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- FACT SHEET Seagrasses
- Water Quality in the Dunes Stormwater System: 4 Year Update for Dunes Golf and Tennis Club, Sanibel FL June 30, 2016 Mark Thompson, SCCF Marine Lab
- Wetlands and Carbon
- Patterns of Primary Production and Nutrient Availability in a Bahamas Lagoon with Fringing Mangroves
- Seagrass/Mangrove Ecology Program
- Temperate and Tropical/Subtropical Seagrass Restoration: Challenges for the 21St Century
- Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program
- Interrelation Among Coral Reef and Sea-Grass Habitats in the Gulf of Mannar
- Water Quality, Isoscapes and Stoichioscapes of Seagrasses Indicate General P Limitation and Unique N Cycling in Shallow Water Benthos of Bermuda
- CHAPTER 4 Coastal Wetlands: Function and Role in Reducing Impact
- Trophic State of the Loxahatchee River Estuary
- How Interactions Between Mangrove Forests, Seagrass Meadows and Tidal Marshes Influence Carbon Storage
- Positive Ecological Interactions and the Success of Seagrass Restoration
- Dugong and Their Seagrass Habitat Small
- Seagrass Patch Characteristics Alter Direct and Indirect Interactions in a Tritrophic Estuarine Food Web
- Why Healthy Oceans Need Sharks
- Predicting Ecological Consequences of Marine Top Predator Declines
- A Review of Mangrove and Seagrass Ecosystems and Their Linkage to Fisheries and Fisheries Management RAP PUBLICATION 2013/09