A Hap'py Well Over New Year tiil}t

VOLUME xnv. , THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1941 No.1 FULL ADMINISTRATIVE POW#JRS VESTED IN- SEVEN MAN EXECUTIVE BOARD Yeshiva and Yeshiva College Js being administered by an Exec• utive Board of seven, which has full authority over the administra­ Student Gro~p Extension· tion of the entire institution, according to an official statement re~ Alumnus leased to the "Commentator'' by Mr. Samuel Levy, chairman of the Board of Directors, as well as head of the newly formed body. Other .·cooper~tion Courses Are administrative moves by the Board of Directors, described! In · the Publishes Book · statement, hwlude the appointment of Dr. Samuel Belkin as Dean of A Reality Inaugurated the Yeshiva proper, and the creation of a new office "Dean of Men," th to be filled by Mr. Samuel S. Sar, · · ' With the election. of George Rabbi Jacob B. Agus, one of e Extension courses for adults will In addition to Mr. Levy, the Ex­ first Alumni of Yeshiva College, Cohen '42 and Samuel Zaitchik '43, be established this term for the ecutive Board numbers three mem­ · · · · has published "Modern Philoso~ to the ofices of President of Student fJrst tim.e in Y~hiva history, ac- bers of the Board of Directors - phies of Judaism," a discussion of Rabbi Joseph H. Looksteln, Vlce­ Council and President of th e S . O . cording to an announcement by Y., respectively, assurances were ' the ideas of · Martin Buber, Her- Professor Jacob I. Hartstein, Reg­ Chairman; Dr. Leo Jung and Mr. Sar. The academic departments given of· closer -cooperation between mann Cohan and a criticism of istrar of the College. The courses, are represented by Dr. Belkin, Dr, the two departments. Reconstructionist thought. offering . subjects which will enable Moses Legis Isaacs and Dr. Plnkhos · The fulfillment of these promises The author, who Is now spiritual the American Jew to orientate him­ · Churgin, This arrangement Is en­ was realized by the consequent leader of the Agudath Achim North cte- self in the contemporary scene, were abling the group to efficiently atlon of many. new joint commit­ handle duties, which ·· range tees and innovations. _which call_ for Shore Congregation in Chicago, Il- described by Proressor Hartstein as Im the harmonious and coordinated ac- linois, acknowledges his gratitude from supervision over the financial for their guidance to the late Dr. a "move to make Yeshiva a more to the academic , phases of the tion of both departments. Revel and to Dr. Alexander Litman potent factor in American Jewish school. The Executive Board thus Formerly the allotment of main­ tenance scholarships was controlled in the preface of the book. Accord- life." provides the central authority which tng to Dr. Litman, the.• volume Is · has been lacking in the institution exclusively by the S. O. Y. Under According to the present plan, a new. plan by George Cohen and an elaboration of ideas firSt pre- the courses will cut a broad swath since the death. o.f Dr. Bernard Samuel · Zaitchik,. the College Stu- sented by Rabbi Agus in a "Mas- across all departments of the insti- Revel, of sainted memory, lastyear. mid" article on Hermann Cohen. This central authority is being dent Council Execui1ve Committee, tution. Thus far, the college · has supplemented by a more rigid sys­ consisting of the President, Vice- arranged classes in the Philosophy tem of departmental heads than has President and ·Secretary, will also Frosh In_troduced pf Science, to be given by Dr. Bruno obtained in the past. Dr. Belkin have a voice ·in determining ellgi- Z. Kisch; Recreational Mathemat- exercises control over all details of billty for maintenance scholarships. To College Life lcs, with lectures by famous author- Yeshiva administration, including MR. SAMUEL LEVY weiconilng 'the me1rof '45 at 'a· ~::s~h:ef~~!!ii ~\;"r_P.!;~:C~~~ the assignments of classes -and -in­ ~!/'il'!t':~°iit:1~~~:::;:,.?!:• · structors for lower-classmen and dormitory social hall, newly reno- special Orientation assembly held Litman. Plans for elementary Tal- ======ordination examinations· for stu. vated · through the efforts of S. in the Dormitory Social . Hall on mud, Hebrew and Yiddish language dents in the Theological Seminary, Maurice Plotnick, housemaster, will and literature and similar subjects T. I. Curriculum be under . the . supervision of two sundaY, Sept. 7, George Cohen · '42, are now being formulated. The new Dean of the Yeshiva members of Council and two mem- President of the Student Council, · In addition to the College classes Extended A Year received his Talmudic background hers .of the s. ·o. Y. Another _com- stressed the fact that each student for adulu;, the . regular Talmudic An additional required year of at the great Academy in Rodin, Poland, where he studied under mittee similar in composition, will carries the responsibllity of the en- discourses br., prominent Yeshiva study has been added to the currl- ·some of the greatest sages of mod- in· charge of. student dormitory Instructors will be Included within oe· tire school. He further u r g e d affairs and will concern ·Itself_ with the scope of the Extension School. culum of the Teachers Institute, It ern times. Three years after his the ·conduct of dormitory residenu;. that each individual ''conduct him- These advanced lectures wlll be was disclosed by Dr. Plnkhos Chur- arrival in this country he was .. With funds provided by ,-council, self in true Yeshiva spirit both in- opened to the public and regular gin, principal or the Institute. awarded a Doctor of Philosophy de­ the playroom will undergo numer- side ·and outside of the institution." announcements of them will be In order to assure a more all-em­ gree in Semitics by Brown Univer­ sity. For the past six years he has ous changes in equipment ·and dee- As part of the orientation pro- I made. bracing Hebrew course, it Is plan­ oration. . Arrangemenu; have al- gram; Professor Alexander Litman Since the enterprise ls completely ned to divide the T. I. into a jun­ been associated with the school as ready been made with the co-op of the Philosophy Department, will novel, this semester is expected to ior and senior section, each com­ a senior Talmudic instructor as store· ·to make refreshmenu; avail- welcome the newcomers on behalf serve as a period of experimenta­ prising in Itself a complete three well as Dean of the Graduate 'De­ able· for -student purchases. A ·com- of the faculty in an address to a tlon and crystallization with the year course. partment of Semitic studies. He re­ mittee to conduct the playroom will student assemblage scheduled for courses assuming full a~tivity dur- "The· student who wishes to ter­ tains the latter position. However, (Please turn to Page 3.) this afternoon. 1 ing the following term. minate his studies at the T. I., and Dr. Belkin has resigned from the whose high school graduation co­ College faculty, on which he served incides with his completion of the as Professor of' Greek. He wm con­ ..Dr. Or Mr. ? Reporter's, ln·terview Sheds No Light; Jl\llllor course, will be · awarded a tinue to serve as a member of the diploma," explailned Dr. Churgln, Faculty Executive Committee until Appelation Of Doctorate Recipient Still Unknown "and hence he will have had a January of the present term. It's now an old story. lips as I crossed his threshold. He know, reading a chapter ·a day in complete and well-rounded prelim­ In commenting upon his new po­ Rather, it's an old story for noticed me immediately, extended the beautifully Inscribed Bible the !nary training." sition Dr. Belkin stated that he ls straight news, and so the editor his hand warmly. "Glad to see boys in the sophomore survey of This course will comprise a com­ bending every effort towards the told me to wrlte it up featurelike. you, Howard. You're looking fine, English literature ga,ve me to com- plete study in Jewish history, He­ stabilization of Yeshiva Instruction The assignment originally read just as if you've had a very pleas- memorate the event, I"ve nearly brew grammar, customs and cere­ so that learning might be carried when it was straight news: "Mr. ant summer." He had beaten me come to the end of the volume? monies. on under the most propitious pos­ Linn's doctorate." Now It ls Dl'. to the punch. That ls really old news!" llnah and Agodah. sible conditions. "It ls of essential Linn's doctorate, which doesn't "You bet I did,, Mr. Linn." Darn! "But your dissertation, Doctor,' In order to raise the standard of importance that the students real­ found quite so euphonious. It was Did I say "mister?'' I hope not. that hasn't yet been published?" I the graduate teacher not every ize," he said, "that 'lfmud ha-To­ a better story then, a better sound­ I resolved to be more careful, not was a real newspaperman now. student who has compieted the Se­ rah,' traditional Jewish Talmudic ing story then. But an assignment to let force of habit Interfere again. My query had followed his remark nlor course will be permitted to be­ scholarship, ls the prime enterprise is an assignment, so I went' round We exchanged pleasantries for a like a ·flash. come a candidate for a teacher's of the Yeshiva. At a time when to his office. while and soon wandered into a "Oh( no.'' He was somewhat sad- diploma. "Only those whose qual­ our institution Is one of the very But things stlll were not serene. fleld far removed from my assign- dened now. "It has somehow col- lficatlons with respect to knowl­ few remaining centers of ln "How shall I address him?" I kept ment. But one thing I'm sure of. llded with OPM ol'I one of Its minor edge, teaching and personality are the entire world, the obligation for asking myself as .I mounted the I didn't once call him "mister.'' boards. The publishing house most confirmed will be allowed to con­ consecration to this holy enterprise steps. "Shall I say 'Mr. Linn,' or Sudt1:enly realizing I had a very def- Interested in It is now turning out tinue in the senior section and take falls more heavily than ever upon shall I say, 'Dr. Linn/ or just plain inite purpose in coming, I decided I song books for the army. Mean. the special teacher's diploma e:;c. the Yeshiva students." 'Doc'?" I stopped walking. I thought to swing back to the subject. while, I shall have to whistle, r amlnation," stated Dr. Churgin, Mr. Sar the Dean of Men, has it was funny that I should have "Mr. Linn," I blurted out," the suppose.'' Still, if you want a news "all others will be given a diploma been assodlated with the school for difficulty in addressing an Instruct­ editor sent me here to get a story story, come in next week. I"ve just designating a completion of the more than twenty years, in the ca­ or in whose classes I had been for on your doctorate.'' Darn! This been elected secretary of an eight- regular Teachers Institute course." pacity of Registrar and Director of two years. "Two years," I mused. time I knew had I said Mr. Linn. eenth century Johnsonian literary In line with thi11 1':ltter policy, a Finances. He was one of those who, "Perhaps I could call him Irving.'' I corrected it rather sheepishly. club very vigorous and very much post-graduate class in Talmud, con­ together with Dr. Revel, conceived I decided against calling· him any~ The good man had savoir-faire, He alive. Now that, my boy, is news." ducted by Mr. Samuel L. Sar, has and established the Yeshiva and thing; that I would begin by asking overlooked my groping. I didn't answer outright. Let him been formed, designed primarily for Yeshiva College in Its present form. If he had had a pleasant vacation. "My doctorate" he exclaimed. see it first In print: "Doc, I'll be those who have Intentions of teach- Together with his administrative The question formed Itself on my "Why, that's old 'potatoes. Do you there.'' ing. (Please turn to Page 3.) THE COMMENTATOR

·The, sa,- Over Here And Over There- . We return to Yeshiva to find: EDlTORlALS· Extension courses to make the in­ .. stitution a more potent force in ~erlcan Jewish life, an official Yf:5HI From TIJ,e Student Viewpoint to supervise the personal welfare COLLE of the students, a renovated dor­ . ';f.'~e three aoounistrative nwves described. by Mr. Samuel mitory and a social hall which is L~yY' in his statement ·to the "Commentator'' call for separate a social hall. Gradually the idea comments. . . . seeps through our minds .that. First. and foremost, .we wholeheartedly congratulate the these are not isolated events. They add up to a new attitude-the · Board of Directors upon its selection of Dr. Samuel Belkin as . Yeshiva man as gentleman as well Dean of•· the Yeshiva. His• profound .Talmudic· knowledge com- · as scholar. l>i~ed with \veil-proved 1-onesty and sincerity single him out Of course, there are some who as anJdeal head for the greatest Jewish Orthodox theological can't even see a problem. Quite senunary in America. Dr. Belkin possesses that admirably un- to the contrary, they would view stained record of accomplishment which• cannot but bring honor any concession to the everyday and prestige to the. insti~ution. . amenities ~ie:e ::: fu.sion. is bound to occur in a situation so uncertain as this ; sence of Jludalsm: becau~e .eve~ he~· 1?,iniself, is not .quite sure of his duties. Why It is this very ghetto outlook (t(l(l( I J ·. expose ourselves to posible .trouble? It is our humble sugges- which is responsible for the sit­ tion that the ·Executive Board or . the Board of Directors uation at Yeshiva. Many students II I I /Ill . outline, in the immediate future, the exact duties of the D~an h&ve evolved a peculiar concep­ of Men,. in order. to ·ayoid aii posibiUty of. confusion. tion of American Jewish life. NEWS ITEM: A SMOKER TO WELCOME THE INCOMING FRESHMEN WILL They have constructed very pret- BE HELD AFTER THE HOLIDAYS; . But more_ basic ~ .any appointments or changes is the ty little worlds wnich in most re- formation of a central Executive Board. This Board emphasizes spects resemble Brownsville. Per­ the thesis .that: Yeshiva.·is one. No matter IJ,ow much each! haps the streets are slightly clean­ individual · 4e~~ent ,mayibe: sttengthened, the institution as er, but the people are Just as a wh~le m:iis~ l_"e~n ·:unified. and present its integrated philoso- . !~~~a~uc~:e~n~n: .ob:~;sh~ Ma1be I'm Wrong 0 pby to American Jewry...... better reali7.e and do something BY MORRIS MARGOLIES . : )In the ~-of. the: student body we extend to all of the about it now than have the real­ new appointees· our sincerest wishes for succt!ss in ·thei~ tzation hit them with all the del­ Great perplexity is occasioned 1n · today denote~ helplessness and activities, · · icacy of a blackjack when they this comer by a situation which servility. This is the stuff that go out into the world. daily assumes more ominous pro­ dictators are made of. Inability Let us understand ourselves. portions. At a time when the to initiate or participate 1n con­ We are talking about cleanliness structive discussions centering To Mr. ·y. .C. Freshman: and politeness: conducting a con­ most vital pages of the history of .. --· .·· ·>·,;.-·.J.:,.,·.,:: .. :.'· ':-.. ·,;:.· ... ;,;:>. _::;;/'.··_<:_.. ·.... ·:· ... · . . . . ~- ·-- . ~ versation 1n tones somewhat low~ mankind are· falling· into place about the. world's present dilem­ ..... , _ ,:W!.ll,_),'.':):Ul'e~ere~•Mt,r,.:11ummer c,f speculation on college er than those oi' a huckster and and the fate of so-called civllim­ ma connotes a profound ignorance .life;· aafter- se~ o}ike an endless period of filling out :what using the right fork. Very petty tion hangs in the balance, ·stu­ thereof. Ignorance it is that per­ 1DJ:11terious cards. of.· all sizes,. shape and· colors; after runni~g · things - petty and insignUicant dents of colleges and universities, ennially chains mankind to a life b~ck and forth.from one room to .another office until green cards and superficial, if you w i 11 . representing the intelligentsia of of perpetual misery, for in oppo­ · an~ ·-r~ ·offices. ~ied. purple Registrars and· lavender Bursars· Unfortunately Judgments are based on Just · ~lis -meaningless the immediate future, manifest a sition to ignorance stands en­ .. i~o,cli~zy' .ire~, you're finally attending classes. You are a varnish, nor shall all of your Tal­ lethargic . disinterestedJ}ess i n lightenment, f#Y.~tledged •.Yeshiva .Coll,ge · student. Wh:ere do you go · from mud and Bible alter it one whit. The new anti-Hitlerian world h,re? · things utterly unaccountable by There· are signs of a n~w atti­ any means. That the prime con­ order if it ever materializes will ;.r ·The next_·four·years wilJ · be,•·in many respects, the most tude on the part of the ·adminis­ cern of any sane individual on have to be a product of deep cruc~ period· of your life. You will encounter entirely new tration. Yet it is hardly neces­ thought along revolutionary lines. problems> which will thre~ten for a while to overwhelm you. sary to say that the main force the face of this earth could be It is eviden~ now more than ever · Some of these problems will arise in the classroom. Others will of the movement should come from anything but the contemporary before that if the ills and woes us, ourselves. In the past any pounce upon you from books, plays and conversations. They events on the European continent of this planet are to be forever instructor or official who ventur­ strikes one as fantastic. That the obviated a. radical departure from will be generated by your own good, solid thinking. Perhaps ed any remark on the topic was aforementioned could be of no the accustomed pattern of living ~ome wilFfind .easy ·answers to these questions,. but you, 'for regarded as a creature saved from must be effected. · The intellectual ~e, will _suff~r ln.Wfe9-~ing. with them. . an asylum only by the grace of concern at all to any sane individ­ and spiritual powers of' every mor­ ou .wiU ha.ve your ·good iimes .and your ·bad times•. You our inefficient state lunacy sys­ ual strikes one as unbelievable. tal interested in that future should · .¥ ·tem. · w.jll ~- mor~id, -pout,.. brood. Smile, gri~, l~ugh. Study, read, Yet if appearances deceive not! be impressed into the service of A "Keep Our School· Clean" the latter statement· is fact. thought which offers · exemption write. Enjoy plays~ music~· theatre. '.Talk, iatk, talk. And think. campaign might strike some as to nobody save idiots and slaves And talk. Sometimes you'll not· eat too well ~d sometim~s not high-schoolish. But if Yeshiva · is For there ill. no mistaking the of their own choosing: 1.t all·and !i_t will o~ly be because of your own ability to make a to exert its proper influence we utter absence of that tension joke of it tll~t it wili'seem ~unny. . must wash our· face and hands which should be the natural by- ODE TO SUMMER · 'While , undergoing this amazing process of becoming an and meet 1i;' better class of people. product of these pregnant times. Little drops of water, -Anon. ~tity in ·the· world· you. :will· be .gathering a multitude of im­ There is no denying that that Little grains of sand, pressions· and· experiences. They may seem to be separate, but eager discussion and nervous de- Make bathing suits uncomfortable after a p~rio~ of. time_; ~ot fotnorrow or the day· after, nor even Poet's Corner bate which a world revolution Whether you sit or stand. four. or '.~b~ ye~rs, J~ut ~fter a loQg time they will resolve them- should set in motion are conspic­ 5.elves in~e>.a. ~ingle way of lif&-the·Yeshiva \Vay of life. You FUTURE-NOT SO PR01'DS.ING uously absent 1n the halls enclos- . . will find peace with· yourself and your fellows and lead the · It has ·become tradition for our . ed within the walls of learning . m~r O!nmmrntntnr naive little Freshman Official Undernadaate Newspaper of healthy ezistence·'of an iriteligent human being and an .observant To gracdully accept the taunts of . There 1s no doubting the direction YF..SHIVA COLLEGE Jew. ~n/ and .the11 only~ will ·you comple~e the education snooty upper-classnien, In which the wind bloweth when Publlahed bl~weekly throushout the which .~re beginning now. To raee the Issue bravely, to show in September 1941 Brooklyn rather Collese year at Yeshiva Collese your Washlnston Hel&'hts, Ne~ York City · ·.. · Go()d·Oiuck. · · · ·. no sign of fear,. than Leningrad monopolizes the GOVERNING BOARD And like "Our Bums" from Flat- lip service of students engaged in JULIUS ROSENTHAL , Editor-In-Chief 1 bash, Just' to' i wait until next extemporaneous chatter. JACOB WALKER •• Manairlnir Editor ye_ar". No, there can be no doubt that ERWIN HERMAN ..•••• News Editor Vie ·• take this :e>p~rtunity of extending to the faculty, a .chronic apathy is rampant in HENRY MARGOLIS • . . Sports Editor Little do they realize what the undergraduate ranks in relation to ALFRED WIESEL • Business Manairer . ~nistration. and•· student •body our sincerest wishes for future holds In store. · the universal revolution. And the BERNARD RIES ••• , • Feature Editor They don't know what It's like to situation is no less lamentable The Executive Committee of Student Council assumes full responsibility for be· a hated Sophomore. than it is m boding. It is symp­ all statements contained Ip the editorial A Year Of· I.Jfe And Peace Just let them feel the stinr of be-: tomatic of both helplessness and columns of this newspaper. lnr dubbed a "clever fool," ignorance. k sheepish reluctance ~9 11•PIIIIIINT&D POii NATIONAi, ADVIIIITl• INCI ay. And they'll sadly rue the day they on the part of collegians to ex .. left their Pl'.ecious Freshman ·ercise their mental faculties along NationalAdvertiiingSenice,lnc. 0:~lllth, We11lth And Happiness Coll,11 P•6lldm R11>r11111lollP1 stool! the lines of fruitful meditation 420 MADl• 0N Ava, NIEW YORK, N, Y, CHICAGO • IOITOII • LOI ANaiu, • SAN FUNCIICO · MYRON L. REIS '43 •. upon the world shaking events of . . ·THE COMMENTATOR PAGE 1HRE.lf. ON TH E Loopsters Appoin_tme,it .1' · Hold First ·-0/Deaµs A:nnounced ....._0_10 . !!~~~~S ~~~c~~~ practioo ., sSI !r. tlmate benefit of Yeshiva. fantastic title, Dodgers. U we future columns the complete plan, !

L'Shono Tovah Tekasevu ~:~~~~ '!!:-:~: 11 SCHWARTZY'S "Balalaika" Comer A.Jnstc1•dam Ave. and 180th St. and :''Topper Returns" '- · . . BREAKFAST SPECIAL-- F1•i., Sat., Swt., Sept. 20-27-28 Juice, Coffee, Rolls, Butt.er ...... 10c "Cheers. · LUNCH SPECIALS-- for Miss Bishop" Combination Salad, Roll and Butte•• ...... 15c , and Plata Hot Soup, Roll and Butter ...... toe "Billy the Kid" DINNER SPEOIALS- Monday, Tues., Sept. 20-30 Veal Cutlet, 2 Vcgotables, Pickle, Roll ...... 3oc "Goodbye M'r. Chips" Full Dlnner--sixi courses ...... : ...... 41,c n.nd 'Phantom Submarine' UNDER SUPERVISION OF MILTON ELEFANT ''R THE COMMENTATOR Virtue 1s·11s Own Reward-- Height's Men's Shop ROXY HARRY WONG . . EXCLUSIVE FIRB'P CL.A.BB. HABERDASHERY 1t~'f!~h!~~!. ll'en Thousand.Dollars Worth . _._. . (between 187th and 188th Sts) HA.ND LA.UNDRY ·- '.' ·- . . . By ..JOSEPH KAMSIClt •a others for "Rebbi", but life ls ~ome in and listen to records Undenhirt8 ...... Ge Life isn't bad the time. Some· strange. The fates may ignore a Special Discount on Presenta• of famous cantors singing high au Shirts ...... ;., .... 10c times it's pretty. good to those who person for quite awhile, then sud- tion of G. o. Cards holiday prayers and chants. Handkerchiefs ...... i' Mc llve it. At least, this ls the thought denly take a decided hand in one's Books On All Subjects · ISM WEST 181st STREET SQCks ...... 84' of a.slight, thinly-bearded, thickly- destiny. MR. SCHNIEDERMAN, Prop. bespectacled. man who, in his so Imagining. a scene one evening re- · NEW YORK Ohaver L'Bochure Ha Yeshivah i21S AUDUBON AVENUE soft, yet so enthralling voice,. has cently at the Poleyeff household, we '------' ------' prepared- hundreds of potentials on can picture the family gathered ------·----,---,----,------­ their road to "Smicha". For sixteen around .the dinner table, with old years generations of Yeshiva stu- man Fate smiling knowingly . to dents have seen Rabbi Poleyeff, the himself from beyond the pale of. •~Jewish Morning Joumal" in one light cast by the hanging chandelier. hand, his lunch in a paper bag in "I've bought a· Yeshiva lottery the other, walk into hls class at ex- ticket", informs the Rebetzln Pole­ actly 8:59, have one· of hls students yeff. help him_ off with hls coat, place · "That's very interesting," rejoins his lunch and paper under his_ hat, the Rebbi. "The money ls for a take out his "Gemorrah" and alt good cause," and with that the down to. learn. ··In terms of modem matter ls closed. But not for Fate­ values this ls probably a rather un- Oh, no! He's been Ignoring the eventful life, but t.o the "Rebbl" all Poleyeff family too long. that mattered was his sudents, and The wheels of fortune grind; Lady MANHATTAN BOOK STORES, Inc. . he gave them his all. Luck sheds a smile; Fate plays hls t. I.-' [< I •.• Some years were harder than trump card; life ls good to the ••• l' • ,,,, • • "Rebbi'', for his "money for a good cause" netted him a reward for a -We Cld11erti1e in tAe Commentator good deed-and his ls the grand ______;______...______tAe. rear roanll. V.CARUSO prize of $10,000. TollNl'lal·Artll& Yessir, just like that. Same man, F• the. Dliorlmlnatlal Tne same position, same customs, plus Don't mts1 SONJA HENIE, star• .CII A1JDUIION AVEN11B $10,000, minus government taxes. ring In "SUN VALLIY SIHNADI" llalrcld ...... lie a 20th Century•Fox fllm, with Freshman Elections GLENN MILLII arid his band. Wall. Rets•ta 7.. 111 In an highly contested election 8qalrlq·N•t~ Done * * * * * held on Thursday, sept. 1, ·Harold * ••• and don't nii11 enjoying the Miller and Nathan Roflenbaum were great combination of tobaccos in Hellhts Luaa1• ShOII CHESTERFIELD that mak11 it the B. ·-• SILVERMAN elected president and vice-president U17 St. Nicholas Avenue respectively of the . Freshman class. . one cigarette that's COOLER MILDER and IETTER-TASTING. Near. l'letb · Street Since a· secretary has as yet not BAGS-TRUNKS·- SUIT CASES been chosen, a special meeting for Special Dlacoant ·w&th •This. Ad that pmpose w1l1 be held· 1n the ======near.. tuture, DRINKS TASTY· 80ft BARS' LUNCHEONETTE MEALS (former),- NOVICK'S) '. : ~· . ·, . . . !rllE·.·ooRNER OANDY STORE ·.·STATIONERY - ··GOOD FOOD

ACROSS THE STREET ON. AMSTERDAM ~ VE. River .. Parkway.Hand Laundry 2545 AMSTERDAM AVENUE · Be&weea 188th and 187th St.reeta, New York . -SPECIAL RATES 1'0 YESHIVA STUDENTS-


· We ll4ftl'tlle tlle ,- rwnd In &be Commentator PLIIWIB PATRONIZE THIS ADVERTISER

·.Mr.and Mn. Harry Kurtz wish the faculty and students of YNhlva Cole1e A. HAPPY NEW YEAR

the light Combination of the World's lest Cigarette MEET ME .AT HARRY'S ( Across from The Yeshiva) Tobaccos for a .C00111 Ml1D11 letter 1AS1E College Luncheonette Buy a pack ••• when you light a Chesterfield you We advertise in Commentator all year round get an aroma and fragrance so delightful that it'a enjoyed even by those who do not smoke. Good Food at• Reuonable Prices We spare no expense in making Chesterfield SODAS !" FB~PES • MALTEDS Combination Salads • Soups • Sandwiches the best smoke money can buy ••• from the to• . bacco inside, right out to the moisture-proof, Closed Saturdays - Special ·wash Roo111;·- Strictly Kosher ·easy•to•open cellophane jacket .that keeps HARRY KURTZ Chesterfield always Fresher and Cooler-Smoking •. · EVERYONE FRIEND CopJrlpl 1941, Ltwrn I Mrn1 Toa1cm Clh