Courier Gazette
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T he ( Courier—(U.zette. ROCKLAND GAZETTE ESTABLISHED 1B40. I ROCKLAND COURIER ESTABLISHED 1S74.I $ c a r 1 TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVAtWJ* Che $rfss is tbc ^rebimebtan ^fber tljat iftobes tin tfirtorlb at eutoo dollars a (SINGLE COPIES PRICE FIVE CEXTR. o l ew e r ie s V . 7.—N S . KOCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1888. N u m b er 48. ONE SESSION. time, how can they do the work alone ? We $5.00 REWARD! ABOUT TOWN. must with the new plan put in another (earlier. LAST YEAR! H.GALLERT'S Is offered by the A Correspondent Ventilater. His Views While we should be pleased to put our on School Matters. school on the =ame'grnde with the Portland or Was a great shawl season with ns, the Bangor school, wc must rest on (be fact OFFERING OF Boston 5 Si 10 Ct. Store When 1 saw the article in T h e C.-G. request that tfiey arc far ahead ol us in grade and and we predict that more Shawls will ing communications on the One Session plan facilities and having those advantages over us, TO ANY MAN I supposed the question io be an open one and we can’t expect to step in their tracks, and to be worn this fall and winter than OUR CALENDAR. that an expression of our opinions on the sub try to ape them would lie very silly. If there That can show a larger stock Pilgrims landed, December 1!, 1G2G ject was boneBtly desired. I wrote accordingly, is any argument of value for the one session, HOLIDAY GOODS! Pennsylvania admitted, •• 12,1787 ever. of Holiday Goods and Lower Battle of Fredericksburg, V.i., " 13, 1862 hoping it would move some one else to offer it is plainly an argument for half .lay of school. Washington died, 14, 1799 a few suggestions. But since the editor thought I trust our childrens’ heads arc not so hollow Prices than can be found at H artford Convention, 11 IS, 1814 As usual we will not be outdone as Boston Tea P arty, •* 16, 1773 himself culled upon to offer an explanation Hint wc can fill them up by machine process. I our store. Wc are simply Gen. Bolivar died, •• 17,1830 concerning the writer’s personal history that he believe tlieir studies must be digested. to Assortment and Low Prices. The A S H A W L ! headquarters for Holiday Goods had obtained solely through previous personal M. A. J o h n s o n . Display of our Feb l llli is the date of the Hook & I.add.T acquaintance and couldn’t possibly have ol>- We. have in stock $500 worth of Co’s hoHse-wnrmiiiG. laincd through the articlo presented, the pro EDITORIAL BREVITIES. Is the most sensible garment a lady Plush Goods of all descriptions. J. B. Wnterhonse A Co., have had a tele priety of which I leave others to judge, 1 will phone put into their office. say that I have nota child in our High School, The Home for A ged Women is a movering can wear, for what is warmer or pret Do not fail to get our prices before along. The branch track of the L. It. It. It. is being but if 1 remain in R. and Providence permits, Xmas anfl New Year’s Goods you buy. Ask to see our I-piece I shall in a few short years. tier. We have bought at least Glass Sets at 10 cts. a set. We constructed to the White & Cnse kilne. No anonymous communications arc pub Had the editor, who is a member of the Ad lished in Tin: C.-G. IS have the largest line of Games and George A. Gilchrept has leased the southern visory Board, informed the writer, when he Toys ever shown by us. Our Gaines store in the Itankln Block for a Hour store took this article, that the Board had settled the house. Do we hear anyone volunteer a site for our came direct from the manufactory matter for the present, the article would not Soldiers Monument? 5 Times More Shawls! NOW READY FOR INSPECTION! and the prices a*e low. We sold C. 11. Emery is at work upon a handsome have appeared, for the writer docs not relieve sign for the new place of business of Thorn 81,500 worth of goods to small stores in opposing thoso whom wc have chosen to Wc knowofone Rockland man who is g,.ing in the month of November at as low dike Ik Hix. serve us and I trust the Board will so under To start this Fall’s business than we We have made preparations this to Washington to see President Harrison inau a price as they could buy in Boston, Carney, the insane man who made the dis stand him. gurated ! did last, and can show a much great year on a more extensive scale than which goes to show that wc own turbance in the Catholic church Sunday of It was a great surprise to me when I learned our goods right and can and will Iasi week, was tnken to Augusta Tuesday. from T he: C.-G. that I had taken ground The papers seem determined to get the di er variety in styles and qualities. ever. As some of the goods we oiler | sell them at a very low price. Give Cobb White Ik Co. have finished oti an ad against the Board’s recommendation. I have mensions of Waldoboro’s five-masted schoon ditional room in the Cobb Ik Berry Block for not changed my opinion, however, with regard er wrong. She is 115 feet over all, and not is somewhat out of our line we can j us a call aud we will prove what we 105. say. the putting up of their famous Sunbeam Chop to the matter, but I believe the Board will act tea. wisely and that our supervisor will not lie P R I C E S only oiler them during the Holiday j cramped by any of its decisions. Wo have the A well known Rockland citizen <cnt a hunch BOSTON 5 & 10 CENT STORE, The Mt. Desert lies at Littlefield’s wharf, of toothpicks of his own manufaetuio to Pres week. We propose not to carry any | East Boston, repairing her boilers. She will same object in mind, the building up of our NO. MAIN STREET, school system and it is only in the method of ident Harrison, and is in receipt of a very lay there this winter. Mate J. A. Hosmer is pleasant letter acknowledging the same. W A Y D O W N 1 of these goods over, but to make a Opposite Thorndike Hotel, - Kockland. keeper. accomplishing the desired end that we differ. We are anxious for an advance all along the clean sweep of them, and for that The Sears Hose Co. will hold its annual line, and we don’t care to fall into an ambus Rockland people will tic interested in the — AT— levee and ball in Farwell Hall Christmas night. cade at the start. The ground must be care article on macadamized streets which appears reason we have placed such low prices The Scars boys arc nlwnys on deck, when fully am! intelligently examined. A "lobby elsewhere. Il is from reliable authority and there’s a lire and you’ll find ’em on deck should lie filed away and kept for future refer on the same that our c tomers will of young misses” surely, should have no effect Christmas night. on our judgement. 1 don't blame the girls, ence. W. 0. Hewett & Co.'s be pleasantly surprised when they The Famous McGibcny Family, eighteen with their understanding, for trying to get less You will find Rockland boys everywhere. members, has been seeured tor the closing en work. It is perfectly natural that they should, Clarence Wortman, formerly of this city, is find how many things a small sum COLOSSAL SACRIFICE! tertainment in the Y. M. C. A. course. ’Tis and I was as anxious as any o f them to get a connected with the Medomak stable, and the a very talented family, giving a varied and holiday, when a member of this same High Rockland party that visited Waldoboro Tues W E HAVE will buy. We have assortment wonderful musical and mimetic entertainment. school. enough to supply everybody, and to I day are under obligations to him for favors re Rev. D. P. Hatch and wife will spend the Now, candidly, friend editor, does it follow ceived. SI 2,000 WORTH coming two or three weeks in New Jersey. that because a parent has not a child in our enumerate everything would be im- [ The Congregational pulpit will be supplied High School, that he has no interest in the The Vmalhaven Echo intimites that the 15 during his absence. Proonoiy Professor Chap school ? Present stteeess must be looked after judgment day and tetter streets for Rockl. ml possible, but the following list will ' man of Bowdoin College will preach one Sun in order to insure for our advancing children will pul in an appearance about the same tunc. day. privileges, at least, as good in the future as at The Echo is wrong. Rockland will have some give one a general idea of the line: the present time. We must accept the condi thing radical done toils streets next season. J. G. Torrey Ik Son received a big order There are pushers at the helm.