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- Making of a Second-Class Citizen: a Case Study of the Institutionalized
- The Politics of Prison Abolition: an Organizer’S Guide to Effective Abolition Research and Activism
- Mental Illness and Sexual Abuse Behind Bars
- Surveillance and Responsibilization in a Prisoner Reentry Organization
- Prisoner Handling and Transportation
- 2018 Update on Prisoner Recidivism: a 9-Year Follow-Up Period (2005-2014)
- Fact Sheet: the High Cost of Solitary Confinement
- Prisoner Representative Organizations, Prison Reform, and Jones V. North Carolina Prisoners' Labor Union
- A Book Review Essay on Rural Prisons and Prisoner Re-Entry Through the Lens of a Rural Critical Criminology
- Devolving the Carceral State: Race, Prisoner Reentry, and the Micro
- Supreme Court of the United States
- Prison Abolition and Grounded Justice Allegra M
- Rooted in Slavery: Prison Labor Exploitation
- Social Rules in a Correctional Community Peter G
- Spring 2011 Greetings and Best Wishes to You
- Solitary Confinement: Common Misconceptions and Emerging Safe Alternatives
- The Cruel and Unusual Irony of Prisoner Work Related Injuries in the United States
- Toward the Repeal of Prisoner Disenfranchisement Laws