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- A Language for Feedback Loops in Self-Adaptive Systems: Executable Runtime Megamodels
- Describing Systems | Feedback Loops
- APES C2L5 What Are Systems and How Do They Respond to Change?
- Challenges of Realising Scalable Open Education with (Peer) Feedback
- Media—Interaction—Cybernetics
- Feedback Linearization of Nonlinear Systems: Robustness and Adaptive Control
- Giving and Receiving Feedback
- Output Feedback Control of Nonlinear Systems with Unstabilizable/Undetectable Linearization
- Feedforward Networks: Adaptation, Feedback, and Synchrony
- Emergence Versus Self-Organisation: Different Concepts but Promising
- Use and Analysis of Complex Adaptive Systems in Ecosystem Science: Overview of Special Section
- Deep Neural Network Algorithm Feedback Model with Behavioral Intelligence and Forecast Accuracy
- A Study on Neural Network Architectures
- Strategy and Complex Systems Purpose
- Refereed Paper Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS): an Overview of Key Elements, Characteristics and Application to Management Theory
- Chaotic Feedback Loops Within Decision Making Groups: Towards an Integration of Chaos Theory and Cybernetics
- Emergence Using Reinforcing Feedback: Quorum Sensing Bacteria Model Overview: What Is Emergence?
- Feedback Theory and Darwinian Evolution