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- EASTERN GREY KANGAROO Macropus Giganteus
- Macropus Eugenii C
- Black-Footed Rock-Wallabies Petrogale Lateralis
- MAMMALIAN SPECIES No. 187, Pp. 1-8, 4 Figs
- The Brushtail Possum in New Zealand
- A Phylogeny of Diprotodontia (Marsupialia) Based on Sequences for five Nuclear Genes
- FAUNA Lent Knowledge of the Links Between Plants, Animals and Their of the AUSTRALIAN Surroundings
- Limb Bone Scaling in Hopping Diprotodonts and Quadrupedal Artiodactyls
- Speleo Spiel – Issue 436, January-February 2020– Page 2
- Masticatory Motor Pattern in the Koala (Phascolarctos Cinereus)
- Phalangeridae
- Kangaroo Renal Cryptococcus
- Electroejaculation of Australian Marsupials and Analyses of the Sugars in the Seminal Plasma from Three Macropod Species
- Macropus Rufogriseus) and Swamp Wallabies (Wallabia Bicolor) in Urbanized Areas Karen Zusi SIT Study Abroad
- Understanding the Dynamics of Physiological Impacts of Environmental Stressors on Australian Marsupials, Focus on the Koala (Phascolarctos Cinereus) Edward J
- Yellow-Footed Rock-Wallaby (Petrogale Xanthopus Xanthopus) Purpose
- Tammar Wallaby (Macropus Eugenii Decres) Life in the Thickets
- National Recovery Plan for the Brush-Tailed Rock-Wallaby Petrogale Penicillata