Supplementary Material Table of Contents

Table S1. Oligonucleotides and primers used in this study Table S2. Potential off-targets of CRISPR/Cas9 OCRL guide sequence

Figure S1. CRISPR/Cas9 OCRL clones have no OCRL expression. Figure S2. OCRL depletion slows proliferation of HK-2 cells without increasing apoptosis. Figure S3. OCRL knockdown increases multinucleation in mRPTC and hRPTC cell lines. Figure S4. Effect of reduced Vmax on PT uptake of albumin and LMWP. Figure S5. Ocrl morphant zebrafish injected with ocrl morpholino have shorter pronephric kidney segments. Figure S5. Ocrl morphant zebrafish injected with ocrl morpholino have shorter pronephric kidney segments. Figure S6. Acute or chronic depletion of OCRL does not impair endocytic uptake in HK-2 cells. Figure S7. Cilia length in siRNA treated and CRISPR/Cas9 OCRL knockout clones.

Video S1. Cell division in CRISPR/Cas9 control clone 1. Video S2. Cell division in CRISPR/Cas9 KO clone 2 that resolves into two cells. Video S3. Cell division in CRISPR/Cas9 KO clone 2 that resolves into one multinucleated cell.


Table S2. Potential off-targets of CRISPR/Cas9 OCRL guide sequence. % Chrom. Expressed Match Loc. Function in Kidney

TMEM117 Transmembrane Low - (isoform 82.6 12 Unknown protein 117 Moderate X3)

Involved in tight junction ARHGAP17 Rho-GTPase- maintance by (isoform activating protein 65.2 16 Moderate regulating activity X3) 17 of CDC42. GTPase activator Methylates carpoxyl group of Leucine carboxyl the C-terminal LCMT1 Moderate - methyltransferase 65.2 16 leucine residue of (isoform a) High 1 protein phosphatase 2A catalytic subunits May be a Zinc finger protein ZNF717 60.9 22 transcription Yes 717-like factor

Olfactory receptor OR11H1 60.9 22 Odorant receptor None 11H1

No off-target events were reported on CHOPCHOP during guide selection. The guide sequence was blasted against the GRCh38.p2. edition of the for a more conservative analysis of off- target effects. Top hits that contained the required PAM sequence are listed. UniProt and Expression Atlas were used to interpret protein function and expression. As none of the top hits match 100% to the guide and few have importance to our system, off-target effects are considered to be unlikely.

Supplementary Figure Legends Figure S1. CRISPR/Cas9 OCRL clones have no OCRL expression. CRISPR/Cas9 OCRL knockout clone lysates were western blotted to detect OCRL and β-actin. No expression of either truncated or full length OCRL was evident.

Figure S2. OCRL depletion slows proliferation of HK-2 cells without increasing apoptosis. Equal numbers (400,000 cells) of CRISPR/Cas9 control cl.1, KO cl.1, or KO cl.2 cells (A,B) or HK2 cells transfected with control or OCRL siRNA (C,D) were plated on Transwell filters, and cultured for four days, fixed, and stained with DAPI to visualize nuclei. Random fields were acquired and representative images are shown in (A and C). Nuclei were quantitated using the MatLab program described in Long et al. (2017) Mol. Biol. Cell 28:2508-2517. Nuclei/field (mean and individual points; five fields per condition in two or three independent experiments) is plotted in (B and D). (E) CRISPR/Cas9 Control cl.1, KO cl.1 and KO cl.2 were incubated with Biotium NucView 488 Caspase-3 substrate and imaged live every 20 min for 4.7-11.3 h. Cells undergoing apoptosis were identified by an increase in fluorescence signal and the percentage of apoptotic cells in each condition is plotted [mean and individual points of five independent experiments (four with KO cl.2 and one with KO cl.1)]. (F) Knockdown efficiency in HK-2 cells transfected with control or OCRL siRNA was confirmed by western blotting lysates with anti-OCRL antibodies and normalized to β-actin. OCRL depletion ranged from 70-95% and was depleted by 92% in the representative experiment shown. Scale bar (A and C): 10 µm. *p<0.05 by one-way ANOVA, Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test in (B).

Figure S3. OCRL knockdown increases multinucleation in mRPTC and hRPTC cell lines. Mouse (mRPTC, A-C) and human (hRPTC, D-F) renal proximal tubule cells were transfected with control or OCRL siRNA. Knockdown efficiency was quantified by western blotting and was typically 40-50% for mRPTCs (43% in the experiment shown in A) and 90-97% in hRPTCs (97% in the experiment shown in D). (B and E) Wheat germ agglutinin and DAPI were used to visualize cell borders and nuclei, respectively. Representative images of control siRNA mononuclear cells in samples transfected with control siRNA and multinucleated cells in samples treated with OCRL siRNA are shown. (C and F) The percentage (mean and individual points) of cells with multiple nuclei is plotted (panel C, three independent experiments; 261-539 cells per condition scored in each experiment; panel F, two independent experiments; 114-295 cells per condition scored in each experiment). Scale bar (B and E): 10 µm. * p<0.05 and *** p<0.001 based on unpaired t test in (C) and (F).

Figure S4. Effect of reduced Vmax on PT uptake of albumin and LMWP. (A) Albumin/creatinine ratio and (B) LMWP/creatinine ratio models with reductions in Vmax. Each line corresponds to a model solution using a Vmax that is 100-50% of the fit value. A 33% and 32% reduction in Vmax in the absence of proximal tubule shortening is predicted to result in a similar urinary excretion profile of albumin and LMWP, respectively, similar to that observed in LS, although it cannot explain the additional PT dysfunction in the disease. Changes in Vmax could also be relevant to tubular proteinuria in other genetic diseases, such as Dent disease. The effect of varying Vmax on urinary protein excretion of albumin (C) and LMWP (D) when SNGFR is reduced by 20% is plotted. Under this condition, a 41% and 43% reduction in Vmax would produce the predicted urinary excretion profiles of albumin and LMWP, respectively. In each graph, the black arrow denotes the expected urinary protein excretion ratio (mg/mmol creatinine) at the distal end of the PT of LS patients.

Figure S5. Ocrl morphant zebrafish injected with ocrl morpholino have shorter pronephric kidney segments. In situ hybridization of megalin/lrp2a, a proximal tubule marker, and cdh17, a pronephric tubule marker, was performed in uninjected controls and in zebrafish injected with 6ng or 8 ng of ocrl morpholino (MO) at 72 hpf. The distributions of lrp2a (A) and cdh17 (C) expression in representative zebrafish are shown. Scatter plots show the length of lrp2a (B) and cdh17 (D) positive segments (mean +/- SD; lrp2a, n=22-38; cdh17, n=48-80). (E) Ratio of average lrp2a length over average cdh17 length was compared across conditions. ** p<0.01 *** p<0.001 **** p<0.0001 based on one-way ANOVA via Tukey’s multiple comparisons test in (B) and (D).

Figure S6. Acute or chronic depletion of OCRL does not impair endocytic uptake in HK-2 cells. Control or OCRL knockout clones (A and B) or cells transfected with control or OCRL siRNA (C and D) were incubated under static conditions or exposed to orbital fluid shear stress (FSS) for 1 h in the presence of Alexa Fluor 647-albumin, then fixed, imaged, and albumin uptake quantified as described in Methods. Representative fields are shown in (A) and (C). (B) Albumin uptake was normalized to that under static conditions in each clone, and the fold change (mean +/- SE) of three independent experiments is plotted. (D) Data were normalized to uptake under static conditions and the mean fold change +/- SE of three independent experiments is plotted. Scale bars (A and C): 25 µm. * p<0.05 ** p<0.001 *** p<0.005 based on a two-way ANOVA via Sidak’s multiple comparisons test in (B).

Figure S7. Cilia length in siRNA treated and CRISPR/Cas9 OCRL knockout clones. HK-2 cells treated with either control or OCRL siRNA (A, B) or CRISPR/Cas9 control and OCRL KO clones (C, D) were fixed and processed for immunofluorescence to visualize acetylated tubulin and nuclei. Representative images of cells with cilia of approximately median length for each condition are shown in (A) and (C). (B) and (D) Cilia lengths were quantified as described in Methods and plotted in order of increasing length. Mean cilia length was approximately 6.5 µm and 7.9 µm in control and OCRL siRNA treated cells respectively, and 4.7 µm, 4.5 µm, 3.9 µm, and 5.1 µm in Control cl.1, Control cl.2, KO cl.1, and KO cl.2 cells, respectively. Cilia lengths were measured for 67-88 cells per condition in two independent experiments using CRISPR/Cas9 clones and 95 cells per condition in one experiment using siRNA treated cells. Scale bars (A and C): 10 µm.

Video S1. Cell division in CRISPR/Cas9 control clone 1. Control cl.1 cells, plated sparsely, were stained with Draq5 and imaged every 15 min using a combination of confocal and transmitted light to visualize DNA content and cell morphology. At the beginning of imaging, one cell in the selected field (arrow) started in interphase and successfully divided into two cells (~120 min from the initiation of metaphase to completion of cytokinesis).

Video S2. Cell division in CRISPR/Cas9 KO clone 2 that resolves into two cells. OCRL KO cl.2 cells, plated sparsely, were stained with Draq5 and imaged every 15 min using a combination of confocal and transmitted light to visualize DNA content and cell morphology. One cell in the selected field (arrow) was followed throughout cell division. This cell successfully divides into two cells. The period from initiation of metaphase to completion of cytokinesis was ~180 min.

Video S3. Cell division in CRISPR/Cas9 KO clone 2 that resolves into one multinucleated cell. OCRL KO cl.2 cells, plated sparsely, were stained with Draq5 and imaged every 15 min using a combination of confocal and transmitted light to visualize DNA content and cell morphology. One cell in the selected field (arrow) was followed throughout cell division. This cell does not properly complete cell division as the cytokinetic bridge is never cleaved. Eventually, abscission is aborted and the cell resolves into a single multinucleated cell. The period from metaphase to aborted cell division is ~300 min, and is longer than the average division time for OCRL KO cells that successfully divided into two daughter cells.

Gliozzi et al. Fig. S1

Control OCRL KO cl.1cl.2 cl.1 cl.2 130kDa


70kDa OCRL 55kDa



Actin 35kDa Gliozzi et al. Fig. S2

A Control cl.1 OCRL KO cl.1 OCRL KO cl.2 C Control siRNA OCRL siRNA

B D 140 * 120 * 120 100

100 80

80 Exp.1 60 Exp.2 Exp.1 Nuclei/field (average count) Nuclei/field (average count) Exp.3 Exp.2 60 40 Control cl.1 KO cl.1 KO cl.2 siRNA: Control OCRL E 6 F


2 Apoptosis (%)

0 Control KO Gliozzi et al. Fig. S3




C 8 F 10 * *** 8 6

6 4 4

2 Exp.1 Exp.2 2 Exp.1 Multinucleated cells (%) Exp.3 Multinucleated cells (%) Exp.2 0 0 siRNA: Control OCRL siRNA: Control OCRL Gliozzi et al. Fig. S4

A B 100% Vmax 500 100% Vmax 1500 90% Vmax 90% Vmax 80% Vmax 400 80% Vmax 1250 70% Vmax 70% Vmax 60% Vmax 1000 300 60% Vmax 50% Vmax 50% Vmax 750 200 (mg/mmol) (mg/mmol) 500 100 250 LMWP/Creatinine Ratio LMWP/Creatinine Albumin/Creatinine Ratio 0 0 0246810121416 0246810121416 distance from origin of tubule (mm) distance from origin of tubule (mm)

C 80% SNGFRD 80% SNGFR 500 100% Vmax 100% Vmax 1500 90% Vmax 90% Vmax 400 80% Vmax 1250 80% Vmax 70% Vmax 70% Vmax 300 60% Vmax 1000 60% Vmax 50% Vmax 50% Vmax 750 200 (mg/mmol) (mg/mmol) 500 100 250 LMWP/Creatinine Ratio LMWP/Creatinine Albumin/Creatinine Ratio 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10121416 0246810121416 distance from origin of tubule (mm) distance from origin of tubule (mm) Gliozzi et al. Fig. S5

A C uninjected 6ng MO 8ng MO uninjected 6ng MO 8ng MO

lrp2a cdh17 BDE **** **** 800 *** ** 400 *** **** 0.5 700 m)

 0.4 m)  300 600 length 0.3

200 500 0.2 expression length ( lrp2a/cdh17

expression length ( 400 100 ratio cdh17 0.1 lrp2a

0 0.0 O -M -MO -MO -MO -MO -MO crl crl o o ocrl ocrl ocrl ocrl g g g g ninjected g g uninjected uninjected u 6n 8n 6n 8n 6n 8n Gliozzi et al. Fig. S6

A Static FSS B 2.0 * * * *

1.5 Control cl.1


Exp.1 Albumin Uptake Exp.2 0.5 Exp.3 Fold Change (FSS/static) Static Control cl.2 FSS 0.0 cl.1 cl.2 cl.1 cl.2 Control OCRL KO KO cl.1 OCRL KO cl.2 OCRL

C Static FSS D 2.0


1.0 Control siRNA

Exp.1 Albumin Uptake 0.5 Exp.2 siRNA

Fold Change (FSS/static) Exp.3 static

OCRL FSS 0.0 siRNA: ControlControl OCRLOCRL Gliozzi et al. Fig. S7

A DAPI Tubulin Merge B 18 Control siRNA 16 OCRL siRNA 14 M)

 12 Control siRNA 10 8

siRNA 6 Cilia Length ( 4

OCRL 2 0 0 20406080100 Percentile C DAPI Tubulin Merge D

14 Control cl.1 Control cl.2 12 KO cl.1 KO cl.2 Control cl.1 10 M)  8

6 Control cl.2 Cilia Length ( 4

KO cl.1 2


OCRL 0 20406080100 Percentile KO cl.2 OCRL