Diversity Structure of Culturable Bacteria Isolated from the Fildes Peninsula (King George Island, Antarctica): a Phylogenetic Analysis Perspective
RESEARCH ARTICLE Diversity structure of culturable bacteria isolated from the Fildes Peninsula (King George Island, Antarctica): A phylogenetic analysis perspective Gerardo GonzaÂlez-Rocha1, Gabriel Muñoz-Cartes1, Cristian B. Canales-Aguirre2,3, Celia A. Lima1, Mariana DomõÂnguez-YeÂvenes1, Helia Bello-Toledo1, CristiaÂn E. HernaÂndez2* a1111111111 1 Laboratorio de InvestigacioÂn en Agentes Antibacterianos. Departamento de MicrobiologõÂa, Facultad de Ciencias BioloÂgicas, Universidad de ConcepcioÂn, ConcepcioÂn, Chile, 2 Laboratorio de EcologõÂa Evolutiva y a1111111111 FiloinformaÂtica. Departamento de ZoologõÂa, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y OceanograÂficas, Universidad a1111111111 de ConcepcioÂn, ConcepcioÂn, Chile, 3 Centro i~mar, Universidad de Los Lagos, Camino a Chinquihue 6 km, a1111111111 Puerto Montt, Chile a1111111111 * cristianhernand@udec.cl Abstract OPEN ACCESS Citation: GonzaÂlez-Rocha G, Muñoz-Cartes G, It has been proposed that Antarctic environments select microorganisms with unique bio- Canales-Aguirre CB, Lima CA, DomõÂnguez-YeÂvenes chemical adaptations, based on the tenet `Everything is everywhere, but, the environment M, Bello-Toledo H, et al. (2017) Diversity structure selects' by Baas-Becking. However, this is a hypothesis that has not been extensively evalu- of culturable bacteria isolated from the Fildes ated. This study evaluated the fundamental prediction contained in this hypothesisÐin the Peninsula (King George Island, Antarctica): A phylogenetic analysis perspective. PLoS ONE 12 sense that species are structured in the landscape according to their local habitats-, using (6): e0179390. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. as study model the phylogenetic diversity of the culturable bacteria of Fildes Peninsula pone.0179390 (King George Island, Antarctica). Eighty bacterial strains isolated from 10 different locations Editor: Patrick Jon Biggs, Massey University, NEW in the area, were recovered.
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