Wkreda Board Conference Call

wKREDA Board Conference Call

November 19, 2012

Present: President Jeff Hofaker, Ralph Goodnight, Neil Gillespie, Nikki Pfannenstiel, Christy Hopkins, Janae Talbot, Mendi Alexander, Katie Eisenhour joined at 1:40 p.m.

The following items are on the agenda for the upcoming business meeting:

1)  Stuart Yoho, Kansas Energy Office/Kansas Corporation Commission

2)  April Chang, Kansas Commerce, China Representative

3)  Cindy Elliott or Mark Bannister, Fort Hays University China Connection

The findings of the audit committee need to be presented.

In committee reports, the following will be shared: Committees

1)  Business Development

  1. Budget Requests
  2. The budget requests for the Agriculture/Dairy and Education Committees have been submitted. We Have Jobs has not submitted a budget request yet.
  3. Agriculture/Dairy Committee
  4. The next event is the farm and dairy show in Garden City, then the World Ag Expo in Tulare. Ag Department just got back from Madison, Wisconsin with the McCarty Dairy Virtual Tour and reported that there was good attendance at meeting. There have been a few suggested revisions for marketing materials which will be addressed. Sunflower Electric’s work on the marketing materials is greatly appreciated.
  5. We Have Jobs Committee
  6. Jeff Hofaker indicated that the team needs additional help for the career fairs. They’re having difficulty finding volunteers to work shows.
  7. The Value-Added Ag Committee had nothing to report at this time.
  8. Task Forces
  9. The Housing Committee had nothing to report at this time.
  10. Magazine
  11. There will be more to report in the near future. They’re currently behind on the story development.
  12. Strategic Planning Session
  13. President Hofaker presented the plan for the strategic planning session, which included having the Department of Commerce facilitate to gather information from the membership. Others on the call suggested an outside facilitator, such as Jeanette Siemens, might be a good choice.
  14. The Legislative Committee will have a conference call next week to further refine issues and discuss the logistics and agenda. They plan to support the housing pilot project developed by the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation.
  15. The Public Relations Committee had no report at this time.

A discussion of regarding the election of officers & board members ensued to determine who is term-limited, who is eligible, etc. A nominations committee should be developed.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.