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- Déjà Vu Experiences in Anxiety Christine E. Wellsa*, Akira R. O
- Nostalgia Offers a Window to the Intrinsic Self
- Nostalgia Conceptual Issues and Existential Functions
- Spark Neuro PDF 10-11-19
- The Garden As Original Home: Nostalgia in Paradise Lost
- A Multi-Componential Approach to Emotion Recognition and the Effect of Personality Gelareh Mohammadi, Member, IEEE, Patrik Vuilleumier
- Nostalgia Proneness and Empathy: Generality, Underlying Mechanism, and Implications for Prosocial Behavior
- Yugonostalgia: the Pain of the Present
- Expat Blues: Homesickness
- Music-Evoked Nostalgia: Affect, Memory, and Personality
- Is Nostalgia a Mixed Emotion? Evidence from Emotional Experience and Facial Expressions of Emotion
- Bittersweet Recollection: an Ecological Study of Nostalgia
- Association for Consumer Research
- The Avoidant Psychotherapy Patient Justin Faden, DO, and Robert Mcfadden, MD
- An Appraisal Profile of Nostalgia
- Nostalgia and Well-Being in Daily Life: an Ecological Validity Perspective
- Representations of Autobiographical Nostalgic Memories: Generational Effect, Gender, Nostalgia Proneness and Communication of Nostalgic Experiences
- Nostalgia As a Pastoral–Hermeneutical Key for Healing Complicated Grief in an Afro-Christian Context