Campeche Mundo Maya
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CAMPECHE MUNDO MAYA ENGLISH VERSION Fort of San Miguel. PHOTO: SECTUR City of Campeche Seybaplaya Hecelchakán E It was founded in 1540 by Francisco A seaside town where the Munici- H In this town, which was built in the XVI PEC de Montejo, “el Mozo”. Due to its ex- pal Square, the City Hall or Palacio century, are located the Church and CAM R cellent location it soon turned to be Municipal and the Church of Our U Convent of San Francisco –built by T the most important and largest port Lady of Ascension stand out. Near- Franciscans in the XVI century–, and of the Yucatán peninsula. Attracted by by are beaches as Playa Bonita and not far away from there are the hen- the wealth that circulated through Sihoplaya. equen estates or haciendas of Chun- the region and the precious woods huás, Chunkanán and Blanca Flor. and the logwoods, the pirates –as Champotón Francis Drake and Henry Morgan– / SEC J.L. BORROTO PHOTO: Puuc Architectural Style Church of San Isidro Labrador, Seybaplaya. surrounded the city and in order to It is an old town where the Church of protect it against the constant at- Our Lady of Favors – built by Francis- In Campeche are several Mayan tacks, they built a fortress with eight cans-, and the Bastion of San Anto- Calkiní sites with excellent samples of build- bastions, reinforced by forts and com- nio are prominent. In the surround- ings with Puuc architectural style, mando units. These constructions are ings there are beaches as Punta Xen It is a village where the Temple and the one of the most beautiful and harmo- beautiful examples of the military ar- and ancient henequen estates or ha- Convent of San Luis Obispo de Tobo- nious of the prehispanic period. chitecture and several of them now ciendas like the ones of San José Car- sa, one of the most beautiful of the state Those that can be visited are Kankí, work as museums or cultural centers. pizo, San Luis Carpizo and Ulumal. were built in the in the XVI century. Xcalumkín and Chunhuhub. In the Historical Downtown one can see a merge of splendid construc- Edzná E tions of the XVI to the XIX centuries H which contributed to declare the city It was one of the most important Ma- PEC part of the world cultural heritage. yan sites of Campeche in the Late CAM R U Classic Period (700 – 900 AD). The city T had a complex channel system and broad stone avenues which linked CITY OF CAMPECHE the most relevant architectural de- velopments. Therein one can see dif- To Fort of ferent architectural styles as Petén, San José el Alto / SEC J.L. BORROTO PHOTO: Chenes and Puuc. Central Square, Calkiní. Bastion of Santiago MÁN ALE UEL IO Gulf of Bastion of IG Erc Edzná. M OM C Nuestra Señora DEL PHOTO: SERGIO AUTREY / RAÍCES O Mexico City Hall de la Soledad 10 ÁZQUEZ V Mansión Carvajal O ac Sea 51 I 180 R O 49-B I C Gate Cathedral C ÉXI M State Independence Square 49-C 59 House O Cultural Center Casa núm. 6 DE 55 A Handicraft MÉRICA Church of Dulce Nombre de Jesús OLÓN Bastion of House C ma DE 57 O TEZU San Carlos 12 O OC DE M DE53 H O 14 ID O ÉNDEZ Church of San A DE M L rra Ex temple G I TU SIE Francisquito O GOBERNADORES of San José rb USTO ELOS IDE J 65 R Bastion of San Pedro TINEZ O R 61 M O O DE O C DE 16 TES ar UIZ R LU R A IO EFO House of the King’s Lieutenant B Erc M rma DOLFO O A C DEL Bastion of San Francisco O Bastion of Santa Rosa 10 Municipal B ALU Archive arTES G Land Gate A LE TES A ar N LU A BA REPÚB B ma LIca ra To Fort of San OLÓN TEZU Bastion of C C VO C O ENT Miguel DE O M RELOS San Juan DE O 12 O M ra DE 14 O 16 L Reserva de la Biosfera CAMPECHE PLACE OF INTEREST de los Petenes HERITAGE LIGHTHOUSE La Costa San Antonio Mérida To OF HUMANITY Sahcabchén MUSEUM Tankuché MAGICAL TOWN MONUMENT San Nicolás Becal YucatÁN CIVIL ARCHITECTURE NATIVE PEOPLE Tepakán Santa Cruz RELIGIOUS ARCHITECTURE HANDICRAFTS Calkini Dzitbalché MILITARY ARCHITECTURE GASTRONOMY Chunhuás Chunhuhub SQUARE FESTIVITY Chunkanán Blanca Flor Jaina STATE OUTE Hecelchakán E R Kabah To Pomuch Note: These symbols refer to Xcalumkín MEXICO places described in this guide. San Antonio Yaxché Bolonchén de Rejón Reserva de Tenabo Xtacumbilxunaan Hampolol Kankí San Bernardo 24 Huechil Hampolol Acanmul CITY OF CAMPECHE Santa Rosa Xtampak Tohcok Hopelchén 261 Nocuchich Uayamón Xcupil Cacab 180 Seybaplaya Santa Rita Dzibilnocac Becanchén Playa Bonita Edzná Iturbide Sihoplaya Sihochac Tabasqueño Hool 283 60 Gulf of Mexico Dzibalchén Champotón San José Carpizo Chencoh Cruz Hochob roo Punta Xen San Luis Carpizo Ulumal uintana 180 Q Sabancuy campeche 201 Isla Aguada Nadzca’an Ciudad del San Antonio Carmen Silvituc Balamkú Xicalango Zoh Laguna Cárdenas Atasta Laguna de Emiliano Becán Escárcega de 186 Laguna Zapata Xpuhil Laguna Términos de Silviltuc To Villahermosa Laguna de Atasta Matamoros El Carrizo Pom Conhuás 186 Chicanná tourist attractions To Chetumal Okolhuitz CAPITAL CITY Hormiguero Río Bec POPULATION Palizada ARCHEOLOGICAL ZONE NATURAL AREA Candelaria Calakmul BEACH Cerro de los Muertos 21 El Tigre (Itzamkánac) DIVIDED HIGHWAY Monclova TOLL MOTORWAY El Ruinal Reserva de la SECONDARY HIGHWAY Biosfera de tabasco Calakmul ROAD Tenosique To Calakmul. PHOTO: SECTUR CAMPECHE Ciudad del Carmen In this island was founded in 1717 the S W E Presidium of El Carmen. Today it is a DR AN port of fishermen and trading center F. F. of the oil industry. It has religious GE OR E monuments as the Church of Our Lady of El Carmen and the Church PHOTO: G PHOTO: of Jesus built in the beginning of the Tabasqueño. XIX century. In the surrounding area there are places ideal for relaxation, Chenes Architectural Style as the beaches of Manigua, Caracol and Norte and sites proper to have a Ciudad del Carmen. close look to nature as the Island of Name of a Mayan architectural style PHOTO: SECTUR CAMPECHE “Los Pájaros” (the birds). whose most remarkable characteris- tic is the decoration of the façades with Laguna de Términos zoomorphic masks. Among the sites with buildings with this style are San- Handicrafts It is an extensive wetland with man- ta Rosa Xtampak, Tabasqueño, Ho- Río Bec Architectural Style The main materials they use are the mud, Bolonchén grove forests. This is a flora and fauna chob and Dzibilnocac. wood, vegetal products and natural fibers. protected area where species as sea Tepakán is famous for the production of Bolonchén is a traditional village With this name we know the architec- bass, shrimps, manatees; birds like pottery. In places like Becal, the former where the Church of Saint Christ of tural style characteristic of Campeche Hopelchén the jaribu stork and the pilgrim fal- estate of Santa Cruz, the villages of San which outstands from other elements Esqulpulas was built in the XVII centu- con; crocodiles, ocelots, hawksbill Nicolás and Tankuché, and the municipal- E Founded in the XVII century, Hopel- ry. In the area nearby we can find the due to the presence of towers. The turtles and white pelicans coexist. ity of Calkiní, they manufacture hats with H chén was the only transit route for the Xtacumilxunaan caves, likely to be places that can be visited are Balam- leaves of jipi palm. In Champotón, Es- PEC kú, Nadzca´an, Becán, Chicanná, CAM people of Camino Real. The nearby the largest and deepest of the Yucatán cárcega and the city of Campeche, the R Palizada U wood is combined with knitted fabric T towns of Becanchén and Xcupil also Peninsula. Hormiguero and Xpuhil. and intertwined jipi palm leaves to cre- have colonial temples. The former ha- A magic town that used to be an im- ate different objects. In the municipalities ciendas of San Antonio Yaxché and portant cutting center of precious SEC PHOTO: of El Carmen and Champotón they elabo- San Bernardo Huechil stand out woods and logwoods in the region. It Guirnaldas bordadas. rate ashtrays, lamps, sunshades and but- among others. has local colorful squares and the terflies made out of sea shells and fish and the hot pepper or chile x’catic stuffed. Church of Saint Joaquín, built in the scales. With the bull’s horn they manufac- Other dishes may be the tamale filled with Calakmul XIX century. Nearby there are several ture photo frames, jewelry cases, brooch- mincemeat of pork or chicken and annat- natural appealing sites like the Lagu- es, earrings and necklaces, mainly in the to sauce; the pibinal, tender corn cooked It has been declared Heritage of Hu- na Encantada (enchanted Lagoon) municipality of el Carmen. In Dzibalché, in an underground oven; the pibipollo, manity and it was one of the most im- and the Palizada River. Xcupil, Hopelchén and Santa Rita women that is like a tamale covered with banana portant Mayan cities. The site is notice- make cotton embroidery or other kind of leaves and filled with pork and chicken able for its huge size –just the main fabrics. Hammocks are made principally in meat prepared in annatto sauce and the municipality of Calkini, San Antonio cooked in an underground oven (which is square has around 25 km2– its numer- Sacabchén, Santa Cruz and Dzitbalché. translated in Mayan as in pib) ous buildings –some of them are E among the largest of the Mayan area–, H Gastronomy and the highest number of stelae of PEC Campeche’s gastronomy combines ingre- E H the region (more than 100).