SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 2017 Saugus resets game clock on AD decision By Bridget Turcotte O’Leary, who got the ax. His responsi- The School Committee does not have ITEM STAFF bilities were placed on then-vice-prin- the authority to hire an athletic direc- cipal and former athletic director Mi- tor, and speci c candidates will not be SAUGUS — School Committee mem- chael Nelson. discussed at the meeting, said Mere- bers will address a hiccup in the hiring The open position was incorrectly ad- dith. process of a new athletic director. vertised as part time with a $47,000 Previously, the salary for the full-time Tuesday night’s discussion will focus athletic director was $72,000, Meredith on an error with the job posting that salary, said chairwoman Jeannie Mer- edith. Several candidates applied and said. The committee will discuss wheth- listed the incorrect salary and hours for er they can nd the money elsewhere in the position. were interviewed by a seven-person hiring committee on two separate days the budget to fund a full time position, Earlier in the year, committee mem- or whether they need to repost the job last month, including committee mem- bers voted on a budget that included a as part-time with a lesser salary. full-time athletic director. The position ber Elizabeth Marchese. had been reduced to half time in 2014 “They already held the interviews Bridget Turcotte can be reached at as part of $2 million in budget cuts. At and then we all realized it’s not in the
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