Boating Safety Plan Sydney Harbour and its tributaries Published in July 2014 Prepared by the Maritime Management Centre Policy and Regulation Division Transport for NSW Level 4 No 18 Lee Street Chippendale NSW 2008 PO Box K659 Haymarket NSW 1240 E-mail:
[email protected] Front cover photo: Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race courtesy of Rolex/Daniel Forster Boating Safety Plan – Sydney Harbour and its tributaries Contents 1. Setting the scene 2 Introduction 2 Estuary profile 2 Legislative and administrative context 6 Vessels 6 Special aquatic events 9 On-water resources 10 2. Boating Restrictions 12 3. Access to the waterway 15 4. Campaigns, complaints, infringements and incidents 18 Education and safety campaigns 18 Complaints 18 Infringements 19 Incidents 20 The role of excessive speed 23 5. Consultations 26 6. Estuary wide matters 27 Issues relating to vessel speed 27 Issues relating to the behaviour of the vessel operators 27 Issues related to compliance and enforcement 27 Issues relating to access and management 28 7. Matters relating to specific sectors 34 1: The Parramatta River 36 2: The Lane Cove River 42 3: The Inner Harbour 45 4: The Outer Harbour 50 5: North Harbour 55 6: Middle Harbour 58 8. Monitoring and review 63 Have your say 63 Appendix 1 Sydney Harbour Speed Review Report conclusions summary 64 Appendix 2 External stakeholders consulted 66 Appendix 3 Glossary 67 Boating Safety Plan – Sydney Harbour and its tributaries 1 1. Setting the scene Introduction Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) is the State’s safety regulator for recreational and commercial vessels.