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PA6E TWENTY TH UR SD AY, JUNE 24, lf)54 iiantijfatfr 1Eimtttt0 !l|»rald Fifty First-time Blood Donors Needed Monday, \Bloodmohile Day

Average Daily Net Prewi Run For this Week Ended The Weather OPEN Do Your Food Shopping at Hale's Self Serve & Meat Dept. June It, It M Fareeaat of V . 0. Waatfear Bmn SWIM SUITS OlosMy tonight, Wntnrtay, elM FRIDAY NIGHT 11.210 of aenttered abowera. Lew SHAPE Large, lAMral^ Fresh ’ Member of the Audit aigbt aenr C8. High Kntnrdnjr: Bureau of Circulation 88. UP GNTIL 8:30 GRADE A HERSHEY Manchester—-A City o f Village Charm Smmtntm Meat Department lim»$andtvtr- EGGS SYRUP VOL. LXX III, NO. 232 (Claaaifled Advei^atiig on Pag# 18) MANCHESTER, CPNN„ FRIDAY, JUNE 2.5. 1954 (EIGHTEEN, PAGES) PRICE nVE CENTS fyalgtttituAuw VACATIONS FARM FRESH. MEATY and TENDER i)oz. Ifi Oz. Tin tid th it. 'A lot o f Pinehurst'! patrons go vacationInK in the summer— some for a lonir time, some for a week or Holt's frtsh poultry fncludtt Democrats Which Way Is North? two. And,' because somehow Pinehiirst's customers FANCY ttndtr reosttrs, young frytrs or are usually Pinehurst’s friends, we miss them. Some of them go to places where they don't have any breiltrs, and your stitetion of household'cares a t all; some of them to summer Convene at cottages where, even though the scale of housekeep-' chicktn ports. ing is as simple as they can make it. there are still Sees Ike in Move FOWL J V LB. appetites to be satisfied— and that means, of course, 55c 5-6 LB. SIZE ^ there's provisioning to be done. 8 Tonight LAND O’ LAKES KRAFTS Then, after a greater or less time, the folks come home again, And it gives us a kind of good feeling W HITE and U G H T Hartford, June 25 (/P)— inside to have them say when theyshow up again BUTTER CREAM CHEESE What may be the last Demo­ at Pinehurst and remark. "Gracious! We did miss cratic state convention with Pinehurst, honestly. Hardest kind of work to get In Quarters Ttndtr lomb sttwing cuts at with CHIVE as many as 1,507 delegates any really goo<} food, where we were.". — Lb. 19c lb. art rtol tconomy; ond Pkg. LEG O’ opens here tonight at 8 frtsh mode lamb pottits at 35c -X Not that it' makes »is feel good because our pa­ o’clock, hut the business of trons had a rather hard time of it, buying decent lb. art just right for tosy, quick supplies while away, but because it's sort of satis­ naming a ticket to oppose the factory to get a little appreciation, don't you know 7 mtols. Republicans this fall docs not Here for 'Talks with Biseiihower LAMB LB. Red Tanker O f course, a good deal of the inconvenience could A B d U f « l b . s iz e come until the final session be avoided—and a good ntany times is avoided • tbmorrow morning. Declares ‘R ift’ by the vacationers loading up all the chinks and There is no candidate in the field Seized by comers o f the old car with Pinehurst commodities to oppose former U. S. Rep. A. A. and Udclng them along. It's amaiing how little 69c THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE IS ALWAYS Ribicoff of Hartford for the nomi­ food it's necessary to buy during a month's sum- PREMIER IMPORTED VIRGINIA DARE nation for Governor, but there mer-cottaging, if you figure out the commissary in were a multitude of candidates for Nationalists advance and then pack your car. SNOW FLAVORED the other places on the ticket — five state offlcea and congress­ Taipeh, Formosa, June 25 And a visit to Pinehurst will remind you of a lot SYRUPS BONELESS CHUCK POT ROAST > 5 9 man-at-large. _____ Of things you'd never think of at your desk. CRAB MEAT Even though more than a dozen (/P) — .Nationali.at China an­ pt. Washington, June 25 (A*)— Prime Minister Churchill met 6 ' i Oz. Tin candidates were getting support nounced tonight that one of with President Eisenhower today to nee whether they oin for the six ticket spots, party its warship.1 seized the Rus- wipe out in intimate talks any "misunderstanding.’’ as «a^ 4!lc at-large. Chou Starts W e hesitated a little about going into the Grape, Orange, Raspberry, er Is being held at the south For­ President and hia Wlpte House Corned Beef is really delicious. Cook guest. business of selling chicken parts . . , but now Strawberry. for dinner or picnic. NO WASTl NUTMEG BRAND . Kennedy Keymdea mosan port of Kaohaiung, the an­ it the day tefore . . . use for a sliced that we are in it. we find the customers more CThurchili sn;.i afed to be in 79c 1 V x to .3 lbs. each. Conflicts over these nomina­ nouncement) said. than ready to buy them . . . and we don't blame huoyant spirits on his arHval by ' meat • . . salad plate or slice it wafer PREMIER L IB B Y ’S tions may w ell' be settl'ed-at a Blamed I'. S. Asia Talks them, 'for it is mighty nice to buy just the part VEAL LOAF ^ 49c series of conferences after to­ . Word that the Tuapse waa in plane, and .cemlngl.V sought to de­ thin for tasty sandwiches using P ep -. you want. . . . Here at Pinehurst the demand night's convention session which Nationalist hands came hours aft­ k T % precate the riff between American Is mostly for legs with thighs attached (all ROCK TOMATO will hear a keynote speech by Sen. er the Soviet Union, in a stiff note and British policies. He spoke of peridge Farm or Arnold’s thin sliced ^hc difficulties as "family mat­ dark meat) and tender plump White Rock FOR YOUR VACATION TIME, OR FAMILY GATHERING WE SUGGEST John Kennedy (D-M hshI. made public in Mo.scow earlier to­ With Nehru bread . . . or some hke it on rye . . . breasts, which are, of course, all white meat. . . LOBSTER The keynote is the main bu.si- day, accused the United States of ters' and suggested that whatever JUICE troubles the Unitca St? les and don't forget the mustard .. . B U T . . . ness of tonight's se.ssion. biit the seizing the tanker. New Delhi. June 26 (A>)— ' 5 i/ x Oz. Tin d i ;b u q u e ’.s Britain may have, th'ose in the Along with a big "part" business., we are sell­ 46 Tin CANADIAN convention's resolutions commit­ ' TJie Soviet note said the Tuapse The Communist premier of Whatever way you like corned beef ing more White Rock Fryers . . . and Miller s tee will meet to approve a final was seized in waters between For­ Communist world are "even great­ CARNED HAM er." 500 million Chinese and the best, sU rt \s’ith PIN EH U R ST T E N - Coventry Fresh Fowl than ever before. Whole Special— U». 98c CANNED PICNIC 4 5 I.b. sire — I.b. 89c draft of a platform. A tentative A " ' . ■ ■ - mosa and the Philippines "bv a . . . or parts , . . come to Pinehurst for the draft was made public Wednesday. .After eight years’ absence from its perch, atop the dome oh the ■«’ar.shlp of the destro.Ver type" On the American side, there waa Prime Minister of Democratic DERCURE CORNED BEEF ... This finest "farm fresh*' poultry. . , Also to be considered la a new Mnhtclpal Building the gilded weather vane returns to Its'post. Ed­ which threatened to open fire; an absence of any public exprea- India’s 350 millions opened a aton of confidence and hope about weekend we “have a selection ready Coll in your moot ordtr, if it is htipful formula for choosing delegates to ward Chiighlin. roofer, sets the vane in position and gets It headed in The note threatened "appropri­ weekend of talks in New Keep .seafood in your meal plans, for your the right direction. ' The vane, which hoe fallen from the dome the talks such as, more often than the convention, fiesigned to cut ate measures for safeguarding the Delhi today which could (or you of extra lean Rumps, Rounds Whit* Rock Chicken Breasts .. lb. 89c family’s health and budget. Hale's has a down the present number of l..'S07 twice in 14 years during high winds, made Its lost plunge about eight securit.v of Soviet merchant ships not. is contained in welcoming and Mixed Briskets . . . to youi and pick it up Hit ntxt day.— which leaders consider unwidely. years ago. William Bray, ctistodlan of< the Municipal Building, has Sailing in that area." .statements on such occasions. change the history of Asia. good variety of favorite fish to bake, boil, The new proposal — designed to. Inspected .the new installation iyb and Is eoavinced the vane won't Diplomats here', in fact,, hold a Pr(me Minister Nehru greeted White Rock Chicken Legs . . . . lb. 79c 79c Thank you. In Washington. State Dept, o f­ great doubt that anything to im­ fry or broil, at our .seafood counter. produce a'convention of about 880 fall again. Since Workers have erected stagihgs to repair the roof ficials were drafting a ‘prompt re­ Red China's Chou En-lai with a HORMEL HEINZ delegates - - is to give each of the of the building. It is the opportune time to replace the lane, especially prove the . situation actually can red carpet reception on hit arrival jection of the Soviet protest. come out of the talks. atate'a 189 towns two delegates, aim* the totvn Is about to reflnish the dome. The U. S. note wa.s expected to at the capital's Palom airfield. plus one additional delegate for Eisenhower greeted Churchill The Indian Cofnmunlst party Po­ For Tender Juic.v Steaks SWEET UPTON raosTii go out toda.v in a move to take iVith-a-^varmhandahake at -the OUTDOOR gOOKING each 2^000 Democratic votes for the edge oCf whatever propaganda litburo ordered "peace” demonstra­ Come To Pinehurst SPAM president cast in the town. Prime Minister Sir. Winston rhurchlll and British Foreign Min­ White House steps. The British tions throughout Chou's three-day GHERKINS . value the Russians sought to gain leader uad been escorted there by SHERBET mix Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Ribicoff. who ran far ahead of ister .Anthony Eden arrived In Washington this morning after a flight visit, but a Red-orgonlted cheer­ For outdoor cooking, or easy to get indoor summer meals, 12 Oz. Tin 16 Oz. from their accusation that the U. from . London. They will meet with President Eisenhower and Sec­ Vice- Piealdehi Nixon and Secre­ tlAl OtANOl Ot the Democratic! ticket In his un- S. Navy had seized the tanker. ing section could arouse only fee­ you will want Pinehurst "fresher by fa r" ground meats, PINEHURST B o lt’s 11 tinder Par retary of State Dulles In un effort tu.resolve Brltish-.Americoa dif­ tary of State Dulles who met him succeasful bid .fo r a U.S. .Senate ble enthusiasm from the airpprt cold cuts and frankfurts. W e also offer freshly made home ItMOM HAVOaS The American reply, it was and his party at the airport. seat two years ago. will, if nomi­ ferences in a weekend at the W%|le-Ut^USe. (.AP‘ Radiophoto). crowd of. about 2,500 persona. - style coleslaw, macaroni salad, potato salad. learned, wpuld take the form elth- or SHORT LARGE FIRM LETTUCE Head 1 5 C nated. have to wait two weeks to Nixon. Dulles Slleat The meeting of Asia's two pow- know who his Republican opponent '__ ofthgJiwieL. There were no public statements note or 0 1 a nnfiled reply turnihg arful government chiefs came os FRESH PINEHURST STEAKS lb. 85c \ for governor will be. FeatureSfJCO from N.xon and Dulles on Church­ a climax to'months ot Eost-Wost it flown point by- point. Pkgs. FANCY CUCUMBERS OOP Seen for laalge ill's arrival but the British leader tension in which Indio, trying to HAMBURG (for leaf) . • e • • Ib.l9e 2 Kor 19c In announcing that the tanker meet 33c However, it is universally ex­ T^or^^ln^FHA spoke to an airport cro' -d on his play a neutral role, appeartsl was in their custody, the Nation­ aims for the thiks. FANCY SELECTED ’ pected that the Republican conven­ Wethersfield, June 25 Tommy Bolt of Houston, Tex., alists .said tersely that the matter drawn closer and closer'' Iq. hef CUBE STEAKS tion July 8 and 9 will name Gov. "I've come with Anthony Eden For the best hamburgers ws suggest: 49c PREMIER fired a sizzling 11 under par 60 today to po,st a 60-71— 131 in was '^belng disposed of." indicat- powerful. Communist neighbor. 49c .t.o talk over a fe;w family matters John Lc^ge for another term, al­ JACK AUGUST’S FRENCH’S the Insurance City Open tournament at Wethersfie|d Coun­ 'ing the Tuapse might be confis­ and try to make sure there are no Chou's dramatic flight from tha PINEHURST lb. $1.05 TOMATOES Lh. though he has not declared him­ 27c cated, as were two ships to’ which Suspended by Chief mlaiinderstandlngs." Geneva conference to meqt Nehru self a candidate. try club here. Bolt’« performance threatened the lead taken NEW ENGLAND STYLE Poland claims title. appeared a direct cHkllenge to C h u c k GROUND...... , . . . . lb. 69c HARVARD BEETS Samuel Tedesco of Bridgeport, iii the opening round yeaterday •' ------^ ^ :------r- The two leaders had a quick draw world attention from tha SMALL GENUINE SPRING ' OR minority leader of the State Sen­ Dr. Cary Middlecoff. the Tennes­ - The Nationalists said the down-to-buainess scheduled. The MUSTARD Washington conference this week­ ROMND GROUND ...... lb. 85c 9 Oz. Jar PEACHES Lb. 25c ate. was the only candidate getting see dentist who speared more ex­ Tuapse was carrying oil to the Wa.shington, June 25 (iT’)— The Housing and Home Finance White House said the plan waa LAMB LEGS lb. 79c CLAM CAKES PICKLED BEETS any m,ention for the Democratic cited about getting support for his Rebels Report "Communist bandit" port ’ of that the Eisenhower - Churchill end of Prlm4 Minister Churchill Shanghai on the Red-field main­ Agenc.v announced toda.v that two more long-time officials of talks would gel under way at and President Eisenhower. Qur small (pint aize) luncheon .franks are very popular, Can 2 For domination for attorney general, ■plan to pick the golf player of 1 Lb. Jar LEMONS but many names were being men­ the. year than, about his aub-par land hi violation of a U.N. .embar­ the Federal Housing Arlmini.stration hiive l)een 'audpended ; noon in tho V resident'a’ 7ew ^d Advance announcements said and we feature the regular size'franks from 1st (irizt 4 f or 23c go on siich shipments. pending dispo.sition of charge.s of ‘'.serious irregularities." | flonr- study with Secretary of Korea and Indochina would be tha Handy and Rath.'Also all btef Handy Franks. tioned in connection wifh other tour of the WelheiHfleld course. ^Bloodv’ Battle LAMBPAmESlb.35c ticket spots. They Included: Bolt's miraculous score tied the The announcement said only The annotincemehi------,------. 1 bvt... admjpis - stale Dulles and Foreign Secre­ main topics discussed by the two Lieutenant governor—State Rep. NaUonal PGA UHirnament- record, that the Tuapse was seized while | trator Albert W. Cole gave no tary Eden sitting In. premiers at their conference sez- SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 3 k . . 29e John Dempsey,- nVayor of Putnam; set a record for the ICO and shat: In GuatenialR violating N.ationaliat China's port details of the allegations against Lunch for the four was ar- I sions. . U.S. Rep. Thomas J. Dodd of West tered the Wethersfield course rec­ rlo.sure policy—or blockade of the the two m en.They are: Foxir Indicted ranged for 1 p. m. in the first-floor | here predicted Chou China coast. James., E. Hicks of Wa.shington, ord fofmerly held by Jim ’I\irnesa private family dining , room, with 'K***e.* *^**"**^**ii»° A T PIN EH U R ST Y O U GET ^ Tegucigalpa. Honduras, June 28 director of PHAM'S Region 2. (Continued on Page E ight) . and*Don Hoenig by four strokes. (.P)— The Guatemalan rebel ■ com­ the talks to cohtln*e there and CANTALOUPES Fjich (ConMnoed on Page Eight) .^Andrew Frost of Albuquerque, "FRESHER BY FAR" IIPTON 29c His score rates with the greatest mand- said last night its forces 111 Plot to Bar; Into the afternoon. ' for Asians circla ever played in competition. Other a.ssistsnt state director for New For s 79-vear-old^ veteran of i FRUITS and VEG ETABLES were massed for a full-scaJe at­ Mexico. TiA 25 c 60s, scored by Bill Nary at El tack on Chfquimula ■ and that several wars and many historic j "M ay the friendship between Pa.so. Tex., Ted KroH and A1 Frost, reached at his pome in Tax Fix Probe diplomatic conferences. Churchill' China and India develop with each Blueberries ' Watercress TNC £ ^ * T I A Morse Assails "bloody" fighting already raged Albuquerque this morning, de­ Broach al-; San u .Antonio. Tex,, and there. But government military Dikes Restrain ______J -. - [moved with remarkable spright-j “ W Chou in a Plums Hot House Tomatoes Waijly Ulrich at Virginia Beach, leaders, boasting advances on "all clined comment on the suspension. New York, June 25 W -A fed-! “"«»"■ j statement he read in Chmese on frozen food Asked if he would have a state­ Cantaloupes Peppers !i Lb. 67c Bush, P u rtell Va.\were all made on courses con- fronts," vowed to bring the in- ersl. gi'findjiirv today indicted , A* the crowd gathered at the Arrival at the airport. May- tha siderably easier than this 6.504 vasion to a speedv end. ment lite r he said, "possibly. First four persons, including threelaw- i ^*'Port cheered. Churchill lifted 1 “ " ‘t y o f ^ peopjes of all Aslan Watermelons New Cabbage ‘ Record Crest I want to find out what the allega­ UPTON Chast aSnnhtm rM iyl yard Wethersfield layout. x communique from the In-^ yers, on charges of conspiring to | morning.! M ^ trie s become d ^ ly c k ^ r. White Grapes Tender New Crop tion is." I There was speculation the toMui. AVocadoes Specials AsReactioiiary Boh went into a big lead-in the] vasion' headquarters of Guate- Cole said he based hi.s, request Internal Reye/iuj se.’.vice Beets . . . . 2 bchg. 25e TEA BAGS ' coffee offers I L.. COFFH : tournament today putting his 60' on 1 malan exile leader . Col. Carlos At Des Moines (Coatinued on Page. Tw o) would get around to the question to FH A for the suspension.s on in- officials and to block congressional of a non-oggroasion pact between/ THE M W * TEA Cheahire, . June 2.S (IT) — Sen. j lop of yesterday's 71 for a total o f , Castillo Armas said a major bat- formation furnished bv WiKiam -F " " I xrarvd jury lax investigations. SNOW CROP 1 1.11. eleven under par for the two: tie wa.s shaping up at Chiquimula. er* ^ a u ^ the twoA9VV nations,IIA5IUZU, thoughUIVUKIl 'Indio|tAnuian Large Vine Ripened Cantaloupes 33c Mch Wayne, Morse (Ind-Ore.) says Des Moines, June 25 (>P) - The McKenna,.deputy administrator in ' oll^ei ;>er.sona were .named: 4 A 1 S « 1 Foreign Office sources discounted- FORDHOOK or Connecticut Senators Bueh and i le.ss than 70. miles northeast of Des Moines river's record flood nf 48 C The .16 year old Bolt, former^ the Guatemalan capital. charge of the current InvesUgation^i ** co-conhpirators . but not de-1 l l l i m C f l l l C A I I <* C . the possibility ofi direct action ' M - Crisp Fi'esh Iceberg Lettuce 16c Purtfti, ' bcith Republican.s, are crest slowly receded today and In FHA operations fendants in the Indictment which . _ this. BABY LIMA .North and South champion went. The'announcement said that as weary levee \yorkers were cheered "black reactionaries" whc>8e„ votes That inquiry begaln with allega­ ; wa.s first di.scl'osed.-.cl(v.ed in Washington I P u ffg a t F cX a S ( j t V . Say Nehru to Listea 5 ( P 8 S F R E E j his 18 holes today without a bogey i the rebels, pressed in to attack. by the news that the end of their by Atty. Geq. Br are "always opposite to the pub-, tions that (a i builders had reaped j Indian officials said N tom -op lie interest." . [ and used exactly 24'putta. He had the government hastily reinforced long battle against the sti-eam is None of those accu.'ed. mostly: ' ____u a string of six consecutive birdies the Chiquimula garrison w itif Et­ in sight. -: mtilti-million dqjlar windfall proflta I host wouM be in a posiUon to dt- UnON ftOSTII Morse referred to Bush and Rur- through ovsr.- _ _ BEANS on the second nine from the 12th i tillery, mortars and machineguns. Engineers who directed the : reel the trend of the converaa- tell in a speech before a day-long struction of apartment projects in immediately for Comment. j Alice, the first hurricane of the ' tions,. But tho advanco honming 10 Oz. through the 17th closely approach- The communique said the garri- three-day fight to hold the unruly Come to 302 Main Street. Use Pinehurst con- conference of the Political Action Gninewald Cited ) .season, sprang up suddenly in the [df the visit at all levels in d icat^ SHERBET mix mg the record of seven- straight'- son, commander had deserted to river out of major residential and j Committee of the Connecti(!ut held by Felice Torza. : the rebels. - (Continued on Pnge Two) Th6*e n^mfd aa co-conitpiratora I ot Mexico and scooted overi.^^ would be the Chinese lender*^Who M U l OlANOf Ot vienient parking. Shop with comfort in air-condi­ COME IN AND GEY THE DETAILS State CIO Council here yeaterday. biislnfas areas were confident the a . 4 Bolt knocked down putts o f . Castillo Armas claimed hia rebel dikes would hold. • Included Daniel A. Bolloh, fo rm e r!'" Brownsville and the lonely'iwould bq cirryin g tha ball in tha* tIMON flA V O tS ^ He- singled, out Bush as "an .No. 2 man In the old Internal Rev- Mexico coast today. ~ ' talks. tioned Pinehurst. It will pay you'to shop our self • 0 ' ' But a crew; ' of men and ma­ « w OFFER apologist for the Eisenhower ad- (Continued on Page Tw o) enue Bureau, and Henry. W. (the: ' wasn’t a big blow ]ts hurriv m i n i a t r a t i o n'a hard money •(Continued on Page Two) chines toiled through the night re­ 2 fbr 31c Sft COUPON ON PACKAGE inforcing permanent levees and Dutchman) Grunewald. long * | " ’inda.at the center w>i;e.;, service'grocery section and to make-Pinehur.st policy’' which he said has "led to mystery man aroundiround Washington. o®8® iniiesanmiles an hour.houP. Justjust five ' o'siKEfEoQvy'SiMiiy.piBnls' 'great economic dislocation in area constructing new. temporary dikes near th e , junction of the Des News Tidbits n , - ' . J . . above hurricane strength. your “bne stop", food shopping center. — after area throughput the coun- Tl^n ter was aimed V a REDEEM COUPONS HERE Moines and ‘Raccoon Rivera irt Culled from A P Wires named as defendants: elahd stretch of Mexican STARLAC C T A 28 c 2 Pkgs. taYcHES trj’-" southeast Des Moines. ______Samuel Schopick and Irvin,„ If the people wouM check the Public Favors Stevens 'coast 50 or 60 miles south of This, officials ‘said, -was to fore­ MEDIUM IVORY SOAP ONE QUART S N O W CROP voting list, Morse said, they would “"““’“"w— ; Davis, partners in the New York Brownsville, Texas' southernmost from the AP Wires 3 for 25c find that Bush and Purtell "al­ stall any possible . breakthrough, F'ormer Sen. Blair^,, Moody of l«w fl^m of Shopick and Davis city. , SHURFINE DICED BEETS .. >.... can IOc ENVELOPES when the minor creat moving IVORY FLAKES ways vote opposite to the public ia reported recovering Ma x . Halperin, an attorney said A t 8:30 a. m. (C ST) the Weath- 3 down the Raccoop reaches Des rVORY SNOW (Tull sizt 303 can) ORANGE and 33 c Interest." S,lightly over McCarthy from' combination attack of pneu­ ._,.ASK8 SOVlETvAlD OXYDOL fn aoch Moines. No major flooding waa ex­ monia and'heart ailment... Fire (Coatinued on Page Two)/ Moecow. June X5 — Quote- See* W ar — irnleas pected from the Raccoon, how­ (OonHnued.op, Page Eight) TIDE. CHEER ...... all 31c pkg. ' He said that unless the nation at Southern Railway Freight Sta­ nMla hae appealed to the Soviet P o e k o g a GRAPEFRUIT JUICE New York. June 25 (4')--TheJ thy rnd Roy-M. Cohn "used im­ ever, elects a Democratic Congress in tion in Oiarlotte, N. C.,-causes I'nloa for old ia eaforclag tha JOY (amall) ...... 39c GEISHA IMPORTED CRAB MEAT,..... 99c Gallup Poll aaya the American proper means, in trying to get pre­ The Dea Moines River, which 6 Oz. November the United States ‘ is damages of 8.500,0M>'" oeoee-flre ordered by the U.N. SPIC and S PA N ...... 24c public believes by a small margin ferred treatment" fo. Pvt. G. reached .Its apparent crest, at 30.19 likely to become liivolyed in a Preachers Hour' at Oklahoma Security Council M d Im io- .that Army Secretary Robert T. David Schine,. the replies were: feet at 7 a. m. (CSTl yesterday, swimming pool causing controver­ Ryan Rtports (5) celved a promioe that "all pee- BUMBLE BEE WHITE ALBACORE '' war in Aaia. Stevens came out "on top" over “Rich up” your Yes, 52 per cent; No, 24.aUndecid- had' fallen only about a'foot by 5 sy among residents of the state... aible meoeuree w ill he taken hr "The 1954 election will be one Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy — liA ROSA MACARONI 10 Oz. Pillsbiiry _ _ uniting two major Protestant files of his branch o f thi.-govern­ straight day... TV viewers to fee I *"g article he returns to Paris and the great nation's nower London, June 2S Mm. A o- Neither ...... ,',.--18 per cent ment. Do you agree or disa^ee The' Ameriroii Medical .Assa. HYTROUS FERTILIZER b^ies today took on new life by Undecided ...... 30* per cent light hM-vyweight title bout be- **Pl“ res . the explosive political rW ■ thorny Eden, w ife -o f Bi1tnln*n SHURFINE CATSUP ...... |9c 2 lbs. 49^ with the President's poation?’’ House o t Delegate today . action of delegates of the nation's tween Moore and Johnson on Aug. Mtuation in the nation which holds , , . PREEM Aagd Food cake m ix Another queation indicated that urged that persous wmtcklag Foreign Secretary, n-ne under R IT T E R ’S RELISH 8,000 OongregationsJ Ch-isUsn the replies:. j 11,.. I Within Itself many answers' to the In *nd<>china. France'^ stocked treatment today., nt Univerelty the proportion of -those who the eclipoe of the sun-next Wed- Ciiurches. Agree. 68 'percent; Disagree, 25; American officials encouraged by western unli}[i) sgains: herself. She per College HoopItnL Them wan n » ADOLPH'S TENDERtIZER. your next purchase agreed with Stevens's side was aeoday ptoteet their eyeo with PtUE 10# CeUPOW POOP OH U— Twp ■ separate moves, one of No obinion, 9. . ' - ' the determination of French' ■ , niitted no . political organisation exploBalian why. ■ N larger thSn'that which thought he pierea|of JueavUy-Bnioked glass. ( Whichwould fill the vacuum that them providing. for steps toward came wit on top. ' Th q Institute said 89 per cent i Premier.Mendes France to obtain ] B-V W IU JA.M L l(A'AN FROSTEE — nearly 9 out o< 10—told the The yvlipse will be tialMe In approvsl in National Assembly of j Paris. (>P> French 4X>lUlca has might some day be left by French [Or.ARO AMBUSH WITNESS ' long-lacking denuminational con­ Th.-s question wok; the United States .from Ne­ CHOCOLATI OR stitution, figured In brightening pollsters j they hod followed the European Defense Treaty .Sen-■ t*ben, a robust and proud nation departure. Poiltically. all Viet Nam Boatan..Jnno 25 | N «r« Pinahurst (at 302^Main, Comer Turnpike and • "Now- that the ' hearings . are braska. oortheastward. stands to be engulfed eventu^ly chances for-eyentuol merger with oyer, whose side are you more in­ hearings. U termed this "a pbeno- ate Foreign Relations Committee X"*! -turned it Into the' weakest today were guordlnif a peroMb VANHXAHAVOR -hitloa latrodnced hy by the , Cfqmmun^ts^whether the the .Evangelical', and Reformed cline.to agree with—Sen. McCar­ luenally high figure in pollingi uasunimously o^reven Charles E. .1 nk in .the West's defenses.- they onld was m eyewltnma to M ain). Open Friday niglit until 8:30i » , 'ri AM^'s^^aeetion op opthal- shooting war ends "formally or not. CJfimch. ■ thy's or Secretary StievensT'l The annals." , I ^ Saltzman as , Undersecretary of j Tke troubles of thf, French em- tho gmndlgnd amhsMk ohoottag ^ GREEN nnology 'said ‘’o olor^ glasses Stste ior Administration pire have become the woes 6f the Commimiim wilt have gobbled up Although the plan originally result: , * ' • •'' The quesUems were asked of of Joseph ’r^poem" O’KMfejT'T. ore toeither protectors nor of , Subcommittee eotes to make I w estern world, while French poli- another . piece of real estate, had been pu*; i s . storage for . the S teyeiu ''...... 4 0 peri cent In the : Uw)Aeatar dietrici hWt .Air-Conditioned To Make Shopping Comfortabla . STAMPS GIVEN ^ thoee who. .eoid they followed!' val«8p.” ' . permaiient the teihporsly law giv- j tlclant wring their hands and tun\- largely by political means. present Omgregatiohol . Conven­ McQsrthy's'...... '.'25 perWnt thg hearings.. The* poll was con -: Thoy aadd the pemmi/ Pkga. Previously., exposed X'-ray ing absentee* oervicenrien votiof trom bad to worse internal dls- In North Adriea, the meaning MeaUSad two of the threo p a r -’ for you. , ‘ :■ 29c tion,. Dr. Charles C. M'errili, of Neutral ' 8 per cent- ducted in 135 different cotnmuniv! 'nim waa deoertbed so m olter- i^hla ...Ariene Dohl-and Fernando! senaiort. , , __ of.the bat,tle. of Dien Bica Phu WITH CASH SALES U ndecided...... ,2'F per cent tkipanta In tho ahaattng nod «e - ■ ■ ^ ----- ■- - ■ ’ nptH'o to spMked glOM Lomas reported ready to wed In j A piece of the tmj;>ira Olrkidy ptoMod. ocpolethii' h* OMld (Centlmied « • Page I4Im ). To a quMt'on whiether McCar­ (CeatiaMd *«■ " ' • - N-evada today.... has flipped awa^—m ui^ soy by . (C«attauc4 Mltol) Ideiitify tho t h M U kP iMW WBh . ■ , ' ' J ■ . ' ■ { ‘ 4^.- ■'-T x . - - ' r -•V ,

? ■ I . I , MANCHESTER SVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1954 PAOBTWO MANCHESTER EVENING rifeRALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. FRIDAY. JUNE 25, 1954 PAOItBin in Boltqn>( Ha .aak}. “Bor 'da I Bolton feel that I aver ba-fortunate the people "to be patient,” and aaid amendments to the Taft-Hartley Churchill Sees Ike in Mom O b it u a r y Globe ^Hollow and Salterns enough to Nvork with aiich an Dikes Restrain M orse Assails It has not provided accurate uq- Act .was offered only for the sake enthusiastic pare'nt -group as la X Patelli'Stratton Wedding employment figures. of presenting a "performance, rec­ ROOFIN6 AND Principal Fails found In this to'to.” 'There are aa many as 5.000.000 ord." The amendments themselves GREAT EASTERN SIDING COMPANY To End ^Misunderstanding^ Open fo r Season Tomorrow "In short,’* th^^rincipal said, Record Crest Bush, Purtell unemployed, but published figures were bad, he said. i Phll Cn*r do not show this necatise they re­ "The people must elect a Demo­ . .—2FaAK STREET—MANCHESTER . “I- -hiiva thproughiV enjoyed the Laea Aadray Tatter I Deaths The town’s two public swim- i To ReneV Pact three years I have spent In Bol- Msr Aas'H fer only to those drawing unem­ cratic/ {?ongresa in November or A. V. “BURT” LINDSAY, Prop. * (OontlMwd fram P i« e One) of policy, It was learned today. . “FLAMK AND , ■MAH8ArBk ployment compensation, he said. Gaa Price Coming Dowit ming pools, Globe Hollow and Sal- j The petition, aigned by Directors toh." , \ THK ri.MH” CANTON" At Des Moines As Reactioiiarv else . the Republican reactionaries S» . f ter’s. offtclaUy open tomorrow for. NeUAed Grair TerS.JMt , ____ Tarh. S:ZS-S:M administration,. he j will construe the election results - WE SPECIALIZE IN . . ■unliirht brightened hit pink-faced Pearson Twins Walter T. Mahoney, Mrs. Helen Pnnrya, Buz* said, hold, the "Inljiiman” view, that.... mandate to pass laws much "Gas’,’ prices a.,e coming the sea.ion. Both pools will be [ Reuben Will Not Retuni Reuben said, he notified Siipt. Sal. 1 e.ie. "Bamba amile. The twins horn to Patrolman FltzpaMck, Everett Kennedy, and ReaSV I'aaper Daffy Dark. Tam A (Opatlnuto from Page One) (CoaUatied from Page One) ".some uhemplovment ia a good more ricloua and anti-labor than The military guard drawn up down again in Manchester, under town supervision. Matthew Palon, la dated June 21. Graff, by phone that he woldd not flaa . "Dial 5l For .Marier - thing.”, _ RESIDING YOUILHOME and Mrs. Willlan: A. Pearson of Monday through Friday the j To Elementary School those already enacted," he said. In an opto square around the | what with a . reduction in the 117 Hemlock Et. last Monday died Bowers has not called the special return - hla contract for the\ haxt ahoiild^rop to the 28-foot level future,” he said. "Great domestic Alamlmim Clapboardiaf, Aabeatoar PIm U« aad laaolaM •df et of the parking apron stood | tank gaJIbn cost' to service sta­ pools wiH-be open the. following | year ,and that as of June 3^ "1 Morse said one of thf important June 23 at the Hartford Hospital. meeting. Martin said Bowers may For September Term by noon and be down to baqkful and foreign policies are in the current national issues is the need HOMER OR NOTHING Stdlag, la a wide variety of colors aad stylea. •t present arms. ’ , tions and the sp]'».»cnt start of hours: 10 a. m. to 12 noon; 1:30 have decided the meeting was not will have fulfilled all the requlre- Burial MU be in the-East Ceme­ 6 ■tage of 23 feet by the time the* balance.” - for mo're aid for education.- . Boston (4hXj— It was home nm TZ:LEPH0N1: MI-S-82n—or MI-9-24M Churchill shook hands w ith' another "ga^^v.-ar tery. p. m. to 5:30 p. m.;.,and from j necessary since Martin called ofV Bolton, June 25 (Special)—A menta of the present year/' R e ^ £AST Vice rresideiit | p. m. to 8 p. m. - On Saturday I Morse, who quit the Republi­ Schools are not as good as .they^ or nothing for the Boston Red Sox WE FINANCE YOUR'DEAL* Gasolihe dt*t/lbut they get in high school will not Harr.v Agganis a singleto'n in a 5-4 ence with his American hosts. means a strndard j rice for reg­ Again thi-s year the town Is of­ vision. Schendel asked him what Graff aaid, however, he atill had he was going to suggest that the dikea would be patfoled until all and aaid "The people must place Churchill marched stoutly to a I.«uU M. Meleskn iNohui "STREET with no danger of any new -breaks was an effective .check" oh the admin­ meet minimum college require­ victory. The next day Agganis. ular of 22.9 a gallon; fering "Learn to Swim” classes. the purpose was. Martin said he hopes of convincing Reuben that chairman call a special meeting ments.” Lepcio and Milt Bolling smacked waiting battery of microphones Funeral services for Louis M. The' les.sons will be held dally, he should return to the local ele­ of the board aa soon aa possible. InaiME." Guy Madlaon, definitely past. istration by electing a Demo­ However, some„.deUers are explained to Schendel as he did iFrank I-oveJoy "CHARGE Morse said the Eisenhower ad­ 1wo-nin drives-and Jensen a solo and said: . • Meleako, 263 Green Rd., who'died weather permitting, at each pool subsequently to the Board that it mentary school next year. He aaid Preuse, who - was notified by “When a crest stays up thia cratic Congreaa. '' —r- "I have had a Very comfortable reducing their prices sn addi­ Ttiesday,' were held this morning I a T Fl5AtHER RIVER" ministration haa^"a straight anU- clout for all the Sox runs in a tional cent, to 21.9. « throughout the summer. First was good management to encour­ "it la my hope that I will be able Reuben this morning, said he real­ long, your dikes absorb lota of With a Democratic -'Congress, labor record" and charged that 7-4 win. VACATION CHtIRCH SCHOOL ' Journey from my fatherland to at 8:30 from the Leclerc Funeral lesson will be given on Tuesday, to.'influence him to aign his con­ water,” he aaid. "The^ ma.v the administration / would be my mother’s land. (His mother age employes to remain in town ly didn't know what to say. ' "I Home, 25 Main St., followed by a July 6. : Life saving ove flood almut unemploymeht except to ask i l l drove to the White House. Eden manded. But, this year he fore- NOW Theater Box Offica “ktage hut officials said they were and Dudes followed in a second graVated by the teenagers who Funeral Home. meetings. In • order to purchase I saw^at least a month of work be­ \ /■ Wlenblrkl Photo, have made the place a hang-out. Rev. Dr. Fred R. Edgar of the Tax Fix Probe property, the measure must be ON The Record Shop cmfldent their flood defenses could car. ■ - fore the school would be. In ade­ handle that much water. MRS. LOUIS T^HpiilAS PATELLI Eisenhower, with a broad grin After eight years of them, she said South Methodist Church conduct­ passed by at least ■»* (wo-thirds quate shape to open in September. SEATS SALE Hartford JA-2-628.1 she has had enough. ed the service, and burial was in (Continued from Page One) vote of the meeting according to Col. Nelaon LeClalr. Jr., district onr, his face, welcomed Chuichill He Indicated that it was im­ Arm.V- engineer at Rock Island, III., Mla.s Carole Ann Stratt^ aStratto n , brother of'the bride and , atsthe White House steps'with a . "I'm in good health, though, and the family plot in the Ekut Ceme­ the organization's by-laws. possible ^or Him to do this work feel guilty about giving up the tery. to have been associated with the Atty. ,W. David Keith, chairman LOW ADMISSIONS eatimated flood damage in the Des daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WllUamT Ronald Cluster, 79 School St. vi|[oroua handshake, and a "good without reAiving some recognition Moines,' Cedar and Iowa water Stratton, 35 Garden St., and Koula I TTie bride wore , a ballerina ! OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNf AT KEITH'S FOR THESE THRILLING VALUES! morning. business for that reason, but I am — The bearers were Richaril Bell, law firm from time to time; and of the Building Committee, said for his extra services. just tired of all the annoyances." Clarenc* Wilson. William McDon­ Milton Hoffman, not an attorney his committee will continue to Eves.: Tea., Wed It.20, $1.80, $2.40, ISJIO - sheds at'-about eight million dol­ Thomaa Patelli, aon of IM. and. length goi.'n of white net over! Holding CThurddll's left elbow, Regarding his three years aa Thare.-Saii.ll.20. $1.80, $2.40, $8.00, $3.60 Mrs. Joseph Patelli, 805 JHartford satin and her shoulder'length veil! the President helped the British she said. There are no definite ald, Stewart Atkinson, Jr., Wil­ but said to have occupied space search for a piece of property on lars. mo.stly to lan/1 jind eropa. plans for the disposition of the liam Atkinson and Paul Schendel. Bolton's principal, Refiben said "I Mat.: (Sanaet Show—5 P. M-. i Children Under IS yru. 60c This do(^ not include '.similar Rdu'were united in marridge Tues- of lllitaion fell from a coroiiet of | . lelider up the stairs where-he in­ with the law firm. which the M ge will eventually don't believe I shall ever have the establishment. . Mrs. Cavagnaro, Only the first count of the in­ AdUlte—11.20, $1.80, $2.40, $3.00 heavy damage in northwest Iowa day; June 22, In St. 3Wry'.s Epis- lace a'nd pearls. She carried a| troduced him to Mrs. Eisenhower. build a home. opportunity again' to 'work with copal ■Church. 1'he c^emon.v was while prayer book with orchid' Choose any one of $ different ensenhlos from Th.ey paused for. about three nun-. who resides in. living quarters be­ William H. Davis dictment which alleges conspiracy streams which flow into the MiS- hind the luncheonette, said she '"'The land that was under con­ such fine young'people as I found aouri River. performed by candle^ht at 7 p.ni. marker. I utes while nearly 100 photogra­ The funeral of WllliAm H. Included the names of the 10 al­ sideration is owned bv Stanley phers. newsreel- and television doubts that it \vill be leased, al- Davis, formerly of this town, who' leged co-conspiratorrs. by the rector, the/Rev. Alfred L. The maid of honor wore Alice ! thoQgh there is a possibility that Bra.v. local real estate broke.-. 1 PTON JQINS A's Williams! Organic Sydney Mac- blue net over taffeta and carried'' cameramen rccoVdeU the gr eeting. lived on Simpson Avenue at the ' in addition to Grunewald and Keith aaid a hou.se on the prop­ MUSICAL fW e’ye got to stop'here at the her son and daughter might sell it. Wlllimantlc Campgrounds ' and Bolish. the indictment named -the AIR CONDiTIONt O ’ Philadelphia, Jixne 25 <43 — Alpine pla.ved th/bridal music and a nosegay of pink carnations ahd In the meantime, though, the air erty was to be included in the Righthander Bill Upton waa on hia accompanied the soloist, Miss gypsophlia. top for a moment," said Eisen- died Tuesday, were held yester­ following aa co-conspirators; purchase but was to be reronvey- - THEATRE GROUP hreaent with the stiff-membem...watched the wel­ to refinlsh the ciipdla and dome of coming ceremonies from inside the bride's parents,- A graduate of the the Municipal Building. (Continued froai Page om) PROGRAMS 1953 cla.sa from Manchester High I White 'House grounds and ap­ W. A. (jroSsrup. Inc., of Hart­ School, the ,bri,dt is employed by plauded afterward as Eisenhower ford was awarded the contract to forces now hold 18 Guatemalan No Test Date \ Two More in FHA escorted Churchill through the Ivideo Everyday—All Rigbta Reserved—H. T. Dickinson A Co.. JUic.jf the Southern New Rngland Tele­ refini.sh the cupola. The firm's bid towns, seized 4ince. the invaders a ■' . .♦* is White House b o a t door at 9:2B 6 8 /fticu'/t ft, phone Co/ The bridegroom, who , of 5790. was low. with ths only moved in from the Honduran Suspencledl by Chief waa graduated from the local high a. m. . other bidder, Raymond Derr of border.last Friday in a bid to un­ Set by Poliee seat President Jacobo Arbenz Guz­ SHOES F o r » EN, WOMEN an i CHILDREN ach(k>l in 1952, is serving in the Glastonbury, listing $2,495 for the o ' ' ■ i U. S. Army at Fort Dix. ■ | Job. man's Communist - supported It appeared unlikcl.v today that (Continued from Page One) Public for Army A contract for pavement -cut regime. the examination for promotions in 1st RUN! 'There’s that ign agoinf repairs and highwa.v re-pavements the Manchester Police Dept, will be a prjDgram now cloaed out,, and 6 You’ll Rnd ft pleoMinf I Over McCarthy vas awarded to F. S. Kftpla of held in the near future. (b) home 'wnera were being bilk­ ^arstow Says*.. Hartford, which bid low with prices Boll’s J 1 Under Par Originally scheduled to/ June ed in operation.a under the current Of J2 pi^squarc. yard for repairs 29. the examination v a s post­ program for FHA-guaranteed end oosy to buy or sorv* ■, (ContlJiiwd from Page OM) to pavement cute, $2 per ton for poned last Friday t).y General ioana on, home Improvement joba. Princess harllng and layin.g bituminous ma­ Features 1(^0 Golf HIckt, 61 yeara old and a native leo hort, Hionlts to our “YOU NEED ties, with each region of the Manager Richard Martin after the of Greenway. Ark., joined FHA in country represented proportion­ terials, and $5.66 per ton for pre­ Board of Directors questioned his '=-Nile ; 'X paring sub-base and hauling and 1935 aa office manager at Little ately to Its poptilaf'dn. For In­ (Coatlnued from Page One) right to include in the qualifica­ Rock, Arki'The following year he lorgo free parking oroo. WESTINGHOUSE . stance, 31 per cent of the Inter­ la.ving materials. tions to take the examination a Other, prices ranged from $2.22 was tranaferr,ed to the national of­ views were conducted in the -New better than 10 feet on six of hla provision that ^ the aspirant have fice in Washington and he ha.s £>>h gland and Middle Atlantic to $3.i5_^for repair; to highway birdie holes, his longest being an five years consecutive service In 277 BROAD cuts; . $3.70 to $4.50 per ton for been here evel^ since. From 1944 »n-9-I124 hope theq mean me: Air-CoRditioninjg” states. Which has 31 per cent of 18 footer for a three on the the Dept. / to 1950 he was director of per­ RALsES Djid hauling and laying hituminou.s ma­ testing 15th. On the last green. Several members of the Board TELEVISION RADIO the potjulatlon. terials; and $.’) to $8.50 per ton for sonnel. SERVICE 2 YEARS TO PAY Tl^e Institute said " a , point 15 feet from the cup with hi-s raised the question June 15 at a Reached" bj’ telephone at his almost readil for worth noting'' was that roughly preparing sub-base and hauling fine approach he rnade a bold t.'y, meeting and requested an opinion home here. Hickax aaid he knew flKW YORKKR SOFA AND CHAIR and ..laving. for a .’?9, overrunlng the ;*up by from Town Co'jnael Charles N. CkAMCl S 4ferm «plf' i ) -Kew ■avbb. Phene MI-9-7234 ^ one person in four either iva'.s tin- nothing about the matter beyond . C«Ba. »:*• < Ml) LIPE o r aiLEY-Wllllaro first pair of... ^(Jll size sofa with divided box cushions and deflded or. expressed no opinion on There were three other bids be, two, feet. He had nines of 30-30 Crorkett oi. tlie relative sulhority the announcement .1 CbBBBcl <1 SpriB^I^. M bbb. OPEN A BUDGET ACCQliNT and Kessler Construction Co., both frequently, 'allowed •'i'll l^ p In a report to the Board Wed­ Frost la 43 and a\ native of • » OOI-DBICKGS For hit hirtt ptir of shoe*, )rour BELIEVE IT OR NOT of Hartford. nesday, Crockett said the authority 8:o(» I a-411 BIG NTOKV child detervM the b««i...PolN Charles Ponlicelll of Manchester, these bats, ■ through the tourna­ H ur^ S. D. He startedV'ith FHA (M) THK NANK’S THK SAME— NKW VOPIKRK ment.” / / to Initiate the qualifications foi In 1984 aa a messenger'-and held t;M < S).ANIMAL TIMK — Robert Q. I.ewl.* rof Ptrrocs! Pre*teiung a$sures her* received the contract for re-con­ .STARTS SUNDAY! (M ) S A S M WESTEaN TRCA- •er nippon, hener 6i m d more Uilalnm Made Suits TWIN His best previous roupd" in com­ promotion re.s.t w ith the chief but vafioua posts - before he\ became TBS— "I.Aramle Trail " (»J) MH. A -Mas. NOBTH struction' and repairs to sidewalks must be approved by the manager. "THE GREATE.ST SHOW IM) PLAYHOI'SE o r STARS— comfon. iuit whet your youhg* ForN Only ...... O p , petition w;a-s a 62 at ^ Virginia aaaiatant .state director for New ON EARTH” (U> WKSTRBN PLAYHOrNE '"^The Man Who K.*c*ned •■CtlONA1.a^. MANCHESTER and curbs for the coming year. His Neither Martin nor Chief Schen­ (41) DMCLK ED’S PiJN CLCB Iter needs for ihoie important Beach this year. / Mexico In 1950. , ■ — Ed Hatch From Devil'* laland " \ ' bid was low with onl.v'one other del today liad any plans whjch hrii iiepi. Let our expert hnen Room flattering Dw ji/e bidder,. Rogers Bros. Ent. of Hart­ "But you lost ground down there lilt I S) BILL’S CABTOONS UiiUBlIy worth i$11.5,0fl by any ford. if you didn't shoot a 63 or better," lAould bring -about the examina­ second- place when only a examination to fill the lieutenancy ; ‘Thonder Pass" Ma.ss in St, Bridget's Church to- post which will became vacant riL M I morrow mnlruing at 8 o’clock in small portion of the field had com­ DKADUNE EDITION <441 n i g h t c a p K o rrio N (411 SP O BT S—G erry Healy (41) FINAL EDITION and G IR LS! < 8) WEATBEB FOBECASt —Ray Drury , •. VACATION SCHOOL DAY TRIPS — < S) WORLD NEWS TODAY 11:14.(41) WEATHEH—John Quill ; (U> AREA NEWS—SPOBTS (44) MOONLIGHT MOVIES ' Including:. - (Ul LOCAL NEWS—iVed Dwver U :l» (44) THK L A T E SHOW • BIG WESTERN THRILLER Ocean Reach Park (4U WOBLD NEWS TONIGHT "Fabulou* Siixane*’ .*• (U) CBtlSAOER BABBIT _ Open . Air Morning Devotions With Portable Organ Shown 8lM)—<.'artnans 8:20 — ON YOUR REGULAR ------• • 20 Dally Features (I) PERSONALTIES IM tuz (41) ELEV EN TH HOL'B MOVIIV ‘ NKWS U :M < 4) BA DGE Na. 714 ' .1 - Pledge Of Allegtanre To Christian and Country's Flags • Exrellent Beach Ym H stMi a (SZ4*> CAPTSIN VIDEO —Ja c k Webb Rnjoysbie and Meaningful Handicraft _ KIDDIE SHOW SATURDAY, JUNE 26 «Mu4 kis$ ia (41) WEATHER n:,44 ( I) MYSTERY THEATER Gsmea, Songs, .Picture*. Trip* To Nenrh.v Beerentlon Field ECONOMY (41) LITTLE SHOW ^ "The Payoff" Above All. BIhle-Baaed, Chri*t-Centered Ulfe-Reiated Christian Training DOORS OPEN 12:3Q.-SHOW STARTS 1 P.M. tka Barghasa ( 4) FILM 11:14 (44) NIGHTCAP EDITION ADMISSIONS O C (44) JOHN DALY—Mew* —Fred Dwyer ’ • • fianlaas... (U) MABOE AND AEFF 17:1# (U) FBEVrES LET'S LEARN WITH HEADS, HEARTS AND HANDS IN TECHNICOLOR - . In Semuin Ticket Book* -NOW (41) m O H U G H TS—Tom Col(on D R I V E - I N Y N 'Ila u , (M) WEATHEB.VANE — Cavtll lilSX I) NEWS T h ea tre on Sale- at Entraace ^ _ law kaart ia Jobert LET'S FLAY AND BE HAPPY TOGETHER m ilLlN TURNPIKC* NIWINOTON Tanarmw’* Daylim* RIzMizhta Adolts H«M»k of it tirkoU 12.4« tiw sfcaiaea- (M l) ED D IE r U H E B SHOW —— f 7 .« ($SAI) DOUGLAS KDWABDS and 17:44 ( 4) RIG TOP “STAGE TO TUCSON” It««1l of IS tirkoU t l . H af St th« new* 1:14 < I) DODGEBS-St. LOriS Aavo ttM«.M g (U) THU U THK UFB 7:44 (M) SATCBDAV MATINF;R BEGINNING MONDAY, lUNE N ------PLUS 8 COLOR I'ARTOONS------Kioilo rndmUsUii 2V P a ta r'i..; (41) T.B.A. ChlldroB Nook of M tIrk rU II.M W . liU ( M l) NEWS CARAVAN — John NXW yORKBR SOFA-axp SUITS' S TECHNICOLOR HITS! ■k MYSTERIOUS COWBOY * GOOD HOUSEKEEPING NATO M.m AUmen».Swayxe For Sports Equipment * HYPNOTIZED * MADEUNE n >) FH RBT COMO SHOW Book of tlrkoU $ .M (IS) Smart 2-piece living room suite by day, an extra bedroom j i Q c ^'CARNIVAL STORY" * HANSEL aad GRETEL ★ IIOTSY FOOTSY Hbvo II.M VAJIKBH DOIHOS—Dorothy andllONTINUiNG THItOUGH JULY 9 ANNE BAXTER * FLIPPER FROLICS SHOEMAKER and the ELVES Hlogto iMhniosloB 1#^ Potter at night. Sofa-bed opens easily to sleep two comfortably. | •You fit OF' Nppcfkl BdmUsioB rmtro to ( 4) MAMA—F e n y Wood Nassiff Arm iCo, STEVE COCHRAN 04) TV t h e a i Y b - Dally Sewdon* Except .Saturday (and July ^ • A- M. ta 11:4.5 A. M. Its modern design Keeps secret the double use of your Sofa. , ------ALSO BIG LAUGH COMEDY------lorco froBD«- Call or wHIo Ar* Serving Connecticut 8 tloop on 2 LYLE BETTGKR ^ livltloi’ Direrlor. Oc o bb llr a r k GUFtON WEBB FliUKl’ (U) THK BIG picrrHa Registratim .Monday. June 28 at A. M. nr Call MI-9-04M HEEBIE GEE GEES I PA rk. ^>w L obiIo b , Co b b . (U) t h is i s t h e u s c b .. Closing Exerrl*e8 With l.awn Party Jaly »■ For Parents qM Children at T I*. M. dod(« of apringi $IM T»tii« (41) DAVE GABBOWAY S B . - 1015 Main^St. LIBERAL BU1K;ET TER rIs *SBA AROUND US" M W LONDON'S —Mualo- vaiitty Show Kactol Caraos'ii Adveature! - EXTRA -km BBRBTHY McGUIRE tkaRaaMatk , PLACE: ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH ^ JpUl Uie fua! Make up a luaay-aentenre by iitlag aay word la I maltbaYiB' A J W O F MMANCHESTER i St a r t s s Cn o a y UiU ad. iViite la your name and give to. the usher aext Saturday. JEW PETEB b"3C0WSM AND PARISH HOUSE ' •"DIAL M FOR M tROER" You'll be aurpriaed-1f they*re hUarloua; . . . TNCFOUNTJUr CAVEY’S RESTAURANT "HANGBlAN’g HOUOAV IBUIS JBBRBW CORNER COOPER and HIGH STREETS — MANCHESTER CONN. For the monthH of July and AvRUst Kiddie Show mati- DANCING Thursday. Friday, Soturday r’*/ ^ No Registratitoi Chgtge— Fr«c Will Offering—>No Obligation CHUDPCM Sees will be shpwn every Thuiisday, starting at 2 P. M. MRSGK McNMURA '.'■I FftJCE PARKI-'yG IN KUtH'A PRlVATfS PARKINO.. N v.lsql.. „• -ViJMliMMj Mm . -Y. K . ALL WELCOME ' .'it... n isiih"s MAIN ST OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL ^ a / i m i u h t "iW : OPF.N zViERY THl’RBliAY ESTENINO UNTII. t ’.' Next Kiddie Show, July lat. -r— . ^^^uakwi^bTED^s^RT.'ntEA'rs i .n ' c in e m a S: o p k 4 5 EAST CENTER STREET > r VBDPin ■V- \ .., ■■ ■ -.l-r \. - • \' I P' •

PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY. JUNE 25. 1954 '.■^ -• MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CQNN., FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1954 PAGE FrVM :J' t by defeating th« local nine 8-2. It Eockviile-V ernori was Willlmantic'a second league Drivers Reducingv-. submit their. Bpplica.lions prompt- win In as many starts. Grant^Union Extension Bolton B o lto n Boltoir* Prirst Bob Phaneuf pitched excellent Speed, Says Chief The co-ed camp will be held ball for the Thread City team, Alig. 1 through 7 afld ia open to Class of 1929 ' Schedules recording 11 strlke-outs and is- lo ii Set 4-11 Club members 9 through 13 .suing but' one walk. His mates For Filing Exceptions Police made only one arrest and Learn to,- Board Requests $1^651 Hike year.ft of age, who have enrollment' hacked him up vVith nine h it s . issued one warning to motorists cards on record for the current 25ih Reunion in Somers At Rectory for year. Ken Williams was top batsman yeaterday with use o^'radar, and SMaiNG » flRVlCI with three safeties. - , NLRB con^m s;* paint vacation For Pupils ^ Transportation 1.4'n-nieh Plan Outing Jack Macri hurle n 0 hearing officer’s report involving days" no arrests were made. Police The requested incfea.se in- : year'a budget. i have administered affairs ql the feature 11 arts of local talent to- Mrs. Louella Hale Dcnlcy, Mrs. different states. During one peri­ . 1 * 1 Democrats Uninstriictcfl have been using the radar in vari­ attractive subjects. od of 23 da.vs they obtained a to­ liarrln. 2b ...... 2 1 0 2 1) ft ft challenged ballota cast at the union volves elementary school transpor­■ For this reason the question of 1 chapel as a mi.Ssion. mor,:ow night at the Community Betty Davis Goddard. Mrs. Zita AnthonN. 2b ...... 1 1 n n 0 0 0 election at Ma'nche.ster Modes, Inc., ous areas in town to determine Hall. Dancing will also he en­ Genovesl Schliphcck, Mias Natalie tal of $758.57 from Connecticut Rnyntnn. If . . . . 0 2 0 n 0 0 But Seen Supporting tation, only, ami is a direct out­ purchasing a two-well sink and a The Rev. J. Ralph Kell.v recent- Kn. William.*, lb . S 1 3 4 0 and Brltain-Hall, Inc. streets where speeding and unsafe hot water heater, costing $2.50 !>' Iransferrerl to the local pari.sh joyed. a bake sale conducted and B. Ide. Miss Mildred Rostek and ,8talions. ft ft growth of JLhe contemplated in- ' ■ 3b ...... 4 1 D 0 ft ft ft The NLRB consented today to driving occur. J11.00.$8.95 net and $350 respectively, as approved ! from the faculty of-Annhursl Col­ stiawberries served ill a variety f Miss Louise Burke. \ Stodolski snd his wife . are Czajka. rf .1 i> ft ft Ribicoff for Governor /'crease of eritollmcnt next 'year. 1 1 an extension to July 12 after re­ The radar was in' operation for on the 19.53-.54 budget, was trnii- lege. South Woodstock, is the first of ways. Picnic Tomorrow scheduled to appear in City Court Valfl^rr. r ...i.. .T 1 •n 2 1 n about three hours on Charter Qak X .There will be some 332 pupils at Monday to answer breach of peace Kramer, r ...... 1 0 1 .1 ft 0 ft ceiving a telegram from the union Thirty-two Manchester delegates the achool as opposed to 301 who' blesome. However, it was decided pastor of the parish which also The annual picnic of the Baptist Sprrpkif. rf ...... 2 2 2 r 0 ft I yeaterday requesting that the Street near Virginia Road yester­ compri.ses Sacred Heart Church in charges. The hearing, which was Phanriif, p ...... 2 0 n ft are expected to attend the Demo­ were in the plant this year. to go ahead with the purchase and Manehe^ter Evening Herald B«l- Church School will be held tomor­ 1 I day. It is the first lime it has been Vernon. foit eorres|>ondent. Mrs. .loseph row. at Mashamoquet Brook State postponed for two successive court cratic State Convention which.opens used in thab area, police said. Board members agreed with watt future development... Herald Photo sessions, was put off last week af­ Total* ...... 3.3 R 9 21 3‘ 2^4 to July 19. Normally, the'*lO-day tonight at 8 o'clock In the Bushnell CCNTCS »T. rrinripal Gabriel Reuben that the The Revs. John F. Hannon, Ed­ Rev. J. Kalpk Kelly D'ltalia, telephone 511 .3 .5.54.5. Park in Pomfret. A- special bus. RorkvHlf (it ... I period for Rling would end Mon- Wells C. Dennison, 39. of 20 gar J. Farrell and George Hughes ter the defense attorney indicated ah r h r Auditorium, Hartford. The local greater number of pupils will and cars, will leave the'church kt Rryne, lb ...... ^ day. aince the union received the Steep Hollow Lane, was charged of ttje Manchester churchwill also' 10 a.m. and the group plans to Ida Stodolski was a patient at ...... 3 1 1 -11 Democrata go to the conventioq un- with violation of the rules of the /mgr necessitate an expansion of ’.the tomorrow at 2 p. m. al the home I.r n ’I.K I..VI>—RIG C.VTI H City Hospital. Stodolski through Dimork. r ...... 3 0 0 4 1 2 o repoit from the hearing officer, inatrucled but tliere is little doubt bus routes, and possibly the addi­ ■ be honored al the afternoon event. Pilt.ibiirg .T' • Angelo Simbari Le.«.*l7.z«. 2 b ... n u I road. Patrolman Joseph' Sartor return to the dhurch-about 5 p.m. b 2 0 Robert S. Kucha. June 17. they will support Abraham A. Ribi­ Local Stocks Mrs. Henrv Sheckley i,s chaii man'.p;.Mrs. Frank Paggioli. showe'i how a lad of 9 can handle Parents of church school pupils his attorney, asked for the delay KlUn 2 h ...... n n 0 [I JJ Although the union r e g a r d * made the arrest. tion of a now hu.s. of the committee of members of I "'til be conlmued in the because he was making arrange­ Ijclbengdlh. 3b , n 1 2 coff of Hartford aa the gubernator­ Board Member Howard Jensen a fi.sliing pole when he went fish­ are invited to attend with their Sorha. rf ...... 0 n 0 0 0 0 Fuchs’ report ss "unfavoFable" Us Police also arrested Ronald A. the Ladies of St. Maurice which club s study of judging dairy ani- HYDROSCOPIC ments to enter Rocky Hill Veter­ n 0 0 ial candidate. Ribicoff's nomlna- SgOPPS estimated th'e Iran.sporlation cost quotationt Furnlahed By ing in the .■Vlleglicn.v river, hop- children. 8rh''rwiizk\, rf 0 0 , jj' reqiipat for an extenaion for filing. la a certainty. Pearl, 22, of 114 Woodland St,, CORNER CENTER and GRISWOLD have arranged the pai t.v. Refre.sh-1 bn’’ ** -ftheep. ans Hospital. j Rrerwi.rth. ** . per pupil at ‘$27.33. This figure Display Prizes 0 n n • 01 I) U excepliona flrpd the NLRB’a grant/ yesterday for failure to slop for C4)bum 4k Mlddlebrnok, loe. ments will be prepared aml served 4-11 Camp Quota Filled | ‘ "F «'atch a carp. Sucklenly Coming Events iMAirluiin :...... Some other apota on the ticket was multiplied times the expected 1 p. m. prices The 4-H Club office a t' R ock-! >'''’ •<■ was a mi.ghty tug on his The Rockville G e s a n g and uJJl.fi'lHfiUTki. rf . (I n ft 2 ,n '! Ing• of " one do * not ^ necessarily - ...... ■ -ah mez' are unaetlled as y4t but according’ a stop sign St Woodbridge snd MI-8-72.3,'1 by the society members', The Church School of the Ver­ , Rzeptfiwirki. rf . ft 1 ft ft 0 , that the union will contest th,e flnd- Oakisnd Streets. Patrolman Ray­ • number of pupils to arrive at a Bank St4icks ville has announced that ihe i fi*’''vely. Workmen Deklamation Club Is displaying Domhak. If .... to Wesley Gryk, local Democratic figure of $9,100. .Rory iliMir SlatM non Center Congregational Church mond Peck was the arresting offi­ Bid Asked "rtve Library lies announced the quota for girls who can be accom-rt'cftt'hy watched Angelo struggle, two new prizes a;, the- clubhouse' on will hold Its annual picnic tomor­ ; Sokol ...... (I ft ft 1) li ‘"B-'* of Ih* hearing officer. chairman, there ia n6 definite sen­ Marri. p ...... I 1 .V 1 I The ILGWU ha.s indicated |:^at cer. High Seiiftol Cost Same First National Bank sumhwr .story hour for children modated at the 4-H Club Camp in > But-they didn't lusli to help be- Franklin Stredtr The prizes were row at Sweetheart Lake in Staf­ timent among the local delegation The Higli School ' transporta­ North Fianklin has already lieen | ca.u.se Angelo said.lie could han-, HOSE ~ ' it might concede the electlon/and of Manchester . . . . . 34 38 awarded in the contest held last Total* ...... 2 5 2 about nominees for other posts. will bC'^heid Friday afleinoon.ft in ford. Those attending will meet at Vii lift 2—s •’®B>n preparations for a'nevy one tion would remain the same since Hartford National filled. Boys camp, however, has | die the situation. He did, too. weekend at Bridgeport. The lo'cai the. church at 2 p. m. bringing their iWtllinianilr ...... At tonight's fiseasiori preliminary Jul.v and Augui.t. Tlie announce­ Rorkvillc ...... :..v...... itft.i)(io 0—2 , In the fall. The election In dispute business will be disposed of and no problem is expected from' the Bank and Trust . . . 31 33 ment leveals a further extension nine more openings. Application i pulling a 24-pound turtle, It wa.s lady singers won second prize with own food. Pupch will be provided. 2B. Kn. William.* SB. increa.se in the number of stu­ Hartford Conn. Trust 88 93 deadline ia .luly 14 .and the office 1 the largest .such lalrh reported Meriden in first. $ix other societies 7. I wa.. held by the NLRB laa^' Octo­ Sen. John Kennedy Of Massachu­ of librar.v Service, since the story The Women’s Society and the Phaneuf.. Tll.*ky; SAT. -Kd. William* dents going to Manchester or Manchester Trust 6Q — urges boys who wi.sh to attend to in'Angelo's neighborhood in years. were in competition with the local Phaneuf: DP. Valller* lo Kn. William*: ber to determine whether the more setts will deliver the keynote ad­ hour had jireviously been hel^ 50-.50 Club of the Baptist Church leOB. Wllllrnantir to. Rorkvllle 4; BR. than 600 employes of the, two ENDS 'VVtndham High Schools. Phoenix State Bank unit. are sponsoring a strawberry fes­ dress beginning at 9 o'clock. during rcgiila)'. I'brEry hours Wed­ Phaneu 1. MarrI 3: SO. Phaneuf 11. locally controlled garment'-plants The state ticket will be nomi­ In tuition costs, however, the and T ru s t...... 77 84 nesday. The men won a third prize vvith tival aupper today at the church Marti 4; HBP. hv Macri (Garritt, wanted the.union to be named its ' BoatU recomniepded that some groups from''Boston, Maa.s.- and Phaneufi; PB, ValWere. nated and a state platform adopted SATURDAY Fire Insnnui4se Compules However, the lihrai.v stag found $ 1 . 1 5 from 5:,30 to 7:3(v p. m. A feature bargaining agent. tomorrow morning. $600 additional, or enough to pay \ Watarbury placing first and°,sec- will be a "What N o t" table with a Aetna Fire ...... 65 68^ the combination of regul.er patron­ Talcnttvllle Items are now han­ britain-i-.ail h^Ss, sim^ the elec The local delegation is composed . < . F R E E ! for two more .students than are Hartford Fire 163 168 ond. variety of articles. JULY 3 age and popularity' of the story dled. through the Manchester Eve­ tion. gone out a 16'j home of club member Pamebt ship. drive In preparation for the Farm League games. ich luled.on the remaining Reuben explkiried Wial the room, . ! f^heney B r o s .. r .. Radding, .51.5 Porter St. in Man­ ty! ^ State election. The' club has re­ Freeman and Lois G. Freem'an, 4840 ’ chAllengea,fhAlii had also been with an oily cloth after each use. 8 Va Moose Edge P.\C Bearings and wheels should be Open Monday through Saturday 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. w.ft.s used two vears ago, would he : 112 chester tomorrow from 2 lo 5 ceived notice that at the next property at 111 Walker St. adverse to the union. V: ed thi.s coming ,venr am . would The Moose'edged out the P.A.C. John Cockerham and May Ann oiled and greased, respectively, Em-Hart ...... : 34 p. ni. Tihs writ be the last meet­ meetirig of the State Executive 7 to 6 In an extra inning ball game This earlier report recommended weekly. piobabl.v have to lie u.sed indefl- Kafnir Hearing ...... 39 ing of the .season for the junior i t AJosorbi moisture and Board of the Young Democratic Cockerham to William J. Turklng- that l 6 challenges be overruled, nitely, even after the projected at Recreation Field last night. The ton and Elizabeth M. Turklngton. I.andera, Frary, Clk, 28 sewing club. , perspiration! Clubs of Connecticut the follow­ outcome assured the KOsciuszko and the ILGVVU regards about 4-1 ooin addition 'wa.s' made to the -N. B. Mach.'Co. ___ 27 Shepherds and Herdsmen, 4-H property at 28 Bigelow St. LIRST.MRS ing names will be submitted for Club lindisp'uted claim to winning Marriage iJeense half/ of them as no-union votes. s< hoiil. lli.s belief' was based North and Judd. , . . . 28 animal hirsbandry club,' will meet approval to committees: Auditing, the first round. William Francla Maurer. Rocky Although none of the ballots On the minimum projected'cnrofl- Russell Mfg...... 12)i ir Will not mud spot! Robert .f. Pue; Research Commit­ I.«08e play by the PAC hoys w-ho Hill, and Nancy Ellen Doyle, 423 wimae challenge# have been over­ 'nient e.'slimales.- Stanle.v Works . . . . . 52 tee, WTlliam F. Luddecke; county had a A-2 advantage going into Summit St., July 24. St. Bridget's ruled have yet been opened and The lioard, al tir.st. wa.s reluctant Tcrr.v Steam ...... 111 LET US FILL YOUR organization, Frank Barbero. the fifth inning, coupled with a Church. counted, the nr.mea of tbe Individ- to provide for more than lighting Torrington...... 26 'k Less subject to snags. Receives Medal timely hit by Tony Zb’yk, enabled Rlillding Permit uAla who c'aat them are known. and .sbelvingH, l)uC~aUer vt.siling U. S. Envelope com. 87 Emil Kroymann of this city has the Moose to come up with four To Nicholas Lanzalot.ta for al­ Morris Glualiein, general coun- the room the member.s decided to U. S. Envelope pfd. 68 received the Pierpont Edward's big runs and tie the game. After ael for the union, told the NLRB Never Before!^ refei- the. mailer to the Scliool Veeder-Root ★ Pint quality. terations and additions to a dwell­ 34'., I^e Afan who Cares says: Medal in bronze for. distinguished a scoreless sixth inning. Bob Lanz ing at 7 Clyde Rd.. $2,000. the union wanted an extenaion. of Building Committee lo Ije included The above quotations are not to Masonic Service. Ths presenta­ came In to pitch for the Mooar and time in which to file exceptiona in in their plan.ft lo the new annex. be construed as actual market^ tion was made by Thomas W. Cor­ retired the aide on atrikeouts. , Electric genciators on the bat­ view of the length of the report Capital Oiilla.v Itenw Votril ir Dark seam. by, most worshipful brother grand In the bottom of the seventh the tleship Mia.souri could supply a and the volun.inoua record on Capital outlay items voted in- Wives of American men who master. Many of Kroyrnmin's busi- Called for and delivered Mfjose w-ere able to score on a city of 20,000 people. which it is based. Fuchs' re^ rt chule; plavyrounl slide for about marry in their 20s average about a promptly at no extra CARSTAIRS ncBs associates from the National scratch hit and P.A.C. errors to $17.5; plionograph, for $60; new | year younger than their husbands, i t Sixes S'/x to I I . Fire Insurance Co. attended the win the game. niovio .screen. $21; mimeograph, to but wives of men who marry when chfii'tce. meeting Tuesday evening when M*ob« (7) W H ITE SEAL ABRHPOAK be obtained through .special a r-. they are older tend to be conaider- the presentation was made. Zhyk. 3b ...... -.1 2 ft ft 0' rangement.s; two bulletin-Vhard.s. I ably younger than their husbands. PINE PHARMACY Right Worshipful Brother J. le«nz. p, rf ...,, ' .4 1 ft ft (I ft BLACKSTONE WASHER $2.''> oai h; blackboard. $35, and a | the age differential increasing with Zalman S.-Hunt presented .25-year H^plon. rf. p ... .1 ,0 1 ft 2 ft BUY PLENTY OF THEM NOW! n. ICdwftnlii. lb .3 I 1 4 ft . r tran.spai ont globe of the world, i increasing age at the time of mar- CALL Mi-9-9814 CARSTAIRS BROS. DISTILLING CO.. INC., NEW YORK. N. Y. pine to W. "Kurt Berthotd. George KdwArdn. c . .4 1 '0 r4 2 2 Thompson Day Camp America's Oldest Washer Manufacturer $.3.5. riage. Ellis McCannon Jr., Clarence. G. Swr#*!. tut ...... 3 1 1 2 2 ft 1 Ollier ite'ii.s consideied included: BLENDED WHISKEY. 86 PROOF, 72X GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS Kahrick. Everett W. Bell and 8htmkowliz, r( « 3 1 1 ft ft ft FOR BOYS 614 - John McNeill. 3b .... 2 1 ft 1 2 1 a paved aren for recreation, ex- Pr PAMni, If ... ..' I 0 ft ft ft ft REG. PRICE $119.9S pan.sitin of the school parking ,\ Grocery Social Slated MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9-4 P.M. Burpee Women’s Relief Corps ToIaIb ...... 2fi 7 S 21 S' 4 area, and d'aiiiage work around -will sponsor a public grocery so­ \ - p.A.r. l « l lh« school. ■ r ...... 2 2 1 3 0 1 STABTING JUNE 28 cial, Wednesday evening at the Rurkliardt. lb ...... ,1 ft ft 12 ft 2 The recreation area propo.sal GAR Hall starting at 8 p. m. Korlurh. 3h ...... 3 ri ft ft- t ft wa.s tabled and' the parking area 1 The next ijjceting of W.' Burpee Pruttli^. BJt ...... 4 1 1 ft ft (I Swimming—Craft.s—Uookoubs—Trips omv O n l y was to be taken up witli the select­ SMIUN# r SIRViet C. R: Knnviton, If ... . . 2 1 ft (I ft (P N men. The, board hetie'yjfd. the job Corps will be held on July 7 at 6 Surhrckl. cf ...... T . 1 ft Pt ft ft ft Rifle Range— Hiking— Exploring p. m.. with a supper preceding the K-vp. 2b ...... 2 PP PP 0 1 0 Pony Rides— Dramatics of'adding to the parking facilities business se.ssion. Miss Ruth Pippin MifHkPii. If...... 2 I 2, ft 0 ft qniild be more economieail.v han­ • iroiiB. p ...... 2 ;ft 0 I .1 1 Movie.s— Indian lAire will be -in charge. R PruIUMf, 2h...... 1 (P PP 2 1 ft dled if ,the town nia.(fe the arrange- At this lime plan.s will be com­ Arrhlvv. If. rf ...... 2 ft PP ft ft ft meiit.s tlian if the board did. How­ A SMASH EVENT! IlHmiltoii. rf ...... 0 ft 0 PP IP ft (TRANSPGRT.\TION PROVIDED) ever, the boalf^expected to pay pleted for the outfng to be held Ko^lownki. r f ...... 1 O f t II IP ft J July 10. A special btis will leave I'wtklA. ,p ...... II ft II 0 ft ft for the area out of 'the .school the Town Hall at 9:30 a. m. and C. Knowlt.on, rf ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 SUMNER THOMPSON. Diroctor biidget; WITH PUMP Auxiliary items on the budget dinner will be enjoyed I Ti,t»l» at the 2S 4 4 tS g 4 Our Best All Around Trade AVinds, New London, follow­ ; Moftppp' ...... 2011 lUO 1—7 PHONE BUHer 9-0014 apiuoved ia.'it night inciude: , \ r, ...... 102 3ftft ft .« »89” I.ibraiy salary. $150; books, ed by a visit to ■ Ocean Beach. . SB. S. Kd'sards; DP, Biirkhardl. J*n- $2.50; Ijealth .services, salary of Reservations for the trip to New a.p.i-«lei1. I.OR. Mipose 4,* P A.r. 3. BB. 400 ELLINGTON ROAD EAST HARTFORD Seersucker 1,/indon should be made with Mrs. , iJrous .3, H.ptiin ft. Swlkla 1; SO. Gmils niirsn, $1,100. salary of liootor $300, (2 H»plon 10, Pwlkla 1. I.anx 3: lilts off. health supplies $35,000. hot lunch, SUMMER SHORTS Carlton Buckminster. I (lulls .li fiir S runs In 5 inninzs: ('wikla Plan Picnic i 1 fr>r 1 fun in 1: Heptnn 4 for 4 runs in Matchless Features $50: attendance and enumeration, The American Legion Auxiliary fi. Lanz for ft runs in 1: UBP, R. Kd- $1.30. ' gr 1 wards. Kosisrh;ft PB. tjsssa.v 4. 8, Kd- Fixed charges recommended in­ Surt Loving Summer

will hold, its monthly meeting ; wards 3: W, |..anx: U, Yanks. Ventura; r ( July 21 in the form.of a combined , I.. Bwikla. clude insurance for building, $2,- picnic and business session at l,,ejtlon J.oaea Opener FULL SrPOUND CAPACITY Henry Park. Fox Hill, I Willimantic spoiled Rockville's Klnpfl in Hartford I opener in American Legion ' Dis­ LOVELL SAFETY WRINGER Frank Stodolskl, Jr.,. and his trict Four competition last night HIGH VAN^AGITATOR S a j f LIFETIME LUBRICATION by "Basilii

FIRST WHITE PORCELAIN TOR 'N Ali r Given On C.O.D. Deliveries tkp »BW|fy. A6V4P »hpi! for FOR FRim: Rogulariy 3.98 A BIG RANGE & FUEL 0|L \ READ ALL ITS SPECIAL FIT-FEATURE (left) FAULTY "Why Shouldn't OUR House SUPPLY OF TIDE . .. . and you’ll see why this BASILA BEAUTY MODEL 136P iV^ 'I I goes out on the lawn for lunch, stays home The BOLAND OIL C O .' The tipper cipk'*! Look Like HB?" . with each machine purchased l•r*pmilnel y • « for Sunday brunch, goes marketing, vaca­ VISION imaotMy' tioning . . . becomes your summer standby That's right Ia4l.v—KOliND OFF! You’ve a right l4» complain. But No Down Paynteni TIL. Mitchell 3-6320 don't just yakety-yak! Do something ahoiil It. As Little As $h8S Per Week Ihe second the temperature soars. Crisp, Haul hubby down to W. G. Glenney Co. and let us sh'tw him how Limited Offer cool cotton in fresh star print of red, green This mofiem optical laboratory should LITTLE It e4Mts to make Rif] Improvements, when we ito th. OTHER MODELS . / : i or blue cn white. Sizes 10 to 20; 16'/i to be your very, first stop after your planning. EXA.MPLR VALUES While Present Stock Lasts P.A.C. 24'/2. . ' doctof has 'prescribed corrective A Beaiittful folonlal Dutch Door, € A! TT 7 E LliERAL TRADE ALLOWANCES PLUS '< M > i * v'.' lenses. You’ll^,find we’re equipped to Size $/0 X « /« X !>,. Only ...... ,... ^•»/./d 8lr.e S/8 x fi/8 ,x I G- Only For The Best Deal See FREE TID E! Th* BwAbt'a n »••«, render speedy- gnd efficient -service, $46.75 BINGO U the secret of this backed by years of .experience. A t Enough Y'hl-Namei Paint for a six room ^ |P 'A A Sensational Dress house. (2 coata). ; ...... Only ^O sW U prr moa NEW LOCATION No charge fop estimate'op advice. Investtgatel POLISH AMERICAN Whisks through the suds! Sales Service The waptedlitre short with ' the short • Dries in no tim^ f^at! AA anchester O ptical o CLUB BALLROOM CLiffs, sot beautifully tailored and of ^ Scorn* *n ironi'i \ I ■ f s T G ' . B. D. PEARL course ' gupronfaed' washable and :9 8 LEONARD Ms GRACE, LjeensM Optician ' APPLIANCE :& PURNITURE CENTRE 26 Villaqe Street color fa$t.V I hip pocket. Zipper. v\ Rockville / NEXT TO STATE THEA^ BUILDING MATERIALS ''closure. Sizes 10 to. 20)’m3Un ten colors.^^ The W'PippW $ir«ie1 TV« .|»)| WWt •ksft White, iMvy, yefyellow,y green, red,'^. 2. 747 MAIN ST. LUMBER FUEL 44* MAIN s m n F H 6 n E MI-3-V590t EVERY MONDAY TELEFHf)NE ftH.9-9®21 black,‘bqili^, blue, brlpwn,1,. gr^‘y.' ■ ■ 336 N. MAIN STw MANCHISTER R L .M l J .i 2 i l V AT 7:45 ^M* / ' Charge it Bud aet it Y e s Indeed! ' t ' - \ I ;..Av . A - - . / \

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN;, FRIDAY. JUNE 2!y, 19^ PAGE SIX JIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,. MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1954 p a g ^ e v e n ] Muggs 'tore down a rack of hats, questioning the ulncerity of his Hal Boyle Z IRanrl|PBtpr cold-bloodedpess la especially sat­ Hebron Taylor. Susan Wakeman, Judith daughter, Susan, of Carlisle, Pa., on the average total between, 1 broke a dummy head on the floor 10 Blood Donqrjg conduct, it .must be admitted that isfying. TTiey have succeeded in Woodman. are spending a few days at their and 5 tenths of an inth occurring and jumped up and down in glee no statesman in modem history making It the formal act o i this • Class Officers Listed local home. aa showers and thunderstorms TOYS Finally, he playfully refu.sed. to Join Gallon Club ^Dpttitt^ Ifpralit Eighth Graders Claas officers-, were: president, about Tuesday or Wednesdoy. put his fe«!t into a pair of over­ has ever demonstrated sucl\ a con­ comnuinitj*. Tliey regard it aa a Earl Murphy; vice-president, Wil­ Alaneheater Evening Herald He­ P FOR THE KIDDIES ^ TV Star Maps Tour PUBLISHED BY THE sistent talent for. exasperating, trium ph. ^ Larg* Aasortiamt ^ alls held out by Mennella. HERALD PRINTING CO.. IN'C. (graduate School liam Secord; secretary, Joyce Ly­ bron eo[|renpondent, Mlaa Susan In some wny.o, it's the dull little “Quit .being so silly, Muggs," Th* Man.chester Red Cross ' 13 Blu'll Street .m nfusing, and *^insultin'g. his own B ut Wherever there in any aen.se man; treasurer, Marjorie Ha’ll. Pendleton, telephone HArrIson chorea a girl attends to faithfully chapiter office has released the I he first lilac. In Stoffel’s sheer imported. Mitnrheeior, Conn Class colohs were blue and gold. - S-S,-* Graduation exerci.ses were held at FIVE DAY FORECAST p’e, making a habit of sudsing your , Poor little rich chimp! the honor-roll of Manchester resi­ lace-edged . . . its skirt, a bloom of unpressed Founded Ottober 1. 18RI he has appeared ao ridiculous and by this ('Ommimity, was pointless, Mrs. Goldie Liverant,'Mrs. Made- New York (A>l--J. Fred Muggs, Testa, and is an admiral in the dents who . have given . eight or, the local Elementary School last clotheshrush often will make it a pleats. And the bouquet at its .waist, . Publtehed Every Evening Except yet so violent before the world is cruel, unnecessary. To have" it lyn Cooke. Ignatius Lombardy.' t Boston, June 25 UP! The tem­ lot easier for you to keep your America's only incorporated ape, Nebraska Navy. He has endorsed more pints of blood to the local ^ - Sunday* and Holidnya. Entered at the night for 31 eighth graders, in­ Mrs. Patricia Dobush, Mrs. Nellie BloodfProgram since Its inception no shrinking voilet.-^ - Poat Oltlce at Mancheater, Conn., aa the fact that he has had some pcintlesf, and tri have it ynneres- perature In New England during dies.se.s, su its and h ats lint-froe. acts out next month on a flying trip everything except- a tractor. X You do hot have to lejave "Manchdater to find a cluding 16 boys and 15 girls. Wil­ ManWarren, Mrs. Alice Fogil. the next five days, Saturday Around the world that will mark a Wearing a beret and dark Keiiiieflys Observe here In July. 1950. ' Second Claas Mail Flatter. amazing poliries, not . dopted by sary, and to ' have it therefore Mrs. Dolvina Montignev, Mrs, Ida huge a.s8ortment of the * liam 1. Borst. chairman of the through Wednesday, will average McCANN new milestone in the air age. glasses, .nugBsMuggs wmwill takelane inIn mshis en-en »• — 'tf The names just feported include ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES .himself alone, to expiP.vs one mo­ douhly cruel .seems to have made C. Heck. Franklin Robinson, Mrs. The celebrated chimpanzee will tourage his secretary and girl Fri- Wells Dennison, MebyEmily Bas­ Payable In Advance Board of Educalfon; pre.^nted the WiHo Mae Suprehant. music su­ 2 to 6 degrees above the seasonal 50th Aiiiiiversarv ’ One Year ...... '...... 315.SO ment and abandon the next. ' it also joyful, fhr some. But some diplomas. normal. A little cooler over the bccome the first televi.slon star in ‘**y> •*- Mary Kelly, a cameraman, ils, Lester Vozzolo, Jbhp Hyde, "BEST OF ALL" V. Six Hnniha ...... 7.75 pervisor, Mrs. Harrv H. Kirkham, BELIEVE IT OR NOT Raymond Jones. William .Hanna, But by fai" the woi-st and most Will want to be counted out. Graduates included; weekend; rising temperattirea the BROTHERS history to girdlo the globe by air- •"*1 his two young owners, J. Roy . Three Mentha ...... 3.90 school nurse, Harold L. Gray, cus­ plane while still in d iap ers, j " ’**‘*''on and J. Bud Mennella. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A ., Ken­ Mrs. Lois Berry. John Grassa ■ • One Month ...... 1.30 disturbing phase of our present Meanwhile,,the first atone of the Gene Boyington, Gordon Coates, todian. Miss Ida E. Seidel "is ele­ beginning of the week and cooler CiiNtomiNtoiii Made S SiiiiiiH n f ^ ^ . 5 0 Neither J. Milton Bcrle nor J.' ^ went along with the chimp Ralph Coleman, and M^. Amy . - SWIM OR Weekly ...... 50 situation in the world lies ih the new Kcenc.v Street S;;hool- has Arthur Doubleda.v. Katherine E|7 mentary supervisor. Andrew J. again about the middle of the Plumbing and nedy,, 66 Spruce S t. will reach • Single Copy ...... 05 week. F or Only ...... * Arthur Oddfre” can make this day to a children's store Plrkey fact that Washington seems' to been laid, in accocdnnre \vith the Its. B arbara Fried. R obert Goncl, Manges is superintendent of Hudting Cenfroeters claim, to watch him pick out some new their 50th anniversaj^-, Monday, Local Blood Progrtni officials ^ - SUN CLOTHES MEMBER OF Robert Griffin, Marjorie Hail, schools. Some normals for the - period June 28. No formal reception ^js point out . that the Vftlanchester THE ASSOCIATED PRESS have very' litU'e acliinl realization wishes and instinel-s of those who Emest Harlow, Patriria Harrison, a re Boston 70. Providence 69, Over at NBC, where Mifgga Jias Nothing for the journey-a cut- , The Aeaoriated Preaa la exoluaively M em bers of the B oard of Ed>i- I'aiiall.v worth 8115.00 bv any Watar Systims become at the age of 2 a veteran ■''".V "Ith morning trousers and planned. A Ma.ss.will he celebrated Blood Program has/had to rely . entitled to the uae ot renubllcatlon of of where and how it .staiids. and 1-ave taken control of tiie project. Barbara Heim, Arthur Keefe, catlon include; William I- Borst, N an tu ck et 64. New H aven 69. nther' tailor using 100^ rtrgin more knd more »pon^ "repeat" Many, many style.s and fabrics to choose from. . all news dlepatchea credited to it. or of how and why it is Isolnling it­ It Js cold and hard. ,a cornerstone •locel.vn I-4»ndon, M aurice I.,fderer, (chairman), Mrs. Chafles N. Fill­ Concard, N. H.. 67. B urlington 69, wool. newa commentator as co-slar on P'"' Ko^o'dlne Monday at 7 o'l-lcK-k in'St. Jame.s’ • not otherwiee, cri^dlted in this paper Salts and Sarvie* J. Dave Garrov/cy's "Today " show, "'j !' “ *"‘1 blue b«thmg donors to maintmn this town's - and alao the local newa ptibliehed here. self from the woiid The com­ of needless injustice to one indi­ Mabel Lowden. Joyce U.vman. John more (secretary), Clarkson L. Portland 65. Eastport 58. Green­ Church, following which they will share in this prowet. With another All right.' of repubiication of special .Moran. E arl Murphy. Penny P a t­ Bailey, Raymond J, Burt, Mrs. ville 63 and Presque Isle 63. J. Fred's journey is being accorded *' d ',,. u i„ . „ . , .. leave for Newburgh. N. Y.. where Bloodmobile coining up ,5955 TV ipdiistry that underneath his th ey 'w eie ,m arried 50 years ago in Monday, they/irge that a g reater nothing anybody else ouglit to Columbus' first voyage. j ; Full aervitfe client of M. E. A. Serv­ bun, Robert Riopelle, Sirieno Coolidge. F. Elton Buell. Mrs. Bclg, temperature during this period is ARCHIE fancy garb J. Fred still wears St. Patrick’s Cliurch. I proportion j n first-time donors ice, Inc. . question, the complacent assump­ Scranton, William Secord. Kirk Schrelcr, Merlin Whitehouse. 78 and the normal minimum tem­ THK TAII.OR “The other day 20 people at­ They have three chiUlien, Wil­ make the w ort to help this vital- Publishers Representatives; The diapers.' -It ^akes time to house- j tion that there is not e'-cn sny Spencer. Stephen Stanek, Douglas- Personal Mention p eratu re is 62. tended a conference to iron out the break a TV commentator. liam C. Kennedy of Corona. L. ,I , I ly inipoctant community en- . Julius Mathews Special Agency — New Strickland, Donna Tardie, Helen Charles C. Sellers and his 829 C enter. SI. Tel. .MI-9-48S8 details," said a network man with • York, ("hlcagb, Detmlt and Boston. reason for us to stop and try to ; D r o o d lc s Rainfall during this period will Rea^ Herald Advs. "We have arranged for veterina­ Mrs. Frank Roche of Briarcliff . deavor Vy coming to Woodruff MESfBER AUDIT BUREAU OF a note of .awe. "Muggs listened rian to check J. Fred’s, health at Manor. S*. Y.. and Mrs. William Hall bktw-een the» hours of • 12:45 CIRCUI.ATrONB. look at what we have been doing j By RWiER PRif'E lor a while, then stretched out in each slop," said Mennella. -'But Tripp. 29, Harlan this town; and 5.)a0 p. m. and volunteering to The Herald Printing Company. Inr., or the positiona w« have taken, Ihq leather seat of an executive's what .ais worrying me la inunurylaundry al.so s IX grandchildren and one dona assumes no financial .responsl^illly for aiid the apparerit ignori nee of the chair and fell sound asleep He has j.service. Muggs needs 12 changes great grandchild. doubt if anyone would qiies- typographical errors appearing in ad­ tremendous self-possession.” a day. and I don't know whether tiofi Wow important the Blood vertisements and other reading matter depth of the gulf we are opening Mr. Kennedy was formerly em­ As advertised in , In Th? Manchester Evening Herald. Mugg.s, who is traveling as a j any - airplane can haul all those ployed as .superintendent of dye­ l^ogram is," said one of the local between ourselves and the rest of olunteer workers today. "But , Display, adrertlaing rinsing hours: goodw ill.am linssador for the U. S. I w Ebb revisit Africa, where he was born live, rip off hl.s store clothes and program . ' . C principles of the United Nations, in poverty some 27 months ago. disappear into the btisli. should carry the burden of protec­ Never since this nation delib­ Today, ju s t 18 m onths a fte r i We certainly raiiiiv iinv>-have III!no lUlliaiM'iromance tion for so many of their fellow- all a.s if-3;e were doing the very KXITTIXG, citizens." erately chose isolation after the finest .tilings w.e can think of- “Esther Williams Waving t h is space can't begin to give you complete list Muggs entered television, he has ' In mind for him." .she said fli mly. become the wealthiest simian alive. \ "We definitely are not going to first World War ha.s this coun­ that is the frightening aspect of to a Friend" Hanco Aftei-knitting White, fabric'glovi-s. whether of : I try been so isolated a.n it would This Droodle might better be of reductions. We've scouted our better-than-an-acre Hr earns $4.'^0 a week, has .'iOO ! let him a.ssociate with a'ny other cotton or nylon, generally are this moment in car history. suits, gets luindreds of fan letters i chimpanzee.s, and sen idieds of sweaters peeiii to be at this particular mo­ titled. "A W.AVE IN A SWI.M- to G rea i in World War II. .sniidy enoug;i to be Inundered in Perhaps all this could be 5IL\fi PfM)L,” but I've noticed eai-h week, owns 4-inch-square | "He’s getting girt crazy .'al- a macliinc. If you do not have a ment. But this new isolated con­ of display floors .... and warehouses, too .... for Mrs. Lil I .switched to shawl summed u*/ as an aa^ertion of 1 that pictures with “E.sther Wil- ranchos in Texas ami , and ' ready. He likes to put his aim.s knitting Now 82. she esti­ machine, don't be afraid -o tackle dition of the United States in -the liam.s” in them are always more la ilicorporaled under (he name of i around them and hug and kiss partii iilarly soiled finger Up.s.wilh j power and leadei ship which, to the j one-or-few-of-a-kind items.... of discontinued patterns J. k red Muggs Enterpri.ses. He has them." mates s knitted and given world seems the .result of blunder rest of the world, must seem to popular than tha^e without. They away 27 i mostly to ntiglw- a brugh. ■ Use a well-lathered nail , are with me, an.yway. Actually al.so judged .several beauty con- 1 Dir.ing' his stay in the. store bors si: lime. lini.sh. ! lAtlvfr than choice. In fact, we have gone berserlj. And liowevcr | ...... of odds and ends. And when Watkins cleans are very much alone In the world the Didodle is jiardly fair tp Miss much it iuay delight some of our 1 Wllliam.Sv who. alway.s appears in at this particular moment not be- house it CLEANS HOUSE! Look at the prices. own hot-heads in Congreas, it is Technicolor and in a bathing suit. • cause'wc haye been tryinif to re­ i K I l i l l l S real good news only to the Kreni- | In this picture Miss William.s is tire from tlie world, but-because of not wearing a bathing .suit Hake Look at the savings. Then hurry right down to­ Hn, which finds c. eiy- plia.se of j the particular me1hc again what vou to make it a success, has followed between our own action and our said in .voiir Ea.ster sermon.' j've a course which tested the Com­ got to believ - it now." f own principles, the latter being, Sponsored bv The- Manchester s munists and gained the respect of of course, the main root of the [ up to 30% and morel C'oilncil of Clu.rches. 'S.. the neutrals at the .same time, and ti ouble. Btili can see a real (;hance of suc- Wc can be nothing in the world Lake Eric is 240 miles long and , CC33 at Geneva. 57 miles wide. it we are not principled, if we are (1) Reg. $55.00 Mahogany ('liairpitle Talile; 18th Century®.style (11) iveg. $l.tt8 24. .X. 36 inch (’otton Shag Rugs; assorted colors, Eden considers it a gam .that at not moral. If we are not consist­ with inlaiys; has two drawers and a shelf ...... -35.60 each ...... 9 7 ^ Geneva he was able to improve re- ent. These are the fundamental- OPEUMNG MONO A Y latinnsliips with the Chi.iose Com­ (1) Reg. $75.00 Modern Lounge Chair, blond legs, green figured (5) Reg. $t2.50 ‘2x 4 ft. Hand Hooked Wool Rugs, each ....7 .9 5 lequirementa of that world lead­ dama.sk cpver ...... ;T...... 34.95 munists. Our diploinacy boasts ership we are trying to exeicisc. (8) Reg. .$23.50 3 x 5 ft. Hand H»M)ked Wool Rugs, each ...... 14.95 JUNE ZB openly of the .fact that it sun eed- (1) Reg. $75.00 ;Uahogany Knd Table.* 18i1i Century style with one , ed in ignoring the fact that the shelf one drnwet with bra-ss inill ; brass-en.'^ters 3 9 .9 5 (‘23) Reg. Values to .$18.05 27 x 54 inches Sample Rugs in various--^ \ Cliinesc Communists w»re even The C'-ornerstone weaves including braided, broadloom, fringed-ends • no two alike present at Geneva. ^ ' A contract; was signed, yester- (1) Reg. $20.50 Mahogany Knd Table with shelf .. ..^...... 17.50 ...... '• ...... 3.98 80 at Geneva, a new French i da.i- afternoon at «u.- Munielpai. (i) Reg. $60.50 Mahogany .Steii Table witfi gold tooled leather prenl r, who seems to liavc un- ! Building, and as it was cigned a Reg. $6.05 12-ft. Cottoii Broadloorii: short rolls' of Pebble Beige, \ WATKINS top ...... v ...... ■•29.95 Blue-Green, Slate Grey. Suluirhan (Ireen. Creole Beige and ('rystal •parallel suppoi t' fro.u the j cold-hlooded injustice came into ■ ROTHBKS. INC (1) Reg. $'10.75 Mahogiiny Knd Table; brass fei’rules on logs, ' (Irey. All cnt-))i!e shag weaves, ('rystal Grev is al.so available in French peRnle, is 'rchaving as if exisLemc, past lui.v recall. loop mle, S(j; yd...... 4 9 $ 's he. too ,expels some siu cess from By this contract, a new archi­ FUNERAL drawer with bra.ss p u lls ...... 19.95 Oie eonferenrt^ Our response to tect takes over the ta.sk of pre- SERVICE (1) Reg. $50,05 .Majile Bed: solid niaplc twin size po.ster . .44,50 Reg. $6.05 0-ft.-Cotton Broadloom in water green, sq. yd...... 4 .9 5 this is one of fea\of the kind pal ing, adjusted plans . foi; the au'cchsh he'plight-h^e. Keenev Street School. This new Onnand XWest (1) Reg. $52.00 I^Iodci’n ('ocktiiil Tableharvest mahogany finish (ol) Keg. .$.». 1.527 x 50 indies ( otton JShag Rugs, *see colors below each ...... ^ .9 5 KAtHERINE M. GIBLIN, Prep. SummiMgrmp Geneva, wc con- i ori hUett ij^ we siippo.se, not in the D ir te to r with leather to]) ...... 14.95 YOUR damn nhd scoff, at what our two to'blariie, merely because he (1) Reg. $80.05 Cheri-y Rookea.se; 26-iiieh .sr^.ewith :! shelves 29.50 (631 Kug. $5J)5 :io X 60 inches (’otton Shag Rugs, ‘ see colors he'ow 50 COTTAGE STREET^TELEPHONE MI-9-2358 best friends'arc iihchrely trying to i j”b from which another ...... 7.-3 .9 5 accomplish there. has been ousted. That sort of (■1) Reg. $()0.50 Ttvin SizoM iittress; Ilolman-O. 1). Raker’.s Over­ OVER JOHNSON BROTHERS ELECTRICAL SHOP Another wedge .now isolating thing happens every day.- in every ture Innerspring (luality. evira long (6 ft. 8'inches) .. • - 37.95 (38) Reg. .$10.05 6 x 0 ft. Cotton Shag Rugs, *see colors below, profe.ssion the United.States,-from the world (2) Reg. $27.50 M ahoganyllleadboards; tvyin size. (1) Sleigh de- ...... -16.95 'Is Guatemala. Tliat story is sim­ The injustice ciineeins this com-‘ , .sign, (1) .Acorn.-top style; to fit twin size liedding, each . . V4.95 (41) Reg. ,$37.50 i» x 12 ft. Cotton Shag Rugs, ‘see colors below, ply told. We, a cluof founcliq- of invmi.v, and this communit.v alone. PHON^ ...... v ^ ...... 29.95 the United Nation.s, have sudden- It center.s in the tack ofjvaiid rea­ Mitchell 9-7196 (1) Reg. $79.50 Maple Sofa-Bod. Sofa-Bed oiiens to full size bed., '' ly resisted its jun.sdiction in this son fog tltc discharge of the orig­ ' In green tweed covering with ni'ctaHic threads . ^ , ...... 69.95 ■^Colors for fo'ur size.s of shag rugs alwve include; Sandalwood. Dark NOW . . . at last . . . a complete shop devoted entirely to yams hernlspheTe, and have taken a inal architect. or Mitchell 3-8606 or Light Green, Light Blue, ('ocoa Brown, Red, Grev and Old Rose. and knitting heeds, centrally located and air*cenditioned. The shop 142 East Center St. Matching dolor,-! in some, sizes; but not.in all sizes. )'. and mattres.s, each 7y...... 7 3 QO America, even in ’strongly anti­ ously on recqrd_warning the town' font pedal for opening or closing lop; e a c h ...... 12.50 communist Latin America.-the old that, if .It soughC'the ^chool he had (1 ) Reg. $6i».50 Stearns & Foster Innerspring Mattyesses; Firm- CMNTIfN ' fires of onti-'YankCe .-.enUment. been asked to.plan witliin an ap­ (3) Reg. $12.75 Play Yards; XoiiTtoxic varni.sh filvish, hardwood .built make; 280-coit'center, 12 G horsehair upholster.v: twin Visit YOUR Yarn Shop for YARN, OF Another wedge isolating the propriation which had been arbi­ ■floor, play beads and blue hardware, each ...... 9.95 ...... •••••...... i...... 39.95 W K IHSWUCTIOHS UniUfd States from the woild is •'R o y sl-r* COURSE; and in addition: Knitting trarily reduced from, its original (1) Reg. $129.00 Mahogany Swell-front chest of drawers; living the unroa-soning, violent support figure, the chances of a succe.ss- (3) . $8-1.05-Maple ('ribs'; double drop .siile.s', plastic teething rails, iH OUR COOL. c o o l. ^ lL-45 FRENCH LINE - - Oo. la, la.. . .-what compli- HEARING AID room, .size, 4 drawers, brass pulls ...... 9 g qq Stands, Knitting Bags, Utility Bags, mehf.s you'll get in this sheath-mspired knit swim .sensa­ of a dead dog, the European De­ ful bid would have to be close. lucite ca.'^ter.s, each ...... 27.50 "5L-14 SHIRR WONDER - A .natural for eve-turning tion . nothing but smoolhne.ss and chic in the deep- glances by Jantzen-. . . this glimpse of glitter in the fense Community project., based ^ Opertui for only I5f a (1 ) "Reg. $98.95 Mahogany Flat top Dc.sk. plinth base, 8 drawers Miracle Aprons, Sock Pocks, Stele Because the originul bid was in month inMcad of IW to .KV (1) Reg. $33.05 Youth Red ; made by Kroll. wax birch finish 24-75 nbt>ed texture and white contra.st stripe. An Acetate, shiny new fabric . . . ■'Confetti Faille' . . . a concoctioh on the rearmament of Weslein excess of the avsMable appropria-' . a day lor old-lype vacuum- including file; toil has gold tooled tan leather panels \ .... .5 9 ,5 0 Pocks, Rug Packs and many, many t^ton and Nylon version that couples practically in the of Acetate. Cotton and l-astex-that will give pretty, prac- • Germany and the permanent par . .lulie aid«! (1) -Reg. $80.45 Tw(i-Piece Nur,s«'rv (krouj); white-enameled crib... b a m b o o slick swimmable lines with siiupie beauty of'design. The tica! wear .for Us. niotlest price tag! Shirred front, bodice tion. it is obvious that changes. (1 ) $24f).50 Simmons Hidc-arBed; lov.e seat size in Tuxedo stvle - ,1 ^wivice qW«" b ra's the thing. . a verve oLciirve supplied by you tiUon of Germany, This pioject l and adjustments in the original ^ Life-H5e sound, iruer a'nd . and matching chifforobe by Storkline ...... 74.50 odds and ends. underlines a bra cut on the, surplice .... a b ra cut aliwr ^ clearer than ever! rust covering * ...... _ 17 9 .9 5 . . . pliis Pellon, .the hew miracle fabric, exclusively Janti" . "for the addition of “Accents " that make t-uryes where you has actually been dead from the plans must be made. Was there sen, that 'shapes and molds..vou figure-perfect, H aifa doz­ sjir T*J* hatiery lasii a (1) Reg. $15.05 Ba.sk'inette; jarg«‘ wheels with brake, quilted iitas- (I) Simmtin.s Hide-a-Ked, full .sofa siz,e in T-cushion lounge model may not! Patented Inner panty is marvelous for comfort moKient it w as bom ; a t last wni-d, any vaUd re'a.son- w hy th e original fuk muhih . . . no "B" bal- en lush colors, Celaperm-dved for perm anenev. 10-18. and freedom of action. Five glamorous colors bertdes tic interior in majze and green, pad included, ccillaiisible . . . 11.95 with T-cu.sbion.s and hisciiit-tuftcd back. Ha.s ftill size innerspring 18.95 Dulles was still flogging it. arch itect could pot make these . lery...reHerbal(eryclMn|esi black and white. 10-.18. l-».95. mattrc.ss ...... 2 9 $ .0 0 Another wedge Isolating the changes? One answer is that he only < 1 2 5 (1) Reg. $49.05 Maple Crib; by Kfoll, has two drawers under Spring United States at .the present par­ was willing to make them. An­ rtaaaCaadnelioii *ixtua bss seemed, abroad, the heigi^t of excellent. Wh^’ not, then, the to ■».'15,Q0. t Cimditioned shapinlOQI comfort! White-or pastels. Formerly <19.98 to American arrogamy.' original architect to revise the (3) '*Reg. $2J.2l ('lil) Mattresse.s'; by T.haver, tuftlcss style in maize (l)--Rcg. $.1^4.9.5 Stbrkline Bab.v Stroller; blue basketweave sides Conditioned <29.98. - Underlying^ and rtnphasizing plan4 for new bidding? W hat i m moisture repellent covering, eacli ...... 9.77 with grey hood ...... v ...... 2 7 .5 0 these epcci'ic Wedges,-thgre hsff conceivable teaaop why not? , ^ -JERRY CLOTH BEACH - LINEN or CORD SPORT h been s question of *Americsn The answer is Uiat this cummu- 'uinn’s ! GQATS$3.9B, COATS $5.88 and manner, "One part of nlty h as yielded tq. and has al­ Regularly 14 98; Smslt. ' medium R egularly <8.98. S k jrta and blous to tnoiMl and n u n n e r . has\beeiT lowed tp become its own policy, PLENTY OF FREE PARKING AT ALif TIMES! large sizes, ' ■ ' V - ■ m match $3.98 to $5.98. d f S^Uir Dulles' manner (5 certain joy In cruelty. There 1 t»'tbs world. W ithout srs aoms to whom this piece -of r r - r r of A\ainc|rest6r ,.v\ t ■. A " " ' ' f V

"\ • i . ^

\ PA G E m a H T Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n i n g h e r a l d , Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n . Fr i d a y , Ju n e .25,1954 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1954 PAGE N IN E y reorganization of our Welfare ing. I'm very delighted to with­ Ity I, heal j churches. a Protestant Bmiies Martin, Drabtreie Sign^ School Contract Dept, will not only Mve vast sums Ryan Raportf - draw It.” denotinced the constituti;lonAl pro- br. Douglas Horton, General Red Tanker Democrats of money but will provide greater Although the' denomination's po.sal Council administrator, observed benefits to our citizens. Step Nearer Unity representative top national 'body, The convention vOted down his j that it waa the "relationship of its General Council, has a working ’‘Great atrldea have also been Politics Make French Nation * _____ move to table the motion, which I the council and other bodiea" that made in the expansion of our state constitution, it does not appjy di­ was offered by the Rev. Dr. Ar­ ' needed to be cleared up. Seized by (Coi ttmiMl from Page Oae) rectly to- the individusi churches.' Convene at institutions ahd our aid to educa­ thur D. Gray, of ’Talladega. Ala., TIME TO PLANT There's been no such document for Af^er a~vot« defeated Burton's MORE! tion program. In housing nearly executive committee chairman. TRANSPLANTIP ANNUAL FLOWERING PLANTS Softest Link in West Armor Cambridge, Mass., head of a unity 125 years. ' , effort to limit the study to the m 9,000 homes are practically com­ Opponents sought to change the , council, he compromised with a pleted and 116 state-aided schools committee, said developments had This gap has been ' the basic Nationalists 8 Tonight Salvia. Ageratum, Verbena, Marigolds, Asters, Dahlias, source of dissension over proce­ original motion, calling' for work ' substitute that Jhe study deal With completed with 115 more under (Continued’ fropi Page One) keep the Indochina 'phase of the changed the picture.” on a "constitution for the Congre­ conatnictioh. Zinnias, Petunias, Scabiosa, Snaps, Etc. In a last-minute revised report, dures to seal the merger. Although "the constitutional problem as It, (OwttaMd bon Fago Om ) conference alive and raise French the plan has won endorsement of gational fellowship," and make it ■ relates to ■ the General Council (Coaflnned from Page Om ) •'Labor legislation finds Cbn- and th* hiimlhation of France were j hopes that the proper attitude on his- committee yesterday recom­ apply only to "the General Coun­ mended, and won thunderous ap- about 72 per cent, of the churches, ■ and the fellowship." necticut in the forefront among TRANSPLANTED VEGETABLE PLANTS \ not upon th e. nationaliat move-1 the part of a new government cil." Th* NationalUt Navy which Hsrjford; Edward Bergin, Demo­ the slates of the nation with proval from the delegates, that there's no constitution saying this This sailed through, after Gray liarMBCa the Red r o u t o|ieratee . Late Cabbage and Cauliflower. manta. Many forcea were anxious ^ might bring a aettlement. They argued a study applied to said it made no b ^ ic change in cratic town chairman in Wster- outstanding meaaurea on unem- As president ElSenhow.er -and they reaffirm their "earnest de­ is sufficient. deitroycra and patrol craft loaned to bring the meaaage hqme to Both sides vigorously espouse "the 'entire fellowship" ran coun­ the isrlginal. and suited the exec­ bury; Richard C. Lee. mayor of ploj’roent compensation, work­ Prime Minister Ctltirchill meet in sire" to move forward toward a ter to freedom of ' individual by the United Statea. New Haven: J. Flemrhing Rut­ North Africa. "united fellowship.’’ the idea that each church itself is utive committee. . I - Prior to the official announce­ men's compensation, civil rights STARTED CANNAS 2 For 35c Washington to survey the wrecked ledge, Democratic town chairman and programs for the development Tiinia ia in dangeroiia condition hopes of Geneve., they have before The.v also renewed bygone in a free body, subject to no authori­ ment. Nationalist officials had (Red and Yellow) ty but Christ, but merger support­ in Stamford. of business and Job opportunities. them the pict.-.re of a problem structions to thi General Council withheld comment and 'had Comptroller—B e r g i n ; James with an organled rebel force iti ers maintain the means for joint IS banned publication in Formosan "Gov/ Lodge’s conscientious and ally, France, a lieystone of western Executive Committee to proceed Roche of New Haven, fonnec-TTlS. determined|campalgn to establish leaders’ pollt(cU leaninga a m atter: with the plan in conferences with decisions need to be defined in a.' newspapers of , stories on the Rus­ defenses which conceivably could constitution. > ^ msrahsl; State Rep. AttiliolFras- spending controls and to eliminate GLADIOLI BUL5S Dot. 50c of mystery—already in action and' pe pushed out of place by a strong the Evangeliccl and Reformed sian protest sinelll of Stafford Springs. \ Kenneth Greenwalt, an attorney The U. S. Pacific fleet com­ waste and inefficiency has stopped requiring the French to step up' nudge from the East. Already Church next fa'l. Treasurer- Fra.ssinelli; John rising coats of government," Bald­ G*raniums for bodding and window boxof. their military forces. for Brooklyn's Cadman Memorial : mander, Adm. Felix B. Stump, France's governmental paralysis Union of the two bodiea; bogged Church in a protracted and unsuc- | Speziale, Torrington lawyer; An­ win said. 4 .. . In. Morocco, terror .increases has all but laid low the hepes of said in Pearl Harbor that "no thony Grillo. Hamden lawyer. down for eight years by a ninnlng cessful lawsuit challenging legal-1 U. 8. warship has seized any Rus­ He sdid that Gov.- lodge’s Dem­ Hardy Plants — Fertilizers — Insecticides — Seeds dally, much of It inspired bv op­ unity in a' European’ Defense debate over the Congregationalists’ Secretary of State State Rep. ocrat predecessor as Connecticut's portunists attempting-to ccize and sian ship.” Ella Gra.s8o of Windsor' Locks; Community. constitutionally-undefined proced­ ITie Soviet note, handed U., S. chief executive, "merely talked taka over the n.^tionali-st cause. F'rench political leaders of th* ure. would form a single two-mil­ Ambassador Charles E. Bohlen former State Rep. Dorothy Sattt about a performance budget.” ' )n Algeria, older In,the French of New Londoh; Mrs. Helen Fos­ center franltl.v worry about the lion-member united Church of RANGE late yesterday, demanded the im­ The Republicans, on the otjier franlewnrk and more solidly held future o^ the French Union, so Christ. ter -of West Co.-nwall; Mrs. Ger­ WOODLAND GARDENS mediate return of the Tujmse, its hand, Baldwin said, are already at after y cenlur.vof occupation, na- vital to France as a great market The spontsneous vote backing \ Ml trude O'Donnell of Litchfield. work creating ' A performance JOHN J. ZAPADKA tionallats openly announce them- crew and its cargo of p^roleum -16S Woodland St. Open Evenlnga Until 9 Phone MI-9-M74 and a great source of suppl.v, so steps toward the merger was in FUEL OIL products, as well as the ''severe Congressman-at-Lsrge Joseph budget which will be aiibmIUed to aelve.s a.s willing to wait for the sharp contrast to the preceding Lyford of Westport, governor's vital to the west as a springboard •punishment of the American offP the (general Assembly for .con­ time being. They frankly. say for counter-attack in case of y(ar. clash over the constitiitiontl in­ GASOLINE press secretar.v during the admin­ sideration in 1055 and' which may France still has too much military dais concerned in the organiza­ Representative of these is Mar­ quiry proposed by t he General tion of this unlawful act." istration of Chester Bowles: Stan­ well prove to be a; landmark in the power in .Algeria, that they will (jouncil’s Executive Committee. ley -Jr'T’ ribyson of Hartford, who fiscal history of our state and na­ not waate their.manpower in futile cel ^ m on d Nacgelen. a Socialist ■nie poeition, given for the who formerly was governor gen­ At one point, the Rev. Malcolm $2J00 DOWN — 2 YEARS TO FAY alleged seizure is in the Luzon formerly ran for the office; Ken­ tion. ge.s'tures. But With each blow to K. Biifton, of Pontiac, Mich., ac­ BANTLY OIL neth Wynne, Jr., North Haven eral of Algeria and who refused ■traits, about 125 miles south ^ "While victory in an election French prestige, Algerian na­ cused the committee of an ap­ 5 lawyer and son of an a.ssociate can never be assured, the Repub­ the Job Cf re.-.ident general of ( HMI' \\) , t\C, Formosa and 60 miles north yOf Herald Photo tionalists grow more hopeful. And parent "breach of faith." since it the main Philippine island, Justice of the State Supreme lican party has all tha requisites the Commiini.st party Is legal in Morocco recentl.v. Naegelen has ; M M M\ < I m.l. I General Manager Richard Martin signs a contract with Walter called for "intellectual, and moral had said matters pertaibing to the lAizon. Crabtree, ,Jr.. West Hartford architect, commissioning Crabtree Court. for winning overw'helmlngly this Unusual Gifts Algeria, though’ outlawed in Tunis rnerger were dormant for this ses­ Radio Contact Brokn year with a vigorous affirmative and Morocco, and has a grip on reconquest” of North Africa to sion. TEL. liJItclicll 9-4595 BARSTOW'S to d.-aw new plans for the construction of s school at Keeney The Russian note said tm tanker New Gbhtract BALDWIN LAl'DS LOIMiE I campaign based on the record of the largest section of the labor avoid the mistakes of Indochina But Burton, s leader in a group PHONE MI.9-7234 Street. Crabtree will hold his first meeting with school p’lanners July before it is too late. TEL. R O C K VIILE 5-2177 was stopped at 4 a.m. (local time) 7 when the Board of Education and the School Building Committee Putnam. June 25 i/Pi -r- The Re­ the Lodge administration," Bald-, movement. opposing, the merger plan, apolo­ tVednesday by .the v ^ sh ip "and, win declared. France’s politicians say she has gized indlfectl.v after Mrs. Albert Is Approved are scheduled to meet with the newly-sppointed architect to discuss publican state chairman says he C AND! NAVI AN ‘ Could Repeat Indoching a mission to fulfill in her colonial having been threatwed with the the plans. thinks that Gov. John Lodge is France facea the proapect of Buckner Coe\ of Boston, said she use of arms, was foreed to change world. Whatever that ml.ssion, resented the suggestion that "we "the greatest and harde.«t-work- being able to remain In Tunis and ■whatever the ambitions of local its course and foUow that warship. ing governor in Connecticut's his­ Carol Schubert CRAFT SHOP Morocco only by force. It may are railroading something." tion clause the contract with peoples, the stern fact is that these "After reception of a report from By Crabtree pectcfl ‘ o fee 5 to S feet above nor­ tory.” take some time to develop, but the "I think it should be withdrawn,’’ the captain tm the tanker about Crabtree differs in two'respects mal. 113 l^ain Street — Tel. MI-9-6117 pattern of an Indochina could areas have become ramparts of declared Mrs. Coe. wife of the con- from standard architect's con­ Clarence F. (Cappy) Baldwin Receives Degree western civilization. It .will take that attack oft the part of the war­ Brownsville police stood by for speaking at dinner here last night repeat itself. ventifin’s newly elected moderstor. Oeneral Manager Richard Mar­ tracts. It stipulates that the plana emergency. MRS. XLMA CASPERSON, Prop. skillful imagination and sound ship . 4 . yadio contact uith the as.serted that Lodge is known Is there a way for France to Burton, grinning, clasped a floor tin and Waller .Crabtree. .1r,, We.st drawn by Crabtree become the Brov.-nsville, a city of 36,000 and Judgment to Iceep them in the free microphone and aaid; "If it'a 1 SIMMONS tanker was disrupted," the. note Mi.ss Carol Ann .Schubert, find herself again? Some hope i.s Hartford architect named by the property of the town but that they .30 miles inland from the coast, is I throughout the United States for world's camp. continu^. "The further fate of the Board of Directors to diav.- new his “ B'reat capacity for public ^URhtpr of Mr, apd Mrs. Robert ] being expressed here that new simply a suggestion of rsilroad- Soviet/vessel and its crew is un cannot be used by anyone but the used , to hiirricn;ies. Il"s been at If you've .seen V ’DESKiN IN SCANDI- leadership will be more attuned to plans for the Keeney Street town or for any purpoae hut the service.service.” 17 Summer St., re- kno‘ least side.swipcd by pU Gulf hiirr Baldwin, adiling that Lodge's ce‘V«d her BS degree with honor.s the will of the people, less School, yesterday aigned a con­ Keeney Street School. It also stip­ ricane.s. NAVIA” at Wad.sworth Anthcne'um, Hart­ is -obvious that seizure of admlnl.stration ha.s \"plared Con* , ‘’uslness administration at Hill- splintered and leas prev to minor­ SEA BREEZE tract commissioning Crabtree for ulates that the school being con­ ford YOU’LL APPRECIATH THE LOVELY Soviet tanker by the- warship the Job. Tliis cine named Alice sprang- up necticut in the fo-.-efront among l JJ*'' College s commencement Sun- ity pressure on the extreme left tracted for miis't be In accordance suddenl.v, close Id shore. ijK waters under the control of the The first official di.sui.s.sion by with' the special electiftn June 25^^ the states as model of efficient •'**"* . ITEMS WE HAVE IN GLASS, CHINA, and right. MISSES COTTON S. Navy could be brought about the town’s .school plarncr.s with The first word that the M’Jather government,'' declared: She served as senior class see­ Kventually, the wa.v out of > CHILDREN'S Bureau- hail that a storm Was in retary and was elected aa honor­ STAINLESS STEEL,\Etc. only by naval forces of the Crabtree Is sclicduli d for July 7 'Tlie original contract proposal "This has been achieved by the France’s dilemma -may lie in the MATTRESS the making was 6 o'clocli last ■U.S.A.", it declared. when the'Board of Education and ■ governor's devotion to duty and ary member of Epsilon Alpha \' very weakne.ss of her govern­ PLAYWEAR SEPARATES made by Oabtree was that the night. The bureau had been keep­ Zeta fraternity in'recognition of w '' ' The Russian threat of measures the School Building Committee school be in accordance with the principle.’’ ‘’IJe.sign In Scandinavik” ia a little world's ments. The constitution provides FREE! ing watch on a squally aica in the her high 'iicholastic achievement in HAITIR, pique. Solidi, to safeguard its shipping could meeUs; Jan. 22 vote of the Board of Di­ "It has been accomplished.’’ that parliament may )>e dis.solved 5«c lo x n SHOCTS in S The contrac t signed ye.slerday Girtf all this week. Jhe field of business. She al.so re­ fair in it.self with exhibits hy the leading If two governments fall by an‘ab­ Your First Box Of print* _ _ _ _ _ 2 lor $1 inean the establishment of Soviet rectors. Baldwin went on to say. "through ceived a Certifii-ate of Award from long-wear fabrics. 2 to b. naval patrols ,ih the ocean ap­ did not contain the clause, pro­ At a..m., <^T,,the Weather (Gov. Lodge's working 12 to 15 aVtist.s of the four Scandinavian countrie.s. solute majority within an 18- SHO.RTS, assorted styles', posed by Town Coiin.sel Cliarle.s Bureau .said t'le storm should reach the Connecticut Society of Pub­ month period. The Rene Mayer BOX OF 10’S proaches to Cimmunist China. I hours a day to give the people of lic Accountants. She was the high­ It's at the Wadswprth Antheneum for the SOf TU «Y roios. No colors- cottons $1 In Washington, State Dept, N. Chockett, U'lder which Ciabtiec the coa.sl about .'SO or 60 miles Qonnerticut the iitmo.st in econo- cabinet fell by .such a' majoritv In _ ... JWI nt Am t est ranking student in accounting May 19,53. The ouster of another ironing needed. I to 3,4 to 8. press officer Lincoln White said would have ‘held the town harm­ HiirricaiiiB ‘A I i v e’ smith of Brownsville before noon. m.\' and efficlenr.v in . ' in the graduating clasa at Hillyer, balance of June. Be sure to see it. SlllVfllSS UOUS8S the Soviet note gave "no evidence less,from nn.v" infringement action That aimed the center of the storm Becaii.se of Lodges efforts, said , „ k , _ , / « j __ government befrire, next' Novem­ C o O S ^ having obtained scholarships ber under simllai; circumstances S«c MINUmS. Waihahle Wash-easy fabric*. Sire* that the United States had any­ which Arnold Lawrence, dismissed Puffs at Texas (lily at .a lonel.v, descrl-like stretch of Baldwin, Connecticut toda.\ en- throughout her college career, MedsTampons a.s architect foi the project, might Mexican coast. could pave the way for new elec­ broadcloth. Sizes 1 to 6. I 32 to 38 ' $1 thing to do with the ship seizure." joys the closest working relations Schubert wait graduated tions.' White said a reply would be sent bring. The hurricane had 80 mile an with the federal government in the honors from Manchester High So hoodyjpr ■oohA>6 Use Grants Counons to the Kremlin in due course. Crockett told the Hoard of Di­ (Continued from Page One) hffur winds, with gales extending nation s history. i school with the class of 1948, Sne .political analysts sa.v it seems rectors at a meeting Wednesday about 1()0 miles to the east and likel.v that the, Conimunlats after > The Tuapse is a motorship, 4A*i rites Arcomplishmenis I was formerly a student at the Uni- f R E E ! feet long and 63 feet in beam. She that Chabtrre would not sign the er Bureau said the storm center north of the center.' He also • cited f^rt that j versity of Connecticut and an em- their performance with regard to was completed last year at the contract ,\.-ith the cUu.se Included. hovered on ' the coast Just off At 8 a. m. (CST) Brownsville fy>dge has been twice, elected to ploye of the Manchester Plumbing Dien Bien Phu w ould lose votes. . . . atehe-vp. The extreme right, represented by Burmeister and Wain Shipyards The majority of the Board voted from the Mexican village of Santa ' had winds of S.") miles an houV with the powerful nine-man executive and Supply Co. to strike oiU the clause. Crock­ ; gnats up to 54. Ikght rain waa fall­ the DeGauIIists. Is split over in­ in Copenhagen, Denmark, and was Teresa, which • is 2,'i miles inland committee Of the Natiohal Gover­ HousBwart one of several vessels built in Den-, ett, While lie said lie .would not ing, and the atmosphere was eerie nors' Conference, and now is serv­ Irregular distribution of rainfall ■ AM ESITE ternal party Is.siies and also mark for the Russians. himself have advised the architect and 60 miles soiith of B-ownavlile. with visibility three miles. ing his ^second term as chairman ia one of the principal causes of stands to lose votes in an elec­ Delivery Protest to .sign the coiuract, iiisi.siecl the One man was.injured in Browns­ The 6:45 a. m. advisory aaid the of the New England Go\iernor8' , periodic faeninea in India. tion. The.se factors w;oiild tend to Dollar SpMials indemnlficatloii clause was a good strengthen the renter parties and The U.S. protested against thi ville when winds, which blew in storm was moving .12 tnlles an Conference. ] . delivery of the ships on the idea froip the town's point of view. I hour. At that time it was about Listing the accortiplishments of \ DRIVEWAYS France might emerge with the gust up to ,16 miles an hour, MIM’S WHAT YOU 0O» grounds that tankers were strate­ Crabtree expects- to have pre­ 180 miles south of Brownsville. the Lodge administration. Bald­ power to form a stable- govern­ a \ i 9 Pc. Plastic Bowl $8 liminary plana completed by July knocked ))im off a crossbar on a Winds of 60 to 70 miles and hour ment which could end Paris' gic goods, which the western na­ win said that the Republicans in EXPERTLY INSTALLED Set . ■ ■ I tions agreed not to. ship to Iron 7 for review by, the Boards. Mar­ power liiie, and 'the, crossbar hit were predicted in the Brownsville- this administration made tremen­ wearying indecision. 1 Ivy box M#

  • een sent to the-, members of the the roa.sti ne.-.r Brownsville, were tional Monument on the Colorado- the law permitting the sale of col­ Terms arranged if dtsirod. • china .war. They did, It waa plain , 433 COOLING Stemwar SPORT SHIRTS .Board o f ' Education and the evaciiat.-'ff. Tides,, there were ex- Utah border. ored oleomargarine. A sweeping GARAGES they hoped to cause the fall of the. Open weave skip dent There are nearly four tons of School Building Committee with ALL INSTALLATIONS SUPERVISED BY government of Premier Joseph ventilators Reg. 29c rottoin. clpnel.v stitched of steel in a modem, furnished six- copies to the Eioard of Directors. a.IW I.«niel so that it might )>e stic- and sewn for long wear. room house.' Even without the indemnlfica- • S yn. Is pmf . ceeded by-one willing to deal with - M fashion denim Waate Bask^^ In !4-.M-I.. • Clisiss sf M (lylsi 6 litst the Indochina Communists. 'The MANCHESTER’S FINE.ST and LARGEST Men's rilsse Shirts I • All basi assAli ’ wmtT ^ uiions Extra large. '' 1 Dem aio Brotfiers French government fell. The Com­ IN “FASHION DENIM” , 2 for *3/ S’P€€Vy Bos OLiveiz. J ' ESTABLISHED 1920 munists then dangled some Ge­ " a i r -conditioning s y s t e m white edges MMCr neva b«lt before the French to ' f, 8RANK1,V, SPeCDV SAT TMESe CAPS APE 601IFACT ATLANTIC CIAST CALL NOW— ANYTIME MAve Jus-r so MUCH momcv »F TOO PUT A STICK OOT 1941 Xswsll Avs:, Nsstdas, Csss. You drift into truly rofroshing sioap s? AMD I WANT TO car THE ' THE W/IMDOW AND WT it ACiAllsiST aboard tha Soa Braozt. Covarod in « KtT MAIjM 1 CAM THE MILE STONES IT'LL <30 Don Byan, 51 Oakdale Ave. Mahehester 1111-3-7691— Hartford CHapel 7-8617 THESE AND MPRE PRIZE BINGO R-T-T-T-TTT-TV-ttt/ 'Wethersfield imart Caribboon blua dtnim . . . Phone Htfd. JA-9-4886 uphdsttrad with cloud-soft fait... ONnn. SOTS' MUH POtOS axtro-vantilotod far yaur axtra-eobl MOOSE CLUB eamfart. Wa knaw yau’ll lava it! Cool combed cotton knit 18 ELM ST.- ROCKVILLE me«h in solid colors. 6-14. MEN’S COTTON BRIEFS EVERY FRIDAY, 7:45 P.M. E.O.M. CLEARANCE SALE— EVERY CAR MUST GO SAMPLE BUYS Cool .rib knit combed cotton ■ , Jsrn eai.v to Isunder. JO-40. m 1952 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR DE LUXE 1948 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR Hear Ye.. Hbar Y e.. iniAIRS IN PAIRS Radio 'anil h«4ter.'Nearly new. C I O O C ‘2. tone Mur. Radio and heater ^ C O C ' 44" TASII OILCLOTH While wall Jlrea. Many extras. .... ^ IA jr O New engine, One owner...... ______' *4 . , e a d i Reg. He yd- Vour choice 1951 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR DE LUXE 1950 MERCURY CLUB COUPE For Your Best Buy of eiciiing prints, solidi. *1 Radio and healer. Many extras. Radho and heaier. '\'ery low mileage. t tone finish...... O n ly $1095 Extra clean.e ...... $895 BAM.0W MOTOR SALES ~ ROCKVILLE in 2 TELEVISION CHAIRS | The Home of CLEAN, QUALITY USED CARS INC. CENTER (QUALITY FURNITURE VISIT OUR MODERN SHOW PLACE TO SELECT YOUR NEXT CAR FURMTCBF. OPEN EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS TO» 9 P.M. .95 " . AND MUSIC SEE • 763 MAIN ST. MOTOR SALES The 1951 CHEVROLET DE LUXE ^ Ml-S-5680 - 461 MAIN ST. - MANCHESTER - MI-9-0081 1951 FORD pUSTOM 4-DOOR 4.DOOR SEDAN 30,0(M original miles, radio and heater. Ford-_ - A real aolid car, original ..lustrous black finish. omatir. Original deep blue paint, custom Ladd & Hall This ear has ha^. one owner since new.' I>)\v leather Interior. Co., Inc. mileage anil exceptionally rlean. Prired right. ROCKVILLE . 1952 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE 1949 FORD CUSTOM 4-DOOR Ught green UnIsit, radio and heater, signal lights, seat covers, guaranteed 13,000 actual - J tireefi, radio and heater..Many ex- O C A C miles. A new ear. In every respect. Full giiar- ISationaUy Famous Brands tra.s. I.o

    ■■■ I ■ -ft- s' ■■ I I A ^ . V .. . V ,v ' A '

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    PAGBTEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY. JUNE 25. 1954 '-I iiT.-rr-. X MANCHESTER. EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- FRIDAY. JUNE 25. 1954 PAGE ELEVEN July 8 will be an occasion for the Coventry ^ Elect^Mrs. Martin Baptists Plaiiiiiiig J Kiwanis Speaker parents to meet with' the teachers meebng to submit new proposals. in North Franklin durihg the firat of their children and see some of CLEANING AND INSTALUNG Columbia i + iCapping Ellington "? ..J ''' New Teacher Inform the voters as to the moat week of August. All-GroiiJ>s Leader \ Vacation School the results ibf the two weeks’ recent action; and possibly disband Savings Bonds. * LEARN BY DOING Town Backing To Be Asked /•i---- school. There will be a demon- SEPTIC TANKS and CESSPOOLS Suiiimcp Show y ; Possibility Slim the committee. Gradiialioii Held Children in the schi'ola pur- A T ■ " ' slratipn of the worship service as Mrs. Josdph A. Martin, 68 N, A Vacation Church School es­ A complete organization of TRAINED SEW AGE SPECIALISTS The bu.sine.ss immediately af­ 'gha.sed U. S. Savings Bonds in the well aa other activities In the fected by the bond counsel’s ruling ahiount of 82.85S.8fi d.iiririg the Elm St.,^has been elected president pecially for the eastern area of ualng lira moat modern equipment and machinery-^-RESCLTi A Set by Players On Bid for State School Aid school. For Met Water is. the Utilities Industries Corpora­ A jt ( '.enter e l l Sehool past, school year. The bond sales NEW ENGLAND < of the Second Congregational BETTER Job at’« LOWER PfllOIL v^ Manchester will be conducted for If any. children wish to attend tion of East Hartford, which is were' under the direction of the W i^en’s League- for the coming a ir children agia 4 to 12 by the, without advance registration- they C/iltimbls; June 25- (Specialj-^ erecting a plant on Route 5, south HstheH'sy-Miller Legion Post Hcouts Charter Night New underground water THIS IS WHY Wapping, -June' 25. — (Special) E)flngton,E)fington, JuneJui 2.V—(Special) TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Coventry. June 25 — (Special)— ;^. year, which includes all five Community Baptist Church, 593 will be welcomed. Registration The Columhiii Community Players — "The posaib’ility that South Wind­ of the Podunk Brook. It will be Oraduptlon exercises v-tre held Auxiliai;y. Boy Scout Troop 65 will have a groups. Mrs. Martin smtceeds Mrs. lines instalM. Votera will be the ■ next E. Center St., at the Green. The before the school opens is desired Sump piunpa Installed to . . . more people call -met at the home of Mrs. , Kthel sor would become a part of the leased to the Pratt & lATiltney A ir­ Weiincsda.v evening In the Center j ENROLL NOW FOR JUNE 28 Charter Night and Court of Honor J. Herbert Finlay of 86 Phelps but is not required. Children craft for the research and devel­ Man<'hes|er Evening HeraM town meeting’^ to authorise the program Monday at 7:30 p.m.yin remove water- from your IV* Rinney Bros. Lusky on Jonathan Trumbull Metropolitan District and have a School Auditorium fog-47 .students. ! DAY OR EVENING CLASS Rd.. who has efficiently filled the school will be held June 28 to will be accepted and enrolled opment of atomic aircraft engines. Ellington correspondent, Mrs. O. town to apply for state aid for the the Church Community House. All eeUar. (1 ) Prompt Service city water line along the Industrial Diplomas were awa-ded by Chair- i position for the past three years. July 9 inclusive from 9 to 11:30 when they come. Transportation Highway on 'Tuesday, night. The Zone on Route 5 was disrnissed The Utilities Corp. Is pressing the F. Rerr, telephone Rockville projected new school. John M. Ty- parents are invited. This will be New ’rootproor* sewer . man of the Board of Elucntlon Jo- RADIOELECTRONICS - TELEVISION Mrs. Finlay was presented with a in the morning. A dedicated staff can be arranged. (2 ) Quality Work constitution and "by-laws were temporarily Wednesday following 'rompletion of this building b.v 5-9818. lines installed. i seph Girardini. 19.8 TRI MBFI.L 8T„ HARTFORD—TEU CHnpcI 7-1880 ler, chairman of the School BuUd-'IU'e final meeUng until fall. ' Re- gift at the all-^roup meeting a-s a of trained leaders will conduct the Vacation Church Schools are of (.I )' Reasonable Prices presented by pre.sldent William a judgment 'by Robinson, Robin­ Tall and will have to- drive its I Special awards were made b y : . ^ ... .j ...... 'freshments will be served, Plugged aewer llnea clean­ coxNEcnn rs o l d e .<«t electrontcs ttcHOOL token of appreclatibn of her val­ school on a high level of instruc­ q different tempo from the regu­ Jacobus. Following discussion and son, and Cole, bond counsel of own wells for water .supply. Supervising Principal Gordon C. ing Committee, said today he ,is . ^^-ere nine tables of sct- tion and activity. ed electrically. BE SAFE . . . BE SURE Mndlng a letter to the Board of j pjj^y Wednesday night in ued services. lar schools and parents are urged minor changes they were accepted Hartford. Announcement. of the company Getchell. A t the clo.se of the cere- ' Religious instruction will be SelMtnien requesting that they In- Nathan Hale Community Con­ Mrs. James H. Gleason, 58 N. not to neglect their rhlldren dur­ by the group. Through A lly. Ernest. W. Mc­ plana to build was made about the I monies Mr. Getchel! remarked clude this item in the call for the - - Elm St., was elected secretary to non-sec.tarian in nature. Several ing the summer months. A report o f the play reading Cormick,' the bond counsel which same time the special town mecti ; that a milestone had been reached SIGN ter. Prizes were awarded as fol­ handwork projects of genuine love­ next meeUng. lows: Women’s first, Mrs. Ros­ succeed Mrs. Albert ..L. Post. Mrs, Call M cKin n e y b r o s . committee was given and it was had been approached by the lt>cat. jhg was called on the water Isaue. j.*"nce the 1954 Cla.ss Avill be the No date has been set for the H, K. Kuhney remains as treas­ liness will be undertaken. New decided to produce the two-act Public Water Supply Corrimittee. "Die company said it would b(iild I last tp' graduate from the Cientei Advertising anna Richardson; second, Mrs. Ida songs and old will be sung by the SEWAGE DISPOSAL COMPANY meeting. Steele; third. Mrs. Lena Jacobsen. urer and Mrs. Gustave Eickholtz- comedy by Norifian Kra.sna en­ ruled that the town could not bring here regardless of the outcime of 1 .'=>chool. Next yc."r rll graduation ED'S SIGN Ca. NEW LOW Tyler is also including in the er as vice president. pupils. L ig h t, refreshments will TEL. Mitchell 3-5308— I SO-182 PEARL ST„ MANCHESTER titled'"D ear Ruth" in August. in a water line -in a specific sec­ the water proposal. cxerci.se.s will be held at fne new Men's first, Howard A. Richard­ hiake a pleasant interlude in the RUBBISH and ASHES request that there be an opportu son;' second, H ariy Blanchette Mrs. Nellie Bradley has been John Hansen, chairman of the tion and collect through general New Drlve-Ih Theater Longview School. MItchtll 3-8248 elected leader of the Liicy Spencer relaxed program. Group games will REMOVED taxation for Its financing. SUMMER PRICES third.^ Joseph Grenier.__ Specials; General Cleaning of Cellars, play casting -commitlee has an­ It has been announced that the ■ To Celeltrate .Anniversary the School Building committee on Group. Mrs. Raymond Lukas is bring ihstructior and help coopera­ In effect,. the firm would- not Mrs. Ida Dupre, Val Kalfmonskl Yards and Attica nounced that try-outs will be held hew East Hartford Drive-In TTiea- M l, and Mrc. Donald Morse of plans and progress to jlate. the new leader of the Mary W il­ tion at the same time being a certify the Issue of bonds of 8180.- and John Fay, ■ — REASONABLE RATES on stage at Yeomans Hall on July ter being constructed at the inter­ Job’s Hill Road will celebrate . JEDIM)— HIGHLAND ■Tyler said adVcrtiscmehs for liams Group. Mrs. Jack Mercer R. I,. Perry Photo period of great- enjoyment. 6. Every one ta~welcome" to try­ 000 which is the amount e.stimated section of Route 5 apd Chapel Observe AnnWersary Capt. Eric L. Barr, ,lr. Also I-andarapIng to bring a 16 inch line from a point Iheii 30th whddlug anniversary on the-bids for the construction of Mr. and Mrs. George G. Jacob­ succeeds Mrs. E. V. Coughlin as As the weather permits, activi­ out and posters will be put on , FcillcFcil|cit Studio. Road, will open on July 15. Sunday. Tlie couple will hold the school will appear in news­ leader of the Mary Cushman ties' will take place outside on the Call M & M— MI-9-97S7 display in the general .store.s of Mary R. Hynds just below the East Hartford town The Heat’s On! $ son of Cooper Lane will observe A man with an outstanding line on Route 5, north to New­ T h e. Intpr.secUon is the site o-f open hou.se from 2 to 4 p. m. COAL T.» 26.10 papers today, tomorrow, and Mon­ their fortyielghlh wedding an­ Group. Mrs. Eichholtzer remains beautiful and spacious grounds of 3 Days Only • Friday, surrounding town.s Inviting any­ South Windsor’s first "stop" and To Mov ■ To Chieago (Cash— Delivered) berry Road. ., • ^ day. as leader of the Mary McClure Navy career will speak to the Ki- the church where the children can one Interested to attend. Mis.s M.ary Roberta ’ Hynds. " g o " sicnsl light which was In­ Solimene la Trading Wild niversary Saturday. McCormick said his firm felt Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgkins The town has been declared a Visitors Group and Mrs. Charles W. W il­ wanis Club Monday at its meet­ see the beauties of God's handi- Mrs. Eugene Dente will direct daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert stalled this week to control traf­ and family have revealed that rONNECTIfTT ’ • critical school area by federal of­ fhat/lf the anatter went before the Up To $300 On Any P. M. Burrows of Winnepeg, kins, who for some-months has ing at noon to be held at the Man­ v.'ork in trees and flowers and the play. Hvneis of 45 Pleasant St., received fic in both north andLsonth bound later in the sumnieV: they will be ficials and J115.668 in U.S. funds Superior aral Supreme Courts, the Canada, is spending throe weeks been, leader of the newest groiip. birds. ROTOTILLERS Oh Vacation her b.ichrlor of science degree at lanes of Route 5 and on Chapel Rd. Weaving town to e.-aKbli.sh re.si- will be reserved for this project as will continue for the present. The chester Country Club. 'The speak­ coucts would rule in a similar man­ Pre-War Car t with his sister, Mrs. Clara Ed- The school is planned on a Sales — Service — Trades Saturday and Mrs. E. Malcolm Stan'nard and the 104th annual .corhmencement Tile theater manAgement has paid I dence' tn Cl'.icago. NR-. Hodgkins COKE .„$23.00 soon as the town meets specific re­ er, Capt. Eric L. Barr, Jr., has ner. He said that there are vgry members have decided to name.lt her three daughters will le.ave '.Sat- of the Tcr.cher.s College of Con- S.5.500 for this installation to thi^ ] hos been tia:i foiled in. his work quirements governing federal aid rhondson. He came here to .attend graded basis with instruction and Demonstrators — Term* J rare instances when a town coiild the recent graduation of his the Tozer Group, honoring the been awarded two Navy Crosse.Sj activity fitted for the age of the uixlay for Giants Nerk Beach ne-. ticut, June 1.3. State Traffic Commi.sslon. Soon an ! and tl.e move i.s a nece.^ity. receipts. minister, the Rev. Arnold W. le g a lly spend general tax 'money nephew, Clarence C. Edmondson, two Silver Stars, one Bronze Star, child. The general theme of the V'here they will enjoy^a w e e k’s Mi.ss Hvnds was a member of for a project that would only bene!- aiitomatic blinker signal ‘ will be, 'I'Tie 4-H efiub '.as announced FOGARTY BROTHERS The announcement that the town Tozer. Capitol Equipment Co. /vacation. X the A."sh. for Childhood Education In.stnllcd at the - raUroad" tracks SOLIMENE, Inc. would receive the fuhds was made from Willimantic State Teachers a letter of commendation, and a school is:. "W e Need Churches." 88 Main St— ^Tel. MI-S-79S8 flt a few persona who own land in that there aie openings for nine j 256 CENTER STREET—.MANCHESTER laical young peonlo who gradu­ arid the' Future lleachers of wliich will cost 86.900, j boys to attend Ihe summer csniii. ,tr last night during graduation ex­ College. Naval Unit commendation. The school attracts children of all the selected area. The fact the 24 H O rR SEBViqE—TEL. MI-S-ISSS Jerry Brinker of Jefferson, religious faiths. A modest fee is ated from Windtumi High School maiored in elemen-; town in general might benefit from The Board of Selectmen Is at- Tlie quota 'or girls ha.'; been filled Dodg* and Plymouth ercises at the Robertson School by Capt. Barr is now standards in exercises -the Case Gym­ temotlng to buy a narrow strin of! COAL-i-COKE— FUEL OIL Principal Royal O. Fisher. Iowa, also Was a guest here for a Mail Insurance charged to help pay the costs' of fary education and plans to teach, (he new industry local in gliere as and no more applications are be­ Dir'nct Factory., Dnolar week. He is a member of the manager of the Electric Boat the program. > nasium on Wednesday night are: In elementary schools in Manches-, * result of the water, would be an lan'd along Chanel Rd. from Route ing accepted. The camp will he 4-H Camp News \ Division of General Dynamics American Youth Hostel group that Herbert C. Bnglert, Samuel Berkn- tar this fall. She Is a graduate of i i.ssue the courts would decide' •5 East to Ellington Rd. to widen j The quota of girls to : ap^ica- Corp. in Groton. He retired from Director again this year Is Mrs. left recently for .a nine-weeks' bi­ Warning Issued witz, Alyeg'J. Boener, Marilyn H. Manclicster Hiff' School, claa.s of A poHsible recour.ae In the future the road from its.present 33 feet tlon to the Tolland County active service with the rank of Lester H. Wolcott of the public FREE Jones. J^mes. jE. Emerson, Tliftma.s 19,50. width to. 50 feet. 9 Club Camp has been reached. cycle tour of Scandinavia. An­ school staff of Manchester. The might be the establishment of captain before joining General Dy- A. Fnjf/Robcrt B. Clarke, and Nat plana to bring Metropolitan water,- Rev. Crockett .Ylisent more applications can be accepted.^ other son of Mrs. Edmondson, Insurance Commissioner W. El­ nalmics in 1947. heads of the departments will be: Your First Box Of, Ij. kOehlgaberg. James R-. Muckin- I not qnl.v'to one zone but to the In the alwence of the Rev. David Albert B. Gray, county club is serving as leader of this group lery Allyn has again issued another beginners or kindergarten, Mrs. J. chri.stened Sunday at St. Joseph's In 1934 Capt. Barr graduated Donald V. Nel.son and Piit- entire town. Another pps.sibility Crorkelt the Sunda.v service at agent, and Miss Shirley Welk, cojnprised *of .11 high school age warning against the purchase of from the U. S. Naval Academy Cliarles Morrison; primary, Mrs. Chilrcli in Williniantic. Mr. and youths. L, Tucker. would be establishing a special the Wapping Community Church associate county club agent, have insurance from non-licensed com­ and in 19.38 he w.as assigned to the Walter Person, Jr., and junior, Fined In f'oiirt Mr.s. Gerard D’Auteil were tlie TOMORROW'S TH^ D A Y ---- -TOMORROW'S THE DAY- — -- Meetings taxing district for tlie area the will -e in charge of Porter Collins announced that there are npen- panies. submarine S-20 and continued in Mrs. John R. Neubert. Some of David Deady, 29, of 38r Jack.Mon (lodparents. Mr. and Mr.s. Isham Tombj-row’s meetings include entertained at a family party at water would serve. Other plaii.s and will begin at 10 a. m. ■ Ings for nine more boys. Those "The continued number of in­ the .submarine service throughout the leadens attended the institute St,, .. Willimantic was before the would be .subject to legislative ap­ Plan Fall Fair planning to attend are urged to the following: Board of Trustees quiries coming to his department." the war. He commanded the sub­ for Vacation Church School work­ QulHad CoMon Squorat Trial .lustice Court in Yeomans their home after the chri.slening.’ of Second Congregational Church proval. . The final meeting for the sea­ get their applications in immedi­ said Commissioner Allyn, "clearly marine "USS Bluegill ■’ for two ers conducted at East Hartford by Hall on Monday"hlght. State Po­ . Son Bitrn at 8 p. m; tn the home of Robert Tile Public \Vater Supply Com­ son of the United Worker.s of the ately to avoid disappointment. indicates that the citizens of Con­ years and took her on six war the Hartford Coi ncil of Churches. So handy for applying liceman C. Bombard of the Col- A son.' ’ Dean, wa.s born to Mr, Cordner; M r.^nd Mrs. Club mem­ mittee which WHs appoiiited at the Fir.st Congregational Church was The camp -is being held in North necticut are being flooded w-ith patrols. powder. .. loNont.. . ehe.ster Barrack.s pre.sented him on and Air.'!. Bivce C.arpenler of bers' barbeqim. 7 p. m. in the A Parents’ night on Thursday, first meeting Include.s: Thomas held Wedne.sday night at the home Franklin from August 1 to 7. mail advertisements from insur­ for removing noil peSdi a count of .speeding and passing W.oodinnd Terr.icC on Monday at Don’t Miss Burgess. F. Tjawrence Dow, chair­ of Ati'S, William Aleshin. Plans for Names of club members ac­ Church CommurHty House; rum­ ance companies located in Mls.souri. on a curve. Justiie Afi-.s. Elizabeth thfr Manche.si.er Memi>ial Ho.sui- mage and food sa^ sponsored by . .. ffloke-vp. man of the Board of Finance; Paul the fall fair were discus.sed. cepted to attend the 4-H camp "A careful reading of these ad- .Hutchins nulled the first charge ta). Kupcliimos, chairmau of the the Auxiliary of thd Green-Chobot vertisemei^ts." said the commis­ and- found him .guilty of the sec­ Mr. and.Mi.s. Keniietli Fox of will be issued early in July. Post. AL, 10 a. m. in the vacant Town Planning and Zoning Com­ Manchester Evening Herald Little League Needs Help sioner, "reflects the extremely ond. A flne of 815 was inflic ted. Cl’ e.sf’ iul Hill have ns llu ir guests, store space in the Welliss building; mission; Stanley Jo’nn.son, chair­ IMipping corresoomlent. Mrs. An­ The Little League committee limited nature of the policies being Must, RegisU-r Boats "" iier iiiotl cr, Mrs, Sawyer, of man of the Zoning Boaid of Ap­ nie t'olllns, telephone MI .5-4970. North Coventry firemenV and Boy Paul Merrick president of the Maine, and licf .ah.jei. Miss Lois The Most Is urgently In need o f volunteer offered, and are no bargain. More NEW LOW PRICE! peals'and Tovi’n Atty. Daniel Scouts Troop 65 and committee, help to complete both the upper important." said Commissioner A l­ WE'RE CLOSING Columbia Luke As.sociation le- .Sawyer, of To-rin;.,ton, Cavanaugh. The people of lha United States joint auction. 10 a. m. in the va­ and lower ball fields at the Rob­ lyn, "is the fact that in the event • 1954 Round lobbin minds all people who are re.spon- The chairman .said that his com-' had 26 per cent of -the income of cant lot next to Vinton’s ^ore; sible for boats on the lake that 7 ertson School. Jsimes T, Rowley. of a disputed claim, it may be nec­ • Sfwi Rickward & Forward Maiiehester K vn ln g Herald Co- mittee would meet soon to dis- j the world in 1938 and 40.7 per Special Communication. 7:30 ^ m . essary for a Connecticut claimant • Scwi Ovtr Pint they must register their hoal.s with liinibia correspondent, Mrs. H.v- George W. Hlnkel., Jr.. Robert of Uriel Lodge? A P and A M ,\ t rNDEFINITELY! cuss the new developments and | cent in 1948 .says the Twentieth to file suit in Missouri since our • Mikas luHofhelas (r Dirni the town clerk. The new law states laml Tasker, telephone HArrIson probably plan for another town i Century Fund. ' i Stephens, Frederick W’olfe are Masonic Hall. \ that a registration number issued S-»!»3.S. Colorful ^ assisting 'William Miller, play­ courts might not be' available to • AC-bC Air-Coolad Motor Sunday .Xrtivltles ^ him." • Five-Spcad‘ • Stitch Ragulatof by the'town clerk must be- painted ------^------...... , {f ------! ground committee chairman with Sunday activities include; Aux­ Return Boxtop on the boat In figures not less than Use of fingerprints for identifi­ harrowing and leveling the lower Commissioner Allyn urges all Control • Bobbin Winder iliary of North Coventry fire com­ persons to consult his department, Sunday, June 27 at midnight we’ re • Smalt Hand' • Sawing six iiTches in height. ■ cation wa.s widely used in the an­ JMtll field. This field is -still in pany .paper collection. Green- For Full Refund Son Clirlstened cient world, but a .sr ie'ntific der need of raking. . Tall gras.s on b ef^e purchasing any insurance closing up shop indefinitely. Wheel Instructions Chobot Post. AL, paper, rag and offerb^ tthroiigh the mail by non- t Gary Philip, infant son of Mr. velopnient of the modern system the upper field has been cut with 40’s ...... 23c 5 YEAR CUARANtEC Sprayers and Insecticides Sports Show magazine collection, 10 a. m. in and Mrs. Philip isham, Jr., was •did hot start until 1823. licensetj companies. EASY TERMS Out of ’Town Call Collect a 8C>dhe. blit considerable more South Coventry only; Couples comhination of circumstance.s has work is needed to make it an ade­ 80’s ...... 43c Club family picnic Natchaug After A day of spring cleaning forced uf> to this decision— which was quate playing surface. Stale Park 2:15 p. m. PHONE JA 24)931 or shopping, give your feet a a hard one to make. PRESSURE Farm team practices are sched­ quick pick-i>p by bathing them in uled as follows: Tuesday. Dodgers; .ManrhpHter Evening Herald Cov­ hot salt watcK^ Just add a couple For Fro* Demonstration At No Obligation SPRAYERS Of The Year! (( Wednesday. White Sox; Friday, entry correspondent, Mrs. Charles of handfuls of salt to the basin of Wc want you all to know how much Red Sox. All will start at 6:30 Little, telephone PI 2-62SI, water. IS M d e n ili PRIVATE PAPER p.m. a t ’ the Robertson School. we’ve appreciated your loyal patron­ 11 PARK ST.. HTFD. HAND There is no Yankee farm team. All age over the years. We hope it’s been 901 Main Street boys have been given registration a two-way pleasure. Tel. MI-3-3321 Corner Main and Park SPRAYERS cards and when completed and re­ COLLECTION turned they will receive .caps and BY GEORGE .Mc.MULLIN shirts. GENERAL ^E lE C m C Thanks .again . , . very, very much. After sufficient practice games 704 PARKER STREET—NO PHONE are played, regularly scheduled RANGES — ttfFRIGERATORS — WASHERS games will be assigned. SOUTHWEST SECTION ■ Recent games played by. the i NO SALESMEN—VERY LOW OVERHEAD major teams showed Red- Sox de­ OPEN 8 SATURDAY 8 to 5 MONDAY, JUNE 28 feating Yankees, lE-1, and Yan-1 LIONS kees w’hipping the White Sox, j ALL DAy SUNDAY 8 to 8 18-2. I Big Trade-In Allowances— No Cash DoU n Cavey's Further donations received fol-1 BULB SPRAYERS low: Fill and leveling of ball field Annex S n a c k B a r CLUB 7 valued at 812 , given by Woody Wright: 85 each.’ E. Dcveati and BRUNNER'S FOR POHED PLANTS Albert Fi Kalber; 86.50, Coventry Across From Oarrlty’s-.-Ne.\t To Vittner’s 28 EAST CENTER STREET Broadcaster. - - ROCKVILLE ROAD, TALCOOTyiLLE—Ml-8-5191 GET SNAROL FOR CUTWORMS Lawn rollnrs, spades, shovels, rakes, whee.ibarrows, FORTH handy carts, .garden hose, Igwn mowers, i^w cr mowers, lawn sweepers. I ' »- ANNUAL.. B e OUR FIR S T PERMAGLAS Automatic Money-sfivin), Ubor-savin^ 10:30 A. M. ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS A bank itself may be a cold ma$s of marble and steel. But SFECIAL- DAY TOMORROW to\10:30 P. M. within the1)ank is fhe banker. , SIBS. q I i i s w - With the glass surfaced F o l i u m Foliator Here, at the Friendly Bank, yog wiji find fhe friendly bank­ Sontalienal, steel tank in 50 and 80 Loaf-fooding HOSE MIXER Fortlfiior specials gallon models. er. He will listen to your problem. He will concentrate on it. Cerf/Aerf Vo/v* He will usually find a way to solve it. If it's a loan you need, ML Nebo-Spring St. Here is-something worth your while! * 4 . 5 0 * 1 . 2 5 THESE FEATURES TELL YOU he can usually work it out some way. And once made he'll For a limited time we arc-offering-—free of charge -a special gift to buyers of coal or heating oil from our yard. WHY It PAYS TO OWN stay with it. ' .. < OSOt IM SO/M>M£r , ‘sAtiaY in' This $5.75 «>■ All you have to do is order two (2 ) tons of famous, long burning Old lVo Iv* ONLY *4.98 LUNCHES Company s Lehigh Premitfm Hard; Coal— or it’s iequivalent four hundred Ato/rot Feiiiliting at Eaty S E E MORE THAN You can depend on the First National Bank of^Mbnehester, AND (490) gallons of Shiell Oil with FOA-5X that prevents, clogging. PERMAGLAS at Walarmg Your Lawn that's for sure. This free gift-ywhich our driver will deliver to you. when he brings 100 VALUABLE your eoal or oil— |s a twent'y‘ (20) galloj galvaTiized trash barrel made of • Glass surfaced steel tank can’t tough top qualitv steel— durable, handj'and usefuC rust PICNIC SUPPLIES SHOW HORSES DINNERS Call us today! Ml-3-512;). Tell us what size cqal Vou Want— pea, che.stnut, • Doesn’t need replacing every few OPEN SATURDAY MORNINGS UNTIL NOON Thermos Jugs, Picnic Boxes, Paper Plates. Cups, etc.. stove or buckwheat or the number oil you want— N’o. l .Or No. 2—-and we’ll years ’ And Up Plastic Plates and Cups and Dozens Of Other ltem.s. IN ACTION! SERVED ON THE GROUNDS give your order prompt service. You’ll give your family Clean, healthy and THURSDAY EVENINGS 4:30 to 8:30 Croquet Set.s, Charcoal and Briquets • Puts all the heat into the water heat. Economicalheat. Economical, too! CLOSED WEDNESDAYS AT NOON OUTDOOR COOKING EQUIPMENT • Takes all the work out of hot AIL-NEW , AU.-YEAR pont’ delay! Take advantage of our summer prices and of our special water CONTRIBUTION $1 FOR ALL DAY and EVENING offer right away!- , UW N SPRINKLERS OF ALL KINDS CHILDREN UNDER 12 ADMITTED FREE • Keepjj^ot water hot for hours. at a time AIR-CONDITIONED afa SPRINKLER HOSE • Keeps the hot water in the water Clip this coupon atfid mail It or call MI-;i-.'S125. s o n PRODUCTS INCLUDING 4XD A COMPLETE ACCREDITED SHOW heater A Thrilling Show Please Deliver To Me: ^ , Md PEST CONTROL ' • Automatic controls provide double safety • JUMPER CLASSES AIR CONDITIONER ENJOY THE TENSE MOMENTS WHEN THE TONS — C O A L ' ^ • Exterior stays new year after year Un KriliHm to lin|irove the Soil. Cm /s fa tut wamHnr, mmmt to coo/ uroolto i— ogd • WESTERN CLASSES J < ) Stevf, Pad; ChMtnut.BuckwhMt FINEST SHOW HORSES IN NEW ENGLAND • Modern styling fits in anywhere g/iro|r> w/fa far u frosA Mid c/oM os M orOMi faoocif • EQUITATION CLASSES GALS. — OIL, H otpoint measured ventilation ' Water Solnhle Fertilizers COMPETE FOR VALUABLE PRIZES,.^ TRO- • MISCELLANEOUS CLASSES ( ) N o . l l - Ne.2. W E^O A COMPLETE INSTALLATION means all-year comfort for you! Just RX-15 A COMPLETE PLANT FOOD P H I| $ AND CHAMPIONSHIP RIBBONS. • ENGLISH PLEASURE HORSE CLASSES For which'I will receive special free gift. , ■ __push a button for your-own room • HVE-GAITED SADDLE HORSE CLASSES JOB INCLUDING PLUMBING AND climate, just like Ozzie and Harriet BRECK’S QUICK LIFE eei FOLIUM .. SEE LAST YEAR’S CHAMPIONS ANP RE­ • WESTERN WORKING STOCK HORSE ...... G ...... ELECTRICAL WORK ^ Nelson do. No water connection— just plug .it in! ■' SERVE CHAMPIONS IN ACTION. CLASSES. ADDRESS ...... NO DOWN PAYMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK O n H um id Days ,t w n g . * g.. 5 Years To Pay With Your Light Bill mut of th0 Mir, givmt jyou rgrmihot-wmtbmr comfe^ti A ALL PROCEEDS FOR LOCAL LIONS CLUB PROJECTS O n D r y D a y s it not ority filtmrg »nd JOHNSON BROTHERS OF MANCHESTER feng tho Mir, but cool^ it Juat the Wmy you wMnt Hi ' THIS ADVERTISEMENT SPONSORED BY / - - A _ _ •. T ( ■ .■ * Tal. G.E. Willi 1 ' Electrical Contractors GKRRITY BROTHERS, Irc. DeCORMIER MO^OR SA | .E S FORD CROSBY 2 MAI NST., MANCHESTER. PH ONE M | .3 .^ 2 5 MHetwd 9 ^ 1 1 SO C C ^ n A G E ST. TEL. MI-3-4227 ROCKVILLE-T.ALCOTTVII.LE ROAD ; m p o t s q u a c i MARK KRAVITZ NEW. EL LAUNDRY V Acrofw From Brunner'ft—Phone .M|*9-4521 34 DETOT S9VARE : T EL M Ip9-5274 J. \ ■

    •\; ■ ■■■


    ^ .SI MAKCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 25,'19R4 FACE TWELVE ^ T E R , MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCH CONN,, FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1954 PAGE IHIRTEEN FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER TDONERVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE i Answer to Pravioua Puiila WtXX)—»*»• W H A T -4 I 8 Church Planning Strawberry gait's ‘Missing Words e iQ ( u c ] I D o n I Q D L i n WDRC— 1860 Daily Radio W OTH— 1418 T H E P o w e r f u l K A t r i n k a ^ Sense and Nonsense Sky^jeatch Schedule cTQ nalauulLiaaa Vacation School , ■. «L>I W KNO—840 . Eaatera Staadard Tima w n c — 1080 Aiiipiiiit to S4,008 P U T k a t r i n k a I □ l i i z i q R Q c j u ■ L j a a u f ACROSS auussaciuuQM UQLJ 3 Exchange |F TRLB I John Ah,, 1 see you are a Ore- W H E R E IS O UEauaoaaaniuizsauu Registrations are atilt being re­ Balurday June 26 The M*nche.steiy' Rtraw)>erry 1 ------»nd •■It premium T here's no skill In easy aailing clan, ** The following program schedulea isi: j s r * WHAY—Bristol PoUgli Home Midnight —2 a. m...... pick Frosch. Gordon Pomeroy Auction Mart sold .34/5'j 24-qt. e A E v !’ 4 Mama and 3 Property and when the akiea are’ clear and Peter Pooh That la far- I are supplied by the radio manage- ceived for the first annual Vaca­ Evening. Good Music 2 a. m .—4 a. m...... VoUinteers Needed crates yesterday. Sales totalled fetched,'^* ' WKNB—Evening Serenade tion Church School sponsored by blue. * Ijiienta and arc aubject to change 4 a. m.- 6 a. m...... Leonard Rackowski, J. Leber J4 .008.7,3 at a high of tl3.75. and a ----- and Eve * F«>®‘ l«ver -IFTSinT tvflni John Not at all, W iic—Dinah Snore the North Methodist Churi-h, There's no Joy in merely doing I made It [without notice. WDHC—Ix)*t Persona • 6 a. m,— 9 a. m...... 3'oliinteers Needed , / a low of 38 and an average of 12 Long, long * 5****^ aanuom aft^ucjr-sucj up on the spot. scheduled tn open Monday morn­ . — Roland Morin Einiuiaaacaaa %>uau ..th in g s which anyone can do. 14'M^ WGTH—Baseball Bandstand 9 a. m. - N o o n ...... $12.6.3 per crate. ___ _ 6 Cone-shaped But there I* some aaliafactlon I VS'HAY—Newt; Polka Hop • Ha— ing at 9 o'clock. Children 4 to 14 Noon 3 p. m...... GeneveiveJOii Morgan. James Morgan a a u a ■ U Q C 3 ■ n u u G J WHAY—Brintol Polish Home/ are invited to register for the'two- 13 Shield 7Man’anam^ □ □ □ □ I E H ilLl I d U IItC J th at la mighty sweet to take. The woman who maketh a good, I WCCC—Kecord Aevue 3 p. m.—6 p. m. . . . ' . Volunteers Needed ‘ p * WKNH—BKRrball Kpridfat Matliie* Evening. Goo^Music week program which is being di­ ■ Studies of fermentation by Pas­ U T h e ------8 -— : LiaCaE] ID LJQ ILJU CJU When you reach a deatlnation that pudding in silence ia better than WTlC-^-BacKtaHKcf Wil« WENB--Evfning Serenade 6 p. m.— 8 p. m. . . . Volunteers Needed Ranger Wonderland rected, bj' Mra. Alfred Schlninlel • • • b- teur are regarded by scientists as they aald you'd never make! she who maketh a tart reply. WDRC—Record ^op. WTIC—frank Sinatra - / 8 p. m .—10 p. m...... Volunteers Nee«led ISCniirtMv title #The Open ——26CIoxed car 41 Iron < WGTH—Coniipclicut ballroom WDRC—IxiHt Perwinr y and Mrs. Rduipnd Kolsoni. The 10 p. m .- Midnight .•...... Joseph Marcln among the ntost important on the ^ WGTH—BaBeball Bai^tand overall theme i.s "The Church.” subject. U C ifti Policy 27Dislilce(! 42 Old Vtattor I hear that they belong 14 '• 14-“ Volunteers may register at Civil Defense Headquarters. Muni- 18 Emu'i mett of I" Princes*------*28 Nevada city 4 3 ------and v Gus — Porter can read three " WllAY—Newi; Polkk Hop Ju^l>/^ugu*t The pastor ha.s announced that j cipal Building. Manr hester on Mondiiys. Wedpesdays. and Fridays to the early settler*. , languages. WCCC—Kecord Revue WTIC—Hear A rn ica Singing _i__ of England 29 ------car lot timplc ^ WKN’B—Baneball Retiuent MatincB Miaa ^ r t h a B arr, a Htiident a t ; from 1-.3 p. m. Civil Defense Telephone number Ml 9^9068! ’’ Man—WelL you wouldn’t think Jim — .What are they. WDRC—Arthur LSoatrey ingtoac 30 Meaauret of 11 Disorder 31 Snuggle 44 The loneaoma* WTiC—Stella Uallaif' Claflin University, Orangeburg, J so if you could see the bill co(jeC' WDKC—RectTrd Shop ^ V^TH -Take a/xurnber . land 17----- tale 33 Water 1 ------Oua — Magar.lnea, sporting S. C.. will arrive in Manchester j tors climbing the front atepa, WCTH—Connecticut Ballroom WHAY-Ton/Arden a mistake, but it wa-^n’t any of my 31 Solidify 19 Singing voice mammal 46 War god el pages and railroad time-tables. thia weekend to take part in the 23 Dent., 3,8 Photographic Greece I 4:30— WTU'T^''?^ America Singing two-weeks prograni. She 1* one of | business.” Then it still isn’t, so r.oiiIractor$ Plan 22 Poker atake To moat girla men ura not a " WHAY—New*; Polka Hop WDRC—^Ihur Godfrey Digest why say anything? 24 Actor — 3 4 ----- bodied device 47 Great Lake Piano sales* are reported to bo WCCC—Record nevue ^ Wt^TH-^ake a Number a group of young Negro girls who problem, but a aoliltion,^ A1 Ta­ WKNB-rBa*ebaIl Rr'queit Malinea are spending . several w.eek.s in "I think you ought to know Ladd aenman 40 Brought forth 48 Prult on the Increase, which is under Outing Activilies ber in SATKVKPbST. alandahle. as parents take their WTIC—WIdder ^rown WHAY—Nit* Watch New RnglanU Methoiiist Chdrehes what people are saying." That is 28 Cut 23 Dreg, young SO Energy WDUC—Record Shop PhirHanif Alice Faya RiR-conDiiionino disciplinary dutte* more Berloiialy. WGTH—ja tit Downey ;C—Arthur Godfrey this summer. She wHl be the gue.st an unpleasant sentence because it 27 Eaat Indian Reporter Have kny of your ^ - - H—Ba*fbal| Bandstand of Mr. and Mr.*, Alfred Schimmel is invariably used to intt'odi'ice an Horseshoe pitching, a h n f f 1 e Itlandf 1 r r ( r “ b r I io r Ifa noUenough to punish the child 4;44— childhood hope* hjeen realized'!’ by taking away TV, yoii'Ve aiao WHAY—New*; Polka Hop for the first- week, and of-Mrs. unpleasant si'.bjet'L board and volley' ball will be the 30 Get out! Wert!'—Record Revue ^V^AY-Nite Walrh "You're wrogn about that." il“ IS Bualneaa -Ye*. When got to be' able to threaten him WKNB- BaPf’ball Malinea WTIC—Phil Harris.Allc* Faya Alina Dumas during the remain­ first events at the outing of the 32 Spice* - mother used ter pull my hair I WDRC—Arthur Godfrey der of hir stay in Manchester. There are ways of dl agreeing with piano practice. AVTIC—Woman in Hou*e / Contractor* Aastj. of' Manchester, O ttt s .« 34 Ogled if 1 n wished that lyfllfln't have any. WUKC—Record Shop / 9 S9 ^^**~^*"******' Bandstand The school will conclude with a with other.s that don't arouse an­ ^ WILLIAMS ^ 3.3 Colorleat ga« • WGTH—Jack D«)wney / tagonism. but a flat-footed "3’ou're beginning a t 10 a. ni. at the G ar­ She I was out of town wjien W'HAY—NIte Watch parents’ program on Friday eve­ den Grqye this Sunday. The all • OIL SERVICE • C»T« fto tR <3 ^ 36 Worm A 8 A habit ia very much like a soft f;00— . / WTIC—Democratic Convention ning, July 9. wrong’.’ isn't one of them. Aott* the cisss play was given. Did It WHAY—We*tern Caravan WDRC-That's Rich day affair will also include a clam v V / . . 37 Pouches bed. It fa easy to get Into but W(!C(’—Record Revue "I hope you aren't making a 341 BROAD STREET T. M W t. M. 39 W alked have a happy ending? WGTH —Red Sox v*. Chicago liake. buffet liinch, and a steak ii\A h H P hard to get out of. Her !4ure. Everybody was WKNB—New*: Sport* »:U— mistake." TTiat can't even be ar­ TEL. MI-9-4348 V// 40 Volcano in WTU;—Juat Plain Bill WHAY—Nlte Watch dinner. /> Ord'T*"* * **That'« wh«t not paying your proviou* bill at tha optician's i glad it ended. W DUO—New* gued' against like the more honest, Sicily H IT WTIC .-Senator J. Kennedy Tlie various activities are under K 19 Doctm- I rushing out.of aturtyl - \Vi;TH’*-Jack Dow’ncy WDRC—That * Rich "I think yo’.i are making a mis­ ( h i* ^-XS-5‘^ got you!” 41 Footlike part the direction of the following; 1 Get my kit. Some man just Jlni — You're married,'la that 4:14— W’GTH—Red Sox vs. Chicago Ruth Millett take.” ajid it is ju st .s'.'gge.stive '/ 42 Horrify V) k R WHAY—W>*4eru Cardan 14:49— Wendell .lacobs, soft hn" phoned he can't live another Ave right ? enough to leave a sneaking doubt 4.3 Wedded A W(’C<’—Itecord WHAY—Nite Watch Anton.v Dzen, boccl ball game, OUT OUR WAY BY J. R, WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE minutes without me. . Jam .Tea, I’m married, but it WKN'B—Baaeball >^^uue*t Matinta WTIC—Fibber Molly in the other person's mind. 49 King Arthur SI S horseshoe pitching and t>ig ot war: Daughter Relax, father. I'm ain’t right! tVTIC—Front Pac^ KarreU WDRC—Mr. Ke*n i4avr Vour 'I Told 3’ou So’* "Hje trouble with you is . .” a n d ------m WDRC—Record ^ o p , WGTH-^Red ^ x vF. Chic'agfi •And X'ou’ll Keep Friends A rthur Burge.ss, nail driving I'on- The'Heafs On! \ sure that message was for me, 19:16— Whoever wanted to hear the end 51 Mouth* 5C” n 8 WtfTH—Jack ^wnay.'’ Some remark.^ rub almost every­ test! Edward TomSzuk, .golf pitch­ m Many a gnrl won't sail «dth a WHAY—Nite Watch of that sentence? ing con test; Paul Do\igan, egg Solimene Is TradiitK Wild IT'S OWE c r [KAFF-KAPP/rWUY DOES 52 Sea eagle i 4:44— one the Wrong way. And yet how II 'Two romrsdea aVre dining to­ man on the aea of matrim ony until WHAY—Hall/of Record! WTIC—Heart of New* throwing contest; and Louis Da- OUR iwiNpy a d d l e d MiMD ENiv/lSIOM 53 Anger* ■ WDRC—Music often we hsar them. (All rights reserved, NEA Service, Up To On Any gether, and one noticed a greaae- after he haa made a raft of mon­ WCCC—Record Revue mato. pig contest. .. $300 RCVXP icaew j u s t j HEC 30VFUL EVe AMD 54 Insect egg i L WKNB—PBaeball Reque*t Matinea WGTH-Red Sox vs. tnilcAgo "I told you so." The only person Inc.) / TT * it A apot on the other'* vest. ey. WTIC—Lorenzo Jone* 14:44— The program will end with a BACK vyiTH ^ B^AWINS FACE SSA ct ' ^ j. WHAY—Nite Waten who la ever pleased by that remark . Pre-War Car WORC-vMemory l.»ana stage show with a cast from New SO t/IB MICE 5 6 — r- P WCTH^-^Sllver Kaifle WTIC -Llslf»n to Washington i* the one who makes it. BI.'I.B STORAGE TIP STORIES/ s r Si WDRC—Moods for Romance York. production "You wovildn't listen to n»e." CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 1:4.%— / WGT^—Red Sox vs. Chicago Holland, Mich. i/Pi—If you want eSADi' 57 Observe IA WHAY—Hall of Record* 14:46— That one Is usually addressed to v«ioerrt \V0'’<’—Record Revue WHAY—Nite Watch your tulip blooms big and healthy, {V6 - D03VN tykNB—Baacball Request Matinea a child, one who has Just gotten' SOLIMERE, Inc. Manchester Lumber Co. TM6 P C ice WTIC—List*‘n to Washingtqn stash the bulbs in an old pair of I Metal a r SI n - vTIC—Pay* to Marry WDRC—Moods for Romance hurt as the result of doing some-1 X MOST PAV \VDRC—Maa*y, Tilton WGTH Red Sox vs. Chicago thing his mother told him not to i nylon hose.when you dig them up. fastening - s WCTH-.Silver Kaple That is the advice Of Holland's Dodge and Flymeuth 255 CENTER STREET TEL. MI-3-5144 I , — X'LL 11:44— do. But it's the hurt, not the | rvi i-r/ «:00- WHAY—Nite Watch pi'Ofes.sional growers. The impor­ r PRESCRIPTIONS 4 WHAY—New* W n c —3-Rlng New* righteous' "3'ou wouldn’t listen to, r CAREFULLY COMPOl’NDED 4i Direct Factory Doolor wrtrJT—tifHHl Evening. Good Muaic WDRC—New* me" that really tCache.s the child tant, thing is to let the bulbs dry BUGS BUNNY WK.N’B—New*; Score* WGTII—*\>ws properly, they say. WTIC—New* 11:16— \ a lesson. ' j WDRC—New* WHAY-Nile Watch "If you had only told me . . j About 60 per cent of the world's ►Arthur Drug Sior4$^ WGTII—New* WTK'’-World New*. That is alway.s said when it Is too | population live in Asia and Africa. K • :I5 - WBRC—Radio Almanac late for the telling to do any good. WHAY—S|>ort« Spotlight WfJTH—Sports Wt'Ct?—GahmI Fuvening, flood Music 11 :.T4— , WKNB—Ba*4*bal! Request Matinee WHAY —Nit* Watch s ’ WTIC—Strlctiv Sport* WTK';-Starllght Serenade e WDRC—Jack Zninian WDRC—Night Owl WtiTH—Patlcr.'on. 11:46— six'h and such. WHAY-Nite Watch .Avoid' .Antagonistic Keniarks 4:^0- WTK'—Sfarlight Serenade m ^ M A N C H E S m WlIAV—Supper Serenada WDRC—Night Ow» g SPECIAL! w rrc'— Kv*’iilni: (iood Md*!c CuFppf Ctnftr OUR “BANK BY MAIL** PUN IS GEARED WKNB—Baseball ReqiU'St Matinee - * Axminster WTIC—Emile Cot»’ "Way Oat Fient." Wbea » WDRC—fJiiv ixiinbardo ' Rad and TO ACCOMMODATE THOSE WHOSE WCTH—Bill Stern oe*N OAIIT Ceme* ts CstpeH «:!.%— OF MANCHESTER Gray Leaf • WHAY—SupDCi Serenade FLETCHER CLASS CO. .• « « e «ua« WORKING HOURS CONFLICT WITH OCR ^ V/ICTOKV W(’('(’—Good -Evpiiing Good Music M Itcbcll $"m.50 AT LOWIST rOKItU Nuas • WKNB— Box WAU TO WALL INtTALLATIONS BANKING HOURS. fO e 6\M£ET- WTIC—Three Slai Extra 9-7879 / Sq. Yd. ■Y fACTO«r THAINI® IXMlSl N6«5 AIJD UGWr^ WDRC—Low'*ll Thomas 143 3VEST 5IIDDLE TURNPIKE Reg. $ . sq. yd. THE EKCLUStVES ^ ^ WGTH—Dinner Dale 8 7.3 TOO— a u t o g l a s s i n s t a l l e d Fnetory serond Ml tch e ll 9-4343 Z. ' WHAY—Supper Serenade price ■ IM MAIN »T., MANCNKTHi A LLE Y OOP Bravo Eustace! BY V. T. HAMLIN \Vf•(V —<;RC—Tonn. Ernie GLASS FURNITURE TOPS MEDICINE CABINETS a WGTH—FuUon Lewie M.\IN O FFIC E: 89.1 Main St. NORTH BR.\NCH : 15 No. Main ^ T :I4 - PICTURE FRAMING WINDOW PI,ATE GLASS Oppo-site St. Janies Church Next to YMCA . WHAY—Supper Serenade WC(’(*—Cod’ Evening Good Mufele WKNB—Evening Serenade "It's The Truth' WTIC—New* ol World W E V E G O T WDR('- Peter Lind Hayes Show •N, THIS WEEKEND BE SURE TO VISIT A -a f* WGTH—G. Healter /t. a. a,|. u, a e,,. oe. T:44- " *»■; 1W4 t, MA |v-i,irW WHAY—Supper Serenade WX7CC— Kv*'ning. Gofal Music W h en It's ‘B ey! I retlly roughed it this vseation—Hsieened out tha WKNB—Evening Serenail* ^ a-ta WTR;—One Man * Family attie and painted the garagel” WDRC—K R Murrow \VGTH—Perry Como nm H • t. sm. T V a^ u *H a*. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Not Good BY EDGAR MARTIN Televi.sion Prosrrams STICKY / BUZ SAM YER BY ROY CR.ANE On Pasre Two B A K E S H O P taovsw w i VAvvvr .TWY I AH ID HOWJWfeD vv V SHAW. AW-V^>\'.TV\X»5, AVC 449 Hartford Road — Near McKee Street P«t ViCW\D vb YPiGBBW QOHVTTOTL ''WOX) AVYOW VbS DY H OST . \ V\«OY TO DO \S HOT ( HAfF f lU THPgf, Ion. a LITTII*) HOTHIwa'f TOO JOSEPH S. LUKAS, Prop, and Baker ' • 1 OLD W)A\T\»i6 TOP NOO TO KJRTWtVR TO OVbWAV TWt HAtTN TO ■ VOA\T TWSS EARfHNfiS WitM PMMOHe fw «N T sorvou CINTiat! OM, MClCf, DIA«, eooo roRTtc Y\Vt A V\K>\9A TW t v o a n o A tc tW^TSVST*. VXKUSWtD 90«X«A\T DO S O '. YNSVYV TWNKi \ switTf St «kl HOW fatetous! > W>D V5ATW A » « > i OS CVM?\C£,Y I VitPt \Ki TAY StOPY VD YVJtVi DOYhHYO rLEOALYEVEnWsl you can stay cool DRIVE WITH toy ~ ~ X T VOlK^XiyO! CK' Weekend Specials ► At LOW PRICES 4 CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE with a N E W t Arthur Drug Stores \ aHOURS 8 A. M. to II P. BANANA CREAM P it Ab Ab ▲ Ak A ▲ A POPPY SEED RINGS Westinghouse WONDER CAKE v MANCHESTER SHORT CAKE BISCIHTS Room AIR CONDITIONER : • . sT by atia lof^a. Ine. T. MILLWORK CO. 254 Broad St.—Tel. .311-9-3283 OUR SPECI.AL ORDER OEPT. 1 1 BY AL VERMEER STORE 1 _ . />» . ■■ PRISCILLA’S POP Present« Of Mind U ready to serve those special event 1 L MICKEY F in n Heavy Schedule! WE HAVE WHAT HOURS needs. We can prlHliico delicious 1 i BY LANK LEONARD baked goods for any occasion. .' fOR EXAMPLE, YOU WANT IN * Open 1 K K lO W ,We specialize in: J** 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. ^('x Ways Belter EXACTLY By JOVE, Phil! n r it Y swell! and i play wEONESCAys, BIRTHDAY CAKES WHERE ILL 6E M IT ! TUESOAVS, j FRIDAYS,andSdNPAVS! WEIL Tue.8. thru Sun. w e d d in g CAKES t l £ ON MV 2117 BUtPNIL.IHAPNOIOEA ^IKMI^DKMtGOkEKNOKf HARDWARE ► THORSOiyS,ANP < GWEHIMMONMySOFFANDGO 1. Thoroughly Inspected . iB IR T M O A V ! THAT XUDMAPEAKAL /H E lOLP THAT HE HADN'T All Our Product.^ COOKIE TRAYS, etc. ) ] SATURDAYS ASE THE 2. Reconditioned for Safety MTH lOWE-IHAT I BAS v a P X W !^ l-tH -lm tK - DWSTMATIPtAy! Open 8 A.5L to 9 P.M. Dally Oven Fresh Daily TEL. MI-9-6878 3. Reconditioned forPerformori'ce -AH-M00»CAGANSTX)U - 1 ^ ’ FOfi HIS SERVKESf i ■ >< i 4. Reconditioned for Value 5. Honestly Described. 6. Warranted in Writing! ' ■ t * ••atl ■fs\ ^CH EVRO LET HERE’S GOOD NEWS! SOLD ONLY BY AN OV^ V.-h* M*d*l AW-7SD AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER Ai HnU at $4.P0 sar waak WHEN. YOU’RE LOOKING U i CAPTAIN EASY Reunion BY LESLIE TURNER ' atfar imall Jaws.eaymafit . FRECKLES AND HlS FRIEND8 How About Bow-Wdw? BY MERRILL C. BLOSSER" CARTER CHEVROLET G0„ Inc. LIGHT BLUE 0 8 . tlK6 HEK «5T E 5*« 'SI FOR COLD REER .... TIN COMPORT $ONES . , . offer complete flexibility to H e's NOT GtTTIM6 AWAY GHS MIVEG...WITH THEJtIGHT «TATg w e WANT ANCRHEIt , '^ A W . THIS ONE GOES cool, purify, dehumidify the air. 311 MAIN STRUT MANCHESTER AnO-THAT'^ A aiOUPE OU THE SEACN ■ “ ■ THIS! WE’RE TAWN6 fA um .Eie. MR. T o o e R ! a BBAKMD MAU-----KLAZEG. IT AUI8T 8E rr Rk&MT BACK / - TH 6 OajE WILL NEVER. ® L f B L l i p / SIX CANS OR SIX CASES . i . , oof WSr TOLD YtXJ WE WANTED ADJUSTABLI CRILliS . . . beam draft-firse air flow to OPEN EVEMNgI u n t i l 9 P. M. ONE THAT GOES -svery comer of the room.. PLOOP/ PLOOP/ ivtatTuata YIAR-nOUNO APPIIANCE . , . provides instant, coiy soa'He PLLLOOOP// warmth in chilly weather. Kxhauati cae. T 2 3 8 d n T B o m YOU CAN stale air, circulates and ventilates in LOOK AT THESE winter a* well as summer. USED GAR BARGAINS SIX MO.P.EL%.. . . from a i^-hp model ALWAYS GET to'cool rooms'with a floor area up to . / ^ t 340 »q. ft. to a I.'i-tip model which c«K>l* an area up to. 1,000*q. ft. Styled in harmonizing Rotu- Beige. For the »hopping (of - 1948 CHEVROLET 19S2 CHEVROLET IT HERE right size and model, call today.for room atr condrtioneri, lie • l-uve 2-Door. Heater^ Station l^agon. Alt '.steel iw v, at« tw-n- I-., T >r 0 »■ a Free aurvey. look (or (his tt|n Popular green., body,' 8 passenger. Radio, VIC FLIN T The Threat BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY beater, pnWer* glide. THE STORY OF MARTH.Ai WAVNB Report To Len'a Mother BY WILSON SCRUGGS^ IN ANY QUANTITY $595 m 4 SM9RT WVILfe LArB«...| YOU CAN •! SU RE... lit n r !i \ \ estin^ouse ■arv/ wiicr TiMa z MJT aaMiAigeit, sou plsw r $1695 e o AT VOU WTTM A MauOMTVOw Twa JO» rr ^ I eUEeS M0iAe )>-— --^SOTWSU.VVOtMSFOOLHA6-4^ ME SPEAK TO tMLL pa 30J)r nappy WHO AAA' LABT-MasA/na rUTTI-OLPONTHB JIUi /T»^«^_Bt^FALLEN R»AVin^ MSSOUV^/ erpecABverup.''' MffTmjcnoNB, CLvi CEATa wv«N SOU o e r >OU MV NEP1CW Nae 5CEK OUR NEW WALK-IB REFRIGERATOR ACCOMMODATES NEARLY 300 ^ THiMUSaUW.^ CARIZVNG ON A BOM iNCE $35.00 PUTS A 1/2 H.P. IN YOUR HOME 1950 PLYMOUTH 1949 CHEVROLET ]952 FORD WITH SO N E WIDOW IN IM S... CASES. ALL YOUR FAVORITE RRANDS ANY QUANTITY ALWAYS .('luh <’nu|»e. Ifealer, seat edv- l>e I.u\e.'4-Dnor. Heater, seat TMS PLACE t YEARS TO PAY. ONLY $3191% cm. Ixnv mileage. *' ■ ^ rovers. 3'ery clean. . 4- Door Sedan. Heater, rddleb COLD. Next tima you'ra loaking far COLD bfor—-remember "6 4 44." Fordomatie, $875 $695 a a H ^ $1295 7 WE DELIVER 6 ^ 4 4 DIAL i ' ROUTE 6 and 44—tOLTON 1951 CHEVROLET m t CHEVROLET 1958 QHEVRtkET MI44324 JiST NORTH OF THE P. O. •De Lux^ t-Uoor. Heater, Ra- ■ . J De I,u\e *-Dflor.. Heater. Nice 5- Dodr Sedan. Hrater, Radla,. NEXT TO RAINROW C LU i dlA. An excellent i'aliie. ^hlue finish. A real valtfei, Very lew'mileage. Like. EST. 1^22 . ' ^ PHONE MU.9-72.14 U M l : Jr'$895,$1045': $ 1 4 ! \ \ ■■ J ;N- ■■■\ PAGE FOUBTEEN MANCHESTE^^J^EN^^^G HEBALD, MANCHESTER, CONN* FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1954 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, PBIDAY, JUNE 25, 1954 p a g e f if t e e n 1 / 4 6 y of Winter a Summer ^Nightmare for Braves | Herm’s in lie ener N/ THE ■ Herald Angle Elks Get 9-3 j Mt. Nebo Field BA Fielder Indies and Yankees Cardinals^ Rising Moon Perez Choice !Ex-Mates with Giants Homer Pace in Major Leagues Tails EARL W. YOST Will over Bees Over Bassett ■> Scene of Action SfMrts Editor Ready for Big Serie^ 'Ki* KIND OLl WEATHER MAN } operating expense* outdoor* Romaniw and LaPointe iSI CAiflNd' MU6TA BUMDiO; Continue to Beat Club At 6; Lineups Off Slightly over Record 1953 Total The weatherman ha* been kind’ makes this move possible. tfPg'.HCi TH fgE ME Brooklyn Youngster 1*3 to organized soi'tball and baseball Tuesday night there is another^ W 4 « , iv e CONPBii, show scheduled for Manchester. It" League - Leading Tribe C x > u e e t Home Runs Opening action in the Twilight leagues in M anchester this aea.aon. ■One. 916 OMi ^ IO S —. Favorite" in , Final Don Lififlle , HiipIm Win New York. June 25 f.Pi N a-' isn't any . secret. that nnlesa at­ Helps Out 6 Ba.seball League will take place The .kmerii-an add'^’ational Little Holds Four Game Edge For i m i i i Winners tional League batteraX r « c o r d tendance pick* up — through the WAUY m o o n ! Bout from Garden. Al Now York;-lnHiBiiK tonight at 6 o'clock at Mt. Nebo Leagues are atlll running along on gate and not over or under the and .will be provided by the B rlti.h Cary Middlecoff .Early sm ashers with 1.197 Home runs As Three Game Series STA N D IM iS Ia^hcI Shaved by A’r; schedule. The Nationals have fence ■ -• the sponsors may hare W New York, June 2.5 tJ*)—The Americans and Heim's Cameras. last season, have tatted off some-1 to curtail offerings for the balance Starts in Cleveland little men step into the Madison These two clubs were scheduled t-o played all 14 of their scheduled of the aegaon and concentlhk'te on Nassiff Arnw ... Brooks Win on HoinorH o|v*n festivities last Wednesday w-hal in 19.54, hr.t they still aren't First National .., Square Garden spotlight tonight tilts at this writing slid the the Armory. . Cleveland, J u n e 2S (JO—To night hut the contest was post­ Insurance Open Deader giving pitchers anything to cheer E l k s ...... '. . .K with classy Liilu Perez of Brook­ By BEN PHLECiAR . about. American* have run off their first - Roland Meeker, the newest Caaey Stengel, it s ‘ that big seriea poned due to wet grounds. The 13 outings. favorite with Silk follower*, Manchester Trust lyn rated a 1-3 ehoiee over experl- AHsoelaled Press Sports Writer game originally slated tonight be­ Yanks Win Round Figures .compiled by the Asso­ In Cleveland;" A1 Loi>ez calls It Brown A Beaup.rc W ethersfield, June 25 i/P) — • "The winner.” said the tali Fifteen of the first 17 scheduled ha* been paired TtWaday . night iwrt?ed^ercy Bassett of Philadel­ The "dream" deal of the win­ tween the North Ends and CYO ciated Pre.sa through yesterday's games in the Church Softball “a crucial weekend, but certainly While many of the nation's top dentist, w-ould be the golf player games reveal that senior circuit with Gypsy Joe iVthe feature ”S phia in a featherweight elimina­ ter la proving nothing but a sum­ has been moved ahead, the date DINGS League have been played and all event. Chief Black Hawk and not one of those do-or-die times." .Second ba.semau Mike Romi_ , to be announced, golf p-.-oa were buzzing today! of the year; not the golfer of the hitters have accounted for 489 tion bout. • mer nightmare to the 'MlVwmlkes 54 L Pet.. SIX gatnes in the first round of Stanley Kowalski will tangle -In and piteher Ron LaPoinla led tli*\ Brave.s. • • • about a spectacular round posted year, but the player, meaning the homers this yet.r compared to an No matter how; they described The winner may get a rrark at by Dr. Cary Middlecoff. the Teh-1 most consistent competito.-. Yankees 7 1 .875 the Rec Softball l,eague have been the semi-final aiid Ray Walker It In separate inter\news with Elks to a 9 to 3 \1clory over By bow the Braves' offieisls COACH GEORGE UTIATUH will Red Sox 5 3 .625 ever .500 in-a like number of games ■played. The Interm ediate League featherweight rhampinn Sandy nessee dentist appeared more ex­ "The leading money winner It in 1953. and Ronnie Hill meet in the first newsmen, there was little doubt Brown and Beaiipre in an Alumni reach for the a.spirin bottle auto- send eitlier Brendon Shea, who Dodgers S 5 .375 has played its first five gam es on event. __ Saddler and heeaiise of the Im- played thfl ' past -season with cited about getting support for hia | not necessarily the beat golf play­ • • * that Managers Stengpl of the League contest la.sl night a t bhal-- portanee of the scrap the distance matii-ally- whenever they are plan to pick the golf player of C ardinali 1 7 .125 •schedule and seven of the first T4VI BASEBALL R ETU R N S Yankees and Lopez of the Indians forced to remember how niurh l.oOmls Academy, or Ray Tiernev, er. On the. golf eourae, same ^ THE AMERICAN IJCAGl E la ter Oak Park. Romaniw collected has been tnereased from 10 tn 12 the year. eight games in the Alumni League Twilight League baseball la view with liispcrt the thret'-game they gave for .so little. w'ho pitched for the high srhoo is on the race track, earnings reflect F irst piece in the firsK roim d of up over last aer.apn.'364 to 3.56. Its were completed aa Slated. rounds. The State Athlette Com- • * • few years back, to the hill in an Middlecoff shot a 6-under pat- ecunomle conditlona; just one b.xlamen connected for 8"9 homers scheduled to mske a belated 'start aeries tkeir teams open here to­ a home riih and two .singles, good misalo'n will recognize the victor American Little League p'tav w-as SPORT NOT r.yrcniNG o n ttmight when the British Ameri­ night. for throe RBI's, while LaPointe effort to gain a w-ln in the opener. 65 yesterday to pace the opening tournament like the Tam O'Shan- during the.entlr. '.53 campaign. as the No. 1 contender. JOHN.N'Y AN’rONEIJJ, Don round of Ih'e four-day, 72-hole clinched by the Yankees las\nlght For some regaaft or other, out. can* plsy Herm’s Cameras at Mt. • • • ' held the Bees to three runr on si.\ Liddle. Ebba St, Claire. Billy. Boh Brady, former minor leaguer, •Angle Davki ter out in (.'hirago ran put a fel­ as they knocked off their closest Acf-ially. only seven cl-. bs the. Why the hard-hitting 26-year- will catch the offerings of the 515,000 Xnaiiranee City open. He door professional wrestling at Mt. Nebo' -at 6 o'clock. Wednesday •’SURE. THE INDIANS ^ hits and rontnbuted. to. his own Klaus and cash were parcelled off low on top. T rue leaderahip doewn’t pursuers, the Red Sox. by a a^re Cubs. Giants and Cardinals In: the Nebo has failed to catch tire as it night these two rivals were slated old Bassett is slieh a big underdog Photo pitchers thl.s season. pasted the 6,561-yard Wethersfield dcjiend on earnings and It Isn't .National League and the White tough." conceded Stengel whose cause with a four-bagger and a« is hard to understand. It's tnie he to the New York Giants for Bob­ lane for the National Little of 11 to 2 In seven innings. \ did during the indoor season at the tn pisy but wet grounds. du> to .men have a'4-4 record against single, giving him seven hits in The lineup will be fitted by many Country Club , course fo-.- 31-34 refteefed accurately In the tables Sox. Senators. Red Sox and Tigers lost hia last two fights but they by Thom.son and Sam Qalderone. well-known players. Fratus can X-eague, 65, which included aix birdies, and i .Skip M arsh w'on the big one fo,. Armory. early afternoon rains, resulted In Cleveland this year. "But we’re 10 trips to the plate this season. .This wR.s siippo.sed to be the showing average scores of the Coach Harold Geer and In doing no in the American are slim ing an a postponement. were to dseo Andrade and Or­ call upon Jim Roach, Mickey Mur­ missed eight others, three of them I year. '■(dge over l.ast year. Attendance w i»--dtaappointing playing well enough ” The Bees started the scoring In lando .Zulueta. two high-ranking trade that yoiild take the pennant DATES OF POSTP<>NED base­ ^hiing lip hia fourth, win. He re- for both open-alr/ahows sponsored The league rosters ' include a Here, Stengel referred to New the third Inning when Dave Heyart phy. Dick Ma.s.sey, P a t Boliliie, or W’hen the ball rimm ed th.e cup and 1 "Those averi get. the PGA and Cubs, w hd had 55 home runs lightweights. His overall'record is away from Brooklyn. It may Herman Wierzbicki to play the in­ ball and softball gamea in local j Ed Dell in the fourth trail­ by the BA Spofis ActivlOe* Inc. mixture of up and. coming young­ York'8/CUrrent won-lost percent­ elouted a solo homer. Russ Cowles bounced out. I USGA keep shoving that so-and-ao ing 2 to I and promptly proceeded in ^2 games in 19.53, lead the Na- ster* and veterans with three of 61-10-1 with 39 knockouts. He's Riicreed but fo,- the Giants. In­ field positions. AI Siii-owiec. Roger leagues should be sent to the! Had any one of those mlaaed ' The weather^an t be blamed, for age xii .627. ■ right now behind heat out an inheld grounder. and been stopped once, by (Tharley stead of Milwaukee as freely pre­ sports departm ent a t le a it 48 has an .average 18-hole score of to handcuff the Sox Hie rest of Leagire with 82 and the Mt. Nebo is^dne of the.coolest and the clubs, BA's, Herm's. and the Cleveland's .602, but good enough Pitkin, Jerry Williams, or pitcher- birdies stayed In. he would have I CTleveutnd Indiana are on top in scored on *^eye Provost's double. Riley. dicted. fielder Jimmy Blanchard, all are houra in advance. | 71.4 for the year. Well, a man ran way, holding them to three most cbm tortable spot* In M an­ North End*, while the CYO* will Ipf win the pennant for the. last LaPointe pinched his way oul of equalled. the course rernrd of 64, | keep hia averege low by playing hits and no runs. the A m erican v ith 62. bank on a’ lineup of fuzzy-cheeked Perez, on the other hand, has It's itifTiciilt to believe now th a t experienced outfielders. George chester oy night* when the w eath.; ySlve years: further trouble by striking out the won'three in a row. He avenged a registered last year hy Jim Tiir- on the softest courses, if he hits In the top of the sixth the The cW lnnatl Redlegs with 65 lads. many experts hailed this as an Mitrhell. former Hillyer pitcher, AMErTu AN l e g i o n Jiiniora | neaa, Rrlarellff, N, 5'., who open- er is w ^m enough to fr>' an egg ■ Manager Lopez, however, had a next two batters. defeat by Davey Gallardo, stopped and 8t. Jamea' CYO will hold a^ I a tough .one and takes a big score Yanks pushed oyer the tving run compared ip 84 in as manv games on MMn Street. It can't be for! "Diere will be a battle for spec­ even swap. The experts, of ran be called upon for relief w-ork ed with ®9 yesterday. Nearest 4o i in '53 and the rhiladciphia Phillies tator support as there are. nr will ready answer for that sort of In the lest of the third. Bob former' champion Willie Pep in If the need arises. Herm'a roster practice game at Mt. Nebo to- | in the first round; he can pick up when Bob Simler reached on a IXck/bf parking that fans are ' ■peculation: Fiske singled and Romaniw and two rounds, and outclassed Mick­ (oiir.se, didn't know Thom.son was morrow n.ight at 6 o'clock. ; 5tlddleooff, however, are Earle ' there and It w.n't count ■gainst fielder's choice, moved to second (36 to 51 r\ have auffeiedT the be, ^Ight organized softball and going to break his ankle in apring al.so claims Big Buck Bycholski'. ataidng away for there is room , "I don't care w-hat percentage LnPointe followed with baek-to- ey Mar.s. His record is 36-2 with • • • ‘ Stewart, lanky Texan, and Ia>o' him as long an he doesn't quit on a wild throw, took third on an gr.eateat lo.sses\ a\;ailable for hundreds of cars. baseball leagues now operatlnif. training. But even with TTiom- R Iagetti, Sandusky, O.. with 68a. j New York had the last five years. back homers. The Elks never re­ 20 knockouts. .IIM 5VILE5' or Paul Uriano will . HOLLY MANDLV’B 3S-.39 77 j WjKhout finishing the round. error and scored moments later The> W orld Chkmpion New "York /T he caliber of matches has been Those already played include the son in shape it is questionable Defending champ Bob ' Toaki, Yankees are sixlinder their ag­ Little League i2|. Alumni and In­ It doesn't matter, so long as ours linquished their lead as they scored It could be th.it Bas.sett is bn toe the slab for the BA’s. Coach pared the Manchester golfers In would rate each man, in­ on a wild pitch. The R ed Hose above par. better than any pre­ la bigger.” five more runs in the fifth when the way down while Lulu, a pic­ IhaT'the deal would have .seemed the opening round of the Insur­ Livingston. N. J.. carded a^^JOr' failed to score In the last half of gregate of last year and the sented at either the Armory or at termediate baseball, loops and th* a.s good on the diamond as it did Roh DiBattisto will have Bernie stead. " explained Middlecoff, "ac­ Manager Stengel had a question: nine men went to the plate. Two ture puncher with a kick in his Aleniany behind the plate, and ance City Open yesterday at the along w-ith 15 others. ' including the sixth so the $ame went into Brooklyn Dodgers,* defending Na­ the Princess Bsllroom In Rock­ Rec and Chureh softball circuit*. on paper. cording to-his performance against tional League pennatr^t winners, Tw-o farm Little Leagues will ■■••Can the Indians keep up their, hits, a walk and three Bees' errors right, is still pn the rise. And then Walt Fox, .linr Herdic. All Klein, ' Wethersfield Country Club. Other Gene Littler, Palm Springs. Calif., everybody else in every tourna­ extra innings. ville during the winter sesson. p ace?" Bassett may have trouble making Eo-.- the Giant.s, Antonelll ha.s local scores were: ktan Matezak, runner-up in last week's National! are one behind. \ sw'ing into, action shortly. accounted for the runs. Th- Elks' and him «ftf playing the infield. ment. In most of our tourneys we Five singles, three walks, a - » • • \ The BA's promoted shows at both Lopez on that: "You bet we ninth run scoredWhen Don Sylves­ the 127-pound contracted weight won nine games, Liddle ha.s won The outfield will be in good hands !40-41 81; Stan Hilinskl. 41-41 Open. Eighteen hole rounds are I stolen base and tw-o' errors gave halls. When the Twi League- enjoyed Paul Giel, Univer.sily of Minne- split the prize r-oney down to 25th NOT .SI Kl'KISING is fije fact, Its best years financially, ther* can.” When Eddie Mathews dropped ter opened the sixth with an infield limit. - two. St. Claire Is catching at With Angle Davis. Mike Giglio. Ed -82 and Alex H ackney, 41-41 82. scheduled today, tomorrow and' place. I \voiild aw'ard the winner the league-leaders nine runs, more Admi.ssion fee certainly isn't •sota All-Ameriea halfback i.>i a Sunday. | that the leagues' last placeSclubs, wasn't any competition'from the Separated by four games, the into an early season alump, Joe hit and went to second on a Yet on the basis of records and New York Giant bonus bnbv. •Minneapoli.s where Klaus is play­ Moske. -and Charlie Plummer to of each tourney 25^oints, the run- than enough to salt the game scaring anyone away. The aaking first place Indiana and the third fighting styles. Bassett figure.! to ing second ba.se and hitting over Middlecoff, shaking off congrat- ’ away. George May. Coach of the Plttsburgli in the National L^gue ymlngster* or softballer*. How­ .Adcock's big feat helped keep Milr throwing error. He advanced (o (NEA I. patrol the outer garden.s. neriip 24 - and so on down to 1 price is lower than the 'fee j ever. the town I* big enough—if H place Yankees plan to send their waukee in the running. iNEAi. third on a wild pitch and scored be an even money shot at the j ,300. Gbnie time i.s 6 o’l-lork in order Meeker, Gypsy Joe Ulationi. said hi.s plan w-as de- ' Red Sox. uaed some of hia iitilitv and Baltimore In the 'Ameri^n, point for 25th place. 1 w:ould also are on the tail end in hoiiii^. charged for indoor cards. .Lower wants to support all njne league*., best pitchers to the mound in the on a passed ball. worst. He's an aggressive battler I For Milwaukee. Thom.son ha.s to allow full seven innings to be signed to reward the' foremo.st j men in the last of the seventh establish a minimum of tourfieya, The Pirates have connected .3^ series. For New York, it will be Last run of the game was by with a lot of power in either hand. been' hurt sim e .Match 13. He played. Top Tuesday Gardi competitora for aiiatained' excel-; say 15. so a man who played only when they came to bat for the Allie Reynolds, Ed Lopat and Gallardo showed that Perez was lence in all competition under all ' final time. times and Orioles only 25. Shea ami Harlwig the Bees in a slmllai- manner as Major League will be out another month .at least. a handful a ypar couldn't walk off TTie home run figures: Whltey Ford. For Cleveland, Mike Cowles reached second on a hit viilnerable to a pressing attack I Caldcrohe lo.st . tho .second string eonditlon.i. [ with the prize. Dell atnirk out five and walked Garcia, Eiarly Wynn and Boh Well built Roland Meeker, the ■ .three while he wa* on the hill, and National l..eiigue - ''ord Says FurgoVs. Injury and an error, third on a passed when he beat Lulu in November. r.-itcher'.s job to -.ookie Charley He has devised a ya-,d.'tick. for- "Furthermore, T know sponsors O ub r. I-emon are scheduled for the In Tennis Match Before losing to the lightweights = L e a d e r s = ^ 1 latest hero with Manrhester' measuring quality that, he elainia, Mar*h a tn irk out tour and w-alfi- I 19,51 1953 hall and home on nnother error. White and ha.s played just one 1 who would be glad to start out Chicago . .. . .62 *2 .55 ■ tarts. Klli< iSi ^ .April and May, Percy had «> THK AxSOri^^Tbll l-KOS ; full game and part.s' of nine oth- Local Sport wrestling f.ma. will occupy the would be at lea.st as accurate as ^ tw o In hia four Inliing stin t. 51lke ah r h n A A.MKKK A> I.KAl.l b ' spotlight in Tuesday's card al Mt. with a 110.000 prize for the win­ .New- York . . . 65 79 71 helped His Play in Open Wimbledon, England, June 25 iJ’i Tw»*rdy, If ... raigkcd up three kayos In a row .BsiliiiK Avila-, C|>enchmcn In Paris and .Mar­ five hits for a .357 average. earned run tables. The fact that i the title gained Importance." 1 St; Louis . . . .64 66 53 facing each other in tonight's c . . . 4 2 1 R ft seilles. He heat the top contenders .331. Tumi.-, tloli.,11, .333, Bilai.x, Wnah Chatter , Gonzales. It w-lll be a best of three seventh. Rohhy Merrer also saw- Auatralian singles ila.-h of the Romaniw, h. Parade^ Pleasure Horses InKloii. .331. he la PGA Tournament chapipion Mo.st of tl, players here sav that 1 Cincinnati . ?r6i 6.5 84 New ’i^ork. "June 25 (jp>--"How “1 delay ahiftlng the hitting openei*, each has a seven-game 2 . 4 2 1 5 3 in division to gain the ; itiina F’l.x, CloiaKr.. :,T .Min...... Clii ‘ fall mateh with an one hour time ' gives It authoritv. aervlce In the big Yankee seventh Wimbledon , Teiuiis . Tpurnament l.nrmm'-, p . 1 3 2 1^ 1 NOT ONLY HAVE the Braves limit. Middlecoff'a plan "la very good." I Milwaukee . . .62 /■6 69 in |the wokld did he do it ?" golf aiYa DnttI the haada have modr winning streak going. .. 1 «> (> 5 0 ■•lhtcrlm\^feather Htlr, something ! raco.. . .Manilr. N.-w Y..ik arjfi Yo.-i NEIL LAWRC.NCE has been Inning. fans asked after Ed Furgol, with a Iry Noren, one of the Yankees' comes up today afid for tnose scat- | — ( Wa.-tilnpton, Ci. t'ana-oo'-l. I'hicap.. suffered mentally and financially Meeker, a veteran of more than I Philadelphia . .'61 35 .51 ronlaet with the ball... I have a , 3 1 1 0 ft he had to. toss Into the ashcan I. 4k' „ named commissioner of the Twi­ Larry Bates. Joev Camposeo. wither'ed lefK arm. won the Na­ leading hitters with a .303 aver- eo Diana will a ntiinber of teevee shows origi­ collected a pair of hits for the whip-like stroke... I dtp more • . 0 n (> n ft .svix 5eaten them three times I Totals . . . .489 sport's greatestXnrize, at Baltuarol had a sharp pain in his chest dur­ Gil Shea of Los Angeles, w ith a g,7vcM','r' 3I, 1 1 1 ft’ 1 be the official league scorer. nating from Chicago. He's one of Dempsey Celebrates 59th winners. Sojomnnscin also chipped 500 than others heeauae of my abort suiibitfned face and c lose cropped ' . " p.m., EST).- the^bout will be broad- Ymk, .=>n in three tries. Liddle pp.sheil them •\ me n l.eagiir last week-end. \ left arm . ing. drill yesterday and was re­ east and teleca.St. coast to ro ast. llu.i'-K..x. rhiciiB,. t-s. Ku-i.y, Wa.-i,- the be.st men in the buainesa. Gyp­ in with two hits for the losers. "It w-lll force the re-wriUng of moved temporarily from the start- blond hair. gc/C,': against Reg Hart- Toul.s • 2S fi R 21 5 \ h fourth place yesterday with sy Joe is the Bull Curry of the ' Cleveland . .65 62 69 Renuprr (3) It w will ill be the last, task of th the e F ICrirtae riday j: Wa-iiinKinn .1151 KI..4IRt.S 87 was the best Next American League game is Neyv York all golf Inslnirtl^l manuals,” "To most people I give'the im­ IngU neup. wig ranked fourth from down un-, Bmnn ah r b n R AvHa. ( ‘h v claii'l. 74^ . a .sparkling four-hit 2-1 victory. low gross score of Manchester circuit. He asks no' quarter and Birthday at Restaurant . .68 .56 (‘.2* n ig h t radio-TV fightX untll the fall. l>.iiiu- e .V'-rDon Wa.'’«hmj:(Mn. scheduled tomorrow night when ( CTiicago . . remarked one aulhoVlty, recalling pression of punching the ball. It'a der. |T«ica 3h. c ... ••4 41 1 J 1 ' ' ' Liddle's niasterfiil performance piavers In the Kiwanis Stale Golf gives none. . ..66 , .53 29 . . 4 1 2 6 ft Seoring w ill be by rqimds yvith a ! Mi D-.usald New 5 .Ilk. H"lliiii;:. the Cards and Yankees meet. To- Philadelphia . .61 44 .52 that one of the baalV fundamen­ probably because 1 unwind slow- Shea k listed ,19tli in the tl. •^-| if"'■’tl ' . 4 2 2 ft ft -- .mu ah'l ('at 1 H.'ijiD-l. (*lur.ifr kept the Giant.s one gapie ahead ■ Ass'll., Tournam ent last W ednesday The iindereard will find Stanley New York, June, 26 i/Pi This night in the National League ly." I.Awn Tenni.s Assorial'on rankings w r'chr if .supplementary point sy.stem lo MmoBo. <’huKRf. Ku'iin, Dm h -u and Washington . .64 44 .32 tal* of the hlghly-ape«^llzed golf I • J n II 41 ft of the Dodgers who beat Cincin­ in Walerhiiry.. Jim won a pair of Kow-alski and Chief Black Hawk w ss Jack Demp.ify'a .59lh birthday Moriarty'a and Manchester Auto Yesterday ^8 Stars and enters this matci. as the un- i Picivo, i. « ...... 1 n 1 -0 1*" help break draws. The w;inher of XfW V«»rk. 12. I Boston ...... 61 42 41 awing Is a atraighf left^rm.; Furgol'* course hebavioh In 'fripi* .•«• Uiiihj< !.s . W’a.’stiii.Ri.iii, Jn nati 9-6. .9t. Louis trim m ed -soi-ks, a bell and a .sport‘ shirt. in the semi-final and Ray Walker and the boxing writers and old derdogt .. 2 M 0 7 1 each round gets from one\to four Two Uiiheaten Parts tangle at 6 o'clock. The Detroit .... . , 6.3 .38 37 I Because of a rhildhOod Occident, many respect* is like that of pen . 1 n 4) n ft MdioBi.. rh iu a p i. Tim ir. an«l.. . Pit tsbu. gh .5-1 and Philadelphia Walt Ferguson won low net hon­ and Ronnie Hill in the opener at fri'hds of the Manassa .Mauler Parts.,W'ho w-on Jheir first game ' Fiirgol's left Arm is bem at a Hogan. He la deadly serious, Batting—Bill Sarni, St. Louis W hen he ncLs a key point or | riiumllei . 2h. 3h .. 3 ii 0 1 \ point.s. the loser -none. A ^ f e r e e Vfrnon. 7. .b'-v -m i>|a\ 8:30. Baltim ore . .65 25 34 X lU’d wilti 4 X .shaded O’hicago 3-2 1;*-, 11 inning.s. ors and received a half-dozeii golf came over to Jack's restaurant on , Wednesday night, will be out to near 45-degree angle ank per­ plotting every shot like a method­ Cardinals, collected four hits in sends drives flying beyond the , f'liuHlla. 3 b .'... ,.. 1 0 ft 2 ft and two judges will do the scoring. halts. .lohii -Olson. E arle Clifford Tickets are on sale at the Brit­ •> fi, 0 ft 3 |{«un»* Finny HiL-in. <’l' V»land 1! Cleveland saw'rlt.s American Broadway to ary happy birthday to ! hang up number two. j manently locked at the elbtV. It ical tailor making a cloak of da- four times at bat, drove In two baseline. Shea occasionally 'vill ! ...... Boon-’. D-lr«-ij. 11. Mantl*'. . N-w V..ik. Teams Collide Totals , . . .364 3,56, 1 0 ft 1 ft league lead shrink to two games and Tom Colla also competed. The ish American Club. the "champ.” Yaskeo lilt is ten inches shorter thanyhia feat fo-.- the opposition. runs apd stole a base in the mutter a few word.; to himself. ■ Z^rnial. Fhi)ad'-ji>hia and . Vunmn, local playor.-i had him heon and h o R p rbl ' totals 8,5,3 8.56. 27 3 6 ^7 h Wa.'»hinKl<>ii, 12 over the Chic'ago White .Sox. The Still blackhaired and trim at 223 BatUR. Ur . X Denote*., St. Louia Browns' right. He pU va extrem ely fa*t. fre-; Cards’ 5-1 victory at Pittsburgh. But he Is monosyllabic compared ] TniaU ...... Stolen BH.tf.i Rn<’ia, I’hicago. Jn dinner at the Brass City club. Two undefeated team* will 2 A.' ” I I 001 051 ,N-»| over the Chicago W hite .Sox. pounds, some 40 over hi.s beat , ('amiM»«po, 3b . 1 2 •f' 0 .1 1 tolsl. Furgol. through persevergn^. quently outwalking hia partner, Pitching—Don ■ Liddle, New w ith H artw ig. 'hie Auscsie keeps (H'»2 ftoo .r(‘ii.«' n. ■ B4»Mioii, Fox. rhicaKo, k, Ar- MiiirIi. p. rf ,, I --3 I ganif. Bouton and Minoy.i. i ’hiurtgo. ,. The Indiana lost to Philadelphia fighting weight, the .Mauler moved meet tonight in . the Alumni I <1 2 0 II II developed atrength In hia left Mn,. the officiali and the crowd. He York Giants, beat his former MUr -S’ ' iiting to himself, "Careful now. . .’B. pinwiVt . MR Jfp'N .'li t Rfimaraiw. I r.\I I, UORRENTI, Pat Bolduc. D^ll. if. p . . 1 II 2 1 II II vlVw-r.-lni: SB ( ’ow If y. Wrijhi 2. Ilparn, i ' Pitching U*>V'n4dd.^, V..ik. K-i. 5-1. Cliicago drfraled Wa.shing- re.stlessly about, signing auto­ League aa Naaaiff Arms face the ' Ppiiumonlp. fb 1 2 1 1 II II and forearm. There wasn’t much seldom speaks. He looks neither . waukee teammates 2-1 on four’ Don't do that. Watch for a lob. ) .ftfiii. K'-t'can I'hicago, iu-2 Ki'i Mor­ Leo Day, .loe Nowak and Wliitey Sport Schedule ' Kiskp. nomamw Mahaii.'kk.v , 3. . *)-2. ,s]k, moved Within fi>iii games of the- The crowds' gawked outside aa the Priffiiantt. if ... the elbow, which remained stride*' down the fairw ay tfi short, ! Slrik»’oin#( BaJtiinoi.. ni leader.s wi(h a 11-2 waltz at De­ Ca.-Jey M a g n u s o n ' ,s Hamilton champ sat b/ the w-indpw facing Oak Park at 6 o'clock. Nassiff* 1 I 0 (I 0 1 ■ hrunken and not muc-h bigger Provost 2: SO. LaPotnlP R. PrAvoyt fi Tonight are 3-0 bn the season while the Rp«l(wHh If II 0 II (1 I) quick steps. WP. ProvA5lt PB. Tarra. Fiskr V. Wynn.’ t'lrvrlUndX h7 ; Triu'ky; L’hn'agti troit. Bo.ston ami Baltim ore Standard softball team this sea.son BA's vs. H eim 's, 6 Mt. Nebo. the main stem. The bright lights Tor8t#*h*pn, 2h ..3 0 0 1 O 0 0 Aiiialeiir (Jiaiiip than a driver's shaft. Shpdroff-Onldbrrj. ScoVrr, Diana; **nd Houft. D'diuiK 6t». C a n la.' ChA •- in the Harlford Dusty League. Bank has chalked up two vic­ But Furgol* victory in the A\hint of hi* teniperameht and Tlinr.^;l>5. land. 64. w eren 't .si-hedliled. ^ Moriarty’s vs. Manchester Auto of Broadway blinked off and on. tories. Toials ...... 10 34 U 10. 21 NATlO\AI.\LKA<.l K Parts, 6 Charter Oak. But it was different some 37 4 « Open, amazing as it wa* in ■Yiew I supr^e confidence may be found Liddle got the runs he needed to 5IIKE /,\4I('K recently <-oni- Starting un the hllL'for Na»- Bad Hov (t) New Haven. June 25 i!p! W hen in hilt answer to a question put PLENTY OF TKAVEL VEATKIinAY’S RKkl'LTS Ratting Smd* i. ^ Hi(Mik)vn. ■ 174 beat lii.s foiniei mates when Wil­ N assiff's vs. F’lrst National years ago when Jack visited the I «l) r b ■ n R the State Amateur Golf. Tourna­ of the handicap, will not radically >'atioNal Hamnor. iMnladulj>hift. ..161. Mu.'iicj pleted 15 years service at Hamil- slfr* will be one of the 'Dne»t hurl- Upir^r. p, 3b . 2 0 4> n 1 to hint., after he . had won the Parade Horse, Tlie Raider. MVs. .lark .Morgan'I'p lie Mays parked a \V airen .Spahn B ^ k , 6 C harter Oak. big tow-n looking tor work. It was D<»trhkn. 3h ...... l ment started .Monday, nobody, alter eatabll>hed concepts of th* NotA Yojk 2. Mllwaukpp 1. ' N»'w York. .162, .lahiorv^ki. Si. Couib! Inii Standard. Foi m any years er« In organiz.eil baaehall In 5lan- O 0 »t» 0 swing. Open. Lubbock. Tex.,',— (NEA l - Texas Fourth annual ManeJiester Lion's (Tub Horse Show Saturday a t Rrookiyn ('Inclnn'aii fi. . -IIS K**ll, Cinritmatt. .142. ' pitch di*ep into the upper left field - Mike played baseball with the .Saturday, .lime 26 a (xiid town to Jack then and the chester. .Nick Twerdy. Nick ha* OtllRhftn. ,1h. p. R« ,.2 1 1 3 1 probably including the winner Swim Trunks .St. 5. Pittnhurirh 1. Huiib MtiBini Moriarty'a vs. Fairfield's. ,6 biMng winds rhilled hia lightly Pott**r. l b ...... 1 0 1 s It hlm.self. thought that the new- "The golf swing la a matter of "Were\ you playing Hogan?” Tech’s ■ Red Raider basekethall , M t. Neb<» Field. dt*‘n.'*i St i:- „i.®'ss''"A»id'M' 'Yilh Don Mueller on ba.se in Props in ManClicster Twilight pitched all.three of .Naaalfr* win* St^lDmonRon. 3h, $*, p 3 1 3 2. 5 2 0 Somebody asked. PhlladrlphiA 3. Chicago, 2 (U). S t Ia„i,.., 5k a -Wmim,. l-l.ila-l„,e .second inning. It w-«s Y^bllifa Charier Oak. clad frame. ('nnnolly. if ...... o champion u-ould be Johnny Net- w-hipping the club-head through ; team plays games in eight states AmoriraS dd p h ia. .55; Mrvon. »Sl. 'LduVB. .51. Bf U League and Hartford Dusty and has turned In a magnificent 0 0 0 0 I) 0 •'Heck, rto," replied “ Furgol.' *1, I next season. Npw York 11. Deiroll 2. Cinrhiimti and Ma>«. New York. f»r*. 2.ird homer, tops in both, leagues. Cards vs. Yankees. 6- Waddell "If it wasnT for the free liinrhes Spic'-'T. rf ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 cho of Race Brook. the ball with the bands." Furgol By HENRY BROWN League play. Iterfornuince each time. On open­ E^a|clp«on If ...... 2 was playingXmyself." color from that of a gold coin. ('hiraco .S, WaJhlni^on 2. Buii.’4 Batted In ‘ Mu.^ial, St.'J.oui.'* 71- The Milwaukee run came on a Field. ill some of the bars then I might 0 0 41 4t 4t 0 But the 4?-year-old automobile •said. "It, la a tigerish laSh which Editor of the National Horseman PhllHilPlphiR 5. Ckv<‘land 1. StmlfT. Biooklyh. 61. Ilodguv. Bifiok- .Sunday. June 27 ing dnyf Twerdy turned back Ol8f-n. rf ...... 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 give* it- distance. "You mean\you. never once’wefw They may have white in' the fare Only lyn. .57. .lahlonyki. St. I.oiuy, 56. Sailer,’ homer by Andy Pafko. DALE BROWN Is publicist for of starved. " said-Jack aa he puffed 5lanrhe*ter Triiat 9 to 0. giving tip T. PoURi. 2b ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 salesman, who' in five previous I-oiiisville, Ky. and on the legs below ^he knees STAMMNn. !*.'i Schoen- the Iriternicfliatc Ba.-icball I.cague, — Weat Side Oval. Just one hit, while atrlkirig out IS M^iv. I’b ...... 0 U 0 n 4t 0 41 hiindr The right- hand gives It the catch you? " A R T K U E VIII and hocks... but above that White is dieiu^t, and ,lahlon.’«ki. Si Coiii^, 04; in KE SNIDER. Ray Campanel- nickel you could buy a beer and MMK'hurk. 2b ...... 2 loiind of a state tournament, took W le Pet. (;rl Austin McDoivcll for the AmericaTi and walking six. .Against the Elk* 0 0 1 3 2 0 power, with proper bodily coordi­ _ . . , . --considered a variation (if color. Y«»ik . 42 33 .646 Mueller. York. !*2. B* II. (’innnnati. la and Junior Gillianv drove in five Little League and Sandy MacFar- Red Sox vs. Dodgers, 2 - Wad- esl a goou liincn. They had on June IS. he gave up one run on the title in (-onvinclng fashion "No, air. I didn't give Kogan The Heat’s On! d*ll Field, ToUIr ...... 31 . 2 4 21 9 4 0 nation.. You have to give the ball Parade hor.scs are fa.st growing e ^ cs .should be a hazel color and Brrtoklj n 41 24 .631 1 Brofiklyn runs with homet'.s.' Ted salami, hem. jigs knuckles and three hits and racked up III more yealerday with a," and 6 victory a second thought He's human In popularity and parade classes e . . 32 29 .525 n D.fUriU’.x - Slibtl'-r-...... 21; B-11. Klii.szewsUi and Ed BaiFey hit a Monda'v, June 28 ...... olO iHtl 9- U a belt with the right hand.” Solimene Is Trading Wild both the., .same color. These horses,: (*in . LOB.' R<'d Box M YRnkruR 11; could be heat like imybody else— states. They mav be any breed or 21 .39 ..371 17’a Triplr.^—Scho* ndi* n.**l. Si. I.oiilk. K; \T-he Cardinals were treated to ' special preview Robert.son Park. i The one-sided match over 5'ale's jury helped rather than retarded and I beat him." \ N breed. They are beautiful and fast I p|its?m%h .'. Jlamtier. F’hllaflelphia and Mtit.ii Si. have it, FB. sVfRrRh 2. Dp M 3. .M errer 1. rnUR* color or combination of colors, and .21 44 .123 21 and Beaupre, Twerdy hurled an­ his'play at Baltuarol. Pre->Var Car ^ 'oecoming a popular horse in most AmoriuHM Lfitily. 6- Ciiiiiaiii and Sn'ul* i , Biooklyt...... ® four-hit pitching performa,nce by Legion va. Moriarty's, 6- Char­ "They had piles of hard boilea other ahiitout, as his team won I2 han 2. Soliinionfon 3. So. Mai-eh* 4^ D'-ll leztihg course waa in sh arp con- arc jhown in We.slcrn saddle The Mayy, New Yoik and A.*( .14 S a u e r, ' i’hicago am) Mnylal. Si Coui.'S. year-old righthander, just called Firemen,.6 -West Side Oval. runR In 1; BoiomonRon 3 for 2 runn in Lenezyk W ednesday, 1 up in 25 breed shown some, hut not exten-, ; 22, Snider ami lh*dg*-y. Bi-ockhn. IS, pocket and on those you could eat walks. Twerdy’s strike-outs num­ 6. B. Dull. \VP, SfiiomonRoi) 2: PB, hol#8. straightness. PNirgoU could give Chicago, . June 23 iTV-Second ty. His g aits are. a Tlat foot foiir- 17 up from Coluinhii.s, struck out four : Harlford Road Grill vs. Wal­ lor a week." bered nine in this game. Overall, •N SOLIMENE, Inc. beat, straight brisk movement in | lively except In n few . Arabian 2ti 17 Stol'»n Ba.«*'M Rrufoh. Mtlwaiik»«'. 14 Pirate.:; ant) walke'd tw;o.* nut Grill. 6 Charter Oak. - MruIiIr 1 A’. tv Miilkn I*, It 'was the Lenezyk niatch that the b*lt a whale of a,wallop with baseman Bobby Avila to^y Join­ 1f> Temple, rim-innati. fr. Fondv. rhicagu The old Mauler stroked his he has pitched 20 Innings going ruiliibftn; Bror*r, MrDow^ll; Ttmr, ed teammate Al Rosen, firgt base- ■ the walk, and the parade gait, shows. They are shown in fcnglish ! Brstyn and Moon. St I.our.s. s nolnii'AMn. • Philadelphia also 'rei-eived a Tuesday. Ju n e 28 2 05. coavinred Netcho. however, that hia right hand and didn't have to •• . . 21 42 along the route In three games. He man. in a leading po*itl0n\in the Dodge and Plymouth which Is a true slow. high.-pranr- classes, walk-trot and canter, TODAY S tiAMKS Brook I,\ n. .Maihe.w.«. M itwaukee; 'porge- pleasant pitching surprise when Norili Methodist vs. United blatk-jowled chin and bit into a ,: he could win the title because, he NVoiry about hts rigid left arm Western classes, driving classes, Amorican yon. Philadelphia am{ .l.-xldonyki. * St. thick steak. j has given up one run on eight hits, I A ll-Star baseball poll. Thik tw o HHrect Factory Dealer ing trot not to exceed five m.p.h. Loui.-*. -6-- ^ • veteran Herman W'chmeir sla:yefP Methodist, 6 -Robertson Park. Jold reporters yesterday. "I found throw-ing the drive out of line." eostumjc classes and breeding Bo.ston i^i’ixon at rhlraifn "Yeah, those were the bid davs." ' struck out S2 and walked I4. Kliiszew'gki (*aiiig Fijrgol la not a "freak" cham ­ Cleveland aUra a l^ are leMing He rhu'st not he fighting the hit, Rftn.H>'2»—nlpht , Pitching Antoiielli N'» '\’ York. fi-2. 11 innings for the victorv over Red Sox vs. Cards.,,6 Waddell Ronnie Daigle, Bank coach has my putti.ng touch" in it'. zigzagging or moving sideways, classes. They are a sniailer breed Wa.«hinRton tS’tunp at Dp^roit .filS; Haddix. St lanil.y. 12-1. xrrd <’ol« Chicago. Hr gave up five hits. The Field. ^ continued. "Not too bad when [ Y * * | . . rail Ther^ was no doubt that he kept pion. This ,i* proved by the'^ fact I the American Leag^ battingItace. / of horse, very intelligent and used Inni. Pinci.inaii 4-1. Vic t;n.-.nl|rht. ^ York;' 7-2.. ,77fi: • M“\ ej. Btooklj n and' Phillies tied to the game in the , First National Bank vs. Brown l.ieafier§llip lll r o ll h** putting touch yesterday as he he has had 1.000 rounds of golf mostly for pleasure and trail Phllarirlphta • Fricano 3-4► At Ralti they didn't it would be awfully ; The most likely choice will be with an average .of 71.4 strokes I Fox a* the. leading vote getter for fully archcd^oi.scd neck and head, mor** tK^Mn^r 1-fit—nijrht. Fta.xchi St. 6-2. .7r»rt ‘ a seventh with a t-wo-run homer by and Beaupre, 6--Charter Ojak. Dana Ca'nnon aa Boh Carlson la I I ran up an insurmnuntable 9-up riding. — , ' .Strikeout.* , Haddi.x St C«uiij». !>0' Bobby ..Morgan and .won in the lonely. There's nolhintr like being i lead at the 18-hole mark per round. , the. second base starting 7>oattlon with high slow action all around. Nrw Ynrk ‘Rpynolili" fi-l) at Rnherta. Philadelphia. S4> Sjiahn. M|l- 'sidelined with an injured finger. 1 - in th* annual Inter-league gam* He is judged 75('i on perform anre, This partieiilar breed is noted lanri t(;arcla —nirht. waukei'. 71: Frykine. Br<.WiJ(lyn. t?4. An- , lu ll-on a base.s-loaded single by lonely in a big town with millions ^ Chicago. June 25'l.'Pi - Ted Klu.s- W ith th a t trem endous a'dvan- He. rates w ith the longest -driv­ -National •, of people movinf. around. " , Cannon has one of FNB's victort**’ in Cleveland Ju lv ' 13. ^ manners and conformation and for their docility and friendliness. St. Isiiui^ tRa.Tht S-2> at 'Bn4f»klvn toneJh. New' York. 6l Earl Torgg.son. ae/cski, Cincinnati ahigger;. regain- tage. Netchn played cautiously in ers in golf, hts Iron game-'is- very TTiey are m ost-sensible and m ake But this was 1954 and every- I as he turned back the Trust 2 to sound and his putting, bv his own 2.5'‘>. on appointments for hor.se (Ernkiiip .-niirht. at ' ■ ■ Rooki.e A r n o 1'd P ortocarrero L Cannon gave up four hits, walk­ ed first, place today in the ballot-, the afternoon round, aiming for w onderful pels .or playmates. They Milwauk^^ iKlrhoVn 4-5» at Phtla'I'"!- STRIKES OUT ON BE.NCH turned on the Indians, who 4iad COMPLETE where it waa "Hiya Jack!" "Con- i Ing for National League first base- ' no more than a Half on each hole, admis.*ion, is the weakest link tn and rider; In this.rlass. on’e often phia tEMrkoon 7-7—nlirht. ed three and struck out nim>. sees an array of silver-plated .sad­ originated -in the Mesopotamian rincrriftatl (Fouler .V3t al rittuhnrfh 'beaten him three times, ami tamed gratulationa Jack," "Great to see I men in (UVe All Star baseball- poll. i his game. He's not a "iitrong" Valley and are truly the founda­ you. Jackv", and "Many, more of J'revlous -shauings by both The voting to select-16 starting- .A KEEI.'THIEF dles, trappings, etc., that'run intoj i.Surkont fi-7>—nijfht * .. Orlando, Fla. (Ti Randy Ran- them on five hits for. his third teams point toward *. close game putter. thousands of dollars. They arc i tion blood of all breeds of horses7 rhlraffo (Ru^h 4-7j at N^w York die of;-the Lakeland. Pilots struck■'-ilraight victory. I.nii Limmer and RADIATOR . ^ them. .Jack." ■ ., .players in the 2tsl All Star inter-1 —-----— Here's how FiirgOl describes his iH^arn 4-34 -hirhi. Year by year the Mauler's pop­ with plenty of ex'rltement. Roth beautiful an-dnolorfuL- ^ put w h ile siltin g on the bench in . De .Mae.stri h it -home n in s for teams haya.Iong ball hitters ea- league gam e In .(Cleveland Jul.v. 13, i Goldboro'., N. U- It was swing: ★ k ★ ★ I.AST R.5CE FOR CHAMPS the dugout/lin ing, a Florida Slate Philadelphia. ularity grows with leaps and opened on June 11. 'It will close at a. w-arm day^here and mountain PaloniinA bowses areX iot -essen- SERVICE pahle of delivering home runs. ‘;l at*-, t my swing with a diead League game' here. Rain w-as bounds. , m idnight July 3. . ,. springs w-ere inviting. wrist and elbow, I wind up the tially a breed, but any gold hbrse Syracu.se, n '. Y.HP Six. Olympic Nassiff's will have Glen Merrer Last Night *8 Fights falling in the fifth Inning and BILLY PIERCE gave his sore "I .tPured the world." said Nat Kliiszewaki.winner at the first' Soon after a sporting goods right aide of . my body like a coil of the light l^ed possessing f'ffy ' gold medal winners from' Navy's by EYINRUDE and Twerdy, while First Natinnal i Lakeland, trailing by seven runs, arm a three-inning te.st against il't Hi* naw , Fleischer, the Ring magazine edi­ 'will look toward catcher Carl ba.se position and fhe highest indi- store opened it reported to police spring and the weight shifts from pei: rent biootl of one breed mjf^* be rham 4)ionf»hip crew at H elpinki'ln Washington and,held the Senators • CLEAflING tor who waa sporta editor of five vidual vote-getter last year, moved that someone had stolen a rod Outdoor San Jose. Calif..— Rudy Gr«reer.. wanted the "game called. Umpire' Johnson and .Danny Renn, for the the left side of my body to my a Polomjno in color. Tlie tnie color ^ 1952 rowed their last races hfcre in hltle.ss. He took over for Sandy quiet, vibrolienlatt different New York papei-s-at one ahead of Gil Hodges oU Brooklyn and ,reel from a window- display, of. a Palomino should have the the .52nd annual Intereollegiate Re- 145, Oakland. Calif, sloppeded Chuck Roth»Belbeck refused and when power. right fooL YESI JOHNSON HAS Adkins. 139. Gary, Ind.. fi. Randle didn't come tn b.at Belheck Con.siiegia'w ho was credited with outboard motor! • REPAIRING time or other when Jack was on ■in the latest compilation of re- ’ - body ( olor of a newly minted gold gatia on (^nondaga Lake. They hi.s ninth ' siii-i-es.s. George Kell the rise. "And everywhere I went, turns. -----'------r:---- DEVELOPED THE WORLD’S com. The -mane an'd-tail should he I were: Ed Steven. Wayne Frye, Brookl.vn, (Fort Hamilton'! ordered Orlando's Charlie Holt to CAROLI.NA g o l f e r 8I7./.IJC8 D anny Giovaneili. 149. Brooldyn, ^ pitch. Belbaek called three drove 'in two run.s with a single • RECbRING they, asked about Jack Dempsey." KluazewskI now has 134.518 to Wrestling pure white. A judge may penalize , Hank Prortor, Jim Dunbar, Bill and Mike Colurci, 148. New York. ; strik es on Randle while- lie . .sat and a home iiin. What waa his toughest fight? ' 132.469 for Hodge*. FIRST REALLY QUIET a horse of-too much variation in i Fields and Dick .Murphy, The Yankees battered Ned Gar- Raleigh, N. C. i/Pi —Arnold Rtan Muaial. St. Louis Cardinals Drew. 8. ion the bench. Orlando won, set “Getting some money from Jao4< Palmer, young Wake Forest Col- Vjer and tw-o other Detroit pitchers (Doc) Kearns,” said Jack with a right fielder, still leads as the OUTBOARD HCOTORI ' - I 10-1. Prompt aorvlee for all makto lege golf star, has found the CLEAN UP 5IAN for 16 hits. .Miekey Manlle. drove 3 H.P.—7'2 H.P, laugh. Keariis was Dempae.v'a free poll's highest individual vote-get­ in four runs with a single and two ' !■ oar •poetalhr ttaffAl >«®lo- Carolina Country Club Here to his ter, He has been named on 151.203 ------.ICK KEVS O.M.V 13 H.P.—23 H.P. spending manager. “Hb used to liking. Early this ap.lng he Lancaster. Pa. iNEAl - Jack I — — doubles. * tor repair Oepertmeet. give rah driver* $1,009 tip*.'" ballots. Minnie Minoso. Chicago Shot a 7-under-par. 64 to tie the Whit* Sox left fielder, la runner-, George of the basketball Phlladel-• Gceanpoi-l. N. J. (NEAi Mon- Electric Starting: How would he have made out course record. A few weeks 5H phia Warriors, is batting in the mouth Park jockeys have a locker In Stock ■gainst 'Joe Louis? up w ith 146,304 vote*, followed by^ "He lus too good, too good," : later he posted a 62. which In­ New York Yankee catcher, Larry' rlean-up position for Lancaster of i room which rivals a top athletic cluded seven birdies and an eagle. MOVING the Piedmont League; : club. Terms—-Trades 8ROWN- replied Jack with a shake of his -Berra, who has 144,738. head. TO M arciano? BEAUPRE "Too good, too good," said BARSTOW’S loeerporate® Dempa*y agaln^ JuRf North Of The P. 0. This from the man who was ♦ TUESDAY 3S8 lA S T CENTER ST. named /iThe Fighter of the Half Kvihrudes Since 1934 .Century" in the Associated ' Press See us for JUNE 29, 8:30 P.M. OJANniN NEW LOCATION MI.T-S234 poll of sports wrrlters and sports- cattera. Stock Car Races Mt. N o I n > THE TANK—You Just cmli't surpass cotton for sturdRiess, neat- CLOSED THURSDAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY "He would have knocked them HOsi, (spplnoss and a ll-irb u n d gcrad tvear . . . and these boxers FOR PARTS AND SERVICE both dead." volunteered a grey- OUARAHTEED by Jlantien are tops In tlieir field. IdenRy suited for nrtive swim­ • -White Dinner Jackets haTred bystander who came over Chleato T\’ St«r ming, they double as play-shorts. Made of Sanforized, hlerrerir.ed ENTIAELY NEWI TWO BIG RACE NIGHTS to shake Jack's hand. StAFFORD SPRINGS 'isptton Gaiiardinei they're san-nnd-wnter tested to assure you of. • Tuxedos ROLAND MEEKER ENTIRELY DJFFERENTI Vff. their color aiM fit. 3-needle boxer waist with, inner draw string tn OPEN MONDAY, JUNE 28 • Cutaways ROCKY TO REST IndivijIunI fit'. . . comfortable hutit-in supporter with elastirlred SUPPORTERS 85c > •’ SAT. * MIDGET RACES Brockton, Maas.. June 23 oTi RECAPS! GYPSY JOE .legs . . . tailored-ln porket for keys and coins . . . d.Vnamir colors. CAPITOL U’c outfit you right from stock. a d u l t s $1.00—c h i l d ,25c Rocky Marctiano is going to do ------’ 5.5®. , ' ’ V ----- AT NEW LOCATION - SPEEDWAY MOTHER BOUTS ^ ly Johnson & Johnson Nothing to send away for. some rteatfulJloafing with hia fam­ as^lowas EQUIPMENT CO. SUN. * ’ ’' STOCK CAR RACES ily the next few .weeks afi Marthas Rooerved Seatk .....$1.50 ^INCORPORATED' ' ______A DI’LTS $1.«5—CHkLD ».V .Vineyard. Tha heavyweight ebarp- Gonoral Admission . .$1.00 373 M A IN pion, fresh fcom a. auccestful de- Children...... 50c S3 Main St.—Tcl. 5II-S-79S8 \ REGAL lanae of hia crown againkt ’Ezxard Saturday, 8:15 p.m. M a n c h e s t e r t i r e (Tax brluded) hop** salt Water ' swim- ; f® PRESCRIPrmN ^ MEN'S SHOPS 1/2 MIU DIRT--1/5 MILE ASPHALt . Tic kata ao sale ; at Brittah- d a h i t m i n ibing,win IMI the damaged, left Amefiema Club, PHAR.M.4CY M7 MAIN STREET PLAINVILLE eyeWbw heM*ceived in the fight ; -.CORA SAMCTIOHEO MEN’S SHOP , -XS. OUTiOAID Dr. Vincent, Nardiellp of NeW , and RECAPPING CO. 789 MAIN STREET / M o r p is Telephone MI-9-l,l52 Route 72 ^ ( u h - l I U '• C -- NEW ENGLAND'S LARGEST RACING CLUl * -5/. ... _ .York will- check the injury' over ! 295 IROAD STr T IL Mf-9-4224 fOT MAIN $TREET TEL MI-3.S32r the weekend: V ■ t '' ■ \ ' , V' / . \ .•(- ,T ‘ X.’ \ i V J k ,,

    ■. r ' : -V ., / ' •


    Rooms Without Board 59 Burineisa Property For Sale 70 Houses For Sale 72 Hdoan* For Sak 72 Antomobiles for Ssle 4 Auto Driving School 7-A Roofing—Riding 16 JHelp viranted— Male 36 Houses Fbr Sale 72 Suburban For Sak 75 Articles Foir Sale ' 45 HouehoM Goods 61 Household Goods 51 SPACIOUS, Clean, fuimiihed roomt, 1947 CADILLAC, Model 62, club LEARN TO DRIVE now. 'Exper­ BUILDING, Ideal for profeMional BOLTON HILLSIDE, 6 room split FOR THE BEST in Botided built UNIVERSAL Ughtnlng Rodi, Ihc., NORGE GAS STOVE, two years one flight houiekeeplng apart­ men, space tor two office cultei. FERNDALE REALTY coupe, excellent ahape. ^ RiftUo, ienced Inatnictor. Dual-control car. up roofs, ^shingle roofs, gutters, ment, orfis room with kitchen |1Q,(K)0— Four room all .brick MANCHESTER level home, large living room, 81 Walnut St., Hartford, Conn., old. Also maple crib with K'ant- EASY SPIN-DRY waahing ma­ Three large rooms each, alao for Four roema, pUatsrsd walls, ell EXCLUSIVES • Clmified heater and white wall Urn, 6795. Call E. R. 'Dellert, MEdford conductors and root repafra call wants experienced men for direct HUMUS piivilegea and two ainglea, ault- Ca'pe Cod- Oil hot water heat, fireplace, Youngstown U tchu , Clarke Motor Sales, 301 Broad 3-1550. Wet mattresa, MI. 8-7336. \' chine. Call JA. 8-7898. • ' V two tenemenu up. A l location, heat, automatic hot water domes­ ASHWORTH ST.—Custom biillt ^ A Coughlin, Mitchell 6-7707. . selling ofLa fast moving specialty able for men. Apply Vernon Inn, combination windows and bungxlow. six rooms. 1st floor, dishwasher, hot water heat, at­ 8t. Tel. MI. 9-2012. zoped for businett. Building in ex­ tic use, hatchway, rity water and tached garage, amealte drtva, Item. High commissions—perfect ATTBNT}ON Ladical SUp-covars DAVENPORT, bed apring and mat- TalcottviUe. MI. 9-8316. cellent condition. Steam and hot screens; , large attic for two more.- beau­ A^vartisements RAY'S r o o f in g Co. Built ip fit for storm window, siding or in­ Screened and Shredded treas, electric washer. Old-fash- city sewerage. Very clean thi'^ugh' large lot, trees. Carlton W. Hutch­ 1941 CHRYSLER Windsor four roofs, gutter work, root, chimney and drapea cuatom made. Re-iip- water neat. Large parking lot. tiful oak floors, tjtpam Iieat, Tim­ CLASSIFIED ADVT. Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 sulation salesmen. holatcring. Beautiful fabrics, - ioned hall rack, MI. S-7082. PLEASANT Room for gentleman. out. Storm windows and acreens. ins. XU. 9 b m , 9-4694, door. Good cqndiUon. Call Ml. repairs. Free eatimatea. Ray Parking at 272 Main St. MI. .$25,000. Carlton* W. Hutchins. MI. $15,300— Five room ranch, Near schools and storas. Two ken bu.rper, double garage. large DEPT. HOURS 94419. Inquire 65 So.* Main 8^ ' BOY'S NEW 18'* bike with guide Screened Loam prints, atrlpes, solldt. Shtpertly 9-5133, 9-4694. fireplace, combination win­ ahaded lot, quiet neighborhood. SUNNY VIEW^DR. Vernon. New Hagenow. Ml. .9-2214. Ray Jack- finlahed; $5 down, $2 weekly, 3-4071.“ weeks occupancy. Priced at only 8 :15 A . M. to 4:30 P. M. wheels. 618. Call Ml. 3-8.560 be­ son. Ml. 3-8325. Help Wanted— CAPBHART TV, $75. Call MI,^ dows and screens, attached $9JM)0. Price $16,250. 3 bedroom split-level, garage. 1952 CHEVROLET 4-DR.—Excel- tween 9 a.m ... 12 noon. Suiierior Quality '■ balance one year to pay. Call a t t h e Center—Pleasant rooms, Built In stove arid oven, plastered ■ C dff BXiCfR Male or Female 37 9-3641. garageT'nice lot^-Hot water oil lent conditlon- -61095. FOR ALL KINDS of roofing, altliiig JAckson 3-TT80 or JAcksra 4-0154. gentlemen, single or double, I 4-I8 Farms and Land For Sale 71 CHARLES LESPERANCE* OAKLAND ST.—7*4 roorn brick walls, select oak ftoora, ahingle ex­ m-FIOELITY REPRODUCTION COPY CLOSING TIME 1982—74—O.H.V. Harley Davidson, and painting Sail Manchester Out of town reverse charges. MODERN Blonde oak/ desk, five Wadsworth St. ; heat. Convenient to bus and and fiame Cape Cod, cuatom built, terior. A real fine home in an ax- Hear music before and after the ehow at the Maadweter Ortvo* 1951 FORD V-8 STATION WAG­ TOY DEMONSTRATORS. We need EASTERN CONNEXmCirr— (Spe­ Telephone MI 9*7620 fireplace, ceramic tile bath, ■ oil FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. ON—R A N, new tires. Like 9,000 original miles. Must sacri­ Roofing and Siding Co. Free esti­ a limited group of dealers in this drawer coffee table, idrop leaf, schools. cellent . neighborhood. Directiona la Theatre. , " fice. Like new. MI. 9-0382. mates. Tel. Ml. 9-8933. DUREIKO MAHOGANY Spool bed, box spring f u r n is h e d r o o m for rent near cial I 7 year old Cape Cod. plaster heat, ahade trees, detached large *4 mile east, of Vernon Center. Rt. MON. THRU FRI. ' - new—6995. » area, to show our new 1954 line of and mattress. Walnut dresser and table, dresser, child's wooden MANCHESTER. Campfftld Road. swing, crib mattresa. .All slightly - Main St. Gentleman preferred. finish, full cement basement, ar­ garage, lot 100 x 200. bus line. 30. Warren E. Howland. Realtor- 10:30 A. M. toys, Christmas cards and wraps. vgnlty, MI. 9-2648. MI. fl-2170. 9 Hazel St. ^ $12,000 and up. Ranches and Lovely custom built Cape Cod, 1949 CHEVROLET CONV.—R A , (),60 toysl. Experienced demon­ ' damaged In shipping. Inquire 198 tesian well. Lacks bath and cen- four down, two unfinlahed up, hot Immediate occupancy. Many other Insurer, 648 Woodbridge St. XCI. Roofing 16-A Roc'kville 5-5652 ' tral heat. Approximately 100 Cape Cods. Fully plastered. fine feature# at $18,000. SATURDAY 9 A. M. H. light green—6695. Business Services Offered LI strators needed as managers. Call ONE OOOLERATOR and kitchen Woodbridge St. water oil heat, Hreplaca, 3-8800, MI. S-5T11. Potterton's acres, pond, , long-frontage • tgr Ceramic tile baths, oil hot 1952 HENRY J 6 CYL.—R A H, MI. 3-75.57. cabinet. Good condition. MI. open atalrcase, ceramic tils bath, 130 CENTER ST,-r(Corner of Chnreh). MANCHESTER T V . Service, radio ROOFING— Specializing In rapalt- KENMORE - Washing machine, b o o m f o r Gentleman. 41 Garden road. Outbuildihge. Reduced to water heat, nice location. As SO. MAIN ST.—Near Country VOVB COOPERATION W nX directional light, trunk deck. and T.V. specialists since 1934. ' li^g roofs of all kinda. Also new LAWN CHAIRS, aturdy wooden 8-7608. , St. Call evenings. MI. 9-9748. insulated, large iiiodem Utehen, Club, renovated ten rooms to 3-3-4 BE APPRECIATED wringer type. Excellent condition. $12,900. Several other exceptional little as $1,000 down to quali­ knotty pins porch, combination .Wanted— Real Estate 77 16,000 miles. Owner's name House service call 13.50. MI.' roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys unpainted, $2.60. Route 6 to Route Also wardrobe trunk. Call MI. buya dairy, poultry farms. Wellea apartmenta. Good income. New GE cn request Special 6845. cleaned, repaired, 26 years’ ex­ Situations' Wanted— 203 left li mile, oppoaite North BARGAINS In used appliances. aluminum windows and doors, 9-6600 or MI. 3-4607.. Terms and .trades. James A. 3-5814. ' Agency, Coventry. PI. 3-6872. fied veterans. burner and boiler. Excellent con­ IF READY to buy, sell, exchange Dial MI-3-5121 perience. Free eatlmatiss. Call Female 38 Windham fire station. r o o m o r r o o m and board. On hatchway. This house is in excel­ dition. Price $26,250. TOWN MOTORS. Inc. COMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart Woods Appliances, 383 Center St. . bus line. MI. 3-4643. lent condiUon. Lovely landscaped real estate,, mortgagea anangM , Howiey. Mancheater Mltehell MI. 9-1918. Musical Instruments S3 A. R. WILKIE and CO. Haatinga, 45 Weat Center S t R. Wolcott on wringer and auto­ 3-536L WILL /CAREPTom^rhildren, days, lot, convenient to schools, stores ANDOVER LAKE Nicely fur- only in my homey while mother PLEASANT ROOM and bath for re­ Houses For Sa^e -72 MI-9^4389— MI-3-8365 aheA Can* Ciwt .X nlrf J^gency, SU. »1107, Mancheater, Conn. matic washing machines, vacuum Boats and Accessories 46 PIANO TUNING and voicing. Com- and bus line. Price $13,400. Exclu­ niahed Cape Cod. 5 yeara oid, six cleaners, motors, small appli­ works. Call after 6 " p.m. MI. FREEZER—Bepdlx upright 17.8 fined gentleman. Private entrance. sive with Frances K, Wegner, Lost and Found Tel. MI-3-8557 3-6775. .. THE NEW Johnson outboard cubic feet (built by Croaleyl to sell dete rebuilding, repairing; restyl- MI, 9-8748. ' finlahed, oak floor*, screened 6 x TRY US FOR fast, efficient, cour- ances. Welding. 180 Main Street. Heating-—Plumbing 17 f $1,(K)0 DOWN, THREE bedroom Realtor. XH. 9-0028. 24 porch, basement garage, lot 100 Look At These Values! rhotora are in. 3, 54" x pianos at unusually low prices, Apartments— Flats— School. with the Albert J. Gatto Co.\ Real­ ” " ’ $ 6 0 0 o « w tor Terrier, licenae No. 5290. Re­ Power Glide, radio, heater and COMPLE7TE Hand and power lawn gersoU Rand, wholesale and re­ TEACHER DESIRES summer em­ bedrooms) single Car garage. MANCHESTER,. Bolton, Coventry fireplace, aun room, dining room mower sales and service. Motors tail. Engineeered estimates free ployment. Write Box M. Herald. car top racks. MI. 9-2249. 64” , one 20’' X 60." 114 inch cur­ . $295, $345, $395, $495. Also big sav­ Tenements 6.3 FERNDALE REALTY tors. CH. 9-8489, evenings MI, ward. MI. 9-9988. defroster, white wall Urea, green Nice quiet .vard. Vacant. Sell­ and Vet-hon listings. 4 to 8 room and beautiful kitchen. Second floor, 3-6946, JA. 8-3989. tuned ar overhauled. Pickup and and complete repair service. tain rod, Babec-Tenda table, hlde- ings on practically new rental-re­ three bedrooma and bath. One car Xlanchester MI-9-1686 top. driven only 10,000 miles. 1949 a-bed. MI. 9-1617. If no answer, turn spinels. Two beautiful uaed SEVEN ROOM Apartment, second ing for $14,000. singles, $8,750 and up; two-fami- 1950 BUICK CONY. COUPE delivery service. Gibson's Garage. Terms arranged. Call Enterprise EX-MARINE, 21. desires full time lies, $13,800 and up. Will exchange detached garage. Ownira moving Packard convertible, 6498, 1952 position for summer. Call MI. Diamonds— Watches— MI. 9-1370. grands, one walnut, one ma­ floor, three baths, fireplace, porch. WANTED—Two-family house direct Personals Buick super •edan, 1947 Pontiac 6 MI. 3-5012. 1775. Shepard Farm Equipment small 'homez for large homes or to California. Must be aeen t.o ap­ from owner. Call. Storri, GA. Co., 200 West Main St., Rockville, 9-1808 between 5-7 p.m. and ask Jewelry 48 hogany. Terms. Goss Pi*ho Com­ Lease only. $1M per month. Write preciate. Lots For Sale 73 '“ ’ $425 o.,™ THE PROSPECT HUl School for aedan, clean, 1941 Olds Sedanet, for Jack. SMALL .GAS STOVE. Ideal for pany, 317 Aaylum Street. Hartford. Box Y, Herald. T, J. CROCKETT, Broker vice versa. Will buy or sell direct. 9-2680. Box 56. South Willington. WIRING INKTALLA-nON of aU Conn. Twenty-five yeara of selling and ‘ youns children. Transportation good motor, tires, new paint. types. No job too small. Peter LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, re­ camp trailer or apartment. Sealed JA. 5-6696. AUCE CLAXfPET. Realtor TWO tCTS southwest comer Drive them away.- '40 Chevrolet unit refrigerator; maple step THREE ROOM furniabed apart­ Office MI-3-5416 financing. Confidential aerviee. READY TO Sell? We need single furnished. Mrs. t«la Tybur, dlrec Pantaluk, 40 Foster street. Phone GUARANTEED Plumbing and pairs, adjusts watches expertly. Call Xn-9-4543 Windermere and Irving. Street*. and two family houses for our 1950 DODBE CORONET 44I00R SEDAN $39. '39 Plymouth $39. Brunner'S BOY DESIBe S '-tawn and garden table. Reasonable. Call MI. 8-8609. ment. centrally located. Business Howard R. Hastings Agency. MI. High and dry. Inquire 270 Oak sior. Phone Mitchell 9-5767. Mitchell 9-7303. heating. Jobbing and new work. Reasonable prices. Open dally. 9-1107 any time. Waiting cash- buyers. CkUI AC® Packard, Rockville Road, Talcott- Joseph Skelley. MI, 9-3014. work. Call MI. 9-1661. Wanted^— ^To Buy 58 couple preferred. Tel. MI.- 9-5707. Residence MI-9-7751 Street. Thursday evenings. 129 Spruce WANTED — Used refrigerators, MANCHESTER—BOLTON Realty Co., for dependable, cour­ SIRS. ZOPPl, reader and adviser. 'vilie. Tel. MI. 3-5191. Open eve­ RUBBISH AND Ashea removed. VERNON ““*• '“’$375 0 . .. All welcome. 286 Franklin' Ave., nings. street. Mltehell 9-4387. trade your old box In toward a MANCHESTER Gape Cod. 8 com­ SIX ROOM Cape Cod. All Ule kitch­ LARGE LOT 100 x 280, high eleva­ teous service. XII. 9-2392. General cleaning of attics, cellars FOR YOUR PLUMBING plete rooms, oil heat, continuous en, automatic waaher'l aluminum Bolton Lake, 111.100—Lakefront acrosB from the Art theater.'Fbr and yards. Call M and M Rubbish Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 1954 Crosley or Admiral models WANTED — W y a 28" bicycle. Business lAicatlons tion, dry, 2*4 miles from Man­ 1948 CHEVROLET 84-lon - rack starting at $169.95, Big allowancea hot water, $10,8(X). For quick sale. windows and screens, large lot. six room year round home. chester, city water, nice area. USTINGS w a n t e d — Bingla. 1951 DsSOTO CUSTOM 4-DOOR SEDAN s^ipolntment call CHapel 6-6765. removal. Ml. 9-9757. and HEATING PROBLEMS * Garden— Farm— Dairy Phone MI. 3-6664. For Rent 54 Near bus, school and new church. two-family, threa-tamily. body. Inquire Keeney's Garage, THE NEW MANCHESTER Pet at Potterton's, 130 Center St. Howard C. Haatinga Agency, MI. Vernon. Five R«6m (new) Price $1800; MI. 9-5116, • Dark Blue. Buckland. Center, 995. Main St., invitea you Products 50 , 9-1107 any time. Vacant. Direct from owner, xn. Ranch, $12,500. ness property, Hava many caah ANTIQUES Betiniahed. Repairing r CALL FRONT OFFICES 3-5407. — , buyero. Mortgagea arrangatL -'"^ '$ 4 7 5 Dowa Aotomobiles for Sale 4 done on any furniture. 'Dem'an, to viait peta of all kinds. Con- m a h o g a n y Duncan Phyfe dining Rooms Without Board 59 Manchester. Six Room (new) 1948 OLDSMOBILE ConverUble, necUcut bred Parakeets. MI. TOMATO PLANTS, peppers, egg I table and 6 chairs. Table pad. PORTER STREET Section—Seven Colonial. $15,500. COVENTRY LAKE-Shore lot* for Please call George L. Gzaaladlo, $450, radio, heater, hydramatic 189 South Main St. Phone Ml. WiLl ARD B. DICKENSON NEWLY DECORATED, Beautifully FOR RENT roo|m single. Hot water oil heat, MANCHBSTER-RoUing Park, 6 .1 Realtor, xatcheU » -887«, loa 3949 CHEIVROLET fordor sedan 3-5643.. 9-4273. Houra Monday through plant, celery, asters, zinnia, salvia, Singer Vacuum, miarellaneous. Many Other Liatingi Available ■ale. Call xa. 3-8480. Good tires, clean car. Excellent and electric windows. See at 559 Friday, 10 to 8 :30, iVednesday petunia, marigold, ageratum, etc. _MI. 3-8297. furnlahed and apaciout room. The fireplace, cabinet kitchen with partly fifilShed. shed dormer, Henry street MI-3-7632 vestibule, basement, hot water oil Call Anytime, running condition. . Douglas Main St. H A I RADIO-TV Service. Service closed at 2 p.m. S. A H. Green Geraniums, 3 for $1' up, at Oder- moat complete light housekeeping Spacious Rooms breakfast nook. Tile bath second Motors, 333 Main. stamps. mann's, 504 Pwrker St. GAS AND OIL water heaters, $5 facilitlea available in Mancheater. floor, lavatory first, one car ga­ heat, fireplace, storms, corner lot, E & E REALTY BUILDING LOT 7.5’ x 100’, $300. 1954 LINCOLN Capri hard top con­ charge 63.50. Tel. Ml. 9-6665. Gary and $10, Tel. Ml. S-7S63 after 6 many extras. New school. G. I. Coventry PI. 2-6783. lamonaco. You will marvel at the cleanliness Private Lavatories rage. Houae Is in wonderful con­ x n -9-6297 or 3-4480 ROY MOTORS. Inc. 3946 OLDSMOBILE Six sedan vertible. Has power steering, Moving— Tracking WANTED—Good homes fbr 3 ten STRAWBERRIES, Pick your own. p.m. of this building. Children accepted. dition and early occupancy can be ' and F.H.A. approved. Gatto Com­ coupe. Hydramatic, hew rings, power brakes, 4 way power seat, GONDER'S T.V. Service, available Storage 20 week old kittens. Phone Ml. Bring containers 25c per quart, Central. Priced so reasonable had by calling the Reuben T. .Mc­ pany. CH. 9-8489. Eveninga JA, BOLTON—Lovely five room ex­ VERNON — Beautifully located DeSOTO-PLYMOUTH CARS good tires, written g..arantee. No red and black leather, white wall any time. Antenna conversiona. 9-1244. Friday and Saturday only. Wilmer d o u b l e m a h o g a n y bed, vanity, you’ll gasp! Be sure and see this Parking P'or Forty Cars Cann Agency. MI. 3-7700. 8-3989 Manchester MI. 3-8946. pandable home. Excellent condi­ building lots. High elevation, won-1 PASQUALE down payment. 68.90 weekly. Cole tires, de luxe radio ^ th rear MANCHESTER — Package Deliv­ Keeney, 490 Keeney St. mahogany end table, few odd tion. Green houae. Box Mountain' derful view, MI. 9-5956 or XII 241 NORTH MAIN ST. MANCHESTER Philco factory auperviaed aerviee. •items, 164 Green Manor Rd. MI. ■one. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St. 3-7898. PIZIA ORd GRINDER SCotors. Ml. 9-0080. ' speaker, heater and defroster, Tel. Ml. 9-1486. ery. Local light trucking and — -----^------£______MANCHESTER Road. back-up lights, windshield wash­ package delivery. Refrigerators, RABBITS FOR Sale. Going out of PICK YOUR own strawberries 30c 9-3796, TWO NICELY furnished connect­ 139 East Center g.treet SIX-ROOM SHOP 3952 FOUR-DOOR, tutone, radio ers, all electric windows. It has FURNITURE Reflnlablng, antique washers and atova moving a business. Call MI. 9-6397. a quart. Volpi Bros. on Volpi Rd., ing living room and bedroOjn in AMERICAN COLONIAL 7 j-ooms of individual charm in PHELPS ROAD — Six room Co­ 666 Center 8 t TU. M l-9-8267 and heater, powerglide, white everything but Ed Sullivan. Cost furniture a specialty, chairs caned specialty. Ml. .9-0752. . in Bolton. MAHOGANY DuqCan Ph.vfe dining a neighborhood of professional and lonial, excellent condition, oil Resort Property For Sale 74 TWO TINY Chihifahuas. Stud serv­ room set, white combination oil private home. Two gentlemen or For Appointment Call walls, low mileage, or 1948 Buick over 15,000. Save 61,300. Brun­ and niahed. Anson F. Thorp. businraa couple. Twin beds, con­ Custom built, fireplace; oil heat, business men's homes. Large living atcam heat. 2-car garage, over Wts Specialize- In 4-door, tutone, radio and heater. ner's Packard. Rockville Road, Phone Mitchell 9-5735. AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., ices. Best of blood lines. Tel. and gSh stove. Very good buy MI. room dining room„kllchen. 2 bed­ 100‘ frontage, ahade tree*, shrubs, ANDOVER, BOLT()N. Coventry Rockville 5-5266. Household Goods 51 3-6177. tinuous hot water. Alao room for Mitchell 9-9779 tile bath, slate roof, besutifiilly Waterfronts $3,900 and up; near' • Pizza • Grinders Must seU either one. Call PI. TalcottviUe. Tel. Ml. 3-5191. Open local and long distance moving, one or two gentlemen. Private landscaped, near bus and school. rooms. bath, b)'eezeway and ga- garden, near schools and bus line. 2-6745. evenings, closed Sundays. ALL' KINDS of antenna work. Call packing, storage. Call MI. 3-5187. AIR CONDITIONED Offices. Mod­ )-age. 2 master bedrooma, lavatory,* Oioica location. Carlton W. Hutch­ waterfront $1,700 and up. Listing* • Spaghetti • Ravioli SOLID MAPLE bedstead and coil bath for roomers use. Central,, Immediate occupancy. Contact alway* needed. Welles Agency, Art Plnney, TV Antenna 'pecial- Hartfor*4 CHapel 7-1428; NO NEED TO JOIN A CLUB ■ near Main St. and bus. Phone MI.’ ern design;' Near Post Office, Main owner. cedar )oom and storage attic on ins. X4I. 9-5132, 9-4694. Italian Sauce To Take Out USED, CARS AT SAVINGS! 1954 DODGE Station wagon, driven iat. Sales and Service. Very fair Live Stock— Vehicles 42 sprlng^other pieces . in maple. Coventry. PI. 2-6872. PIANO MOVING —Refrigerators, Walnut dining room set, mirrors, 9-7410 atreet, corner Wadsworth. xn. second floor. Bath with stall show'-' only 1000 miles. All equipped V8 prices. Tel. Ml. 9-4772. WE BUY COWS, calves and beef Top Quality Furniture 9-9779, or Ml. 9-9819. , Mitchell 3-6753 er, lavatory and kitchen sU have MANCHESTER, On bus line, small Open 9 A. M. to 1 A. M. DILLON 3953 Ford V-S 4-Dr. Sedan—Ra­ hibtor. It's lust like new. Save also light trucking, any time. rugs, miscellaneous. MI. 9-5090. houae. Has kitchen, large living dio and heater ...... 61195 GUARANTEED Top quality tele­ Quick, reliable, efficient service. cattle. Also horaea. Piela Broa. Brand Name Appliances re)'an)lc tiled wails and floors. Daily over 6500. Brunner's Packard. Tel. Ml. 8-7405. STORE FOR Rent, 2U Spruce No Agent.s Heated basenient recitation area room, fireplace, lavatory. Nearly Suburban For Sale 75 Open eveninga. Tel. MI. 3-5191. vision service. Calls received be­ Phone MI. 9-9329. and TV at Tremendous Savings S«v«ral ExcsHcnt Buys Street. Inquire at 216 Spruce one acre of clear land.. Price $5678. SALES and SERVICE 3952 Buick Special 4-Door Sedan-r fore 9 p.m. will be serviced same with built-in bar. Priced in keep­ ELLINGTON—Six roOm Cape Cod, CHAMBERS FURNITURE stTeet or call MI. 9-8093. MANCHESTER — Owner trans­ ing with present market value*. Howard R. HaaUngs. XO. 9-1107 Fully^ equipped ...... 61295 1947 FORD Convertible, Radio, night. Ml. 9-1347. Poultry and Supplies 43 N otice Rotten Loko Area anytime. completed. Full abed dormer, 319 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER heater, 1941 Ford convertible, SALES ferred out of state, must sacrifice ceramic tile bath up. lavatory Painting— Papering 21 MANCHESTER HOME FOUR ROOM office suite and lav^ lovejy six room Cape Cod. MI.' MATHER ST. — Exceptional 3951 Chevrolet Bel Air — Power brand new top. Runs fine, handles WEBB'S TV - 17 Maple St>, $3 per Ba b y GEESE; huge grey Toulouse INVITATION TO BIDDERS alory at 13 Oak St. Apply Wat­ down. Fireplace, in living room,' gUde ...... 61095 PAINTING, Ehetertor and interior, At The Green 9-S8SS. value in 6-room' Colonial. Full bath nicely. Douglas Motors, 333 Main house call. AU work fully guaran­ and Giant White Emden breeds. Mitchell 3-ai87 IMPROVEMENT CO. kins Bros., 935 Main St. ' one wall paneled with built in ; teed. Call MI. 9-6535 for quick paperhanging. CeUlnga reflnlah- Proposed Coventry Grammar and lavatory, copper plumbing, oil Legal Notic(M bookcases, pine paneled den, good 3951 Ford Convertible — Fully White Pekin ducklings. Final sea- Hours: 10 to 5—7:30 to 8:30 P. M, Tolepheno Ml.3.817> See the ESCOTT AGEfNCY first heat, 2-car garage, screened porch. The Home Of Fine Used Cars 1947 BUICK Special sedan, extra honest service. ed. Wall paper books on request. aon offering. Little and McKinney, FOR RENT—Small store, 23 Oak size dining room and kitchen. Hot i P A I N T equipped ...... 61095 nice running condition, clean, Estimatea ^ven. Fully insured. School, Coventry, (!onn. for real values in housing in Man­ Newly painted. Extensive peren­ Inc.,,15 Woodbridge Street, Man­ Strifft. For information call Xn. AT A COURT o r /P r o b a t e water heat, fully inaulated. , radio, heater. Almost new .tires Call Edward R. Price. Mitchell 9-1690 or Ml. 9-8094. chester, .East Hartford, Glaston­ nial l^rdens. Lot 75 x 130. adjoin­ 3950 Buick' Super—Radio, heater, chester. CUSTOMER CAN’T USE Sealed proposals for the gen­ bury, Ellington, Ve)-Hon, Bolton m Maiichcsl'r wDhib anS fnr ths Breezeway and attached garage. ■ Douglas Motors, 333 Main. MASON—Field‘8lone a specialty. E. 9-1003. I HAVE BEEN HOLDING ing lot available. Priced to sell. Disirict or MancheitSr, on the 24th day patio with full awning, amesitC' SPECIAL! dynaflow ...... 6895 Toth, Phone MI. 9-3207. eral construction Including best­ Columbia. of Jun*. 19(54, / . 1940 FORD coupe. Rebuilt 100 h.p. IN MY WAREHOUSE ing. ventilating, plumbing and Suburban For Rent 66 CHARTER OAK ST. — Three- Present. JOHNVJ. W AU.ETT, Judge. drive. Completely landscaped, 1952 CHEVROLET CONVERTIILE COUPE 3949 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan—Ra- Articles For Sale 45 SINCE JANUARY MANCHESTER: New six rooni Estate of Jos/phtne Smythe rintey; aluminum storm window* and motor. New paint job,. Good tires. PAINTING AND electrical work for ihe Coventry bedroom ranch style home, brick late ot UanchMter, tn aatd' XMatrict, de- Power glide. A real dream boat. dio and heater ...... 6595 620b. Call MI. 9-1034 after 5 p /m .- GRADING AND Landscaping. Call Grammar School will he received GO O D JOBS COVENTRY Center—Three room, Gariison- Colonial plus new and ceaeed. / screen*, veqgtian blinds, lot 100' x Gal.. PAPER HANGING, COME IN—Browse around The 3 ROOMS FURNITURE and frame construction. 26 x 13 200'. AA z'ohe, excellent panorama MI. 9-6397. Woodabed, 11 Main St., Manchea- by the School Building Committee, unfurnished apartment, ' ground used Cape Cods, Colonials, Rsnehes living room with fireplace. Other The admhuetralor c.l.a. having eji- 3948 Studebaker Commander 4-Dr. And Appliances and two family. hlhited hl.y^admtnlstration account with view. Owner leaving state. H. C. ' I Town Office Bpilding, Coventry. FOR floor, heat and utilities. PI. 2-6872, i-ooms larger than average. Ex­ Sedan—Radio, heater, over' YOU NAME IT—we'll do it. Wood­ JOHN M .'M cCANN ter, Cbnn. Good used himiture w h ic h is a LITTLE nald eetare to this Court for allow-ance. Dowding Agency, 5 Park street, i m W * All Colors Auto Accessories— Tires 6 bought and aold. Tel. MI. 9-3154. Connecticui. until 7 p. i-n. July 15, pendable to 7 rooms. Second fire­ It is , ^ iw • Interior and Exterior 1952 FORD RANCH WAGON drive. Elxcellent condition work, walls, floors, ceilings' wash­ SCRATCHED FROM EAST HARTFORD: Ideal home O R M R E D : That the 19lh day of Rockville. 5-2523. Sunday Edward 1 30 Laurel Street Open 'til 7 p;m. 19.’54, at which time all proposals SKILLED Summer Homes For Rent 67 place In basement, area. Aluminum 8 cyl. Radio and heater. The moet popular ' . 6495 TTERIES — 50% off. Square ed. Floors and linoleums waxed. MOVING AROUND will be publicly opened and read for older couple. Beautiful gronrlds, JulyV1954. at ten o'clock, forenoon, at Moflarty. Klfckvllle 5-7210 or John ' GARDEN SALES Attics and cellars cleaned. Rugs Telephone MI-3-7388 Includes ga.'den. garage,' near bus. combination windows and doors. fhe/Probate Office in the Municipal Richmond, Rockville 5-9879. i ear ia the country. type as low as $4.95 ex., long type COMBINATION Aluminu'm win­ st the Robert.son School, Coventry, MEN f o u r ' .ROOM waterfront 'cottage Priced to sell quickly. Bundinz in said Manchester, be and the 312 OakUnd SL— MI-9-940d New Studebakers Start At 61813 $7.95. Written guarantee, . Cole and ■ upholstery professionally dows and screens, $17.95 and up, BLOND BEDROOM Conneettent. at Staffoidville. All electiie, $50 *> Mme Is assigned for a hearing on Ihe cleaned in your home or at our LIVING ROOM SUITE GLASTONBURY; New Cape Cod /a'llnwaiice of said administration ac- ANDOVER. BOLTON, Coventry Motors. MI. 9-09M. < plua inatallation. Combination ■ per week. Call between '4 and 8 and ranch; also two older homes For Appointment Call /(counl wfllh said estate and this Court and vicinity—Special, -newer four Low Down Payments establishment. Auto upholstery EXTERIOR PAINTING only. Free 5-PC. DINETTE SET No proposals will be accepted p.m. MI. 9-9712. 1951 FORD TUDOR aluminum doors $49.50 plus instal­ • MECHANTCAL near Main street.*Good condition. William McBiide--MI-3-4816 direcis that notice of the lime and rooms, bath, oh HW,' heat, fire- and floor mats made like new by estimates. MI. 9-1383. lation. Manchester Home Improve­ "PhUco"' Elec. Refrigerator after-7 p. m. July 15th. Copies nf Phone JA-2-2115 / place assigned for said hearing be Overdrive, radio and heater. An exoeptloul buy at Small Monthly Installments Duraclean. Connecticut Duraclean- “ Caloric" Comb. Range , the plans and specifications, in­ DESIGNERS given to ail persons known to be Inler- .place, state road, private beach,i Trailers for Sale 6-A OUTSIDE PAINTING. Free es- ment Co., 35 Oak St. MI. 3-8177. Wanted To Rint 68 ELLINGTON: Ranch, custom esled therein lo appear and be heard approximately acre landscaped ' ers and Home Services. MI. “ Maytag" Waihei- formation for bidders, form of pro­ j; WATSON BEACH an^CO. thereon by publishing a. copy of this WINDOW SHADES 9-7024. timatei. • Gilbert Fickett, MI built for cabinet maker. Beautlf))! lot, $10,900. Waterfront, 3 room s,' CHORCHES MOTORS BEIAUTIFUL Selection of wool rem­ "Emerson" Televialon posals, bonds and other contract • TOOL DESIGNERS WANTED — Two room apartment workmanship. Two fireplaces. Rcaltois Appraisers order In some newspaper having a cir­ 3-6982. nants at low prices. Also rug wool “ Hoover" Vscuiim culation In laid District, at least five lavatory, fireplace, part’ basement, 4 TON Dump trailer.' Inquire documents ma.v be examined at with cooking facilities by ^ a l ds.vs before the day of said hearing, easily made' year-round, only j LONG WEARING 1949 DODGE CLUB COUFE studebaker’Sales and Service DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, and inatructl ina 4n braiding ruga. • "Mohawk" Axmlnister Rugs MANCHESTER^ape 06d, 6 fin­ Keeney's Garsge, Buckland. copied, vacuum cleanera, Irons, the office of Louis J. Drakos, • DETAILERS business woman. Call Miss BOLTON; Ranch, two yea)s old. end by mailing In a registered letter on $3,900, Several other new and Immaculate. One owner. Call RockviUe 5-5706. Linoleum, Tables, Cabinets,. Architect. 967 Farmington Ave­ Buendo. MI. 9-2998.. ished rooms, gaiage^wooded lot, or before July 1. 1*64. a c6p>’ of this guns, etc., repaired. Shears, Courses and Classes 27 Attached garage. Near library, older houses, cottages and farms. COLUMRIA ARROW SO Oakland Street ^ 'MI-9-9483 Pictures and a few other items nue. West Hartford, Connecticut, • TOOL and DIE MAKERS churches and school. Lot 150 x near new school, on jius line. Full order lo rrandi 8rnythe. 264 Ban Fran­ $ 8 4 5 CAMP TRAILER. 4' x 6.' Good con. knives, mowera etc., put into con­ WANTED-- 3 room unfurnished price $11,900. Many more' listing* cisco Si,. Pomona. TaUrnmia: Arthur As low aa $1000 dtmn. Welles M B|k Made to Order BEFORE TOU Buy a . used car RADIO, Electronics, Television LOOK and the F. ,W. Dodge Corp., West 150. Smythe, Post St., San Francisco, Cali- Agency, Coventry, PL 2-6872. ditlon. Call MI. 3-6644. t dition for coming needa. Braitb- AN HONEST PERSON apartment, Manchester or vi­ •of all kinds, soipe approved_for forqta. A laO U With Your BoUera Seie Gorman Motor Sales. Buick Servicing. "Learn by Doing” 'at WE SAY AGAIN Hartford, Connecticut. • TOOL and GAUGE waite, 52 Pearl atreet. "Connecticut’s oldest electronics Who's Going Housekeeping cinity. Occupancy by July 1st. Re­ COLUMBIA: Privately built G.I. Call The/'Ellsworth Mitten JOHN J, WAU.ETT,-Judge. Sales and Service, 285 Ntsm POWER MOWERS TO GUARANTEE Geneiai contractors onl.v. desir­ INSPECTORS liable tenant. Call JA. 5-2491 after ranch hfime. Off Route 6A. Agency, Realtors. MI. 3-6930. - street kOtchell 9-4571. Open eve WIRING INSTALLATION and re­ school.” New term starting June No Money Down—$2 Weekly AT A COURT OF PROBATE held Legal Notice Auto Repairing— Painting 7 28th. Enroll now for day or eve­ MONTHLY PAYMENTS ing one set of plans and specifica­ 6 p.m. •t Manchester within and for the E. A. JOHNSON MANY OTHER FINE CAR| TO CHO O SE FROM. nlnga. ^ pair of amall electric appliances ' b u d g e t CENTER $22.17 tions for their use may obtain the • .GAUGE-MAKERS HARTFORD BUSINESS: Roorh- JARVIS REALTY CO. Diairlct of Mancheater, on Ihe 26th day AT A COURT OF PROBATE hfW ning division. Phone CH. 7-1630 or of June. 19M. and fixtures. Clarence G. Smith, 91 Center Street ' » CAN h a v e a l l .same upon request and a deposit YOUNG COUPLE desire four or Ing house, good Income, very de­ BEiYt ER HOME.S •1 Manchester within and fnr the C oiM in and Tost Driv* thd 1954 Ford. 3949 CHEVROLETS (3) two for- 21 Knox St. Phone Ml. 3-8423. write New England Technical In­ • PRECISION GRINDERS five room unfurnished rent in Preeent. JOHN J. W a l i.ETT. Judge. District of Manchester, on the 24th day PAINT 00. CAR BURN OIL? ‘ MI-3-4164 of $30.00. If a bonafied bid iz sirable location. $15,000 ' cash 5IAL MI-3-4112 EetalA of Percy Roblnaon. late of dors, one ludor, all de luxes, stitute, 193 Trumbull St., Hartford, Manchester. References furnished of June. 1*54. i Conn. Free Storage Until Wanted. submitted as specified and the needed Mancheater, In aaid Di.etrirl.- deceased. Present. JOHN J. W ALI.ETT. ' 699 Main St., TcL Ml-9-4501 NEW roRDS START AT $1795.00 radios and heaters. Good tires. Economy overhaul, most all BULLDOZER AND Uoader ' work. ■ Fiee Delivery • JIG BORERS If necessary. Call JA. 8-4936 .until The /arvis Realty Co. offers for The executrix having exhibited per E*tate of Concetta K. Pira, l«ie > 1 1 Landscaping and grading. Reason­ THE MURRIDOR, combination plans and specifications are re­ administration account with said estate Douglas Motors, 333 Main, cars. Parts and labor $49.95. Free Set Up By oiir Own 6 p.m. THE ESCOTT AGENCY your -careful consideration better Manrheeter. In said Dl«lrlct. dcceaecri. able rates. No job too small. Call storm and'screen door, 'ull 1" turned in • good condition to the j • EXPEBlMtTNTAL 266 High Street West, Manchester home Valdes exclusively ours in lo thte Court for allowance, it is The administrator having exhihlleil "You coil pay mort Im I you can't buy batttr." Private Instructions 28 thick, offers you comfort and pro­ Reliable Men Architect within 10 days after the ! ORDERED: That the 30th day of hie admlntslrallnn account with eal Nice condition in every respect. ly. All work guaranteed. NO PAYMENT.^ TO BANKS apaf-tmeht by Sept. 1st. Refer-' $13,500 6 EDISON ROAD. Im­ Ihe Probate Office In the Municipal ORDERED; That the-l«ih dav -of Black. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. combination windows priced to (OR FINANCE COMPANIES will be returned to the contractor. enccs. Call Mr. Button. Xtl. 3-5104. MI-9-7683 Building in said Manchester, be and Juiy. 19,54. at eleven o'clock,. forcntvm. WASHING m a c h in e s repaired. ACCORDION and pianp taught In fit your pocketbook. Manchester maculate 6 room Cape Cod home. Ihe same Is asslgn-d for a hearing on at Ihe Probate Office in the -Munlci|.ai Clutch Overhaul your home. Ml, 9-ul44. Contfactors or Biibrontractors ( White aluminum aiding. Complete­ the allowance of.aaid administration ac­ Building in aaid -Manrheaier. be. ami The Heat’s On! PRE-4th OF JULY SALE Phone MI. 9-9757. Awning Co., 195 West Center St. , See It dW or Night Apply count with aaid estate and this Court the aame aaaigned for a hearing on the .Plate, Gaskets and Labor - MI. 9 -^ 1 . Open all day Saturday. wishing additions! seta qf docu- | ly tiled bath. Oversized garage, directs that notice of the time and Soiimene Is Trading Wild Lowest' Dohii Payment In Town TUTOfUNG.'Elementary and junior Phone Me\ Immediately Late News In .Sports Togs paved driveway. Lot exjiertly land­ allowance of eald adniinletration ac­ J$15.90 Hartford CH-7-0358 nients may purchase the same st.< Employment Office Royal Hawaiian Doily place aaslnied for said hearing he count with aaid eaiate. aacerlaiiiment high subjects. For further details ROYAL AND SmiUi-Corona port­ the cost of reproduction. All f scaped with ahade and fruit treea given lo all persona knoa-n lo be Inter­ of helrx and order of dlalrihution.- and Household Services call MI. 3-5931. ested , therein lo appear and be heard Up To $500 On Any BROWN 1949 FORDS (3 )—One 2-door, one able and standard typewriters. After 7 P. M. CH-6-4890 checks shall be made payable to ' Oil heat. Short walk to achool, this Court dlrecfa that notice of Ihe club coupe, one 4rdoor—6495 COLE MQTORS 'Offered 13-A thereon by publishing a copy of IhlS time .and place a.*algned for raid hear­ All makes of adding machines the Town of Coventry, Coventry, j transportation an4 .shopping. order In some i)i>wspapec haring a cir­ ing be ihven^o All pursons known tri b*' Pre-War Car 1952 CHEVROLET 2-D R .- Radio, 436 Center Street - * A—L -iS. E R—T— 8 culation In said District, at least five ' A , ‘ FLAT. FINISH Holland .window Bonds— Storks-— aold or rented. Repalra on all 43-45 Allyn St-,^ Hartford Connecticut. ' . Weekdays .$13,700- 45 W E D G E W O O D Ipt^r^stc-il ih^rMn to nonfar #»nd BEAUPRE heater. Clean—61095 MI-9-0980 makes. Marlow’s . . DRIVE. Owner moving out of t«\wn days before Ihe day of said hearing. h^ard th4‘r<‘V)Tr+>v publlBninj: a. copy of 1948 BUICK SUPER SEDANET— shades, made to measure. 'All M ortKa^es 31 JOHN J. WA1,LETT. Judge. 'this ord^r In som^ n4*wspHprr liavinc a ______■ / ■ metal Venetian blinds a t . a new TELEVISION-^Up to 300 dollara off No bidder may withdraw his hid : aijd anxious to aell_,th.is 6 room rlrruUtlon in said DlslrirV. al Iraat fivo- Fully equipped—6595 WINTER SEAL ' of Connecticut \vithyi 30 days after the- actual- 8 A. M. to 4 :30 p. M. I.I.M1TATION nXDF.B- days before the dhy of sRid h4«arinir. BEST COMPLETTE Motor tune up. any low price. Keys made while you FIRST 'AND second mortgages on a 21" full door, complete UHF. C,ape Cod home. '4 years oid. Hot .A T A COURT OF PROBATE h<-lllar Water- £ A S T S ID ^ — Seven rooiTt , Cape toi the notice ^ven. MI. 3-5191. . • tors, 41 Oak St. For free estimate lifetime. Free demonstration. C all: PreoRng Dene. Cod. B ath, plus lavatory. Youngs-1 JOHN J. w a l l e t t .‘Judge, 1953 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL 4-DOOR ONLY DOUGLAS will sell you a call Ml. 9-2730. "Two Decades of .Mortgage anytime) Bilf'Tunsky. MI. 9-9095. | town kitchen, aluminum storm a t a c o u r t o f p r o r a t e hei* i Radio,' heater, power nteertag. One-owner car. Nice dark giay NEED BRAKES? Ford, Chevrolet, windows, fireplace, garage, amea-’ ai Manchemer' within and for Mhe j USED late model car aa iow aa 6145 Experience At Your Service’* flnish. New car warranty. « Plymouth, complete 4 wheels, lin­ YOUNG MAN with small pick-up KEEP COOL this summer. An McKinney iRos. ite drive, ftO’ lot, fhade trees, only ; Diatrict o( Mancheater. on .the 33rd day . 4lown. We do not ask you to take SEWERAGE DISPOSAL GO. a loan from ,a bank or finiuice ing and labor. $19.95, Buick, Pack­ truck," will do odd jobs, evenings Frank Burke Mel Redmap attic or window fan Is the simple or week-ends. MI. 9-84.*i3. ■low coat way of epjoying a com­ ISO-ISS Pearl SL TeL 9 0 -3-6308 FOR SALE 5 M I- i “'p-'rrnt.‘ *??.HN J. WAl.i.F.rT. Judge i ^DO FORTH ON THE FOURTH OF JU L r cxtmpany to complete your down ard. Olda, Mercury, etc. $23.95. S'/j room water front all-year-round home situated on 9*5132, 9‘'4694. j Katate of Paul Hauamann^-. late of: 1952 CHEVROLET DE LUXE 4-DOOR payment. Poaltively“ flnly $145 Any drum turned 99c, Same day fortable evening and a g o ^ night's ; Mancheater. in aaid ^strict, deceased, i with a dependable u.spd car from Moriarty Brothers Radio, hekter, power-glide. Nice dark blue finish. sleep, 16" 2-speed window fan Vernon Road, Bolton Ijike. Consists of glassed in recrea­ I The admtnlptratrlx having fxhibited down buya a 1949 car, 6195 buya a seK'ice. Brunner’s Packard, Ro< k- NEW LISTINGS h»r adminUtnftloD account with aaid ville.Road, Talcottvfjle. Tel. Ml, Buildinjf— Contracting 14 with spacers, $45. 22” two speed tion mom with cozy fireplace overlooking lake, living a exiate to thla Court fbr allowance, it la 1950, ^ 5 buys a 1952. No addition^. Business Opportunities 32 $9,700, 4-Room 11 ,al aide notes or loans. We gugranT 3-5191. Open evenings, closed Sun­ rkversiblc' window fan with push and dininx roOm, doll kitchen, sunny breakfast nook, Cape, centrally ORDERED: That the leth day of 1 ^52 Pontiac Catalina ’53 Ford V-8 4-Dr-, $1575 1952 OLDSMOBILE "88" 4-DOOR SEDAN CUSTOM Bu il t homes,. general BOOKKEEPING and accoimtlng button control panel, $72. 24" to located, (.ood condition. .July. 1954 at ten o'clock, forenoon, at tee to bell under the above terms days. the Probate Office In the Municipal ■ H. T...... $1995 Radio, heater. Nice light blue finUh. One owner. contracting, remodeling, repairing. practice. Grosaing about $6,500. 38’.’ *attlc fans $75 to $107. T. P. FOR . utility room, beautiful colored-fixtur^ bafhroom, lacur* $11,000 Bolton Lake, new 4-r'oom ’53 Chevrolet 4eDr. $1595 with notes as low aa $40 monthly. Financing arranged. , Free - eati­ Building in aaid Manchefter. he and Also ’47. ’49 and ’.'iO Good credit is our only require- May - be purchased for leas than Aitkin. ML 3-6793. bedroom upstairs and walk-in closet, Beautiful tall shade year around Cottage.- Porch, the aame Ip aapigned for a hearing on ’52 Dodee 4-Dr.... .$1345 Auto Driving' School 7-A matea. Vancour Construction Co., one year’s volume. Cash only. trec8,'amesite parking area for seven cars. Large exti;a full basement, wooded lot. Wat­ the allowance of aaid admlnietratlon ac­ O ld s ...... $.39.) up 1952 PONTIAC 2-DOOR SEDAN ment. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. . 172 Highland St. Tel. 5U. 3-4836. SO BASKETS 10c a piece, '3 bushel count with’ aaid estate, atcertainment Write Box O, Herald. BULLDOZING lot. Two boats and outboard niotor. Ideal for doctor, er front. of heira and order of dlxtrlbutioii. and '5.3 Olds “ 88” Super Hard ALSO ’48. ’ 19, ’.50 Chevro- Radio, heater. Nice dark green finlah.’ AU good tirca. DODGE 1952 Coronet- four ' door and bushels. 27" sink, $5. Iron a ^v*a^aaU I inipthip u.ounCourt nirecipdirect! inaithat noncenotice oiof ' cnethe BALLARD’S DRIVING SCHOOL — CABINETT MAKING--Wi also do ,700. d:Boom Ranch, porch, | plac^e aaeigned for aaid heat- , lets Priced Rinht I ' gyro. Loaded. White wall tirei, "Manchester's oldest.” , Owner- twin beds, $13.50 complete. Maple lawyer or any professional party who desires good, quiet Top ...... save: all types of carpentry work, 're­ Help W'anted— Female 35 settee-, $10, Old windows, 50c, old attached garage, conv'cnicnt lo- tng be given to alt peraom kno«*n to be. tinted glass, two-tone blue, clean. Certified by AAA and Board of wholesome living. High elevation, sevm minutes-from cation : interested therein to api^ar and b f ’52 Chr.vsier 4-Dr. .$1995 1950 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DLX, CLUR COUPE Pontiac, I960 four doqr. Radio, modeling, alterations, etc. Good doors, $1.50. IiiOVe seat. Large ^ -_ [heard thereon bv publlthlng a copv of ’53 Mercury 2-br. .$219.') Education. We offer training, ex­ workmanship, ' and reasonable EARN AT Home dbing a high pay­ Call MI-9-3978 Manchester. CALL Mitchell 9-5116 Heater, seat covers. Niee dark grqy finlah. h e ^ r , bydramsUcr. Cunliffe Motor perience, ” latest methods. MI. flower boxM 3 for $10. Old kitchen #15.500. Sipc-Room Ranch. garagD»jthla order In aoiha newspaper baring a ’52 Chevrolet 4-Dr., $1345 rates. Eatimatea gladly given. ing handwork, .Interested women chaii;a, .V)c'. Plaster cement,- 25c a Girading e Back FllUag 8104 5454 landscapedlandscaned lot. manymanv extras.extra*. rlrcul*ii«n In **ld DIttriet. *» l-aM fiv« ’51 Mercury 2-Dr. 8^ngton Road,. Wappihg, 9-2245. Y m liayi h,for» Ih* da.v of Mid hearing. Cali Dick.at PL 3-6695 or John at will be taught. No aelllng involved. *'A short Drive to a Long Deal." a sack. Frank's, 430 Lake St. $24,200. Exceptional 6 <4-Room And by mailing In a regtulArmt lelt'r Black- Overdrive . .$i:}9.> ^51 Dodge 4-Dr. ...$1145 MI. 3-5769. . ' _ Write Box 296,- West Hartford. 1949 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 4-DOOR MORTLOCK'S DRIVING School. Aa youhg and clever as can be Rsflch, 4 miles from downtown (in rtr before July 1. 1954. a copy of this J941-1940, OLDER ChevroIeU. You'll''enjoy crocheting this 22- order to Rrace A. Majeika. 93 Hamltd Radio, heater, overdrive. ' ^ A O K ^Lost confidence quickly restored GENERAL CbnstrucU'on, altera- GIRL FOR Bookkeeping and gener­ We$ley B. Bunce —and so practical. Halter top and inch beauty from sparkling white Manchester. High eleva'tion. St., Manchester, Conn. Mc#;'dark blue flnish. F U IX PRICE F o r^ , other good transportation. 'by a skilled,^ courteous inatnictor. MULTI-COLOR large af^an, aU Udna, - remodeling, - plaaUc the, al office work in small construc­ wool. Call JA. 8-1530. 114' Spencer SL, bfanclMster knee-length shorts. Make brief thread—a RSyal Hawaiian doily Established neighborhood. JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. Good credit enables lUr to accept Licenae Included. Insured, dual tion company. Apply in person. 24 shdrta and pedal pushers, too. that ia faaclnating^to work and ao 66 down. Douglas Motors, 333 Main counter work, garage, etc. No job Many Xlbre Uatinga .In All Prick AT A COURT OF PROBATE holden . controlled atandard and hydrama- too small. Eugene -Gtrardln, 16 Oak St., Manchester. No phone FLAOSTONB. Stone for walla, ■ Pattern No. 8104 is in sizes 9, quickly made. within and for the District of Coventry, GET READY FOR THE 4TH EARLY! Uc pars. Ml. 9-7398. ijJ iu iis i/L , ^ n g e s . on the 24th 'dav of June, A.D, 1954. 6961 FORD VICTORIA, radio, heat- Trotter St.'MI. 9-5509. calls. houae fronta, Ureplacea,' ate. Bol- 11. 12, 13, 14, 16. 18. Size 11, top. Pa.ttern No., 5454 contains cro­ ton NcZcli Quarry MV 9-0617. 7-8 yard of 39-inch; knee-length Preeent THOM.AS G. ^ELLES. E*q.. •r, fprdotliatic, white aide wall AUTO DRIVING inatnicUon from cheting directiofis, material re­ WARREN E. HOWLAND' Judge. . ' SEVERAL AVON territories sUll aborts, 1 1-2 yards. quirements snd stitch Illustra­ On motion of .Klttnor F. Koppiech. OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9 Urea. Loaded .with (uctraa. In fine your home. Insured dual control N o tice EXfERIENCED Realtor-Insurer . condiUon. Douglas Motors. 333 GENERAI. CARPENTRY and re- .available in Manchester and vi­ FLOOR and wall coverings. Do it For this pattern, aend 30c in tions. Adminlitratrix on the intestate e.iata car. Lasson Driving School. Ml. pairing cinity. For; details call JA. 5-3491 yoUrself and save up to 65d; We 648 Woodbridge Sti-eet . nf Martin C. Koppiech. late,of Coven­ Main. ' 9-6075. ■ V ^ , ig.'Reasonable. MI 9-4291,. The Coventry Board of Educa­ coins, your name, address, size de^ ■ Send 25c In ^loins, i ’our name, try within aaid dittriri. deceaeed.' after 6 B.m. v supply you with all ths tools from tion has Opening;) for two hus sired, and Jhe pattern number ’ to address and the Pattern Number >0 3-8600 XO 3-5711 Thi* Court doth -decree that six FOR DEPENDABLE service on • flc^c^aander to tile cuner. Stop'in monthe be allowed and limited for tha 1946 CttBVROLET tudor de ’ luxe, A O t o , DRIVING instrucuon; All drivers, for Routes 1 and 2. at the SUE BURNETT, THE .MAX- to ANNE CABOT. THE MAN­ ,VACANT-=18 Weaver. Road, pear . and 50oY^ars'.'. . .$50up!' g ««> ^ '«riiU o n . radio, heater. carpentry work from $2 to $2,000, BOOKKEEPER—Familiar with all for a free estimate. The Tile- Shop.- CHESTER EVENING H|I:RAU>. CKfditnre of eald estate to «.xhib1t th'ir taaipna on Insured dual control telephone Rockyille ,5-6759. phases, of payrolL bank work rc- rate of $1.70 per hour subject to LINOTYPE CHESTER EVENING HER.\LD, Woodbridge St. Six room ranch, rlalma agalnit the same to the Admin- Bast offer Ukea it Also moterols. Oppoaite Post Office, Buckland. car.lCapaUa 'experienced Insiruc- • concUlation. and general . office the .spiecifi''attons. Applications 1150 A\'E- -AMERICAS,. NEW H 5« AVE.' A m e r i c a s , n e w attached gai-ag.e. Jot 180' frontage. ietratrix and direrti that public hollc* BROWN-BEAUPRE ear radio. Like new, will fit any MI.'9;2855. - - . YORK, 36. N. Y. i > YORK M, N, Y, be given of thie order hy advestlting In tor;j Cordner Auto School. . MI. iwork diversified. Reply ii|.' long- hiay. be secured during bustneaa FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT— APPLY IN PERSON (>ram ic tile bath, kitchen- , cabi- a-newepaper having a rlrcdlatlon la Chrysler product from 1941 to 9-60M, JA. 7-8680. hours at the Board office at {jic Send 25 cents now for your copy- The Colorful 1954 Needlework. I. eaU Ift.- ' Rbofing-iSidln# IS rhand stating fbll particulsfr and FILL'FO r s a l e now. .Delivered rietsi radiant heat, copper plumb- ___eaid’ ______dlatrlci; - and__ hy . ______potting . a-copV: 1*46. CaU M I .-^ -^ . George Hi.aey.-Robertson School of Basic Fashion, Spring '54, pur Albtim contains 56 pages of lovely ing. aluminum screens and stornu, MORIARTY] BROTHERS! . salary desired. Write,Office ManZ- or loaded on your truck. 'Tel. Xa: IjRlVING InstniqUons froni your ROOFING. Siding 'and carpentry. complete pattern magazine, ' A designs, ’'how-to" section.e. on CHEVKoi gcr. Box 271; Manchester,'Ckxin. 9-7408. and are to be return^ by 12:00 three combination aluminum where the dereaaed tael dwelt. LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALERS . > NpW AT^SB EAST CENTER ST..-TEL Mk9-|234 IjW CHETBOUBT 4-door, J946 home, Oual-co:Jtroi insureo car, . Alteration^ and addltlona. .-'Cell* pomplete guide in planning a well, ' Fosxl 3-door, 19M Plymouth aedan, noon on July I, 1954; ' . needlework, helpful m m illuatra' doqra. Al condition. Pric* rs- Certified-from Record. . atandard Of aatomaUv. OaU Man- Inga. Workmadahip guaranteed. GIBU w a n t e d to wait.on custom­ JW Screens, .like new;- 4ritb Royal 0,'Fliher,^ rounded .wardrobe' for .sprlng- ttpns and direction* for 8 gift pat: -^THOMA* R. We l l e s . Judge, 3bl-.T15 CE-VTER ^ R E E t TEL. MI-S-513S MANCHKSIKB, CONNEOXICOT.' 3 1M7 Buick con^rtiM e. liH) Ford iiilhrlirBter Eoritfitg duesd.-George L. Graziadio, Bsal- Fflurt of Prohaie.' . c l M ^ Drlvtna Aeadaaiy. BL A. A. Dion.- Inc., 398 Autuma through-suimnkri's^ , ^ , terns. 25 cents. * N e w . fouglaa MMoce, gu .M aik er*. Apply **l»laca For Sating", ------Mraro. Some painted. Assorted Transportation Agent tor, Tel. XO. 9-5878. Dietrict of Coventry. ^734i9, ToU fraa. . •tTMt MltcheU 3-4860,1. Route 6, Bdltoo, alter 11 adB. . aiaes. w . 8-483*. . . , p Coventry Board of Education I '\ . . ;i' *• V ■( N'<' J-' { • I- •' ) " V

    V \ . 7 . .

    PAGE EIGHTEEN FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1954 lim tgjT M ter lE ppittog l|gral& .4 J ii, D o n ’if Forget Your^Da^e To Save a Life T h e ' p SJ Presidents Club of If »■ Junior and member branches of Robert Schwsrm, _Mm. FrancM Bloodmobile Day Mary B. Chepey Auxiliary No. 13, the Girls' Friendly Society of St, Staff Announced Harrison rjid Miss Ruth Seavay, About Town ySWV, will hold its annual picnic, Mary's Episcopal Church had their Hospital Notes'^ teachers; .Mra. E. H. Bennington, Wednetida3', Junb^SO, a t 2:30 p. m. annual picnic at Rocky Neck yes­ Averagd Daily Net Press Run at Altnaveigh, Storrs. Members For Bible School Miss Marjorie Tongreny^laaaistsnta. A m arrlan Ucenm application terday. Several of their mothers P atien te Today: 129 Primary Departmen'C age 6 to 9, F o r tlM W eek -E n d ed - was filed for^Lc«ia W. Fryainjrer going and those desUing transpor­ accompanied the group. ADMITTED YEBJERDAY; Mra. W. E. -Fiah, aupervlaor; Mra. Specials This Week! Jitae 19, 1^64 Tho Weather Of 613 Main St., and D orothy M. tation should teleplioh^ the treas­ Mrs. C. E. Winslow, wife of Pas­ ForecMt of D. A Weather Bareaa urer, Mrs. Inez Batsotv, or Mrs. _Raymond Smith, 70 Ridge St.; W, P. Craft. Mrs. William Belcke- Sm ith o t 263 Main St.. Hartford. Fred T. Bliah of 5 Laurel St. is tor Wihsiow ,->e the Church of the wicz. Mrs. Cedi Wood, Mrs. Floyd In the Hartford Bureau of Vital Florence Nichols. driving across the country iito at­ Joyce Cqok, 323 Woodbridge St.) Liv* Lobster, lb. 79. Red Perch, lb. 19c Naaarene, will serve as superin­ Rice, Miss Piudy Rice and Miaa 11,210 S^tlatica yeaterday. tend a convention being held by John H*b«i'«i‘n, 22 Dr. E; Mrs., Nina McAllister, teadiera. W arm lonlgM, chance ef eeaS- Christoforo Colombo SoricCy. will Delta Tau DeUa fraternity In Cali­ tendent of tbe Vacation Bible Fresh Solmen, lb. 73e. Helibut, lb. 43c Member of the Audit Glenna Miller, Coventry; Rene iianri^sSH tered ahowere. Partly cloudy, little ■ Mr. and Mrs. Howard K. Mohr meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the Juniov D epartm ent, age 9 to 12. Bureau ot Oirculatlen fornia. Bllsh.’who Is entering his School of the church, which will temperature rhaage Sunday. Of 92 Vernon St., ha« a^ent sev­ Italiaii-American Club on Eldridge Senior year at Tufts College In ta rd lf, 258 H illiard St,: David Mias Joan Stratton, superyiaor; SwordfMi, lb. 73e. Pelleck, lb. 45c Manchester— A City of Village Charm eral daya at the Mandtr RIchclifu Street. The members may pay' open Monday. Ju.ie 28, and con­ Mrs. Sheiwood Wright, Mrs. John Medford. Mass., left with several Drouin, Bolton; Sharon Benoit, S. tinue thtoiigh July 9, except Mon­ In Murray Bay, Quebec, where they their dues at this time as no fur­ fraternity brothers the sepond McAllister, Sandra Schwarm, Coventrj-; Mrs. Dorothy Smith. day. July 5. FiNeted Striped Ross . . • 6 • • are attendinf^ a conference of Con­ ther Sunday meetings will be held w-eek in June. feathers...... lb. 45c VOL. LXXIII, NO. 233 (etafled Advertising on Page 10) Andover; Jame.T Copeland, 85 ■rile fo^o^vlng staff will nisist in MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. JUNE 26, 1954 necticut Ceperal Life Risurance Co. until September. However, meet­ , Intermediate Department, .Mrs. 1 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS ings will be held every fourth Fri­ Doming St.; Mis. Ida Yost, 148 the different departments: William Davis, supervisor; Mrs. I nileted Perch, lb. 34e Filleted Meeker^, lb. 54c The Rev. Arnold \V. Tozer, min­ Beginners, age 4 to 6, Mrs. E d­ Albert A. Melendy of M Marjra- day evening.. Lydall St.; Mrs. Sadie Oliver, Charles Holman and Rev. Cheater ' f / ister of the Second Congregational win Andbeotta, •suf'ervistm; Jrfrs. F. Aiiatin^ teajii’era. I ret RtL. is attending the convention Church and elders, have arranged Storrs; Mrs. Anna Klimas, South Req. MeckertI, lb. 39c. niletef Seie, lb. 49c of Jehovah's Wltneasea this week­ Salvation Army Sunday School with the following clergymen to Windsor; Alan Lynn, 50 Foley' end is Boston; He is employed at sciolars will meet at the citadel supply the pulpit during the va­ St.; Mrs. Flora' Bourez, .86 Blssell FiHeted Hounder.ib. 49c. Filleted Heddeck, lb. 49c Churchill and Ike th e M other Goo.se D iaper Sendee. tomorrow at 12:30. and le.' ve for a cation of the Rev. Mr. Tozer; the St.; Chester Hurlburt, 103 Stark­ picnic r.t Batterson Park, Hart­ Rfv. E. Wallace Mast, minister of weather St.; Duight Morganson, Large Jumbe Shrimp...... lb. 79c King David Lodge No. 31 lO O F ford. The children will bring their the South Congregational Church, 33 Oi'chard St., Rockville. i will hold a business meeting in Odd own lunches am', ice cream and New Britain. July 11; Dr. Ferris drinks will ' be provided, Russell a d m i t t e d T o d a y : .susan Lc Rreoded Scallops, lb. 53c. Reg. Scelleps, lb. 49c Tackle Problem of Fellows Hall tonight at T:30. Noble E. Reynolds of Elon College, Elon, Clough will be in charge of games Blanc, 99 Coleman Rd.-: Nikki i Grand George Miller will preside. N. C.. who was minister of the Kearns. 291 Spruce St.; Mark Hill. ^ O t u M * and races. Second Congregational Church Fried Hsh Sticks, lb. 47c. Steaming Claims, qt. SSc . The Mancherter Naxarene. Cara­ 106 Prospect St.; Mrs. Lida Way, for over 10 years, will occupj’ his Andover. van is scheduled to play softball A .special meeting of Royal former pulpit for both Sundays, ROASTING CHICKENS Steaming Little Neck Clems ...... qt. SSc Red Gains in Asia with the New Haven Caravan, Black Perceptory No. 13. will be July 18 and 2.1: the Rev. Myles E. DISCHAPvGED YESTERDAY: Saturday at 2 p. m. at the Naza- held in Orange Hall tomorrow, Blanchard of the First TJniver- Miss Anna Uoldsnidei. Coventrj-; Hcndsheil Crabs ...... dei. $1.00 rene Paik, 236 Main SJ. »■ when the Red Cross degree will be salist Church. Nashua. N. H., will Mrs. Jennie S egrr, 110 Main si.; Now that summer has arrived in earnest we have tai­ Washington, June 26 (/P)—• cently atated by Foreign Secreta­ exemplified by Olive Branch No. be guest minister on Aug. 1 and Mrs. Mildred Clij’kirda, 875 Center Lorge Chowder Quohogs .. T.'...... dei. $1.00 President Eisenhower and I ry Eden, ia tha.t a defensive al­ But Dispilte over Running Mate I 9t.; Remigio Ridolfl, 52 Blssell St.; lored our chickens to summer tastes with more lean meat A daughter, Joan, their fourth, 64, of Chicopee, Mass. Supreme oh Aug. 8. the Rev. Mr. Tozer will Prime Minister Churchill j liance could be ■ effective in the was bom June 23 in Hartford Hos­ Gband Master David Dawson will preach. Rummer services will be­ Mrs. Lena Griffin, RFD No. -2, for eilra cold dishes after the main meal. ‘ long run but that It should be pital to Mr. and Mrs. Han-ey T. be present. A 6 o'clock supper gin at 9:30 a. m. Rockville; Mrs: Helen Mozzei, 3i7 come.iq grips today with th e! paralleled by a ayatem of non-1 ------— — ■ — King, of 218 Henry St. . will precede the ceremonj'. Oak St.; Charles Davidson, 16 hard core of present British- aggression guarantees which i Mrs. Teresa Negro requests Laurel St.; Arthur Sheppabd, ; Outdoor Fish Market would include Communist nations Hairdressers"^ Manchester will ROI^ER OLCOn American difficulties: the Over 1100 was raised for the that all the ladies -going-to the RFD No. 3. Bolton; Mrs. Camella ; ROUTE « — BOLTON critical issue of what to do as well as others. i Informal Moments at Democratic State Convention have an all-day outing Wednes­ Connecticut Arthritis Foundation Mother Cabrini S h r i n.e in New Brennan. 43 W'adsworth St.; Mrs. i 403 West Center Street Americsn officials have re­ day. Juno 30, at Miss Bernice by eight local people who appear- Yhrk be in front of H ale's store on- Effie Taylob,' 112 H ighland St.; I Mitchell 3-7853 2 MILES OUTSIDE OF MANCHESTER about halting Communist buffed the non-aggresaion pact Contests Loom . Juul’s cottage at Columbia Lake. I ed on Mutual Nettvork’a quiz pro- the corner of Main and Oak I Mrs. Maria Balfore. Glastonbury; i conque.st in Southeast Asia. Idea aa involving Commimlst com­ Guests are expected from Hart­ 1 gram, "Have a Heart." Appearing Streets Sunday morning at 6:45. j M ary Louise Kcwell, 107 He’s ' '■>! Diplomatic observers aaid it mitment* which roqld not be de­ ford, and Arnold Pagan! will I as Contestants were Yolando ;i ■ ■ I Rd.; Eskrl Buckland, 453 Keeney i aremed pogsible that by the end of pended upon, and aa a potential cater. All who plan to attend ' I Felice. Bernice Juul, George Frost, Members of the Manchester Fire j ,St.;. Rev. Gustav Suoer; 108i - .. . . the Waahington talka ' ■ alatril to new obatacle In the way of prog- should make reservations by Mon­ Thomas Rollason, Martha Steven- Dept, will meet at' the headquar­ St.; Mrs. August Gaciauskas. 92 go on through thla weekend and rea^ on a real aecurity syatem. ' On Other Spots day at the latest through Har­ son7 John McDermott, Albert Tut­ ters oh Main and Hilliard Streets ; I-'orth St.; Mrs. Elizabeth Thorp perhapa longer • the two hand*, riet's Beauty Salon, 129 Center There waa sgreemenf In Britiah tle and .lack Sanson, former man­ tomorrow *1n- uniform~at 5 p. m. ! and daughter. Bolton; Mrs. May- of atate might agree on aome line : St. ager of the State Theater. and American thinking, it waa un- They will proceed from there to bell Prescott and daughter, Ver- of action. But there waa no ad-. deratood. on the point that what­ Avon where they will participate , non; Mrs. Eleanor Churllla and vance indication of what thia' ever plan 1* agreed upon should Hartford, June 2 ^ T h e 1,600 delegates to the Democmtic In the Avon parade. 1 son, 82 F oxcroft Dr. coiirae would be. ' have maximum appeal to thaae State Convention roared happily and harmoniouslv to w i^ The U. ,S. poaition up to now' countries-which, like India and In­ the nomination by acclamation of former Congressman A A haa been that urgent meaaurea are donesia,, seek a kind of neutral Ribicoff a* their candidate for governor thi.s noon. re.ser\dn» Midsumrner Drearris needed to form an anti-Commiiniat | poaition a* between the Commu­ themselves some eontasts for lease^r'------* • BOX OF 10’S alliance which would Include B rit-, nist bloc and the Weatefn powers. placea on the atate ticket which ain, the United Statea and other. U. .S. .Secretary of .State Dulles will oppose that to.be headed by' rountriea wijh .direct aecurity In-' and Eden planned to start the Republican Governor John~L^ge tereata In Southeaat Aaia. FJaen-. second day’s round of Britlsh- in Novemt^r. __ Ike to Fight - In Cotton hower preaumably waa prepared I Amerlcan talka today with Ribicoff's name, placed in nom­ to urge ChurchiU to Join in auch morning meeting at the State ination by Mayor Richard Lee 'bf Meds Tampons an undertaking. I New Haven, with seconding For Elastic The Britiah poaition, moat re- I (Continued on Pnge Five) speeches from other leaders in vari­ C C i Wardrobe refreshers from our smart new cotton ous counties, was presented in an atmoaphere of complete party group . . . Dark prints, light prints and .solid col­ peace. Farm Prop Former Gov. Cheater Bowles, ors, the covered look, the bare look . . . pretty who once considered seeking the FREE! CAMP EQUIPMENT Anti-Reds Organize nomination, had withdrawn several Washington. Jun»^26 (A^T— changes that make summer .so plea.sant! weeks ago and appeared at the con-' vention last night to play the role ! 'The'' Eisenhower administra­ of temporary chairman of the con-' tion braced today for one of vention. its stiffest tests of this con­ •vy »f MaSi lO't J. W. Hale Corp., i.a your headquarters for Girl Scout $ 9 . 9 8 Guatemala Regime But how much of thia harmony gressional session—a Housa 2 Mail bocii nasal Ptriosal equipment. We are fully .stocked with all manner of extended to all the work the Demo­ battle over flexible vs. high, fradutH Carp., Eei'D-d; Milt- crats had to perform today, was •awfi, N. J, for Ml purtfiaia prka 8 “ » 1 6 “ still, at noon, dependent upon last rigid government price sup­ rafusd (39c) scouting gear to make hiking and camping more fun ^ Tegucigalpa, Hoiidura.a, June 26 oar ifara. tion IS becoming a hot shooting war. Insurgent plane* at­ House Minority Leader Joht) tee late yesterday cleared for tacked Guatemala City and the » _____^ Dempsev, also Mayor of Putnam, House action a biU th a t providea rebel ladio claimed its force* wer* • appeared tbe likely Choice for the for a one-year extensioi? of prica "marching victoriously" on the nomina'ion for Lieutenant Gover­ 90 per cent of parity. GIRL SCOUT nor. J. W. HALE Corp. capital. 'ITie Commiinfst-supportcd The bill was ticketed for con- government of President Jacob G uatem ala W ar WiKglis Floor Ooateet sideratlon either Wednesday or Avbenz Guzman declared, however, But Edward C, Bergla. Water- Thursday and administratibn atal- JERSEYS $1.15 wart* w'^re expertefl to a Not Exactly its troops remained In control on A ction D elayed bliry Democratic town chairman, Wage Az Illustrated all fronts. ailll was talking about going to Strang fight at that time for a Creation of the provisional re­ the convention .floor in .his quest flexible system, ranging between gime. headed by rebel commander for the nomination for lieutenant 75 and 90 per cent of • parity, as Col. Carlos Castillo Armas, was By U N C ouncil governor, although Mayor Demp­ advocated by President Eisenhower SIRL SepVT announced In a comm unique bv sey haa organtxetion backing for and Secretary of Agriculture Ben- the "Libeiation Army.” It said the By WIU.IA.'H N. OATIs/ th a t spot. .son. government headqilartera were at U hited N ations; N. Y„ Jude 26 With an all-night huddle of The Senate Agriculture Commit­ Chiquimiila, a town of 8.848 peo­ i/C) Ignoring Russian demand.*, leaders still ,ln session as' the tee, too. haa voti^ foi\^other year Dungarees $3.75 ple. 20 ntile.* from the Hondtiran the U. N. Security Council Redded morning i.-ore on, many were of rigid farm price aupporta in op­ border. last night to delay action on the insisting that. Bergin eventually position to administration aims. IMapiite. On (;a|itiire -quickening Guatemalan war until would agree to accept an offer of Parity is a legally determined The communique -said’ Chiqul- the Oiganizatlnn of ,'Amerlean the nomination for comptroller. ‘ standard for farm goods price* re­ mula had been captured early yes­ S tates (O ASi m akes It* own in­ Bergin wasn't saying yea or no garded as fair in relation w the terday. But a dispatch from Asso­ vestigation. publicly, bill he made it plain that cost of things farmers must buy. ciated Press correapendent Jack lieclinea 'To Agenda Farm legislation providing' for the comptroller..hlp noniination flexible supports has been on the Rutledge in G uatem ala City .said The 11-nation couneil declined would leave him less than happy. the goyernment'a latest biilletin.s to adopt an agenda listing Guate­ books since 19H), but Us effect hae "I w ish I'd stayed In Water- been postponed from time to time. claimed Chiquimiila waa still in mala’s complaint -that Honduras bury," he jokingly told a reporter. Special Buy! Its hands. Rutledge's dispatch , Slid Nicarrtgrra. wripw ere «iiii .still I’unaon- condon Now, flexible .props are scheduled Dlsptite on LcVford to go into effect automatically at passed through Guatemalan cen- | mg nggresaion in/deflnanee of the Also leas thjn happy were aorship and waa delayed about six counril'a cease-fire call of last the end of the 1954 crop year, un­ Nylon Tricot hours in transmia.sion. ! Sunday. ' Demot rata of Polish origin over less a new delay is voted or a sub­ Rebel planes also blasted'Zara- The procedural motion for ita reports that Joaegh M. Lyford of stitute program adopted. - pa and other governm ent strong- adontion needeer4unalltleq they naw on the wUre. lAige nomination. pi-oductlon In limes of scarcity. Op­ the prrison there. The.,,stepped-: Thia postponed debate indefi- Ing on up on the stage of the Biishiiell AuditoHiiiii, last night' in H art­ SI RL SCOUT With front panel, lace ' Former f'oDgressitian .\hraham Klhlenff, second from the right, 'nu* poet for many years has ponents of the flexible system say up air strikea^ed one spurce here. nitHv and gave the-2 1 -nalion 0.\.*1 ford. ' Raymond Miillahey eatehe^s the ear of Wesley tirvk, chairman stands, between form er tilpv. C hester Bowles, on his left, and .Sen. John l e t "the Cold War la Inveatigate the Guatemalan gone to a caadidate of Polish they fear it might lead to a drop trim at top and botton^ of the Democratic town cummitttv, while .Milton Vitriol,'on the aisle, I*. Hennniy. of .Maos., last night's keynote speaker. Others In the photo , descent, and supporters of Stanley in' earni income. getting; hot." rharges through Its five-member . and James Halloran. on (irvk'ji left,, keep eyes front. Behind them. , .. , , , uirniign iis iive-men are John Bailey, Itemoeratlc slate ehairman, and William Benton, J. P ribyion of K artford. the 1952 Chairman Hop* (R-Kan) of the CAMERAS $3i0 Sizes 32 to 40. White international peace .committee Mr*. Helen Fltr.|M«trlek and .Mfit,^.Marv .\ceto flank I’hlllp Baver. .In struggled has been waged chiefly former I . S. Senator from Connecticut. j nominee, v.ere ralh’ing strongly Hoitse Agriculture Committee said Brazil and Colimibia with IT. ' behind him. * oniv. with propaganda weapons. Only S. support had propoaed thia the. jpfaaure approved yesterday spt^-adie clashes have been report­ course. But the Soviet Union, Thcie was much of naming is the “best possible bill that could ed between the oppo.sing force.*. backing Communist - infiltrated woman of Polish origin as the bf secured at this time to meet Eight Americans who cros.sed Guatemala, had demanded "meas- M ilium D am age IJuft aS Train |W ave SweepsS Secretary of Slate nominee, but the peeds of agriculture." the Gu.itemalsn frontier into urea to put an end to aggression P r i b y • o n backers stated He forecast that the legislation Me.siro yesterday said they be- ehemently this would not satisfy which al.so deals with other in Central'America." ( , , , llevid the rebel,forces had the The vote found ' Riisoi*. Den- In L os A noelcs i 17 into L ake, ^them. phases of the farm aifuation-^win government on the run. ’ A Bos- mark. I.,ebnnon and tifw Zealand This tr*aten*<1 another floor pass the House. ton newapaperman in the group in favor of the Guat^alan agen- fight over the congressman-at- Just before approving the bill aald he had seen 400 wounded da. The United States.' -Brazil O il T anks F ire 1 i p S ACO raS Some Drowned large post. .___. ------— ' • government troopa en route to the Colombia. Natlonaliat China and . Welcome Comes leMt (Coatinned on Page FIW) Shop Haleys For Your Hosiery Needs -i'w-i K - .4 . . i ; Turkey voted'agaidst it and Brit- ' in"*' 1 Hallam. Neb., June 26 ifl - De-r Phillipsburg, told how the mail car ' Chicago, June 26 t/pi Chicago ! The cona-entlon got off to a baclt A rebel broadcast claimed Caa-, ain and France abstained. million dollar .oil fire that rxplod-1 ^aliment of. the Rock tsiami rail- -Jr lipped over and 'dhe dirt started Pa.rk Police said today at least 17 up start last night, putting the hirst quality sheer nylons in new aummer shades. e treatment;. ■starting to Mallsm with . other Police said at least 16 fl.shermen : ford’w Mayor Dominick DeLUcco r.-- Sihte much of the fuel was . least 16 or- 18 of the passen- trainmen to tur.i 'in the wreck re- had been sw ept off riH-ks aiid into wasn't made by . the Mayor when destined for military use. the Navy gers were seriously hurt, reports jHirt. : the lake at the Montrose Harbor, , convention chairman Chester: NEW POtJO DRI\-E SLATED NO^SEAM KNEE HIGHS . . . 79c Pr. and FBI aided by the. Los Angeles to State Safety Patrol Chief Col. C. Col. .SaiKicis .said his men who oh Chicagols North Side, and one •Bowles called for it ^ U. S. Sen. | New York. June 86 iJA—Tka arson .squad ,began checking the .J. .Sanders, at Lincoln, indicated, ru.shod to the .scene reported one had been washed into the water gt John Kenney i D-.Maisj went; N’aliimal Fmindatioo for Infaa- GIRL SCOUT NYLON REINFORCED ANKLETS ...... 3 Pr. $1.00 Japan’s Leaders Battle possibility of .sabotage. A check of hospitals at Lincoln, car piled on top of another while a pier at N orth Avgniie. 28 bios ks ahead with hit speech. - tile Paral.vsis haa aanounced an As tanks ex'ploded, a pikil of: Beatrice and Crete to which the in- ; further south. ; "You’ll get a welcome' said: "emergency .March of Dimes’* burning oil formed within a 20-■ Pired were sped by ambulance and (Continued on Page Five) i All available rescue eq.uipiiient former Gov. Bdwies. "Il'll be a' .\iig. 16 to SI to raise aa addi­ MESS KIT To Curb Eeonomy Skid foot high firewall around the stor-: instances by private car showed [of the V. S.' Coast Guard, police little late, but you’ll gel one." tional 80 million dollar*. Regu­ age area of Tide Water A.’.sociated ■ P* persons still hospitalized. At I ind file departments were rushed Later it was explained that De . lar drive last Januar.v. whlrh ll'a a l 14 others w ere treated an'il j^to the scene. The C oast G uard sent Lucco was preparing for a trip to set a record of m'UlioiM In Toiletries President E iw nhow er In a t (Continued on Page Two) i , ■ j four boats to aid In the rescue ef- Italv toda.v and couldn't ■ make it. rontiibiitlnns. sttU fell short of JS’alional JCditorial Assn, said J«- ______' ' ' Unofficial reports indicated about I 'oi t. the fund* needed to cniry m $2.75 Summer apeiech this week railed Japan the pan-miist have help an-8ons "definitely", had been •McC a r t h y iak ska p o l l lest It fall under. Communist Japan is trying to help itself gates started streaming from the i domination. Here in a summary of ir»l r IVT rgs • 1 E ngineer Ro.v Ensign of Fair- Jrowned and that rescuers "still hall. ' '' Dayton. , June 86 .J*!— It’s dacrori'^nd wooL in’subtle colors.. Splash and slub HANDBAGS $ 1.00 TUSSY DEODORANT CREAM* - .. "'ith an “austerity” program. 1 le a fo r .iMeW lrial-|.bury. Neb,, said -I don't, know 8en. .MK'arthy took a licldag by what Japan Is.doing to help itself. In the past three month* Japan, Blonde burlesque stripper. Mar- . what happened. The train started to (Continued on Page Five) (Continued »n Page Five) nearly 8-1 In a poll th e D aytan weaves for the man in th? GRAMERCY PARK suit this which must trade to live, has be­ ■ shimmy and all of a sudden Kwas iaret Bain admits killing 5-week NEW HAZEL BISHOP LIPSTICK^ ..:.. By JIM BECKER ‘ Journal Herald conducted on tba season. The miracle of dacron helps, this suit keep its Easy to clean plastics. Also eyelet or nylon fabrics Ifl gun to sell more abroad while Hartford, June 26 i.'Pi Fra/ik • thrown agajnst the controls. aid son in. Cleveland and hit^- McC'arthy - Army hearing a. ■ Tokyo, June 26 lAh—Japan in . holding down on things it buys. Wojculewirz. parari'Zed-slayer of a -Mail- clerk-John Helm. 32, of hiking east- . . . State inr-estiga- ' GIRL SCOUT draw stHng, zipper or top handle styles. IJueMton—Do you believe Bee- crease, shed wrinkles and wear well. Tastefully styled' POND’S a n g e l SKIN COMPACT the past three months has slammed It is the first trade upturn for New______Britain.------policeman----______and a by- ; tors leaving no atone unturned, a* retary Stevead aad him atnff the brakies on the-downhill plunge ' Japan In years. slander Vestertay loaf another, bid they hunt kjller of anti-vice cru-- in a wide selection of colors and te.xturcs . . . it’s a real POWDER . . . t ...... ;...... $ 1 .0 0 Congregationalists Moving praved^thelr charge that Sen. buy at only towitrd bankruptcy and social A* a result, shaky.busiheasea are : to escape the electric chair. I wder in' Alabama . . . .McCarthy (R-Hlh) and his staff CUTLERY SET 7 $l-9« $2.98 „ . chaos. tumbling and the man in the street The convicted Killer claimed that Posse Hunts Girl, 5, U. S. Air Force begins eva<-uating used Improper pressure to aerum is finding it harder, to make ends he was entitled to a new trial be- • . 1 • ’■ • . SEA and SKI TANNING CREAM . 59c +0 $ 1.98 _THe long skid toward disaster wounded F'rench from Saigon . Tp Decision on Unity Issue privileges for David Sehlne? has not stopped for the nation meet. But the government insists , cause he was . temporarily insane III Mountain Pass P.ai-ole application of W illiam which President -Eisenhower this, "austerity" is the only way to pull while his appeal from" the first de­ Remington rejerted . . R^ord CHOI TO VISIT Bl'RMA - $1.75 Plus T ax SUTTON DEODORANT STICK ...... 59c week called the "Key to the De­ this teeming island empire back gree murder .conviction 'was pend­ temperatures being recorded in-* '•New Haven, June 26 . » New Delhi. India;- June 86 Markleeville, Calif., June 26 i/P) to' Uphold Congregational' Princi­ ' . — - A* ■ fense" of the western Pacifle. But from the brink of disaster. ing in the State Supreme Court. most o f nation during June heat Against- a bac> ground of high 1**'—Communist Chinese ' Pre­ and up Thirty men and two trained ples, has challei.ged the conduct 'New clutch bags with clearyiew coin purse. $L00 NEW 15 m in u te LOTION To n i r e fil l .. $1.50 the pace' of the skid ha* slowed. This ia Japan's economic prob- State’s Atty. Albert 8. Bill de- •wave...... tension. Congrei i tional Christians, of the social action'agency, claim­ mier Chou 'En-lai has aeeeptad V lena: It ia buying products, mostly bloodhounds combed the rugged If the d'rivers keep their nerve . murred to Wojoulewiczks motion Liquid meals being detlsed for today moved towai^d a .showdown , ing it should not speak deflnltelv aa Invitation fren llni inane complete. •• t „ ' —^nd the nation stands"the strain raw materials for factories and ,for a new trial' on the grounds H igh Sf^rra ne.-jr 8..573 foot Kil -let combat pilots . . , Singen Dick on,whether they wabt a concerted Prim e ' .Minister I ' N'n la stop , BEACH BAGS FOR SUITS. Etc. .. $1.00 to $2.98 food .for the people.,,from- ,.e..,from loto th er ' that the inental stafiis of an a*s -Carson jPass early today for a 5- .On controversial.-questions. Rcfulars, longSHihorts and sHort stouts. Sizes 35 to 50. GIRLS’ DEPT. — 2nd FLOOR .-r-thattle voice on modern social issues.' Accusations also have been ver la Rangooa on. hia wqy to . economy under control-and/avoid countries a t thA ^ rra a te te ,qf S2.3M.flOO.- cused is not important at the time year^oid'gf.I who wandered a'wav to stay In the I*. S. . Up fop' decision by delegates J'elpiag after a 6-dajr vtait IB 000 a year, Bu|t Japan is filing hurled that the agency aometimaa ■ ■ ■ ■. i • BATHING CAPS ...... 49c to 98c the fwin^ eatastrophM of rtuiaway of an appeal since the Supreme fiom her .parents last night. i J^anese sdentists working 'on from werosa th-i nation was a tbe ladlaa. cs^laL, Green Stamps Givgp With Cash Sales abroatr^nly about . 11,200.000,000 a dourt 4* -only a court of review. . The little giri wg. Identified as echoed pro-Oommunist or leftist Inflation" and a- billion dollar for­ year. X . I method of testing dnmkenne-ia by ' long-simmering Controversy .over views. ' eign. trade deficit. ' Yesterday Superior Court Judge Kathy Paxton of *Cupertino. Cabf.. I measuring brain waves , . . E arth-; the future operation‘of thifir 20-, TRL'M.W H.\6 GOOD NIGNT . 85c NOXZ^^A CREAM .... 59c - MiUtlo" Kpeadlng Fades I George C. Conway, suitatned ^Bill's in the.. San-F/ancisco . Brv area. A review boariFs investigation Kansas City. Jinie 86 »_Psr> . The hands at -the controls be­ iual|e shaking Pdlpeslian araa of. year-old Social Action.,doiinclL reDort. to. be considered at the I-.' ■ ■■; ■ U.S. miUtary spending here . demurrer. The only recourse' open The names of her oarents" Were mer PresldeM Harrg 6. ’ntanws long to hard-bitten Prime Minister (long Kong according 'to . (ted The fundamental, queetlbn, one convention, ce,^;diates charges of 83c LADY ESTHER CREAM . amounts to about 700 million dol­ lb W’ojculqwicz’ now is to appeal not immediately available. bro:^raat., had a goad night Into 6li|il6. ia6 vV Shigeru -Yohhida and his conyerva- lars a' year, but thU ia dwindling that hagarngn repeatedly over the "pro-Commiinisin''. agiina't ’agency] 1- . ■ ' ■ Judge Conway's ..decision to the '_Seari'herz repo'ied by r.adib .that ^ n . McCarthy iR-WIai will hej his caadltton M nlhM M rVltodi^ 7 tive-minded Liberal pXriy. Already ainre tl)e truce in the Korean war.i Supreme Cburlj ' v , >;r«ra -tnvman'y denominations., wka directors and avowa the council's, isfactary. « ...... V SUN GLASSES ...... 39c to 98c government ebonomista see a little ;t was bitlerly cold and Vindy In absent from *100 platartSOP din-^ Whether Christians' unltedl.v shoulld I V E T v 9REEN STAMPS Now Japan haa only aOO m illi^ I Wojculew'icz'fatqlly ahot a po- the regten ^where the girl la ioat, statementa hav* always been with- ’ said to d ^ . hope. ^ ter at Mllwaukca tonight . . Vir-,i try^ to translate their faith. Into - Im- th e ' "C luiatlaa ,1 'n ^ \l^nhower In « apeach^.to the ) -----^ ‘ > ■ ■ i ginia FHA official igiys. "scandal 1 •olutlenit- .06- speeillc taauea' . , i: - (C^atfanai aa Fa|a Twa) 1 (Caattaaae..aa Paga »w») \ ‘ (Caatteneg Pmg« T m ) . 't- aaa belpeg our boMbeaa.’* . ' Ah org|plaad faetii^ the League' id m r n m m S on 6) \ J-:'.’ A- \\