KEN GILLING'S BOOKS BOOK NUMBERTITLE AUTHOR DETAILS CONDITION PRICE SOLD ANGLO BOER WAR 1 Life on The Commando During The Anglo Boer War Frans John Pretorius Human & Rousscan, Cape Town 400,00 2 The War Diary of Burgher Jack Lane 1899 - 1902 Edited by Willaim Lane & Signed by This FamilyVan Riebeck Society No.32 100,00 3 Tossie Meg Fargher Burdmarsh Publishing, jhb. 2011 70,00 4 The Battle of Spionkop Oliver Rawsford John Murray Publishing, London.1969 50,00 5 General Louis Botha's 2nd Expedition to Natal Sept- Oct 1901Dermot Micheal Moore Historical Publication Society 1979 100,00 6 No Charge for Delivery C.W.L Souza Books of Africa. 1969 150,00 7 Hero of The Empire Candice Milllard Double Day Publishing, New York.2016. 1st Ed 150,00 8 Silence of The Guns Loui Changuin Protea Book House, Menlo Park. 2001 350,00 9 No Outspan Donys Reitz Farber & Farber, London 80,00 10 Trekking On Donys Reitz Farber & Farber, London 80,00 11 The Siege of Ladysmith Gerald Sharp Purnel, Cape Town. 1976 150,00 12 Buller's Campaign Julian Symons Cresset Press, London 120,00 13 The Russians & The Anglo Boer War Appollon Bavidson/Irina Filatoua Human & Rousscan, Cape Town 350,00 14 The National Army Museum Book of The Boer War Lord Carver Sidewick & Jackson. 1999 280,00 15 Commando x2 Denys Reitz Farber & Farber, London 50,00 16 Walt! Action Front! With Colonel Long Colenso. Darrell Hall Covos Dam 160,00 17 The Irish Pro-Boers. 1877-1902 Donald McCracken Perskor, Cape Town. 1989 200,00 18 Churchill Wanted Dead or Alive Celia Sandys Harper Collins. 1999 250,00 19 The Boer War John Gooch Frank Cass, London 450,00 20 The Incredible Saga of The George Hills Boksburg Historian Ass 40,00 21 Boer Wars 1836-1898 Ian Knight/Gerry Embleton Ospray Military 150,00 22 Geskigenis van Die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog J.H Breytenburg Set of 6 2500,00 23 The History of The War in Maj.Gen. Sir Fredrick Maurice Set of 4 & 4 maps Books. 2500,00 24 Vaalpens on Rooibatjie Dann Retief. 1992 40,00 25 Rusteinburg at War Lionel Wulfson. 1987 300,00 26 A Diary of The Siege of Ladysmith Brian Keighin Teeanem Printers.1999 60,00 27 Mounted Infantry At War Capt. Stratford. St. Ledger Galago Press 250,00 28 The Boer Fight for Freedom Michael Davitt Funk & Wangnells. 1962 300,00 29 With The Flag To Pretoria Vol 1 & 2 After Pretoria.The Guerilla War 2Volms Harmsworth Bros 2800,00 30 The Siege of O'Okiep Peter Burker War Musuem, . 1995 450,00 31 The Transvaal War 1880- 1881 Lady Bellairs Struik. 1972 256,00 32 Private Tucker's Boer War Diary Pamela Todd & David Fordham ELM Books, London 120,00 33 Guide To The Anglo Boer War In The Eastern Transvaal Gert & Erika V.D Westhuizen. (2013 Ed) 34 Music of The Guns Henry John May Hutchinson 1200,00 35 War Diary Andre Wessels Human Science Research Council. 1986 300,00 36 Times History Of The War ( 7 vol) L. Amery 38 The National Army Museum Book of The Boer War Field Marshal Lord Carver 280,00 39 The Battle Of Tugela Heights 9 Raven Series) Ken Gillings 70, 00 40 Hall Handbook Of The Anglo Boer War ( x2 copies ) Darrel Hall 140 & 250,00 41 Heidelburgers of The War Ian Uys 140,00 42 How We Kept The Flag Flying Donald McDonald 150,00 43 Boerejode David Saks 120,00 44 Goodby Dolly Gray ( x2) Rayne Kruger 30 &100,00 45 The Boer War Thomas Pakenham 180,00 46 Khaki Cameos Pam McFadden 75,00 48 The Battle Of Spionkop Natal Parks Board 45,00 49 Denys Reitz Commando 50,00 50 From Cape Town to Ladysmith G.U. Steevens 100,00 51 With Buller In Natal G,A, Henty 100,00 52 The Tale A Field Hospital Frederic Teeves 150,00 55 With The Natal Brigade in Natal Lt. C.R.N. Burne 150, 00 56 Stormberg- A Lost Opportunity Johannes Metntjes 200,00 57 T he Book War Winston Churchill 100,00 58 Roberts & Kitchner in South Africa Rodney Atwood 180,00 59 Kruger Kommandoes & Kak Chris Ash 250,00 60 The Boer War 1899 -1900 R.E. King L.T.D 700,00 70 Rags Of Glory Stuart Cloete 30,00 71 Warrios Gateway Johan Wsselman & Brian Kearney 300,00 72 The Anglo Boer War 1899 - 1900 Photographic Engravines 1100,00 73 Die Deubrak Pieters Hoogit C.M. Bakkes 300,00 74 Rusteinburg at War Lionel Wulfson 300,00 75 The Boer War Thomas Pakenham Soft Back 60,00 77 Unofficial Despatches Of The Anglo Boer War Edgar Wallack 300,00 78 The Great Boer War Authur Cowan Doyle 100,00 79 General De Wet Eric Rosanthal 50,00 80 General Louis Botha Op Die Natalse Front A.A. Balkema 600,00 81 Galloping Jack Napier De Vitt 800,00 82 The Boer War Pictorial History. 1899- 1902 Johan Mentjies 300,00 83 Boer Rifles & Carbines Of The Anglo Boer War Ron Bester 200,00 84 The Anglo Boer War 1899 - 1900 Frans John Pretorius 1899 - 1902 120,00 85 The 'If ' Man Chris Ash 120,00 86 The Battlefields Of Natal Revisited John Singleton 800,00 87 The Boer War Martin Bossenbroek 180,00 88 With ''Bobs'' & Kruger Frederic william Unger 300,00 89My Reminiscences of The Anglo Boer War General Ben Viljoen 150,00 90 Christaan De Wet Frans John Pretorius 200,00 91 The Battle Of Amajuba Hill Oliver Ransford 80,00 92 Fight To The Bitter End Ian Uys 180,00 93 The Uitlander Robert Crisp 70,00 94 Boer War Diary Of Sol T. Plaatje John .L . Romarof 220,00 95 On Commando Dietlof Van Warmelo 200,00 96 Milner's Young Men Walter Nimocks 200,00 97 Thank God We Kept The Flag Alive Kenneth Griffith 140,00 98 One Man's Boer War Susan Pine- Coffin 350,00 99 Diary Of The Siege Of Ladysmith vol 1-6 80,00 100 Words Of An Eyewithness J. Linesman 220,00 101 Boer War Tribute Medals M.G Hibbard 550,00 102 Battles Of The Boer War W. Baring Pemberton 110,00 103 Bombaldment Of Ladysmith Anticipated Alan Chalmers 150,00 104 Boer Prisoners Of War In Bermuda Colin Benbow 300,00 105 Victoria Crosses Of The Anglo Boer War Ian Uys 90,00 106 Held Van Colenso C.J. Scheepers Strydom 40,00 107 The Anglo Boer War 1899 - 1902 Journal For Contemporary History 250,00 108 The Milner Papers Cecil Headlam 300,00 109 Diary Of The Siege Of Ladysmith No.7 30,00 110 David & Goliath. The First War Of Independence 1880-1881 George Duxbury 100,00 111 Commando x2 Denys Reitz 100,00 112 The Anglo Boer Wars 1815-1902 Michael Barthorp 150,00 113 The Boer War Edgar Holt 50,00 114 Boer Veraaier Aldert Blake 150,00 115 Magersfontein x2 George Duxbury 100 & 60,00 116 Fire In The Sky Owen Coetzer 120,00 117 Bombshell Poems Ladysmith Historical Society 100,00 118 For Queen & Empire Ralph Sutton 150,00 119 General Sir Redvers Buller 1839-1908 Micheal Pentreath 40,00 120 Through Desert,Veld & Mud H.R. Paterson & M. Levin 120,00 121 Generals Of The Anglo Boer War Philip Bateman 100,00 122 S.A War Casualty Roll- Natal Field Force J.D Hayward 250,00 123 S.A And The Transvaal War set of 6 Louis Creswicke 900,00 124 S.A. And The Transvaal War set of 4 Louis Creswicke 3800,00 125 O'O KIEP Brian Kieran 500,00 126 S.A. Field Force Casualty List 450,00 127 Anglo Boer War Album Journal 40,00 128 Anglo Boer War Album 1200,00 129 A Guide To The Battlefield In The Northern Eastern Cape 80,00 130 A Guide To The Anglo Boer War In The Eastern Transvaal Gert & Erika V.D Westhuizen 250,00 131 Battlefield Monuments & Graves Of The Anglo Boer War In BloemfonteinD.A. V.D Bank & Vicinity 180,00 132 The Battlefields Of Natal Revisited John Singleton 800,00 133 The Boer War Martin Bossenbroek 180,00 134 The Temporary Boer Railway Station At Rietfontein John Hawketbury 50,00 135 Our In South Africa John Stirline 300,00 136 S.A War Honours & Awards 1899-1902 Joseph Chamberllain 150,00 137 24 Veldslag En Slagvelde In Die Nordwes Gert V.D. Berch Provinsie 100,00 138 The Wicked Wit Of Winston Churchil Dominique Enright 100,00 139 A History Of the English Speaking People's Vol. 1-4 450,00 140 Chasing Churchill Celia Sandys 200,00 141 Winston Churchill- The Second World War set of 6 Vol 480,00 142 The white Whirlwind x2 T.V. Bulpin 350 & 250,00 143 Shaka's Country T.V. Bulpin R100.00 144 Storm Over The Transvaal T.V. Bulpin 160,00 145 Natal and Zulu Country T.V. Bulpin 140,00 146 Islands In The Forgotten Sea T.V. Bulpin 200,00 147 Secrets And Stories Of War x2 vol.set Reader's Digest 100,00 148 The Super- Afrikanders Ivor Wilkins & Hans Trydom 300,00 149 She H.Dider Haggard 50,00 150 From Sepoy To Sabada James Lunt 90,00 151 Of A Lion And Eagly Charles Leach 120,00 152 African Interllectuals Mcebisi Mdletyana 120,00 153 Natal Drakensburg Pat Irwin 70,00 154 Tracks In A Mountain Range John Write and Aron Mazel 100,00 156 Entrance Of The ''Conch'' To Port Natal William Bell 30,00 157 Regimental History Royal Arttillary History 50,00 158 Zulu Journal Carel Birkby 200,00 159 Glenwood High School Kevin Jordan and Shaun M'Cabe 180,00 160 The Natal Mainline Story Heine Heydenrch and Bruno Martin 250,00 161 Olden Times In Zululand and Natal A.T. Bryant 900,00 162 Natal and The Boers T. Rowell 500,00 163 Water Names In Natal T.J.R Botha 250,00 164 The City Of Pietmaritzburg 90,00 165 Life At Natal 100 Years Ago 80,00 166 For Hearth and Home Simon Haw and Richard Frame 200,00 167 Attillary Traditions 30,00 168 100 Years of The Light Infantry Drill Hall Brian Kearney 50,00 169 S.A'a Gunners 40,00 170 A Short History Of The Royal Of Wales D.G McIntosh 50,00 171 150th Annivesarry Of The 50,00 172 The Durban Light Infantry 1854 -2011 Brian Kearney 550,00 173 The Natal Mounted Rifiles History Eric Goetzsche 250,00 174 The Elite- The Story Of The Rhodesian SAS Barbara Cole 250,00 175 Tartan On The Veld- The Transvaal Scottiish 1950-1993 James Mitchell 600,00 178 S. S.A Infantry 1962- 1983 100,00 179 SAS Inkonkoni 1885-1985 S.H.C Payne 100,00 180 The Durban Light Infantry. 2 Vol,1854-1960 LT. Col. A.C Martin 500,00 set 181 The Kaffrarian Rifles 1876-1976 Francis Coleman 600,00 182 The Carbineer- Centenary Issue 40,00 183 Regimental History Royal Arttillary History 30,00 184 Selouse Scouts- Top Secret War Pistor Stiff 250,00 185 South Africa's Border War. 1966-1989 2 copies Willem Steenkamp 500,00 186 Natalians First P.S Thomson 70,00 187 N. Stratagrese Ontleding Van Die Konflik In Die Umzukulu- GebiedC. J Kruger Van KwaZulu Natal 200,00 188 Graves and Guineas J.T. McNish 150,00 189 Forgotten Frontiers Men Alf Wannenburg 120,00 190 Avontuur In Angola Sophia Du Preez 200,00 191 Jannie Geldenhuys- A General's Story 500,00 192 Don't Laugh You Might Be Here John Goodrich 80,00 193 Anola Operation Savannah F.J. Du . Spies 600,00 194 Images of War Peter Badcock 250,00 195 Battle of The Burlon Charles Miller 220,00 196 South Africa's Military, Who's Who 1452-1992 Ian Uys 200,00 197 Cross Of Honour Ian Uys 300,00 198 Bushman Soldier Ian Uys 600,00 199 The Terror Fighters A.L .J. Venter 400,00 200 The Silent War Peter Stiff 300,00 201 9 Days Of War Peter Stiff 500,00 202 War In Angola Helmoed- Romer Heitman 500,00 203 Die Wat Wen Jannie Geldenhuys 200,00 204 Borderstrike Willem Steenkamp 280,00 205 Springbok Record Harry Klein 180,00 206 Military Vehicles Ian Hose and John Weeks 100,00 207 Memoirs Of John David Durow 2nd Field Rest .N.F.H 50,00 208 Natal Province Of Contrasts David Steel and Gerald Cubitt 100,00 209 Lantern - Natal 150 40,00 210 The Statemen Terry Ersteen 200,00 201 Story Of A Frontier Family Wendy Beal Preston 150,00 202 The Soldiers Willem Steenkamp 180,00 203 The Moor Diaries 1890-1916 150,00 204 The Battle Of Bronkhorstspruit 350,00 205 For Rememberance. South Africa James Gildea 3500,00 206 To The Shores Of Natal T.V. Bulpin 150,00 207 From Playgrounds To Battlefield Piet V.D. Byl 160,00 208 Strange Days Indeed Shaun Johnson 50,00 209 More Annals Of Natal A.F Hattersley 500,00 210 The Foster Game H.J. May and Ian Hamilton 150,00 211 Short Stories From Southern Africa 80,00 212 Sparks From The BorderAnvil A.W. Burton x2 copies 120 & 200,00 213 The Lost World Of Kalahari Lourens V.D Post 80,00 214 Charles Smythe Daphne Child 200,00 215 Douglas Mitchel Terry Wilks 260,00 216 Loginov. Spy In The Sun Barbara Carl 100,00 217 Muldergate Mervin Rees and Chris Day 100,00 218 A Natal Family Looks Back H.C. Luge 130,00 219 Notes In The House John Scott 50,00 220 I Have Reaped My Hielies H.l. Hall 80,00 221 7 Battles That Shaped South Africa Greg Mills and David William 80,00 222 The Cradle Days Of Natal Graham Markburtan 200,00 223 History Of South West Africa I. Goldbatt 250,00 224 Dick King Joyce Scallan 350,00 225 History Of Old Durban George Russell 200,00 226 Die Ruitor In Die Nag Mikro 50,00 227 Zulu Names In Natal Daily News 60,00 228 In The Shadow Of The Drankensburg John Shephard 200,00 229 Southern African Terrorism Micheal Morris 250,00 230 South African Dispatches Jennifer Grwys- Willians 200,00 231 Wilhelm Posselt S. Bourquin 250,00 232 Adrus Angola Willem Steenkamp 300,00 234 Travels In The Wilds Of Africa Percival Kirby 200,00 235 The Volunteer Rebels of Natal and East Griqualand Col. Godfrey Hurst 400,00 236 Jan Smuts Christopher Danziger 30,00 237 One Man In His Time- Jan Christiaan Smuts Phylus Scarnell Lean 80,00 238 Brits Speak Out John Lindsay 80,00 239 Suid- Afrikaanse Plaknaam Woorde Boek P.J. Nienaber 100,00 240 The Armed Forces Of South Africa G.Tylden 300,00 241 The Civil War Don Congdon 100,00 242 Hart Bottle's Dictionary Of Battles 50,00 243 If Courage Goes Cattrine Taylor 80,00 244 Thomas Baines J.P.R. 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Samualson 300,00 262 A Man Of His Time-Sir Duncan McKenzie 100,00 263 Landmates Of Old Durban Edmund Dawes 120,00 264 Intimate Biographies Loius Snyder 120,00 265 The Microcosm Thelma Gutscher 150,00 266 The VC and DSO Book Victoria Cross 1856-1920 250,00 267 The Smiths Of Ladysmith 80,00 268 Khuluma IsiZulu neSingisi 40,00 269 The Monuments Of South Africa 100,00 270 Travels In South Africa J.Campbell 350,00 271 Journey Through Ovampoland and Damakaland 1895-1896 Ione Rudner 100,00 272 The Cape of Adventure Ian D. Colvin 400,00 273 The Glittering Road.Kinderum 1874-1876 J.T. McNish 130,00 274 The Road To Elderado J.T. McNish 130,00 275 Gold Paved The Way A.P.Cartwright 100,00 276 The Highlands of Kaffraria A.W. Burjon 150,00 277 General Giap 200,00 278 The Story Of A S.A Pioneer and His Family Richard Themas Hall 80,00 279 Family Guide To The Law In S.A 50,00 280 The South African Voter H. Lover 80,00 281 Almost In Confidence Arthur G. 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Green 70,00 301 The People's and The Policies of South Africa Leo Marquard 25,00 302 The Thirst King William Steenkamp 100,00 303 War, Wine and Valour Douglas M. Baker 250,00 304 Omaha Beach Stephen Badsey 180,00 305 South African History 150,00 306 The Making Of A Nation D.W. Kruger 100,00 307 6th. Batery In The Western Desert J.H Newman and A.G. Vosloo 120,00 308 Top Hat To Velskoon Piet Vna Der Byl 120,00 309 L/CPL Ernest Fredrik Brockwell Hugh Lee 100,00 310 1922. The Revolt On The Rand Norman Herd 120,00 311 The Shadows Lenghten Piet Van Der Byl 70,00 312 The Yellow Man Looks On Hedley and chilvers 70,00 313 Montshiwa. Baralong Chief S.M Molema 150,00 314 The Island - Robben Island 1488-1990 Harriet Deacon 100,00 315 Harbours Of Memory Lawrence .G. Green 100,00 316 Lords Of The Last Frontier Lawrence .G. Green 60,00 317 To the Rivers End Lawrence .G. Green 60,00 318 Where Man Still Dream Lawrence .G. 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Pollock 100,00 359 Uniforms Of The British Yeomarchy Force Lovat Scouts, Scotish Horse, L. Barlow and R.T Smith 70,00 360 The Muzzle- Loading Cannon Of South Africa Gerry Der Vries and Jonathan Hall 300,00 361 They Live By The Sword Col. Jan Breytenbach 600,00 362 The Transvaal Scotish Regiment Carel Birkby 600,00 363 The Eighteith Army 40,00 364 Museum Review 1986 20,00 365 Conservation Of Our Heritage 80,00 366 A (ols) Company 30,00 367 At The Turn Of Centuries Royal Marines Historical Society R60.00 368 Ashes and Blood. The British Army In S.A. 1795-1914 Peter Boyden,Alan Guy and Marion Harding R500.00 369 Follow The Sapper Gerrald Napier R800.00 370 Irish Guards R150.00 371 Pro Patria. Natal Carbineers Mark Coghlan R400.00 372 Natal Field Attillaery Centenary artillery R40.00 373 A Short History Of The 1963-1968 R60.00 374 Y Cymro. The Royal Welsh R50.00 375 Before Endeavous Fade Rose Coombs R50.00 376 Military History Journal . Bound Copies, 100,00 each or 1000,00 for a set, Vol 1-13 377 SA Military History Societies. Neweletters 201-R300,00, 101- R200,00, 1- R100,00 378 Boot and Sadle. CMR p.j. Young R200.00 379 African Explorer Karl Mauch R220.00 380 The Monuments Of Southern Rhodesia Rowland Fothergill R70.00 381 Many Treks Made In Rhodesia S.P. Olivier R150.00 382 Always Lightly Tread E. Cronje Wilmot R150.00 383 Reluctant Rebel B.G. Spucling R350.00 384 The Battle For Rhodesia Douglas Reed R80.00 385 Pilgrim's Rest. Apictorial History R100.00 386 The First 100 Years. Reunited R50.00 387 The Majest Of South Carolina Douglas Bostick R40.00 388 The Kingsman Duke Of Lancaster Regiment R20.00 389 The History Of Fort Nottingham 1856-2005 David Fox 390 Ultima Rtio Regum Artillery History Of SA R300.00 391 The 1864-1975 A.J. 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Wood R150.00 396 General Louis Botha's 2nd Expedition to Natal Sept- Oct 1901Dermot Micheal Moore R100.00 397 Pursuit Of The King John O'Reilly R400.00 398 Edinburgh Military Tattoo Roddy Marting R20.00 399 Mines Engineering Brigade ,December 1941,June 1942, December 1942, September 1942 R20.00 400 Princess Of Wales' Royal Regiment Summer 1997 R50.00 401 Military History Journal, December 2010 R20.00 402 Militaria 1992 R20.00 403 Military History, June 1996,October 1996,March 1996, April 1997,April 1996, August 1996 and December 1996 R20.00 404 The British Empire BBC Time-Life.Boer War R20.00 405 The Confederacy's Secret Weapon Douglas Bostick R100.00 406 Beaufort, South Carolina Gerhard Spieler R60.00 407 Great Britain and The Eurpean Crisis R100.00 408 Look-In After 40 years R60.00 409 100 Years of The Durban Light Infantry Drill Hall R50.00 410 The Royal Welsh Fusiliers R40.00 411 The Royal Regiments Of Wales R40.00 412 Front Line. 1940-41 R60.00 413 Scientiae Militaria. SA Journal Fex Militaria Studies R60.00 414 How Botha and Smuts Conqured German South West. W.R. Rayner R100.00 415 Our African Winter A. Conan Doyle R100.00 416 John Edwin Watts- Ditchfield Ellis N. Gowing R100.00 417 The King's Service Ian Hay R50.00 418 The Regiments Of Scotland R60.00 419 Natal and The Cape of Good Hope R50.00 420 The King Of The Bastards Sarah Millin R50.00 421 The Sound Of Thunder Wilbur Smith R20.00 422 Cry, The Beloved Country Alon Paton R20.00 423 A Short History Of The World R50.00 424 Natal. The Land and It's Story Rorbert Russell R50.00 425 Orders and Decorations Alec Prevez R50.00 426 Whitaker 1975 R100.00 427 NCO's Guide To Promotion In The Infantry R100.00 428 The Natalians Alan F. Hattersley R250.00 429 Landmarks Of Old Durban x2 copies H. Edmund and Dawes R70 and R90,00 430 Father Of City Eric Goetzsche R100.00 431 South African Battles Tim Couzens R250.00 432 Mau Mau C.T. 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