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- 10892.Ch01.Pdf
- Instant Lesson – Episode 7 – a New Beginning
- AVI Newsletter Fall 2002
- The Political Unification of the Israeli Army
- Ben-Gurion's Army: How the Idf Came Into Being (And Almost Didn't)
- From Hashomer to the Israel Defense Forces Armed Jewish Defense in Palestine by Me'ir Pa'il
- September 17, 1948 • Providence, R
- The Fall of the New City 1947-1950 Nathan Krystall
- Creating a Tradition of Collective Amnesia: the Reception Of
- Machal Fighters for Israeli Independence, 1948
- Menachem Begin at the National Press Club, March 23, 1978
- Jewish Terrorism and the Modern Middle East David A
- Post WWII Refugees: Haganah Ship
- 3 Zionism Zionism, Or Jewish Nationalism, Is a Modern Political
- Factsheet: Jewish Terrorism Under the British Mandate
- Jewish and British Relations in the Palestine Police Force, 1936-1945
- Menachem Begin's Irgun and Zionist Revisionism: 1944-1948
- The History and Impact of Unit 8200 on Israeli Hi-Tech Entrepreneurship