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- The Ontology of Agency in the Light of Deterministic Causation: a Folk-Psychological Study
- Chemistry, an Ontology-Free Science? Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent
- Epistemology & Ontology in Social Science Research
- States, Processes and Events, and the Ontology of Causal Relations
- The Ontological Turn: Taking Different Worlds Seriously
- Free Will, Determinism, and the Possibility of Doing Otherwise
- Determinism Is Ontic, Determinability Is Epistemic
- Towards an Idealist Social Ontology—Criticisms and Challenges
- Ontological Consequences
- Transcendence As Indistinction in Eckhart and Heidegger
- What Is an Ontology?
- Materialism, Idealism and the Onto- Epistemological Roots of Geography
- The Formal Ontology of Spatio-Temporal Reality and Its Formalization Pierre Grenon
- Browsing Causal Chains in a Disease Ontology
- Ontology and Doxa
- Psychology's Ontology As Antinomy Kevin Rice University of Missouri-St
- The Attestation of the Self As a Bridge Between Hermeneutics and Ontology in the Philosophy of Paul Ricoeur Sebastian Kaufmann Marquette University
- On the Epistemological and Ontological Status of Chemical Relations Atomism