Transform fault
Top View
- Oceanic and Continental Transform Faults
- Anatomy of Strike-Slip Fault Tsunami Genesis
- Tsunami Hazards
- Deterministic Tsunami Hazard Assessment of Sines - Portugal
- A Passive Plate Margin Continental Margins Are Not Necessarily Plate Margins! Earthquake Locations
- JA Tony Fallin Ltr. Re
- Oceanic Fault Zones Reconstructed
- 14. Some Aspects of Plate Tectonics in the Arabian Sea
- Progressive Evolution of Step-Overs and Bends
- Transform Margins: Development, Controls and Petroleum Systems – an Introduction
- Can Subduction Initiation at a Transform Fault Be Spontaneous?
- Aseismic Transient Slip on the Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise
- Distinctive Seafloor Fabric Produced Near Western Versus Eastern
- The Geophysics, Geology and Mechanics of Slow Fault Slip
- Plate Tectonics
- Oceanic Transform Fault Seismicity and Slip Mode Influenced by Seawater Infiltration
- Evaluation of Tsunami Sources with the Potential to Impact the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts
- Model a Spreading Ocean Floor Offset by Transform Faults a Model of the Transform Fault ‘Steps’ in Oceanic Ridges and Their Magnetic Stripes