Mr John Sivyer Miss Caroline Leddy STOCKLAND BRISTOL Chairman Secretary PARISH MEETING Wayland Farm Washers Farm Stockland Bristol Stockland Bristol Near Bridgwater Near Bridgwater TA5 2PY TA5 2PY Telephone: 01278 653805 Email:
[email protected] Web Page: Service Manager – Policy Strategy and Development Sedgemoor District Council Bridgwater House King Sqyaure Bridgwater TA6 3AR 18 December 2015 Dear Sir, STAGE 1 LOCAL PLAN CONSULTATION – STOCKLAND BRISTOL PARISH MEETING COMMENTS Introduction On behalf of the Stockland Bristol Parish Meeting, I wish to submit the following comments, based upon my close inspection of the Local Plan Consultation Document as supplied to this Meeting by SDC, and many informal discussions held between myself and those parishioners who have, upon public invite expressed their views and opinions to me. Where I have gained a general consensus of opinion, I report that, and as where this was not forthcoming, I have expressed any divergence of or minority opinion. Whilst these are challenging times, this Parish also regards them as exciting times that offer opportunities for all and this Parish Meeting would like to be involved in whatever small ways possible, in contributing to the shaping of local plans for the future. Question 3 The consensus of opinion regarding the Local Plan Objectives for this question, was that this Parish is in broad agreement with all the Objectives and in particular with regard to: a. Flood Risk (“Approximately half of the Parish is located within Flood Zone 3 and is therefore at high risk of flooding”.