Efficiency (statistics)
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- Stats 135: Efficiency and Sufficiency
- Relative Efficiency, Efficiency, and the Fisher Information
- The Limiting Behavior of Residuals from Measurement Error Regressions Stephen M
- Rousseeuw: Least Median of Squares Regression
- Efficiency Considerations in Using Semi-Random Sources
- Robustness of Location Estimators Under T- Distributions
- Alternatives to the Median Absolute Deviation Peter J
- The Efficient Market Hypothesis: a Critical Review of Literature and Methodology
- On the Asymptotic Efficiency of Approximate Bayesian
- Model Evaluation
- Upgrading from Gaussian Processes to Student's-T Processes
- The Efficiency of the Likelihood Ratio to Choose Between a T-Distribution and a Normal Distribution
- Fisher Information & Efficiency
- A New Approach to Determine the Coefficient of Skewness and an Alternative Form of Boxplot
- Alternative Technical Efficiency Measures: Skew, Bias, and Scale
- Technological Differences, Theoretical Consistency, and Technical Efficiency
- Properties of Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) (Latex Prepared by Haiguang Wen) April 27, 2015
- Measuring Efficiency of Statistical Methods Use in Enterprises: Development of an Initial System of Indicators