Song sparrow
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- (Melospiza Melodia) Singing Behaviour
- Prey Selection of Cooper's Hawks (Accipiter Cooperii)
- Tidal Marsh Song Sparrows of San Francisco Bay
- The Form and Function of Song in Female Song Sparrows
- Common Songbirds
- The SONG SPARROW Bird Protection Quebec - Protection Des Oiseaux Du Québec September 2020 (Vol: 63.1)
- A Survey of the Belding's Savannah Sparrow
- Bird Species List
- Evolutionary Ecology of Multiple Ornaments in the Golden Whistler
- SAB 015 1994 P316-327 Endemic Song Sparrows and Yellowthroats of San Francisco Bay Joe T. Marshall, Kent G. Dedrick
- Research Reveals That Female Songbirds Commonly Sing
- The Organization of Song Repertoires in Song Sparrows: Themes and Variations
- Identifying Sparrows in Juvenile Plumage Even As Adults, These “Lbjs” Can Be Tricky
- National Park Service U.S
- Northcentral • Ehperimentstation992 Lw
- SUISUN SONG SPARROW (Melospiza Melodia Maxillaris) Hildie Spautz and Nadav Nur
- Living Rufous Whistlers, Pachycephala Rufiventris
- Song Sparrow (Melospiza Melodia) ("Modesto" Population)