SENATE. L\F RCH 1 - ' Canals Between the Great Lakes and the St
. ~ 3180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-- SENATE. l\f RCH 1 - ' canals between the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River, SENATE. opposing the St. Lawrence project; to the Committee on Inter state and Foreign Commerce. WEDl\TESDAY, MaTch 1, 19~~. 4342. Also, resolution of Allegheny Lodge, No. 339, Benevo lent an& Protective Ordel"' of Elks, urging the manufacture (Legislative day ot Tl!U?·sday, Feb1·uary 23, 1922.) and sale of light wines and beer; to the Committee on the The Senate met in open executive session at 12 o'clock merid Judiciary. ian, on the expiration of the reces . 4343. By l\fr. FULLER: Petition of F. E. Longmire, farm IRRIGATIO~ OF IMPERIAL VALLEY, CALIF. adviser, Grundy County, and Earl Price, farm adviser, Kendall County, Ill., protesting against any form of sales tax; to the The VICE PRESIDENT. As in legislative session, the Chair Committee on Ways and Means. lays before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of 4344. Also, petition of C. B. Chadwick, president of the the Interior, transmitting, pw·suant to law, a report of tudies Bankers' Supply Co., fa>oring the enactment of a bill permitting made of the Imperial Valley, Calif., and related ubjects with the use of C. 0. D. postage permits; to the Committee on the respect to irrigation from the Colorado River, with the recom mendations of the Secretary relative tl1ereto, which, with the Po~t Office and Post Roads. 4345. Also, resolutions of Local Lodge, No. 650, of the Inter accompanying papers and documents, will be referred to the national Association of .Machinists, of Streator, TIL, favoring Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation.
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