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- Qt3jp7x1sk.Pdf
- Exploring the Abundance, Metabolic Potential, and Gene Expression of Subseafloor Chloroflexi in Million-Year-Old Oxic and Anoxic Abyssal Clay
- Dehalococcoides-Containing Microbial Communities Is a Promising Approach to Reach Ecotoxicological-Safety Endpoints
- Hydrocarbon Pollutants Shape Bacterial Community Assembly of Harbor Sediments
- Supplementary Table1.Pdf
- Abundance and Diversity of Organohalide-Respiring Bacteria in Lake Sediments Across a Geographical Sulfur Gradient
- Thermomicrobium Roseum , Sphaerobacter Thermophilus , Nitrolancetus Hollandicus and WKT50.2, the Novel Strain Described in This Study
- Comparative Single-Cell Genomics of Chloroflexi from the Okinawa Trough Deep-Subsurface Biosphere Craig L
- Poster: Clark, Tyson Et Al. (2015) Complete
- Applying Innovative Diagnostic Tools at New Jersey Publicly Funded Sites
- Cpl-7, a Lysozyme Encoded by a Pneumococcal Bacteriophage With
- Data Driven Hypothesis Modelling of Dehalococcoides Mccartyi
- Ecology of Organohalide-Respiring <I>Dehalococcoides Mccartyi</I
- Bacterial Dehalogenation of Mixtures of 1,2-Dichloroethane, 1,2
- Nitrogen Removal at the Expense of Methane Generation THESIS
- Clone Library Analysis Reveals an Unusual Composition and Strong Habitat Partitioning of Pelagic Bacterial Communities in Lake Tanganyika
- Microbial Diversity in the Cedars, an Ultrabasic, Ultrareducing, and Low Salinity Serpentinizing Ecosystem
- Cultivation of Uncultured Bacteria of the Class Ktedonobacteria in the Phylum Chloroflexi