New Objectivity
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- The International Geography of the Avant-Gardes in the Interwar Period (1918–1940) Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel
- 8.11 Nov 2018 Grand Palais
- Carl Grossberg Industry and Architecture
- Vicki Baum's Grand Hotel and the Americanism of New Objectivity
- Alfred Döblin's Literary Cases About Women and Crime in Weimar
- New Objectivity Until 7 July 2019
- Fantastic Art, Barr, Surrealism
- Jakob Von Uexkuč Ll's Theory of Umwelt And
- Stony Brook University
- General Scheme of the New Objectivity He´Lio Oiticica
- Degeneration, Distortion, and Disability in Interwar German Visual Culture, 1918-1933
- NEUE SACHLICHKEIT: “New Objectivity” in Weimar Germany
- Fantasy, the Metaphysical School and Dada
- New Objectivity: Modern German Art in the Weimar Republic, 1919–1933