Marfrig Annual Report 2013

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Marfrig Annual Report 2013 MARFRIG | ANNUAL REPORT 2013 MARFRIG ANNUAL REPORT 2013 MARFRIG ANNUAL REPORT 2013 CREDITS Overall coordination Marfrig Investor Relations Marfrig Group Sustainability team GRI Consultancy, editorial coordination and design Report Sustentabilidade Review Assertiva Produções Editoriais Images Marfrig collection MARFRIG ANNUAL REPORT 2013 CONTENTS ABOUT THE REPORT 05 WORKPLACE 50 Message From THE ATTracTING AND VALUING CHAIRMAN 06 proFESSIONALS 53 Message From THE CEO 06 EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 56 PROFILE 10 HEALTH AND SAFETY 59 BUSINESS UNITS 14 SUPPLIERS 62 STRATEGY 20 MARFRIG CLUB 64 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 26 ANIMAL WELFARE 67 SOCIAL 32 CUSTOMERS AND CONSUMERS 72 ENVIRONMENT 36 INNOVATION 73 CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENERGY 38 SAFETY AND QUALITY 75 SOLID WASTE 42 STAKEHOLDER ENgagemeNT AND COMMUNicaTION 76 WaTER 43 ECONOMIC BIODIVERSITY 45 PERFORMANCE 78 GRI INDEX 88 MARFRIG ANNUAL REPORT 2013 5 ABOUT THE THE REPORT PROVIDES AN REPORT ACCOUNT OF THE SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF THE GROUP’S OPERATIONS Marfrig Global Foods S.A. publishes also supported improvements in The Investor Relations Department was its annual report for the eighth con- the understanding, management and responsible for preparing this publica- secutive year, for the fourth year in communication of this information. tion. For more information, please go to accordance with GRI Sustainability Such data in this report have not been or contact the Reporting Guidelines and for the first subjected to external verification. G4-33 department by telephone at + 55 (11) time in accordance with the G4 ver- 3792-8650 or by e-mail at ri@marfrig. sion. G4-30, G4-32 As in the previous report, the G4-31 economic and financial data were This report includes performance prepared in accordance with Interna- indicators for the period from January tional Financial Reporting Standards 1 to December 31, 2013 for all of the (IFRS) and were audited by BDO RCS Group’s subsidiaries in the 16 countries Auditores Independentes SS. G4-17 where it operated during the period cited, except where stated otherwise. The selection of the topics covered Note that the reporting of actions car- in this publication took into consid- ried out extends to April 2014 whenev- eration the information of particular er necessary and relevant to ensure the interest to the Company, its stakehold- transparency of this report. G4-28, G4-29 ers and the general market. G4-18 To facilitate understanding and enable The topics covered include the profile data comparisons, the economic-finan- of Marfrig Global Foods and its corpo- cial, social and environmental informa- rate governance guidelines, operating tion is presented on a consolidated results, business strategy, financial per- basis and broken down by business unit. formance, environmental preservation The Marfrig Group states that there actions and social initiatives. G4-17 are no significant changes from prior reporting periods with regard to the The preparation of this report, from scope, reporting boundaries or mea- planning to printing, was carbon surement methods. G4-22, G4-23 neutral. Marfrig’s Investor Relations Department was responsible for pre- The integration of Marfrig’s opera- paring this publication and for provid- tions into three business units makes it ing a transparent account to all of its possible to obtain detailed operational stakeholders. data on energy and water consump- tion, air emissions and other indicators. Therefore, progress was made in the collection, storage and monitoring of social and environmental data, which 6 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN G4-1, G4-2 “In MY NEW roLE AS I want to start by wishing all of you a We appointed Sérgio Rial as our chief CHAIRMAN OF THE BoarD 2014 of much health and success. executive officer in January 2014. I have known Sergio for five years and since AND CONTroLLING In my new role as chairman of the 2012 we’ve been working together on SHAREHOLDER, MY board and controlling shareholder, the transition and integration of Marfrig COMMITMENT TO MARFRIG my commitment to Marfrig does not Global Foods. change in the slightest. To the contrary, DOES NOT CHANGE my commitment will only grow, since I The business segments received new IN THE SLIGHTEST. To will now have more time to focus on logos with a common language, which THE CONTRARY, MY our strategy, on our relationships with further highlight the group’s strengths COMMITMENT WILL ONLY customers and suppliers, and on manag- and the alignment among them. Each ing our talent on a full-time basis. segment has its own strategy for con- groW, SINCE I WILL NOW tributing to the success of our “Focus to HAVE MORE TIME TO The young company we started in 2000 Win” strategy. FOCUS ON OUR STRATEGY, has matured and now has professional management in place at all business We repositioned the group strategically ON OUR RELATIONSHIPS units and a robust level of corporate in 2013 without losing our focus on WITH CUSTOMERS AND governance that is widely recognized by capturing operational improvements SUPPLIERS, AND ON the market. in all of our businesses, while maintain- ing our high quality and continuing to MANagiNG OUR TALENT To emphasize its new profile and global drive innovation, and I’d like to take this ON A FULL-TIME BASIS.” footprint, the group changed its name opportunity to congratulate the entire to Marfrig Global Foods, which con- team, which surmounted many chal- veys more effectively our position as a lenges this year. global food company that is present in 16 countries, operates 78 commercial, production and distribution units and employs 43,000 people. MARFRIG ANNUAL REPORT 2013 7 Given the diverse regional, cultural and We will continue to build a better “WE WILL CONTINUE TO BUILD portfolio characteristics of the activities company each year, guided always by A BETTER COMPANY EACH of the Marfrig Group, each division has the principles of simplicity, seriousness, YEAR, GUIDED ALWAYS BY THE a customized management model to innovation and a firm commitment to take maximum advantage of the experi- our partners. Together we will continue PRINCIPLES OF SIMPLICITY, ence and knowledge of each business to promote sustainable and consistent SERIOUSNESS, INNOVATION when developing management systems growth and to build a company at which AND A FIRM COMMITMENT and practices to meet the various we will always be proud to work. needs of their customers and markets. TO OUR PARTNERS. TOGETHER Marcos Antonio Molina dos Santos WE WILL CONTINUE TO I would like to congratulate our Beef Chairman of the Board PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE AND business for its leadership in sustainabil- ity and for its unwavering commitment CONSISTENT GROWTH AND to our customers . Moy Park and Key- TO BUILD A COMPANY AT stone posted exemplary growth and op- WHICH WE WILL ALWAYS BE erating performances and consolidated our strong international presence while PROUD TO WORK.” working together with our South Ameri- can units to drive growth and meet the targets established in the “Focus to Win” plan of Marfrig Global Foods. 8 MESSAGE FROM THE CEO G4-1, G4-2 WITH DIVERSIFIED The year 2013 marked an important cally positioning it to meet the world’s OPERATIONS IN 16 milestone in the history of Marfrig growing demand for animal proteins. To Global Foods. To take more important attain this level, we focused on maintain- COUNTRIES, THE GROUP steps towards ensuring the Com- ing operational excellence and offering a IS GUIDED BY A LONG- pany’s sustainability going forward, we broad portfolio of products. G4-7 TERM STRATEGY FOCUSED reviewed our capital structure and reassessed our objectives. These characteristics served as the ON CREATING VALUE FOR foundation that guided the creation of ITS SHAREHOLDERS AND Today our business model is ready our five-year strategic plan called “Focus OTHER STAKEHOLDERS to meet the demands of global and to Win,” which establishes the guidelines national markets. With a better capi- of critical importance to ensuring that tal structure and a simpler and more our operations are aligned with the focused business model, the Company strategies of the company and those of can now strengthen its original values its stakeholders. and create an organizational culture that is centered on the customer, driven by We are well positioned geographi- innovation and profitable growth, and cally, with operations spread around the supported by its solid expertise in the world that include solid bases in Asia food service and retail segments and its and the United States through our busi- commitment to the highest standards of ness unit Keystone Foods (processed food safety and quality and to industry foods for food service chains), in Europe leadership in sustainability. through Moy Park (retail and food service) and in South America through Founded in 1986 and listed on the Brazil- Marfrig Beef (food service and exports). ian Stock Exchange since 2007, Marfrig Global Foods S.A. is a relatively new Company, which does not exempt us from continuing to evolve to accommo- date the market and the latest consumer trends. On this front, in 2013, we took an important step towards adjusting the Company’s structure and strategi- MARFRIG ANNUAL REPORT 2013 9 “TODAY OUR BUSINESS MODEL IS READY TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF GLOBAL With this positioning, we expect to gen- We still have much to do, but we AND LOCal markets” erate better returns for our sharehold- believe that, with our 43,000 employees ers, who are concerned not just with motivated and dedicated, we will create financial results, but also with how we value in all of our operating segments. operate and the stability of our opera- tions. Note that throughout this process, I would like to thank all of the custom- we never lost sight of our concern with ers, suppliers, employees and sharehold- social and environmental issues and ers of Marfrig Global Foods.
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