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- Alternative Splicing in the Obligate Biotrophic Oomycete Pathogen Pseudoperonospora Cubensis
- Genome Sequence of the Stramenopile Blastocystis, a Human Anaerobic Parasite
- Isolate-Specific Resistance to the Algicidal Bacterium Kordia Algicida
- Genome-Wide Characterization of Phytophthora Infestans 47 Metabolism: a Systems Biology Approach
- Oomycete Root and Stem Diseases in Horticulture • Life-Cycles & Ecology
- Infection of the Brown Alga Ectocarpus Siliculosus by the Oomycete Eurychasma Dicksonii Induces Oxidative Stress and Halogen Metabolism
- Chytridiomycosis of Marine Diatoms—The Role of Stress Physiology and Resistance in Parasite-Host Recognition and Accumulation of Defense Molecules
- Rethinking the Evolution of Eukaryotic Metabolism: Novel Cellular
- Systematics and Molecular Pathogenesis of Oomycetes with Emphasis on Flagellar Genes
- Exploring Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Large DNA Viruses in Tara Oceans
- Oomycete Metabolism Is Highly Dynamic and Reflects Lifestyle
- The Oomycete Lagenisma Coscinodisci Hijacks Host Alkaloid Synthesis During Infection of a Marine Diatom
- Chimeric Origins of Ochrophytes and Haptophytes Revealed Through An
- Cell Wall Biosynthesis in the Pathogenic Oomycete Saprolegnia Parasitica
- Blackwell and Powell Considered Thraustochvtrium (A Labyrinthulid, Cf
- Or Polyphyletic? T
- SSU Rrna Reveals Major Trends in Oomycete Evolution
- Miracula Moenusica, a New Member of the Holocarpic Parasitoid Genus from the Invasive Freshwater Diatom Pleurosira Laevis