Date and time TUESDAY 10 JULY 2018, COMMENCING AT 5PM


Present Cllrs Andrew Garratt (Chairman), Debbie Andre, Steve Hastings, Julie- Jones-Evans, Michael Lilley, Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Brian Tyndall

Co-opted Cllr Gill Kennett (IWALC Rep) (Voting)

Cabinet Cllrs Paul , Stuart Hutchinson, Tig Outlaw, Dave Stewart, Ian Members Ward

Also Present Karl Love (non-voting)

Apologies Cllr John Kilpatrick

Officers Chris Ashman, Sharon Betts, Maisy Green, James Howe, Kathy Marriott, John Metcalfe, Claire Shand, Paul Thistlewood

1. Minutes


THAT the resolution on page A-3 be amended to read:

‘Officers ensure the contact centre is kept fully informed of proposed decisions and consultations that may impact upon the number of calls received’.


THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 June 2018 be confirmed.

2. Declarations of Interest

Julie Jones-Evans declared an interest in item 6 as she was the lead member of the Federation of Small Businesses on the Isle of Wight and the Vice Chair of Newport Business Association.

Debbie Andre declared an interest in item 6 as she was a member of the Central Adoption Panel. A - 1 Michael Lilley declared an interest in item 6 as his wife worked in Child Protection.

4. Progress on Outcomes and Recommendations from Previous Meetings

The committee raised concerns about the Floating Bridge and how it was going to be kept under review. The leader advised they were working towards a good and reliable service but due to contractual reasons no further information at this time could be disclosed. It was agreed by all parties that there was an importance in making members of the public aware that a good and reliable service was being achieved.

Members raised questions about Floating Bridge User Group. It had previously been agreed that a user group would be formed. The cabinet member for transport and infrastructure advised that discussions had taken place with officers after the last meeting and that suggestions had been made about the formation of the group. It was anticipated that this would be achieved by the end of the month.

It was highlighted by members that service works were due to be carried out on the Floating Bridge. Questions were asked about the works and concerns were raised about public perception. The Chief Executive advised the works were for planned maintenance. It was noted by the Chairman that works were still ongoing and that in future additional communication would be helpful.

Concerns were raised by committee members about the Care Quality Commission Inspection of the IWNHS Trust. The chairman of the Policy and Scrutiny Committee for Adult Social Care and Health was in dialogue with the trust on a date for a special meeting. Members of the committee also noted that the Committee were concerned about the Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group.

It was advised that all items listed ‘to be advised’ on the plan would be followed up by the Chairman and the relevant officers.


a) The Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure intention for a Cowes Floating Bridge Users Group to be established by the end of July 2018 be noted

b) The Chief Executive to advise the local members of the work involved in the proposed forthcoming planned maintenance for Cowes Floating Bridge.

5. Digital Transformation Strategy

The committee raised a number of questions about the infrastructure of the Digital Transformation Strategy. The Deputy Leader agreed with members that IT costs were expensive but highlighted that there was an absolute need for more money to be put towards IT. The overall strategy started in 2017 and carried through until 2020. There would be a possibility that additional support A - 2 would be required and this would form part of the package being put together for the next budget. It was confirmed that IT supported GDPR requirements and that the Isle of Wight Council was fully compliant.

It was suggested by members that although there were some impressive benefits to 5G, cabinet members had raised concerns about the possible health issues. It was agreed that no approval would be given to introduce 5G until assurances were given by independent scientific parties.

Members highlighted pages 12, 16, 19 and 22 in the strategy and requested that more information be provided about how items where achieved and what the outcomes were for each year.

Information was requested by members about the progression of an integrated system between the NHS and the Isle of Wight Council. The Deputy Leader advised that we were in talks with a service provider that would integrate the NHS, CCG and the Isle of Wight Council.

The committee asked questions about the service once the strategy had been implemented. It was advised by the Leader that the service would be seamless, it would save time and money and reduce the current service use and time. The system would improve communication between various services and would help to stop any duplication. Members were advised not to underestimate the time it would take to implement.

Members asked how the Digital Transformation System would help the parking strategy. It was suggested by the Leader that the current parking strategy needed to be reviewed before any integration.

The committee asked what action had been taken in regards to cyber security. It was advised by the Strategic Manager ICT & Digital Services that security was very difficult and constantly changing. Guidance was provided by the National Cyber Security Centre and at present there were a good set of fire walls in place. 1.8m emails per month were blocked; web content filtering was in place and each night the server was backed up to an offsite location.

Members were informed that works were ongoing but it was thought that the new home page for the Isle of Wight Council website would be launched in the near future.


a) The Cabinet Member for Resources to submit a report to the committee on completion of the actions contained within the strategy identified for delivery in 2017-18.

b) The Committee to review in twelve months’ time progress with the delivery of the actions contained within the strategy identified for completion in 2018-19.

A - 3 6. Quarterly Performance and Finance Report – Quarter 4

The committee questioned whether any actions had been finalised since the last review of the Quarterly Performance and Finance Report. The leader advised that the Chief Executive had been in constant consultation with both himself and the Cabinet and a thorough review of the report had been carried out.

The restructure of senior management had realigned the capacity of the leadership. Members of the committee questioned when the changes would take place and when members of the public would be notified. The Chief Executive advised that a meeting of the Appointments Panel had taken place. It was suggested that the majority of the restructure would be in place by 1 August 2018.

The Deputy Leader informed the committee that there had been a 3.3% saving that was estimated to be circa £5million in the 2017/18 revenue budget. The saving was due to low cost short term loans, and service areas coming in on or under budget. Members questioned where the savings would be spent, whilst highlighting their concerns with housing and homelessness. It was advised that the Council was working closely with a housing partnership and it was suggested that a plan needed to be put in place to highlight the current issues. Committee members raised concerns about the number of affordable homes and suggested that some of the savings be used to improve the lack of infrastructure. The committee were informed that there was a Government Fund that the Council could bid into. Members proposed that the Council’s Property Asset Register be brought to the committee.

The IWALC Representative suggested that it would be useful if information about housing were available to members of the public. The Director of Regeneration advised that the Housing Assessment had been updated and would be made available to members of the public.


a) The Cabinet Member for Resources to circulate a copy of the latest Property Asset Register to the committee.

b) The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing be requested to supply details of the contract for the Community Led Housing Programme that has recently been awarded.

c) The Director of Adult Social Care and Public Health be requested to supply details of the Community Services Redesign Task and Finish Group’s workshop outcomes on 30 April 2018 and in particular details relating to 30/60/90 day milestones.

A - 4 7. Comments on any other items due to be considered by the Cabinet

a) Highways PFI Savings Arrangements

Members of the committee questioned the £70,000 spend documented in the Highways PFI Report. The leader advised that the £70,000 was for the first stage of the work and that the second stage would be procured. Members raised concerns about the £2m saving detailed in the report and questioned the risk involved. The leader reiterated the need for the work and highlighted how complex the contract was. The work had not been completed therefore no confirmation could be given about the saving.

The committee questioned that if the company were contracted to do the work, what deliverables would be set and who would monitor and evaluate the contract. Also, would the council be charged a penalty if the company were not performing. The Leader advised that the Chief Executive would prepare a written response to the questions asked.

The Chief Executive referred to the National Audit report and informed members that local authority bodies do not have the ability internally to carry out such work themselves.

The Chairman questioned whether there were any examples of any other local authorities who had completed Highways PFI. The Deputy Leader confirmed that there were only a few roads PFI contracts, however Portsmouth were one and had reported substantial savings due to financial management of the contract.


The Policy and Scrutiny Committee for Regeneration, Housing, Planning and the Environment be requested to include an item in its workplan on monitoring the proposed Highway PFI savings arising from commissioned expert consultancy work.

b) Regional Adoption Agency


The committee considers that there is sufficient evidence within the report for the recommended action and would therefore support its implementation.

8. Leaders Update

The leader advised that a full report had been submitted to full council which would be reviewed in detail next week.

The Studio School was brought to the attention of the members as the Regional Commissioner had now closed it. It was noted that although the council had no involvement in the closure, the needs of the children would need to be reviewed if they were to move into mainstream schools. Members of the committee were A - 5 advised that this role would be taken on by the Cabinet member for Children’s Services.

It was confirmed that a report on St Marys Roundabout had been finalised. The feedback from councillors had been modified and it was now out to Town and Parish Councils. The report would then be submitted to Cabinet for review. The committee were advised that no decisions would be made yet.


The intention to issue a press release regarding the revised St Mary’s roundabout proposals following the period of public consultation be welcomed.

9. Committee’s Workplan 2018/19


Scoping documents on the workplan items dealing with the topics of collaboration with town and parish councils; parking strategy and commercialisation to be submitted to the 11 September 2018 meeting.

10. Members Question Time

Councillor Tindall referred to the need to avoid the various scrutiny committees overlapping. The Chairman advised that a liaison meeting with the Vice Chair and three policy and scrutiny chairmen would be taking place the following day. There was also a need to look at the work of the Audit Committee.


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