Sublime (philosophy)
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- 1 Commentary on Jane Forsey, “Is a Theory of the Sublime
- The Sublime and the Beautiful William Wordsworth
- Science Sublime: the Philosophy of the Sublime, Deweyâ•Žs Aesthetics
- Exploring the Sublime in Art Emily Krebaum College of Dupage
- Notes for Teachers American Sublime Landscape Painting in the United States, 1820–1880 21 February – 19 May 2002 Supported by Glaxosmithkline
- History of Aesthetics: the Sublime
- 1 ABSTRACT While the Sublime Is Most Often Associated with The
- How the Sublime Became "Now": Time, Modernity, and Aesthetics in Lyotard's Rewriting of Kant
- “On the Sublime in Dawn” by Keith Ansell-Pearson
- From the Sublime to the Political: Some Historical Notes Gary Shapiro University of Richmond, [email protected]
- Romanticism: Grotesque and Sublime
- Sublimity in the Art of the Light and Space Movement
- Introduction / the Contemporary Sublime
- The Philosophies of the Aesthetic Sublime
- Adorno's Failed Aesthetics of Myth*
- The Sublime and Modern Architecture: U Nmasking (An Aesthetic Of) Abstraction
- The Moral Source of the Kantian Sublime
- The History of British Art and the Burkean Sublime