Lambda Sci-Fi DC Area Gaylaxians (202) 232-3141 - Issue # 332 – November 2017 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: The LSF Book 2017 Nebula Awards Discussion Group info passed along by Carl

The 51st Annual Nebula Conference was held in Pittsburgh, PA on the weekend of May 18-21. In addition to the conference itself, Nebula Awards for works published If you’re interested in lively in 2016 were announced and discussions of F&SF books (with an presented May 20th. As a reminder, emphasis on elements of interest to the Nebula Awards – awarded by the the LGBT community), we invite you Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers to join the LSF Book Discussion of America (SFWA) – recognize the El-Mohtar (The Starlit Wood) Group. Each month, we conduct fas- best works of science fiction or Ray Bradbury Award for Outstanding cinating round-table discussions of fantasy published in the United States. Dramatic Presentation works by significant F&SF authors. Here’s the list of this year’s Kubo and the Two Strings (LAIKA) - The LSF Book Discussion winners: Arrival (21 Laps Entertainment/Film- Group usually meets on the 4th Thurs- Best Novel Nation Entertainment/Lava Bear day of every month, starting at 7:00 All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Films/ Senolinguistics) PM, at Peter & Rob’s home: 1425 “S” Jane Anders (Tor) Andre Norton Award for Young Adult St., NW – for directions or more Best Science Fiction and Fantasy details, call 202-483-6369. The next “Every Heart a Doorway” by Seanan Arabella of Mars by David D. Levine book discussion will be a combined McGuire ( (Tor) November/December discussion held Best Novelette on December 7, 2017. “The Long Fall Up” by William For more information about Here are the details for the Ledbetter (Magazine of F&SF) the Nebula Awards (and a complete next several book discussions: Best Short Story list of past nominees and winners), go Dec. 7, 2017 (combined Nov/Dec) – “Seasons of Glass and Iron” by Amal to: LYF Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee (moderator: Dave R.) Jan. 25, 2018 – and Binti: Home Happy by (moderator: Carl) Thanks- Feb. 22, 2018 – Borne by Jeff Van- giving, LSF! derMeer (moderator: Konrad). LYF

< < < < < < November 2017 LSF Meeting > > > > > > What’s Inside? The next LSF meeting will be held on Sunday, November 12th. The Page 2: Minutes of the October LSF meeting will be held at Peter and Rob’s home, 1425 “S” Street NW, Wash- Meeting; What Color Is a Dinosaur? ington, DC. The meeting will begin at 1:30 and the “group watch” will begin at Page 3: CORRECTION! 3:00 PM. Hope to see you there! Page 4: Information About LSF: DC Area Gaylaxians and Con Calendar. LYF Minutes of the What Color Is a Dinosaur? ces in technology and paleontology- October LSF Meeting by Carl (with additional info cal research. Dinosaurs were proba- taken by Scott from Wayne #1) bly endothermic (“warm-blooded”) to one extent or another, as suggested by TV News Believe it or not, we now an analysis of bone structure and Rob is passionate about the might actually be able to answer that bone growth patterns. Closer analy- new CBS series Star Trek: Discov- question with a fair degree of certainty sis of their skeletal structures led to a ery. He thinks that the third episode – at least in a few cases. whole new vision of how dinosaurs should have been the first epi- Discussions about dinosaur stood and moved and looked. And so sode. The first two episodes could coloration had been pure guesswork for on. And then some researchers spec- have been referenced in flashback – well over a century, due to the nature ulated as follows: “Let’s look at the they were boring. Fans believe that of the fossil record and the level of coloration of dinosaurs’ closest living this series will focus on Section 31, technology available to researchers. relatives. Reptiles and birds express which is not subject to the normal Think about it: how can you determine all kinds of colors – think of gila constraints of Starfleet ethical what color a dinosaur was when all monsters or peacocks or chameleons protocols. He-he. you’ve got is a scrambled pile of or cardinals. Couldn’t this also be Fox’s The Orville is a tradi- fossilized bones? Up until recently, it true for dinosaurs?” Paleo-artists tional sense-of-wonder Trek-ish ser- seems to have been pretty much took up these concepts and ran with ies with a little sophomoric humor “agreed” that dinosaurs must have been ‘em; suddenly “dinosaur books” be- added in. some kind of dull green-grey-brown came much more visually interesting Rob hated the first episode color combination – you know, like than they had ever been before. And of The Inhumans, including the spe- some kind of giant alligator or iguana. let’s not forget all those incredibly cial effects of Medusa’s hair. Carl But then came recent advan- detailed fossils that have been dis- agreed with the ridiculousness or covered in northern China over the Medusa’s hair. (Somehow, it didn’t Other News past decade: dinosaurs with feathers! seem so stupid in the Marvel com- Carl reported that Kathe Koja, Birds didn’t “invent” feathers; they ics.) author of Under the Poppy, has a new seem to have “inherited” them from A 10-episode stand-alone book titled Christopher Wild, her tri- their theropod dinosaur ancestors! anthology TV series called Electric bute to Christopher Marlowe. Still, the speculations of paleon- Dreams is planned, based upon Phil- The world’s first talking sex tologists and paleo-artists about dino- lip K. Dick’s short stories. SyFy robot, named Harmony, is ready for saur coloration were just that: spec- Channel’s new series Happy will air you. Harmony appears to resemble ulations. Until… this Autumn; it’s based on the comic Ivanka. In 2008, Yale graduate stu- book series by Grant Morrison: an Wolfenstein’s newest game dent Jakob Vinther and colleagues in- ex-cop turned hit man, with a blue shoots at Nazis (as does the original spected some 100-million-year-old winged unicorn named Happy. Rob game). Current-day Nazis are not hap- fossil bird feathers from Brazil with a watched the last season of clones- py about the renewal of this game. scanning electron microscope and themed Orphan Black; Tatiana Mas- Headline: “Nazi-Killing Video Game discovered fossilized melanosomes lany won an Emmy for her per- 'Wolfenstein II' Angers Nazis With (pigment-bearing organelles) in the formance(s). 'Make America Nazi-Free Again' dark bands of the fossils. (These are Rob and David are enjoying Slogan.” really detailed fossils, you under- NBC’s The Good Place, about a stand.) Melanosomes are nano-sized woman who finds herself in the Upcoming LSF Events packets of pigment found in the fea- “good place” afterlife, but it’s a mis- LSF will host a “spooktac- thers of living birds. A hundred mel- take that she is there. The first sea- ular” board gaming party on Saturday, anosomes can fit across a human son ended with an excellent surprise! October 21. hair.) And in 2009, Vinther’s group The reboot of a Once Upon Upcoming LSF book discus- further showed that another fossil- A Time has begun – a seventh season sions: Passing Strange by Ellen Klages ized feather would have been iri- – several years in the future from the (October 26); Ninefox Gambit (The descent in a living bird, due to micro- sixth season. Henry is now an Machineries of Empire #1) by Yoon scopic light-refracting surfaces crea- adult. Some of the actors will return, Ha Lee (Dec. 7, combined November/ ted by stacked melanosomes. OK, so excluding the characters of Snow December discussion). these findings indicated that it’s pos- White and Prince Charming. sible for melanosomes from Meso- Rob reports that a two-hour And then everyone watched zoic times to survive in fossils. But no movie finale for Sense8 will be pro- episodes 2 and 3 of Star Trek: Dis- one had found melanosomes in non- duced. covery (with Captain Malfoy!). LYF (continued on page 3) What Color Is a Dinosaur? continued from page 2 Sinornithosaurus (another small thero- lucky find for a land-dwelling dino- pod species) indicate that its feathery saur of this size. avian dinosaur “proto-feathers” (fil- filaments possibly varied in color be- Back to the laboratory… aments also called “dino fuzz”) – and tween black and russet-orange. Brown and his colleagues found mo- no one had used melanosome shape Well, that’s OK for feathered lecular signatures left by pheomelanin and density to infer color. Until… dinosaurs and prehistoric birds, but pigments in the nodosaur’s fossilized A team of paleontologists everyone figured we were simply out skin. Even more surprising, they from the UK and China also used a of luck when it came to non-feathered found that the reddish-brown pigment scanning electron microscope to ex- dinosaurs. Until… was more pronounced on the dino- amine the fossils of feathered birds saur’s back than on its belly. In other and dinosaurs found in Liaoning Pro- words, this nodosaur was a darker vince, China. These creatures lived red-brown color on top. This pattern between 131 million and 120 million is known as countershading – it’s a years ago. Among the fossils they common camouflage pattern found in examined were those of Sinosaurop- such prey mammals as chipmunks, teryx, a turkey-sized relative of Ty- gazelles, and giraffes, but it’s never rannosaurus rex and Velociraptor. been seen on a land animal the size of Based on the Vinther paper, the a rhino. Of course, nodosaurs were UK/China team “immediately” found hunted by much bigger predators, The Nodosaur Fossil melanosomes: sausage-shaped eu- such as Tyrannosaurus rex, so maybe melanosomes (seen today in the In 2011, a miner digging in the camouflage coloration makes black masks of cardinal birds and the Canadian oil sands unexpectedly found sense after all. black stripes of zebras) and spherical the fossil of a nodosaur, an armored pheomelanosomes (which create the Cretaceous dinosaur weighing some rusty reds of red-tailed hawks and 2,900 pounds and larger than a black red human hair). The team didn’t rhinoceros. Fossil preparer Mark Mit- find any cell structures for such other chell worked for more than 5 years to colors as yellows, purples, and blues, expose the fossil within the rocks. possibly because they would contain Then a team led by Caleb Brown (a proteins that might degrade more paleontologist at the Royal Tyrrell rapidly than organelles and thus Museum in Canada) examined the leave no trace in fossils. incredibly well-preserved fossil nodo- Nodosaur saur and published a report on it this As a side note, Brown has August (2017). This was an excep- said: “There’s going to be a lot more Sinosauropterix tionally well-preserved specimen. work on this particular animal.” For “There’s no other dinosaur specimen example, an analysis of its preserved like it,” Brown said. It looks like a stomach contents can reveal what it statue of a nodosaur, still shows its ate before it died. skin and the remnants of its last meal And I guess that’s all there is in its stomach, and it’s not all con- to say about “dinosaur coloration”. torted (as so many fossils are). Why, Until… you ask? (continued next month) Well, researchers figure that LYF the nodosaur tumbled into a river and died; then its body floated out to sea and sank. There, layers of sand kept CORRECTION! scavengers away as the body was from Ye Olde Editor Based on what the UK/ petrified. How’d they come up with China team reported in 2010, Sino- that idea? The oil sands where the Oops! A correction to a boo-boo in sauropteryx had light and dark miner had been digging are the last month’s Cassini-Huygens “obitu- feathered stripes along the length of remains of a prehistoric sea that ary”. It should have said that the its tail. The lighter stripes “could covered that part of northeastern craft “traveled 4.9 billion miles since have been white” and the pheo- Alberta. That region has previously launch” – NOT “4.9 billion million melanosomes in the darker stripes provided fossils of many marine miles”. indicate they were russet-orange in reptiles like plesiosaurs and itchy- color. Melanosomes in the fossils of osaurs. At any rate, this was a really * * INFORMATION ABOUT LAMBDA SCI-FI: DC AREA GAYLAXIANS * * Lambda Sci-Fi: DC Area Gaylaxians (LSF) is an organization for gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and trans-gendered (GLBT) people, and their friends who are interested in science fiction, fantasy, horror and related genres in all forms (SF/F/H). LSF’s primary goals are to have fun, to provide a community, and to: • promote SF/F/H, with particular attention to materials of interest to GLBT people and their friends; • provide forums for GLBT people and their friends to share their interest in SF/F/H; • promote the presence of GLBT elements within SF/F/H and within fandom; and • promote SF/F/H within the GLBT community. Annual membership fees are $10, for which you will receive an e-mailed copy of this monthly newsletter and a membership directory. (Hard copies of the newsletter cost an additional $15 per year.) Newsletter submissions are always welcome. Meetings are usually held on the second Sunday of each month at a private residence. The next Lambda Sci- Fi meeting will be held on Sunday, November 12th, at Peter and Rob’s home, 1425 “S” Street NW, Washington, DC. Hope to see you there! Lambda Sci-Fi: DC Area Gaylaxians is an affiliate of the Gaylactic Network, an international organization for gay people and their friends who are interested in science-fiction and fantasy.

* * Con Calendar * * by Carl

Nov. 10-12, 2017 PHILCON 2017. The Crown Plaza Hotel (Cherry Hill, NJ). Author GoH: Seanan McGuire; Artist GoH: Don Maitz; Special Guest: Janny Wurts. Membership: $60 from 9/1 thru 10/31; $65 at the door. Website:

Nov. 24-26, 2017 CHESSIECON 2017. Radisson North Baltimore (Timonium, MD). Author GoH: Ada Palmer; Music GoH: T. Burnside Clapp; Artist GoH: Megan Willis. Membership: $55 through Nov. 15; $60 at the door. Make checks payable to “Thanksgiving Science Fiction Society” and send to: TSFS, Inc., PO Box 83032, Gaithersburg, MD 20883-3032 (Also registration on-line via PayPal.) Website: Info: [email protected]

Feb. 9-11, 2018 FAIRPOINT 2018. Delta Hotel by Marriott (Hunt Valley, MD). Guests include: Nana Visitor, Matt Frewer, author Timothy Zahn. Membership: $85 for the weekend. Mailing address: Farpoint Enterprises, 11708 Troy Court, Waldorf, MD 20601. On-line registration available. Website:

Feb. 16-18, 2018 KATSUCON 2018. Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center (Washington, DC). An annual 3-day fan convention for multicultural enthusiasts and entertainment. Membership: $70. Registration on-line. Website:

May 11-13, 2018 GAYLAXICON/OUTLANTACON 2018. The Network Board has approved Outlantacon’s bid to host Gaylaxicon in 2018. Membership: $35 until 9/31 (will go up after that). Website: Info: [email protected]

Aug. 16-20, 2018 WORLDCON SAN JOSE, the 76th World Science Fiction Convention. McEnery Convention Center (San Jose, CA). Guests of Honor: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro & . Membership: currently $190 (will go up!). On-line registration thru the convention’s website. More information (including hotel information) as it becomes available. Website:

Nov. 1-4, 2018 WORLD FANTASY CONVENTION. Baltimore Renaissance Harborplace Hotel (Baltimore, MD). Membership: $175 (current rate; will go up). On-line registration or print out registration form & send to: WFC2018 c/o Baltimore Science Fiction Society, Inc., PO Box 686, Baltimore MD 21203-0686 Website: