A. Are Compoundsb. Are Nonmetalsc. Have One Valence Electron D. Have 3 Energy Levels

A. Are Compoundsb. Are Nonmetalsc. Have One Valence Electron D. Have 3 Energy Levels


  1. Sodium, chlorine, and aluminum are all alike because they all three____

a. are compoundsb. are nonmetalsc. have one valence electron d. have 3 energy levels

  1. Which of the following has properties most similar to oxygen?

a. nitrogenb. potassiumc. sulfurd. neon

  1. A boron model is made of____

a. 5 protons, 5 neutrons, and 5 electrons

b. 5 protons, 6 neutrons, and 11 electrons

c. 5 protons, 6 neutrons, and 5 electrons

d. 5 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons

  1. Which of these statements is true about an atom of chromium?

a. It has more protons than electrons.

b. It has an atomic number of 51.996.

c. It has fewer parts than an atom of Iron.

d. It has more electrons than neutrons.

  1. All elements in the same period have the same number of______.
  2. Protonsb. valence electronsc. energy levelsd. neutrons
  1. Which element is the only element in the 3rdperiod that has 8 electrons in its outermost energy level?
  2. Neon b. Argon c. Cobalt d. Helium
  1. The below model best represents a _____

a. helium atom

b. carbon atom

c. helium ion

d. hydrogen atom

  1. What does the atomic mass tell you about an atom?

a. the mass of its protons, electrons, and neutrons

b. the mass of its protons and electrons

c. the mass of its protons

d. the mass of its protons and neutrons

  1. How many total atoms are in the following chemical formula? 2 CuSO4
  2. 10 atoms b. 2 atoms c. 12 atoms d. 8 atoms
  1. Electron shells that are_____ tend to not react with other elements or chemicals.

a. empty b. not full c. fulld. unstable

  1. It is impossible to determine the exact location of electrons in the atom at any moment.
  2. Trueb. False
  1. Which of these best describes one of the subatomic particles that could be found in the nucleus of an atom?

a. it has mass but no charge b. it has no mass and a positive charge

c. it has a large mass and a negative charge d. it has a small mass and a negative charge

  1. The periodic table organizes elements into vertical columns also called ______.
  2. periodsb. energy levelsc. rowsd. groups
  1. If an element has 11 protons and 12 neutrons, what is the atomic mass of the element?
  2. 23 b. 11c. 12d. 22
  1. Even though we use the Bohr model, we know that electrons are really —

a. in orbits like the planets around the sun

b. in a series of energy levels outside of the nucleus called the electron cloud

c. inside of the nucleus

d. attached to the protons

  1. Atoms bond with other atoms based on their valence electrons, how many more valence electrons does Aluminum need to be stable (have a full outer shell)?

a. 8 electronsb. 1 electronc. 2 electronsd. 5 electrons

  1. Which element would react with the element shown below?

a. fluorine b. neon c. sodiumd. helium

  1. Chlorine and bromine have the same number of__

a. electron orbitals (energy levels) b. valence electrons

c. protonsd. neutrons

  1. In the chemical formula H2SO4, what does the subscript 4 represent?

a. atoms b. compoundsc. neutrons d. electrons

  1. In the formula Ca(OH)2, how many oxygen atoms are present?
  2. 1 atomsb. 2 atomsc. 4 atomsd. 8 atoms
  1. An atom has a neutral charge. Which of the following must be true about the atom? It has__

a. more neutrons than protons b. more neutrons than electrons

c. the same number of electrons and protons d. none of the above

  1. Which element has the same number of electrons in the outermost energy level as Calcium?
  2. Lithiumb. Magnesiumc. Hydrogen d. Boron
  1. How many electrons can the 2nd energy level hold?
  2. 8b. 2c. 16d. 1
  1. A pure substance made of 1 type of atom is a(n) _
  2. moleculeb. compoundc. chemical formulad. element
  1. What element is found in Period 2 and Group 3?
  2. Beryllium b. Neon c. Boron d. Magnesium
  1. All of these are examples of 1 element except for___
  2. Neb. Cuc. COd. K
  1. The ______determine the identity of an element.
  2. electronsb. neutronsc. protonsd. quarks
  1. An atom’s volume is mostly the empty space of the electron cloud.
  2. Trueb. False
  1. The 2 subatomic particles that make up the mass of an atom are the ____
  2. protons and electrons b. protons and neutrons c. electrons and neutrons

30. Which element listed in the table above has an atomic number of 79?

a. cesiumb. seleniumc. gold d. radium