THEME: Scouts in Action International SUBTHEME: Scouting

THEME: Scouts in Action International SUBTHEME: Scouting

5:50: COMING IN ACTIVITY: Colour Badge


6:05: Game: Bum Push - Beaver game from UK

To start, the Beavers get into partner groups and stand back to back. The partners should be approximately the same height and weight for the best results. On the count of three both Beavers try to push each other off balance by only using their bum. The first Beaver to move his feet loses. The loser can challenge the winner again, or find another partner if he wishes to continue with this game.

6:10:Game: Grasshopper – Chinese Joeys called Grasshoppers

Use a beach blanket and beach ball for every eight to 10 Joeys. The groups stand around the blanket holding the edges. Place the ball (grasshopper) into the centre of the blanket and tell them to try to make it hop. It takes a collective effort to hop the grasshopper high in the air and catch it on the blanket again. Let them try making the grasshopper do other things, too, such as rolling around the outside edge of the blanket.

6:15: Game: Friends: Joeys stand in circle with a partner (friend). Each pair is named after a member of the World Scout Movement and given the badge of the country. On “GO” the inside circle runs to the right and the outside circle runs to the left around the circle. On a signal, the Joeys break off and have to find their partner. The last pair to sit down tells everyone the name of their country and shows the badge they wear.

6:20: Game: Balloon POP:

Joeys stand in a circle. Balloons with the name of the words of a Promise from another country are inside the balloons. Balloons are passed around the circle while music plays. When the music stops those Joeys left holding a balloon have to burst the balloon they are holding by sitting on it. They then read the Promise to the Mob and say the country.

6:25: Craft: World Friendship Necklace: originated in Thailand
1.5 metres of wool in each colour and a small bell

GOLD –the sun that shines above us all

GREEN – nature that provides beauty worldwide

BLUE – waters of the World that divide our land

PURPLE – unity of all countries within the World Scout Movement

RED – hope for continues friendship and peace

PINK – arts of the world - all special to their lands

The BELL – Ancient customs say the sound will frighten away evil

10 knots represent the Scout Laws

1 knot represents the Promise

1 knot represents the unity of Scouting

1 knot represents Worldwide Friendship

To Make: Tie 9 knots down one side. The knot at the bottom holds the bell. The 10th knot is the one that closes the necklace.

Three other knots down the opposite side.

6:40: Activity: In Groups with a Leader

Joeys have a copy of the badges from each country with Mini Scouts, the “mascot”, Promise, Motto and Law etc Look at map of the World – where each country is.

Leader helps Joeys to match them and look at the similarities/difference between each country.




Tiger Cubs in the USA

In the USA, boy cubs 6 and 7 years old are called Tiger Cubs.

A group of Tiger Cubs is called a Pack.

The Tiger Cub Promise is:
I Promise to love God, my family and my country and to learn about the world.

The Tiger Cub Motto is:
Search, Discover, Share.

In Canada, Beaver Scouts are both boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 7 years old.

A group of Beavers is called a Colony and within the Colony are sub-groups called Lodges.

The Canadian Beaver Promise is:
I Promise to love God and help take care of the world

The Canadian beaver Law is:
A Beaver has fun, works hard and helps his family and friends

The Canadian Beaver Motto is:
Sharing, Sharing, Sharing

Beaver Scouts Uniform

The leaders are named after "Friends of the Forest" and are called such names as:
Hawkeye, Rainbow, Sunshine, Bubbles, Rusty and Ringtail.

K Beaver Scout logoeaver scouts

In the UK, Beaver Scouts are both boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 8 years old.

A group of Beavers is called a Colony and within the Colony are sub-groups called Lodges.

The UK Beaver Scout Promise is:
I promise to do my best
To be kind and helpful
And to love God.

The UK Beaver Scout Motto is:
Be prepared

Kea Scouts in New Zealand

In New Zealand, boys and girls who are between 6 and 8 years old can become Kea Scouts or Keas.

Leaders take their names from Native birds and trees eg Ruru, Pukeko, Kiwi, Kowhai.

The Kea Scout Promise is:
I promise to share my fun and help others

The Kea Scout Motto is:
I care, I share, I discover, I grow

oey Scouts

Joey Scouts of Australia

In Australia, boys and girls who are 6 and 7 years old can become Joey Scouts.

Leaders are named after Australian birds and animals eg Platypus, Possum, Wombat, Roo, Bilby, Bunyip.

The Joey Scout Promise is:
I promise to do my best, to love my God, and be helpful

The Joey Scout Law is:
A Joey Scout Cares, and a Joey Scout Shares

The Joey Scout Motto is:
Help Other People, H.O.P

Meerkat Scouts in South Africa

In South Africa, boy and girl scouts who are 5 and 6 years old are called Meerkats.

A group of Meerkats is called a Burrow.

Motto: Do a daily good turn.

Beavers in Japan


I get along with everybody else.

I follow the Colony Laws.

Colony Laws:

1. Beaver Scouts play cheerfully.

2. Beaver Scouts take good care of things.

3. Beaver Scouts do good deeds.


The Beaver Scouts’ uniform is a brown vest with pocket coloured light blue, short trousers, blue socks, chief with the ring and a light blue cap.

Grasshopper Scouts China

The official Grasshopper Scouting uniform consists of only a group scarf.

The Promise

I promise to be a Grasshopper Scout,

To love God,

To love people and

To love my Country.

In Chinese: 我願參加小童軍,愛神愛人愛國家

The Law

A Grasshopper Scout does a good turn every day.

In Chinese: 小童軍日行一善

The Yell

A Grasshopper Scout Goes Forward

In Chinese: 小童軍向前進

The Motto Forward

In Chinese: 前進