Accessions to the Zoological Museum of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki, in 2011

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Accessions to the Zoological Museum of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki, in 2011 Memoranda Soc. Soc. Fauna Fauna Flora Flora Fennica Fennica 88, 88: 2012 81–83. • Albrecht 2012 et al. 81 Accessions to the Zoological Museum of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki, in 2011 Anders Albrecht, Martti Hildén & Ritva Talman Albrecht, A., Hildén, M., & Talman, R., Zoology Unit, Finnish Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 17 (P. Rautatiekatu 13), FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland. The number of accessions in 2011 amounted to 513 vertebrate specimens, 30,014 insects and 3,695 samples of other invertebrates. The systematic groups represented are listed below and some note- worthy faunistic records are reported. Dermaptera 2 Vertebrates Hemiptera 311 Hymenoptera 3,139 The vertebrate collections have increased by 513 Lepidoptera 21,213 samples, which included 90 mammals, 419 birds, Neuroptera 10 2 reptiles and 2 fishes. Orthoptera 8 Faunistically interesting was the second re- Psocoptera 3 cord of the Atlantic bonito Sarda sarda (Bloch) Trichoptera 1 from the Baltic Sea, from N: Inkoo 26.7.2011, leg. Krister Hellström, det. Martti Hildén, found The larger materials included: Lepidoptera: dead in a fyke net at a depth of 25 meters, 400 Coll. Leif Löfgren, 21,200 specimens, donated by m out from shore. Interestingly, also the previous Jenny Löfgren. Hymenoptera (Symphyta and Ac- catch in the Baltic was from Finnish waters from uleata): 927 specimens donated by the Universi- Ab: Kustavi in 1938 (Koli 1990). Atlantic boni- ty of Eastern Finland and 1,000 specimens donat- tos are occasional visitors in the Kattegat and the ed by Jari Flinck. Diptera, Syrphidae: 1,800 spec- Danish Straits, but they are not known to enter the imens donated by Sakari Kerppola. Diptera lar- inner Baltic Sea except on these two occasions. vae: 750 specimens donated by Elvira Rättel and Gunilla Ståhls. Faunistically interesting accessions were: Insects Phytomyza diversicornis Hendel (Diptera, Agro- myzidae), Li: Inari, Erkki & Leena Laasonen The collection of insects increased by 30,014 (new for Finland); Hoplitis leucomelaena (Kir- samples referable to different taxa as follows: by) (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae), Sa: Joutseno, Martti Raekunnas (new for Finland); Agonopterix Dictyoptera 7 Diptera 3,908 subpropinquella (Stainton) (Lepidoptera, Ela- Diptera (larvae) 750 chistidae) Ka: Anjalankoski, Harri Luoma (the Coleoptera 662 first sample from Finland). 82 Albrecht et al. • Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica 88, 2012 Invertebrates Among taxonomically or faunistically inter- esting accessions were: The incoming samples to the invertebrate collec- Crustacea, Malacostraca: Amphipoda Sandro tion (other than insects) have been electronically straussi Daneliya, 2011, holotype and 58 paratype catalogued (”digitised”) since 1999. In parallel, samples collected from Madagascar, Fianarant- parts of the older resident material have been en- soa Province, Ranomafana National Park in tered into the database, which currently compris- 2007–2008 by A. Strauss, (Daneliya 2011). Crus- es ca.100,000 entries. The database is not yet on- tacea, Malacostraca, Mysida: Paramysis kessleri line. Moreover, some material has been separate- sarsi (Derzhavin, 1925), neotype, from Ukraine, ly digitised by projects of the Finnish Digitisa- Kherson region, Dnepr, leg. M. Daneliya 2004 tion Centre. (Daneliya, & Petryshev 2011). Diplopoda: Alla- The collection of invertebrates increased by julus nitidus (Verhoeff 1891), from N: Helsinki, 3,695 samples. The accessions refer to different Töölönlahti leg. U.-M. Liukko in May 2010, det. taxa as follows: T. Pajunen (new for the collection). Annelida 2 Arachnida 2,279 Chilopoda 7 Acknowledgements. The museum gratefully acknowledg- Crustacea 203 es the following donors: A. Aalto, M. Aalto, E. Aaltonen, Diplopoda 14 T. Aaltonen, K. Ahlmark, M. Aho, K. Ahtola, J. Airola, Mollusca 1,190 M. Alanko, T. Alén, G. Andersson, M. Andersson, S. An- dreev, P. Anttonen, R. Aspen, M. Attila, A. Audzijonyte, The larger materials included: O. Autio, H. Äyräväinen, N. Bell, K. Bergqvist, P. Beron, G. Biström, O. Biström, H. Björkman, V. Blad, R. Blom- Arachnida: 906 samples of Araneae from Tb: felt, H. Blomqvist, R. Carlsson, M. Cristescu, G. Dahl- Saarijärvi, Pyhä-Häkki National Park, 1984, leg. vik, J. Dahlvik, M. Daneliya, K. Degerstedt, S. Drischen- O. Biström and R. Väisänen, det. T. Pajunen; 407 ko, T. Drischenko, B. Ehnvall, H. Ekblom, S. Ekblom, B. samples of Araneae beaten from Juniperus bush- Ekman, O. Ekroos, A. Eloranta, V. Englund, G. Eriksson, es from various locations in Finland in 2009, leg. J. Eriksson, Ernvall, Evira, J. Flinck, M. Friman, A. From- R. A. Väisänen, det. T. Pajunen; 386 samples of hol, Z. Gizulewska, L. Gottberg, H. Granlund, C. Gran- roth, N. & J. Gustafsson, I. Haahtela, E. Haapanen, L. Araneae from N: Pyhtää, Kaunissaari, 2009, leg. Haapasalmi, A. Haarto, R. Hahkala, Hakala, M. Hämäläi- & det. T. Pajunen; 249 samples of Araneae from nen, M. Hänninen, P. Hänninen, P. Hannula, I. Hanski, L. Tb: Keuruu, Kuorevesi, Längelmäki and Orive- Haque, M. Hardman, S. Härkönen, O.-P. Hartikainen, M. si in 2006, leg. S. Venn, det. T. Pajunen. Crus- Hartman-Salminen, H. Havi, P. Heikkinen, M. Heino, E. tacea, Malacostraca: 26 samples of Amphipoda Heinonen, M. Heinonen, A. Helin, K. Hellström, H. Hent- from Lake Baikal, Russia, related to the reassess- tonen, J. Hietaharju, T. Hietaniemi, M. Hietaranta, L. Hii- sivuori, P. Höglund, A.-M. Holmström, H. Hongell, T. ment of the genus Babr by Daneliya et al. (2009); Honkanen, T. Huuskonen, M. Hytönen, E. Hyvärinen, J. 62 samples of Mysida, associated with system- Hyvönen, V. Hyyryläinen, J. Ihantola, P. Ijäs, R. Ikäheimo, atic and phylogeographic studies of Paramy- M. Isomursu, V. Issakainen, M. Jääskeläinen, U. Janas, A. sis and allied genera in the Ponto-Caspian Basin Järvikivi, R. Jensen, J. Juokslahti, L. Juselius, R. Jussila, (e.g. Audzijonyte et al. 2006, 2008, Daneliya & M. Jutila, J. Juvonen, J. Kahanpää, L. Kaila, C. Kalenius, Petryashev 2011). Mollusca: 605 samples of ter- P. Kallioniemi, S. Kallunki, R.M. Kamaltynov, P. Kanto- nen, T. Karreinen, E. Katila, H. Kautto, K. Kavonius, A. restrial Gastropoda from Tb: Kuru and Ikaalinen, Keinonen, S. Kerppola, M. Keskinen, I.V. Khanaev, H. Seitseminen National Park 1985, leg. & det. T. Kinnunen, R. Kivinen, E. Kivisaari, P. Klemola, S. Kock, Mattila; a collection of 356 samples of terrestrial J. Koivu, M. Koivumäki, Kokkola, K. Könönen, P. Kont- Gastropoda from Madeira Islands, Portugal, leg. ro, J. Korhonen, M. Korkea-aho, J. Koskela, H. Koski- H. Lindberg in 1957 and S. Panelius in 1959, det. nen, K. Koskinen, V. Koskinen, Koskivaara, S. Kovatch- R. Talman (including several new species for the ev, M. Kozlov, J. Kullberg, Kuopion vesipiirin vesitoimis- to, M. Kuussaari, K. Kyllönen, H. Laakkonen, T. Laak- collection). In addition, 5,803 samples from the sonen, E. Laasonen, L. Laasonen, J. Laitasalo, M. Laiti- museum’s old exotic Gastropoda collections were nen, V.-P. Lamminen, Lamminsoila, S. Lämsä, L. Läns- newly catalogued, including several taxa not pre- man, S. Lastula, K. Latvala, A. Laurila, T. Lautamäki, A. viously listed. Lavikainen (HUSLAB), A. Lehikoinen, P. Lehikoinen, S. Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica 88, 2012 • Albrecht et al. 83 Lehikoinen, J. Lehtonen, R. Leino, T. Levonperä, M. Lil- J. Yrjölä, the Espoo, Nokia, Tampere and Valkeakoski po- ja, J. Lindegren, I. Lindroos, R. Lindström, T. Linkonen, lice stations, the Finnish Environment Institute, the Finn- U.-M. Liukko, J. Löfgren, S. Loive, H. Lokki, O. Loukola, ish Food Safety Authority, the Helsinki City Rescue De- M. Lundén, H. Luoma, K. Luotu, R. Luttinen, A. Määttä, partment, the Helsinki Zoo - Korkeasaari, the Kuru Game P. Mäki, R. Mäki, J. Mäki-Jaakkola, I. Mäkinen, J. Mäki- Management Association, the LWL-Natural History Mu- nen, K. Mäkinen, A. Makkonen, M. Malinen, P. Malinen, seum, the Nature Collection Kieppi, the organisation Poh- H. Malkio, J. P. Mäntysaari, P.K. Marke, J. Markkanen, P. jola-Norden, the Porvoo animal shelter, the Porvoo Mu- Martikainen, S. Mattila, T. Mattila, H. Metsikkö, T. Metsä- seum, the University of Eastern Finland, the University nen, K. Mikkola, L. Mikonranta, A. Möttönen, S. Mugue, of Oulu, the Vehkoo nursing home and the Åland provin- Münster, J. Muona, A. Nakari, M. Näsman-Repo, H. Ne- cial government vas, J. Niemelä, M. Niemi, T. Niemi, R. Niemistö, S. Nii- ranen, J. Niittylä, P. Nikkanen, T. Nikkinen, K. Nykänen, P. Nyman, S. J. Ojala, E. Ojanen, M. Öst, P. Oulasvirta, O. Paasivirta, M. Pajari, T. Pajunen, U. Palminkoski, J. Palo, References A. Parkkali, J. Paukkunen, J. Pelkonen, M. Pentinsaari, M. Pernu, S. Pettersen, A. Petäinen, J. Pietilä, H. Pihl, K.-O. Audzijonyte, A., Daneliya, M.E. & Väinölä, R., 2006: Pihl, J. Pihlainen, T. Pikkarainen, R. Pöllänen, P. Puhjo, P. Comparative phylogeography of Ponto-Caspian my- Punttila, A. Puolakoski, A. Quarnström, M. Raekunnas, R. sid crustaceans: isolation and exchange among dy- Raita, J. Raitaranta, S. Raivio, M. Ranta, Y. Ranta, K. Ran- namic inland sea basins. — Molecular Ecology 15: tanen, M. Rasila, E. Rättel, S. Rautevaara, T. Reinikainen, 2969–2984. J. Ridell, A.-M. Rinne, N. Ristimäki, A. Ristseppä, L. Roi- Audzijonyte, A, Daneliya, M.E., Mugue, N. & Väinölä, ha, K. Roine, K. Roponen, T. Ruben, J. Ruoho, B. Russev, R., 2008: Phylogeny of Paramysis (Crustacea: Mysi- M. Ryske, J. Saarikivi, M. Saariluoma, V. Saaritsa, Saik- da) and the origin of Ponto-Caspian endemic diver- konen, T. Salin, T. Salmela, E. Salo, K. Salo, H. Salonen, sity: resolving power from nuclear protein coding J. Salonen, M. Sankari, J. Santaharju, A. Santangeli, H. genes. — Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 46: Saukkonen, P. Saurola, G. Schuhmacher, N. Seppälä, S. 738–759. Seppänen, T. Sigg, H. Silfverberg, M. Silmu, H. Sinisalo, Daneliya, M.E. 2011: A new species of Sandro Karaman K. Sipinen, M. Sissonen, J. Smith, J. Snellman, P. Sola, G. & Barnard (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Austroniphargus Ståhls, I. Sten, M. Stjernberg, S. Strandberg, R. Stubbing- family group) from South-East Madagascar. — ton, P. Sulkava, R. Sulkava, M. Suurkoivu, H. Syrjä, N.
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