V the Following Script Demonstrates How to Export a Coach Table As an Excel File

1  Introduction

v  Often times a table in a Coach contains information that the user would like a local copy in a format such as CSV or Excel.

v  The following script demonstrates how to export a Coach Table as an Excel file.

2  Table Export Script

v  Please follow the steps mentioned below in order to use this your application,

v  Drag 'Custom HTML' component from your coach palette.

v  Copy paste the script mentioned below.

<a href="javascript:doSubmitExport()"<img src="/portal/jsp/images/reporting/enabled/export_16x16.gif" align="left">Export</a>


//Modify the value of these variable for your coach

var tableIdsToExport = "Table0,Table1";

// a comma delimited list of the ids of the tables that you want to include in the excel export

// if you include a tableId that does not exist in your coach, you will recieve a client side error message

//You do not need to modify the following part of the script

var form = document.createElement('div');

form.innerHTML = '<form name="exportData" method="post" target="_new" action="data-redirect.jsp"<input type="hidden" name="contentType" value="text/csv"<input type="hidden" name="data" value=""<input type="hidden" name="fileName" value="filename=reportData.csv"</form>';

//Work around a bug in IE: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/927917



function addExportData(csvTable) {

if (document.forms.exportData == null || document.forms.exportData.data == null) {



document.forms.exportData.data.value = document.forms.exportData.data.value +

"\n\n" + csvTable;


function doSubmitExport() {

var tableArr = tableIdsToExport.split(",");

for (var i=0;i<tableArr.length;i++) {





function addTableToCSV(tableId) {

var table;

try {

table = document.getElementById(tableId);

var a = table.innerHTML;

//replace existing commas with semi-colons. Poor mans way of handling embedded commas in a csv file

a = a.replace(/,/g, ";");

//insert commas at the end of a table cell

a = a.replace(/<\/td>/g, ",");

a = a.replace(/<\/TD>/g, ",");

a = a.replace(/<\/th>/g, ",");

a = a.replace(/<\/TH>/g, ",");

//insert a newline tag at the end of every row. Need to do this before removing all tags

a = a.replace(/<\/tr>/g, "---newline---");

a = a.replace(/<\/TR>/g, "---newline---");

//remove html tags

a = a.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, "");

//remove whitespace (regexs found via google)

a = a.replace(/\r/g, " ");

a = a.replace(/[^ A-Za-z0-9`~!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)-_=\+\\\|\]\[\}\{'";:\?\/\.>,<]/g, "");

a = a.replace(/'/g, "");

a = a.replace(/ +/g, " ");

a = a.replace(/^\s/g, "");

a = a.replace(/\s$/g, "");

//put newlines in

a = a.replace(/---newline---/g, "\n");

//replace &nbsp which the coach designer inserts

a = a.replace(/\&nbsp;/g, " ");

//a now holds a resonable csv that I can put in excel



return true;

} catch (e) {

alert("Table Export Error: " + e);


return true;



v  Modify the information mentioned in the line 5.

var tableIdsToExport = "Table0,Table1";

Note: provide a comma delimited list of the ids of the tables that you want to include in the excel export.

v  It shall display Excel export icon on the coach.

v  Once user clicks on the icon it exports all the table information in to a CSV file.