Bibliographic Data Sheet Pnaa
BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET .CTLNUMBE 3. TITI.E AND SUBTITLE (240) 2. CL SI-A TION (9) [P-A-9PNAA- 0 ARCQOI0-00O0 uU ... How to wash your clothes 4. PERSONAl, AUIIURS (I00) Hughes, K. S. 5. CORPORATE AUTIORS(101) 6. DOCUMENT DATE (110) 7. NUMBER OF PAGES (120) 1962 8 12p. 648.1.11893 9. REFERENCE ORGANIZATION (130) TA/H 10. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES (5a0) (In FES/AID Sanitation series no. 2) 11.ABsTCRACT (950) 12. DESCRIPTORS (920) 1.POETN ME 10 Clothing 13. PROJECT NUMBER (150) Sanitation Washing 14. CONTRACT NO.(140) 15. CONTRACT TA/It TYPE (140) 16. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (160) AID 590-7 (1079) S.4 t. il %i'. l ' '';i A"ttt: '' ,, . : :.L ,:\, .-., i :;. '. ,1\ V It \ ... -,.\ "-..?. ; . Pi~* ....... 1. :A4 'I ,::', :.A. ...rL.. rt V.1 " '' "" ' " . " - .. ;. ,V, . " .4..'A . I" .... ~, ~: .... ,,/,. th. Agnc Itra ia .o DenIpet ',•L-'" E;' ,,,,;'I~ U.S epl o lt - . "It,,• "" "'S "I"" ' ' " .7 . ' " ', .•. ... / i , ,, , 1 . i ~' " -: ""10 " "... " ' I! M N ,, ,, -:.. -... ...,,.. o,9 .. /,-,. AON TRVILE 4.' . - . , . I," ! Fderl Exenson Srvie, Uite Stals er~rIen ofA riclein ooJ lo with~~~~.gny|r .h nentoalDv.2e/,U .Dpltelo t i~t~~ L~lKt T i- : o4 r 4,.. , .. 4 Y OU.- 4 . ... : ,44 ;;?:Th: eHorme EconomicsExtension Worker o, iii Pag The material is preuented in a manner which CONTENTS ! YOU can use with individuals or groups. In th'ese... i You'll find many ideas to help you teach upie pages4' .................... rural families how to Wash clothes.-., t.e, -Pa"u pageyoullidteas... anyd tohlpeyot ............. Was ing ......... ......... Information In this booklet in based on ex periences of extension workers like yournelf Ironing ...........
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