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- Prāṇa and the Path of Tantric Yoga
- Dharana (Concentration) Within the 5 Yogic Paths
- Meditation Various Depictions of Meditation: the Hindu
- Tantra in Practice: Mapping a Tradition
- A Genealogy of Devotion: Bhakti, Tantra, Yoga, and Sufism in North India'
- Yama Asana Pratyahara Dhyana Niyama Samadhi Dharana Pranayama
- Tantric Yoga in the Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa of Hinduism and The
- History of Meditation in Ancient Times (Vedic Period to 7Th Century)
- The Samādhi Empowerment Taught by H.E. Garchen Rinpoche Date: 18 Sep 2017 Location: Xindian, Taipei in General, the Visualizati
- The "Dhyana Collections" and Their Significance for Hindu Iconography Gudrun BUHNEMANN the Purpose of This Paper Is To
- The Tantra Chronicles: Introduction
- Jnana Yoga—Wisdom
- Tantra and Consciousness
- Nurturing the Whole Self Through Yoga: Yoga, the 12 Steps & Addiction Recovery
- Mahanirvana Tantra (Tantra of the Great Liberation)
- Sutra and Tantra: the Profound and Miraculous
- Developing and Understanding Mantra: a Movement from Veda to Tantra
- Introduction to “Religious Experience in the Hindu Tradition”