Virtual Creative Professionals in Schools -Application Drafting Tool

Virtual Creative Professionals in Schools -Application Drafting Tool

Virtual Creative Professionals in Schools -Application Drafting Tool


The online Creative Victoria Grants Portal will accept Virtual Creative Professionals in Schools project applications from 9am Wednesday 15 February until 5pm, Friday, 31 March 2017.

Use this tool to draft your project application. Once drafted you will need to copy and paste your drafted text and budget into the corresponding boxes on the Grants Portal.

Before starting an application, make sure you have read and understood the Virtual Creative Professionals in Schools program guidelines as set out in the program Overview, available at

Application Details

Section 1 - General Section

The fields in Section 1 are included in this drafting tool as they will need to be completed on the Grants Portal. The only field in this section that benefits from being drafted – that is, crafted and refined – is the Project Description.

Section 1 is a generic section that all Creative Victoria applicants respond to across all programs.

Amount applying for ($)
Project start date
Project end date
Project title
Project description (2000 characters max)
In addition to your projects details, Section 1 will also require you to answer the following questions.
Location of activity
(Tick Victoria ) / VictoriaStatewideNational
Primary artform
(tick up to three boxes) / Cross-artformDance
TheatreVisual Arts
Do you, your organisation or artists involved with this application identify as: / YouthSenior AdultWomen
Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander LGBTI
Culturally & linguistically diverse (CALD)
People with a disability Children
Is your project aimed at a specific audience or group of participants that identify as: / Youth (13 – 25) Senior Adult Women
Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander LGBTI
Culturally & linguistically diverse (CALD)
People with a disability Children (0- 12)

Section 2 – Project Details

The questions in this section are about the project, its artistic/creative merit, engagement between the creative professional /organisation and the school and the documentation and evaluation planned for the project. Each response can have a maximum of 2000 characters.

What do you plan to do? Describe the artistic concept of the project, the creative learning for students, the creative processes/delivery methods, and any proposed outcomes of the work.
Briefly outline the school’s involvement with the project. What Year levels or cohort of students and which teachers will be engaged? (This will relate to Section 4 – Learning)
Briefly describe any opportunities and benefitsfor creative professionals / organisations to expand and enhance their practice and partnerships and outline the proposed project documentation, including evaluation activities (assessment methods are addressed in Section 4).

Section 3 – Partner Details

This is where you provide the details of the personnel involved in the project and the school and creative professional / the arts company’s role in relation to the project. Each response can have a maximum of 2000 characters.

You will also need to upload a brief (one page) CV or biography for each creative professional as part of the Support Material for this application.

Provide the name, job title, VCPS project role, phone number and email address of allschool and creative professionals / arts company personnel involved in the project. Please include art form expertise of key artistic personnel working in the school.
Briefly describe how the school and the creative professional /arts organisation will connect throughout the project including the technology you will use and any face to face visits.
Briefly outline the creative professional /arts organisations’ role and responsibilities throughout the project

Section 4 – Learning

The questions in this section are about: the student, teacher and creative professional /arts organisation learning planned for the project.

Describe the student learning focus for the project including; the number of students involved, target group of students, which curriculum you will be addressing (i.e. Victorian Curriculum, VCE, VCAL and/or VET) and how the project will be integrated into the curriculum, assessment process and learning outcomes.
What might the opportunities for the creative professional/arts organisation professional learning throughout the project? What are they hoping to learn? What might they need to know / learn before the project commences?
Describe any formal and / or informal professional learning opportunities for the project manager and other teachers involved. This should consider any planned formal learning as well as anticipated informal learning. What will be the knowledge and/or skill focus, who will be involved and how and when might this learning will occur.

Section 5 – Partnership Project Management

The questions in this section are about the project the partnership. You will also need to upload a draft project plan with a time line outlining the number of days and dates the creative professional/arts organisation will work on the project – indicating which days are project planning and project delivery, at the school and virtually. This may include other contact days (in performance venues, galleries, studios, online events etc.). This will be part of your Support Material for this application.

Outline the key steps in the collaborative process and the tools and techniques you will use for communication and support within the project partnership.
Detail the support mechanisms for the school Project Coordinator and the arts organisation (e.g. support committees or project teams).
Outline the resources that will be available for the artists and the project. In particular ICT support and any related hardware or software. Work area/spaces at the school for classes, workshops, rehearsals, storage, access to power, equipment and IT support.

Section 6 – Budget

To submit an application you will need to include a complete budget online.

To draft your budget, download and complete the Excel Creative Victoria Budget Tool on the Creative Victoria website at


You can contact Erica Sanders on 03 8683 3113.