Stenzel. Bases on balls Off Toung. 1: off boxing contest at Homestead Friday even- 3. 2. Sac- ON NEXT THURSDAY Phyle, Struck out By Toung, ing last, died A m is IT WAS- A BLUNDER rifice hits Chllds, 2. Time 1:45. Umpires The New being held, and the physicians have discov- - Swartwood and Warner. Store ered a blood clot on the brain. Cavanaugh, his . Mason; Lavelle's manager, YOU Standlnir of the Clnbs. Mosclty, and Captain Bennett wjre given HAVE TRIED "While a hearing y on th" charge of abetting I W. L. Pet. it is admitted on !THE COJIISKEYITDS AXD THE BLUES W. L. Pet. prize fighting All waived hearing. Cavan- HESRY S. COLE ARRESTED OX SUS- St. Louis 6 0 1.000 Cincinnati 4 4 .500 augh was remanded to jail, where he has WILL COME TOGETHER. Boston 6 2 .750 Louisville 4 4 .SO all sides that fight. PICION OF BEING A MURDERER. Philadelphia... 6 3 .6551 New Tork 3 S .375 been since the The coroner will hold Baltimore .... S 3 .E5 Cleveland 1 5 ,.166 ROGERS-PEE- T an Inquest Chicago 6 4 .COOl Pittsburg 1 6 .1C6 THE SWAMP-ROOT- Brooklyn 4 4 .501)1 Washington ... 1 i.lll CLOTHING. Fulls From .the Pipe. ? St. PnnI Team Analyzed Denier "Will The C. E. Zlnn baseball club defeated A Case ot Mistaken Identity That "Possibly Opening SCHEDULE is superior to the Crystal Blues Sunday by a score of 12 Pitch the INTERCOLLEGIATE anything ever 11. Proved Emburmsaing Until It . to Konnai City AcKr-eRntlon- shown on" this market in The C. E. Zlnn baseball club would like Made tbe Victim the Rain Prevented the Opening of the to sign some good pitcher and shortstop. Separately Treated. ready-to-piit-o- n. Hero of the Hour. Season Lcust Saturday at apparel, it Frank Cable and Roy St. JoTin'preferred. THE NEW DISCOVERY, Lawrence. The trotting colt. Who Is It. has been may not be as thoroughly sold by A. G. Gurnet to Sam Gamble, of LAWRENCE. KAS., April San Francisco, for a sum. It is stated, Wflll de- "The boys were doing a lot of good prac- The Kansas university baseball team was understood that every something like $3,000. An Instance of the facility with whl;h tice work on Manning's lot." said Old Sport cheated out of two games last week by the partment this house is The JCansas City Amateur League will serious mistakes can be made was fur- As Proof of its Marvelous Merits Every Reader of The "Journal" night, did little preliminary work rain. Saturday was to have opened .in meet ot 8 o'clock in the Grand nished yesterday Henry S. Cole, last "I a the pool purpose when a three-corner- same room, for the of effecting a Bottle Absolutely myself along with Brooks, the crack(ed) Kansas Intercollegiate bail kept at the high permanent rganlzatlon. guest of the Savoy, was arrested in the May Have a Sample Sent j player from 'Bawltemore-or-Iess- .' Brooks league game between uni- re- here with a the standard'. Professor M. J. Dwyer defeated Tom hotel lobby by a police officer at the Is all right, hut he missed his calling in at- versity team and the ball tossers of the quest of Deputy United States Marshal J. Free By Mail. Eteady made Lewis, ot Philadelphia, in a wrestling tempting to play ball; he should have been Ottawa university, but rain it Children's Clothing in match, n, no holds barred, M. Ennls, of Antlers, I, T., on suspicion of necessary to postponn tho game. To-da- y Statistics prove more pe ople are to. contortionist; he has 'em all fated in that last night at Columbus, winning three being that the Jayhawkers are playing at Baker. unparalleled assortment of straight an Indian Territory murderer. He brought to the grave by diseases of line. But as regards the home team; the The schedule for the season has been falls. was taken to police headquarter, examined the more I see of the outfit, the better I like definitely settled and is the best for some The funeral of Colonel L. M." Lewis Clark, by Chief of Police Hayes and Immediately kidneys aim bladder than by any other style and beauty, with best the well known racing judge, Tallied "em. They are a likely lot of ball players years. It includes, besides a good series of who discharged, as he proved his identity. He disease. games on the home grounds, two rather ex- making and certain wear- himself in Memphis Saturday, took place in &nd are showing up well. tended trips one early In May to Lincoln, Louisville yesterday from the home of his was discharged from the army last week at For years medical science has been "The opening game with St. Paul is go- playing Washburn, Manhattan and St. ing qualities.- - aunt, Mrs. Hampden Zane. Fort Sill, after three years" service in Troap trying to discover some remedy ing to give the fans an opportunity to Mary's on the way, and a later trip through In the mixed, double lawn tennis cham- L cf. the Fifth cavalry, which served in that -- Cuba during war, Is on positively-overcom- e Missouri, beginning with Will-la- m pionship contest Queen's the late and his would these dan- judge the material that will form the a aiae with The H. L. P. Hat is a hat at the Club, way to his home in Maryland. Blues '99. Comiskey Is going home Jewell and ending with one with the West Kensington, London, yesterday, R. F. gerous troubles. But not until recently of after University of Missouri, at Columbia, with to swear by ,$2.50 up. Doherty and MIts Cooper, the holders, beat The arrest of Cole in so conspicuous a lie gets through with Kansas City and he probably a third game at St. Louis with Mr. Grevllie and Miss Austin. manner was very ernbarrasslng to him .ind was the discovery made. Dr. Kilmer,the must go home with some games to his cred- Washington university. The Goods de- Manager Irwin reports to his acquaintances and after his release Saturday Furnishing that he has effect- from custody he beca::ie the hero ot the eminent kidney and bladder" special- it or the St. Paulltes will forget the loca- Next the team plays Missouri ed a trade of Farrell, , and Casey, crowd hotel. Ennis' explanation university here at McCook's Held. This is partment is wide range third baseman, the Senators, fbr about the ist, after years of study and research, tion of the ball park. Commie has a strong- time a game in of Pitcher did not help matters any, and his action the first between these two McFarland. Catcher Hejden and Third was denounced generally. and after test on test that never varied er tearii than he had last year. Isbell on the universities has ever been played on Kan- and supremely satisfactory Baseman Cassldy, of the Brooklyns. Initial bag is a stronger man than Glass- sas ground, and the management is making Cole is a handsome young trooper end in the grand result, announced the dis- big preparations for event. The Tigers defeated tho Pleasant Hill makes friends easily. Early in the after- cock, both in fielding and hitting, and those the in quality. bastket ball team last Saturday night at noon William Everidge, a deputy United covery of Swamp-Roo-t, which has proven play- The schedule for tho season is as follows: by 19 who have watched the old war horse April 24. Baker, at Baldwin. Pleasant Hill a score of to 10. The States marshal who is here with several itself a most wonderful cure for all dis- ing the national game since 1776 know that April 29. Missouri, Kansas City boys came back with naught officers from the Choctaw nation, noticed at Lawrence. praise competitors. be- the old man is a wonder. Even at that Is- May 4, Washburn, at Topeka. H. La Pitcher Clothing Co. but for their The town Colo In the lobby and suspected him of eases of the kidneys and bladder. May 5. was theirs as long' as they remained. ing a murderer, whose name he had for- peer Glen-alv- ln St Mary's, at St. Mary's. symptoms bell is not the of John Ganzel. 1024-102- gotten, young The immediate and first May 5. Kansas agricultural college, 6 Walnut, cor. Eleventh, St. The second annual congress of the Wom- who killed a man near Grnt, and Shugart are so well known to Manhattan. at an's Whist League of the United States I. T., while working on a section gang two proofs of weak kidneys are pain or dull the followers of the game that comment May 6. Nebraska, at Lincoln. Is in session at Washington. About S00 years ago. ability game May 13, Nebraska, delegates, representing cities from Port- 'He tried to draw Cole into conversation ache in the back, rheumatism, dizziness, j M SB, KILJTEn'S tlW as to their both sides of the at Lawrence. 30 to 1, 8 lly 15, (Irrln). .won; Tlldee. 10754 (H. Turner). to Me., success and-fina- g. May Ottawa, Ottawa. 5 land, to Sacramento, Cal., are already several times without nervousness, trouble, would simply be Glelr is an at and 3 to 5, second; Nina R. I.. 102 (A. Lewis), Si) registered. Lively Cole recognized headaches, heart SWAMP-ROO- May 19. William Jewell, at Liberty. to 1. third. Time. 0 51H. competition Is promised became convinced that' T unknown quantity as a regular on the May 22, for the handsome trophies donated. Play him. The arrest followed. Cole produced pain in the limbs, bloating, sallow com- third bag. but he has shown that he is one Missouri, at Columbia. Third race 1 cthe; selling. Lobengula, 112V4 (Over- ill May 27, Washburn, ton). 2 to 1. won; 10 will begin at the Ebbitt house and Will-ard-'s his discharge papers, but the policeman versatile players In the bus- at Lawrence. H. H. Gardner. Ill (Sheppard). paper-an- plexion, puffy or dark circles under the II I Liver and Bladder the most paid, of Juno 3, Emporia, Emporia. to 1 and 3 to L aecond;' Marito, 93 (Cogswell), 7 to hotel morning. no attention to the treated Ky. inessand he Is always playing ball a la at Cole desperate eyes, suppression of HI Lally rre June 6, alumni team, at Lawrences L th'rd. Time, 1:46. The Gentlemen's Driving Club has com- as a criminal. "A crowd. bladder irritations, CURE. ill Comlskey. Preston. Burke and n, Including M present Fourth race 4V5 furlongs; selling. Princess pleted the deal with theilnternatlonal Loan the 'four United States ofllccrs urine, obliged to pass water often day H all up In fielding and batting, and 105 ), bystanders, Cole III II (E. Rosa),4 to 1, won ;i Badinage, 105 and Trust Company for their twenty-si- x and several followed and ll!) DiREcnous. H strongest outfield collectively In the u. jockeTclub 2 to 1 3 5, officer police head- worn-ou- t, feeling, the k. meet. and' to second; Beldown, 105 (P. acres of land situated between the arresting to the andnight, tired lack HAT tsuko one. two or tlirest "Western League. Clay), 15 to 1, Holmes quarters. ll lift Q third. Time. Forty-secon- 0.57i. street and Troost avenue, d of ambition. l tcaapoonfola before or after deals tt "Roger Denzer will possibly pitch the Fifth race 7 furlongs; selling. Molo, 111 (Overton), and Ennis Is the oldest United States deputy HKI H The Event College y street and Brush creek.. The consider- V opening game and those who watched of the Year in 13 to 6, won;-Doll- Wlethoff, 99 (Boland), 3 to 5 and in point oi service in tne your water, when allowed to re- aBdat!ise. B ation was J17.000. The land is admirably inaian 'territory. If ChQdreakssaeeo-rd-ct9BS- - Hoger last season will admit that ho is a Circles Is to Take Place out, aecond; Eltholtn. 109 (McJoynt), 7 to 1, third, adapted for a half mile race He started in under Colonel Carroll. United main undisturbed glass llBr M hard proposition for any team In the third. Time, 1:3L track and States marshal, fifteen years ago. Of eigh- in a or bottle for Marcomrieacayltlasrnfl lrTrms JnH Friday. Sixth race 1 selling. 106 will require little grading. Work will be IIJBUlllHj league. He Is not a sensational pitcher, mile; Krlss Kiingle, (N. early teen other deputies who were In the serv- twenty-fou- r hours, forms a sediment or sadtnnTawtoraadoMormore. IIB but every "ball he sends over the plate LAWRENCE, KAS., April Turner), 2 to 1, won: OQclal. 105 (Lines). 4 to 1 and commenced at an date as the club ice in the territory at that time only one IliHIa eren. second: Acturus. 103 (P. Clay), 30 to 1, third. expects to be using the track by midsum- settling, or has a cloudy appearance, it i III counts for something and there are not The Unlversitv students tilrr frnlli. of he died a natural death. Seventeen were lllsHi I113 great remedy cures sS delivery. Spies lime, mer. blad- lijMjIfl j HI many base hits In his will year i:tti. ENTRIES FOR killed in performing their duties. Ennis is evidence that your kidneys and Mrlner. llrer. bladder acd Ttlo be guarding plate and Hinle can both will take place next Friday afternoon TUESDAY. one bullet wound. His face Is scarred IJflSl Add troubles sad disorders dual I the on me First race Selling: i mile. Rubel. Miss Mark, ABOUT SOME PEOPLE. has der need immediate attention. HJH catch and kitk. Taking it all together, occasion of the annual meeting of Hopkins' Choice. Bamle, Georgle. Nellie Prince, 95; by powder burns Inflicted In an encounter fiHII to""- Udoejj, I M ot go up against strong ag- n, years ago. Swamp-Ro- so Ult graTcI. rheamsy- - the Blues will a the Kansas University Jockey Club. This Richardson, The Geezer. 97: Carlotta C, 109; Tap-pa- St'. with a desperado live has been tested in III b'!(!er. gregation Thursday afternoon If It Hairpin, 111: 114. H. W. Lytle, of the Joseph News, is I Hll asm, lumbafio and Erigats DIs-- jfH next organization was founded Ave .years ago by Gustarc Cook. In the city. many ways, in hospital work, in private don't rain. City Second race Selling; mile. My Chicken, Val I lleli la tas worts faza ot ffHIjBH we got deck will Electrician "Morgan, of Kansas City, ue Mileage, L,.. Paschal, Woodruff, ABUSED1 WIFE RELENTS. helpless too poor Hi kidneya". disease. "What have in the that tt.. .Favor Belle T. D. Payne, 'of Scott, practice,amongthe to I HII IBHl be dealt out to the Saints? Ganzel on the then a prominent university man, and has 100; Charity Long, 101; Judge J. Riley, 103; Cheese Fort is at the I BlspJeaaanttotaka. say been a regular year Straw. 104: Talma. 105: Indian. Vohlcer. 106. Blossom house. purchase relief, and has proved so suc- III MH Initial bag. There is nothing to on feature of the ever Mrs. Herman tVllkey Forgives Her ' that point other than the assertion that It since. Each meet has surpassed Its prede- Third race 1 mile and 70 yards. Roana, 84: Vo- - cessful in every case, that a special ar-- 1 II PREPARED ONLY BT , is a strong one. Vlox; Rony was with the cessors and the boys aro planning for a big unaies, uoia fox, e: Amber aunte, 103; Hunk John Beard, a merchant of Paola, was Crnel Sponse in Police Court H "Blues last season and the fans know where time next Friday. Waman, 101: Elklns, 108; Mizpah. 110. In the city last night. A Cyclone Hero. rangement has been made by which all ilj DR. KILMER & CO. umpire The proceeds go to Fourth race Selling: 1 mile. Yakima. 89; Carl C, ill he will be found when the calls the students' loan readers of The "Xournal," who have not BINGHAMT0N.N.Y. play. Raymer at short Is a new man but fund. There. will be running and trotting 92; Brulare, Farm Life. 102; Howitzer. 104: Rarus, Herbert Bullene, a merchant of Law- Herman Wllkey, of E8 Lydla avenue, was llfll HI races, Vanessa, Almante, Kathle May, 106; Hand D., 107; rence, is In the city on business. instigation of his wife on already tried may have sample 13 Toy he has given promise of being a good one foot races and bicycle races. The Dr. Pitts, Zolo. 108. arrested at the it, a II Sold all Druggists, any races themselves are, however, 6 charge of disorderly conduct. In police absolutely by If his practice work is to be criterion. a small Fifth race mile. Tenor, SUpel. Ethel Darls, J. Molesworth, of Melford, Kas., Is visit- a bottle sent free mail. Also ll Hoffmaster at third. Hoffy is a good ball feature compared with the grotesque mas- Minnie Alpine. Collins. Custance. Irroa S , yesterday morning she relented and Swamp-Ro- ot querading Ethel ing In Kansas City for a few days. court a book telling more about player and he will make some of the of the students, as horsemen. Juneatte. 103: Marlon Sansom, Fay The Fiddler, 105: made a pitiful plea to secure his release. pitchers look like dubs, if he is going to Jockeys, patent medicine fakirs, peanut and Dloss. 101: Old Tar, 109. and containing some of the thousands popcorn es John C. Tarsney and When Judge Buruham heard the evidence the ball as his practice work promises. vendors and all tho other Sixth race Selling: '1 mIle..E(!Ie Alnslle, 87: Seat- now living upon thousands of testimonial letters Tuck" Turner. Rothfus and McVicker In of a racing meet. tle, Blenheim, 92: Flntan, 94; Clara Meader, 97; wife are at the Coates House. he discharged the prisoner witn the admoni- received from men and women who owe the field and Danny Friend and Wilson In A slher cup will be awarded to the Eleanor Holmes. School Girl, Little Sallle. 102; tion to behave himself If he did not want to Oh, winner of the Kansas University Lyllls, 106; Hush, 110, Prosecutor, HI; Jim Flood, R. S. McCrany, of. Concordia, Kas., is In serve year In the workhouse. His wife their good health, in fact, their very the points. I don't know that ain't Derby, 114. City, guest a Euch a warm team, is it?" and first and second prizes in each race. In ' Kansas the of the Blossom said he had cursed and abused her and lives, to the wonderful curative proper- house. r addition prizes are offered for the best made-he- home Me miserable, but she, for- ties of Swamn-Roo- t. Be sure and men lady driver, Memphis Races. gave him. One-ha- Boston 10, Washington 1. the swellest turnout, the most Judge Schoonover, of the 'appellate court. tion the Kansas City Daily "Journal" lt tie SOe alio tie J1.0O alia. comical turnout and the most unique turn- MEMPHIS, TENN.. April 24. Bollamy was the only There was a bit or romance connected 24.--The Is spending few days in Kansas City from WASHINGTON, April Beaneat-er- s out. The races are preceded by winning at Montgomery park and a with the marriage of the couple as told when sending your address to Dr. Kil- - take, but make a note the. name, away victory a parade farorlte the Garnett. police During ol walked with their fourth of the business streets In the early part of ring retrlered part ot .its losings of Saturday when by Mrs. Wllkey In the court. menfe Co., Binehamton, N. Y. SWAMP-ROO- T, Dr. Swamp-Roo- t, over Senators y, local men the alx choices were winners. big cyclone swept over St. Louis Kilmer's the the the afternoon. first returned T. Wyatt. of Kas., the that This great modern discovery is doing minor league work. Durkle was hit A large crowd of the more recent alumni stake erent was the Turnrereln handicap at a mile, A. Greenfield.. a fancier a few j ears ago the woman who .after- for and remember thatrit ia prepared hard and poor fielding also aided the Bos- from Kansas City and fire horses faced the starter. Branch, with of fine stock. Is in the city attending to ward became Wilkey's wife was rescued sale at most drug stores in fifty-ce- nt only by Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, and surrounding towns odds-o- n tons' g. Washington's run was la anticipated. Tommy Burns In 'the raddle, was an farorlte, same business matters. irom a nornoie late Dy wiikey. rne nouse andonedollar sizes. Don't make any mis- - N. Y. made in the seventh inning when Freeman Allerlate selling second choice. The atart was almost in which she lived was blown down and rapped Attendance, 300. perfect, the farorlte jumping to the front and leading M. Carnes, depotmaster at the Union tho woman was pinioned to tho earth by out a homer. Aqueduct Races. through the 'first half mile. At thta point there was depot, returned last evening from Sedalia, Score: a general closing up, and, aweeplng round the turn. heavy timbers. Wllkey discovered her NEW TORK. April 24. The where he spent Sunday. and, his own life, blind- WASHINGTON. BOSTON. fine weather and good It looked to he any. horse's race. Porter, on High at the risk of in a card attracted a Urge crowd to the Aqueduct race Jinks, came through next the rail and won in the ing rain storm and with timbers and walls ABIITO AE AB IIFOAE track The feature of the day's rport was Fred C. Trigg, deputy United States mar- One Standard .... 0 0 0 Hunlltcn. cl. 4 the easiest kind of fashion from Mlllstream. High Jinks falling about him, rescued her from her Slaxle, I I Canarale stakes for at four and one-ha- lf shal, of Wichita, spent Sunday here, leav- Casey. 2b.... 4 Tenney. 5 was at long odds, but a few of the knowing ones perilous position. of Quality in THE OPENING lb... furlongs. It attracted a small field of flro starters, .15 1 10 to 1 closing ing yesterday morning' Davis, 4 Lobs. ss... . E forced his price from to to at the for his home. Naturally enough tho pair become fast lb.... and Modrlne was selected as the favorite, going to I 4 DuHy. . e of the betting. The weather was delightful and the friendship ripened love, Athletic Goods OFTHE Hulen. ei... If... odds on. Montanlc had friends as well, and was a friends. Their into O'Brien. II.. 4 Collins. 3b. , 3 track fast. Summaries: U. C. Gu33, cashler'of the Bank of In- and although Wllkev was a noor .laboring " strong second choice, the otheas being at any race furlongs; selling. Tenby, 107 (Kuhn), "THE Freeman, if. 4 ll Stahl, rt... . 3 price. First dian Territory, was In" the 'city yesterday. man. his was wealthy, ed The start was prompt and good, and Taral 4 to 1, won; 107 (Houch). 15 to 1 and sweetheart FarrelL c... 3 0 Lowe, lb... . 3 Modrlne Little Jack'Horner. He left for Guthrie yesterday morning. ana rennea, sne encouragea SPALDING" UTE sent out to make the running. Morgan sent and 6 to 1, second; Prince Harry, 96 (Holden), 5 to 1, ucated nis suit INDIAN Dunkle. v... 2 II Clarke, c. ....3 McnUnlc up to the farorlte going round upper and became his wife. A few months ago J 01 Klobedacj, tbe third. Time. l:Hii. pol- Fadden. lb..,302 p3 turn, and they turned into the stretch In close com- Sarmatlan, 108 Lee Jones, a well known Democratic they removed to Kansas City and have Our exclusive pany. Second race U mile; They ran neck and neck through the stretch 4 1, won; Bonnirard, 111 (Wooster), G to 1 itician and merchant came down since 'been living 51SiLydla avenue. Totals ,SS S 21 J U Totala 34 11 84 11 S to (Rose), to at trade mark. the last sixteenth pole, when Taral shook Modrlne and 9 to 5. second; Maydlne. 110, (Conley),,2 to 1. on the Rock. Islandyesterday afternoon. RESERVATION Innings: up,. and. although Morgan was hard at work on Mon- Time, 0,51. name Spalding is house- Score bj drew away won third. The of a 0 0 0 0 1 0 tanlc. the farorlte and handily by Third race 1 miles; aelllng. Walkenshaw, 107 F. H. Greer, erllton of the Guthria State HORSE THIEF. Washtnxton 4 0 1 three-fourt- of a length. was E The time, 0.55. the (Rlgby), 7 to 1, won: Admetus, 108 (Flick), 6 to 1 and Capital, passed through th,e city, en route hold word in base ball affairs in 600,000 ACRES Boston 0 3 0 1 0 1 10 beet of tbe meeting for tho distance. Summary: 2 to 1, second; Marltl, 96 (T. Burns), 4 to 1, third. to ins uome 'ironi a Business trip to uni-cag- o. Liveryman OF ARABLE LANTXA Summary: Earned runs Washington, 1; First race 6 furlongs: aelllng. Harry Reed, 103 Time. 1:52U. McKlbben Recovers His America. "Wherever the national Boston, S. Stolen bases Davis, Hamilton, (Maher). 3 to 1 and eren, won by 1H lengths; Itey Fourth race 1 mile: Turnrereln handicap. High Buggy and Learns That His thrown open by proclamation Tenney. Twobase hits Farrell, Long;. Duf- Salazer, 105 (Sonxer). S to 2 and eren, aecond by a Jinks, 94 (Porter), 10 to 1. won; Mlllstream, 94 game is played, the words Spalding Maid of 100 (McCuc), Mr. and 'Mrs. Kennlson. of Thomasvllle, of the president. Invit- fy. Threebase Stahl. Klobe-dan- z. head; Erin, 3 to 1 and 6 to 5. (Holden), 5 to 1 and 9 to 5, second; Branch, 100 (T. Horse Wni Sold. hit T. T., are in city on pleas- and base ball synonymous. Home-tezk- tts play third. Time, Burns). 4 to 5. third. Time, 1:43. the business and are ing; opportunity for Freeman. Double Hulen to Second race IJ4 furlongs. Star Chime, 10J (Mitch- ure. Mr. Kennlson is leading J. W. McKlbben. the .East Twelfth street Fadden to Davis. First base on balls Off Fifth race 1"4 mlIes:'orer 4 hurdles: selling, a merchant For twenty-thre- e years Spalding's to locate upon one of ell), 7 to 2 and eren, won by 1 length; Irish Free, 109 (O'Brien), 7 to 5, won: Florida Rose, 138 of Thomasvllle. liveryman, who reported to the police Sat- Kiobedanz. 1; off Dunkle, S. Struck out 112 (Morgan), 3 S Z to and out, second by lengths; (Stewart), 2 to 1, aecond; Laura May, 125 (Johnson), 4 urday night Trade-Marke- d goods have been the the most fertile portions oi By Kiobedanz, 1. Left on bases' Washing- Lamp Globe, 112 (O'Connor), 20 to 1 and S to 1, third. Mo., .that a stranger obtained a 9. Umpires-H- to 5. third. Time. 2.234. H. L. MqPherson., of Bloomfield, the state of Colorado. ton, 8; Boston, Time 2:00. unt Time, 0.54. Sixth race 6 furlongs: aelllng. Simon D., horse and buggy from his stable Saturday standard. 1 70 Ill chief clerk of the fuel 'and 'tie department are city at and Connolly. Third race mile and yards. Danforth, 100 (J. (Holden). 6 to 1, won:Braw Lad, 109 (Conley), 3 to 1 of the Hannibal & St. Joseph, was in the morning on the strength of a note purport- The land offices la tie Slack), 15 to 1 and 6 to 1, won by 2 lengths: Lanky and eren. second; Ttllte w,, 101 (Rose), 20 to 1, ing When buyingbase ball goods, in- Durango. Bob. 1X7 (Morgan), C to 1 and 2 to 1. second by 1 city last night. to have been written by Mrs. Joseph Baltimore O, Jfe-r- r York O. third. Time, 1:16U. V. Kendall, of, 1111 Wyandotte street, Tor. any further laformatloa lengths: Warrentcn, 124 (Taral), I to 5 and 3 to 5, l i sist upon their bearing Spalding's aa rates, etc., adores 24. lr. iur.a run uuuai. J. T. Pringle, a prominent attorney of found the buggy Sunday night standing in to NEW TORK, April The Giants were tnira. rime, i:t?. First race 4V4 furlongs. Dr. Riddle. E. W. Brode. Trade-Mar- y. 4 k and no sub- shut out by the Baltlmores mainly Fourth race The Canarsle stakes; furlongs. Kentucky, 113: McMeektn. 93: Lee King, 113; Sprung, Burlingame, Kas., is at the Midland. He Is the street a short distance south of the accept S. K. 0OPEKv General Pasjenicr Ajext Modrlne, 112 (Taral), 3 to 5 and out, won by & yards. because1 of the fine pitching of McGlnnity. 5i of Monterldean, 103; The Monk, 103; Little Boy Blue, looking after the interests of the First Na stock stitute. Denrcr & Bio Crude Railroad. n, length; Montanlc, 109 (Morgan), 7 to 5 and out, aec- man Meekln pitched his game of the sea-eo- 100. tional oanK in tnts city. Persons who saw the unhitch the DEM E. COL. tint ond by 5 lentths; Alei, 112 (Sherrer), 20 to 1 and 4 Second rsce 5 furlongs: celling. Salrado, 110: horse from buggy and ride the animal and did splendidly for five innings. the e a to 1. third. Time, 0.55. Johnny McHale, Amateur. Ben Walker, 107; Brlghtle George M. Paschal, of Sill. I. T., away, say was years old,-liv- It dealer does not earn pald!nss After that he let up and was hit freely. race 7 furlongs: selling. Fort a he about a athleUc goods In stock, send name and Fifth About KIrkwood, S., 106: TTeonla. Whlrlaway, Harry Floyd, 105; The prominent merchant and Indian trader. Is feet eight inches tall and had light, hair and Tour The score: 105 (W. Martin), 7 to 5 and 1 to 2, won by a bead; Trombone, 104: Josephine B., Simon D,, 102; address to us (and bis. too) lor a copy ot Domineer, 56 (Mitchell). 15 to 1 and 4 to 1, second by Pride, in the city on business. Mr. Paschal is a light mustache. The horse and buggy our handsomely Illustrated catalogue. NEW YORK. BALTIMORE. Shrimp, Sorrow, 100; Incidental. W. D. Hamtlton, 99; stopping the New Albany. wcre on a forged Mc- 1 length: Swamp Angel, 10S (II. Martin), 6 to 1 and Haralock, 96; Goebel. 95, By George, Mies Stanton, at obtained order and Kansas City's AD II PO A E AB H PO A E E. Time, 1:2S Klbben to make warm for the A. &. 4 I to third. 94; Easter Card, Celluloid, 90; Coosada, Flying threatens it 6. SPALDING BROS. Society Vn Hal., el McGraw. 3b. 2 0 1 2 1 Sixth race 6 rurlongs; selling. Lady Exile, 93 Charles H. Gentry, of Chicago, III., and thief if he is captured. The police have CrtCj. .. 4 4 3 2 1 0 Bird, 85. vauuevuie lb Holmes. If.. (Odom), S to 2 and 7 to 5, won by 1 length; Sister 70 selling. Tony wo., was to stock- New York Denver CHICAGO Gleason, 2b. 4 Brodle. 4 0 0 Third race 1 mile and yards; Oliver .ferry ueniry, oi smiinvuie, learned that the horse sold a Theater. cf... 10 Fox. 91 (O'Connor), 5 to 1 and 7 to 5, second by 3 Honlg, 109: Moroni, Branch, 107; Ace, 306; Jimp, 99; are in city, the guests of their cousin, man Orace the stock yards Wilson, 3 2 1 4 1 0 CO the named at for c. Eheckard. rf. lengths: Spurs, 96 (Moody), to 1 and 20 to 1, third. Jockey Joe, 92. 310 8100 Wv Blaze, 96: building. 240. If. 3 2b S 0 3 4 0 Salrarse, 97; Sir R. T. Gentry, Massachusetts The animal is worth at the least. T AT 2:1S. O'Brttn. J.CBrien. Time, 1:16. Hotel 1 mile. Leo MATINEE Hartman, 3b 3 4 1 11 0 0 Fourth race Luehrman stakes; Lachance. lb ENTRIES FOR TUESDAY. 102; Kentucky Colenel, The Kentuck-la- n, G Planter. Sallen. Bekemyor. formerly private secre Foster, rf... 3 Maxoon, ss.. 1 3 5 0 First race furlongs. Vertigo, 10S: Tyrlan, 108; Tipton, Chancery, Donald Bain, Teutons, Otto Objected to a Salntatlon. 3 3 1 0 117; Ed or Caron and Herbert. J.LDerta, ss Robinson, c. 3 1 Tenny. 105;ti South Africa, Ten Spot, 104; Tink- tary to Governor Kenfrow. Oklahoma, Miss 110. , Eugene Demming, employed The Greatest ot Fantouxlmlsta. Meekln, p., 3 McGInnltr. p 4 1 0 3 0 Nay Nay, 102; Gaze, Tabouret, 101; Broad- was In the city last evening for a few hcurs. a bartender ler. 103: Fifth race Maiden mile. Belle ot in a North Main street saloon.was passing a Manhood Restored Tbe Gypsy Quintette headed by (jharles Kin;. way Belle, Tyrshlna. 39. Orleans, 115: Ocarno, 110; Blennerhasset. 108; Solent, en routo to Chicago from his home at Guth- ToUls 28 27 4 H 27 17 furlongs. second-han- d store near the corner of Main t ToUls ....31 1 Second race (H Johnny J. dales, 106: Ida, Fordham, 105: Capron, Fhallas, Tommy rie. The Only Lew Hawkins. Haste. Kipling, 119; d. street and Missouri avenue yesterday Score by Innings: Post Flortnell. nnr(n 101. Alfred C. The Laurel. 103: Rose Eric. MATINEES Tueaday. Thursday and Saturday Sa Her Ladyship, Monteagle, Decimal, Bombay, 101; Hachmelster. Plantain, 100; Bron , a leading dry good? morning when S. D. Altman. a clerk 0 0 0 0 0 102: Rose Ceron. Fleirshman, to any part of tho house; Children. 10c Tork 0 0 0 0 0 107. Last, Aurea, ss; wara. nooicj, rrauaun firm Clay Center, Kas.. are putting In in the store, came out to hang up vETenlas tinBaltimore 1 0 0 0 7 furlongs. Warrenton, 124; Barney'a of Prlces 10c. Uc and 60c. 0 111 - Third race About Belle, 96. an opening stock at De Witt, Neb. Mr. some, wares in front of the store. Altman Summary: Earned runs Baltimore, 1. Charentus, 113; Alice Farley, 112; St. Lorenzo, 110; Sixth race Selling; 1 mile and 70 yards. Har- buy- objected to Demming's salutation. One Order seats by lefepbone GDo. 10S: Mateo. 107: Girl, 106; Fleirshman was In the city yesterday base on errors Baltimore. 2: New Gold Car, San Jt'autch binger. 110: Kls-M- 103; Stockholm. 100; Hungarian. word brought, on another and finally the First Caporal, 100; TaDOuret, 99; Takanas-se- e, Lauren-tia- ing the stock. . Tork, 1. Left on bases Baltimore, 10; New Danforth. Sweet Disturbance, 97: Glenmoyne, Teutons, 96; two men descended to blows, and a crowd 5. 91: Forsee, SS. Kitty Regent, 78 pedestrians congregated to see the fun. Tork. Base on balls Off Meekln, 6: off Fourth race 1 mile and 70 yards. Concord, 115; E. H. Klttrcdge, W. JWilson and B. A. of .Mcuinnuy. 1. Home run Holmes. Twobase Marshall, Doggett, 112; Dan Rice, 111; Mordecal, Boell, lending business men and exporters Officer Green happened along and marched Ma-goo- n, Liberty. hits Magoon, Gleason. play Baratarla, 108: Nautch Girl, Squire Abingdon, 105; Field Trials at of San Francisco, left last night for St. the two men off to police headquarters. Hew O'Brien and LaChance. Double plays Hold On, 104; Leado, 95; Keuberger, 89. LIBERTY, MO., April 24. (Special:) The Louis. They are making an extended trip Tn tho notice court vesterdav mornlner Davis. Gleason and Grady; Gleason, Davis Fifth race H furlongs. Pupil, 110: Big Gun, annual field day of William Jewell college through East, looking in- Demming was fined $5 for disorderly con Tel. 570. Woodward & Bar'Mt. Mire. Garterless, 107; Specific, 106; Golden Scep- the after their duct-an- d I and Grady; Foster and Wilson. Stolen Leaureata. on athletic field May 5, Altman was aiscnargea. JPeople" doors 105. will be held the terests. "We are the crowded to the and bares McG raw. Holmes 2, Sheclc-ar- d, ter. AlaTar. Brodlo, furlongs. Sweet Caporal, 105: with the following events: DR. E. C. WEST'S hundreda turned away. O'Brien. Wild pitch Sixth race 6 seventy-fiv- e J. Meekln. Passed 106; Aroca, Tender, 10J: Ellavata, Country Hundred yard dash, yard Mr. H. B. Morse and wife. of St. Louis, Hantlnsr Her Husband. THE WOODWARD STOCK COMPANT. balls Wilson. by Mc- 220 120 Hit pitched ball Dance, Lady Sneerwell. Village Pride, Lady Bratton, dash, fifty yard dash, yard hurdle, were in Kansas City yesterday. Mr. AnfleldT HI., AND EVERT NIGHT THIS WEEK. Graw, Holmes. Umpires Gaffney An- Mrs. W. H. of Macomb. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT and RerjulU, Tut-Tu- t, Lady Exile, 100. yard hurdle, quarter mile run, half mile Morse is. the publisher and owner of the landed In Kansas City yesterday, penniless MATINEES WEDNESDAT AND SATCRDAT. drews. Time 1:58. Attendance 1,200. one run; running broad jump, St. Louis Dally Record and has business Tho Comedy Drama, run, mile and friendless, and with a child IMITATIONS. Results at Oakland. standing broad Jump, pole vault; putting Interests in Kansas City, which were the in charge. Her husband left home THE ORIGINAL ALL OTHERS throwing her - Brooklyn 10, Philadelphia 8. FRANCISCO, April 24 Results at Oakland, sixteen pound shot, sixteen pound cause of his visit. three weeks ago, telling her he was coming Is sold under poslUrs WRITTEN- UUAUAKTEB by SAN race. MOTHS.WEEK ONLY GREAT PHILADELPHIA. April 21. Brooklyn raining hammer, ten yard band to Kansas City In search of empIoymenL authorised axenta only to cure Weak Memory, APRIL THE PLAY. n, is being manifested and i Brigadier Stillwell. of the Salvation Army, con- won from Philadelphia to-d- through First race Futurity course: selling. Harry Much interest She heard nothing from him and she Wakstulsess, Flu, Hysteria, Quickness, Nlsht TRIUBV. the night Burlington, a. 104 (Bas&lnger), 2 to 1, won; Amasa, 101 (J. there will be several entries in each event. went last to Kas., where cluded to come on and Investigate. She Losses, Etll Dreams, lack ot Confidence. Narroua-ses- Wednesday Matinee. April 6, Gertrude Berkeley wildners of Piatt, who pitched three In- previous years conduct meetings y and re- nings and the Relff), 2',--i to 1 and eren, second; Sly, 109 (Ruiz;. Although the records of he will could not find him on her arrival and she Lassitude, all Drains. TouUttul Error, or Souvenir Photocraph Matinee. Ineffectiveness of Bernhard. college Wednesday. brigadier Vm ot Opium or Liquor, arhleb who officiated the last six innings. The 4 to L third. Time, 1:13V5. have been some of the best ot turn The will have was placed in charge of Police Matron Tobacco. .Quakers batted hard throughout and Second race 1H miles; purse. Roslnate. 105 (Jen- records in the state, the present outlook the assistance of the Salvation Army Cor- Moore while the police try and locate him. reads to Misery, Consumption. Insanity mad Deatk. Mo kins) 2 to 1. won; Mary Black. 101 (J. RelS), 3 to is any yet, as the training up net band, which went there about two At store or by mall. Jl a box: alx for U: wltft James was batted out of the game In the 101 better than WRITTEN OR REFUND .seventh. Dunn relieving him. The score: 5 and out, second: Glenn Ann, (McNlckels), i to to the present time has been diligently weeks ago. and also of the "Revival Bri- Police Pickings. GUARANTEE TO CURB 1, third. Time, 1:57U. out under super- gade," which in Kansas City, and MONET. and effectively carried the started ed COATES.Uft BROOKL1N. PHILADELPHIA. race H mile. Candelerla handicap; " Third vision of Professor W. O. Hamilton, gymna- which went to Burlington last week from The little child of Dillon Schneider, which Label Special, AB H PO A E AB IIFOAE Golden Rule, 127 (Piggott). 3 to 6. won; Iola. where had been holding meetings. was reported as having been killed by a ROBERT MANTELL 01 1 and sium director. it L 4.IB Pvfpa Keller. It... 4 2 3 0 Cooler, cf... 5 Pathos, 110 (E. Jones), 2H to out. second; represent Missouri Pacific train Sunday night, was Sfrannth AND A SELECT COMPANY. ' 4 4 2 0 0 Relff). 25 to 1, third. Time, Tho winners in this contest will Kreler. rf.. Thomas, lb.. 2 Racetto. S5 (J. Judge Charles B. Graves, Emporia, very fortunately not killed, onlybadly For Im potency. Lots ot Vr ft AT J. 4 2 0 1 1 purse. Satsuma, 112 (E. William Jewell in the state athletic meet of but .T5 Dtblen, ss.. 2 Del'htntr. If 6 Fourth race miles; 9 guest Power, Lost Manhood. 3 0 C Rosormonde, 106 (Jenkins), 5 to to held Columbia May and 10, and Kas., is a of the Midland while in the hurt. frJT McGinn, lb 0 0 Lijole, 2b... 6 Jones), 7 to 10, won: be at says pre- Eterlllty or Barrenaew; "The Face in the Moonlight." Anderson, 4 1 3 0 0 8 5, second; Lost Girl, 102 (Ruiz), 5 to 1, no doubt the team from hero will make a city on business. He Emporia Is Fred Jarboe was fined $23 In the police cf Flick, rf .... 1 ard to ' paring for big reception and entertain- ' SI a box: tit for S3, with WEDNESDAY MATINEE "MONBARS" IHlr. 2b.... 4 1 S 3 Lauder, 3b., third. Time, 1:44. good showing'. a court yesterday morning for disorderly WRITTEN GUARANTEE WEDNESDAY NIGHT SECRET ment the Red who will brother-in-- "A WARRANT' Caesldy. 3b. 4 1 1 0 0 Douglass, Fifth race 1 miles: selling, widow Jones, 103 for Men, hold a conduct. Jarboe quarreled with his 30 S c grand pow-wo- w car In d7B At MAY J..S AND "ON AND OFJV" Smith, 4 0 7 1 J Cross, ss...., (E. Jones), 5 to 1. won; Plan, 102 (Ruiz). 7 to 10 and Socials Defeat Sanflorvers. there the week beginning law John Pond, and slashed him with BEFORc AFTER c... 0 0 103 (Jenkins), 5 May L are being arranged with ttore or br'malL MrJamee, n. 4 0 2 riatt. p .... out, second; Major Hooker, to 1, defeated 'Sunflowers In an Parades a pocketknife during a street fight that 0 0 The Socials the Interest- floats, citizens and normal Dunn. p.... 0 0 Bernhard. p third. Time. 1:52. on the.Armory alleys by eighteen and the students followed. Sold only by Diamond Drag race mile; aelllng. Imperious. 106 (E. ing gams last night will take part In them. Tickets to a draw- the Chilis Sixth pins. Kllng was high man with the score of 551. Louisa Arata, a pretty Italian girl, Store. D04 Matin St.. Kanaaa City. Ho. ToUls ....!5 11 27 Jones). 2 to 1, won; Wyoming, 111 (Bullman), 6 J. ing will be sold, on the plan of Kansas I SOCIALS. Strikes. Spares. ToUls. dressed up in male attire Sunday night Totals 44 17 27 20 3 to 5 and out, second; Tcrelda, 109 (Ruiz), 6 to 1, ' City's Convention hall drawing, to raise Time. 1.30. J. Kllng 9 18 551 money to pay local lodge building. and went out with a negro girl named Cellos for Bernhard In third. 6 13 463 for the sights. battel the ninth. ENTRIES FOR TUESDAY. Summerfield Belle Reed to see the Officer Qulnn PURITY Use I. R. STOCKWELL Score by Innings: First race 4 furlongs; selling. Schnltz. Bueno, Franke 6 11 4 Cross, Montpeller. Vt., arrested them and in the police court yes- Ill: 5 12 431 L. Bart of an old fined to AT J.15. " I j Brooklyn 2 2 2 2 0 0 Merry Boy, Carallo, Lomo, 103; Amasa, Aluminum, Ilucke ... - of Admiral Dewey, Is terday, morning the former was Woodbury's 10 010 Miller 6 12 420 schoolmate at the disorderly conduct. POrTLAK A HOVT'S Philadelphia 1 S 105. Midland. He says the boys in school were for HEALTH MATINEE 01000411 Second race '4 mile; The Buffoon, negro Facial Summary: runs Brooklyn. 3; 21 6 2299 full of pranks and that George Dewev was Ira Black, a who claims Salisbury, THITSDAY. Earned Tanobe. Champion Rose. Galena, 115: Big Horn, Totals $30 Philadelphia. 4. looked upon as a leader nnd adviser. Mo., as his home, was fined tn the police MIDNIGHT BELL! Stolen bases . Dahlen, Gllssando. 113: Tom Sharkey, 110: Reginald Hughes, SUNFLOWERS. Strikes. Spares. Totals. There Cream. 2. Douglas"-- was nothing vicious In court esterday morning for earning con- BEAUTY NEXT WIEK IT'S GREAT Anderson Delehantv. Cross, 110: Catlso, Artemis Palpa. Lorello, 107. Maunder , 9 13 516 their tendencies, he TM E TV RTLE. .Mc-Gan-n. Cas-sid- y, weapons. He wan In Cassldv. Twobase hits race 1 selling. Red Glenn, 102: Millet 12 8 431 says, and many stories published have ex- cealed arrested the Third miles: v d yards in West bottoms by Lauder. First base on balls Pat Morrlsey. 99; Elldad. 102; Tom Calrert. SS; It. Burke H 8 aggerated the unruly The now railroad the Naturally follows the use of WOOD- 12 417 Special Officer McMlchaels and a revolver Off McJamcs. 1; 5: 95. Burk 6 fnmous whipping administered to Dewey by "VVOOD-BOItY- Piatt, Bernhard. Castake. J. person 'S 2. Hit by pitched balls Anderson, Fourth race 6 furlongs, selling. Head Water, 115; Raynor 6 II 401 Pangborne was for the purpose of setting was found on his when he was BURY'S Facial Soap and Douglass. Thomas. Struck out By Rer Hooker. 112: Casdale. Farersham, 108: Sir an example, and not because of' Dewey's searched. Facial Cream. Being- strictly McJamns. 1; Piatt. 1: Bernhard. 2. Passed TJrlan. Lothian, Jennie Reld, 105; Genua, 103; Maud Totals 36 66 2281 special culpability. , John Seketer and Anton Binsfield met on THE MIDLAND balls Smith. 2: Douglass. 1. Wild pitches Ferguson. 105. a Westport cable train Sunday and began antiseptic, their cleansing and purifyi- MeJanvst 1: Piatt. 1: Bernhard. 2. Deft on Fifth race 1 mile: selling. Grady, 110; Alrln E., To Meet Star Pointer. quarreliiig over some trivial matter. They ng- is unequaled. For every- Finnrgan. Tempo. 106; 101; effect sale bases Brooklyn. 7; Philadelphia. 15. Time, 107: P. A. Dsrechota, SAN FRANCISCO. April 24. Racing men used language that disturbed the other The Only Absolutely Flreproil 2:40. Lmplres Emslic At- Rapldo. Una. Colorado. Ringmaster. Earl Cochran, passengers on the train and Officer O'Mal-le- y where. Hotel In Kansas City." and McDonald. New Moon, 95. will be interested in knowing that either tendance, 4.44L 97: Alicia. Searchlight year dragged them off and took them to Sixth race 7 furlongs: selling. Eddie Jones, 115; Anaconda or will this police headquarters. In the police court Tony Wyoming, 10S; Horton, 104; pitted against Star Pointer. Joe Patch-e- n 3Xen AMERICAN. EUROPEAN. St. LonlH rt, Wcalrt. Horatli. be yesterday morning Judge Burnham fined Weak may haTe onr Chlcniro 2. Promrto. Kanslru Dr. Bernars, 103: Eoriblo, 100; and John R. Gentry. Joe Keating, the CHICAGO treatment appliance and them Jl each. ST. LOUIS. April 21,St. Louis captured Hardly, 9S: The Fretter, 95: Wing, 7. owner of the horses first named, has wired reraadies m mat antt ao- - Secretary Toman,, of the Empire City Al Winters, the machinist who fell off a Iiln,rr prurul. the first game of the series with Chicago to cable car Twelfth and Charlotte streets, 8TTi IVrL llnoiairrandtucctu. by a cloe score. It was a pitchers' bat- Kervport Rncea. Trnttinp Club, of New York, that he will at return ail at our excns& an entry in the free-for-a- ll pace at Saturday morning, and who became abu- Pay Nothing. Coates House tle, in which Toung had the April 24 This waa make Koliust fielding better of it. CINCINNATI. Ladles' day at inaugural meet in September. sive 'when Drs. Frank luen and Manahan health for men, wcietdralnj Clean wan a feature. Score the Newport track and In fplte of the disagreeable the club's attempted to examine him, was fined S2 In large and crowd Although Star Pointer holds the world's cured, iierrous control and b ST. LOUIS weather a enthusiastic turned out police yesterday morning. Win- ABSOLUTELY Chicago. sport. was sloppy, of 2:004. and l:S3U, against the court Jew book sent un FIREPROOF. AB H PO A E AB to see the The trsrk but with a racing record was off European Plan . - H PO A E to and time was msde believes that either of his ters drunk when he fell the car der plain teal without Scooperday anla Burkelt. If.. 2 3 3 e Uran. 4 0 3 hard bottom it fair In mot time, Keating injured LUkllWIW Plan . - - day If..... a 30 1 good showing against and was not in the least. charee. American Snooper Ml Chllds. 2b... 2 0 1 Green, 4 2 1 of the diy's ercnts. Ptrathbroerk. to shot, pacers can make a Hi rf..... S to S after a drlrlng Chief of Police- - Hayes received a tele- Restaurant and Turkish Bath "JnjurpajsjL MeKean. ss. 3 0 1 Wolrtcn. lb. 3 0 0 beat TilJee. the farorlte. finish the champion. gram yesterday ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFfAlO. N.Y. Wallace, 3b. 4 2 1 Lsnxe. cf.... 4 1 0 in ih second race. Summaries: from Mrs. Delia Hildreth. 2 3 6U furlongs. Lizzie IOC requesting to notlfy Sternal, rf.. 0 Everltt. lb... 4 1 12 First race Caraller. Pnrtell Knocked Out. of Galena, Kas.. him Tebeau. lb.. 3 1 14 Demont. ss.. 2 0 S (Sheppard). 8 to 5. won: S'ster Jane, lw (E. Ross), 4 Mary Goldsberry, of Paris, la., of the STEAMSHIPS. O'Connor, c. 3 1 4 McConn'k. 2b 3 2 0 to s and out: second: Rotha. 100 (Lelth), 30 to 1. TEN:.. ADrll Paddv Pur- - death of George Goldsberry. the old man Western Dental Parlors Blake, 3 0 0 3 0 1:24. was out Wyan- cf.... iionance. c. third. Time. tell, of Kansas City, knocked at who dropped dead near Fourth and TWIN-SCRE- Young, 0 4 furlongs: aelllng. 102 FAST p.... 3 0 Fhxle, p 3 0 0 Seaind rare Strathbroeck. the Auditorium ht by James Scanlan. dotte streets, last Saturday afternoon. right DOMINION LINE StKVIfcti. 0! of Pittsburg, who delivered a terrific Mary Goldsberry is a relative and the body Removed to S; E. Cor. Totals ....-2- 7 27 17 Totala 31 612 17 1 swing In Purtell's Jaw in the third round of George Goldsberry wlllprobably be sent BOSTON to Osenstown and LhertMoL twenty V. B. Mall steamers Bllte Keels. Modern. Sail- W Stenzel out. hit by batted ball. of what was to have been a' round to Paris for burial. 7th and MafnSts. contest. fighting in the two ing; from Fltcbburg R. R. Docks, Boston, ax fol- Score by Innings: The first Kc-- r After Dinner rounds was very slow. Purtell was floored Trro New Locomotives. lows: Enxland. April S. May 3. 31 and July S; Our former patrons are cordially Istltsd to bestow St. Louis 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 April 15, May IT, June July 13; Der- upon us same liberal patronaxa In our new par- 10 To assist digestion, relieve distress twice In the third round, the second time Canada. It. the Chicago 0 0 0 10 0 10 02 was Two newlocomotlves were received Bun-da- y byshire, June 21, July 19, Auxust IS. lors, wher we are prepared, to xtra the heat work Summary: alter eating or drinking too heartily staying down. The attendance small. Reduced Rates Salecn panaxe, 3(0.00 and up- (always guaranteed at the most reasoaxhlo prices. Earned runs St. Louis. 1; George Slier, of Chicago, refereed the-figh- for the Kansas .City Interurban rail- Chicaco. 2. Left on bases St Louis, fi: to prevent constipation, take way and will aid in opening up Swope park ward. Second cabin. J37.M. Third class. S5.a. Chlcapo. 3. Twobase hits Burkctt. Wal Best Dining Car Service. and tho. country to the south. The lease For passaxe plana and Information, apply to tbe S. POLACK, D. D. S. lace, lng. Home run Green. Double . "Kid" Lavelle Dies. onJWaldo park, which place the company companr'a office. 103 State Street. Boston. Mass. plas McKean to Chllds to Tebeau: Mc- PITTSBURG. PA., Apiil 24.--KId Lavelle. wonts to fit up for a first-cla- ss driving cormick to Demontrevllle to Everltt. Stolen Hood's Pills pugilist Pnly Depot In Chicago on toe pleasure resort, yest- AGAIN-APRIL3- 0th. -- the colored from Chester, Pa., who Elmltf Los' park.and waa secured ON bases Stenzel, Blake. Hit by pitcher Sold everywhere. 25 centoy. was knocked out by John Cavanaugh In a erday. THE -J- OURNAL 10 A WEEK