North Dakota Medical Association CONTENTS J UNE 2009 Checkup The mission of the North Dakota Medical Association is to promote the health and well- feature articles being of the citizens of North Dakota and to provide leadership to the medical community. 61st ND Legislative Assembly 5 The NDMA Checkup is published quarterly by Medicaid Rebase a Reality the North Dakota Medical Association, 1622 E. Interstate Avenue, P.O. Box 1198, Bismarck, ND 58502-1198, (701) 223-9475, Fax (701) 223-9476, Just What the Doctor Didn’t Order: e-mail:
[email protected] 11 Why Wills Alone Won’t Work For Most Physicians Robert A Thompson MD, President Kimberly T Krohn MD, Vice President A. Michael Booth MD, Secretary Treasurer ND Legislative Assembly Enacts Steven P Strinden MD, Speaker of the House 16 Shari L Orser MD, Immediate Past President Health Information Technology Bill Gaylord J Kavlie MD, AMA Delegate Robert W Beattie MD, AMA Alternate Delegate Understanding the Health Care Councillors: 17 Provisions of the Stimulus Joseph E Adducci MD Thomas F Arnold MD Package Steven D Berndt MD William D Canham MD Debra A Geier MD Will You Be Ready For Linda L Getz Kleiman MD 19 Yvonne L Gomez MD HITECH Health Care? Catherine E Houle MD Steven R Mattson MD Rupkumar Nagala MD Minor Consent for Prenatal Care Fadel Nammour MD 27 and SB 2394 Jeremiah J Penn MD Shelly A Seifert MD Rory D Trottier MD The Recovery Audit Contractor Derek C Wayman MD 29 (RAC) is Here Rosemarie Kuntz, MBA, CMPE, NDMGMA President Staff MMIC Risk Management Bruce Levi, Executive Director 34 Managing Medication Risks Dean Haas, General Counsel Leann Tschider, Director of Membership & Office Manager Annette Weigel, Secretary Shelly Duppong, Designer & Production Manager departments with Clearwater Communications SUBMISSIONS: The NDMA Checkup welcomes manuscript, photog- President’s Message 3 raphy and art submissions.