Neurognathostomiasis, a Neglected Parasitosis of the Juri Katchanov, Kittisak Sawanyawisuth, Verajit Chotmongkol, and Yukifumi Nawa

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Learning Objectives Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to: • Describe sources of gnathostomiasis parasitic • Describe different clinical manifestations of neurognathostomiasis infection • Identify methods of diagnosis of neurognathostomiasis • Describe treatment options for gnathostomiasis • Describe outcomes of gnathostomiasis infection

Editor Nancy Mannikko, Technical Writer/Editor, Emerging Infectious Diseases. Disclosure: Nancy Mannikko has disclosed no relevant fi nancial relationships.

CME Author Desiree Lie, MD, MSEd, Clinical Professor; Director of Research and Faculty Development, Department of Family Medicine, University of California Irvine at Orange. Disclosure: Désirée Lie, MD, MSEd, has disclosed the following relevant fi nancial relation- ship: served as a nonproduct speaker for “Topics in Health” for Merck Speaker Services.

Authors Disclosures: Juri Katchanov, MD; Kittisak Sawanyawisuth, MD; Verajit Chotmongkol, MD; and Yukifumi Nawa, MD, have disclosed no relevant fi nancial relationships.

Gnathostomiasis is a foodborne zoonotic helminthic death, neurognathostomiasis has received less attention infection caused by the third-stage larvae of than the more common cutaneous form of gnathostomiasis, spp. . The most severe manifestation involves possibly because of the apparent geographic confi nement infection of the central nervous system, neurognathostomiasis. of the neurologic infection to 1 country. Recently, however, Although gnathostomiasis is endemic to and Latin the disease has been reported in returned travelers in America, almost all neurognathostomiasis cases are Europe. We reviewed the English-language literature on reported from . Despite high rates of illness and neurognathostomiasis and analyzed epidemiology and geographic distribution, mode of central nervous system Author affi liations: Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand (J. invasion, pathophysiology, clinical features, neuroimaging Katchanov, Y. Nawa); and Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, data, and treatment options. On the basis of epidemiologic Thailand (K. Sawanyawisuth, V. Chotmongkol) data, clinical signs, neuroimaging, and laboratory fi ndings, we propose diagnostic criteria for neurognathostomiasis. DOI: 10.3201/eid1707.101433

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oodborne parasitic are common in the migration and subsequent signs and symptoms (2). The Ftropics, where many foodborne parasites are endemic most common clinical presentation is the cutaneous one and ingestion of raw shellfi sh and freshwater fi sh, as well (Figure 1, panel D), which is characterized by localized, as undercooked meat, is frequent among local populations intermittent, migratory swellings of the and is often (1). Increased international travel to areas endemic for associated with localized , pruritus, and erythema these foodborne parasites and migration from tropical areas (5,6). Visceral involvement can manifest in virtually have led to the emergence of these diseases in temperate any organ and any part of the body (3). The most severe climates (2), where such infections are rarely seen by manifestation of the visceral disease is involvement of the physicians and thus may not be considered in differential central nervous system (CNS), i.e., neurognathostomiasis. diagnoses. Gnathostomiasis is a foodborne zoonotic Neurognathostomiasis has been reported only in G. helminthic infection caused by the third-stage of spinigerum infections (3). Gnathostoma spp. nematodes (Figure 1, panels A, B). At We found 24 reports describing a total of 248 patients least 13 species have been identifi ed (3), with 5 recorded with neurognathostomiasis published in English-language in . G. spinigerum is the most common of these literature. In this article, we review epidemiology, mode nematodes in Asia. infection with G. hispidum, of CNS invasion, pathophysiology, clinical features, G. doloresi, and G. nipponicum were found only in neuroimaging data, and treatment options, and we propose (4). In the Americas, G. binucleatum is the only proven diagnostic criteria for this emerging disease. pathogenic Gnathostoma in humans. Humans are infected primarily by eating raw or undercooked freshwater History of Neurognathostomiasis fi sh (Figure 1, panel C), , and chicken. Humans are The fi rst clinical case of G. spinigerum menin- accidental unsuitable hosts; the parasite rarely develops to goencephalitis was reported by Daensvang in 1949 an adult worm, and the disease in humans is caused by the (7). Eighteen years later, Chitanondh and Rosen (8) migrating larva. documented the fi rst pathologic evidence of G. spinigerum Gnathostomiasis can be divided into cutaneous, invasion of the CNS from the autopsy of a 34-year-old visceral, and ocular forms, depending on the site of larval Thai woman. In their seminal study, Boongird et al. (9)

Figure 1. A) Third-stage larva of the nematode Gnathostoma sp. Scale bar = 250 μm. B) Scanning electronic microscopy image depicting head bulb with 4 cephalic hooklet rows. Original magnifi cation ×500. C) Gnathostoma sp. larvae in the fl esh of their intermediate , Eleotris picta fi sh. Original magnifi cation ×4. Inset: Higher magnifi cation of an encysted larva; original magnifi cation ×100. Larvae photographs courtesy of Dr Diaz-Camacho, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Sinaloa, Mexico. D) Cross- section of a Gnathostoma sp. larva in human skin biopsy sample (hematoxylin and eosin stain). Scale bar = 250 μm.

Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 17, No. 7, July 2011 1175 SYNOPSIS delineated the clinical syndromes of neurognathostomiasis, among various components of these so-called excretor– which facilitated further prospective and retrospective case secretory products, both quantitatively and qualitatively identifi cation (10). With the advance of high-resolution (26). In Gnathostoma spp., matrix metalloproteinases neuroimaging, the parasitic tracks of Gnathostoma could might play a key role in invasion of host tissues (27). be demonstrated on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Gnathostoma spp. nematodes typically enter the spinal aiding the diagnosis of neurognathostomiasis in the absence cord along the nerve roots, causing radiculomyelitis (9,28). of worm recovery (11). The parasite is then able to ascend the spinal cord and reach the brain (3,29). This journey may take as long as several Epidemiology of Neurognathostomiasis years and has been documented in a Thai patient through Most (241/248) identifi ed cases of neurognathosto- sequential imaging (29). miasis reported in the English-language literature were Given the length of the migrating larva, which from Thailand. Two patients were infected in Laos (12,13), averages 3.0 mm (30), the migration of the worm in the 1 in Japan (14), 1 in Myanmar (13), and 2 in South Korea CNS causes direct mechanical injury because of tearing of (15,16). One patient had traveled to and Japan nerve tissue. The hallmark sign of neurognathostomiasis is (17), so the geographic origin of his infection could not be the evidence of multiple hemorrhagic tracks; these tracks determined. The of neurognathostomiasis have been documented throughout the spinal cord and can be as long as 10 years because of the long persistence of brain tissue by postmortem examination (9), as well as the nematode larvae in the soft tissues before CNS invasion through neuroimaging (31). Subarachnoid hemorrhage can (2,15), which means it can occur in immigrants in a country result from larvae burrowing through a cerebral arteriole in which the parasite is not endemic (16,18). All case- (32,33). Eosinophilic caused by Gnathostoma patients were reported to be infected with G. spinigerum. spp. is characterized by erythrocytes in cerebrospinal fl uid Although gnathostomiasis has been increasingly detected (CSF) (33), which suggests mechanical damage by the outside of Asia, particularly in Mexico, no cases of worm. Apart from the structural damage, the infl ammatory neurognathostomiasis have been reported in other regions. response to the migrating larvae might further contribute to The occurrence of another Gnathostoma species in Latin tissue destruction (34). America, namely G. binucleatum, is a possible explanation for this phenomenon. Clinical Signs of Neurologic Involvement The main clinical syndromes of neurognathostomiasis Neurognathostomiasis in Travelers are radiculomyelitis/ radiculomyeloencephalitis, menin- The fi rst case of neurognathostomiasis in a traveler gitis/meningoencephalitis, and subarachnoid and was reported in 2003 (19). Since then, 4 patients in Europe intracerebral hemorrhage (Table 1). Each syndrome returning from gnathostomiasis-endemic countries have refl ects the tissue injury by the migrating parasite. Because been published (13,20,21). Two patients traveled to the larvae migrate, the same patient can show sequentially Thailand (19,20), 1 patient to Lao People’s Democratic different neurologic syndromes. For example, in 1 Republic (13) and 1 patient to Myanmar (13). The patients Laotian patient, meningomyelitis developed, followed were reported to have indulged in local customs of eating by subarachnoid hemorrhage (12). Meningitis, subdural raw fi sh (19) and shrimp (20). Gnathostomiasis has been hemorrhage, and then intraparenchymal lesions developed recently reported in travelers returning from southern sequentially in 1 patient from northeastern Thailand Africa (22,23). However, the patients had cutaneous (29). The most common symptom reported virtually by manifestation of Gnathostoma spp. infection without every patient was pain: radicular pain in cases of spinal neurologic involvement. involvement (often lasting 1–5 days) or headache in cases of meningoencephalitis. The most common manifestation, Pathophysiology of Neurognathostomiasis spinal cord disease, accounted for 55% of all clinical Gnathostoma spp. nematodes are highly invasive syndromes (Table 1). parasites. After being ingested, the third-stage larvae Myelopathy in gnathostomiasis is characterized by penetrate the mucosal wall of the gastrointestinal tract. radicular pain followed by an ascending paresis of lower Larvae can enter the CNS by invading directly through extremities or quadriparesis with bladder dysfunction the loose connective tissues of the neural foramina of the (9,10,33,35–38). A sensory level for all modalities skull base along the cranial nerves and vessels or through including vibration and proprioception was a frequent intervertebral foramina along the spinal nerves and vessels fi nding, commonly localized in the thoracic region (9). (24). The larvae release a variety of molecules into their Cerebral and meningeal involvement is characterized by surrounding environment that facilitate tissue penetration meningeal signs and decreased consciousness. Abducens and invasion (25). Proteases are the major molecular types nerve palsy was the most common cranial nerve impairment

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Table 1. Clinical presentation of 248 patients with neurognathostomiasis* Syndrome Probable entry portal entry Clinical signs and symptoms No. (%) cases Radiculomyelitis/myelitis/ Intervertebral foramina along the Sharp radicular pain and a spinal syndrome 140 (55) myeloencephalitis spinal nerves and vessels (paraplegia, monoplegia, quadriplegia, bladder dysfunction, sensory disturbances), can progress to cerebral involvement (myeloencephalitis) Meningitis/ Neural foramina of the skull base Severe headache, stiffness of the neck, cranial nerve 77 (30) meningoencephalitis along the cranial nerves and palsies, disturbance of consciousness, focal vessels neurologic signs Intracerebral hemorrhage Intervertebral or neural foramina Headache, sudden-onset focal neurologic signs 21 (8) Subarachnoid hemorrhage Intervertebral or neural foramina Thunderclap headache, meningeal signs 16 (7) *Because the larvae migrate, patients can have sequential signs and symptoms; thus, the total number of clinical syndromes shown exceeds the number of reported patients.

(9,33). Intracranial hemorrhages were seen with sudden- >30%. CSF has been reported as xanthochromic or bloody onset focal neurologic defi cits such as hemiparesis and in 134 patients (64% of all published cases). CSF glucose is hemihypaesthesia (9,10,18,33). usually only mildly reduced but was reported as low as 11 mg/dL (9% of the plasma value) in 1 patient (37). Isolated Neurologic Disease The most common clinical feature of gnathostomiasis Neuroradiologic Features is intermittent migratory cutaneous swelling (5). However, Neuroimaging of 11 patients with neurognathostomiasis in the largest published series of neurognathostomiasis was reported in English-language literature. On cranial in 162 patients, only 11 (7%) had a history of cutaneous computed tomography, subarachnoid hemorrhage and lesions (10). Unilateral eyelid swelling, another typical sign intracerebral hemorrhage were the most common fi ndings of gnathostomiasis, occurred in only 6 patients (4%) (10). (12,18,33). In 1 patient a subdural hemorrhage was Boongird et al. reported only 3 patients with subcutaneous detected (29). The hallmark of cerebral gnathostomiasis swelling out of 24 patients with neurognathostomiasis; on MRI was the detection of hemorrhagic tracks (Figure cutaneous gnathostomiasis developed in all of these 2, panels A, C, D). The magnetic resonance signal of patients after the onset of neurologic symptoms (9). a hemorrhagic lesion varies in acute, subacute, and chronic lesions. Hence, on T1 and T2 weighted imaging CSF Studies both hypointensities and hyperintensities have been Eosinophilic pleocytosis is a hallmark laboratory documented. No gradient-echo T2-weighted sequences fi nding. CSF in patients is usually prominent; have been reported in neurognathostomiasis. However, median values were 40% (n = 24) and 54% (n = 39) in gradient-echo T2-weighted sequences are exquisitely the studies by Boongird et al (9) and Schmutzhard et al sensitive to local fi eld inhomogeneities of hematoma and (33), respectively. In 109 (67%) of patients reported by could become a useful sequence in radiologic assessment Punyagupta et al. (10), the eosinophil count in CSF was of cerebral gnathostomiasis.

Figure 2. Images of the brains of patients with cerebral gnathostomiasis. A) Axial T1-weighted image showing small hemorrhage in the right basal ganglia (arrow). B) Sagittal T2-weighted images showing diffuse cord enlargement with longitudinal T2 hyperintensity (arrows). C) Axial T1-weighted image showing a hemorrhagic track in the tegmentum of the pons (arrow). D) Coronal T1-weighted postgadolinium image, showing the longitudinal extension of the same hemorrhagic track as in panel C (arrows). Images from K. Sawanyawisuth et al. (11), used with permission.

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Diffuse multisegmental spinal cord swelling with Table 2. Neuroradiologic features of neurognathostomiasis* corresponding T2 hyperintensities was the most common Site Procedure Findings fi nding on spinal imaging (11,17) (Figure 2, panel B). Brain CT Parenchymal (single or multiple), subdural Gadolinium enhancement of the lesions was reported in or subarachnoid hyperdensities cranial and spinal MRI of 4 patients as slight, nodular, and corresponding to intracranial hemorrhage MRI Multiple (worm-like) T2-weighted ill-defi ned (11,17,35). Table 2 summarizes typical fi ndings hyperintensities or hypointensities in both on neuroimaging in neurognathostomiasis. hemispheres and the cerebellum of >3 mm diameter (hemorrhagic tracks) with or without gadolinium enhancement Immunodiagnosis Spinal MRI Dilatation/swelling of the spinal cord with The detection of antibodies in serum is the main pillar cord multisegmental T2-weighted of immunodiagnosis of gnathostomiasis. Two methods have hyperintensities, frequent gadolinium been established for clinical routine: ELISA and Western enhancement (slight to moderate) on T1 postcontrast images blot by using crude Gnathostoma spp. antigens from the *CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging. larval extract. The 24-kD band on Western blot was shown to have nearly 100% specifi city for gnathostomiasis (39). potentially detrimental and was withheld on the basis of its The current practice for serologic diagnosis is to use the possible induction of brain due to sudden helminthic ELISA (e.g., multiple-dot ELISA) as the fi rst step (40) and death (31,38). Three returned travelers from Thailand were to confi rm the results by Western blot. At least 2 patients treated with (800 mg/d for 1 month [19], seroconverted during their neurologic illness (19,20), which 800 mg/d for 3 weeks [20], and 400 mg 2×/d for 4 weeks emphasizes the need for repeated serologic examination in [21]) and fully recovered (19–21). In all these patients, cases with strong clinical suspicion. The serologic testing dexamethasone (oral or intravenous) or predinsolone was can be done in several laboratories, including those in added to the treatment regimen. A recent retrospective Thailand (Bangkok, Khon Kaen), Japan (Miayzaki), and evaluation of long-term treatment effi cacy in 13 patients Europe (Basel, Switzerland). Additional information about from France with imported gnathostomiasis reported 2 laboratories providing this service is available from the patients with neurologic involvement (13), 1 with myelitis, corresponding author. and 1 with (C. Strady, pers. comm.). The patient with myelitis fully recovered after albendazole Differential Diagnosis therapy, and the patient with encephalitis was reported to The main differential diagnosis of neurognat- have had 4 relapses despite therapy with and hostomiasis is an infection with Angiostrongylus albendazole (13; C. Strady, pers. comm.). cantonensis. However, Angiostrongylus spp. infection is Corticosteroids have been used in neurognathostomiasis usually seen as self-limited eosinophilic meningitis and to treat cerebral and spinal edema (19–21). They also might only rarely causes severe disease with prominent spinal prevent or alleviate paradoxical worsening after initiation or cerebral involvement (1). Immunodiagnostically, of antihelminthic treatment. However, no conclusion about positive 24-kD band against G. spinigerum antigen their effi cacy can be drawn from the current data because and negative 29-kD and 31-kD bands on immunoblot no randomized control trials have been conducted and the against A. cantonensis antigen make a diagnosis of an retrospective data are too limited to allow any comparison Angiostrongylus spp. infection highly unlikely (40). Other between the groups. At the moment, no evidence-based causes of a parasitic CNS disease, such as , recommendations can be issued. , , baylisascariasis, or , can be distinguished by epidemiologic Outcome distribution, clinical signs and symptoms, radiologic The case-fatality rate in the fi rst series of 24 patients appearance, and serologic testing. was 25% (9). Later studies reported mortality rates of 7%– 12% (10,33). However, as the authors remark, these case- Treatment fatality rates are almost certainly an underestimate because No randomized trials of antihelminthic therapy have many patients in critical condition were discharged home been conducted for neurognathostomiasis. We have to die (10). In total, the outcome of 247 patients has been identifi ed 9 reports of treatment of neurognathostomiasis reported in the literature. An unfavorable outcome, e.g., with albendazole (11,13,17–21,29); 5 patients fully death or severe persistent disability, was reported in 78 recovered, 2 partially recovered, and 2 patients did not patients (32%). However, the recent case reports indicate recover. Outcomes might refl ect the natural course of that the current prognosis might be better. Of 15 patients the disease rather than the effect of treatment. In several in whom neurognathostomiasis was diagnosed after 2001, reports, antihelminthic treatment was considered as poor outcomes were reported in 3 (20%) patients. In all 4

1178 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 17, No. 7, July 2011 Neurognathostomiasis clinical cases of returned travelers with myelitis, recovery neurognathostomiasis; however, a 3- to 4-week course was good after antihelminthic therapy (13,19–21). of albendazole with prednisolone or dexamethasone is 1 of the most frequently used regimens. Clinicians should Conclusions advise patients traveling to or living in disease-endemic Defi nitive diagnosis of helminthic CNS infections areas to avoid eating undercooked freshwater fi sh, frogs, is notoriously diffi cult. The recovery rate of worms from , and shellfi sh. the CSF is low, and the invasive procedures for diagnosis are seldom justifi ed (33,35). Neurognathostomiasis is no Dr Katchanov is a neurologist and a member of the Faculty exception; of 248 published cases, only 27 (11%) were of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. confi rmed by recovery of larvae. Moreover, an intermittent He has a special interest in neuroinfectious disorders, particularly subcutaneous swelling, the hallmark of gnathostomiasis, bacterial meningitis, and neurohelminthiases. is found only in the minority of neurognathostomiasis cases. Given these diffi culties, clinical criteria are useful for practice and research. On the basis of the analysis of References published cases, we propose diagnostic criteria that should guide a clinician if a pathologic diagnosis is not possible 1. Nawa Y, Hatz C, Blum J. Sushi delights and parasites: the risk of fi shborne and foodborne parasitic zoonoses in Asia. Clin Infect Dis. (Table 3). 2005;41:1297–303. doi:10.1086/496920 Neurognathostomiasis is a parasitic CNS disease 2. Moore DA, McCroddan J, Dekumyoy P, Chiodini PL. Gnathostomi- endemic to Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand. Because asis: an emerging imported disease. Emerg Infect Dis. 2003;9:647– of growing international travel to disease-endemic areas, as 50. 3. 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