Classifiedpositionrequest Form

Classifiedpositionrequest Form

ClassifiedPositionRequest Form

Instructions: Complete one form for each classified position requested

√NewPosition(notinlast year’sbudget)

ReplacementPosition(inlast year’sbudget)

ConversionPosition(from granttogeneral fundsnotinlast year’s budget)

FormerlyEliminatedPosition(notinlast year’sbudget)

Title of PositionRequested:Department Assistant II

Program/Department/Area:Student Health & Wellness Center

Number of Hours per Week:40

Number of Months per Year:12

Brief Abstract:(Howdoes positionimpactpresent areastatus, affectworkloadreduction, impact studentsorprovidesupport/services?) RP510-21ASH1-2191-644000

The workload that our department is currently preforming requires all of the administration staffing at 12 months. We constantly serve all students on campus on a year-round basis. Various tasks assigned to the Department Assistant III (DAIII) are needed to be completed by a DAIIand are not able to be completed by the current student workers, who have daily assigned tasks but no access to the Student Health Sharedrive.

It is very difficult to assign a project to a student workerwho may start the project then will have to leave due to the hours they are assigned to work. So we are unable to assign various projects that must be completed in a timely fashion. If the student workers require timeoff or call in ill puts a strain on our Department, leaving only our current DAIII to complete the front counter duties as well as her daily task. If the DAIII is out for any reason, the daily administrative assignments are unable to be task to the student workers. Our front staffing (non-classified, students only) is very minimal and need to be able to assist our students in person as well as over the phone with questionsto ensure student success.

Rationale and ApplicabilitytoCollegeStrategic Goals:(Substantiaterecommendationswithdataand theguidelineslistedintheBudgetDecisionCriteriadocumentandCollegeStrategicGoals.Does this needfulfill acompliance/mandatedposition, i.e. State,Federal, regulatoryboards, contracts?Does this needaddressgrantpartnershipcommitmentsand/orcritical communityneeds?)

ImpactonCollege/District if position is not filled:(Includehowhaving the positionornothavingthepositionimpactsFTES, services tostudents.)

The responsibilities of this position are centered on student services specific to the Student Health and Wellness Center. This includes student tracking as currently we are using student workers to provide this service. Allowing for inconsistencies with inherent abscesses due to personal and academic demands. Support service and sustainability of the Health Center would be jeopardized since this position is solely student service driven. Failure to institutionalize this position will negatively impact student success as well as cause us to be non-compliant in regards to sustaining HIPPA and FERPA requirements.


Salary$ 32,150.40


Computer/officespaceetc.$ 2,500.00

TotalAmount: $49,859.99

Revised by: Program Review Committee (June2, 2013)Page 1)