rll\k IJlfOtlll.doIl f. Xond'1'lThurada7; T Lm.-mldnlllhl. p.Ib .-5 p.lII. ~ IWJt Miller 1IcbeIuIeI. thlioe. School Engliah Teachert . I.e. By Johnny----~~- Hart ~~------~~------~------IIITLI IAILIY 8y Mort Walk.,

I THollhHr You We:Re JUST" FR/YOLO'JS •

...... """'-'-.. ''-'' .....-

.... . '--' .. .-.... _...... :.. --' -' ..-...... , ...... ,.." ...... ~ ...... ' ...... ' ~. "" .. '\ :. ,...... ~~. ..., . ., . _. , ...... '- .... ,.. " .. ... ' .,' THI DAILY IOWAN-lew. City, Ia..-Prt., """ tt, 1w.-,... I ISenate Denies CIA Changes Former ChieflOutages Make Students Tardy WASHINGTON INI - After a I spy·and·inlelligence af(ency. Advocates Some students were late to the Quad Cltles, Findlay laid. 1 ..... ·hour debate behind locked In parliamentary lerms , the de· cla!lS Thursday, but the tardl. But, lIIIllke areas In Nebruka, ~nd I!uardcd doors, the Senate reo cision suslained a point of order neSl wu not of their own volition. Findlay saw no future rstlonln, fused Thursday to alter ils sys- raised by Sen. Richard B. RU5' Academy Two power failure. betWeeI mld. of p?wer because of Inadequate Item for super\'ision of lhe Cen· sell, CO·Ga.) and sent the resolu· night and 5:30 a.m. cauaed .Iow facilities. tral Inlelligence Agency (CIA l. lion to the Armed Services Com· Olver A. WhIte, fO\'l11er Iowa clocXs and late alarms. So, for profeaort who tend to A 61·28 roll·call vole denied miltee. I City pollc. chIef, said Thursday Accordln, to D. G. FindlBy, dlsbelleve ltudents' Itorles about the SellAte Forell:n Relations Russell's point: The reSolution that slate police academies could of the Iowa City dis. clocks Itoppln, - n'l true and ICommittee three seats on the Ie· offered by the Foreign ReJatlooa help eUmlnale the need Cor U.S. tricl of the Iawa·llIinols Cas and Just mlahl bappen alaln. leel panel which oversees Ihe Committee involves national e· Supreme Court decisIons iUaran- Electric Company, three 2&-amp curlty, and therefore is in th leelng rl.hts of criminal sus- transformert faUed In the Field F h PI province of the Armed Services peets. House area. A second failure oc-' rene ay 1Art Proiect CommiUee. peaking at a noon Iowa City curred In the Hawkeye Apartment The Georgian heads both the Rotary Club meeting In the Jef· area. T B Ge I Arrned Services Committee and Croll Hotel, White said, "Law Both failures, Findlay laid, 0 e Iven I Is Launched the seven·member panel charged enforcement today Is saddled were due to overloada. In the with CIA .upervislon. The CIA with rutrllnln, Supreme Court Field Houae cue, the thr.. 2&- , .. group Ie m.d. up of Hnlor mem. ded.IOIlI lor one realon: aloppy, lInP tranlformere were replaced lou 'lA ..... a drama A project to double the .Ize J "II~ .~.~~~, of the University's fine uta fa· ben of the Armed Servtcu IIId .boddy poUce Idlvlty." Iwltb three 5O-lInP tranalormer....~ 1111 IWUIWI, lOW ... prtMllt. DOROTHEA BROWN cilities, Including a separate. prl. Appropriation. committees. Wblt.. education commlttee One of the new trllllformlrt ed by the Repertory !butte at To Give Reelt.1 valely financed lIallery, Ia under By .ending the Forelgn R~· co-chaJrman and treasurer of the malfunctioned and e x p 1 0 d e d, • p.m. July 18, 'I, 25, 2t 1114 way on this CllnPUS, where more tio", Commlttee'l relOlution to Iowa Association of Chiefs at Findlay IBid, caualni • minor Au,. S In the UnivenJty Theatre. than 500 stUdents are majorin, RU!lSell's Armed Service. Com­ Police, .ald [owa', pollce activ!. power problem. The play tu.. place in a ran· In art. mittee, the SeDate clearly doom· ties were of higher qualJty than The Hawkeye Apartment prob- WIY .tatlon IOmewhere in the Vocal Recital ed it. LeONARD RAND, G, low. City, I.ft, .nd hI. wife, LtrI, 0, Starting with an appropriation low. City, right, will bottt recelv. Ph.D... ,... In eelleta thOi' In mlny ttales. lem WII described by Findlay II provinces of modern France ....Ie. Netd Tralnl", a simple overload case. where the ancient . legend or Or· of $600.000 from the Iowa legisla. For lhe first lime In three cou" ..!ing I~m the University Milt monftI. They hive "" ture in 1963, the Ulliversity - yean, the Senate barred newl· "But there i. still a cryinll need I Findlay did not .tate how lon, pheus and Eurydice Is reborn. B Sop rano aided by a mmion dollars in prJ. men, .pectatorl, and aU but daught.rs, Jennifer, middle, 41lioii Gallrlen., not Ihewft. In thla .tate for mandatory pollee the outaiel lasted ; the lVerl,e The plot I. concerned with how Y vate gifts and pledaes from per. a few key aldea sa It debated tbe -1'IIoto ltv Jelln %111'nlld trllnln, at. pollee academy," he failure lasta about 40 minute., de- a young .treet mualclan and a .ons within and outside the In· re.olutlon. The vote came mo· sald. '"1'0 really do an efficient pendln, on the IvanabUlty of re- pretty Ictre.. will be able to .tltutlon b.. put to,.ther a ,2.1 menta after the Ileat wooden job of protectin, JOU Illd your placement crewl, he laid. .bJeld their moment of beauty On Saturday mlllion pro,rlln to build I mi. doon wert reopened. familiel pollee In low. need Findlay uld that there wlr. from IJI, dlaWualonment, eom· IIOprloo Dorothea Brown will jor aallery and Increase the size Husband, Wife J eam more trltnm, than the7 Ire rio ",ome oula,. every nI~t," but promlM. .114 pettlne.. of dally c,l,in, DOW." Thurlday'. 'allure ,ncompu.ed Ill' In th' barlb reality of the I Art pretent a faculty vocal recital of Ita crowded Building. Murders- A few ahort courea iD "rima aD' of th' "billest ar..... Ihla modern world. Saturday, with .ongl ranging Two federal grants have been pbue. of police trllnln, are now .ummer In Iowa City. M.mbera of the alf IDd the lrom five woril of Brahm. to ... received by the University for (Continued from Page 1) To Get Ph.D. Degrees offered at the University. But The eallH of the outa,es, wblcb parts they play are: Lee Mc­ Iectlons by a number of contem. application to the project. One of White explalned that many police affect I low percenta,. of cua. C.In, A4, Los A1amlto., Callf. - porll'}' composers. them, for $316,718, Is for the por· Girl. Te"" Out Leonard and Lori Rand have I bad five chilclren, went back did not take these courses and tomer., was due to the "lncreas. Eurydice; Caroline lAlnhauser, The recital, 8 part of tbe 28th lion of the total project that ~iIJ One by one, the kllier took the been aitting alde·by·slde In a when her youngest was four and girls out. those who did could use more ex. ed load because of air condition. G, Iowa City - mother; Mary annual Fine Arta Festival, will be used for undergraduate m· classroom for 13 years, something II DOW teachin, .chool," .he .ald. tenslve Iralnlnll. ling," Findlay said. Beth Supln,.r, AI, MarahaU· the beJin at 8 p.m. In Macbride Audi. structlon. The other, (or $439,235. In one front bedroom Miss Gar· that started with their und~r. In September, the nand. will White, of !(f( College Ct., servo Thursday's problem, be added, town - _ond ,Ir!: Patrlcla of torium. The proaram wlll be OpeD was awarded on the b~sis of the ,ullo was found with her throat IIraduate days at the UniverSIty continue th Ir tellnl¥Qri, for lJIey ed on the JOWl City pollee force was "the same thing that's been Dou~an, A1, Independenc. - to the pubUc and no tickets Will i area that will be dedicated prl. Ilashed; MIs, Schmale and Miss of Malsachu ttl . hay. Identical poaltiOllI .t Ohio from 1. to 196O. Durin, the Jut happening aU week long In scat. ea.blef; Ann Wayner. A2, Iowa be required. marlJy to Instruction at the grad· Pasion both were ltabbed and Next month, they will receive Unlvtralty Athenl wber. the1 [OWl 1.aJa!IUve Ie.slon, be work. tered areas." City - flnt Jirl; Ed So.tei, G, Min Brown, an Instructor In uate Jevel. Both granta were Itrangled. their Ph. D. delll'eea In collele will tuch' Ind do ~unlelinlllld ed for I bill approvlnl establl.h. Iowa City lets Ita power trom Iowa City - Vincent: Reathel the Scbool of Music will ling made under the High Education In the other frOnt btcIrooJ1\ counselln, and .tudent personnel student personnel work ment of. pallce academy. Beall, G, Welt PIIlnM, Mo, - ~hubert'. "The ShePerd on the FlclUtlea Act of 1963. Mill Matusek and Mias Wilken. worlt from the Un!verllty. Though . • ,. S'1e father; Bart'1 Kaplan, G, New Rock," three lelectlon. from ROI. Besides the gallery, the over­ Ing were straniled with etrlpa or It'l been "bard work with fl. "It'•• lItU. unu.al," Lori Aid. , "111ft Little Opposition A"me til e Yori City _ Henri: Nlchol81 May. aim', "Serate MusleaUl," Charles all project calls for additIons to bedsheet, and Mill Jordan WI. n.ncu sometimea very tight" "for many pllell to bir. buabaDd 'We were unsuccessful In ,et· er A2 N." Yori CIt)' - M.thlll· N.,lnskl'. "The Pasture," and the Art Building that will provlde .tabbed. tbey lay, "there'l been a gre~t and wife." tin, the m~~lure passed," White Delaying Mails Allen 'JUII, G, HJcksvme, N.Y. ~ Rlehard Hageman's "Do Not Go, a new .dmlnlstration and prlntln. Miss Farris lay In the bath· Joy In doln, It together." ....,.,ltillft ....,.", explained. In recent monlh!, I station ",alter' Robert Ernlt My Love." . wing, a print studio, photo,raph room doorway I~ the ball. Both natives of MalSachusetts ' "Some of It," she said, "I •• have beeII talilni to people WASHINGTON IA't _ The Itrlke AS, Humboldt ~ Orpheul; Hlr: Completing the program will be and slide· study wing, a ceramics Downstairs, MI!IS Davy lay on lLorl'1 from Dalton .nd Leonard, fear of favoritism, that personal throughout the state and haven't BlIslnst five major airline. hal mon Dresner A2 Ch!ca,o - five IOn,. by Brabms, two workl and &cupllure wing, and a meta)· the 80fa, strangled. Uptonl, they met on a blilld date feelingl mJ,ht Interfere wllh !hi found anyone opposed to the delayed air mall dellverles a. sta,e manale~; R~bert Boburka, 01 Samuel Barber, and Debussy's workin, and industrial design Girl Hid Uncieto ltd while in coll ,e and were mar· work, 8nd lOme or it date. back academy Idu. We have an ex· much as 24 hours, and the .itua. AS, Berwyn, III: - Molac; and aeltlDg of six Paul Verlalne wing. During one of the Idller's Irlps, rled three weeki after 'l'Iduation to the Id • that a woman', pl.ce cellent chance of recelvlnll ~p. tlon threaten. to get worse, lhe Frank Vybiral, G, Wahoo, Neb. poems. Miss Amurao rolled under " In 1957. Is In the home. But, thou.h my proval for the academy durm, Post Office Department S lid - hotel walter. double·bunk bed In the back bed. Two years later, while Leonard femily comes flrat. I feel I am the n~~t HSllon of the Legl.. Thursday. The play Is directed by Dl\'ld Kin Brown wU be accompan· Seconcl Siclcling llture. 1all nas been movin" on air· Ternoth, assistant professor of ied In the recital by pianist room which Flannagan described wu working for Ihe Phllco Co. a better wife and mother because The location, cour.. lengths lines nol affected by the slrike dramatic art and AUen Ju.t G JIIII.. M... I" G, Durand, Mlch., as the killer'l "base of opera. in Philadelphia, he decided to go [ hive .omethlng to contribut. On High School tlons." on for his M.A. by attending night out.lde the home." aDd curriculum of the a~8demy and most of them have put on Hicksviiie N.Y. ' • IIId darlnetilt Paul Zonn, G, would have to be determined by extra flighls. ~--'---.---- MIaml, na. Still Too High She lay In utter terror until 5 school at Temple University. "Today" womln can play a IIIII' enfol'cement council. ___ flv. mlnule. Irom a.m., when the deathly silence Hube"d Trevels many roles," she added, "and "Th.re fa a good chlnce that d.wn t.wn • :/J .L was split by the rlngin, of.n "His work Involved a greal play them well." lhe academy might be located ~ f}/rllfl Cl'ty Comml'ss'lon A second bidding on phue one alarm clock. Miu Amurao deal of lravellng," Lori said, The couple bas Iwo d.ughlera, lit Oakdale," WhIte said. of the WestsIde High School pro- thought the noise might frighten "and, often I would go to class Jennifer, six, and Gabrielle, alx · rt jee! again proved too high Thurs· the murderer away, waited an· for him and write some o{ his monthl. Rezonas Prope y day for the Iowa CIty School LIfT ACCIDINT- . " to ..". ..., otber 20 mlnut81 or so, then be. papers." Before moving to Ohio, the PROVO, Utah (A'I - Part 01 a 'f~\I ' PI . D!strict', $3.1 m!1ion In available gan to wrlJlgle 1000e. As a result of her plnch.hllting, Rlndl will ,1.lt in MallIarhuseU., Dlpe.lt. I. 'ID,... 10"1 City I annlng and Zon· funds. ski chair 11ft broke III a rujlged In.url_ by F.D .I.e: In, ComrnlSllon granted are· 'rhe totaling of all bids Includ· Free Ih stumbled down the he breame inlernted in his worle lhelr flrst real Vlcatlon In three Wasatch Mounlains canyon Thurs· que~t Thursday by Norwood C. Ing general, mechanical and elec. hallwa;' p:st the body of Misl and enrolled In night Ichool alonl l re.r.. AlthOU.gh they'll mill be· day .nd .plllfd eight person. &0 Louis n, Rural Route 2, to reo trlca} constructlon plus bids on Farris, Into the bedroom where with her hu~band . At the tI~e, Ing near the ocean, they are ~re feet, klllin/( two and seriously In· EVERY 0 el· ZODe •• 78 acre. north of the Elks special equipment came to $3 •• Miss Matu.ek, Miss Jordan and ~he al worked In the adverlls, t~~ year. ahead will be.. jurin, Ihe others. IDg Country Club Gol! Course. 2~7,658 or about $157,000 over Miss Wilkening lay in pools o( department (or t~e ph~r. cltm, and rewardln, ones. 8herfff R. L. Chappel of Ut.h The land was rezoned from sin· .vallable funds. blood. She probably also saw the mact-lIl1cal fIrm of Smith, Kline .------.,..,..~ county lB!d an arm of a chair be· FRIDAY gl. residence 10 multl·famlly use. bodies of the other girls. She an,~ French. came entangled In a IUpport and the LouIs said an apartment building, Supt. .of Schools Buford W. Gar· bUrst through tbe window, out B,~ the tlf!1e !,e got our '!las· Upped some chair •. FULL BANKING on which would COlt ,1 million and ner .ald that he hoped there onto the ledge and .creamed tera, Ihe s~ld, we had decld~ Campus 5!ItVIC! UNTIL . that educallon WI. lhe best 111· IhI COIIlain 32 unlt., would be built would be lome way ~he district 6:00 P.M. on the site. could begin ~oDstruction on the The six American glrls were ve.tment we could make for our Dr. Kenneth MacDonald, asso. h!gh IC.hool 81t, weat ot Unlver· to araduate in September. The future, and we were determined SUTTON ciale professor of preventive slty Heights. Filiplna girls, all registered nur· to Ilo on to get our Ph .D.'s." Notes medicine, 400 Foster Rd., and Low bid on general consirucllon ses, were here for two years of Tney learned lhat the unlyer. RADIO. & T.V., Inc. Dr. A. P. Samuel M. Fahr, professor of was $1,949,000 by Viggo M. Jen· train in! under the foreign eJ(· sily had the type of program In SAILING PICTURES II RCA Mcrgncrvox CHECKING Ia.. 8 Knollwood Lane asked If , sen Construction Co. The only chan.e regl.tered nureea pro. counseling lhey wanted, and, in Sailing Club pictures will not gram. 1ge3, they be an full·tlme lTad. Fankhauser, D, C. the'rezonlng would change the other firm bidding was Mercury be taken Sunday. TheY have ACCOUNTS chlracter of the present residen. Builders. Inc., Forest Park, Ill., uate work at the University. been rescheduled for 1 p.m., July T.V. - Radio - Stereo }' our Cl1/ropractor •• Usl area. Fahr said that resl. with a bid of $1,953,871. Aui.t.ntshlps, H.lp 23. dentl in lhe area feared the na· C. P. Rohde, Inc., Cedar Ra· Building- They admit Ihat It's betn a SALES I "30;~:'~~ iv: :~~!f''"' "Ask About Our Sc ture of the area would be changed plds, suhmitted the low bid of strugllle, and if they had not reo • • • CloS.d on Thurl4lY h J TO SERVICE CI •••• It No.n ",urdlY once rezoning started. $818,000 for mechanical construe· (Continued from Page 1) ceived research assistantships '''011 ,,.UK per c equa pan" Commission chairman Kenneth tlon, and PaulSOn Electric Co., with the American College Test· Ernest O. Schwlebert, profes· 1" !. BurlIngton NO MINIMUM Mulford .ald that the land in. Inc., al80 of Cedar Rapids, sub· financing to reduce Interest costs. inl,l service at the stllrt of their sor 01 history. will speak on "Cur· 203 N. LInn Ph. 33'·7875 Phone 338.8507 BALANe. RIiQUIRID volved exceeded two Acres and mitted the low bid of $284,000 lor A document of mOl'e than ao second year, that they would not pages approved T~ursday sel ~ut l haYe been able to continue. therent RomanReformation," Catholic atWrltin a ..00011 on , ~~~:::::::~~;;5;;~~~~;;ii55~~iiiiiiiiiiii~~~iiiii~~~ that it would therefore come electrical construction. luncheon Sunday at St. Paul'l l under the Iowa City's large scale The special equipment bids, requirements which commumty "r think our graduation in by c?lIeges must meet but Augu t will be the one that meln, Lutheran Chapel. 404 E. Jetler. ! lind development ordinance for which Included eight categories, 1'."0- 1 son St. further Itudy. came to a total of $226,658. vldes for approval of those falhng the most to us" Lori said "for of short of standards in their first it proves we ~chjeytd wh~t "e • • • ~~? years of operat!on if they sct out to get." NEWCOMERS CLUB Help Us Celebrate The give pr,omJse of ultimate com· In ad/Ulion, Leonard's mother, Newcomers Club will play , Display Of Lile Drawings pUance. who is sufferIng from a recent bridge at 8 p.m. Monday In the I The l~ndard8 apply to schools back injury. is planning to attend Union Harvard Room. The hos· now bemg established under a the couple's commencement. teas will be Mrs. Darrell Eyman. I area IChooli system authorized "She Is determined to be hera .. • • • Features Experimentation by the 1965 legIslature. he said "cven though special a'r. BAND SPEAKeR Iy GAIL LONGAN!CK!R "I'm more concerned with They provide that a community rangcm'ents have to be made for A member of the University St.ff Wrltw patterns, color and content," he college mUll offe~, in addition to her." B.nd, which toured Europe last A display of life drawings by explained. "My drawings are not Its ~rts and scle~ces co~r8e. . Degree I, Spoclal semester, will be the UnIon Big RIchard Mikkleson, G, Brecken· really imaginative In one senae training in slleaat (lve ,ocaUonal· Her son's degree has a special Ten Lounge speaker at T p.m, ridle, Minn., fa belnl presented because I always Use a model. technical fielda to meet require- meanlllg for Mr.. Jennie Rand, tOllight. through Sunday in the Art Build· But they are imaginative in the ment. for federaJ ald. Lori said, for his father, who • • • Today and Saturday ing mezzanine. approaches I use," ~ .tandard~ spell out student died before Leonard completed HOOTENANNY TU!!5DAY Mlkkleaon , whQ "With drawing you have adrr1lsslon requirements and fac- his M.A ., "felt lhat educston was A Hootenanny spo",ored by Un· of our beautiful new Is working on I something that is very immedi. ulty quall!lcatlons, set out ~Qme everything and would have been ion Board will be held at 7:30 M.A. In art hi.· ate," he said. "I like drawing slaff reqUl;ements an~ pul hmil.. very proud o( his son." p.m. Tuesday on the ealt Itepa to r y, received because I am able to work with on the a.. lgned teachmg load. Though nellher set of parelltl of the Art Buildin,. I his B.A. III art my moods. It adds a variety to The Board of Public Instruction went beyond high school, an of • • • MRLE NO MA COSMETIC STUDIO and French my drawings." 81

IT'9TIME 1 LeFT FOR HOME­ WHERE DID yOU PUT MY j.jAT/ M~,? P,.. 4-THE DAILY IO'NAN-I_a CIty, 'a.""".. July 11, 'w '--Spo-rt-s-Br-ie-fs--", Brown(s) Future Discussed ACTING DETROIT TIGER MANAGER was taken to Henry Ford Bo.pjtaJ in Detroit Thursday DOOO an. • IIIIdden illDeA tion without Brown, the nine· at bla home. Doctors diagnoeed his cue II acuta castroenterltiJ. Cleveland Needs Runners year pro who led the league in * * * which they explaloed was a fonn of virua infect.lon. Swift WII ex­ ground gaining eight years and Brown May Be pected to be out of action at least several days. Tiger General HIRAM. Ohio f.fI - What happens to the Cleveland Browns' of­ averaged 5.2 yards per carry? Manager James Campbell said coacb Frank Skaff would be In feme without Jim Brown? Clays Manager cbarn durin&: SwiA·. abaeoce. • "I really don't upecl to replace Jim." Blanton Collier NEW YORK fA'! - Sporta col· &aid Thursday. "I just hope to find IOmeone else who will make a umnist Milton Gross said in the DANIEL REEVES OF LOS ANGELES, Carroll Rosenbloom of name for hi.nuelf." New York POlIt Thursday lhat Baltimore and Tex Schramm of Dallal were named Thursday.". Collier will coon! on Ernie Green and Leroy Kelly, the twa Jimmy Brown is expected to Conunisaloner Pete Rozelle to repreae:nt the NaUonal Football Lea- halfbacks who will carry the run. take over lbe management of l:Ue in meetings with the to formaliu the peace nlnll load now that Brown has r&- Cassius Clay when Clay's COD' treaty between the two circuits. Rolelle I, the chairman. No tired. Brown announced his deci· "And we have three promising tract with his Louisville sponsor· young men in Charley Harraway. $Cbedule of meetings baa been sel up. lion Thursday in London. where ing group expires OD Ocl. 26. Gary Lane aDd Randy Schultz." I be's makIng a movie. The Louisville businessmen. •• • Collier .dded. All are rookies. I JOSE TORRES OF NEW YORK will delend his world Hcht ". expect Green to accept the who signed Clay right after he heavyweight boxing crown against Eddie Cotton of Suttle in Lu re poIlsibility of running. as ~e11 Collier said the major change won the Olympic IigbL heavy· would come in play calling. "We Vegas. Nev" on Monday night. Aug. 15. promoter Harold Conrad as blocldn~: and. the ~e goes weight title in 1960. have Clay very well could pasa in situations said Thursday. Conrad said the bout would be -_n 011 bome ttle- (or Kelley. Collier 5aJd. contracted for two fights over· "Our running game will be wbere we formerly would run," seas. Clay will meet Brian Lon· vision acreens more balanced. Both backs would he said. "We may do more firat· dOD in London Aug. 6 and Ger· • • • be featured as blockers and run· down throwing." many's Karl Mildenberger, the DAVE BRISTOL TOOK OVER Thursday II interim manager 01 nera." Can the Browns 1.ay in conten· European champion. in Frank· of lhe and said his Ippointment 11'11 "like I bolt out furt , Sept. 10. of the blue." He was notified Wednesday that Manager Don Heff­ Brown has been associated witll Clay's boxing activities through ner was fired and that he bad been named to take charge of tile ~ ClUNK eIghth'place Red., at least on the interim baaI.. Does he plan IOma Brown To Aid Negro Union Main Bout. Inc. and also i. a close friend of Clay. Main Bout cJusaof changes? "A team in eightb place can'L .land pat," be said. LONDON LfI - In announcing to lhe National Negro Industrial JIMMY BROWN has been active ill Clay's last two In City • • his retirement from pro football and Economic Union. fights and has an interest in the JACQUI 'LADOOES, I"VIAR'()LD from DubuqUe, allot • Thursday. Jimmy Brown said Reti .. From Pro Footb.1I The Union is an organization coming two fights. thre&-Over·par 7lI Thuraday to break up I tilbt field and take a Iix· be always would have a lender ;.'::~ stroke lead in the low. women', am.teur golf MIss spot in bia heart for the Cleve· dedicated to bringing the Negro l tournament. Fladooes carded a three-round tola! of 226 to lead the 1o-player land Browns but that in the fu· into the full stream of the Amer· LAST TIMES TONITEI - "PSVCHO" and ture he would devote much lime lcan economy. LINDA KNOEDL, 124 E. J.H.rlOll, .ttempts I shot .cron a championship flight into Friday', flOal 18 hole.. Her closest com­ "THE WORLD OF SUZIE WONG" peUlor was Mrs. Rosemary Mueller of Bettendorf. the meet medal· Dir dMP r.vlnl .t the new fl.ld archery courte on tha Macbride field clmpus. Her companions are Dennis B.llard, 107 E. ist. with 232 . '.ft, o Burlington, ,nd J,m.s KMfer, 1211 Vewell. The low. City ar· • • ch.ry club, orglnl'ltcl by Ball.rd .nd KMfer, held Its first GEORGE DEMLING. WHO QUIT hi. job in LouIsvI\le. Ky .• In meeting Tuesd.y. order to play in the National PubUc lJno Golf TOIIl'IIIIIItIIt. wal· ftfPfm Of loped Arne Dokka, the medalilt and defending champion, ~ and 4 Thursday to advance to the aemlllna1s. DokD, a CalIfornia State ST ARTS SA TURDA Y - 4-DA YSI who hOd """., --of U7. I,ll ...... lbo -. I"'-ter·fioala ... and,,' was (our over par In 14 boles agamlt Dem1Ing. Oeml· LITTLE WOMAN .•• MAYSf SHE'LL Dlf LAIJGHI/tS! Maiors' Scoreboard , ing WI. two under for the distance. AMI RICAN LEAGUe NATIONAL LEAGUe JACK LEMMON W L 'd. GI W L ,cl. 01 "Balllmnre SII 29 .687 PilI bur¥b &3 35 .116 VlRNAUSI xDelrol1 .. .. . U 35 .S78 8 San Fro.cho". 114 Sf .8 14 .(,Iev I.nel •• • U 37 .554 10 1..0. An,tlU ... • 48 36 .571 4 "HOWTD ~ xC.llfarnla ..... 41 ~9 .1141 1\ Phll.delphl . ... , 47 38 .1147 1 I Baseball Roundup IIIlnn ...I. .,. 41 45 .477 l8' ,Hau.lan .• 45 SI .529 711. K.n.. Clly . ., :111 47 .453 1 SI. 1.ou I. ... 39 014 .470 13~ I .-.•• URDER ;- , xChJe.,o ...... 31 47 .0147 1918 " xAU.nt...... fl 41 .468 13V. Reds 9, Cards 2 and struck out 11, was In .eriollJ W.&hln,l.n ... 311 50 .458 20 Clndnnall 58 48 .451 14 Nlw Vork .... , 37 fa .U5 20 ew Vorl< .. !5 4t .417 18 CfNClNNAT[ f.fI _ Gordy Cole. trouble In the fourth when Roy YOURWIFE'~~ . '(Balian • 37 52 .411 12 Chlc.,o 16 68 .3 I0 27 xLlte .ame not Ineluded. man drove in three runs and Jim McMillan lined a one-out .lngle TECHNICOLOR·.,_... UNITEDARTlSTl t .~..:: xLlle ••me nol Intiudtd. Maloney. witb rellef help from and went to third OD Larry EI· Thu rad.y'. Re.ull. Thund.y'. Rnull, 1..0. An,ele. 4 N .... Vork 2. ~n Nollebart •. pos~ed .his 10th Uot·. .lngle. After Bob Shaw 1oIlnn.. ola 3. W.&hln,lon \. I, - Co-Feature Clncln nall SI. Loul. 2, 2nd ,.ml VIctOry a. Clnclnnatl whipped St. I Now Vork ~. K.n... City 4 N BOlton .1 C.lllornl •. N. Phllldelphi. $, •• n Yeanol • O. Louis Thursday 9-2 in the first stru~k out, Ron Hunt walked, ('I,vellnd al Chic. 0, N Pillaburah 10, Chk.~n 4 game of a double.header. loading the bases, but Koulax IXcmNGLY NEW -INVITINGLY YOURS 1I.ltlmo", .1 n,lrn to N IInu Ion al AIIlnl •. It was the Reds' firal game ~ruck out Breaaoud to end the "'M'M'M'lrrl G()()V -.,...,. _ ...... ,... WIt ..... under Interim Manager Dave ulOlnl. ~.PWos..lwldl-_--'Io""""'" ...... 11-...... ,_ ...... eeldo" ••• -.I, ...... Bristol...... aoIOIIIOIot.Wy ..... Bristol, 33. took over the club Phlllies 5, Giants 0 ...... s...Ihot ...... __ ..... Collegians Lead Golf Meet Wednesday from Don Heffner. PHILADELPHIA (II - The Phil· .,...... -.-I--w who W81 fired. The new manager MINNEAPOL1S (II - The NCAA champion and defending .delphia PhWlea ended San Fran­ IoN fo, the go'den arche,· Trans·MiRsI sippi Golf Cham· nalional amaleur champion; John also Itayed at hi. old job during cisco pitcher Gaylord Perry'. the game. coaching third base. ilion bip quarter·finals will look Schroeder. R Mlchlgan junior; seven·,ame win .treak b:r knock· like I collegiate tournament to- Chip Stewart. 8 sophomore at in, Perry. the All-Star ,ame win· day. Texu. and Bob Dixon . a senior Dodgen 4, Mets 2 ner, out of the box with • four­ McDonaldsa-n ___ All survivors of Thursday's al Oklahoma SIBte. NEW YORK (II - Sandy Kou· run fourth Inning and ,oin, on to round~ at Edina Country Club (u. tough In the clutch, picked a $.l) victory over tMJ Giants. are collegians. or have ju t grad. up bi! 16th victory of the INIOn On Highways 6 and 218 uated. Pasarell Wins Eng Thursday nliht II the Loa An· Defending champIon Georie geles Dodgers beat the New York Boutell of Phoenix. Ariz .• was de· At Milwaukee Meta ..2 00 the strength or Lou feated 6 and 5 in the morning Johnson', three-run homer. round by Carson Herron, a (orm· MILWAUKEE LfI - Third· eed· Johnson connected wIth two LEE MARVIN Daily lowa.n Want Ads C er Minnesota professional who ed Charles Pa arell overcame a out the first inning, with Wes In returned to the amateur ranks sore back and a slow start Parker and Ron Fairly on base CAT IALLOU this sum m~r . Thursday to defeal unseeded via waID. WANTID TYPING SERVICE MOBILE HOMES Derron then 10 t to Bob Smlth Turner Howard of Knoxville. Koulax. wbo bas losl four. gave - ALSO ­ of Sacramento. Calif.. In the af· Tenn .• 6-3. 6-4 in advancing to the up • run In the finl. •• R CONGENIAL male to IIIaro air can· IIlABY V. BURNII: Typlne. mime.. MOBILE HOME 10.010,. Insure4 car· ternoon round by the same score. quarterfinals of the National Clay vertlsmg ates dlUaned furnWtod aplrtmenL Cau ,r.phiDg. N.tary Public. 415 low. rler. 357·7000. Meadow Brook Court The Mets aot their other run DEAN MARTIN Ad Jim I131-lOel . 1·U Slaal. B.nk. DIal 337·2656. 8-1 Estal... ..15 Ron Cerrudo was one of the Courts Tenni Champion hip. when Ed Dr oud homered on hi holtest eo\£ers Thursday. A 21- Th,... D.y. 15c • W.,d WAiiiTED - To bUJI u.. cI run •. John ELECTRIC. pica ~pe-p.pera and 11163 MARSHFIELD ]Ox52. Two bed. In another third round matcb, the linl pitch leading oIl. the TH( SILENCEItS Shl Day. Itc • Word WlllOn SporUn, G.ods. 408 E. Ill.... . 1131-8108. 7·15 room. IIr-condlLloned; exceUent year~ld San Jo. e Slale gradu· fourth·seeded Marty Riessen of seventh inning. Ten D.ya . Dc: • Word Colle,e. '.8 mM ELECTRIC typewrlUn,. all condlU.n. 357·9963. 7·11 ate, he was ix·under·par for his One Montt> 44C • W.rd Wtu~~ ':?i~.r~~':f: :~~r:h.d. kJnds of Iyplne. 338-1927. 7·17 MUST SELL 10,,50 Westwood ~ b.d. two matches. Evanston, JlI. , defeated JameJI ~K~ouf:ax~. ~W~b~O~a11~OW~ed~~eI~gb~t~h~i~ts~~~~~~~~~::~ Watson of Raleigh. N.C .• 6-2. ~-6 . Ii Minimum Ad 10 Worda 361 ·,.22. 7·27 ELECTRIC ElIle - The..... term •• .r'!"9m79'. .Ir·condltloner. carpd South Africa's T.... Inurtlona a Month $1.05 under defeating Tom Jenkins of Maryne GoodwlO, &-0, &-0, in a at the University of Iowa 8 cYlinder. good eondltlon. 351-1879 tltperlenced. th..... ele. 33HIOl 8><36 INDIAN - Two bedroom. fur· Hou ton, Tex. • Rate. fer Each Column Inch .r•• 5 p.m. 7·20 .Iler 5:30 p.m. 7·24 nlshed. new carpet, air-condItioned • quarter·linai maLch. GET PAST. Iccural •••Ieclrl c Iyplng TV, porch, fenced lOt. HllIlop. ~ Wiechcrs also was under par presents SPORTING GOODS It.rvlee; m_Inor errors correcied. 2000. 7·%4 for both round as he ousted Phone 337-4191 Term paper., m.nuselpts. theses - 1965 WINDSOR Duke 10x55 exten· nas Allen 2·up with a three-un. anything you want well done. Phone sion. Separale dinIng room. Car· CANOES! Old Town new MoUtor 1131-7692 evenln,s .nd weekends. 7·28 peted. 337·7071. ..7 der·par morning round an elimi· Cosi Fan Tutte InAnien deadline neon 011 d.,. .port model. Sha.rp! Several other .. AII!O new Ilber,ll .nd Grumman TYPLNG - The..,., &h.M. plper~ nated Peter on 2 and 1. precHln, publlc.tion. etc. Phone 337·7988. 7·1' 1957 GREAT LAKES 8x40, air condl· Les NOW "ENDS MONDAY" .Iumlnum. See us. Catalo",e. Carl· tloned. 8x6 metal storage &hed. Other quarterfinaUsts are Bob by son. J824 Albia Road. Ottumw •. JERRY NYALL - Eleclrlc IBM typ. P.neled. lnsulaled and wIred ann ... C.nctllotlonl must be r.celved Phon. 684-6317. ..31 1urphy. University oC Florida' "JOHNNY TIGER" At In, and mlmeographln •. 31J8·1330. Sldrt., bas study. Park Motel space 1;40 . 5;17 • ':30 ~ _ ..... r. publkltfon. 8-8AR No.8 evenings. ..7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart APARTMENT FOR RENT TYPING SERVICE - These8. book FOR SALE - 8x42 Prairie Schooner. (.ung In EogIiabl rep.rt., elc. Dial 3311-4958. ..2AR Lot B7, Mcadow Bro.k Court. 838- PLUSH - UulurnIBII.d 2 bedroom MILLY KINLEV - Typing ..rvlce . n32 acter 5 p.m. 7·11 Macbride Hall 8:00 p.m. Ipl. Slave and refrillent.r lur· IBM. 337-4376. 84AR i9iiilV(CTORrA IOx56. 2 bedrooms. WSUI nisbed. ,140 per m.nth. FulI,y cafo ELECTRIC Iypewrller. Th.... .nd (urnl,hed , carpeted, Bon·Alu. 351· CHILDCAR.E peted and .ir.. ondlUon~d. No under· .hort pape ... 01.1 337.3843. ..3AR 1554. 8·14 AM F_IDAY. JULY 1S,19" Augu t 2, 3, 5, and 6 ,raduate male •. Call 357·7688 or 338· 82... Edon Api.. 7·2lAIl TYPING SERVICE - The .... lerm FOR'SAL~Occup.ncy Sept. 1968 7:00 Mornln, Pra,r.m WILL CAllI FOR chUdren, (enc.d In PIpe ... book reporlL Experienced. 1959 Regal IOx46, alT condlllon.d. N..... /7:151 yard.. Nverlldo Park. 1I3S.f503. 7-22 CORONET AND Weataldo - Luxury 338-4&17. 8-9AR Mu.t lell. Call 351-3C93 lIter S p.m. 1,30 The Boobhelt All seats reserved : .2.50 .Iudlo. 1 .nd 2 bedroom unlit. Now 7·21 I;BS 10:00 Mulic and SepL I...... 358-7051 or 337. ELECTRIC TVPEWRITER - Experl· N.... WHO 424.2. 7·24 .nced. Bette Thompson 338-5650. 11:00 G~.I Recordln,s at Ih, Put Mail orders: Make checks to "Opera, The University DOES m 1\ :51 Ca lendar of Ev.nLe AVAILABLE NOW - nm Door, un· '·12 HELP WANTED-FEMALE 'M H SA VB - USE doubl. load washer lurnllhed. duple". M.med coupl •. 12:00 Rhythm Rambin of Iowa ; Address: Opera, Iowa Memorial Union, Iowa WIth utra IOlk cyd. at Town. 705 Slr.b. iJ38.84BS. 7·29 12:30 New, MISC. FOR SAlE 12:45 New. B.ckground City, Iowa. Local sales; 9;00 to 5:30 Monday thru Cl'eP Llunder.lte, 1020 WlUlam.. WANTED Sept. 1. Clo.n efficiency 1.00 Music =:=:-C:;-:==-:-::--'::-_'7."-:::-7',::18::;AR;:: .partment for I m.le, ciON to 2:00 Tht Reader', Alm.n.c IlERLE NORMAN Cosm.Uc Studio. tampu.. (HoUy) 953-2104 Ift.r 5:30 OLIVETTI port.ble Iypewrller. 337. 2:30 Newa Friday, 9:00 to ]2:00 Saturday, South Lobby Desk, 1217 Musc.llne Ave. 338-2il2. Xra. p.m. 7·16 7315 ev.o1ng.. 7·18 2:35 Mu.lc Duck Lewlt. W 1 BEDROOM unfumJah.d air condl· GERRY KIDDIE PACKS _ Carry WANTED 4:30 IMU beginning July 15, 1966. Tea Time PlANO TUNING and repalr. Slelnway Honed. wen lid" "Hm. 7·21 baby on your back. 337·5340. 8·7AR r 5:00 t'lve O'Clock Report ' \ 6;00 Ev.nlne Concert tnlned technldan. Tunln, '10. 337. PLEASANT fem.le roomm.te ,.... t· BOGEN TURN table $15 ••ofa $30. Young women for drepery cia· 7.00 Evenln, .t be Opera ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .,.78. HI ed; to .hare air conditioned. elll· desk ,15 men' blcyCle;1O 20 ft 1,45 OWl" Sport.. flo.1 ISTANBUL , DIAPERENB ReDIII Service. by New cJ~ncy .p.rtm~nt. 351·14~1. morn· TV pale '7. ant.~n. $7. 337-4939 . 7·ui I p.rtment. Must Ilk. to work 10:00 SIG OfT 3:20 .7:tn Procell Laundry. 313 S. Dubuqu.. InCa. 7.%2 MOBILE HOMES '1.7 on Iho L1s'onlng 01.1 At Phon. II37·geIi6. MAR FURNISHED _ NIce • room .nd =:18M=-:;VI::cro=;:Rl::::A:;::.,I"'Ox"':se"".-=2"':be,...... ,d-r.-o-m., with color. Art COUI'IIS er 1R0NlNGS - PI..,,, .r by hour. Ex. b.th upper duplex. M.rrled cou· furnished. carpeted, Bon.Air •. 351· Home Ec helpful. W. will KSUI-FM Two Big locations!! perle need. 337·3200. 7.23 pie. l.dl .. or ,Irl& II. 35702858. 7·28 15114. IH2 FRIDAY, JULY 15.1"4 lRONINGS - Student boy ••nd ,Irl.. Mc,sLlDLNG window. for MG - like treln on procedure. Can for HANDEL - Or,.n Con«rto •. I In G minor lOll Roch.ater. S3'/·2824. I-U ROOMS FOR RENT new. 351-1522. 7·21 appointment. 338·11 51. Kirwin KHACHATURlAN - PI.no Con· downtown ... GEORGE'S AIR COOLER for car·Uke new. 12 Vall. 130. 351·2168 after U. 7·20 certo AUTOS, CYCLES FOR SAIl SINGLE AND double, d.an. hom. Furniture. STOCKllAUSEN - Konllkle prlvlle,e.. Con.trodon men pre. 11,000 BTU COLDSPOT Air condl· MAHLER - Du LIed von der GOURMET INNE tloner, one year lloe collapsible crib, Erde IBM TRlUMPR Bonnevlll.. 4000 lerred. lOt Davenport. "1·11171 . 1-2 t ••lorb.DO.333-2194 . 7·10 ______-' BEI!:TI:IOVEN - TrI.o In B JI'IoI 120 E. Burlington -'- jvtt .... of mile.. ,UOO an·INS aftar • p.m. ROOM FOR RENT - Grad a udent MIJor. OPUI n. "The 7·1i or work!ng m.... DIll S3'/·nOl ELECTRIC SRA VER repair - 24 Atehdul