ABSTRACT FORMAT IN ENGLISH (Number of the characters: up to 3000 including spaces)

TITLE OF THE CONTRIBUTE (up to 70 characters)

Name Last Name*, Name Last Name**

KEYWORDS - Insert n. 3 keywords; The font to use is Times New Roman, Italic, size 9.

The text must be written according to the formatting of this word file; The font to be used in the text of the paper is 'Times New Roman', size 11, Regular1; The Italic font will be inserted according to point 6 of the 'Instructions for Authors' attached to the Call and downloadable from the website 'www.agathon.it'. The second and subsequent paragraphs of the abstract, as in this line of text, will have indentation for the first line set at 0,75 cm (tab). Authors are invited to submit an abstract of 3,000 strokes, including spaces, in Italian - or in English only in the case of a foreign author - who will need to provide the main content required for the article. The abstract must be written in a concise and clear, highlighting effective correspondence to the subject of the call and following the track of the following points: - subject of the Article proposal and purpose of the contribution; - methodological approach; - results: analytical, propositional and debate aspects; - originality: to explain what is new and for whom; - limits of the research and significant developments; - cultural, practical and / or socio-economic implications, when present; - reference research, topic relevance, subjects involved, funding.

* NAME LAST NAME - Enter the author's CV, with details of the qualification, the membership structure of the phone number and email (maximum 300 characters).

** NAME LAST NAME - Enter the author's CV, with details of the qualification, the membership structure of the phone number and email (maximum 300 characters).