Genealogical Notes to Assist Others in Tracing out Their Family Histories
GENEALOGICAL N OTES, O B xJantrilrotions t o tjje Jrolj itstorli OF S OME OF THE FIRST S ETTLERS OF CONNECTICUT ANT) MASSACHUSETTS. UYHE T LATE NATHANIEL G OODWIN. HARTFORD: F . A. BROWN. 1856. HARVARD C OLLEGE LIBRARY t ✓ -t-O t ^ —fro/I- .- f [•RES8F O CA8B, TIFrANY AND COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN. PREFACE. The f ollowing pages contain a selection from the Gene alogical Notes made by my uncle, Nathaniel Goodwin, from time to time after his appointment to the office of Judge of Probate for the district of Hartford, in 1833, and prepared for publication by him during the last three or four of the latter years of his life. They were not designed by him to be complete genealogies even of the families which * are t reated of, but, as the title indicates, genealogical notes to assist others in tracing out their family histories. Mr. Goodwin had begun to print the work, making his final cor rections as the proof-sheets were brought to him, and had proceeded as far as page 68, when the printing was suspend ed, as he hoped temporarily, by a severe attack of disease, but as the event proved, finally, so far as he was concerned, by his death. At his request, made a few days before his death, and the desire of his executors, the manuscripts were placed in the hands of Henry Barnard, LL. D., President of the Connecticut Historical Society, who had rendered my uncle similar aid in his former publications, to see through the press ; but the pressure of his engagements obliged him, after the supervision of some fifty pages, to relinquish all further care of the work, beyond preparing a iv P REFACE.
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