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AA00031661 01507.Pdf Powell terms rumors about Percy Carter aid apologizes 'inappropriate, regrettable and dumb' WASHINGTON (AP)--Presidential News After the "Sun-Times" disclosed But Percy said Powell did not tell He did not identify the newspaper Secretary Jody Powell telephoned a Powell's call, a storm of controver- him expressly that he had found the or newspapers involved. personal apology yesterday to Re- sy erupted in Washington with the report to be incorrect. Percy added, Powell said he acted yesterday publican Senator Charles Percy of press secretary initially acknow- "I think to clear the record he without consulting in advance with Illinois for spreading rumors about ledging he had made a "dumb mistake." should be asked to clarify that." Carter or any member of the White Percy, one of budget chief Bert Later Powell said, "I called At his daily news briefing hours House staff. Lance's principal critics. Senator Percy and told him I re- later, Powell again termed his ac- gretted the situation very much." tion "inappropriate, regrettable He said the information did not Powell had called the Washington Percy said a note was handed to and dumb." come to him through any government bureau of the "Chicago Sun-Times" him at about 10:20 a.m. yesterday Asked what President Carter had agencies. Tuesday and passed along rumors, saying that Powell had called, and said to him about the matter, he re- However, he acknowledged his hotly denied by Percy, that the Percy immediately left the Senate plied, "he seemed to accept my sources were government employes, Senator had used Bell and Howell hearing room and returned the call. analysis as accurate." who, he said, picked up the rumors corporate aircraft and facilities He said he told Powell, "You have Powell acknowledged he called at outside the course of their official of a Chicago bank during his 1972 expressed your regret, and I accept least one other newspaper besides business. He would not identify re-election campaign. that." the "Sun-Times" to talk about Percy. them. Tide, Sun, Temp. Weather Forecast 8813 1High tide, 9 58pml'L Partly cloudy; Low t&de 4:7pjs Chance of thun- SW1AiC~e --- 6:48aia*f derstorms; Winds SU et-- 7:04pm SE 8-12 kts; Bay High --- 92 1 conditions 1-3 Low---- 74 The. Navy'z onyot -ba ed da,,LfZft. Vol. 32, No. 178 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Thursday, September 15, 1977 Kissinger, Rusk support Panamanian treaty ratification WASHINGTON (IPS)--The U. S. House our basic interests in the canal and the Congress to assume." traced the recent canal treaty nego- of Representatives International Re- to solidify our long-term friendship In conclusion, the former Secretary tiations back through several admin- lations Committee yesterday heard and cooperation with the other na- of State said the Panama Canal istrations and also discussed his- testimony from two former Secretaries tions of the Western Hemisphere. A treaties "are the essential founda- torical context and legal aspects of of State, Henry Kissinger and Dean creative Western Hemisphere policy tion of a long-term relationship of the 1903 canal treaty, which has Rusk, in support of the ratification must have many components, but the friendship and cooperation with the been the juridical basis of the canal of the newly-signed Panama Canal fate of these treaties will be its nations of the Western Hemisphere, arrangement since that time. "We treaties. touchstone for the countries of and they enhance our security and should not, be under the illusion In his testimony, Mr. Kissinger Latin America in this period." raise new prospects for a peaceful that those events could stand the said that "these treaties preserve Mr. Kissinger stressed that "a de- and constructive international order.' test of modern standards of treaty for the remainder of this century feat of the Panama Canal treaties Mr. Kissinger added, "I believe that making," he observed. the significant elements of the ex- would weaken the President's inter- passage of these treaties is the In discussing the new neutrality isting arrangements for management national authority at the beginning only possible act of wisdom and the treaty, Mr. Rusk said "Article IV and defense of the canal, while at of his term, the undermining of Pres- course of true patriotism. It is of the neutrality treaty played a the same establishing a cooperative idential authority at home would be the necessity of statesmanship. I major role in my own personal deci- relationship with Panama which will a demonstration of fundamental weak- therefore urge your support." sion to support these two treaties. actually enhance the canal's security ness and a grave responsibility for Former Secretary of State Rusk If, God forbid, it should ever be- and efficient operation." come necessary for a President and Mr. Kissinger stated that "were a Congress to take strong measures the new treaties rejected, it would to keep the canal functioning and be impossible for even our friends safe, they would be in a far strong- in the hemisphere to support us, er position to do so under the rejection of the treaties would treaties of 1977 than under the poison our relationship with all Bombs rock Mexico City, anachronistic treaty of 1903." countries of Latin America on all Mr. Rusk said "our national inter- other issues and leave us, for the est lies in access to and the safe- first time in our history, facing ty of our special position in the the unanimous hositility of all the hurt policemen, wreck cars zone. I belive that our interest nations to the south of us in our in the canal includes a residual re- own hemisphere." MEXICO CITY (UPI)--More than 20 Tuesday night to early Wednesday. sponsibility to the maritime nations . According to Mr. Kissinger, "the powerful bomb explosions rocked this Another five exploded in Guadalajara, of the world and to certain nations Panama Canal treaties present us capital and two other Mexican cities, Mexico's second largest city, and of our own hemisphere for whom the with the opportunity both to advance seriously injuring two policemen 11 were reported in Oaxaca, in the canal is a life line." and damaging at least 12 patrol southeastern part of the nation, he cars, a police spokesman said Wed- said, nesday. The main targets of the blasts "All of the blasts, except for Kruger defends were police stations, government that one at the Ciudad Netzahual- Terrorists request agencies and banks, the spokesman coyotl police headquarters in the said adding that a group labeled as northern part of the capital, caused the "People's Red Brigade" claimed considerable damage, but no deaths police security responsibility for two of the ex- were reported," he said. Korea or Yemen plosions in this capital. The spokesman indicated that PRETORIA, South Africa (UPI)-- the BONN, West Germany (UPI)--Eleven Five bombs went off on this capi- bombs were homemade, containing Minister of Police Jimmy Kruger imprisoned terrorists whose tal in a six-hour span, from late gunpowder and acid. release Wednesday defended security police is demanded by the kidnapers of a against mounting worldwide criticism leading West German industrialist over the death of Black Conscious- want to go to either South Yemen or ness leader Steve Biko and said if North Korea, a well-informed source Biko chose to go on a hunger strike said Wednesday. it was his "Democratic right" to do The 11 specified the Socialist so. recede Flood waters nations in a message relayed to the Biko, 30, died Monday night in kidnapers late Tuesday by the fed- detention after an eight day hunger eral criminal police through Swiss strike. He was the founder of the lawyer Denis Payot, who has acted South African Students Organization city starts clean-up as an intermediary, the source said. and honorary president of the Black Officially, the government said Peoples Convention, two organiza- only that it had relayed the pris- tions dedicated to raising black KANSAS CITY, Missouri (UPI)--The At the height of the storm, crests oners' answers to questions asked self image. deadliest flood waters in the city's of water 20 feet high surged through them. Kruger told the Transvaal National history receded Wednesday, leaving residential areas. But the government said earlier Party Congress meeting in Pretoria behind millions of dollars in "Some of the rivers and streams it would be unable to get a crew Biko had been rightfully arrested damages in mangled automobiles, mud- were still above flood stage yester- to fly the 11 terrorists abroad un- on August 18 in connection with un- smeared homes and businesses. day, but there is no serious flood- less overflight and landing rights rest in Port Elizabeth and for the ing expected," said Joe Prelec of could be arranged beforehand. The death toll stood at 19, but writing and distribution of inflam- the National Weather Service. Other than asking the prisoners police feared more bodies might be matory pamphlets. Preliminary damage estimates ranged where they wished to go-, the govern- He said Biko was not questioned found trapped in several flooded from $4 million to $7 million soley ment made no move toward meeting until September 5 and had initially underground parking lots, Twenty- for Kansas City, Missouri, property. the kidnaper's demands, ignoring a one persons have been reported miss- indicated he would answer questions No one could detail the extent of fourth deadline of midnight Tuesday. "after 15 minutes" but then after ing. private property damage in the city Police tightened security around the quarter hour said he was going The death toll has surpassed the and suburban areas of both Missis- the homes of political leaders con- on a hunger strike.
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