VaYelech is part of a previous double portion. There is a summary with application below for vaYelech. Keep digging into God’s word and spending quality time with Him by praying and meditatively reflecting on what He has revealed to us in His word!

vaYelech! lkhu “And he went”

TORAH: Deuteronomy 31:1-30

Moses is nearing the end of his life. At God’s command he provides to lead us ( vv.3, 7, 14 & 23 ), His Word to instruct us ( vv.9-13 & 24-26 ) and a song to witness against us ( vv.19, 22 & 28 ). God knows in advance that when we get into the land we will forget Him and lose the faith in Him that He desires. He foretells our rebellion and the disastrous consequences of disobedience ( vv.16-18, 20-21 & 27- 29 ). He also, however, reiterates His promise to never leave His covenant people permanently ( vv.6 & 8 ). This promise looks ahead, beyond the fullness of our rejecting God and His chastisement of us, to the time of the fullness of restoration by His grace (cf. 30:1-6 & Ro.11:11-15). What is God’s purpose in bringing about this fullness? The answer is not in terms of preferential treatment of one group () over another group (Gentiles) for God shows no partiality . The answer is found only in God’s desire to restore His creation from the devastation of the Fall and unite humanity under His loving Kingship!


VaYelech Moshe (And went out ) to speak of these things to a nation who should know God. They had experienced His power in saving them, His Presence in relating with them, His chastisement in purifying them, and His grace in providing for them. They also had His promises to never leave them nor forsake them because they were a people with whom He had entered into a covenant relationship.

To what degree do you think the people understood what Moses told them: the significance of their new leader, the value, authority and trustworthiness of His Word, or the meaning of the song (which comes in the next portion)? The history of our nation testifies loud and clear that though there have been high points, for the most part we have been a stiff-necked and rebellious people who have not understood God very well.

Today, we (Jews and Gentiles united in Messiah) are called to go out and speak to the world about God and His ways. We are called to go out and preach the gospel to a people who often do not understand. Just as Moses spoke to Israel about God, His promises and His plans, so too should we speak to everyone about these same things. Intensely pursue knowing God and intensely pursue making Him known. In these things God is glorified and we are blessed.