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- Care of the Patient with Strabismus: Esotropia and Exotropia
- Identification of Novel Mutations in Patients with Leber Congenital
- Intermittent Exotropia Increasing with Near Fixation: a ‘‘Soft’’ Sign of Neurological Disease P H Phillips, K J Fray, M C Brodsky
- Evidence of Autosomal Dominant Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA)
- A Teenager with Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis and Pellucid Marginal Degeneration, Presenting with Exotropia
- Opaque Intraocular Lens Implantation
- Complex Ocular Motor Disorders in Children
- Refractive Error Changes in Children with Intermittent Exotropia Under Overminus Lens Therapy
- Lebers Amaurosis in Three Siblings: a Case Report
- Comprehensive Molecular Diagnosis of a Large Chinese Leber Congenital Amaurosis Cohort
- Congenital Cataracts Presenting As a Childhood Squint
- Strabismus: Diagnosis and Treatment Made Simple
- Systemic Conditions Refractive Disorders
- Of Congenitalstationary Night-Blindness with Myopia*
- List of Commonly Used Acronyms
- Mom, There's Something Wrong with My Eye…
- Importance of Infant Eye Care (Other)
- Pediatric Ophthalmology in the Emergency Department Kimball A